Miraculous Ladybug X fem Read...

By PrettyAngle786

1K 127 4

(Slow updates ☻ ) A girl named Mishaliya, she is half Chinese and Half American. What will happen when she w... More

〖 introducing 〗
" Prologue " pt 1
Prologue (pt.2)
chapter 1
Chapter 2
Author's note
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
memes # 01
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 ; Sixth scene

Chapter 13

14 2 1
By PrettyAngle786

The next day, Mishaliya woke up feeling refreshed and excited. She couldn't believe that she had actually transformed into Lady-mash and save chat noir and ladybug really fast. It was a surreal experience, and it only made her more eager to continue fighting for justice.

As she got ready for school, Mishaliya couldn't help but think about the events of the previous night. She wondered how Marinette and Adrian were doing, and if they had finally confessed their feelings for each other. She also couldn't shake off the feeling of Felix hugging her tightly, and how it had made Adrian seem jealous.

Arriving at school, Mishaliya noticed the excited buzz in the air. Apparently, there was going to be  Super hero Party in their collage.

Smiling Mishaliya, went to her locker, "hey sup girl " Alya popped as she put her arm around Mishaliya's shoulder.

"I'm good, " mishaliya said "well, why everyone are smiling so much today? "

"Ohhh, my girl... You don't know?!, " Alya said frowning.

Mishaliya smiled as she shook her head

"Ohh tonight, We're staying in the college bcz The superheros are coming!!! " Alya squeel.

Mishaliya choke on her smile.

"What?!! " Mishaliya shout.

"Ahh.... Les héros de... Ah... Paris ? Ou à l'étranger ? [ ahhh.... The heros from... Ah... Paris? Or abroad? ] " Mishaliya asked.

"Ohh girl, Ofc de  l'étranger, [ from abroad ] " alya said.

As mishaliya and Alya left the ball, moving towards their class.

"Ladybug told us that both Chat noir and Lady-mash and herself are not well so they are not coming tonight " Alya added as Mishaliya blew a kiss to Marinette  in her mind.

"Are we only gonna stay here tonight only? " Mishaliya asked.

"Nahh three days!!! " Alya squeels as Mishaliya jump in happiness.

"Oh god, we are only one to not to enter the class " Alya said as Mishaliya eyes widened as she look at the class.

Whole class was staring at them both along with the teacher.

"Hehe, sorry " Mishaliya said as she put her little bag in front of her face to hide her embarrassment as she fastly weak and sit beside Felix.

"So, should we start? " The teacher said as everyone nodded.

[ reminder : the abroad heroes means those heroes from Untied states ]

The period gets over.

Felix turn to Mishaliya "why we're you jumping? " He asked.

"Oh heh.. I was excited to see United heroes " Mishaliya said.

"Ohhhh" Felix let out the voice .

"Well class I got something to ask ya " Mishaliya said as she leaves her seat and go in front of the class and stand on the middle.

"Who wants to listen to Trash? " Chloé said as she herself only laugh.

"Was I supposed to laugh? " Mishaliya said as Chloe immediately stop laughing and everyone in the class giggled.

"So, Mishaliya please continue " Juleka said.

"So.... I was wondering whom are coming for the night stay tonight to till Next Monday as it's Three days stay over " Mishaliya said.

Everyone raised their hands except Adrian.

"Adrian you won't gonna come? " Mishaliya asked with sadness in her eyes.

"I... Think I can't " Adrian said smiling.

"Ah... Can you meet me at lunch break? " Mishaliya asked as Adrian nodded.

"So let's enjoy tonight guys!! " Mishaliya said as everyone cheered.

Time skip to lunch break.

Everyone leaves the class as Mishaliya stay for Adrian.

Mishaliya walk towards Adrian.

"Mishaliya," Adrian said as he stood up from his seat. "I'm sorry I won't be able to make it tonight. My father has some important business to attend to, and he needs me there."

Mishaliya's smile faded slightly, but she tried to hide her disappointment. "Oh, that's okay, Adrian. I understand. Duty calls, right?"

Adrian nodded, his eyes filled with a mixture of regret and longing. "I wish I could stay and spend time with everyone, especially you. But my father's expectations..."

Mishaliya reached out and touched his arm gently. "It's alright, Adrian. We'll have other chances to hang out. Just promise me you'll take care of yourself."

A small smile tugged at Adrian's lips. "Always, Mishaliya. And I promise, one day, we'll have our own superhero party together."

Mishaliya felt warmth spread through her heart at his words. "I'll hold you to that, Adrian. Now, let's enjoy our lunch together, just the two of us."

They found a quiet corner in the school courtyard, away from prying eyes. As they sat down, Mishaliya couldn't help but replay the events of last night in her mind. The way Felix had hugged her tightly, the look of jealousy on Adrian's face...

"Adrian, can I ask you something?" Mishaliya said hesitantly.

"Of course," Adrian replied, his eyes fixed on her.

"What happened last night between you and Felix?" Mishaliya asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Adrian sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's complicated, Mishaliya. Felix and I have a complicated history. We used to be friends, but things changed between us."

Mishaliya nodded, her eyes full of understanding. "I sensed the tension between you two. But why did he hug me so tightly? It seemed to bother you."

Adrian looked down at his food, a shadow crossing his face. "Felix is the kind of person who doesn't like to see others getting close to those he considers his. He's possessive, and it's caused a lot of problems between us."

Mishaliya frowned, her heart aching for Adrian. "I'm sorry, Adrian. I didn't mean to cause any trouble between you two."

Adrian reached out and squeezed her hand. "It's not your fault, Mishaliya. Felix has his own issues, and I can't let that affect our friendship. I care about you, and I don't want anything to come between us-"

Adrian was cut off by himself.

Adrian open his eyes

"Wth, I was dreaming? " Adrian whispered.

"Ahm, are you okay, Adrian? " Marinette asked as she gently out her hand above his hand.

Adrian breath heavily.

"Are you-" Marinette was cut off by Adrian break down.

"What happened Adrian?! " Marinette freaked out.

Chloe was about to run above Adrian but Felix stop her.

"What~ , he needs me~ " Chloe said in her chirpy voice.

"Not now Chloe " Felix said his icy glare on Chloe's soul.

Chloe Huff as she sits on her seat.

By now everyone made circle around the first bench.

"Everyone, on your seats now! " Mishaliya said in strict voice.

Everyone left from there except, Nino, Marinette and Alya.

Mishaliya hurriedly walk towards Adrian, as she forcedly grab his hand and squeeze it

'He's having panic attacks or anxiety attacks? ' mishaliya thought.

Marinette move out as she gesture Mishaliya to sit on her seat.

"Adrian...... What happened...? " Mishaliya asked in soothing voice

Adrian continue to sniff and cries.

"Adrian please tell me, look everyone are worried especially Marinette " Mishaliya said.

Just then Adrian hugs her.

Mishaliya was taken a back by his sudden action but hugs him back.

She creases his back.

"It's okay, don't forget I'm by your side forever yk right? . So please don't cry..... It's hurting me- I mean us. Pleased Adrian keep quite " Mishaliya said.

After 5 minutes Adrian was quite.

Mishaliya grab his hand as she walk out of the class along with him.

She walk towards the Hospital room.

She enters.

" Mademoiselle, l'état d'Adrian n'est pas bon, s'il vous plaît laissez-le se reposer [ miss, Adrian's condition is not good, please let him rest here ] " Mishaliya said.

The nurse nodded, walking towards the room. Mishaliya open the door and made Adrian lay on the bed.

"I'm going, and rest, no better sleep, and if you need me do call me, take care " mishaliya said.

Smiling she left the room after closing the lights.

To be continue -

10:43 pm

A/n : from tmr on, I'm not posting for at least 1 month? , bcz I have my mid terms and I have to get good marks and your author don't get good ameks easily she have to stay awake all night to learn one question.!!

Yes that's how, weak and lazy a$$ I am ♡♡♡♡♡

Words limit = 1338

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