|| Work Alone || Tommy Shelby...

By FanFictionWrite_r

2.8K 71 3

A woman of business. She left London looking for where she could stay low for some time and luckily she had f... More

Chapter 1 Season 1
Chapter 2 Season 1
Chapter 3 Season 1
Chapter 4 Season 1
Chapter 5 Season 1
Chapter 6 Season 1
Chapter 2 Season 2
Chapter 3 Season 2
Chapter 4 Season 2
Chapter 5 Season 2
Chapter 6 Season 2
Chapter 1 Season 3
Chapter 2 Season 3
Chapter 3 Season 3

Chapter 1 Season 2

171 4 0
By FanFictionWrite_r

Two years go by and you and Thomas have legally placed your businesses together. Agreeing to stay together as business partners, side by side. And you are now classified as an official Peaky Blinder.

Although a part of you still believed in working alone, Thomas changed most of you. Having someone loyal and trustworthy working by your side feels nice. It can be annoying at times when you don't agree on something or they do something to annoy you but at the end of the day, they chose to stay by you. You and Thomas still sleep together in that same singles bed, barely anything has changed apart from Polly and the rest of the Shelby's see you as Family. Though, Thomas always has a glow in his eyes when he looks at you. He sees you as something else...something he regretted not doing two years ago.

Standing beside Thomas who was wearing all black like you. Your back straight, the rest of the Peaky Blinders behind you and a Priest in front of you, for Freddie Thorne's funeral. You kept a blanc face as you stared down at the coffin

"...give him peace. Amen." The priest finishes as Thomas walks in front of everyone. You notice Freddie's family on the other side of the Peaky Blinders

"I promised my friend, Freddy Thorne, that I'd say a few words over his grave if he should pass before me. I made this promise before he became my brother-in-law, when we were in France, fighting for the king." Thomas shared his words

"Amen." Arthur interrupts

"And in the end, it wasn't war that took Freddy. Pestilence took him. But Freddy passed on his soul and his spirit. To the new generation, before he was cruelly taken." Thomas speeches. After the funeral, you, Thomas and Ada are walking together. You and Thomas with a cigarette in hand.

"We thought now Freddy's gone, you might come back to Birmingham." You start off a conversation

"God, do you know how funny it is that you've got chauffeurs in your uniform?" Ada scoffs

"It's just the occasion, Ada." You sigh

"Do you know how unfair it is you've your four Bugattis when half the countries starving?" Ada pushes

"So now they've made you ashamed of us, eh?" You question toking on your cigarette and stopping to turn to Ada, she does the same. Thomas stops beside you.

"When I think how I used to be, it makes me embarrassed." Ada spits out

"Karl's with his cousins. I caught them trying to punch flowers off the grave. Ada. Are you coming home?" Polly chuckles as she holds Ada's shoulders

"I'm going home." Ada states as you push yourself onto your tip-toes then back down onto your feet.

"It's alright, Pol. We make Ada embarrassed." You hum

"That's not what I said." Ada denies

"There's another reason we want you home. We're planning an expansion. I'm taking premises in London." Thomas starts to explain

"Thomas, Y/n, it's a funeral, business can wait." Polly sighs

"Polly, if Ada was weeping then we'd stop. But she's not." You state

"The expansion means it'll be dangerous to be a Shelby in London for a while." Thomas warns

"Yeah. Well, I'm not a Shelby anymore. And I'm not a Thorne now either. I'm free. I've got to get Karl home." Ada waves off as she walks away in a hurry while you and Thomas look at the ground.

"I told you, let me do it." Polly grumbles

"It's alright, we'll have some men watch her house till the danger passes." Thomas reassures as some man in a bike starts talking to Arthur.

"'Till the danger passes.'" Polly repeats as you and Thomas walk up to Arthur

You and Thomas hop in the car with your jaw clenched. Heading down to the Garrison's you see the place completely ruined. The pub had been destroyed. Windows and the door completely destroyed. You all get out the car and slowly walk up to it. A chain blocking you from entering. The police officer lifts it up for you, Polly and Thomas

"It happened at exactly 7:00am. Nobody saw anything out patrols were not in the area. Mr. Shelby, Ms. L/n, do you have any idea who might have done it?" The police officer questions

"I'd say it was something to do with the gas. It's just been fitted." Thomas states as he passes the officer a note

"Madam, the structure is not yet declared safe. Madam!" The police officer warns as Polly enters the pub and picks up something green then turning around

"This is all over the place. Confetti." Polly informs as she passes you the piece of green confetti. You hear someone breathing closely beside you and look up at the police officer

"You can go." You dismiss

"Right." He complies walking off

"Who? Who did this to us?" Polly demands an answer

You and Thomas walk to a an Irish bar and walk down the stairs slowly. A blanc emotion playing on your face as you walked beside Thomas. A cigarette in hand as you blew out the smoke coming down the stairs. Everyone's heads turning to you and Thomas. You walk over to the bar with Thomas.

"Two whiskeys, Irish." Thomas orders as the man pours your drinks. You and Thomas put money on the table but he pushes it back

"I heard there was a bit of a bang in yours two part of town." The bartender starts

"Gas and eletric don't mix. Who would have thought they would?" You rhetorically question taking a swig from your drink.

How's business otherwise, Ms. L/n and Mr. Shelby?" The bartender questions

"You know something? In these times of hunger and hardship, business is surprisingly good." Thomas answers for you as you turn to the stairs to see a kid

"Which one of yous is the Peaky Blinder Devils?" The boy questions

"That's us." You wave off walking away

"Gentlemen." Thomas waves off as you both follow the boy through very smokey streets. The boy carried on running away as you sign and continue to speed walk. You get inside a building and two men grab you. Another two grabbing Thomas. You groan quietly as they remove your coat from you and weapons. They then put a bag on your head and guide you up some stairs one on each arm. They guide you into a chair that was placed next to the chair Thomas gets placed in and remove the bag then exit the room. You look at the male and female in front of you.

"Y/n L/n. Thomas Shelby." The woman starts off

"You blew up our pub." You hum leaning back in your chair

"Anger defeats fear. Good." She mumbles as you let a deathly small smile appear on your face

"You blew up our pub." You repeat

"Y/n has a reputation to uphold." The woman says to the man

"A reputation for not being scared of anything." The man teases looking at you dead in the eye as you don't break eye contact

"In all the world, violent men and woman are the easiest to deal with." The woman informs as you nod your head slowly

"So tell me, which brand of rebel are you, eh? I read somewhere that you paddies started fighting amongst yourselves now. The King offers you a peace treaty and you start a war about it. That's funny, don't you think? A war about peace. So are you for the treaty or against the treaty? Forgive us, we get confused." This time it was your turn to tease as the man stands up while sliding his gun closer to you.

"You are one decision away from death and you will cause your business partner to die after you, Ms. L/n." The woman warns as you let a small smile display in your face

"So stop fucking smiling." The man orders

"Your name is Irene O'Donell. You have a sim at the Cherry Wood Road School in Harbone. He has irons on his legs. His name is Sean. He comes last every race, poor boy. Poor boy if the race was important. Do you know what I mean, Irene O'Donell?" You question looking at her dead in the eye. You hear a gun cock and cold metal press at your temple, knowing the gun is being pointed at your head

"There are other ways to carry out this mission. Allow me to put a bullet in these scum tinker's heads." The man spits out as you stare at the curtain with no emotion displayed on your face.

"No. They research their enemies. That's why they've been chosen." The girl mumbles softly as you raise an eyebrow and a cocky smirk

"I am chosen? I am chosen. Can the chosen one smoke?" You tease as you look over to him with a playful smirk. He pushes your head with the gun and stops pointing it at you. You go into your pocket for a pack of cigarettes. You pull one out and light it as the woman starts talking again

"A vacancy has appeared and you are going to fill it." The woman demands as you furrow your brows and look at her

"Chosen by who?" You question

"By an informed consensus." The woman answers vaguely

"We have things to do. So perhaps you could tell the chosen one what he and she has been chosen for." You tease more toking your cigarette.

"From now on, Ms. L/n and Mr. Shelby, you shut your fucking Gypsies mouths and listen to your instructions." She snaps out as you remain quiet with a small smile on your face still.

You and Thomas exit the room and you grab your weapons putting them on you and then putting your coat on yourself. Your jaw clenched as you put in your coat. You look at Thomas struggling to put his coat back on.

"Fuck!" Thomas yells as he throws his coat to the floor and starts throwing wooden boxes around. He breathed heavily to calm himself down and looks at his coat putting it back on again. Then grabbing his hat. You walk over to Thomas putting your hand on his shoulder.

"I'll get this sorted." You whisper to him as he snaps his head to you.

"We'll get this sorted. Come on." You he states as he walks off. You following behind him. You enter his room with his and yours desk. He goes on the phone to call up the officer you spoke to before to meet him.

Nightfalls and you and Thomas are at the garage waiting for the officer to show up so that Thomas can have a word with him to tell him what Thomas and you need. You lean on the box smoking a cigarette while listening

"I need the area around the co-operative stables clear of coppers between midnight and 4:00 tonight." Thomas orders

"Right. Can I ask why? Well, whatever it is you're going to do, don't start any fires. The fireman go out on strike at midnight." The officer warns as Thomas gives him the money

"That's all you can go." Thomas ignores his question

"I've got some information you might be interested in. No charge. An old friend of ours coming back to the city. Just passing through, he says. He's very grand these days. He's head of some secret department. The Irish desk. So, I doubt he'll be bothering the likes of us, eh? I'll say goodnight, Tom and Y/n." As he walks off leaving you and Thomas to stare at the wall in front of you.

Thomas and you call a family meeting. Finn is pacing back and fourth as he waits for Thomas and you. You walk in with Thomas to see people already discussing something. Polly steps back for you two

"I'm told only family are allowed to speak." Esme grumbles

"Everybody's allowed to speak. On your feet, Esme. Let's hear what you have to say." You encourage

"I speak for our household." John states

"John. This company is a modern enterprise and believes in equal rights for women. On your feet, Esme. Like Y/n said." Thomas argues as Esme stands up

"I'm not a bloody member of this family. But perhaps because I am not a member I can see things in a different light. So I will get to my point." Esme starts

"That would be nice." Polly mutters

"As my husband said, Shelby Company Limited is now very successful. But London...I have kin in Shepherd's Bush and Portobello. It's more like wars between armies down there. And the coppers fight side by side with them. And there are foreigners of every description. And the use of bombs is the least of it. I have a child. Blessed with the Shelby family good looks. I want John to see him grow up. I want us to someday live somewhere with fresh air and trees. And keep chickens or something. But London is just smoke and trouble, Y/n and Thomas." Esme warns

"'Thomas'?" Polly questions

"That's all I have to say." Esme finishes

"That was a lot of words. A lot of words. Wash them down with a nice drink." Arthur offers as he passes you and Thomas a glass

"Thank you, Esme." You appreciate as you finish your glass and place it down on the table, same as Thomas.

"Firstly, the bang in the pub had nothing to do with London. Understood? The bang is something us two are dealing with on our own. Secondly, we have nothing to fear from the business expansion so as long as we stick together. After the first few weeks, nine-tenths of what we do in London will be legal. The other tenth is in good hands. Isn't that right, Arthur?" Thomas starts to explain

"That's right." Arthur confirms.

"Some of you have expressed your reservations. Fair enough. Any of you who want no part in the future of this company, walk out the door. Right now. Go and raise your chickens. But those of you with ambition? The expansion process begins tomorrow." You warn as you walk off, Thomas and Polly following behind you. Thomas entering a room with bars then you then Polly. You put in the SAFE's code as Polly talks

"Tomorrow? I'm company treasurer. You should speak to me first. It's Newmarket tomorrow. Third busiest day of the year." Polly informs

"We have 18 staff." Thomas mutters looking at your hand

"Who you trust with 200-quid takings? And I changed the combination. So, what's going on, Y/n and Thomas? Who did you meet at the Black Lion?" Polly questions as you attempt to open the safe but the combination failed and the door stayed locked. You lean on the safe as you let out a breath of annoyance.

"Give me the combination, Polly. Polly. Give me the combination. What happened to the pub is Irish business. In this situation, for everyone's safety it's best if some things remain undisclosed." You finally give in after coming to the front of the desk.

"So why tomorrow?" Polly questions as Thomas walks up behind you. Your shoulder touching his chest since he is that close, his breath on your ear when he breathes out his mouth.

"Like you said, tomorrow is Newmarket. All the London bosses will be at the races." Thomas explains, his breath tickling your ear

"So you just roll up and take the city?" Polly questions

"No. We take the opportunity to show our hand. The Italian gangs and the Jewish gangs have been at war in London for 6 months." Thomas exclaims

"It's not our war." Polly sighs

"The Jews need allies." Thomas pushes

"Yeah, but we don't." Polly mumbles

"We need a foothold. At the Southern end of the Grand Union. The Jews control Camden Town." Thomas finishes explaining. He exhales loudly as you wait for an answer for Polly.

"Your mother said, 'it's his cleverness that'll kill him' and that goes for you as well, Y/n." Polly points at you

"No one gets killed, Polly. We go down tomorrow when it's quiet and we leave our message. If Alfie Solomons and his Camden boys come to us, we'll negotiate the use of a secure bonded warehouse. Our legal activities in London can begin. Now, please, open the fucking safe." You explain as you point to the safe. Without a word Polly goes over to the safe to open it.

"Do you know it was a fine speech you made in there, about this company believing in equal rights for women. But when it comes to it, you don't listen to a word we say unless it's Y/n. Maybe you don't trust us. She was one woman, Thomas. And he was one man, Y/n. Maybe it's time you two forget about them both." Polly turns around to you as you light yourself a cigarette and shake the lighter

"Forget about who?" You question wanting to change subject. Polly just sighs and continue to do the combination for the sage and opening it. Thomas walks over to the safe to grab what's inside

"You two and the boys go and get yourselves killed." Polly hums as you and Thomas leave the room.

Thomas goes to his office and you stand outside of the building smoking and leaning on a wall. You see a woman come in and a woman come out of the building. You could only imagine what Thomas was doing right now. Sleeping with the whores of the place. You shake your head in disappointment but continue to smoke.

Night falls and you meet up with Thomas once more. You stand behind a wooden fence smoking a cigarette you both decided to share as you have ran out and Thomas couldn't be bothered to light a second one for you so decided to smoke the same one. Silence falls on the both of you but it was a comfortable and quiet silence. You watched as a man crafted something on his anvil. A hammer in hand and sparks coming onto the floor. You glared at the sparks.

You watched the man place the weapon he was crafting into cool water to calm it down. He then starts to walk away as your eyes follow him. He walks to other people in the workplace to grab a drink, your eyes not coming off him as you smoke the cigarette Thomas gives you. The boys leave the man and you and Thomas take the opportunity to approach him. He spots you both and stops in his tracks

"Amen, Duggan." Thomas mutters raising his gun and pressing down on the trigger shooting Duggan directly in the head. You showed no emotion towards the death as you and Thomas exit the crime that had just been made.

The morning comes along and you Thomas sit in a car. Him driving as you see Arthur in the distance. You throw the remains of your cigarette onto the floor. You got a couple of new box's from Thomas for a small price luckily this morning. He stops beside Arthur. Thomas gets out the car but before you could open the door, Thomas opens the door for you and allows you to get out. You nod as a thank you as you exit the car. He closes the door once you're out as Arthur smirks.

"John!" Thomas shouts

"I'm coming!" John shouts back as you snicker. Thomas looks towards Arthur as Arthur swigs from his flask. Arthur notices his stare as he stops drinking and puts the lid back on.

"7:00, 12:00, 10:00 if I'm still sober. I got it from the doctor. Keeps me nice and calm." Arthur informs as Thomas grabs the flask and passes you his cigarette so he can open it and smell what's inside.

"Same thing they gave us in the trenches to stop us fucking wanking." Thomas states as you rub your face with your hand.

"Polly said it's good for me temper. It slows me down." Arthur explains

"Arthur, there are some things Polly doesn't understand. We need you fast. Not slow, eh?" Thomas grumbles as he pours it all out and throws the bottle as the house door opens

"She wouldn't let go of my fucking leg." John complains going out

"I bet that's not all she wouldn't let go of." Arthur jokes as Thomas opens the door for you again

"Enough." You groan entering the car. Thomas slams the door to your side and gets in on his side

"You know shes against this, Tom and Y/n. Shes got opinions." John continues to complain

"Nothing wrong with opinions, John. Just think how Y/n got here without hers." Thomas points out

"I just make my opinions rememberable." You state grinning towards Arthur as you pass back the cigarette to Thomas.

"Get in the fucking car." Arthur orders

"Shut up!" John yells as he gets in the back. Arthur gets in your seat but sits on the door making you having to scoot closer to Thomas who looks towards you and grabs your waist pulling you closer so you have room for yourself.

"Right! The Peaky Blinders are going on fucking holiday!" Arthur screams out

"Sit down, you mad bastard." John pulls down Arthur as they both laugh. You lighting your own cigarette as you are being squished against Thomas. You, Thomas, Arthur and John go the country side near the river.

"Look at this. Look. I love it. Your Esme was right about one thing. You can't beat the countryside. You know, I think I want to live in the country one day. And keep chickens. Yeah." Arthur starts to ramble as you sigh and walk to the car throwing your cigarette. John and Thomas following behind

"We will see you in London, Arthur." John shouts to him as you pull off a sheet to reveal the dead body inside and 4 shovels. You pass everyone a shovel as Arthur's and John's face drop

"For fuck sake!" John grits out

"Take this. We need to bury him." You mumble giving a shovel to John then to Arthur then Thomas then taking your own.

"Who the fuck is that?" John questions

"It's Irish business. I thought it best if we dealt with it on our own." Thomas explains

"Come on." You rush

"We did 1,000 of these in France. John, grab his head." Thomas orders

"So we're not really going to London." John grumbles

"Once we bury him, then the holiday begins." You inform as you start.

After a long day of burying him, Thomas allows you drive the rest of way to London. You make it to London at night and get out the car. The streets covered in smoke and the street not very pleasant to walk. Though, you use to do all sorts here so you were use to this. You remember everywhere in London. Including the street you are currently walking on. People are still wanting you dead, and your little sister is still here in London. With her foster family. So many memories here in such short time...it is a risk coming back to London but staying by Thomas, you felt safe. You enter a building after giving money to the man.

"It is a fucking freak show. What the fuck is that racket?" Arthur comments seeing a man sniff and two other men kissing. The place is just somewhere to get laid is what it seems like. You enter where people are dancing and messing around. Thomas stays directly in front of you so he can push people out the way. You get to where the tables are.

"This is what they call music these days." You shout over the music

"Music?" Arthur complains as Thomas goes up to a man who was making out with a girl on his lap

"Oi. Oi! Put it away." Thomas orders

"Fuck off!" Arthur yells as they both leave. You all sit down as John smiles

"Look at this spot, eh? It's alright, isn't it?" John chuckles

"Irish whiskey. Bottle." Thomas yells

"And hurry up!" Arthur barks orders as you look around the place with a blanc face

"Fucking hell, I recognise a few of these lads." John mumbles

"Sabini's cousin over there." Arthur points out as you see the man glaring at you and Thomas

"That's right, this is Sabini's club." You inform

"Jesus Christ! Everybody here is a fucking face." John grits out

"Just the lieutenants, John. No sign of the officers." You reassure

"Let's line them up. Holiday." John mutters as he pours drinks. A few come up behind Arthur and John

"Gentlemen and M'lady, there's been a mistake. You're gonna have to leave." The man states

"We just bought a fucking bottle." John complains

"Some here recognise you from the racetracks in the north. And you've had business here before, M'lady." The man points out as he glares at you, you glaring back

"Yeah, we get that a lot." Arthur chuckles

"They say you have no business coming south of the line without prior agreement." The man continues to try get you to leave

"And what line would that be, my friend?" You question

"They say this is provocation." He warns

"Right, well, you tell them we're on holiday." You hum taking a sip from your drink

"You're breaking the rules. They say you are the Peaky Blinders." The man states as someone smashes a bottle

"Peaky scum!" The person who threw the object yells. Thomas stands up banging his fists on the table and starts punching people. The waiter looks at you as you grin and put your drink in the air before sitting back and finishing it. The place turns into a fighting zone. You light yourself a cigarette as everyone fights all around you. A shotgun was heard and you turn your head to see the man pointing the shotgun directly at your sitting figure. Everyone stops and looks at the man with the shotgun then at you, the person he was pointing it too.

"Get out." He orders directly as you blow the smoke from your lips and push yourself up and slowly start walking up to the man then stopping at a distance.

"Yeah? Yeah? Are you going to use that? Didn't think so. We came here not to make enemies. No. We came here to make new friends. Those of you who are last will soon be first. And those who are downtrodden will rise up. Yup. You know where to find us." You speech as you walk up closer to the man with the shotgun. He didn't say anything and trembled. You walked back up to where the dance floor was. Everyone looking at you as you have the Irish whiskey bottle in your hand. After you are done talking you exit the building. The Shelby brothers following behind.

"I think I lost a tooth. I'll have none left at this rate. Some fucking holiday this is." Arthur complains as Thomas pushes his shoulder

"You alright without your fucking medicine now, Arthur? Here. This'll fix you." Thomas pushes on as he grabs the bottle off you and passes it to Arthur as John only laughs

"Give me that." Arthur grumbles

"You John boy, eh? How are you? Or should I ask your fucking wife?" Thomas questions

"Give over!" John laughs

"No more talk of chickens, you hear me?" Thomas declares as John laughs

"Fuck the chickens." Arthur spits

"I have 50 quid in my pocket. Let's paint the town, eh?" You hum as John imitates a chicken loudly

You are now back in Birmingham. You and Thomas walk around at the night this time surprisingly without a cigarette. Thomas had his arm flung around your shoulder as you both talked about all sorts. He walks into a building as you wait outside. Not too long later Thomas comes out with a cigarette. He grabs your hand and you both continue to walk the streets hand in hand. Weirdly enough, both having a smile displayed on your faces. You both entered yours and Thomas's office seeing Polly with an annoyed face making yours and Thomas's face drop and let go of each other.

"Newmarket was profitable." Thomas announces

"Arthur told me how you two left both your message. When I asked him where his medicine was, he said you poured it away." Polly snaps coming over to Thomas who pours you a drink and passes it to you. You nod your head as he goes back to pouring.

"All I poured away was opium and bromide." Thomas hums and walks to you as you walk over to your desk sitting in your chair

"That's how it works in London, isn't it? Every boss has to have a mad dog at there side? Somebody who can't be predicted, mad in the head. But Thomas Shelby uses his own brother." Polly shouts at Thomas

"Stop fucking fighting me!" Thomas yells

"Somebody has to! That arrived an hour ago. There is no name on it but it came from Camden Town. I was going to burn it. I should have. Well done, Tommy and Y/n. You picked a side. Now you're at war with Sabini and this is the second time for you Y/n being at war with them." Polly states as she puts a letter on Thomas's desk. You stand up and walk over reading the letter over his shoulder. Polly leaves as you finish your drink.

Let's burn bread together.

Thomas leaves before you and you carry on looking at papers. Finishing your drink you put on your coat and exit the building, locking the door behind you. The rain pouring down as you walked through the almost empty streets at night. Turning a corner a gun was aimed directly at your head catching you by surprise as you put your hands up.

You grab his arm snapping it the other way and kneeing him in the stomach as you push him into the wall. Another man grabs you but you push him off and punch him in the jaw. Two men slide their arms under your own and hold you up as you push them back into a wall.

You earn a blow to the stomach making you groan out in pain as you slide your arms away and attempt to run from the group of lads that have attempted to jump you. They grab onto your coat making sure you can't run so you decide to turn around and slam a punch to the jaw of one of men. You try wiggle your way out of the group as they struggle to keep you still

"Fucking hold her!" One of the men demand. The group manage to get hold of you apart from one man who swings a direct punch to the jaw making you snap your head to the side. Your breath heavy as another man who held onto you punches your side and making your leg bend slightly as you land on your knees.

Another man kicking you in the stomach making you turn up so you're facing the sky. They all start to beat, kick, punch you. Each second you felt a painful kick to the face. Your own blood covering your face. They stomped on you and beat you till you were covered in your own blood all over and barely conscious.

A man wraps his arms around your waist as two others grab your arms pulling you up right as your breath is heavy but slow. You look at the man in front of you through your eyelashes as you could barely move. Black spots surrounded your vision. As well as red spots, the blood that is dripping down your face goes into your eye making you wince slightly. The man grabs your hair pulling your head up fully

"Y/n L/n. I missed you in my club. I was at the races." A voice you very well recognise.

"Sabini." You murmur. As he grabs your jaw pulling you up to his level. You grit your teeth

"Don't say my name. Jesus. Franco. Take my name out of her mouth." He orders

A man with a knife grabs your collar as the men holding you hold your jaw open as you start to choke on your own blood as the knife enters your mouth, you start to choke a lot more as they cut looking for something in your mouth. You attempt to smack his hand away but fail. As he finds the golden tooth and starts cutting it out. He yanks it out of your mouth and passes it to Sabini. You earn a punch in the face one more time and a smack in the back of your head harshly as your head points to the floor. Blood spilling from all over your body. Another blow to your stomach making you groan loudly

"While you're there, dig for gold. Pay for the patrol. See how much I know about you? I even know what's in your fucking mouth. Look at me. Look at me. Look at me. You take up with the Jews. You think that's what London is all about. You can just come back, pick a side. You fucking clown. Now your life is finally over and the war we had ages ago has been declared. I win. My face is the last thing you will ever see on earth. Your mistake. You remember that when you get to hell. Finish her off." He orders as a gun is pressed against your forehead.

Before they could pull the trigger another gunshot was heard shooting one of the men. They all started to run as they dropped you on the cold, wet pavement. In an alley. You laid there losing consciousness. Blood covering your body as you stared up at the stars. You hear footsteps coming towards you and close your eyes.

"I suppose we should see if the bastard's still alive." You hear the inspectors voice as you felt another hand go onto your chest until you finally lose consciousness.

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