Bioshock: Big Brother Re-told...

By Nockris_the_cant

446 32 1

Set 12 years after Bioshock: Little Brother Re-told story, follow the sons of Eleanor and Ryan as they get en... More

Chapter 1 The True Rapture Family:
Chapter 3 Guilt:
Chapter 4 Trouble:
Chapter 5 From bad to worse:
Chapter 6 Rapture:
Chapter 7 Big problem:
Chapter 8 And So My Journey Begins:
Chapter 9 Hell House:
Chapter 10: First Contact:
Chapter 11 Hidden:
Chapter 12 Second impact:
Chapter 13:Hidden Room:
Chapter 14 payback:
Chapter 15 So We Meet Again Mr. Andrew
Chapter 16 Fighting the original:
Chapter 17 Fight to the finish!
Chapter 18 The End Of The Beginning Of The End.

Chapter 2 Problem's:

46 2 0
By Nockris_the_cant

New york, 10:00pm:

The lights of the city shone bright...but in the little neighbourhood the Andrew's and their family lived was another story. It was dark at night, almost sinister.

Jacob was lying in his and Rodey's room, he could feel the cold of the wind, but it wasn't as cold as the argument his mom had with his dad. The shouting went on for hours, Jacob covered his ears and hid underneath his cover's begging that the argument would stop anytime soon. It did... three hours later.

The argument stopped, he heard his mothers footsteps, the lights click off. His dad was sleeping on the couch again, Jacob never went downstairs to check but he was sure of it. Sighing he tossed his blanket aside and got up from his bed.

Jacob and Rodey's room was pretty nice. It was painted a sea foam green, their furniture consisted of his bed and Rodey's bed, two nightstands for each of them, a toy box filled with toys, a desk with a lamp, shelves filled with nick nacks and books, pictures on the walls, dressers for their clothes, and finally their closet.

'I'm just glad I don't have to share my room with Sophie...' Jacob thought to himself. He truly loved his sister, but sometimes he wished he was an only child. his sister was always stealing the spotlight and attention of his parents. Whatever Jacob tries to do Sophie did it better and more grand than he did. It hurt, when his family only talked about his sister. Always things like, "Look what Sophie did, How cute. Aww isn't it nice what Sophie did. Look what Sophie can do." It was maddening.

To top it all off Jacob couldn't seem to find anything to outmatch his sister in to at least, even if it is just once get, some attention, or maybe even approval of his family. Even a little bit would satisfy his craving for attention. But that day never came to pass.

Maybe if he got hurt, hurt really badly, maybe that would attract his family's attention. They would stop whatever they were doing and spare every bit of time on him, ensuring everything he needs is taken care of. Shaking his head Jacob discarded the idea. He didn't need pity attention and Rodey would catch on and stop him. He sighed, trying to think of a different method. Sports maybe? He was always pretty good at gym class. His thoughts were interrupted by foot steps and squeaking.

"Huh?" he turned to see his brother holding one of his pet rats, the others were on his shoulders and head. Jacob smiled as Rodey stepped over to him, rats still napping on him.

"Can't sleep?" his brother asked.

"No... what about you?" Jacob replied, petting the rat in Rodey's hands.

"Me neither... you woke Mr.Cheddar up, and he woke me up" Jacob laughed and shook his head. Rodey's rats were always getting into trouble.

"Sorry." Jacob whispered.

"Wanna go see what i'm working on in the shed Jacob?" "what if dad catches us" "he will be already asleep you know that."

New york, 11:00am:

Today was the best day in the whole week, Saturday, which meant no school. Jacob planned the whole day out to be perfect, he was going to start off with a nice breakfast with his family. Then Grandpa Delta would come and they would watch the baseball game together. Afterwards they would have dessert and the boys would take him and Rodey to play baseball. Yep, that was going to be the perfect Saturday.

"Sorry we can't be here today, your sister's ballet recital is today." his mom told him as she applied a quick touch of lipstick on her lips. "But mom, you promised." He complained, his brother ran into the master bedroom's bathroom where his dad was busy shaving.

"Dad, you promised too" Rodey reasoned, after finishing his shave Ryan spoke, trying to reason with them both. "We know, but this suddenly came up. Maybe next Saturday."

"That's what you said last Saturday!" Jacob yelled. Ryan sighed, his sons were so stubborn sometimes. Getting out of the bathroom, making sure his clean white shirt and dark grey suit was clean, he walked over to Eleanor, she said nothing to him. She was still mad about the argument last night. Still, she looked radiant as ever to Ryan in her little black dress and rhinestone necklace.

Feeling that they weren't listening to him Rodey shouted "YOU LOVE SOPHIE MORE THAN US!" That ruined the moment. Both Ryan and Eleanor stared at Jacob, he could feel his face turn pink with embarrassment.

"Don't you raise your tone of voice to us, we're your parents." Eleanor scolded.

"But mom-" Rodey began but was cut off.

"Jacob, Rodey, I understand you're both going through a hard time. Growing up is hard, but you need to learn that the whole world doesn't revolve around you." Ryan tried to reason calmly.

"Yeah, because it obviously revolves around my sister. I'm not the sun, I'm just somewhere around Pluto apparently." Jacob muttered.

Taking a deep breath Eleanor said calmly, "Why don't you join us? Its your sister's big day, she's playing the lead role in Alice in Wonderland."

"I'd rather eat my socks." Jacob answered dryly.

"Why, so we can see you ignoring us with front row seats?" Rodey spat.

Ryan and Eleanor looked at each other before going downstairs, "Grandpa will be right over!" Jacob heard his mother shout, he could also hear a faint sob before the front door closed shut.

Jacob didn't care, he was far to angry. He wanted to do something to get rid of his anger. the absolute rage that had built inside of him over the last few weeks of frustration. Looking at his parents closet it hit him. His sister's photo, the one inside of his mothers photo album. That would be the subject that would help him get rid of his anger. Taking a quick look outside Jacob made sure his parents were gone before opening the closet.

It was a walk in closet, the top shelf was where his mother kept all the family photos. Inside of a little photo album, the problem was that it was on the top shelf where she kept her jewellery and shoes. His dad kept three hats, one was a work hat, the other a baseball hat, and the last one was a fancy tuxedo top hat.

Looking up Jacob wondered "How can I reach the album?" "how about i boost you up" "Bingo... maybe if we get lucky I can find where mom hid those Christmas presents." Jacob couldn't help but smirk at his brother's idea. He loved it when a plan came together so well. They walked into the closet with their plan set.

Once placed in the right spot, Jacob climbed onto Rodey before making his way up to where the album was, anybody would have thought that was dangerous. That a child could get seriously injured doing something like that. But Jacob and Rodey, as children do, didn't much care.

"Almost... got... it." Jacob muttered absently as he reached for it. The shelf broke under his weight, as he started to put most of his weight on it to keep himself up, and the small shelf holding the photo album and a round thing covered in cloth came down, the album landing on top of Jacob's head as he crashed down on the floor. Rodey rushed over to his brother before he even got back up.

Giving Jacob a quick once over he sighed in relief. Nothing serious, no bruises, no bumps, he wasn't even all that sore from Jacob hitting his head when they fell.


"Huh?" they looked over at what fell down other than the album, rolling on the ground for some time was a sphere metal thingy. Once it stop Jacob got up and walked to it. He stared at it for some time before picking it up.

It was some sort of a helmet, it was round, made out of metal, and the hole used to see out of was oval shaped. "Wow...I knew it!" Jacob cheered softly. He knew the Big Brothers and Big Sisters were real. If they were then that meant the rest of what he overheard from Delta, his parents, and his whole family was true.

But the celebration was short, looking around he saw the disaster they made. They needed to clean up quickly before Grandpa came over!

To be continued...

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