How Could You? (Souyo)

By personamo

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Kanji was just a decoy; Yu knew that. Yosuke was his main target. The issue was, Yosuke would never fall for... More

It's Not Love
Purely Platonic
On The Case
The Same
False Hope
Love & Affection
Each Other's Company
This World
For The Team
Catch Me If You Can
Out of The Loop
It Was Nice While It Lasted
A Call
Bon Appétit
Big City
Stepping Stone
Funny Feeling
Won't Go
Peace of Mind
Nowhere Else
Best Friend & Girlfriend
Hold You
Someone Else
Old Friend
Light Being Shed
Lonely Together
Can't Keep Checking My Phone
Welcome Home
Another Guy
Real Man
Wannabe Detectives
Where Are You Now?
Nobody Has To Know
Aren't We Scared
Miss Yasogami

We're Friends, Aren't We?

81 4 0
By personamo

Yosuke's POV:

Damn... These weights are a little too heavy for me...

I really should try some lighter ones, but... Yu wouldn't. He'd tough it out.

I sigh.

I shouldn't have yelled at him, I know that. It's just... feeling like he's gonna leave at any moment now... I hate it.

I hate not being close to him anymore. Everything I do just... tears us apart. I never wanted that. I want things to go back to normal.

Before... He started hanging out with Kanji. Before... he kissed me.

I swallow hard.

I can remember it vividly.

The taste of his lips, the expensive cologne he wears, the way his hands crept up my face...

I drop the weights, blinking.

Even now it... it gets me all nervous.

How could he do that? Seriously...

I shake my head, bending down to pick the weights back up.

I pull them up to my biceps, each in turn, but even that doesn't distract me.

I try not to think about it, but it's always there whenever I look at him.

I want to let it slide, but... I can't. And I know he can't either.


Why'd he have to do it? Why couldn't he have just... been normal?

Maybe normal isn't the right word anymore. I just...


Everything's just a mess.

...Could he really be gay...?

...Holy shit, does he like me?


I drop the weights again, wiping the sweat from my forehead.

He can't...

A kiss doesn't mean shit, right? He kissed Kanji... So why would he kiss Kanji if he really liked me?

...So he doesn't like me?

I frown.

I mean... that's good, right? It's not like I like him, either.


I exhale. I'm overcomplicating this. He likes girls just as much as me. That's all there is to it.

I drop my weights for the final time, making my way over to the treadmill.

A lot of them are lined up, full of different people.

I keep my head down as I get on one. I switch it on, and increase the speed to 5mph. Should be enough to get me started.

I slide my headphones up, lifting my arms from my side.

This isn't so bad, actually...

I could get a lot more out of this than I could have imagined.

I smile at myself when my phone buzzes.

My heart stops, assuming it's Yu. But it isn't.

Another match.

I should be glad, really. No, I am glad, I just... I'd rather hear from him, is all.

...It sounded like his dad didn't want him home, but...

Would he really leave?

Leave Inaba, leave Nanako, leave me? Would he?

I feel tears prick my eyes, but I quickly blink them away.

He wanted to leave. ...If he has, that's on him.

I just... didn't expect it. I didn't expect to be abandoned like that.

I sigh.

It's not gonna be the same without him. Everything with him was... freaking awesome.

I don't care about anything that's happened lately. I just want him to stay.


Yu's POV:

I clutch the train ticket in my hand, reading it over and over again.

I sigh, looking around.

It's quite busy, but that's what I'd been expecting. I didn't know it would feel so... overwhelming, though.

I toss the ticket between my fingers, biting my lip.

He wants me to go.

If he doesn't want me to stay, I have no reason to.

...This is my fault.

I drove him away. This is my punishment.

My heart races as my cell vibrates in my hand.

It could be Yosuke. He could be asking to patch things up between us...

But, no.

"Hello?" I ask.

"You at home yet?" Adachi says.

"...Huh?" I frown.

"You were staying at Hanamura's, weren't you?"

"...I told you that?" I raise an eyebrow. Did I?

"Uh, yeah?" He scoffs. "Anyway, I just wanted to know how you were doing. Dojima-san isn't giving you a hard time, right?"

"I... I can't talk right now," I mumble, eyeing my ticket.

"Hm? What's the matter?"

"I just—"

I wince as the train whistles past me, coming to a screeching halt.

There's a pause in conversation.

"...Are you at the train station?"

I swallow hard. "I have to go."

"Narukami, don't move," he grunts.


"I'm on my way."


I watch as Adachi-san rushes out of his car, heading up the steps towards me.

"Glad you waited," he chuckles.

"What do you want?" I sigh.

"Come on." He jerks his head back to his car.

"I'm not staying here," I frown.

"I know, kid," he grumbles. "I know it's lame and it's boring, yada, yada, yada. But you can't go."

"Why not?" I shrug.

Adachi blinks, looking away. "You just can't."

"I don't need permission."

"You have friends here," he scoffs. "Are you really gonna abandon them?"

"They were better off without me."

"And Nanako-chan?" He furrows a brow. "You'll leave her with your uncle?"

I clench my fist. "That's..."

"Come on, Narukami," he sighs. "Think about this."

"I hate it here."

"Don't we all?" He smiles.

"I just want to go home."

"I know, kid," he sighs. "But running away like this isn't gonna solve anything."

"You don't know that."

"The best days of Inaba could be right around the corner," he shrugs. "You wouldn't know if you left."

I shake my head. "I don't care."

"Oh, yeah?" He smirks. "Even when that idol asks you out? When you get the top score of your class? When the case is finally solved?"

"...So, it's not," I conclude.


"The case," I grunt.

"...Oh," he mutters. "W-well..."

I bite my lip. "The case doesn't concern me."

"It worries you," he shrugs. "I mean... One of your classmates and one of your teachers died."

"I never knew them."

"Doesn't it... make you wanna take action?"

"What do you mean?"

He shakes his head. "Ah, forget it."

I frown. Take action?

Is he talking about the TV world? No... he can't be...

"Get in the car," he says, jingling his keys. "I'm taking you to my place."

"Your place?"

"I'm not gonna take you back to Dojima's," he shrugs. "Not when you're like this."

"Like what?" I grumble.

"When you're tryna push everything to the side, looking for the easy way out."

"That's not—"

"Here." He smirks, snatching the ticket out of my hand.

"H-hey!" I splutter, reaching for it.

"If you want it, it'll be in the car," he grins.

"Please, just—"

"If you want it, come and get it," he sings.


Adachi-san takes me to Junes. He apparently wants me to cook dinner for him.

I don't know how that makes me feel.

He still has my train ticket, though I'm pretty sure that it has expired by now.

Guess I'm not going home just yet.

I sigh, grabbing a few things from the shelves when I spot Hanamura-san out of the corner of my eye.

I hold my breath. If he's here... Could Yosuke be...?

"Sensei!!" Teddie grins, hugging me from behind.

"H-hey," I splutter, catching everything that threatens to fall out of my hands.

"Whatcha doin', Sensei?" He smiles, swinging his arms around.

"...Nothing," I sigh.

"Narukami? I got some—" Adachi-san appears from around the corner. "Gah!" He grunts as he spots Teddie.

"Adachi-baby?" He frowns.

"Adachi... what?" He scoffs.

Teddie laughs. "Why are you with Adachi-baby, Sensei?"

"No reason," I shrug. "A-anyways, is Yosuke around?"

I want to see him. Even just from afar. I need to know if he meant it. If... he's happier without me.

"Nu-uh." He shakes his head. "I thought he was with you and Nana-chan."

"Long story, Ted..."

"Ooh, ooh!" Teddie calls, waving his arm behind me. "Pops!!" He waves over Hanamura-san, making me grimace.

"Hey, Narukami. Nice to see you up and awake," he chuckles.

"S-sorry for that," I mumble.

"You know you're welcome anytime," he smiles. "What's the issue, Teddie?" He turns back to Teddie, his hands on his hips.

"Where's Yosuke?" Teddie asks innocently.

"Oh, hell knows," Hanamura-san laughs. "It's summer break, so he could be absolutely anywhere..."

"...I see," I nod.

"Though he's probably at home," he shrugs.

"...Got it."

"...Wanna swing by?" Adachi-san asks me quietly.

"Oh... Detective... Adachi, am I right?" Hanamura-san bows. "It's a pleasure meeting you."

"M-me?" Adachi stammers. "Oh, uh... Thanks..." He looks away awkwardly.

"Well, I better go," he says. "That counts for you, too, Teddie. See you, Narukami."

"Bye," I nod, giving a short bow.

Once the two leave, Adachi-san furrows an eyebrow.

"What's the sudden interest in Hanamura?"

I shrug. "Can't I know where my friend is?"

"Hm," he hums.

"Hm, what?" I scoff.

"Nothin'," he says. "Come on. Let's pay for this and head back to my place."


Yosuke's POV:

I finish up drying my hair as I return to my room, tossing the towel onto the bed.

I reach for my cell.

No news messages.

Okay, usually, I'd expect that. I just wanted some word on Yu, I guess.

It's been a few hours. For all I know, he could be at home right now. Back in the city. With all his awesome friends and his perfect life.

I click my tongue.

Am I that expendable? He could just... drop me like that? After he's seen the worst of me? After I've saved his ass more times than I can count?

I know it's ultimately his decision, but... I really, really don't want him to go.

He's... the first real friend I've had. Since I moved here, anyway.

...Then again, I only have myself to blame.

I let him stray. I let him... go.

I couldn't match up with him. I was jealous. I was... spiteful.

And even after all that... The feelings of anger don't leave.

He's perfect. He's perfect, and he's leaving. That's two reasons to hate him.

I shouldn't have called him a freak or a weirdo for kissing Kanji. I don't even want to think about that anymore. It seems so trivial, knowing that now I might never see him again.

I swallow hard as my phone lights up.


No. Another match.



Yu's POV:

"Anything you wanna say?" Adachi-san shrugs, turning the corner.

"Hm?" I snap my head around to him.

"Regarding... Hanamura?"

I shake my head. "What makes you say that?"

"You've been acting all strange since you said his name. I was wondering if something happened."

"Not at all," I grumble.


"It's fine, okay?" I sigh. "I just... upset him."

"I'm sure he can handle it," he chuckles.

"I always upset him."

"...What do you mean?" He asks.

"I've been... keeping secrets and lying to him. He... hates that. He hates being left out. He feels... neglected."

"So make him feel good about himself."

"How?" I scoff.

"I dunno. Take him out somewhere. Buy him lunch, or... whatever."

"That sounds like a date," I mutter.

"Everything sounds like a date these days," he laughs. "But it's not gonna be."

"...Right," I nod.

"You don't seem sold on the idea," he notes, steering the wheel.

"He wouldn't want to."

"What kinda guy says no to free food?" He smirks.

"I think he hates me."

"Come on, that can't be right," he sighs.

"It is," I frown. "All we do is yell at each other. It's... exhausting."

"You treat each other like shit."

"I don't mean to."

"But you do," he says. "So... why not walk away?"

"I can't do that."

"You're hurting both him and yourself. What does that accomplish for anyone?"

"You wouldn't get it." I trail my fingers along the window. "He means so much more to me than he thinks. I can't just... let him go."

He whistles softly. "Sounds familiar."

"...Huh?" I turn to face him.

He remains silent for a moment more.

"You can tell me," I offer with a smile.

"Nah... Not now," he shrugs. "We're almost here, anyway."

"Got it," I nod.

"Hey, listen..." He breathes. "If... Hanamura means so much to you... Don't let him go, alright?"


"I'm just saying," he shrugs. "If you have a chance to... keep things with him... Don't let it go to waste."


"Got that?" He forces a smile.

"...Is this about Dojima?"

He pauses for a moment before responding. "What do you mean?"

I furrow a brow.

"...Yeah," he says. "Maybe."

"...I know he likes you a lot."

"Not after I stole his promotion," he laughs softly.

"You're his partner," I smile. "That's gotta count for something."


"He's not the easiest person to be around," I admit. "But I know you're special to him, Adachi-san."

He bites his lip. "Ha... Thanks. Didn't think I'd talk about this with a teenager."

"You're my friend," I smile.

He sighs softly, stopping the car. "Just... hurry up and get food ready, alright?"


thanks for reading:)

word count: 2167

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