Against all odds [sonadow]

By coconuts500

2.3K 78 44

Sonic woke up in a room with people he never knew or at least that's what he first thought. He has no memory... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chaper 4
Chaper 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 1

487 11 4
By coconuts500

(???) POV:

I woke up in a room. I looked around, there were a bunch of bunk beds stacked together and a ladder so you could reach your bed. There were a bunch of blankets stacked in the corner of the room and a mini fridge next to it. ok, weird. I don't remember living here? Wait...what do I remember? I looked around, nothing seemed familiar. "Hey wake up" I heard a voice right next to me say. "What?" I looked around, my eyes adjusted to my vision. I looked to my right to see where the voice came from. I saw a green hedgehog, with light blue eyes, a black leather jacket, and a scar on his chest. "Who are you? Where are we?" He asked demandingly. "I have the same question..." I replied back looking around the room again. "What do you mean? You don't know who you are?" He asked, sounding quite irritated. "Yeah, do you know who you are?" I replied a little blankly because of the way he replied to me. He thought for a moment before he said "no," "Guess we were on the same boat. Come on, get up, we need to check this place since we have no idea who we are?" He looked at me and scoffed "Hey right i'm going by myself" he asked. I shrugged not knowing how to reply to his question. "Look!" I replied, getting a little irritated now. "We both have no idea who we are so this means we're both in this together," I said. All he did was roll his eyes and get up and leave the room. I forced myself to think for a moment, to see if I know anything about me. I looked around one more time before getting up and leaving the room. When I left the room I saw a few more mobians. I saw one pink hedgehog, her quills were short, she had a perky attitude, but her facial expression looked confused (maybe she forgot her memory too), she wore a pink dress that looked quite stiff. She sat down on a chair next to a table. I looked to the right and found a few more people, a bat, the green hedgehog I just met a second ago, a red wolf, a albino hedgehog. They all sat on a coach looking like they were in a conversation and stopped when I came in. "The blue one finally woke up, what's your name?" the bat asked and for some reason it stumped me. "This might surprise you, but I don't know," I simply responded. To my surprise he didn't looked shocked at all.

Apparently I said something wrong because the green hedgehog growled and said "Great! So everyone has no memory, and no way of getting out!" I looked over to the white albino hedgehog and all he did was whimper. "So...we're trying to get out?" I asked myself but sadly the green hedgehog had to respond "I think that's the point, and you were the last person." he said, making me confused once again. What does he mean by last person? Dang this guy can get annoying. I thought to myself and he began to growl in frustration. "You know maybe you could calm down, and figure out a plan if you want to escape" I blurted out. He growled at me but the bat, who was now comforting the albino hedgehog interrupted the green hedgehog and said "He's right we need to figure out a plan." she said and I blurted out again "and the anger issues,"

The wolf snickered and the green hedgehog rolled his eyes (seriously what's with him rolling his eyes all the time) and said "If you woke up in a random room with no memory you would also be angry," he argued and I replied back which isn't the smartest thing to do but I guess you could call me not the brightest. "Yet I'm not," I replied with a cocky smile, which only caused more tension. "would you stop arguing for once!" the pink hedgehog yelled at him but it sounded so whiny it probably would have made me deaf. "Yeah" I retorted. All he did was roll his eyes smirked. I don't know why, but something about getting on his nerves reminded me of something I used to do. I have no idea who, but it reminded me of someone who would always growl when he sees me. Someone with dark ebony fur and crimson red stripes, and red ruby eyes.

I shaked my head. It's probably nothing. "So, does someone have a plan?" she asked and I just stared at her and looked around the room. "So we're stuck here" whined the albino hedgehog in an angry tone. "Well with that attitude we might as well stay here" I said with a grin which caused everyone to look at me. "So? Do you have a plan?" the red wolf asked. "No but first we need to find out if we remember anything. Anything at all about our past." I said and I looked at everyone to see if they remembered anything. "Your names?" I asked and everyone shook their heads. "Your age?" I asked again and everyone shook their heads. I started to think again, trying to remember if I knew anything about my past.

All I remember is a yellow, young fox building something, I can't remember what it is but it was definitely something. "Do you like it sonic?" He said looking up at me with bright baby blue eyes. "Yea buddy, let's test this baby out!" I said and climbed into an airplane.

That's all I could remember. "I remember something but it's not really any use" I blurted out. "Well, i think we need some useful, what's the point saying you got something but it's no use?" the green hedgehog rolled his eyes. "Well, acting like a jerk isn't really helpful!" I argued back. "Well from what it looks like, I look like the oldest so i'm in charge" stated the bat. "Yea no" the pink hedgehog said. "So do we have a plan?" the albino one asked. "And food I'm kinda hungry."

I nodded and I went to check in the kitchen. I opened the fridge and saw a few fruits and a bottle of milk that's luckily not expired. "Well we got some fruit? Want an apple?" I asked and he replied "Do you have strawberries?" I looked around and saw some strawberries and I tossed them to the albino hedgehog. Suddenly they started floating mid air and started floating gently towards the albino hedgehog. The blue outline around them disappeared as they reached into silver's hand and everyone gasped. Wow, that's cool. I wonder if I could do something...I thought to myself. "Ok, that's cool. Can you lift me up?" I asked in awe. Silver blushed shyly and said "Y-yea I-i c-can try" Suddenly I zoomed into the room leaving a blue and they also gasped. "Okay now you guys are being over dramatic." I said a little irritated. "Well not a lot of people can run at a high amount of speed you can!" argued the green hedgehog. I rolled my eyes and I turned to silver with a grin. "do it!" I said and silver lifted me up. I giggled at the sensation of flying and silver smiled happily. "What happened to paying attention?" the red wolf chuckled. "Well, flying is better than paying attention" I told the red wolf. "well your not technically flying, i'm levitating you so-" I cut the albino hedgehog in mid sentence "your a psychokinesis?" I asked stunned in awe. He blushed and replied shyly "yea."

Suddenly a tv screen slowly started to descend. The albino hedgehog dropped me in the middle of the air and I fell to the ground "ow" I managed to say and the albino hedgehog apologized. Suddenly on the Tv screen was a middle-aged man who was bald and with a mustache and was wearing goggles. "Well hello there contestants!" he said in a cheerful voice. "How was your morning!" The pink hedgehog got off her seat and yelled at the middle-aged man "Who are you and were are we!" she said in a high pitch voice which made me want to cover my ears but that probably would be rude. "Well, well don't get hasty after all you signed up for this." he chuckled as if he said something funny. "What?" I asked and the man faced me. He looked familiar but I couldn't point out who he is. "Do i know you?" I asked which for some reason angered him. "NO YOU DON'T! anyways... " he continued as if nothing happened. "Before I erased your memories-" "so you erased our memories-!" yelled the green hedgehog and the middle aged man sighed in anger. "Would you let me finish?" Anyways where was I, oh yea I was explaining you about the tournament." he said and opened his mouth to continue but I interrupted him "what tournament?" I asked at then he looked at me momentarily angry and went back to talking. "I will tell you everything you need to know if you stop interrupting me. Anyways, about the tournament. Before I erased your memories I created a tournament you all accepted to join. The papers say that your memory will be erased in order for you to proceed. In this tournament you will at the moment compete with other groups in order to win. You will get a partner who in the moment is in the other room-." I knew i shouldn't interrupt him but I couldn't help it. I wanted to know, "There's another room?" I asked and he stared at me angrily. "Yes, yes there is. Now if you please let me continue i'll be glad to answer all your questions later. In the competition you have to work with your partner who is at the moment in the other room. You will have to face life dangering tasks with your partner and succeed in finishing the task. You will have to win a round then you get a point. The group with the most points win and get there memory back with a prize at the end. Don't worry you will be provided with food, a shower, a bed, and a brush so you can brush your teeth. You can pick your toothbrush blah blah blah." Finally the middle age man stopped speaking and I glanced at the green hedgehog who looked greedily for the money. "Wait what about or name? How will we know our names our age and stuff like that-?" I asked and under the tv a little box appeared and in it was a bunch of name tags. "Pick the one that has your name, i'll tell your names and by the way the tags also have your age on them." The middle age man explained. "You, the one with the blue fur your name is sonic the hedgehog." he said my name with such distaste as if I ruined his life. I grabbed my name out of the name box and looked at it.

Name: Sonic the Hedgehog

Age: 15

Gender/sex: male

Pronouns: He/him

I look at the tag and put it on me which sticked to my fur making me feel uncomfortable. The middle age man continued on explaining everyone tags and names. "Breakfast is starting soon, I will inform you when your first task starts." and then he turned of the TV screen and everything was silent. "Hey, my names sonic. That kinda fits doesn't it?" I said posing. I looked over at the green hedgehog's tag. Scourge is his name. "Well scourge I thought your name will be something like captus or something like that." I said with a grin. "I thought yours was going to be clown." he replied back with a similar grin. "Well guess your wrong." I said and suddenly the door to my right opened and a bell rang.

ding! ding! ding!

I ran outside leaving a blue streak beside me. "finally were outside" scourge said and I looked around and saw a bunch of other mobians. Some looked intimidating but I wasn't intimidated by them for some reason. I locked eyes with one of them, he had ebony fur and crimson red stripes and ruby red eyes.

I know him.

I'm sorry if there is any mistakes. This is my first book and i'm new to this 🥲. Well anyways i hope your enjoying the book so far 😅. I'll try to improve throughout the book. Sorry if my grammar is that bad. bye~

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