Loki oneshots

By KittyHazelnut

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This was originally supposed to be mostly Loki series oneshots but it's now really just kinda everything Marv... More

Reunited (Post Loki s01e03)
learning to learn (Loki & Sylvie s01e04)
You Can't Get Rid Of Me That Easily (s01e05 Loki & Mobius)
Please Don't Leave Me Alone With My Thoughts (Lokius)
Double Trouble (Post-s1 Finale)
Hello, Brother (Post-s1 Brodinsons)
I think I love you (Post-s1 Sylki)
You Want Me To Braid Your Hair? (Loki & Natasha)
Earth's New Defenders (What If...? s01e03)
I Don't Even Know What I Am Anymore (Jotun Loki)
What If...? Just Got Lokier
Not Where I Wanted To Be (But Maybe Where I Needed To Be) (Mobius & Loki)
Loss (Steve & Tony)
Not Who I Thought He Was (Loki & Clint)
The Ghosts Left Behind (President Loki x Mobius)
I Hadn't Realized How Much I Missed You (Thor/Jane)
Cognitive Recalibration (Brodinsons)
Why Did You Save Me? (Multiverse of Madness alternate ending)
Welcome Home (Post-Love and Thunder)
Falling Apart (Brodinsons)
Is There Room For One More? (Post-Hawkeye)
Gender Euphoria is Stored in the Tap Shoes (Loki)
A Day In The Life of Paprika Maximoff-Romanoff
A Delicious Way To Wake Up (Romanogers)
Vengeance Won't Bring Her Back (The Dark World)
The Life He Didn't Know He Left Behind (Thor x Jane)
I Thought I Was Finally Free (GotG & Brodinsons)
Loki's Chambers (Brodinsons)
Spider-Man's Not A Party Trick (Iron Dad)
Loki's On Parole (Loki x Gamora)
Executioner (Loki)
Bring a God to Ballet (Thor and Love)
Batte of the Attention Whores (WandaNat)
Unexpected Visitor (Brodinsons + Love)
Let's Take It From The Top (post-s02e05 Lokius)
You Don't Have To Do This Alone (Post-S2 Sylki)
LMTAPS Chapter 158 (IceCap's Version)
A Special New Customer (Post-S2 Sylki)
Beneath The Green Spaghetti Tree (Lokius)
We'll Figure It Out Together (Post-s2 Lokius)
Sylvie's New Girlfriend (Post-s2 Sylki)
Christmas Cookies (post-s2 domestic Sylki au)
Sylki's First Valentine's Day

Kissed You Atop The Ferris Wheel (S2 Finale Lokius)

138 7 3
By KittyHazelnut

A/N this takes place during the Loki season two finale, so beware of spoilers!

He doesn't know how long he's been doing this.

It has to be centuries now – millenia, even. He's been doing this for so, so long.

And he has nothing to show for it.

He just needs a break. He just needs a few minutes to stop and rest. No more problem-solving. No more time-skipping. No more time, even. He's pausing everything. He just needs a break.

He's back at the beginning. He'd only been at the TVA a matter of hours at this point. Now, he feels as though he's been in the TVA longer than he lived in Asgard. It may be true. It's hard to calculate time in a place with no time, especially while skipping back and forth through this non-existent time.

And that's why he needs this break. Because not only is this exhausting, but it doesn't make sense. The hundreds, thousands, millions of times he, OB, and Timely talked through math and science and physics and reality didn't prepare him for this. It helped him make sense of the Loom – fat lot of good that did for them – but it didn't help him make sense of his situation.

Right now, the TVA is on high alert. Mobius had left him in the Time Theater for no more than five minutes, and Loki disappeared without a trace. It would be a while until they find him regardless, but still, he pauses time, just in case. He doesn't know how long he's going to need, but he does know he's going to need this time alone.

He lowers himself down onto the steps and buries his head in his hands. This is a mess. This whole thing is a mess. And it's a mess without a single half-decent solution, which may be the worst part. He could kill Sylvie and let He Who Remains continue his tyranny, or he could let Sylvie kill him and watch the whole multiverse fall to ruin and take the TVA down with it.

But he can't bring himself to do either. He doesn't want anybody to get hurt. He just wants everyone to be okay. He wants the timelines to be okay. He wants his friends to be okay. He wants to be okay. And that doesn't seem possible.

He could keep living through this, he supposes. He could just continue to relive his time in the TVA. He could relive his childhood, even; his life in Asgard. He could just relive his life, over and over and over, making different choices and seeing how it all turns out. But in the end, everybody will still die. He'll have his friends in his little bubble of self-fulfillment, but they'll still die, whether he's there to watch it or not.

He hates this.

And he's sure that's a stupid thing to say, but he does. He hates this. He hates that he has to be the one who was chosen for this. Of all the Lokis in all the branched timelines, why did it have to be him?

He just wants to go home. He wants to go back to Asgard. He wants to wake up in his bed and realize that this was all a ridiculous dream; that he isn't destined to carry the weight of the multiverse on his shoulders.

"Why did it have to be me?" he mumbles to himself.

He can feel that all-too-familiar stinging in his eyes. He's cried a fair amount while working on this – from exasperation, from exhaustion, from loneliness – but this may be the first time he's felt tears of helplessness creeping up on him.

He doesn't know what to do. He doesn't know how to find out what to do. He doesn't even know how to find out how he could possibly find out what to do. He's used all his resources. He's exhausted every possible avenue. He's been at this for so, so long, and he's accomplished nothing.

He supposes he knows, then, why it had to be him; why He Who Remains had to pick a Loki. It's because Lokis are destined to lose.

He lets out a long, shaky breath. He can't do this. He tried. He really did. He's tried over and over and over again, but he can't.

Even with the ability to time slip, to erase the past with the blind of an eye, he's tried to keep the tears to a minimum. People would still see them, even if they wouldn't remember. He'd still have to deal with their words, their sympathy, their judgment. A few tears at a time; that's what he's been telling himself. Every few playthroughs, he'd let out a few tears, not enough to worry anybody, and then he'd start again.

He doesn't have to worry about that anymore. He's paused time. Nobody can talk to him. Nobody can interrupt. Nobody can see him fall apart.

So that's exactly what he does.

He breaks down, letting out all the tears that have been building up throughout these centuries of repeated tortures. He sobs loudly and shamelessly, letting out every frustration, every failure, every mistake. He's been strong for too long. He's been hopeful for too long. Right now, all he wants is to give up; just a few minutes of hopeless despair before he forces himself back to his feet to figure out his next soon-to-fail plan.

He feels as though he can hardly breathe, and each sob sends a wave of pain through his chest. The world is growing so spinny, so blurry, and he can't tell how much is from the tears and how much is from the oxygen he's so desperately trying and failing to get enough of.

And then the door opens.

Loki lifts his head, but even after wiping his eyes with his sleeves, he can't make out who the figure in the doorway is. He tries to calm himself, to slow his breathing, to fight back the tears, just long enough to figure out what's going on. Who's outside of time with him? Does he even want to know?

"Loki?" It's Mobius's voice, cautious in his tone. There's no trust there. There hasn't been any trust there for a long time.

It's been so long since Loki's seen the Mobius he loves, the Mobius that loves him. He just keeps going back earlier and earlier, and every Mobius knows him less and less. They're not friends yet. They're hardly acquaintances. He understands it, but it doesn't make it hurt any less.

Loki sniffles, running a hand down his face. He didn't even realize he unpaused time. He raises a hand, flicking his wrist up again to pause it once more, though his mental breakdown won't be quite as satisfying with Mobius frozen in the doorway.

"What are you...?" Mobius just looks at him. "What are you doing?"

Loki just buries his head in his hands once more. "And now it won't work," he mumbles to himself. If there was ever a time for his time-pausing to stop, it was not in the middle of his sob fest in the TVA.

"Magic doesn't work in the TVA, remember?" Mobius says.

Loki huffs, a somewhat sarcastic, defeated laugh of a sort. There's a lot that shouldn't work in the TVA. Somehow, he tends to make it work. He can make everything work except the multiverse, the one thing he needs to make work.

"Or maybe it does," Mobius says after a pause.

Loki just hums. No, it doesn't. No ordinary magic works in the TVA. He's been here long enough to know that. Hell, at this point, he's probably been here longer than Mobius has.

"It was you, wasn't it?" Mobius asks, and there's a little something in his voice, a little bit of distrust, a little bit of uncertainty, a little bit of amusement.

Loki lets out a long breath and lifts his head to look at him. "Just give me a few minutes," he says quietly. His voice is raw, broken. He doesn't care. "Just a few minutes to break down, and then I will be out of your way and you can go about your..." He gestures vaguely, helplessly, defeatedly. "Your grandiose mission, as though this never happened."

"Well, that's great in theory," Mobius says, "but I don't know how I'm supposed to go back to my job when all my coworkers are frozen."

Loki squints slightly, cocking his head to the side. So it did work. He did pause time, just like he'd thought. The TVA is frozen. Everything is frozen, except...

He lets out a long breath. He froze everything except for Mobius. Wonderful.

"I will fix it," Loki tells him. "I will. I just need a minute to myself."

Mobius eyes him suspiciously, but Loki doesn't care. He doesn't care what Mobius thinks of him. He doesn't care that Mobius doesn't trust him. It's been years since he's spoken to a Mobius who did. He's used to this. As long as he can have a few more minutes to get himself together, he doesn't care what's going through Mobius's head.

When Mobius doesn't move, Loki just buries his head in his hands once more. Maybe he'll go away when he realizes that Loki isn't a threat right now – that he's never truly been a threat; he's a minor nuisance at best who didn't deserve to have all of this thrust upon him.

His eyes begin to water once more, and he does nothing to hold the tears back. He hates this. He's said it before, and he'll say it again. He hates everything about this. He just wants to give up. Why is it so hard to give up?

Mobius sighs as he lowers himself down on the stair by Loki's side, and Loki just squeezes his eyes shut, willing himself not to look, not to give him any more reason to stay. He just wanted to be alone. Why is that so hard?

"What's going on, Loki?" Mobius asks. His voice is soft, gentle, caring, almost like he knows him, but he doesn't. This Mobius doesn't know him. After all this time, he's not sure any Mobius truly knows him anymore. He's not sure he knows himself anymore.

Loki just shakes his head. "It doesn't matter," he mumbles.

"It looks like it might matter a little bit," Mobius says.

Loki sighs. "You wouldn't believe it if I told you." And why should he? This is Loki, God of Mischief and Lies. He's not to be trusted. He knows that all too well by now.

"Oh, I don't know," Mobius says, a slightly playful lilt to his voice. "You froze the TVA. I think the realm of possibility has just gotten a lot bigger."

Again, Loki shakes his head. Mobius might think he'd believe it, but he wouldn't. He wouldn't believe it. He certainly wouldn't understand. Nobody would understand. It's a burden he has to bear alone.

"I feel like I've lived a thousand lifetimes," he says quietly, as much to himself as it is to Mobius. "Surrounded by friends, but still all alone."

Mobius doesn't say anything. Loki appreciates that.

"I hardly remember Asgard by now," Loki continues. "I've been here for so long, slowly unwinding time over and over and over as everyone I love forgets to care. It's been so, so long, and I still don't understand what I'm supposed to do."

Mobius sighs. "You don't have to do anything," he assures him. "I know this is a lot, but–"

"No, you don't know, and that's the problem," Loki interrupts, and he can feel his voice break once more, the consequence of raising it even the slightest bit. "You don't know, because you don't remember it yet. I would have done anything to take you with me, but I can't. I have to do this alone, but I don't know how."

Mobius gently rests his hand on Loki's back, rubbing it slowly, gently, comfortingly. "You're not alone, Loki."

"I'm always alone," he says quietly. "Now more than ever before."

Mobius lets out a long breath, but he doesn't try to argue, doesn't try to convince him that he's wrong. He just sits here with him, a silent, almost comforting presence, though it's hard to call it a comfort when he knows it will be taken away the moment Loki goes back to work.

"I wish I could give up," Loki says quietly. "If I can control time, there's almost nothing I can't do." He lifts his head, looking over at Mobius with tear-filled eyes, and Mobius offers him a sad smile in return. "There's an endless game of 'what if's at my fingertips. What if I never let the Jotuns into Asgard? What if I never invaded Midgard? What if I stopped Sylvie before she killed He Who Remains?"

Mobius's brows furrow at that last one, but Loki ignores it. Of course he doesn't understand. He doesn't have to.

"I could live out my life in every way it could have gone," Loki says quietly. "For better or for worse, I could change everything, over and over and over again. I've relived the TVA time and time again, every possible way, made every mistake, wasted every moment time and time again, all for a game I cannot win. What if I were to give up now? If I can't save the multiverse, can't I save myself? Don't I deserve to be happy?"

"Of course you do," Mobius says, and though his confusion is clear in his face, his voice is soft, gentle, caring.

"Then why can't I?" Loki asks helplessly. "Why do I hang to keep fighting? Why can't I go back to the end – to the World's Fair, even? Why can't I tell you to forget Renslayer, to forget Miss Minutes, to forget Timely? What is there stopping me from kissing you atop the ferris wheel?"

Mobius balks at him, eyes wide, but Loki doesn't care. He doesn't care if he's making a fool of himself. Mobius won't remember it, just as he doesn't remember the centuries they've spent together, going through the motions over and over and over again.

"Maybe you would kiss me back," Loki muses, a sense of heartbreak in his voice as he thinks of what could have been, what still could be, if only for a short time until everything falls apart once more. "Maybe you'd fallen in love with me, too. Maybe it didn't take you centuries of reliving the same moments to realize it."

Mobius shakes his head helplessly. "Loki, what are you talking about?"

"I have everything I could ever want right at my fingertips," Loki says quietly, "and yet, I know it will never last. It can never last. And I don't know if there's a point in seeing what could have been when I know it never will be."

"I'm sorry, hang on," Mobius says. "Can we go back to the...?"

The kiss, Loki assumes. Perhaps the fallen in love thing. It must sound strange without the context of their time together to make some sense of it.

"I thought it would get easier," he says. "I thought the more I did this, the further back I got, it wouldn't hurt so much. I mean, the first time we did this, I hated you. So why does it keep getting harder every time I see you? The less you remember me, the further I find myself falling." With a wry laugh, he adds, "And I truly must be falling hard if I'm telling you this. I don't know if the fact that you'll forget is a blessing or a curse."

"The fact that I'll..." Mobius shakes his head, looking at him in disbelief. "What are you talking about? Loki–" He scoffs, shaking his head incredulously. "You froze the TVA and now you're talking in riddles like we know each other – like we really know each other." He spreads his arms, looking at him expectantly. "What's going on?"

Loki sighs. "Never mind," he says dejectedly. He offers the man a tearful smile and rests a hand on his shoulder. "Thank you," he says quietly. "I'll figure it out some day. I don't care how many more times I have to do this. I'm going to save the TVA. We're going to be okay."

Mobius's eyes go wide. "Loki, what are you going to do?" he asks cautiously.

"I don't know," Loki admits. "But I'm going to figure it out."

He closes his eyes.

And then he's back to the end.

He doesn't know why he chose now to come back to. He's played it through thousands of times. If it's possible fix this, he'll have to go back further.

But at least he can be alone here – or as alone as he can get in a room full of people. Nobody's paying attention to him. Timely is about to turn to spaghetti. Loki is the least of everyone's problems. He may only have a minute here until the TVA is gone, but it's a minute he's going to take, just to get his head on straight, to figure out where to go next.

He could go back to Asgard, he supposes. He could consult Odin and ask for his advise. But then, it's been so long since he's seen him. To Odin, it could be no more than a half-hour, but to Loki, it will have been centuries. How could he explain that to him? How could—

"You're doing it again."

Loki looks over at Mobius, confused. He's never said that before. Loki's been through this thousands of times, and Mobius has never said that before.

"You're time slipping again," Mobius says.

"What?" Sylvie looks over at him, and everyone else in the room follows suit.

Loki furrows his brows. This is bizarre.

Mobius looks at him thoughtfully. "You're time slipping," he repeats quietly. "You're not supposed to be..." He takes a few steps toward him, slowly but pointedly.

"You're time slipping again?" OB echoes. "But we fixed that."

Loki looks at Mobius uncertainly. "What are you–"

"Ferris wheel."

Loki's face screws with confusion. "What?"

"The first time I saw you time slip," Mobius says. "In the Time Theater. You said you wished you'd kissed me at the top of the ferris wheel."

Sylvie snorts.

Loki stares at him. "You remember that?"

"Do you remember that?" Mobius asks. "Because then you time slipped – and I didn't even know what that was – and I tried to talk to you about it but you kept saying you didn't know what I was saying!"

"What? But that just happened," Loki tells him. "That's where I time-slipped from."

In the background, Casey whispers to OB, "Do you know what's happening?"

"What?" Mobius scoffs. "You just confessed your undying love for me and then time-slipped to the most stressful moment of my life?"

"Well, you weren't supposed to remember it!" Loki practically yells.

"How could I not remember that?" Mobius almost yells back. "It's been in the back of my mind this whole time! I almost had a heart attack when I saw the ferris wheel at the World's Fair! I thought you were gonna kiss me!"

Loki gapes at him. Has he remembered this all along? Has he been this stupid, this oblivious since the beginning?

They should probably talk.

Loki spreads his arms, and time pauses around him. He doesn't make a point to take Mobius with him, to exclude him as he freezes everyone and everything else, but, just as he expected, Mobius is unaffected.

"I don't understand," Loki says to himself, looking at his hands with a frown. What is he doing wrong? He can't count the number of times he's paused time, and Mobius has always paused with it. Why is this any different?

"What do you mean, you don't understand?" Mobius asks, incredulous. "Aren't you doing this?"

"Yes, I am doing this." He gestures vaguely to their frozen surroundings. "But I'm not doing this." He gestures between the two of them.

Mobius balks at him. "What does that even mean?"

"It's hard to explain," Loki says.

"I don't care if it's hard to explain!" Mobius says. "You can't just tell me you love me and then move on like nothing happened! I've been waiting like an idiot for some sign that you meant what you said – some sign that you even said it – and then you went and fell in love with Sylvie instead! I feel like I deserve some sort of explanation, don't you?"

Loki takes a deep breath. Here goes nothing. "This will not work." He gestures to the Loom, mere minutes from exploding and taking everyone down with it. "Even if we did everything faster, everything sooner, it will not work because the Loom cannot contain infinitely expanding branches."

"You don't know that," Mobius says. "OB said–"

"I know what OB said, but it will not work," Loki insists. "And when it didn't work, I time slipped into the past, and I had to watch as all the timelines fell apart. It was the end of the multiverse and the end of the TVA, and all that was left was the Sacred Timeline."

Mobius stares at him, open-mouthed, almost as though he wants to say something, but he doesn't.

"I've learned to control my time-slipping," Loki continues. "And I've been trying for centuries to fix this. I spent centuries learning about the Loom when I thought that held the answer. I spent decades in the citadel when I thought He Who Remains could help. I've been through every iteration of this story. I have relived it millions of times, millions of ways. There is no winning here. There is no version of this where we come out on top. He Who Remains will always have his way."

Mobius's face falls, and the hopelessness that Loki feels is reflected right back at him in Mobius's expression.

"I'm sorry, " Loki says. "I've tried everything."

Mobius lets out a long breath, putting his hands on his hips and hanging his head low while he lets that sink in. It only makes the guilt hit harder. He would do anything, anything to fix this. But he can't.

Mobius lifts his gaze to meet Loki's. "So we've been doing all of this for nothing."

Loki just nods. He can't pretend anymore. He can't fool himself into thinking he's going to find the answer to all of their problems. Maybe somebody else would. Maybe if it had been someone else, someone smarter, someone better, they could have figured it out, but he can't.

"So, where do I come into this?" Mobius asks.

Loki furrows his brows. "I'm sorry?"

"What's my role in all this?" Mobius asks. "What you said in the Time Theater, I don't..." He shakes his head helplessly. "I don't see what it has to do with anything you just said."

Loki just looks at him for a moment.

He might understand the disconnect here.

"Do you remember anything I said to you in the Time Theater beyond the fact that I'd fallen in love with you?"

Mobius hesitates. "I remember that you said other things, but I didn't know what those other things meant so I kind of... forgot about them."

Loki fights the urge to roll his eyes. So now he has to go through this again. Maybe that's for the best. He's not sure he made any sense the first time around.

"I have been in the TVA for centuries," Loki tells him. "I have been with you all for centuries – centuries that you will never remember, but centuries that I will never forget. I've spent centuries watching Sylvie fall out of love with me, to the point where I don't even care; where I see her as a friend, much like I do B-15 and Casey and OB and Timely."

Mobius listens, and Loki can tell that he's listening, but he doesn't seem to be understanding. Loki had thought it would be obvious where this was going, but it seems he was wrong.

"And as I worked with you time and time again, watching you repeat the same lines and the same expressions and the same mannerisms over and over, every little thing I'd never noticed, never given any thought to, I found myself falling in love with you instead."

There's a slight hint of a smile on Mobius's face, but that's it. That's all he does. That's the only reaction he gets. It's ridiculous. Loki has not been baring his soul for this long – first in the Time Theater, and now here – for such a miniscule reaction.

Loki sighs, his shoulders slumping. "Will you please say something?"

"I will," Mobius assures him. "I just need a minute to celebrate silently to myself first."

Loki raises his brows. "I beg your pardon?" Did he just...?

Mobius holds up a finger, his smile only growing, and for another ten seconds or so, it's silent between them. Loki just stares at him. He wasn't at all sure what kind of reaction he would get from this, but he'd thought there would at least be a reaction.

"Okay," Mobius says, dropping his hand to his side. "I'm good."

Loki just continues to stare at him.

"Well, I can't exactly jump for joy when the TVA is about to explode," Mobius tells him. He takes a deep breath, and his smile is like a ray of sunshine on this otherwise gloomy, depressing moment in time. "You know, I might be dying today, but at least I can die happy."

Loki just stares.

"Do I get a goodbye kiss before you unpause time?" Mobius asks.

Loki stares some more. "You want me to kiss you," he repeats slowly.

Mobius's smile begins to slip away. "I mean, you said you loved me. I feel like that's kinda in the territory, you know?"

"Well, yes, but you want me to kiss you," Loki repeats. "You want to kiss me. You want to kiss me. You..."

"Okay, well, when you say it over and over like that, it sounds weird," Mobius says with a frown. "If I'm overstepping my bounds, then by all means, let me know. I just think that, you know, if you're telling the truth and we are all about to die – except you, apparently – then I might as well try my luck. I mean, the worst that happiness is you shoot me down and then I'm disappointed for a few minutes, which isn't going to matter if I'm just going to die–"

Loki grabs him by the jacket and pulls him in, pressing their lips together. Mobius yelps, but it only takes a moment for him to relax before he stands up on his toes, draping his arms over Loki's shoulders to pull himself closer.

Loki laughs against his lips, closing his eyes and letting himself soak in every moment of this kiss he's been dreaming of for centuries; this kiss he never thought would come.

Mobius reaches a hand up, running it through his hair, then he pulls away, only the slightest bit to say a breathless, "I've always wanted to do that."

Loki smiles and pulls him back in, and he certainly hears no complaints about it. He almost can't believe it. Mobius wanted this. Loki's been dreaming of it for centuries, and Mobius was the one to initiate it; Mobius was the one to ask. It's almost surreal.

Until finally, Mobius drops back onto his heels, and though their kiss is broken, Loki's trance isn't. He gazes down at the beautiful blue eyes looking right back in his, and he feels a sense of peace that he hasn't felt in... ever, really.

"Well," Mobius says, slightly breathless. "That was nice."

"It was, wasn't it?" Loki agrees, a soft smile.om his face. That was really, really nice – everything he imagined it would be and more.

Mobius takes a deep breath. "I think I'm ready."

"Ready for what?"

He shrugs. "Ready to die, I guess."

Loki's smile falters. "But..."

"I mean, that's how this ends, right?" Mobius asks. "The Loom explodes, and I die?" He gestures to their friends. "We die? And you..." He shakes his head helplessly. "You go back and you do it again."

The bliss that had been building up in Loki's chest fades away as that really sinks in. "But..."

Mobius gives him a few moments to answer, and when he doesn't, he prompts, "But...?"

Loki can feel his eyes begin to water. "But I don't want to."

"I know," Mobius says. He rests his hands on Loki's shoulders, looking up at him with a sad smile. "But what choice do we have? We can't stay here forever. You're going to have to unfreeze everything eventually."

What if I don't? he wants to ask. Who says we can't stay here forever?

But Mobius is right.

He hates it so, so much, but Mobius is right.

"Just, do me a favor?" Mobius asks.

"Anything," Loki says. Anything for him.

"Stay until the end," he says. "If I have to die, I want to die with you."

Loki forces himself to nod. "Okay." He gives him a tearful smile. "I'll stay."

Mobius takes Loki's hand in his and turns his attention back to the blast doors. "I'm ready."

Loki takes a deep breath.

And time is back.

Sylvie's brows shoot up, and she looks between the two of them suspiciously. "What just happened?"

Loki just shakes his head. He looks toward the stairs to the blast doors. "Timely, are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be," Timely replies.

OB briefs him on exactly what to do. It's strange, not being a part of that. He was the one to give Timely these instructions for centuries, and now he's stepping back, letting everyone else do their parts, try their hardest. They truly still think they can do this. It's oddly heartwarming, their perseverance, their undying hope. He wishes he still shared it.

Timely's death doesn't phase Loki anymore. He's seen it thousands, millions of times. But to everyone else, it's the end of the world. It's the end of everything. And they know it. They all know it.

This is the end.

Mobius squeezes his hand. "Loki?"

"Hmm?" he hums.

"If you fix this," he says, "when you fix this, you need to tell me again. Don't let me forget this."

Loki forces a smile and nods once.

The room is overtaken with light.

And Loki time slips away before he's taken with it.

He doesn't know where to go, so he brings himself to the first place he can think of: the Chicago World's Fair, circa 1893.

It's the beginning of their trip. It's just the two of them, half-searching for Miss Minutes, half-just enjoying the show. They'll do more of the latter this time. It was Loki who pushed him to look for Miss Minutes, after all. Mobius wanted to have a little fun, and who's Loki to stop him now that he knows finding Miss Minutes won't solve anything?

The strange thing about time slipping is that he returns to the body he inhabited at the time. This body isn't on the brink of tears like he was in the TVA. When he looks down at Mobius, he suspects that is going to change.

Mobius furrows his brows and looks up at him. "I'm not dead."

Loki's eyes go wide. "You remember that?"

"If by 'that' you mean the TVA exploding, then yeah, I think I do," Mobius says. "What's going on? How am I still...?"

Loki grins, excitement flooding his veins. "You came with me."

Mobius blinks. "I did what?"

"You came with me!" Loki repeats, giddy as a child at the thought. He grabs Mobius's shoulders. "I time slipped, and you came with me."

Mobius scoffs. "How?"

"Does it matter?" Loki asks. "You came with me!"

Mobius shakes his head to himself, looking around in wonder. "I came with you," he repeats quietly. He looks up at Loki, a new sparkle in his eye. "I came with you."

"You're part of this now," Loki says. "We can do this together. We will do this together. We're going to fix everything. Between the two of us, we'll figure something out. We have to!"

"Can I make a suggestion first?" Mobius asks.

"Of course," Loki says. "Anything."

"I'm just thinking," Mobius says, "since we're here..." He gestures around to the rest of the fair. "And since we're in no rush because you apparently know how to turn back time, what if we just..." He shrugs. "Had a little fun? Enjoyed the sights, you know, rode the rides...?"

"I don't know much about fairs," Loki says cautiously. They don't have things like this in Asgard. It's all foreign to him.

"I can take the lead on this one," Mobius assures him. "And I know just where to start."

"And where's that?" Loki asks.

Mobius gestures to the ferris wheel, a slight smile on his lips. "You still owe me that kiss."

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