Meet me by Lavender Valley

By Emmas_inkedpages

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When her mother unexpectedly passes away, Eloise Somerset leaves behind her job as a small-time baker, apartm... More

Author's note
Chapter 1 - To new beginnings
Chapter 2 - Old ties
Chapter 3 - Scammed
Chapter 4 - Pasta for two
Chapter 5 - Family
Chapter 6 - Stuck with you
Chapter 7 - Not the same as before
Chapter 8 - It's a date!
Chapter 9 - Not so subtle
Chapter 10 - Trouble
Chapter 11 - Cabin Getaway
Chapter 12 - Full house
Chapter 13 - The broken picture frame
Chapter 14 - Just another mystery
Chapter 16 - Time out
Chapter 17 - Girls night
Chapter 18 - Gone
Chapter 19 - Surprises and secrets
Chapter 20 - Found
Chapter 21 - Closer
Chapter 22 - Christmas delights
Epilogue - A scavenger hunt to forever
Sneak peek of what's next

Chapter 15 - Busted

170 17 19
By Emmas_inkedpages

I was just finishing my shift at the coffee shop when I got a very ominous text.

Unknown: I found something.

Me: Um, I think you have the wrong number pal.

Unknown: It's me, Easton.

Me: Oh hi. I'm assuming you found something about the picture frame I gave you?

Easton: Sort of. Just meet me at this address.

Okay, Mr. Ominous. Seriously couldn't he just give a hint as to what this was about? I was a way too curious person and I wasn't a particularly patient person either. I groaned impatiently.

"What's got you all worked up?" Lexi asked as he walked into the kitchen carrying some dirty plates.

Darn it. She couldn't know. I'm pretty sure she would never speak to me again if she found out I was working with her ex whatever they were.

"Oh, nothing. Just have to go do something real quick." I brushed her off. She frowned and I gave her a small smile in return. She eyed me suspiciously but decided to drop it.

"See you tomorrow!" I quickly grabbed my things and left the coffee shop. A chill of cold air hit me as I exited the coffee shop. We finally reached the time of the year when the nights got quite colder. I couldn't believe that it was almost Thanksgiving. My time in Evermount Springs has flown by so fast.

I then thought of Drew. I guess time flies when you're enjoying yourself and have things to look forward to, such as my first Thanksgiving with Drew's family. Drew's mother invited me a few days ago and I immediately accepted. I smiled at the thought that this was the first Thanksgiving that I'd be spending with a family. The same thought also made my smile drop when I realised that this would be the first Thanksgiving without my mother.

I took a deep breath and made my way to my car. The address Easton gave me wasn't too far from Lexi's coffee shop. I arrived at the address a few minutes later. I pulled to a stop in front of what looked like a small house. It was about half the size of Drew's house.

I walked to the front door and gave it a hesitant knock. I heard rustling from inside the house and a few moments later the door flew open.

"Come on in." Easton said as he held the door open for me. I nodded in thanks. He wasn't wearing his deputy uniform anymore, just a black t-shirt with jeans. Eaton led me to a small dining table that was filled with papers. I took a closer peek and saw that there were pictures from the robbery scenes and pictures of my father.

"What is all this?" I frowned as I picked up the photo of my father exiting a shop at the gas station. I recognized the gas station. It was the one just on the outskirts of town. I drove past it when I first arrived in Evermount Springs and just before my car had broken down.

"I don't understand." I looked at Easton with a frown.
Easton's steely blue eyes met mine.
"I think your father was involved with the robberies."

I sighed in response. "Are you sure?"

"I found his fingerprints on the photo." He pointed to the picture he took of the photo frame I gave him.

He let out a breath before continuing. "And I think your father is up to something."

My eyes widened as my brows rose. "What do you mean?"

"Eloise, he's been in town for a while now and I heard about your fallout at Drew's house. If he knew you didn't want anything to do with him why would he stick around? Something doesn't feel right." He frowned as he took in all the pictures again.

"I agree it does seem strange."

"Well to be safe I decided to stake out his house tonight just in case." He crossed his arms over his muscular chest. He had to have a military background with all those muscles and his good posture.

"Where does he live?"

His eyes narrowed. "I'm not telling you. I wouldn't want you to do anything rash and more importantly, Drew would kill me if you got hurt."

I sighed. "Fine."

"Can you at least let me know if you find anything?"

He nodded. "I'll keep you updated."

My phone buzzed and that's when I noticed that I got a text from Drew saying he'll be working late. It was already dark out so he probably had a lot of work.

An idea came to mind. "I better head home now. It's getting late." I grabbed my things and left Easton's house. Easton waved goodbye from the porch as I started my car.

I drove a few streets over and waited in the shadows. A few minutes later I heard the grumble of a car engine and Easton's car drove past me. He didn't see me. I let out a breath of relief. I waited a moment before starting my car and I tailed Easton. I wasn't sure if it was such a good idea tailing a cop but oh well. I needed to know if my father was up to something that involved me. I couldn't let him ruin my happiness just after I found it.

We drove out further away from his house and soon we were on the road that led to the outskirts of town. I took in the familiar scenery of the large oak trees on both sides of the road as my headlights shone faintly on the road. Easton was quite a bit ahead of me. I could only see the speckle of light of his car in the distance. It was better this way because then he wouldn't get too suspicious if he noticed a car in his rearview mirror.

We drove on for a few minutes before Easton pulled his car over at the side of the road. He had pulled his car over next to a sign that indicated the grounds were private property. Easton climbed out of his car and made his way into the woods surrounding the property.

I slowed my car down behind his once I saw him disappear into the woods. I climbed out of my car and silently locked it. I eyed the dark woods and sighed. Maybe this wasn't as good an idea as I thought, but I was already here so I might as well find out what my father was up to.

I took a deep breath and entered the woods. Here we go I guess.

I followed the direction I had seen Easton walking in and after a few moments, a small cabin came into view. The lights of the cabin were the only source of light in the woods. The light shone brightly. Someone was definitely home.

I dogged any twigs and small sticks on my way to the cabin. I tried to move as silently as a mouse. As I reached the house I took a small peek inside through one of the windows. Luckily for me, they hadn't closed the curtains yet. There were two other people in the cabin as well. Probably the other robbers. I tried to make out what they were saying, but I only heard bits and pieces of the conversation.

"-needs the money soon."

"I'm working on it."

"He doesn't like to wait."

I was so focused on their conversation that I didn't notice the presence behind me.

A hand clasped over my mouth as the person spun me around to face them. My body went rigid. I relaxed when I saw those familiar blue eyes and blond crop of hair.

Easton took his hand off his mouth and he took a small step back.

"Oh my, you scared me." I whispered as I laid one of my hands on my chest.

He gave me a hard stare. "What are you doing here?"

"Snooping, obviously."

"How did you even know where I was going?" He grunted as he narrowed his eyes.

"I may have followed you." I uttered as I cringed. Easton sighed as held his nose in between his fingers and closed his eyes. He blew out a breath and opened his eyes.

"Eloise, I'm only keeping you up to date because this case involves your father. Now you need to leave before you get us caught." He warned as he pointed in the direction of our cars.

"Okay, I'll leave." I huffed. I had just taken a step when something crunched under my foot. I slowly stared down at the leaves beneath my foot. Damn, fall leaves! The sound was surprisingly loud as it echoed through the woods.

Easton froze, looked at the cabin's door and then grabbed my arm."We have to go. Now."

I didn't argue as we ran further away from the cabin. I heard the cabin door swing open from behind us and stopped in my tracks. I turned around and saw my father standing in the doorway. He just stood there. The lights in the cabin illuminated his figure, but I wasn't staring at his figure, I was staring at the evil smirk on his face. His smile was enough to push my legs to move again. I didn't stop running till we reached our cars.

Easton blew out a breath when he noticed that we weren't being followed. "That's it. I'm telling Drew tonight. Maybe he can talk some sense into you."

"Wait, no please don't. He'll freak out."

"That's what I'm hoping for. Maybe then he'll make sure you stay out of potential danger."

Easton climbed into his car without another word. I sighed as I climbed into my car. Drew is going to be so mad when he finds out I kept this from him. Easton waited until I started my car before driving off.

I had a feeling that the night was going to get longer.


As I pulled up to Drew's house I felt as if my nerves were eating me alive. Easton's car already stood on the gravel driveway. The whole way to the house I couldn't stop thinking about Drew's reaction. Would he be angry? Scream at me? Or would he just brush it off? I doubted he would do the latter.

I heard yelling as soon as I entered the house. Drew and Easton stood in the kitchen screaming each other's heads off.

"Get out!" Drew yelled.

"Would you just slow down for one minute?! Not everything is about your sister!" Easton yelled back.

Drew clenched his teeth as he took a step closer to Easton. He looked as if he was going to punch him. I had to intervene before someone got hurt or worse, killed.

"Drew, don't." I said as I walked into the kitchen and laid my hand on Drew's arm. He frowned as his eyes flicked from mine to Easton's.

His eyes lit up as he saw me, but then narrowed as his eyes filled with confusion. "Wait, where were you? Were you with him?" His eyes moved to Easton, who wisely stayed quiet.

"Drew, I can explain."

Drew stepped away from Easton. Drew raised his brow and patiently waited for me to explain.

"I've had this feeling for a while now that my father is up to something. So I had Easton check for possible prints the robbers left and one matched my father."

I blew out a breath as I continued. "Then tonight I followed Easton to the place my father was staying. I tried to snoop around but we got caught. The weird thing was my father didn't even come after us he just stood there. It was horrible Drew. My father had this look on his face. He looked pure evil. He's definitely up to something."

A small vein pulsed in Drew's neck as he clenched his teeth.

"Relationships are built on trust and I'm hurt that you thought you couldn't trust me with this. Didn't you even once consider that I actually might try to help you with this and keep you safe at the same time?" His voice cracked.

"Instead you went to Easton, even though you knew what I thought about him." He had a pained look on his face which broke my heart.

"Drew, I-"

He held up his hands. "No, please I can't do this right now. I think I need some time to cool down."

Drew went upstairs. I followed him frantically and as I entered his room and saw that he was packing a duffel bag.

"Where are you going." My voice broke.

"I'm going to stay at my brother's place for a while just until I cool down. You can stay here in the meantime." He shoved a bunch of clothes into his black bag.

"Drew, I can't it's your home. It feels wrong." I wrapped my arms around my middle.

"It's our home. I just need some time. Can you just give it to me please?"

My heart sank. "Of course."

He gathered his bag and walked out the door. He didn't even look back.

A memory flashed into my mind of the day my father walked out on us. It all came crashing back. It was horrible. Tears started forming in my eyes.

Somehow the people closest to me always left me. First my father, then my mother and now Drew. Hot tears flowed down my cheeks.

I forced myself to take a deep breath. In and out.

No, this is nothing like that. I shouldn't jump to conclusions. Drew would come back.
He had to come back.

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