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By 0thello_Von_Ryan

163 0 0

Maybe he's wrong for thinking about it, but he can't get her voice out of his head, the strange almost made-u... More

Arc l: Redemption (Chapter 1)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Arc ll: Resurrection (Chapter 9)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 7

8 0 0
By 0thello_Von_Ryan

Raphael snuck around the busy buildings, making sure everyone was following close behind him. It was evening, now, and they decided that they would walk in and make a proposition to the spider woman. Surely she wouldn't pass it up. . . Right?

They made it to the hotel with ease, then walked in. They had flashy, poorly designed human disguises with some over the top accessories (except for April, of course. She had her normal getup on). They walked into the establishment, going right up to the front counter in an attempt to play it cool.

Leonardo had on a bright baby blue dress on and a ton of caked on makeup, and one of those slightly darker blue feather boas were gently wrapped around his neck and over his shoulders. He had on a long, blonde wig and donned pointed high heels, which were that same shade as the boa. His sword was hidden in the dress, covered in a cloth to make sure he didn't get cut by the blade.

Raphael had on a simple torn black hoodie, with a bright red vest over it. He wore black combat boots, as they were more durable than regular boots and could withstand a lot of stress. He had on the biggest shoe size the store could offer, although it was still two sizes too small for him, unfortunately. His hood was flipped over his head, and his hands were in his slightly-too-small pockets. His tonfās were hidden in his sweatpants pockets, ready to be pulled out when necessary.

Michelangelo had on a white shirt, with a black leather jacket on top and some buttons on it for some flare. He wore a slightly too big black pair of pants with a belt on to keep it on, one of those pants that had multiple really durable pockets all on the legs. His kusari-fundo rested carefully in one of the larger pockets of the pants, and he wore combat boots similar to what Raph had on, but they were ones with nearly spiked grips on the bottom. He also had a black fedora with a white hat-band, having taken out the feather that it once donned because it would have looked weird with the outfit choice. No one questioned why he chose this outfit, or how he got it, especially now.

Splinter wore a flashy, colorful jumpsuit, donning a bright orange and blue, and looking much like the one he had as his former self, Lou-Jitsu. He had on hideous yellow triangle-lens glasses and tall boots. No one had the heart to tell him those were actually ankle-height boots to most humans, since they didn't wanna ruin his flashy moment.

April wore her usual yellow jacket and black leggings, her yellow tank top underneath. She donned her freshly cleaned red cat eye glasses and black choker, a long with her yellow boots and her hair tied up in the two side buns. She had unfortunately left her bat, as, that wasn't an easy thing to hide.

"Hello my good sir, we would like to speak with Big Mama." Leo said, trying to use his (admittedly horrible) 'ladylike' voice and leaning against the counter slightly.
The front desk worker lifted his head, cocking an eyebrow in mild confusion. "Big Mama's busy. You would have to book an appointment."
"Oh, but sir, we don't have time! It's about the N-E-X-U-S-S" Leo replied with a wink, grinning.
"There's only one S, Leo." April rolled her eyes. Geeze, does she need to teach him how to spell again? Unless it's just him messing with everyone as per usual.

Leo gave a stubborn scowl to the eldest sibling, then turned his attention back to the front desk worker and resumed his smoothe smile.
The worker nodded with a tired sigh, then called a security bellhop over so he could direct them to the mystic city entrance.
Leo turned to the others and made a small thumbs up, sporting his annoyingly cocky grin before following the bellhop towards an elevator.
Raph just rolled his eyes at the slider's antics, at least glad it was helping some. That's all he could ask for, if he was honest. At least some form of assistance to make things easier on everyone, including the one they were trying to find and return home.

They were led to the elevator, letting some humans out before everyone piled in. The security guard pressed a button, the elevator shifting in both shape and color as they made their way down towards the Mystic part of the Nexus Hotel. This would amaze the turtles, no matter how many times they would be in it (but hopefully it wouldn't be that many, still).

They waited, glancing over at the security guard, who had turned into some sort of rat snake yokai. Leo fiddled with his wig, thinking about whatever was on his mind at the moment while humming a quiet tune (likely thinking about how many times he's going to punch Big Mama).
Mikey and Raph were lost in thought, still worried for their far-too-long lost genius brother. April had been tapping her foot anxiously, looking around impatiently and waiting for when the stupid elevator was to finally open.
Splinter was anxious, which was quite unusual. Usually Mikey was the anxious one, or even Raph sometimes, but never splinter. It was obvious, the reason why. He was worried for his son, and worried for what might happen to his other sons, including April.

The rat mutant fiddled with his claws, tapping his foot anxiously in a similar manner to April. Why won't this elevator just hurry up?! He thought frustratedly. And, as if the hotel had read his mind, the elevator came to a stop. A loud ding was heard as the doors slid open to reveal the extravagant corridors that presented themselves like a trophy in a case of medals.

They filed out one after another, following close behind the snake yokai and glancing around at the frames, trophies, and decorations that lined the walls.
Creepy. . . Leo thought with a shiver, hoping oh so badly that there wouldn't be any photos of Donnie in the Nexus or with that witch.

They stopped at two large double doors, glancing up at them and somehow only just realizing that the doors reached all the way to the ceiling, barely an inch below. Seems like she might have remodeled. . . Or they just hadn't paid attention the last time they were here. They looked back down, seeing the guard press a button and mumble something into some sort of speaker above it. April almost wanted to leap forward and demand right then and there for her to give Donnie back, unfortunately though, she didn't. She didn't want to risk angering the woman any more than they all planned to.

The guard turned. "Just a minute, Big Mama's busy with something." He said, grimacing as he took in each of their hideous looks one by one.
"I suggest you take off the disguises. You look quite— stupid." The guard retorted. That was about as nice as he could put it.

"Hey this ain't a disguise!" April defended, hands on her hips.
Leo gasped dramatically, sliding in front of the human and flipping his 'hair' out of his face with his hand. "How dare you! I look fabulous!" He flipped his hair once more (without the hand), scoffing and crossing his arms as he looked away indignantly.
The guard blinked, looking at the others with an 'is he always like this?' expression.
Raph nodded, facepalming and groaning. "Leo. Stop being so dramatic, you have plenty more back home."
"Well this one is my favorite!" Leo replied stubbornly, huffing.
"Then why'd you bring it?" The snapper countered, crossing his arms.

The two bickered for a few minutes, Mikey and Splinter standing to the side somberly as they hadn't paid attention and April groaning and making her way to break them apart. The guard turned his head back to the speaker as he heard a voice come from it, nodding and muttering something in response before clearing his throat and turning back to the group.

"You may enter." The guard spoke up, nodding slightly and gesturing towards the door in question.
The older brothers stopped what they were doing and began walking towards the door, April sighing in relief and following after as Mikey and Splinter followed closely, nervous looks on their faces.

"Ahh! My other pretty turtley-boos! Come to join me as well?" Big Mama spoke half jokingly, sitting in her chair with her arms spread out and humming excitedly.
Leo, Mikey, and Raph glared at the spider woman angrily, April shaking her head slowly and opening her mouth to speak. She wanted to scream, to yell and shout for her to give Donnie back and stop manipulating him if she was. To let them see that he was truly alright. But she didn't even make it that far, as Splinter had cut in just a second faster.
Splinter stepped forward, clearing his throat. "Greetings. . Big Mama." He stated, brows furrowed and standing as straight as his rustic back would allow.
"Ooh! And a little rat friend as well?" She interrupted curiously, looking down over the desk at the rat mutant.

"Eh— no. Not exactly. But I need not to explain myself to you. I demand you give us back my son immediately. He is not safe here with you and knowing your tendencies, you'll do something outside of the verbal contract."
"Oooh! A feisty one, how fun! But I do believe he is happier here, than with. . . You all." She dismissed the fact that he called Donnie his son, assuming that it was some nickname he had given the turtle before he arrived at the Nexus so long ago.
"Big Mama, if you do not give Donnie back this instant I will—"
"You'll what? Hm? I'll just call my bellhops to have you thrown out if you're just going to threaten me." She interrupted the dark haired girl, smiling when she backed off with a scowl.

"Fine, then I have a proposition for you." Splinter responded firmly.
"Oooh! A proposition you say? Please do continue!" She grinned, leaning forward a bit to listen.
"Let my son go and I will join back into your Nexus. I can be your champion once again." Splinter offered.
"Son? Champion? But I already have a champion. The crowd positively loves him! See?" She motioned to a screen that hung on the wall, which showed the soft-shell brother fighting what seemed to be a lobster looking yokai pretty intensely. Though his steps and blows had been calculated and precise, he was lackluster in the effect of his attacks. This opponent was practically impossible to get a good reading on his fighting style, as it was basically just swinging his claws wildly, which made his next move practically unpredictable. Seems like the normal bō wasn't going to cut it this time.

Splinter scowled as he watched the young turtle dodge multiple attacks from his opponent, frustrated that she was just simply allowing him to do so. He ignored the single figure watching from the overseers balcony, watching the turtle intently and looking tense. "I am Lou Jitsu, do you not remember me?" He growled, returning his attention to the woman.
"You can't be, Lou Jitsu is a human. And you are. . A rat." Big Mama countered, pointing out the obvious.
"Eugh. . . I didn't want to have to say this but. . It is true, my. . My Sassy Sugar Badger. . . ." He mumbled regretfully, the name leaving a bad taste on his tongue the moment it left his mouth.

Big Mama sat in shock, blinking in confusion as to what the fuck just happened. As did the others, although the turtles just looked more concerned and disgusted, Mikey hunching over and gagging disgustedly.

"Lousie-poo. . Is it really you?" She asked suddenly, face falling.
"Yes. Long story. I don't want to talk to you more than I have to. Will you accept my offer?" He replied impatiently, wishing to just skip over the fact that he had said that.
"Hmmm. . . Well this dimbly-does turn things around now, doesn't it? Although, that is my son you would be taking. I wouldn't want to lose my little champion, and I'm sure Frida wouldn't want to lose her brother, either." She seemed to scrunch her face, as if thinking.
Leo scowled at the spider woman, his eyes narrowed. She did not just call Donnie her son. He thought, then glanced over at the screen. The two opponents in the arena still seemed to be fighting, although he could tell they were tiring quickly. Donnie somehow managed to continue holding his own, though, and was redirecting attacks rather than just blocking, dodging, and countering them. He was playing it safe, as if he'd ran through this routine countless times before. He was used to this routine, which sickened the slider to the very core.

"Oo! I have an even better idea!" She grinned. "Oh guards~! Pretty-please take them to the dimbly-dungeons. And get them out of these hideous disguises." She smiled.

"This is not a disguise!" April snapped again, gesturing frustratedly. "What is wrong with my looks?"
Splinter's eyes widened as he turned, seeing the others get dragged off. They resisted, but failed. "You leave them out of that stupid arena! They are but children!" He snapped.
"Yes, but perhaps my precious Purpley-boo would like to have a few words with them before he goes on his free time. That's the safest place to prevent you all from destroying my office again!" She responded, watching Splinter get dragged off as well and waving her fingers. She blew him a kiss before he turned the corner.


"Damnit! Our chance at helping Purple failed! Now what will we do?!" Splinter yelled, slamming his fist into the wall out of anger.
"Relax guys! This is gonna be a piece of cake. We'll just wait here until our good man Dee arrives and then bounce after we fix things up with him!" Leo spoke up, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"You're what?"

The slider froze, turning to face the bars of the cage and immediately brightening. "Donnie!"
The others perked up, following his gaze and noticing the purple clad turtle standing with his hands clasped behind his back. He looked like he had just gotten out of the med bay, having a few bandage-looking things wrapped on the places of injury. He glanced over at a part of the dungeon that they couldn't see, giving a small shake of the head before turning to face them again.
"Why are you all here?" He questioned, his tone biting.
"We came to get you, obviously! Why else?" Mikey exclaimed, clambering over to the bars and grinning widely.
"Yeah, Dee. And we also came to apologize to you, and fix things up." April said, frowning a bit. They shouldn't have to do that, because Donnie shouldn't feel that way. He shouldn't feel like he's useless, or disposable, or anything of the sort. She knows they fucked up, and he doesn't even have to immediately forgive them, she'd be content with him at least coming home and allowing them to apologize over time.
"'Fix things up'? This sounds like just another pity party apology. Just say you want the repair man back already, it's way easier." He turned his attention to the rat, brows furrowing slightly. "Did the T.V. break while I was gone? Is that why you're here?"

"Wh- no! Not at all, my son! I came to get you! I wanted to bring you home, I wanted to apologize!" He tried, shaking his head and scrambling over.
The softshell merely grinned slightly, letting out a small chuckle and turning towards the unseen corner once again and gesturing to the cell. "Fri, you hearing this?"
They all looked towards the corner again, out stepping a white masked figure with their hands clasped behind their back. Said figure donned a dark hood and shoulder pad on the left shoulder, seemingly wearing armour on the body. She looked over, standing beside Donnie and nodding.
"Yes, yes I am." She stated. "So. . From what I'm hearing, you're his. . Other family? Am I correct in this assumption?"

"His only family." Leo hissed, earning an agreeing nod from Raph and April.
"I agreed to this, when?" The genius questioned, raising a brow and leaning against Frida's shoulder a bit. "As far as I'm concerned, Frida is my sister, and—"
"That witch is no—" The slider immediately had his mouth covered by April's hand, earning a quiet shush from the dark haired teen and a glare.
"She isn't a witch." The softshell snapped, glaring at his other twin with a hostile flare. "Mama is wonderful."
Frida nodded in agreement, taking in each one of them before realizing that there was a human there. "Why is there a human in the Mystic City?" She questioned, glancing over at her brother.

"That, is April. I don't see why she's even here, since she did nothing wrong." He informed, glancing at the human girl with a mildly confused expression.
"I came to help bring you back Donnie. To show that I care about you." She stated, frowning and releasing Leo before walking up to the bars. "I didn't want to just let these idiots try apologizing without helping to clear some things up."
"Clear what up?" He asked, genuinely curious. "I'm. . Not sure what there is to clear up. From what I know, you all joking about kicking me off the team, ignoring me when I talk or tuning me out, or complaining when I do something, was a pretty clear indicator that you all wanted me gone."
"No, no 'Tello that's- that's not at all what we intended— You weren't supposed to think- It wasn't supposed to—" He stammered, unsure of how to word what he was trying to convey.

"Tell me what I'm supposed to think, then, Leo." He narrowed his eyes, attention directing to the blue clad. "You of all the siblings should tell me that. I'm very excited to hear what you have to say." He spat with a bit more malice than intended. Whatever, he was getting frustrated. He felt bad for not telling Frida anything about what happened, but he didn't think he would have to. Maybe he could clear things up when they all leave.
"No that's not what I—" The slider sighed, gripping the bars out of stress. Geeze, why did apologizing have to be so difficult? Why couldn't he find the right words? Everything he tried saying ended up coming out wrong, no matter how he worded it. It was even worse because he was sorry, and he was trying to make it up. He didn't want to lose his only twin permanently. He didn't want to leave him thinking that he was tired of him. He was the exact opposite. He could never be tired of him, he was always excited to be able to hang out with him when he wasn't holed up in his lab constantly, always working on things benefiting the lair or requests from the family members. He didn't want to tune him out whenever he talked or anything, and it was unintentional most of the time when it happened. He just couldn't process all of the long, complicated words or most of the information he was being told, so half of it just tended to fly right over his head.

"Listen. . . I know if anyone should be apologizing for all of this, it should be me and dad. I'm trying to apologize, but I just can't seem to find the right wording! I promise you that I don't hate you. It's the exact opposite of hate! Sure I joke about kicking you off the team but I thought you knew it was a joke! And I try to listen to your rambles, but I just can't understand them most of the time, so my dumb dumb brain just processes incoherent white noise." He frowned, looking up at the latter apologetically.

Donnie thought about it for a moment, before sighing softly and nodding in understanding. The slider took it as a win, smiling brightly as hope swelled in his chest. Yes! He was finally getting to Donnie. Finally he knew that he didn't hate him! This is great!

"And what about you, papa?" He turned his attention to the rat again, crossing his arms. "What's your reasoning?"
"M- my son, I assure you, I only came here to bring you home. I am fully intent on apologizing once you tell me what it is I have done wrong, I promise. I will improve a—"
"You should already know what you've done wrong. If anything, you shouldn't be apologizing to me. I think it should be someone else that's with you, that you should apologize to." He scowled, turning and storming out. Frida had followed after, resting an armoured hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort.

"W- wait, Donnie!" Leo called, reaching out and watching him leave, helpless. Damnit! Their one chance to try and get him to see reasoning, and it failed!


Raph sighed, watching the purple clad leave and turning to Mikey, who sat against the wall with his knees to his chest. He looked like he was rolling a rock in his hands as he rested his head on his knees. "Hey, Mike. Seems like something is on your mind. What is it?" He sat beside him, frowning and curling his tail beside him.
The younger turtle turned to the snapper, his watery eyes now clearly visible in the dim lights of the dungeons. "What if- what if she makes us fight Donnie. . ?" He asked slowly. "What if Donnie wants to fight us?"
"Oh, Mikey. . I doubt that'll happen—"
"Or, what if Donnie requests to fight dad for the official champion spot—?" He added, unintentionally interrupting the elder.
"That won't happen, bud. Why would he do that?" Raph questioned, resting a hand on his back.
"Because he doesn't like it back home. . . And he's mad at dad. He's basically disowned him for his new mom, I mean you heard Big Mama! She literally calls him her so—"

"Don't you dare say that word, Mikey." Leo suddenly growled, gaining everyone's attention and prompting a small frown from the elder siblings. "You know she doesn't mean it when she does. And she had barely had him for a month! Or- or was it two? I lost count, but still! He is dad's son! Not that crazy, bitchy arachnid's!" He snapped, before noticing how everyone—including Splinter—was staring at him with mixed expressions.

"What? Why is everyone looking at me?" He asked, his tone ever so slightly calmer.

"You- it's just—" Raph couldn't find a correct way to say it without sounding judging. "You're becoming different, Leo. Like a switch between your normal self and— whatever just happened." He decided.
"Yeah, well I'm not too thrilled with my brother being out in that death arena with a large crowd constantly watching over him while he gets hurt. I saw that screen earlier, that lobster was almost twice his height. And they were both tiring out. That thing could have very well gotten a lucky blow to the head and he would have been done for." Leo replied matter-of-factly, scowling.

"While you are right, maybe you shouldn't snap at Mikey. It isn't his fault that Donnie chose this life." April sighed, placing a hand on the slider's shoulder.
"Y- yeah. . I guess you're right— sorry Mikey." Leo sighed, frowning and rubbing his arm awkwardly.
Mikey went to respond, but was suddenly interrupted by loud footsteps coming towards their cell. They all turned to the bars, confused. Had Donnie decided to come back? Surely not, he seemed really pissed when he left—
An owl yokai stopped in front of their cell, turning to them with a grunt and gesturing to someone behind him, then to the cell. Another, much smaller goat-like yokai appeared from behind the bird-man and cleared his throat.

"Lou Jitsu? Is there a Lou Jitsu here?" The smaller yokai questioned, glancing between them all. To him, none of them looked like that would be their name. Maybe the blue one, but none of the others. Was that a human?
"Here, yes." Splinter sighed, waving and walking over to the bars.
"You have a battle in twenty, you better ready yourself." They stated, looking down at the one person he least assumed would have that name.
"Wh- but what about us?" Raph spoke up, confused. "When'll we go?"

The smaller yokai turned his attention to him, humming. "You all will be spectating, as per request of Big Mama and the champion. It's optional, though. You all may leave and return to your home if you so wish."
"What?!" They all exclaimed, looking between each other confusedly.
"That is just what I was informed. Good day." The goat man nodded and left, the owlish man following behind with a grunt.

"So, Donnie wanted us to watch. . ?" Mikey frowned. "I was right. . He did want to fight dad for the champion spot!"

While the others had been talking amongst themselves, panicking about what they would do and if there was a plan they could use, Splinter merely turned away, sitting in the far corner and sighing. "Oh. . . My poor son, what have I done to upset you so. . . ?" He muttered somberly, shaking his head and directing a downcast gaze at the ground.


Time went by about as fast as a snail. It felt like an eternity before the 10 minutes were up, and even longer when he waited in his starting cell. The rat really hoped the others could talk some sense into Donnie, he didn't want to fight his son for a stupid role. No matter how much Donnie wanted him to fight. It didn't matter if the softshell decided to not hold back, or if they had done something new with the arena, or even if Big Mama would play the cheating card as per usual. He wouldn't fight his own son.

His thoughts were interrupted as the quiet screeching of the cell door lifting had snapped him into reality. He sucked in a breath, swallowing thickly and walking out after letting out a shaky exhale. Alright, Yoshi. . You can do this.

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