Cold Hearted

By kitkate1331

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You are an aspiring actress working at a club until you make your big break. One night at work is super busy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20-Final

Chapter 17

111 5 2
By kitkate1331

Y/n's POV:

"Y/n you need to calm down." Jimin yells after me.

"Y/n this isn't good for you or the baby." Hyunjin yells.

I try to yang open the cellar door when Minho slams it shut. Both him and Binnie are standing in my way.

"Move!" I growl.

"No, Y/n." Minho says firmly.

Both Hyunjin and Jimin catch up to me.

"I thought you two were going to stop her." Binnie says.

"We tried but it's hard when you can't man handle her." Hyunjin says.

I glare at Hyunjin over my shoulder, "You even try to man handle me Hyunjin, and you will end up in a bed next to my brother."

I roll my shoulders as I turn back to face my men standing in front of me, "Now you two will move. Because I have ordered you too."

"But Yoongi said.."

"Binnie is Yoongi your boss?"


"Who is?"


"Then move your ass!"

They move out of my way reluctantly.

Before Jimin can even speak I call out over my shoulder as I grip the door handle, "Go ahead and tell Yoongi. He will understand why."

"Y/n don't do this alone. Please." Jimin pleads.

I drop a hand to my belly, "I'm not."

"Let me come in with you at least."

"No, Jimin. Go check on JK."

"I'm sure he's fine."

"I'm sure he is but it would give me peace of mind if you were with him right now."

"Fine. But take one of them with you."


"I'll be right here if you two need anything."

Jimin waits to move until he sees that Minho is coming with me. Minho closes the door, the two of us make our way down the stairs. Minho finds a spot to lean against the far wall. Cho lifts up his head and I see that Yoongi's and my men have done a number on him. Good, that's just a start.

"So, the prodigal princess shows up at last."

"I hope your accommodations have been to your liking Cho."

He smirks at me, "I have been at worse."

"I will have to make sure my men lower the quality of your stay here then."

"Do your worst."

I smirk, "Oh, I plan too."

"I see you are pregnant with that weaklings baby."

I walk over to the torture tools table. Running my fingers over the various items sprawled out before me. Waiting for one to call out to me.

"Yoongi is anything but a weakling."

"He's weak because he lets you run things."

I laugh, "You think he lets me. I run my own shit, you dumb mother fucker."

"You aren't smart enough to do that. You're mother wasn't either. She was a stupid bitch."

🙈🙈 I grip a knife, then casually walk up to him.

"Let's see if you remember anything I taught you."

I decide to just stab his thigh with the knife.

"Basic." He scoffs but I notice him gritting his teeth.

I shrug, "I know. I'm just getting started."

I walk back over to the table and pick up another blade. Leaning against it I look at Cho while fiddling with the knife in my hands. His blood is pooling underneath him from his leg wound.

"Hmm, seems I hit the artery. My aim is a little off. I guess it means I need to hurry this along." I stalk towards him, "So, who really is behind my father?"

"If you have ask this then you aren't any smarter than your mother."

"See, I already know the answer. I just wanted to hear it from you. Who is behind my father?"

He refuses to answer. Fine, pinky it is. I grab his pinky and hold it straight. Taking the serrated knife, I grabbed I saw off his pinky. He grunts in pain. I let the damn thing fall to the ground when its off his hand. I point the tip at his nose.

"I'm only going to ask this again nicely once more. Who is behind my father?"



He pursues his lips and I roll my eyes. I grab his pinky on this other hand. He tries to pull it away, but I give Minho a look and he comes and holds his hand flat for me. Then I saw off his pinky. Letting it too fall to the floor. He grits his teeth.

"Because I was sick of taking orders."

"You had only been working for my father for a couple of years."

He laughs, "Is that what the little paper trail showed you? I have been working with your family long before that. Hell, when your grandfather was still running it."

"So, let me get this straight. You expect me to believe that you came up with this scheme all on your own. That you are the complete brains behind all of this. What kind of fool do you take me for?"

He scowls, "Why because you think your father couldn't be that easily manipulated."

I scoff, "My father is an incompetent excuse for a mob boss, look how easily I and Zio were able to manipulate him. My grandfather should have left it to my mother instead but no it had to go to his own flesh and blood. What a waste."

"Your mother was distracted that's why I was able to manipulate your father."

"She was gone doing things to set up a future for both me and my brother. She knew that the way things were going my father was going to run shit into the ground." I look at him up and down, "Now, I know why she thought that. You aren't much smarter than my father when it comes to running things."

"How would you know how to run things? You ran away when you were 18."

I smirk, "Who do you think gave you a run for your money on some many things?"

His face clouds over and I laugh.

"You thought all of that was Yoongi and his men. Granted they did beat us to a few things though I didn't know it was them at the time. I had just figured it out recently, but it was"

"You stupid nosey little bitch! You ruined so much for me."

He tries to get out of the chair. I decide to sink the knife into his other leg. He lets out a growl in pain.

"I can't wait to get my hands around that neck of yours. I'm going to make you pay for all the money you cost me."

I smirk, "You are going to have to get out of that chair first and by the looks of how much blood you are losing I don't see that happening before you bleed out."

He growls.

"So, You and I both know that you aren't smart enough to come up with this idea on your own. Who helped you?"

"It doesn't matter they are dead."

I sigh, "I thought you would have learned your lesson by now. Stop testing my patience."

Minho flattens his hands and I take both of his ring fingers this time. They bounce off the floor landing in the pool of his blood that is flowing from him his leg wound. He is shaking, though I'm not sure if it is because of rage or because of adrenaline.

"The people you want to call master minds were killed on different jobs either by your men or Yoongi's."


"Col, Gram."

"We took Col out years ago. Yoongi must have taken out Gram." Minho pipes up.

"That's what I said."

"So, what was this thing with the Kyon's?"

"With your father working with them or with the deal with Yoongi?"

"Both. Start with Yoongi."

"He was a loose cannon. We didn't want him snooping around us or around his parents deaths and figure out who really killed them."

"And with me gone your only witness was gone. Zio didn't see anything because I made him hide."

"I know he didn't see anything. We made him tell us the truth."

"What the fuck did you do to my brother?" I growl.

He laughs, "Nothing we didn't do to you."

I clench my fits. I march over to the table and pick up the brass knuckles. I want to punch this son of a bitch, but I know all the men will get their panties in a bunch if I end up breaking my hand doing it. Once I have the brass knuckles where they need to sit, I walk back over to him and rear back my hand. I crack him right on the jaw. His blood splatters my face and arm. A tooth falls to the floor. I am about to rear back again, Minho stops me.

"Stop Y/n. We need answers still. After we get them, then you can go to town on him alright?"

I nod my head, "Now about you and my father working with him."

"With us they were how to have money coming into feed the business."

"Because you and my father suck at running shit."

"We do not."

"Oh, really?" Minho hands me copies of the files Chan got me, "Because these say otherwise." I toss them on the floor in front of them.

"How the fuck did you get these?"

I smirk, "You really didn't realize how far my men infiltrated do you? One of my men is the bank manager."

"You sneaky bitch."

"I get it from my mother. So, this is the last question I really care about. Who put the hit out on me? I know Loreli was set up as the person behind it, but she was a fall guy. Who was it really?"

"Your father and I. Granted we didn't know Yoongi's wife was you. Although that would have worked out in my favor. You have always been a thorn in my side. Your father was always distracted by trying to find his long-lost daughter. If you had wound up dead. It would have saved so much effort."

I laugh, "Yeah, because you will die by my hands."

"Your Hands? A little mouse that barely gets her hands dirty."

"You think I don't get my hands dirty."

"You have right now but you and I both know you won't finish me off. You will have him do it or your husband."

I laugh manically, "You obviously don't know a damn thing about me. I killed the Kyons' myself. I killed Col myself."

He scoffs, "Those were with guns. This is going to be up close and personal. I don't think the little princess will handle it."

Minho lets out a puff of air. He knows how I feel when I get challenged like this. All I see is red. I take a deep breath to calm myself and then stand in front of the tool table again.

"What did I get under the little princess' skin? How is your brother? I mean I did sneak up on him when that one got shot. I gutted him pretty good. You should have seen the look on his face when he fell to the ground and saw it was me that stabbed him. Is he still holding on or did that piece of shit brat die?"

I clench my hand around the handle of another knife.

"That stupid bitch of a mother couldn't even produce a proper heir for you father."

I am standing in front of him in a flash. His eyes widen as he locks on my eyes. My free hand is pulling his hair back to make him look up at me.

"That stupid bitch made me who I am. I inherited her brains. I'm sure you and my father have wondered who has fucked with your plans at every turn of the years from Vex Tech. Well, you are looking at her. That's right Cho. I am the damn brains behind Vex Tech. The very company you wanted to either destroy or join but failed at both."

The door to the cellar opens and I hear solid even footsteps walking down them.

"Seems your bitch of husband has showed up. Going to do your dirty work for you?"

I smirk at him, "I don't need no man to do my dirty work. See you in the afterlife Cho."

Then I slam the knife up through his lower jaw cutting through his tongue. I release his head and the knife and then pull both of the knives out of his legs and let them fall to the floor.

👍🏼👍🏼 I look to Minho, "You and Binnie get him cleaned up. We are going to have a meeting with my father tomorrow. He's going to be my peace offering."

Then I turn my attention to Yoongi as he leans in the door way. With arms crossed he just stares at me. I walk up to him and look up at his face. He lifts his hand and gently wipes some blood off my cheek with his thumb.

"You finished here?" He quirks a brow.

I look back over my shoulder at Cho sitting slumped over in the chair dead. Blood dripping from his mouth and wounds. Minho nods at me.

"I'm good."

His hand finds the small of my back and we make our way up the stairs.

"Which one of them called you?" I ask him.



"Don't be mad at him. He was just concerned."

"I'm not mad. I figured he would. Although it took you longer than I expected to come down the stairs."

"I figured you needed to work out somethings. I wanted to give you the space to do that."

"Thank you."

"I knew you had Minho with you. I trust both of your judgments enough that I knew you would be alright."

"How's JK?"

"Being his typical pain in the ass."

We walk out the door and Binnie is standing there, "Did you get all the answers we need?"

"I did. You need to go help Minho clean up."

Binnie nods his head and hurries down the stairs.

"Now let's go get you cleaned up my little mob boss." Yoongi chuckles.

I roll my eyes, "That's right I'm the boss."

"Unless we are in the bedroom." He pins up against the wall. He lifts my chin so I'm looking up at him. "Then I'm the boss."

"Or I can let you think you are."

"I think we know who wins the boss war in the bedroom."

"I may need some reminding."

I watch as a fire lights in his gaze. He leans and whispers in my ear, "Gladly. But you need to shower first."

"Am I really that covered?"

"You got yourself pretty good."

I shrug my shoulders. Then we make our way up the other set of stairs and join the rest of our men. I chuckle as I hear the loudness of our men all together in one room.

"Obnoxious. The whole lot of them."

"You love them, and you know it."

"I never said I didn't." He grumbles.

I lock eyes with Jimin and JK first.

"See, I told you she was fine." Jimin nudges JK.

"I wanted to see for myself. I can't believe you didn't stay with her."

"Because I ordered or well asked him to look after you. I wasn't alone. Minho went with me."

Yoongi's POV:

I take my time walking down the stairs to check on Y/n after Binnie lets me in the door. Cho isn't screaming, so either Y/n is taking her time, or he is actually providing information. I smirk when I see the state of Cho. Y/n is definitely taking her time.

I didn't hear what he said to have her that upset but she currently has his hair in her hand and making him look up at her. She whispers something in his ear and slams the knife up through his lower jaw through his tongue. She lets his head fall forward then walks over to me.

She looks up at me proudly, I can't help but smile. I lift my hand and wipe away a drop of blood that is running down her cheek.

"All done?"

She looks back at Cho, nodding her head she says, "I'm good here."

I drop a hand to her lower back and escort her up the stairs.

"So, who called you?"


I don't have to see her face to know that she rolled her eyes, "Of course."

"Don't be upset with him. He was just concerned. He took a beating from JK."

"How is JK?"

I chuckle, "Being his typical pain in the ass self. You can see for yourself in a bit."

We walk through the door, "Did you get everything we need?" Binnie asks her.

"I did. Go help Minho."

He nods his head and disappears down the stairs.

"Now, it's time to get my little mob boss cleaned up." I chuckle.

She rolls her eyes, "We can agree on that. I am the boss."

Oh, this sass.

I pin her up against the wall, careful to give her growing bumps some space, "Unless we are in the bedroom. Then you and I both know that I am the boss."

"Or I just let you think that you are the boss."

"You and I both know who has won the boss title in the bedroom."

Her eyes darken with lust, "I may need some reminding."

I lean forward and whisper, "I will gladly remind you as many times as you need but you need a shower first."

"Is it that bad?"

I look over her as I step back and chuckle, "You are pretty covered in Cho's blood."

She shrugs her shoulders, and we go up the rest of the stairs. I cringe when I hear how loud all of our men are.

"They are so obnoxious."

"You love them."

"I never said I didn't, and I do most of the time."

I watch as both Jimin and JK jump up as soon as they see us. Jimin nudges JK and JK grimaces.

"See, she's just fine."

"I told you I wanted to see for myself. I still can't believe you left her alone."

"JK, I asked him to look after you. Besides I wasn't alone. I had Minho with me."

"Y/n shower." I say firmly.

She looks at me and wanting to protest. I cock my brow and she huffs but then relents and walks away. I walk over to a chair and sit down. A glass of whiskey enters my line of sight. I take it and look up to who is handing it to me.

"Thanks Tae."

"So, she's completely covered in Cho's blood."

"Yeah, I had just walked into her finishing him off."

"So, you didn't hear anything."

"I did not."

"I wonder what he said."

"Well, find out once she is done cleaning up."

"She's scary even while pregnant." JK says.

"Cho and Shin taught her how to torture so I'm not surprised."

"How did they teach her that?"

"You don't want to know." Jisung pipes up quietly.

"It is something she can share with you if she wants to JK." I add.

He gulps and nods his head. After he thinks for a moment I think he has figured it out because I watch his fists clench and there is a fire in his eyes.

"Can I kill him?" He growls.

"I took care of that already." Y/n's voice rings out. Drawing attention of everyone in the room.

"Cho is dead?" Jisung asks.


"About damn time." Hyunjin grumbles.

Y/n chuckles, "It was long overdue."

"So, what's the plan now?" Jisung asks.

"Well, he tried getting under my skin, but it didn't work."

"From what I saw it did."

She rolls her eyes at my comment, "That was at the end. He wasn't useful anymore, so I silenced him."

I chuckle, "You defiantly made it so he couldn't talk."

"Can I finish?"

"Please continue."

"I was able to confirm that he was the one pulling the strings behind my father."

"He was really the brains?" Seungmin asks.

"He confessed that there were others in on the plot."

"Then we need to take them out." Felix adds.

"We already did."


"Col and Gram are both dead. Col I killed myself."

"We didn't kill Gram though." Hyunjin says.

"You guys didn't because..." I start to say.

"I did." Namjoon interrupts me.

"How sure are you about him telling the truth?" Jimin asks.

She smirks and I see a glint in her eye, "Trust me. He was telling the truth."

"You were down there for a while. Was that all you got out of him?" Felix asks.

"He ruffled my feathers a little when he told me what happened with Zio after I had ran away. He explained things about the Kyon's. Why my father worked with him and what they got out of you being married to Loreli." Y/n looks to me.

"And what was that?"

"He said you were a loose cannon that needed to be controlled. They thought if you were married to Loreli someone they had control over they could have control over you. Keep you from snooping around..."

"My parents death."

"Exactly. I was their only witness. So, with me out of the picture it would have worked in their favor. My father was just using Kyon for his money. My father and Cho are terrible at running a business. My last question I asked him was who had put the hit out on me?"

"And what did he say?" JK asks.

"It wasn't really a hit on me but just a hit on Yoongi's wife. Your wife was going to ruin their plans, so it was a plan to get rid of Yoongi's wife." I squeeze Y/n's leg. She offers me a smile and continues, "After that he said some things. I said some things. He pissed me off and I killed him."

"What is our next move?" Tae asks.

Y/n smirks and looks to Hyunjin, "Next we call a board meeting for tonight."

He looks at her bewildered, "We are doing this now?"

"Yes, Hyunjin. Now."

"What board meeting?" Hobi asks.

"Yoongi you own stocks in my father's company correct?"

"I do."

"Then get ready for a board meeting." Y/n stands up and starts to walk away.

"Where are you going?"

She looks over her shoulder, "I have a board meeting to get to." She starts to walk away again, "Oh, its going to be all hands-on deck. I have a feeling it's going to get a little heated."

"Why is that?"

"Hyunjin. Will you explain for me? I need to stop at the office."

"Got it."

"I don't know if you heard any whispering around shares being bought from other shareholders."

"I did. I was surprised I wasn't approached."

Hyunjin smiles, "Well, because Y/n didn't see the need to get your shares since you would side with her anyways." I notice Jisung nudging Hyunjin, "Y/n has been working as Vex Tech's go between for buying shares."

"Well, this will be an interesting meeting."

"We all have to be there and be ready. Shin isn't going down without a fight. Make sure Jin is there."

"I'll call him." Namjoon says and walks out of the room.

Y/n's POV:

Hyunjin sent out an email and text message to let every share holder know about the meeting. Since I own a majority of shares. I can call a meeting whenever I want. Hyunjin hacked my father's phone and I have been laughing hysterically at his frantic text messages and phone calls trying to figure out who called the meeting and why they were able to do so.

I put on one of my suits, Jisung had to find me some maternity ones. I hate that none of my clothes fit anymore. Yoongi needs to hold up deal for getting me new clothes. I'm sitting in my brother's hospital room going over some paper work to make sure it is written how I want it.

My father is about to lose everything. I smirk to myself. You have your revenge mom. I see Zio moving around out of the corner of my eye. I put the paper work down and turn my attention to my little brother.

"Zio, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I just can't get comfortable."

Getting up from my chair I walk over to my brother's beside, "Let me help you."

"I can move around on my own."

"Zio, just let me help you before you rip out any stitches."

He huffs. Fluffing a couple of pillows, one for behind his head the other for by his side so he can lay more comfortably.

"How's that?"

"Better." He nods his head towards where I was sitting, "What are you working on?"

"Just some paper work for the board meeting tonight."

"I can't believe I'm going to miss it."

"You need to stay here and get better."

"I can come."

"No, you will not. Do I need to have JK and Jimin stay with you to babysit you."

"No, you and Yoongi need them with you. Just in case."

"When's the meeting?"

Looking at my watch, "In an hour."

"It's so nice to see that you are showing your baby bump now."

Looking down at it, I smile, "Well it's starting to get hard to hide."

He laughs, "And just think you are only half way through it."

"Don't remind me."

There is a knock on the door and Minho walks in, "We need to head over there Y/n."

I give my brother a hug and place a kiss on the top of his head, "I will be back after the meeting is over."

"Be careful Y/n. Dad is a loose cannon now that Cho is gone."

"I got this."


I'm sitting in a conference room watching a video feed from inside the room that the board meeting is going to be in. The share holders slowly walk in a couple at a time. The are mingling amongst themselves. The only ones that are left to join are Yoongi and my father.

"Do you want me to go in yet?" Yoongi asks.

I look up at him, "No, let my father get in there first."

"So, when do I get to meet the new majority share owner?"

"Soon. They will be here when I text them that my father is here."

After a few more moments my father walks in. I nod my head for Yoongi to start making his way over to the conference room. He and his men walk out of the room.

Once the door is closed Jisung speaks up, "So, he has no idea."

"Nope. I want it to be a surprise."

"I for one can't wait to see the look of surprise on all of their faces." Minho laughs.

"Me either." Hyunjin adds.

"By the looks of how well my father is handling this. We won't have to wait long to make my entrance."

All heads on the in the conference turn towards the door and Yoongi walks in. My father is screaming at all of them. He is so read it looks like he will have a heart attack.

"Is he going to have a stroke?" Felix asks.

"It looks that way." Jisung answers.

"Let's head over there. We should probably make our entrance before my father starts shooting people."

I snicker while standing outside of the conference room listening to my father going crazy. Yelling at anything and everything.

"Who the hell called this damn meeting?"

"We don't know." One of the shareholders answers.

"You. Where the fuck is my daughter?"

"How should I know, the last time I saw her was at the party you hosted. So maybe I should be asking you that. Where the hell is my wife? What did you do to her?" Yoongi growls.

"Oh, he's good." Jisung says.

"I'm the majority shareholder. Who the hell called this god damn meeting?!"

"Vex Tech has been buying up shares." A shareholder says.

"Why the fuck would they be doing that?"

"I don't know but they bought shares from everyone here. So, the CEO is the majority shareholder."

"And who is the owner?"

"That's my cue."

I open the door and walk in. The boys falling in behind me.

"What are you doing here Y/n?" My father growls.

"Well, I heard you wanted to meet the CEO of Vex Tech."

"I do."

"Well, you are looking at her."

"You. You are the CEO of Vex Tech?" The look on my father's face is priceless.

The other shareholders are holding back their laughs. I notice Yoongi is taken back a little. I give him a wink.

"How did you become CEO. The company was started long before you were old enough..."

"My mother was a very smart woman. She wanted to make sure Zio, and I had something for the future."

"That sneaky bitch."

"Maybe you should have taken advice from her instead of Cho."

"Cho had great ideas."

"He did, did he? Where is Cho anyways?"

"You should know. You kidnapped him."

"Now would I really do that?"

"You are undermining everything I built."

"What did you build? Mountains of debt?" I toss the bank statements on the table.

The share holders each grab papers and start looking over them.

"What the fuck is all of this?" One asks.

"This is how Cho and my father have been running the business. On fumes."

"All of our money is gone." One exclaims.

"Relax. I plan on fixing everything."

I walk over to Yoongi and hand him the file I was looking over in my brothers hospital room.

"What's this?"

"Just open it."

Yoongi opens the folder and looks over the papers. His eyes get big and looks up at me.


"Yes, it should have been yours all along."

"What did you do?" My father growls.

"What should have been done a long time ago."

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