Mystery:Temperance Pathway (L...

By sillydestiny

972 58 9

A lady who, although expecting death experienced unexpected events and awoke in unfamiliar locales especially... More

Prologue: Waking up
Chapter 1:Kai Levine
Chapter 2:God plan?
Chapter 3:System
Chapter 4:Destiny?.
Chapter 5:Curious
Chapter 6:excellency?
Chapter 7:Gold P-Pounds
Chapter 9:Nostalgic
Chapter 10: Joining Civilian Stuff

Chapter 8:Future

54 5 0
By sillydestiny

As Kai treaded down the corridor, a palpable silence clung to the air, heavy with the weight of revelations bestowed upon her by Arianna. The echoes of the offered path to become a Beyonder, the mysteries veiled within the church's walls, and the mysterious tether to the Evernight Goddess reverberated within the chambers of her thoughts. The journey ahead stretched before her, a daunting yet strangely alluring expanse.

"Even if Arianna hadn't extended the offer, becoming a Beyonder seems inevitable for me. The system, the Evernight Goddess's interest... all arrows pointing to that path," Kai mumbled, her voice a soft undercurrent accompanying her introspective stroll along the corridor. Each step became a dance of contemplation, a rhythm set to the beat of her evolving destiny.

"Patience is the key," Kai whispered to herself, the mantra a balm to the rising anxiety within. Each deliberate step felt like a negotiation with fate, a measured consideration of the choices that awaited her. The uncertainty of her future blended with the newfound awareness of the supernatural realm she had unwittingly entered.

Arriving at her room, the door became a portal to familiarity, embracing Kai like an old friend. Her musings continued, unraveling the extraordinary events of the past two days. "So much happened in the past two days. Well, this new life is quite exciting but dangerous at the same time," Kai murmured, her voice an intimate murmur resonating within the solitude of the room. She reflected on the stark dichotomy between her present reality and the mundane routines of her former hometown.

A sigh escaped her lips, carrying with it the weight of nostalgia for the simplicity she once took for granted. "Back then, it was just sleep, eat, work, and go home. Repeat the cycle. The world was more peaceful than this," Kai pondered, a wistful yearning for the mundanity of days gone by.

Yet, in the face of irrevocable changes, Kai found a flicker of resolve. "One step at a time," she affirmed, the words resonating within the walls of her sanctuary.

With a deep breath, Kai turned her attention to changing her clothes. The mirror reflected an image adorned in a white blouse, white gloves, a black skirt, and black shoes – a Victorian-era ensemble that exuded an air of elegance. The attire stood as a stark juxtaposition to the banalities of her former life.

Gazing out of the window, Kai watched as the dawn sun painted the room in warm hues of orange. "This style is truly from the Victorian era," she murmured, a nod of acknowledgment to the charm of the body she now inhabited. "Even with different fashion, it still looks pretty."

The realization lingered in the air, and as Kai prepared to leave the room, she mumbled to herself, "It's still getting darker. I should probably go now."

With measured steps, Kai approached the door, allowing it to swing open slowly,

As Kai approached the holy church exit, its spires reaching for the darkening sky, the soft glow of candles painted a mesmerizing kaleidoscope through stained glass windows. The cobblestone path bore witness to the flickering dance of candlelight, casting an ethereal ambiance upon the surroundings. Evening air carried haunting melodies of prayers and hymns, wrapping Kai in a cocoon of mysticism as she stepped into the sacred embrace.

Inside, the atmosphere was a blend of solemnity and comfort. Devotees knelt in quiet reverence, their whispered prayers intertwining with the echo of footsteps. The flickering candles illuminated statues of the goddess of night, casting a warm glow on intricately carved walls. Kai, captivated by the devotion that saturated the sacred space, moved further into the church.

A larger congregation unfolded before her, a diverse assembly lost in contemplation. Pews cradled individuals from all walks of life, eyes closed in silent communion. The air bore the sacred scent of incense, lending an otherworldly quality to the surroundings.

Kai whispered to herself, "I just realized that the goddess of night has many believers..." Her words hung in the hallowed air like a delicate offering.

A sigh escaped Kai's lips as she shook her head, breaking free from her reverie. "Let's go; it's already getting late," she murmured, quickening her pace with a determined resolve.

Her steps, measured and purposeful, carried her through the quiet streets. The proximity of the locals to the church meant there was no need for a carriage, so Kai continued on foot, taking in the city that seemed to awaken even as dusk approached.

Vendors, undeterred by the late hour, beckoned to passersby, their enthusiastic calls creating a lively symphony. "Come and try our delicious roasted meat!" echoed one vendor, while another promised, "Hot and fresh oyster soup, drink a bowl and feel invigorated!" The street became a vibrant tapestry of sounds and scents, a testament to the city's pulsating energy.

Kai strolled through the lively streets, observing the diverse array of goods for sale. Fresh fish from the port, fruits and vegetables from the farms, and the laughter of children playing and selling their wares filled the air. Yet, amidst the liveliness, the stark contrast of impoverished children, clothed in rags and bearing sallow complexions, highlighted the harsh realities that transcended worlds.

Empathy tugged at Kai's heart, but she acknowledged the complexity of her own situation. The lively street and the struggles of its inhabitants mirrored the duality of Kai's emotions. "Even though I want to help the people, I'm not a saint," she thought, recognizing the limitations of her ability to alleviate the hardships around her.

The city unfolded as a mosaic of life, each person carrying their own story and challenges. The aroma of food wafted through the air as Kai continued her journey, absorbing the sights and sounds of this unfamiliar world.

Amidst the crowd, a young boy selling newspapers caught her eye. The mention of "newspaper" stirred a sense of familiarity from her past life, and the pronunciation was eerily reminiscent of Earth. Approaching the boy, Kai handed him three pence, insisting he keep the extra as a tip. The boy's gratitude was palpable, and Kai continued her exploration.Kai continued her exploration of the city.

The enticing aroma of a bakeshop lured Kai, and she couldn't resist the temptation to indulge. Entering the shop, she was greeted by an old lady with a warm smile. "Oh, new appearance! You must be new here," the lady remarked.

With a small smile, Kai confirmed, "Yes, I'm new around."

"I hope you enjoy staying in this town," the old lady offered her well-wishes.

"I will," Kai replied with a nod. The array of freshly baked goods tempted her, and she pointed to a cake on display. "I'll take this," she said.

The old lady, with a knowing smile, prepared the order. Kai waited patiently, captivated by the aroma filling the cozy space. When handed the packaged cake, she paid the six pence with a nod of gratitude. "Thank you for buying, pretty lady. Come back again," the old lady bid her farewell.

Kai, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts, continued walking along the dimming street, the fading light casting long shadows across the cobblestone path.

As the people around her bustled with their daily lives, a realization struck Kai. Despite her conspicuous appearance in this new world, no one seemed to recognize her. The familiarity of the town and the lack of recognition perplexed her.

She pondered, "If this body lived here before and fell into a coma, waking up in a coffin, the people should recognize him, right?" The unsettling possibility that this body had not lived here before loomed in her mind.

Kai scrutinized her hands, one holding the cake she had just purchased and the other gripping the newspaper. The name "newspaper" echoed strangely familiar, like a distant memory from her previous life.

"I should visit that place again, maybe I can find some clues," Kai thought. The fading daylight served as a silent reminder of the urgency to unravel the mysteries surrounding her existence. A determined resolve settled within her, and she looked up at the darkening sky. "It's still getting darker. I should probably go now."

Thoughts surged through Kai's mind like a river in spate. "Who might be working there?" she wondered, curiosity eclipsing her initial hesitancy. Deciding to approach with the intention of merely passing by, she abruptly halted as a compelling voice resonated from within the tent."Would you like to try a divination?" The enigmatic woman, draped in a hood and adorned with paint strokes reminiscent of an arcane ritual, exuded an aura of mystique that both fascinated and warily captivated Kai.

A moment of hesitancy ensued as Kai navigated the oddity of the situation. "No," she responded cautiously, her suspicion concealed beneath the veneer of composure. Undeterred by her refusal, the woman laughed, tempting Kai with the allure of a free tarot divination—boasting accuracy as her forte.

"Tarot," Kai mumbled in disbelief, the word echoing her memories of Earth. The uncanny resemblance left her momentarily dumbfounded. The woman's offer seemed like a cosmic coincidence, and Kai's mind raced with implications.

As the woman persisted, Kai found herself drawn into the tent, guided by the allure of something otherworldly. The woman, sensing Kai's reluctance, offered her divination for free, claiming to be a newly opened practitioner.

"Free?" Kai pondered the cost of accepting such an offer, mindful of the complexities that often accompanied seemingly generous gestures.

The woman noticed Kai's hesitation and pressed on, "It's a gift for the first customer. No strings attached."

Kai's internal debate continued, her skepticism interwoven with a lingering curiosity about the potential revelations held within the tarot cards. The woman's eyes held a glint of sincerity, and Kai, against her better judgment, nodded in agreement. Sometimes, even a skeptical heart craved a glimpse into the unseen.

With a hesitant nod, Kai stepped into the tent. Darkness enveloped her, sporadically pierced by slender beams of light filtering through the fabric. A table adorned with paper cards materialized, each card a silent storyteller of destinies.

"Take a seat, miss," the woman gestured, breaking Kai's contemplation. Seated across from the hooded diviner, Kai placed the bag containing the cake and newspaper on the ground, her attention shifting to the tarot cards.

The cards, adorned with symbols mirroring those of her past life, held a familiar resonance. The Magician, the Emperor, Temperance—each card, a chapter from her previous world, stared back at her, triggering a sense of déjà vu.

Kai sat in the dimly lit tent, her eyes fixed on the tarot cards scattered across the table. The familiar images of the Magician, the Emperor, the Temperance, and others stared back at her, triggering a sense of déjà vu. "Tarot cards," she thought, a wave of surprise washing over her. The design was strikingly similar to those in her previous world.

While her face remained calm, Kai's mind raced with a multitude of thoughts. Could it be that the one who invented these tarot cards in this world was a transmigrator like herself? The identical nature of the cards fueled a cascade of speculative theories in her mind.

The woman, who claimed to have accurate divination skills, settled down opposite Kai. "Take a seat, miss," she gestured. Kai snapped back to the present and complied, placing the bag containing the cake and the newspaper on the ground beside her.

As the woman stacked the cards together, she handed them to Kai. "Me?" Kai questioned, a hint of confusion in her voice. The woman nodded and encouraged her to shuffle the cards. Kai hesitated for a moment, uncertainty clouding her expression, but the woman assured her, "Everyone's destiny can only be unraveled by themselves. I only serve as a reader of it."

A fleeting thought crossed Kai's mind about potential fees, considering the reader's trade. "Is there a fee for it?" Kai inquired, skepticism lingering. To her surprise, the woman responded, "It's free." Kai couldn't help but wonder if this was some elaborate scam, but the sincerity in the woman's eyes left her accepting the offer.

With a tentative touch, Kai shuffled the cards. The woman patiently observed, and when Kai finished, she handed the stack back. "Done," Kai declared. The woman clasped the cards, scrutinizing them for a moment before breaking the silence.

"I forgot to ask, but what would you like to ask about?" the woman queried, her eyes reflecting a gentle curiosity.

Kai hesitated, recalling tales of tarot's ability to unveil the past, present, and future. "Past, present, and future," she mumbled. The woman nodded in understanding, a warm smile playing on her lips.

With a series of deliberate movements, the woman placed three cards on the table, prompting Kai to focus on her chosen inquiry. "What do you want to know first: past, present, or future?" the woman inquired.

Kai, torn between wanting to explore the past and a curiosity about the future, hesitated briefly before murmuring, "The future." The woman acknowledged her choice and slowly flipped over the tarot cards.

The images depicted a figure pouring liquid from one cup to another—an angel with wings, embodying the 14th card of the tarot, Temperance. Confusion flickered across Kai's face as she attempted to decipher the symbolism. "The future? Temperance? The balance," she murmured, recalling the significance of the card—a representation of balance and patience.

Before Kai could voice her questions to the woman about the meaning, a sudden gust of wind swept through the tent, catching her off guard. Shielding her eyes from the strong wind, Kai felt a disorienting rush of air, and the next moment, the wind subsided.

Opening her eyes, Kai found herself not in the tent but seated on a bench. The bag containing the cake and newspaper rested beside her. A mix of emotions enveloped her as she mumbled, "What was that?" Confused and disoriented, Kai surveyed her surroundings, trying to comprehend the inexplicable disappearance of the tent and the woman.

The experience left Kai in a state of bewilderment, questioning the nature of the encounter and the enigmatic events that unfolded within the tent. The bustling city continued around her, oblivious to the mysterious interlude that had just transpired. With a lingering sense of uncertainty, Kai mused, "What the hell was that?"

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