TALAASH - Reliving the Past

By santhulan

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Republishing on Readers Demand! "The ultimate mysteries are opened only to those who have immense patience."... More

1. On a cold night of December
2. A Mysterious Mess
3. Illusions
4. Aftermath
5. The Interval
6. Shadowy Intruder
7. A Family
8. Edge of Darkness
9. A cloud of dust
10. Translucent
11. A New Hope
12. Chameleon
13. Rules of Love & Virtue
14. Archnemesis
15. Palace of Illusions
16. Replot the Past
17. By your side
18. Nostalgia
19. Iceberg
20. Benifit of Doubt
21. The Forgotten Delicacy
22. What if!?
23. Twin Flame
24. Deja vu
25. Smoke and Mirrors
26. Battle Begins
27. Mastermind
28. Haunting
29. A New Shade
30. Award
31. Patience
32. Past lives
33. Insanity
34. The Locked Room
35. The Gaurdian Angel
36. Expectation Hurts!
37. Possibilities
39. Streets of Justice
40. Dark Rose
41. Undercover
42. Disgrace
43. Storm & Rainbow
44. Coping?
45. Ideal Daughter
46. Void
47. Maniac
48. The Face-off
49. Rewards
50. Twists & Turns
51. Bloodline
52. Nightmares
53. Inferno
54. Hide & Seek
55. Embrace
56. Scars
57. Checkmate
58. Well-wisher
59. Mastermind
60. Sacrifice
61. Mistake
62. Full Moon
63. Gain & Loss
64. Fates

37. Truth & Lies

318 12 81
By santhulan

KS: I know not only her past identity but also her past deeds.. I know what a traitor she is.. I know how she deceived Mayadi and transferred all of Mayadi's property to her name after Jai Singh sir's death..

Maya and Kaira look at each other with widened eyes, wondering how Karishma has dug so deeply into the past while Neysa clenches her fist at Karishma's words.

N: (in an stern tone) Officer.. You can't label a person until the accusations are proved in a court of law.. As an experienced police officer, I hope you understand these basic etiquettes..

Before Karishma could reply to Neysa, Maya intervenes, saying,

MJS: (sternly) Neysa, could you please shut your mouth for a minute?

Neysa lowers her head with a contorted expression lingering on her face while Maya moves to Karishma and sit next to her. She gently places her hand on one of Karishma's shoulders and says,

MJS: Karishma, let me begin from the very beginning, from where it all started. Please listen to me patiently; I won't take much of your time.

Maya exhaled deeply and continued with a hint of nostalgia,

MJS: I met Haseena in 2005 when she was just a teenager in a.. quite strange scenario..

Maya's lips curves as she reminisced about her first encounter with Haseena.

MJS: I don't know why, but the moment I saw her, I felt an inexplicable sense of connection between us, maybe because she was around the same age as my lost sister Karu. But before I could come out of my confusions and ask her about herself and her family, she had left, and I just tried to forget the incident as I had my plates full with studies and business. However, as time passed, I found myself unable to shake the thought of her, no matter how engrossed I was in my studies and business projects. I was worried about her for apparently no reason. So I asked my people to track her down, and I found out that she had recently moved to Lucknow after her father's death and was staying with her sick mother in a small rented room. Her only connection in this new city was her maternal uncle, or her ammi's cousin, who had helped them relocate to Lucknow when they couldn't afford the rent for their previous home in Mathura. But he, too, lacked the means to support them through her mother's medical bills, particularly her mother's impending heart operation. So in a valiant effort to make ends meet and raise funds for her mother's surgery, Haseena had taken on various odd jobs, putting her education on hold.

Maya paused for a moment, reflecting on those times, then continued,

MJS: Getting to know all these, I couldn't stand idly and watch her future crumble like that. So the very next day I met her and offered her a part-time job. I told her I would help her get admission into a college on a scholarship based on her marks in 10th grade. Thankfully, she agreed after a day-long argument and persuasion. So I managed to get Haseena a seat in one of the top colleges in UP, but it was in Barabanki. I didn't want her to stay in a hostel because mobiles weren't allowed there, and I knew she would be worried about her mother if she stayed there and wouldn't be able to concentrate on her studies. So I contacted Chachaji and asked if he could rent one of his apartments to Haseena and her mother. He happily agreed to help Haseena and offered them a place to stay in his mansion until Haseena graduated. As years passed, Haseena grew closer to our family, helping Papa and me at work, and Chachaji with his NGO-related stuff. Meanwhile, Haseena's mother, my Ammi, gave me all the love that I missed since my childhood. We were a happy family together. In 2013, after she graduated with a Master's in Psychology, my Papa decided to officially adopt her as his daughter. Subsequently, she cleared her police exams and got posted at MPT as a probationary SI. There, she met Kaira and Barbie. They became very close friends, even more than that, actually. And I still remember, she used to come home late from her duty, and no matter how exhausted she was, she used to tell me everything that happened that day at her station without missing a single detail. So I got to know almost everything about Kaira and Barbie even without meeting them face-to-face.

Maya pauses to collect herself before addressing the bitter part of the past,

MJS: Everything was going well until January of 2016 when she had an accident while on vacation in Varanasi, after which she lost her memory.

Maya's eyes welled up with tears as she continued,

MJS: She forgot me, Papa, Kaira, MPT, our mansion, Lucknow, and everything that had transpired since her father's demise. However, Vicky, I mean Dr. Vikas Chaitanya, helped Ammi during those times, even though they were in Varanasi, and he was practicing here in Lucknow. Haseena had also maintained a professional diary during her training days, which helped her continue in the force despite her memory loss. I wanted to go and meet Haseena, but Vikas stopped me from doing so and told me it would be better if she regained her memory over time.

Maya's expression was a mix of pain and longing as she continued her narrative,

MJS: But I couldn't stay in my mansion alone, as I had already lost my papa. So I shifted abroad to concentrate on my business, and Chachaji helped Ammi settle in Varanasi.

Kaira then picked up the narrative,

DKS: I was away on a mission when all of this happened. When I returned in February, completing my mission, Hasu and Ammi had already relocated to Varanasi. I contacted Hasu's Psychiatrist Vikas Ji and got to know her condition, deciding not to bother her considering her health. I wanted to meet Mayaji, but she had already left India. Then I got transferred to Ghaziabad.

Karishma had a moment of reflection and was about to ask something, but Maya interjected,

MJS: I know what you want to ask. She has nothing to do with the shutdown of JSRE or my bankruptcy. The documents you got from the registrar's office had some mistakes. If you don't believe it, you can request a departmental inquiry against Haseena and see if she has any property in her name, or you can check her bank balance using her bank details from Ammi.

Maya spoke confidently but noticed Karishma's confused and worried expression. Maya gently cupped her face with her right hand and continued,

MJS: Karishma, I know how much you love and care for me as a sister. But trust me, I haven't been betrayed by anyone. JSRE just went bankrupt because I got depressed and didn't focus on it after my Papa's demise. These media and gossipmongers wove a hundred different conspiracies around it, stealing insider information from my employees and making my sister a villain in the fall of my papa's empire.

Neysa chimed in,

N: Yes Karishma.. No one betrayed anyone here. If you seek a culprit in our tale, it's would simply be the hand of fate. If only Cap had not faced that tragic accident, we would now be a happy found family.
Says Neysa supporting her boss.

MJS: (in a soft tone) Karishma.. Haseena is innocent. Just drop all your investigations and stop thinking like a cop. Try to comprehend the situation as Karishma, not as Inspector Karishma Singh, and you would understand. Ask your heart if your Maddam Sir, the one who tends to a stranger's tears, would be a reason for her sister's tears? Anyone who knows Haseena, even for a day, would laugh at that question. It's really a surprise to me that an intelligent officer like you fell for those conspiracies and faulty documents.

Maya says, chuckling at her own dialogue while subtly making fun of Karishma.

KS: But I heard your sister... I mean Kainat Jaisingh is UP's infamous Mafia, the Queen of the Dark...

Upon hearing this, Maya and Neysa look at each other's faces and burst into laughter the next moment, holding their stomachs. Karishma, who was confused by the duo's sudden outburst, asks,

KS: Why are you guys laughing? I'm serious!

Asks Karishma in an offended tone while Kaira rises to her feet as her knees were hurting from squatting for so long.

MJS: (between her laughter) Seriou.. Seriously Karishma!?.. Didn't you see? Your Maddam Sir aka the great Haseena Mallik, doesn't even use mosquito repellents in her room, saying mosquitoes just bite us for the sake of filling their stomachs.. And you're telling me she's a Mafia queen!?

N: (looking at Maya) Madam I know what made her think like that.. (shifting her gaze to KS) Karishma.. I know she had turned into a monster yesterday. But just think, wouldn't you have done the same thing if someone had tried sexually assaulting and killing a person who loved you selflessly like a mother and gave you a million times more than you could ever wish for?.. Maya Madam's and Cap's bond was so special. If I were to describe it using words, it would be injustice to the bond they shared. It's actually a miracle that 5 people made it out alive from the lioness's claws. They should be eternally grateful to you for rescuing them from her clutches.

KS: That means...

DKS: (sighing deeply) Yes, Karishma.. Doctors couldn't save the criminal and two of his goons..

N: That's actually sad news. Considering their criminal record, those people deserved a much more slow & painful death..

DKS: But we can't disagree on the fact that what Haseena did was against the law..

N: (smirking) We will see that in court, Officer.

MJS: (in an irked tone) Can you guys please not mix up your professional and personal lives?

N: Sorry Madam.

MJS: Karishma.. Haseena regained consciousness this morning, and she was a bit sad you didn't visit her. Could you please meet her at least once?.. Consider it a humble request from your elder sister.. and I also want you to be there when discussing her health reports, so you can get all your doubts cleared by Dr. Vikas Chaitanya if you doubt that she lied to you and MPT..

Maya requests Karishma in a soft tone while Karishma shifts her gaze to Kaira. Upon receiving a gentle nod from Kaira,

KS: (exhaling deeply) Fine, I'll go visit her. But I have to clean this mess first. My sister Kareena WhatsApped me that she's in Lucknow, so I don't want her to see my room in this condition.
DKS: I'll take care of it, Karishma. You please go and meet Hasu.

KS: But...

MJS: (interjecting KS) You are just going, Karishma. I'm ordering you as your elder sister. Neysa, take Karishma to the hospital. I'll help Kaira with cleaning, and we will come together.

Maya says without giving Karishma a chance to reject Kaira's offer to help with cleaning.

N: Okay, Madam. I'll get my bike to the entrance.
Says Neysa on her way to the exit of the room but stops upon hearing Kaira say,

DKS: Neysa, you can take Karishma in Mayaji's car. You know I wanted to ride your cafe racer for many days, so I would really appreciate it if you could lend me your bike for a ride.

N: Sure, Kairaji.. Here's the key.
Says Neysa, approaching Kaira and handing over her bike key with a knowing smile.

DKS: Thank you.

N: You're welcome Kairaji.. Karishma, shall we?

KS: Yes, but let me freshen up first. Do you guys want something to eat or drink?
Asks Karishma, glancing at the guests.

MJS: (handing over the car keys to N) No, Karishma. We all had our breakfasts. Amma didn't let us go hungry. You go and freshen up. No need to cook anything. I've brought you some chapatis and vegetable sagu. It's in the car. Neysa...
Maya signals Neysa to get the tiffin box from the car, and Neysa nods before exiting the room.

Karishma thanks Maya, grabs her smartphone from the center table, and heads downstairs.


After 10 minutes,

MJS: Guess they left.
Maya remarks, her ears catching the fading sound of a car engine as she arranges her books neatly on the shelf.

DKS: Hmm..
Kaira responds while dusting and organizing the trophies, medals, and mementos on the display shelf, her thoughts a million miles away.

MJS: You seem lost.

DKS: Uh.. nope..

Watching Maya raise one of her eyebrows, Kaira continues,
DKS: Why did you lie to Karishma?

Maya stops arranging the book and looks at Kaira to say,
MJS: (in a serious tone) About what?

DKS: Everything!?

Maya strolls towards the couch, sits on it comfortably, and crosses her legs.
MJS: (in a calm tone) I didn't lie...

Kaira throws the duster away, approaches Maya, and sits on the single sofa placed beside the couch.
DKS: I think you are forgetting that I was your sister's best friend...

MJS: (calmly) I'm not...

DKS: (sternly) You are... I know your sister made you transfer all your property to her name... I also know she fired you from the CEO post at JSRE... She herself had told me once.

MJS: Hmm.. She never told you where she stashed all the money and properties or what she did with assets worth thousands of crores?

DKS: She probably kept everything under the name of Kainat Jaisingh or may be Haseena Mallik...

Mays sits up heaving a sigh.

MJS: (keeping her crossed leg down on the ground) No!... She doesn't have any property registered in any of her names... The apartment in which she is living now is in Ammi's name... And don't ask me about her bank balance... I don't know where she spends all her salary...

DKS: (suspiciously) How did you find all this out!?

MJS: (shrugging nonchalantly) I have my sources...

DKS: Hmm... I always wanted to know how you and Hasu met each other and how your relationship as sisters, in fact more than that of sisters, grew over the years... Yet whenever I asked her to tell me your story, she'd just smile and say, "that's a million-dollar secret and you wouldn't know in this eternity"... If your story is as simple as what you told Karishma today, why would Hasu keep it a secret from me?

MJS: (twisting her lips) Well... I sort of gave you guys the abridged version.. Our story was far more complicated than the nice fairy tale I narrated today...

DKS: Hmm...

Kaira reaches for a Rubik's Cube on the center table, her fingers idly toying with it as she speaks.

DKS: I don't know if you've ever wondered why Hasu would come home late or sometimes never show up, but the thing is, she used to sleepover at my apartment. Sometimes, we'd go to the hilltop near the Gomati river after our shifts. That place is one of the many beautiful things she introduced me to. It had become our little sanctuary, a refuge from all the protocols where we could truly be ourselves. We'd lean against a big old tree up there, far from the city's hustle-bustle, hiding in her arms. It was as if the world had slowed down to let me to cherish the most peaceful moments I ever lived in my life.

Maya carefully listens to Kaira while Kaira was lost reflecting on the sweet memories in her brain, with a soft smile on her face and a twinkle in her eyes.

DKS: We'd talk about everything, you know?.. Our childhood hardships, teenage trials, the people we met, the ones we lost, and the issues that plagued our minds.. There was an unspoken understanding between us.. no explanations were needed. We just got each other...

A smile creeps onto Maya's lips while Kaira was immersed in the memories of her conversation with her soulmate.

DKS: We'd laugh... (a soft chuckle escapes her lips) We'd share stories that were too bizarre for anyone else to understand... And sometimes, we'd just lie back on the grass and look up at the stars, lost in our thoughts... It was a place where we could be vulnerable, where we could lay down the armor we wore during our shifts... We'd discuss our dreams, desires, frustrations, fears and our hopes for the future... Unknowingly, she had become an inseparable essence of my life, sharing every up and down, expecting nothing in return... She was a true selfless spirit... But... (pausing, recalling the past) I don't know... It was the first anniversary of our friendship and my birthday... I had returned from my mission early to celebrate the day with my Hasu... I had made all the arrangements on the hilltop and texted her to come there after her duty... But she never did... I waited for her the whole night until the sun rose on the horizon, and Barbie came there searching for me..

Kaira says with a sad smile while turning the faces of the Rubik's cube, trying to solve the bothering puzzle.

MJS: Did you confront her about why she didn't come that night?

DKS: I did, but...

Maya watched Kaira's furrowed brows with concern and softly prodded,

MJS: But...?

DKS: She was a different person. She wasn't the Hasu I knew anymore. She was... rude.. insensitive.. selfish and... (with a tinge of hesitation and disgust in her tone) corrupt!.. I didn't understand if she changed in those 4 days when I had gone on a mission to Mathura or if I was so desperate for a friend that I failed to see her true colors in that one year of our friendship. The answer remains a mystery to this day. But I would never forgive her for leaking confidential information related to the plan we had for trapping the Queen of Dark, all for some stacks of money, alcohol, and vacations with her one-night stands.

MJS: (rising from the couch, her voice thunderous) KAIRA!.. Mind your tongue!!.. Are you even aware of what you're accusing your friend of? Disgusting! I never imagined I would hear such accusations from you about Kainat.. You've crossed a line Kaira.. You've lost my respect.

DKS: (standing up) I'm not making baseless claims, Mayaji.. Your sister herself admitted to these actions, but I failed to record her confession as I never expected her to openly admit to accepting bribes from the underworld. I always hoped that what I heard from your sister was false, but when I assigned Barbie to investigate her, I discovered that everything she confessed to me was the truth.

MJS: (in a cold tone) Are you done arranging the shelf?

DKS: Give me 2 more minutes. I'll be done.

Maya nodded, her thoughts in turmoil, as she turned her attention back to the bookshelf, trying to make sense of the shocking revelations.

On the other side,
N: Uh... Karishma.. are you alright?
Neysa asked in a concerned tone, briefly turning her gaze away from the road to check on Karishma, whose eyes glistened with unshed tears.

KS: Yeah yeah.. I'm fine.
Karishma replied, wiping away the tears that hadn't fallen.

N: Were you crying?

KS: Nope.. why would I?.. Di cleared all my doubts, right?.. It's just dust in the wind that got into my eyes and now it's irritating them..

Karishma explained as she removed her earbuds, which had been firmly lodged in her ears. Neysa, however, noticed something else.

N: You changed your phone?

KS: (confused) Sorry?

N: Weren't you using a OnePlus smartphone before?

KS: Uh... yeah, I mean... I have two phones. This Samsung one I use for work, and the OnePlus is my personal phone. I think they got switched in a hurry.

N: Should we go back and get your personal phone?

KS: No, thanks. I can manage with this one.

Karishma ended a phone call from a contact labeled "Karishma 1", a call that had lasted for 27 minutes. Neysa, however, remained focused on the road, not noticing the caller ID.


Morning 11:15 AM,
Chaitanya Multi-speciality Hospital, Lucknow

N: Sorry for making you wait madam.. I was monitoring the security and my phone was on silent.. I didn't see your message..
Says Neysa catching breaths after climbing 12 floors in a breath looking at Maya, who was standing on the terrace, with her hands resting on the railings and her back facing Neysa.

MJS: Where is Karishma?
Maya asks in a plain voice.

N: She is at the reception helping an old couple fill the papers.. She said she will meet Cap once she gets them admitted..

MJS: Hmm.. Kainat?

N: Sleeping in her ward..

MJS: Did you know about her bad habits?
Maya asks Neysa in a cold voice taking Neysa off-gaurd.

Neysa, gulping her throat hard,
N: Wha.. What bad habits madam?

MJS: You know what I'm talking about.. don't you?

N: She used to drink during weekends or when she was very stressed, physically or emotionally.. But she didn't want you to know, so she used to blackmail me, saying that she would tell you that I got her into drinking, and we would both get punished..
Says Neysa gazing the ground.

MJS: I'm not talking about her alcohol addiction.. I knew about that long before I hired you..

N: (in a bewildered tone) Hired me!?.. Means she was consuming alcohol even before her legal drinking age!?.. And she blackmailed me for 6 years!?..

Asks Neysa feeling betrayed by her friend while Maya turns around to face Neysa saying,
MJS: (in an irked tone) We can I discuss that some other day Neysa.. (with a her sharp gaze fixed at N) Right now, I want to know what else she didn't want me to know..

N: (still bowing her head down) She'd demand for...

MJS: (interjecting, in an irritated tone) Cash!.. I know it Neysa.. I am not blind.. I could see stacks of money disappearing from our vaults and the only person who had access to it was you.. So I knew you gave it to her upon her demand.. It really didn't and doesn't matter to me.. She has right on it as much as I do.. Now stop beating the bush and tell me what I don't know..

N: Nothing else madam..
Neysa utters in a shaky voice trying to sound genuine, gazing at the hard concrete floor of the terrace.

Before she could continue any further, Neysa finds herself pinned to the wall of the huge water tank on the terrace and Maya's hand gripping her neck roughly with her bloodshot eyes fixed on her.

MJS: Don't make me do things I don't want to.. Spit what you know!!

Maya demands answer, her voice is a harsh whisper, tightening her hold on Neysa's neck while Neysa remains silent, struggling to breath in Maya's tight grasp, trying not to look at Maya's piercing eyes.

Maya could easily read her long time employee's face exuding a mixture of fear and indecision. However she was determined to extract the truth from Neysa, no matter the cost while on the other hand Neysa kept her mouth shut accepting the consequences as her eyes begins to see black dots appear in her vision.

But just when it appears that the situation might spiral out of control, Barbie and Shivani burst onto the open terrace casually discussing something only to gasp at the jarring sight.

Assessing the scene, with a swift action, Shivani and Barbie sprint to save Neysa by pulling Maya away from her. Neysa, now free from Maya's grip, falls to her knees coughing and trying to take deep, shaky breaths to relax her shrunken lungs while Barbie stroke her back guiding Neysa to take long deep breaths. Maya, who was in Shivani's hold, wiggles to get out of the latter's grasp and walks to the edge of the terrace to stand silently with her hands on the railings feeling the warm forenoon breeze grazing her skin.

MJS: So you were willing to die but not to reveal your friend's dirty secret..
Maya says in a cold tone with her eyes fixed on the distant horizon.

SP: Which secret Mayaji?.. and What mistake did she do for you to be so mad at her?

Maya turning to face the trio,
MJS: (with a sarcastic chuckle) Mistake!?.. She didn't do any mistake Shivani.. She was just being faithful to her friend by not disclosing that her friend shamelessly slept with random people for fun and this very best friend of hers is trying to cover it up even if it means to being disloyal to her boss..

Maya says shooting daggers at Neysa, who was now on her feet supported by Barbie, with her head hung low.

SP: (confused) You mean one-night stands?.. Who had a one-night stand now?..

Asks Shivani darting her gaze between Maya and Neysa while Barbie chime in to the conversation saying,

BU: Oh Neysa.. You were saving Kainat madam from Mayaji??..

SP: (with a surprised screech) What!!??.. (watching the 3 pair of eyes on her) I mean Haseena and one-night stands is something hard to believe you know..

BU: Mayaji.. She just had a few one-night stands and may be that was to overcome the stress she was having in her personal and professional life at that period.. I think it will be wrong to judge someone by things like that and moreover it's her life and no one should be telling anyone how to live their life.. Maddam Sir was mad at her only because Kainat madam received bribes from the mafias and leaked the plans we had plotted to catch the Queen..

MJS: (in a stern tone) Neysa.. When had she started all this behind my back?

While Neysa remain silent, Barbie answers,
BU: It's after June of 2015 Mayaji.. She was so disturbed by Jai Singh Sir's death..

Maya leaves the terrace quietly without any interrogating any further while Neysa hugs Barbie and sobs in her arms.

Barbie, tenderly strokes her back,
BU: (in a gentle tone) Hey.. It's not a big deal.. Why didn't you just tell as you were supposed to?.. What would have happened if we hadn't come today!?.. And you know that Maya madam can't stay mad on Kainat madam for too long.. And most importantly, she can't question Haseena regarding those matters now.. So just take a chill pill..

Neysa getting out of Barbie's embrace and wiping her tears,
N: You guys are not going to the court?

SP: We are going now.. We just wanted to give you this.. (having over a pendrive to Neysa) a copy of the footages that we got from the LU shooting fields.. So we came here searching for you..

N: Thanks.. I'll check it.. You guys can leave..

SP: Are you sure?.. I mean I can handle the case alone.. Barbie has briefed me about yesterday's incident.. So she can stay here with you..

N: No no.. That's not needed.. I'm totally fine.. You can take her..

BU: (rolling her eyes) I knew you would say that.. Come on Shivani.. Let's go.. I don't wanna stay where my gracious presence is not appreciated..
Says Barbie entwining her arm with Shivani's and dragging her to the exit.


Forenoon 11:30 AM,
Chaitanya Multi-speciality Hospital, Lucknow

KS: Kareena!!.. What are doing here!?
Asks Karishma in a astounded tone to her sister Kareena, who had stopped her on her way to the Haseena's hospital ward and grabbed her for a bone-crushing hug.

After getting out of her sister's embrace after a minute, Kareena pinching Karishma's chubby cheeks.
KaS: (with an ear to ear smile) Kariyamma.. You know how much I missed you??

Throwing Kareena's hands off her face,
Karishma, throwing Kareena's hands off her face, responds,
KS: (in an irked tone) Ama bhakk!! What the hell is wrong with you, Kareena!? Don't you know I don't like all this?

KaS: (with an angry pout) I wish I had a sister like Senior Sundri. You know how she welcomed me with a beautiful smile on her face, thinking I'm you. She knows how to appreciate people's love and care, unlike you.
Says twisting her lips in a mocking way.

Karishma, clenching her fists,
KS: Kareena.. My patience is already at a boiling point. .. Don't irritate me unless you want be defenestrated from this floor..

KaS: Ayyo Amma! Is this how you talk to your younger sister!? Your own blood!?
Karishma, closing her eyes to control her anger, tries to escape from her sister, only to be blocked by Kareena for the second time.

KaS: Stop stop Kariyamma.. Where are you going!?

KS: Ama Jadbuddhi!! Can't you see where I'm going? Is there any other ward except Maddam Sir's in that direction??

KaS: I know. But wait a minute.

areena says before going to the waiting area, leaving Karishma confused. She returns after a minute with a bouquet.

KaS: There you go..

KS: (looking at the bouquet) What is this?

KaS: (with an admiring smile) A bouquet of pristine white tulips with dendrobium orchids.. This is the finest bouquet I could get in Lucknow..

KS: (in an irked tone) Why are you giving this to me now?..

KaS: Who said I'm giving this to you?.. I am giving this to Senior Sundri.. You know how happy she was when I visited her?.. She would be soo happy if you give this to her and wish her a speedy recovery.. I'm pretty sure she would be fit and fine by today..

Returning the bouquet to Kareena,
KS: (in a plain tone) I don't want any of these..

Placing it back to on Karishma's hands,
KaS: But Senior Sundri needs and deserves this.. You are just giving this to her that's it Kariyamma.. If you don't, I won't talk to you..
Says the acting queen Kareena with a hurted expression.

KS: (rolling her eyes) Fine!


Forenoon 11:40 AM,

In a sterile hospital room bathed in the soft glow of forenoon sunlight seeping through the white translucent curtains, Karishma stands holding a delicate bouquet of white tulips, her face a mix of concern and hesitation. She takes a deep breath before entering, her steps cautious, and her heart heavy with the drastic events that have changed her perception of the world in a matter of hours. Karishma approaches Haseena's bedside with quiet and cautious steps.

Haseena, under the influence of strong medications, shifts slightly in the hospital bed, sensing someone's presence in her surroundings. She slowly parts her eyelids and blinks a few times to overcome her drowsiness. As her blurry vision clears, her gaze falls upon her visitor, and a flicker of recognition crosses her eyes.

HM: You... Here...!?

Haseena asks in a groggy, slightly raspy voice, unsure as if she's still in the realm between dreams and wakefulness. As she watches Haseena wake up and settle herself into a half-lying position, Karishma speaks.

KS: Uhm... Yes... I've been a bit busy with a case lately, so I couldn't be with you. I'm sorry, Maddam Sir...

Says Karishma while Haseena's eyes shift to the bouquet in Karishma's hands. Karishma, holds out the bouquet and continues,

KS: Have a speedy recove.....

But before Karishma can finish her kind words, Haseena, in an unexpected surge of anguish, roughly pushes the bouquet away, causing it to tumble to the sterile hospital floor, with tulips scattering across the doorway and into the hallway.

Karishma's eyes widen in shock. She takes a step back, her heart racing as she tries to process what just happened. Her face gets clouded by confusion and pain. She moves her gaze from the scattered white tulips to Haseena's face to meet a piercing stare fixated on herself. The popped-out vein and deep furrows on Haseena's forehead, her unwavering stare, flared nostrils, flushed face, and clenched jaws were taking Karishma off-guard.

HM: (in a cold tone) Get lost..
Haseena says in a voice barely audible to Karishma, gritting her teeth and looking right in Karishma's eyes.
KS: (confused) Sorry!?

Haseena practically yells at Karishma, her words sharp, cutting through the air like a knife, flinching the latter.


Haseena's call brings Neysa to the door within a few seconds. Neysa gasps at the scattered white tulips. Jumping across the carpet of tulips, she enters the ward with a flabbergasted face, facing an appalled Karishma and a furious Haseena.


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