Willow Tree //DNF Hogwarts//

By Aesthetic_dino798

4.9K 273 59

George and Dream have never necessarily liked eachother, George normally keeping to himself, and Dream being... More

°-《CHAPTER 1》-°
°-《CHAPTER 2》-°
°-《CHAPTER 3》-°
°-《CHAPTER 4》-°
°-《CHAPTER 5》-°
°-《CHAPTER 6》-°
°-《CHAPTER 7》-°
°-《CHAPTER 8》-°
°-《CHAPTER 9》-°
°-《CHAPTER 10》-°
°-《CHAPTER 11》-°
°-《CHAPTER 12》-°
°-《CHAPTER 13》-°
°-《CHAPTER 14》-°
°-《CHAPTER 15》-°
°-《CHAPTER 16》-°
°-《CHAPTER 17》-°
°-《CHAPTER 18》-°
°-《CHAPTER 19》-°
°-《CHAPTER 20》-°
°-《CHAPTER 21》-°
°-《CHAPTER 22》-°
°-《CHAPTER 23》-°
°-《CHAPTER 24》-°
°-《CHAPTER 25》-°
°-《CHAPTER 26》-°
°-《CHAPTER 27》-°
°-《CHAPTER 28》-°
°-《CHAPTER 29》-°
°-《CHAPTER 30》-°
°-《CHAPTER 31》-°
°-《CHAPTER 32》-°
°-《CHAPTER 33》-°
°-《CHAPTER 34》-°
°-《CHAPTER 35》-°
°-《CHAPTER 36》-°
°-《CHAPTER 37》-°
°-《CHAPTER 38》-°
°-《CHAPTER 39》-°
°-《CHAPTER 40》-°
°-《CHAPTER 42》-°
°-《CHAPTER 43》-°
°-《CHAPTER 44》-°
ćHāpTëŘ ⁴5?¿??
°-《CHAPTER 46?》-°
°-《CHAPTER 47》-°
°-《CHAPTER 48》-°
°-《CHAPTER 49》-°
°-《CHAPTER 50》-°
°-《CHAPTER 51》-°
°-《CHAPTER 52》-°
°-《CHAPTER 53》-°
°-《CHAPTER 54》-°
°-《CHAPTER 55》-°
°-《CHAPTER 56》-°
°-《CHAPTER 57》-°
°-《CHAPTER 58》-°
°-《CHAPTER 59》-°
Thank you.

°-《CHAPTER 41》-°

31 4 1
By Aesthetic_dino798

After class, I watched George as he quickly stuffed his items into his bag and left the room as fast as he could.

I frowned and left the room, going to find my friends in the Great Hall.

When I entered, I spotted a small collection of my friends perched at the end of one of the tables towards the very right.

I gazed up at the lanterns and candles hovering in mid-air above the tables with a soft warm glow. And the gargoyles holding small pit of fire, illuminating their sharp features perfectly.

I soon realised how close it was until it would be December, meaning that all of Hogwarts would be decorated with tinsel and wreaths and other festive items.

Smiling to myself, I went and sat down next to Punz at our table and lent on my heads, listening in on the conversation and waiting for my time to strike a word or two.

As I looked around, I noticed that surprisingly, Sapnap wasn't here. I looked around the hall, frowning to myself, trying to catch a glimpse of his white headband or his Griffindor robes drifting around. But, I couldn't see him anywhere.


Sapnap was usually the first one here as he always rushed from class to get here and snag a table for us.

I twisted my head back over to the conversation and saw Punz, Tommy, Ranboo, and Skeppy staring at me with weird faces, before Skeppy exploded into laughter and Ranboo giving a small snicker. The only person here who wasn't making fun of me was Tubbo. Really?

I mean, Tubbos always really quiet, but even he would drop the act and talk for hours on end sometimes.

"What do you guys want?" I mumbled, glaring at Skeppy who was clutching his sides, a few tears in his eyes. "Why were you just looking over there like that? Were you having a main character moment or whatever-?" Punz responded, Skeppy laughing even harder now. I shoved Punz in the side and even Tubbo chuckled at our antics, which made me smile.

I suddenly saw a worried Sapnap, twiddling with his fingers, and a fluffy brunette with slightly rosy cheeks, who seemed to be in Hufflepuff entering the Hall, coming towards us.

Sapnap sat down beside me a patted my back, one of the many brotherly things we do every now and then, "Guys, this is Karl. I'm pretty sure you've all seen him before, but George isn't in today and he didn't really have anywhere to go so..." We all raised a suspicious brow at Sapnap, knowing that this was probably not the full truth of Karl's sudden appearance. "And you brought him here? Nothing else shared between the two of you?" Punz asked, looking between the two flustered boys. "N-no! Of course not! He just asked because he's my friend. That's it. Nothing more." I hesitantly nodded and looked at Karl's shrunken position, probably feeling a little left out now that George wasn't here.

"Well, I'm Dream! Nice to properly meet you!" I said, attempting to make the boy feel atleast a little better.

The rest of the group followed and did the same introduction, Ranboo speaking for Tubbo who just gave a small wave while Ranboo did the talking.

We all chatted for a few minutes before deciding that it would be best to leave early for once, not wanting to make Karl late because of our stupid lack of time knowledge.

~♧~♧~Time skip - Lunch Time~♧~♧~

After Astronomy, I headed of to the Great Hall with Sapnap as we just had the same class, "Are you sure that was all you and Karl were doing?" I said suddenly, letting the thought slip out of my mouth carelessly. Sapnaps face became a little pink and clutched my arm, "No! We were just talking about George. Have you talked to him yet after... you know...?" I shook my head, "I tried to, during Charms, but he looked really stressed out so I didn't really want to force him to tell me." Sapnap nodded slowly, "I think that you and George have something special." Sapnap blurted before I had the chance to respond, "The fact that you opened up to him all of the sudden is really... out of the ordinary for you. Remember how you used to hate Ranboo and now the two of you are really close friends? I recommend that you go visit George's dorm after lunch and talk to him. It would do you two some good." Sapnap spoke, causing me to stop in my tracks as Sapnap continued in the direction of the Hall. I was hit in the shoulder by another student which seemed to snap me out of my trance, jogging to catch up with Sapnap.

~♧~♧~Time skip - After Eating~♧~♧~

After I finished eating my food, I whispers to Karl who was sat next to me, "Hey, George is in his dorm right? I'm going to go visit him. Tell the others that I just went to my dorm to go study for some test or something." Karl nodded and smiled at me before I left the group on my way to where George's dorm should be.

After around ten minutes of aimlessly walking around where the Ravenclaws dorms should be, I started to second fuels myself.

Maybe I should've asked for directions...

After what seemed like another eternity of walking, I bumped into... a rather familiar fellow...

"Hey- can you get out of the way?" The black haired boy spoke, "Wait, aren't you that guy who stole George from me? He was mine! Don't you know how to respect someone's stuff? Oh god- I'm going to torture you so bad! Wouldn't that be so fun, Clay?"

My eyes widened as my survival senses kicked in. I quickly punched him on the nose and fled the scene before any teachers could spot us. I ran to the nearest room without thinking and started hyperventilating, my breaths getting shorter and quicker as I went. My hands started shaking rapidly and my whole body went numb.

I quickly looked up and saw George staring at my with a puzzled look before turning to stress and worry at the sight of me.

"Dream! Are you ok? Oh god oh god oh god- just try to breathe. Calm down. Uh- everything's going to be fine. Just- just-"


Hope you guys are all doing well

Thank you SO SO SO SO SOO much for all of the support. I really can't thank you guys enough! Thank you so much for reading these! <3<3<3<3

I hope to see you all next time,


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