Stelena: Eternal Love (1)

By dobrevawesley

197K 4.2K 685

Stefan and Elena are meant to be together, to share the life they've always wanted. Stefan is a vampire meani... More

1- University
2- Camping Trip: Part 1
3- Camping Trip: Part 2
4- The News
5- The Ultrasound
6- Telling the Parents
7- The Date
8- Grades
9- The Surprise
10- Moving In
11- Baby Shopping
12- Half Term
13- Katherine
14- Congratulations: Part 1
15- Congratulations: Part 2
17- Progress
18- Back to University
19- Getting Answers: Part 1
20- Getting Answers: Part 2
21- Planning Stefan's Birthday
22- Stefan's Birthday
23- The Big Question: Part 1
24- The Big Question: Part 2
25- The Big Question: Part 3
26- Telling The Others
27- Engagement Party: Part 1
28- Engagement Party: Part 2
29- Epilogue

16- Home Sweet Home

5.8K 119 7
By dobrevawesley

One week later

Stefan's POV

Elena stayed in hospital with the baby for another week following Isabella's birth, and she was still on medication but she said she was feeling a lot better. Right now I was driving Elena home from hospital and Caroline was going to meet us back at our house to help get everything and everyone back inside. Elena fell asleep five minutes into the car ride, I could understand why since she had to feed Isabella six times last night, and she barely got any sleep. I stayed at the hospital with her throughout the entire week as I compelled the doctor to allow me to stay beyond visiting hours. I was so proud of Elena, she's done us all proud. Despite the fact that she's broken her leg, she's still managed to look after Isabella and be the best mother to her. I was pulled out of my thoughts as I noticed Caroline stood outside of the house, waving merrily at our approaching car. I pulled into the drive way, stopped the car and quietly got out.
She began to approach me. "Hey Care," I greeted her,
"Hey, how is she feeling?" She asked. We both looked towards Elena, who was still sleeping peacefully in the car.
"She's exhausted. We didn't get much sleep last night and her medication is wearing her out," I explained.
"Yeah, I thought she might be. Do you want me to bring Isabella inside?" She asked as she gestured at the door.
"Yeah that'll be great. I'll get Elena and then get all the bags from the car," I said as I quietly opened Elena's car door. Caroline unbuckled the car seat as I unstrapped Elena, so that I could carefully lift her out of the car and carry her. Once we got inside I carefully placed her down on the sofa and promptly left to get the bags. Everyone had bought us things for the baby whilst she was in hospital, so there were several bags to bring in. When they had all been deposited in the kitchen, I made my way back to the living room and noticed that Elena had started to stir. I looked over to Caroline, who was cradling Isabella in her arms and smiled at the two of them. As I sat down next to Elena her eyes started to flutter open; once she saw me, she gave a weak smile.
She slowly, with my help, moved herself into a sitting up position. "Hi," she whispered, her voice slightly raspy.
"Hi. How are you feeling?" I asked her, concerned.
"I'm okay. I'm tired but that's normal I guess." She gave a small laugh. I returned the gesture and laughed as well. I turned my attention to Caroline, who was now moving towards us to place Isabella in Elena's arm. I smiled down at her and lightly stroked her slightly pink cheek. Elena smiled up to me and placed a kiss on my cheek. We simply shared a love filled gaze.
"Elena, there's something I need to tell you," Caroline started. The sound of her voice broke us both out of our gaze. "Klaus told me to tell you that he's getting his revenge on Katherine for some unspoken history but he did say if you wanted to, when you're better, you can talk to her. She's locked up in his cellar and that Stefan can go with you," Caroline explained. I felt Elena's body tense next to mine and her face filled with worry. She let out a sigh and looked down at the Isabella. "I guess I should say something to her, she almost destroyed our family and I can't let her get away with that. Would you be okay to go with me, Stefan?" She asked, already had no need to since there was absolutely no way I was going to leave Katherine alone with her. I simply nodded my head and lightly kissed her temple. The tension released from her face as she shifted closer to me.
She smiled. "Thank you," she said and placed her head on my shoulder.
"I'll do anything for you, Elena," I said as I wrapped my arms around her.
"Right, I better go." She stood up and looked at the two of us. "I've got to go and meet Klaus. I'll see you later." She walked over and gave us both a hug, telling us both to call her if we needed anything. She kissed Isabella on the head before walking over to the door.
"Bye Caroline, thank you for the help," I called as she opened the door.
"Bye Care," Elena called as Caroline waved and left. Once she closed the door Elena turned to me and smiled softly.
"Can I talk to you about something?" She asked quietly. I immediately started to worry.
I took her free hand in mine. "What's wrong?"
"I've been meaning to tell you but I wanted to tell you when we were alone," she said. I slowly nodded my head as she continued.
"I wanted to talk to you about the night Katherine took me," she said.

Elena's POV

"I wanted to talk to you about the night Katherine took me," I said. I heard Stefan let out a soft sigh as he nodded his head, this topic obviously distressed him as much as it distressed me. I looked down at our entwined hands and knew that it was now or never. Isabella fell asleep in my arms so Stefan placed her back into the Moses basket and when he returned to my side he took both of my hands in his.
"Katherine came to the dorm at about three in the morning, although at first I didn't know it was her, if I had I obviously wouldn't have opened the door. When I did open the door she grabbed me and I think I blacked out. I know that you saw what happened at the field but I can't get out of my head how useless I was. These emotions have been building inside of me, and I just can't stop thinking about it all, it's like these feelings won't stop and I can't-." I felt a slight release of pressure from being able to let it all out, and I knew I couldn't handle these emotions all on my own. I wasn't able to continue because of the endless tears streaming down my cheeks, I felt like I couldn't catch my breath and was gasping for air. As soon as he noticed this he brought me into a tight, warm hug. He slightly rocked us from side to side, kissing my head, his hands rubbing my back comfortingly. "It's okay baby, it's okay." Once I had built up enough courage, I began to speak again.
"She almost destroyed our family Stefan, I can't let her get away with it. She broke my leg and made me useless, I couldn't protect myself let alone our baby. I mean, what kind of mother am I if I can't carry my child to her bedroom?" I cried harder, not even trying to stop the inevitable flow of tears. The tears continued falling with each passing second. Stefan pulled me into his chest once again as he wrapped his arms around me. We stayed like that for a while until his voice filled the silence.
"Elena, look at me." His hands cupped my face. "You are not useless. Yes, you need help with things but it's because you've broken your leg. We are both so proud of you, don't ever think that we're not. We love you so much and you're not well, and that's not your fault, we all need help at times. You are the best mother in the world and I love you so much, so much that I can't explain to you how much. And I know everything has been overwhelming and scary but I can promise you that I am going to be here every step of the way, through everything." He kissed my forehead, the light touch bringing my mind into focus. My breathing had slowed down and I gave a weak smile.
"I love you too," I said as he smiled in response. I felt so much better when I was with Stefan, he always knew how to make me smile. I put my hands on his cheeks as I brought his lips level with mine so that we could share a long passionate kiss, it felt so good to feel his lips on mine. We haven't been able to share moments like these for a week and I missed this more than I can explain. I've missed him.
"Why don't we go upstairs and watch a movie in bed with Isabella?" Stefan said in the kiss, his lips were still pressed up against mine. I smiled and nodded knowing that a day sat in bed, with the love of my life and my baby, watching films would be the best way to go. Stefan picked me up bridle style and carried me upstairs to our bedroom. He gently laid me on the bed and kissed my forehead.
"I'll be back in a minute," he said as he left to go and get Isabella. Moments passed before he came back into the room with Isabella, he walked over to her Moses basket, that was upstairs, and placed our beautiful, sleeping daughter inside.
"I'm going to go and put something more comfortable on," he said as he went into the drawers and went into our en suite bathroom. I laid my head back on the pillow waiting for him to finish. He came out about a minute later wearing grey jogging bottoms and a plain white t-shirt, he looked hot! He walked over to the TV and put a DVD into the player.
"What are we watching?" I asked as he got into bed.
"You'll see," he replied. I snuggled up closer to him under the covers whilst watching the TV. He wrapped his arms around me as we waited for the film to start. I was intently watching the pointless adverts until I heard the Frozen theme tune. My eyes widen in excitement and I looked up to see a smirking Stefan.
"Look at you, you've put my favourite film on. How'd you guess?" I asked playfully as he let out a light chuckle.
"Well being with someone for almost three years does mean that you learn a few things about them, like their favourite film," he said with a hint of sarcasm. I laughed a little before bringing my lips up towards his. We shared a long, sweet kiss.
"I love you," I said as we pulled out of the kiss.
"I love you too," he said as he smiled down to me. I turned back and watched the film, it was perfect. The whole day was spent watching films with the love of my life and our beautiful baby girl, I loved these moments.

AN: Hey guys! Hope you like it and think it's not going too slow. We're going to have a run in with Katherine and something big is going to happen in the book! You will all love it I promise!
P.S I'm planning ahead for the story so once this book is finished would you guys like it if I did a prequel or a sequel? Let me know!
-Chelsea x

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