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Por billieeyelash1864

61.4K 1.8K 1.7K

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Act I
I. Silence Speaks Louder Than Words
II. The Weight of Resentment
III. The Darwinian Playground
IV. The Battle for Existence
V. The Endless Journey
Act II
VI. The Silent Wounds
VII. The Agony of Unending Darkness
VIII. The Power of Belief
IX. The Thorny Path of Lies
X. The Bullet's Silent Message
XI. The Shadow of the Deadly Arrow
XII. The Promise of a New Foe
XIII. The Domino Effect
XIV. The Demon's Whisper
XV. The History of Betrayals
XVI. The Same Old Things
XVII. The Wall of Emotion
XIX. The Pages of Lost Innocence
XX. The Grim Reaper's Waltz
XXI. The Screams of the Dead
XXII. The Echoes of Heartache
XXIII. The Murmur of Silent Torment
XXIV. The Road Back to Each Other
XXV. The Losing Game of Love
XXVI. The Hollowed Memories
XXVII. The Symphony of Destruction
Act IV
XXVIII. The Fury within the Steel
XXIX. The Clash of Destinies
XXX. The Reign of Weaponry
XXXI. The Kindred Spirits
XXXII. The Quiet Calm Before the Storm
XXXIII. The Unending Farewells
XXXIV. The Mind's Battlefield
XXXV. The Peaceful Oases in the Chaos
XXXVI. The Shadows Cast by the Past
XXXVII. The Hand of Fate
XXVIII. The Reunion Amidst Chaos
Act V
XXXIX. The Long-Awaited Return
XL. The Uncertain Future of New Faces
XLI. The Ghost of a Present Past
XLII. The Destiny They Share
XLIII. The End of the Road
XLIV. The Highway to Hell
XLV. The Turning Point
XLVI. The Endless Tragic Demises
XLVII. The Brigde of an Endless Storm
XLVIII. The Dawn of Hope
XLIX. The Gates of Alexandria
L. The Melody in the Chaos
LI. The Midnight Sky
LII. The Scandal
Act VI
LIII. The Ying-Yang Effect
LIV. The Realm of Grief
LV. The Choreography of Death
LVI. The Way Life Goes
LVII. The Unquenchable Fire
LVIII. The Stranger Passing By
LIX. The Hilltop at the End of the Road
LX. The Sanctuary of Death
LXI. The Shadow Vs Death
LXII. The Saviours
LXIII. The Ending of a Beginning
LXIV. The Sanctuary vs Alexandria
LXV. The Truth Continues To Unveil
LXVI. The Descrution Within Oneself
LXVII. The Allience of Enemies
LXVIII. The Reminder
LXIX. The Betrayal of Friends
LXX. The Angel of Death
LXXI. The Death's Reapers
LXXII. The Beginning of a War
LXXIII. The Promise of Tomorrow
LXXIV. The Distance in his Fingertips
LXXV. The World Stops Turnin'
LXXVI. The Doom of Death
LXXVII. The Door Between Hell & Heaven
LXXVIII. The Unspoken Words
LXXIV. The Message
LXXV. The Fall of Neville
LXXVI. The Letter
Act IX(a)
LXXVII. The Hanging Tree
LXXVIII. The Bridge
LXXIX. The Judge

XVIII. The Ties that Bind

1K 27 35
Por billieeyelash1864

Daryl approaches the group of prisoners with a cautious demeanor, his crossbow aimed at them. The tension in the air is palpable as the fate of these newcomers hangs in the balance. The dim light casts shadows on the gritty expressions of both Daryl and the prisoners, setting the stage for a potentially critical encounter in their already perilous journey.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Who the hell are you?" One of the prisoners shoots back.

Madeleine advances with a determined stride, her grip firm on the sword, her eyes assessing the group of prisoners with a mix of caution and readiness. The atmosphere is charged with uncertainty as the two parties stand on the brink of a pivotal moment, each sizing up the other.

"He's bleeding out, we gotta go back!" Rick exclaims to Maggie, knowing Daryl and Madeleine will handle the prisoners. "Come around here. Put pressure on the knee! Hard! Push, push!"

Daryl keeps his eyes strained on the prisoners, "Come on out of here. Slow and steady."

Madeleine holds her sword aimed at them, standing beside Daryl as she swings her sword in her hand. "Drop your weapons."

The tension hangs thick in the air as Madeleine commands the prisoners to drop their weapons, her poised stance and the glint of her sword underscoring the seriousness of the situation. The prisoners, faced with the determined duo of Madeleine and Daryl, assess their options in the uncertain silence that follows.

The prisoners come out, a guy with a ponytail glances back at the rest before his eyes land on her. "I don't think we will, princesa."

The women's gaze narrows at the defiant words of the man with a ponytail. Her grip on the sword tightens, and she exchanges a quick glance with Daryl, silently acknowledging the escalating challenge before them.

The intensity in Madeleine's eyes matches her Spanish retort, "Suelta eso antes de que te suelte a ti," She delivers with a steely determination. "If I have to repeat myself again, in any language, I'll let the sword do the talking." The women snarks with a glare, sending shivers down their spine.

The prisoners face a resolute duo, unyielding in their demand for compliance, but the prisoners standing behind the ponytail man drop their weapons.

Big Tiny, one of the prisoners, points over at Hershel with his hands up in defence. "What happened to him?"

Daryl glares, "He got bit."

"Bit?" Thomas clarifies.

Thomas, the prisoner with the ponytail, takes the gun from his waist, and T-Dog joins the duo pointing a gun at them. The power dynamics intensify as weapons are drawn on both sides, creating a delicate balance on the brink of potential conflict.

Tension rises as the prisoners and the group engage in a silent standoff, each move calculated and loaded with an unspoken threat. Daryl subtly positions himself in front of Madeleine, a protective instinct that does go unnoticed by those keenly observing the unfolding confrontation.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy now. Nobody needs to get hurt."

Madeleine glares at the prisoner, "Maybe, they do."

As Glenn explores the room the prisoners were hidden in, Rick and Maggie focus on Hershel's condition, desperately trying to salvage the situation. The prison, once a potential sanctuary, is now filled with both internal and external threats, testing the group's resilience in the face of adversity.

"You got medical supplies?" Glenn questions, darting around to find any possible supplies.

Big Tiny, still with his hands up, speaks up. "Wow, where do you think you're going?"

Madeleine, feeling the tension rise, becomes increasingly annoyed at the relentless walkers attempting to infiltrate the cafeteria while the group deals with both the unpredictable prisoners and Hershel's dire situation. The combination of immediate threats intensifies the pressure on them all.

Axel, another one of the prisoners, steps from behind them. "Don't look like no rescue team!"

Rick, determined to protect Hershel from the impending danger, carefully lifts the unconscious man, a heavy burden in his arms. The weight of responsibility and the urgency to secure their position weigh heavily on Rick as he navigates the complex challenges surrounding the group.

"If a rescue team's what you're waiting for, don't!" With resourcefulness, Glenn swiftly grabs a table to assist in carrying Hershel, adding some much-needed support to Rick's efforts. "Come on, we gotta go! Now! Come on, I need a hand here!" Glenn and Rick gently place Hershel on the table.

Axel notices the amputated leg, "Holy Jesus!"

Rick calls out, "T, the door!"

Oscar's eyes widen in horror, "Are you crazy? Don't open that!"

"We got this." T-Dog smirks.

As the group prepares to leave the room carrying Hershel on a table, T-Dog takes action by opening the door and swiftly dealing with a walker threat. Meanwhile, the tension between Madeleine, Daryl, and the prisoners continues, with weapons still pointed as a precautionary measure. The situation remains precarious, with multiple challenges converging at once.

"Daryl! Mads!"

Thomas and Daryl keep their weapons aimed at each other, the atmosphere is thick with tension. Madeleine, however, remains focused on the immediate threat and seems to disregard any calls or distractions from her father.

She makes a move to attack one of the prisoners, but Daryl intervenes Madeleine from making a potentially risky move, causing for the women to advent her glare toward him. The prisoners, intimidated, step back in fear which goes unnoticed by the duo.

The situation hangs in a delicate balance, with weapons drawn and emotions running high. The choices made in the next moments could shape the outcome for everyone involved.

"Let's go."

The group rushes back to their cell block, leaving Hershel's severed leg behind. The persistent threat of walkers adds urgency to their attempt to return to safety. The unsettling reality of the prison becomes more evident as they navigate through the perilous environment, pushing Hershel on a table. The tension remains high, and each step is crucial.

"This way!"

In a synchronized effort, Madeleine and Daryl skillfully dispatch the approaching walkers, their movements harmonized as they forge a path toward the cell block. The gruesome task of eliminating the undead is met with efficiency, blood splattering across Madeleine's face as she swiftly takes down one of the walkers. Daryl's precision adds to the seamless coordination between the two, a testament to their shared understanding in the face of danger. The struggle for survival unfolds as they press forward, determined to reach the safety of the cell block.

"Come on!"

"Go, go, go!"

In a sudden turn of events, Madeleine detects the approaching footsteps and voices of the prisoners. Halting her steps, she dips her sword into the dispatched walker before boldly heading toward the source of the voices. The group watches with growing concern as Madeleine takes decisive action. As the prisoners make a turn, she strikes, stabbing one of them through the stomach. The prisoners, taken aback, step back with wide eyes, met by Madeleine's intense glare, a clear display of her unwavering determination to protect the group.

"Keep following us, you'll meet the same fate." She snarks, removing the sword from the man's stomach with the snarky remark, Madeleine warns the remaining prisoners about the consequences of following them. Wiping the blood from her sword on her shirt with a smirk, she watches as the injured man screams in pain before falling to the ground, caught by the others. Unfazed, she faces the ponytail man who aims his gun at her. "Are you going to use that or just wave it around?" Madeleine snaps before turning away and running with the group, leaving the prisoners behind.

"You shouldn't have done that!" Rick scolds, pushing the table of the injured man as they rush toward the cell block.

"You're completely right." She sarcastically states, forcing a tight smile onto her face. "I should've chopped all of their heads off. Oops, my bad."

The group, led by Daryl, opens a door, bringing them closer to their cell block. Maggie continues to apply pressure to Hershel's knee, and Madeleine keeps a vigilant eye on their surroundings, periodically looking back to ensure no walkers are approaching from behind.

"He's losing too much blood!" Maggie cries out, not bearing to see the sight of her father, the pressure on his wound brings a distasteful feeling in her stomach.

Rick to the others in their cell block speaks loud and clear, their gasps evident when they see the state of the older man on the table. "Open the door! It's Hershel! Carl, come on!"

Carl opens the door of the cell block. The group successfully enters the cell block, seeking safety within the confines of their chosen refuge, keeping in mind the urgency of their situation.

Carol breathes out, a hand over her mouth at the sight, "Oh, my god!"

"Daddy!" Beth cries out.

As they secure Hershel in a cell, uncertainty fills the air, reflecting the challenges of their current predicament. The urgency to find a solution for Hershel's condition adds tension to their already complex situation within the prison walls.

"He got bit." Madeleine bluntly speaks, noticing the confusing waving over the remaining members of the group.

Beth gasps out with a sob, "Oh, my god, he's gonna turn!"

"Did you cut it off?" Lori urgently asks her husband who nods in reply. "Maybe you got it in time."

"Ready?" Rick calls, slowly getting a hold of Hershel as he looks up at the group. "Okay. One, two, three!"

Carol, Lori, Glenn and Rick carry Hershel to the bed with shared grunts. Madeleine, ever vigilant, gestures to Carl to secure the gate, anticipating potential threats from the prisoners.

The tension in the air heightens as they navigate the delicate situation with Hershel's deteriorating condition and the looming danger posed by the unknown group within the prison.

Carol examines the wound, keeping pressure on it as she urges the group, "Oh, I need bandages!"

Glenn slightly shakes his head, "We used everything we had!"

"Well, get more! Anything!"

"Carl, go get the towels from the back, right next to my bed!" Lori demands, Carl runs over to the cell and grabs the towels, quickly bringing it over to the cell.

While Madeleine walks out with her sword, noticing Daryl confronting the prisoners. Madeleine and Daryl, armed and ready, keep their weapons raised at the prisoners, prepared for whatever comes next.

"You're not going anywhere." Madeleine speaks up, glaring at the man who scoffs at her words.

He points the gun at her, briefly aiming it at Daryl. "Hey, this is my house, my rules. I go where I damn well please."

She shakes her head, "Not anymore, ponytail."

"Watch where you point that, princess. Now, you've injured one of us, you have to help us." Thomas, who seems to have taken the leader role between the prisoners, yells at them which catches the attention of the group inside the cell block.

"You're not going to call me princess when I put another hole in you." She smirks, noticing a few of them are missing and she knows they must've stayed behind to help the man she stabbed. "How's your friend? Still bleeding out?" She taunts, knowing it won't be long until he turns. "Any fever? Chills?"

"You better help us!"

Madeleine narrows her eyes at him, "Or what, pendejo?"

"I'm the one with the gun. This is my house!" Thomas screams out, Daryl taking a step forward at his tone toward Madeleine.

"Yet, we're here." She pauses, tilting her head with a slight step closer to him which causes Daryl to step up. "So, if you want, empty the clip. We'll see who's still standing then."

As Rick approaches the prisoners, a tense atmosphere fills the room. The group, on high alert, keeps a close eye on the unfolding situation, knowing that the dynamics within the prison have just become even more unpredictable.

"There ain't nothing for you here, why don't you go back to your own sandbox?" Daryl proposes, adverting his glance toward the unpredictable women for a mere second. "You will regret it."

"They'll be too dead to feel anything." Madeleine announces, her father intervening before more blood is spilled.

"Hey, hey, hey! Everyone relax, there's no need for this."

Thomas narrows his eyes at Rick, "How many of you in there?"

"Too many for you to take with your little pistol patrol." Madeleine shoots back, the man narrowing his eyes at her, growing cautious of her when he senses the group proceeds in a calmer manner toward new people, whilst she tends to be impulsive and hot-headed.

"You guys rob a bank or something? Why don't you take him to a hospital?" He question, casting the group an unknown look.

Rick frowns, "How long have you been locked in that cafeteria?"

Thomas shrugs, "Going on like ten months."

"A riot broke out. Never seen anything like it." Big Tiny explains with a distraught expression.

Axel adds, "Attica on speed, man."

"Ever heard about dudes going cannibal, dying, coming back to life? Crazy." Big Tiny shakes his head with his words, "But, hey, we need your help. It's the least you could do after stabbing our friend."

"If I helped everyone I stabbed, shot, injured and killed... I'd run of time on this earth." Madeleine speaks with no empathy toward her actions.

"One guard looked out for us, locked us up in the cafeteria, told us to sit tight, threw me this piece, said he'd be right back." Thomas speaks, his glare strained on the women as he keeps his gun raises at her.

"And that was 292 days ago."

"94 according to my-."

"Shut up!"

"We were thinking that the army or the national guard should be showing up any day now." He tells them, attempting form allies which seems like they need it.

Rick sighs, running a hand through his arm at the clueless man. "There is no army. There's no government, no hospitals, no police. It's all gone."

Axel frowns, "For real?"

Rick nods, "Serious."

"What about my moms? My kids, my old lady!" Big Tiny wonders out loud, looking down at his feet.

Madeleine shrugs, slightly placing her sword down. "They're all probably dead."

The man steps up, holding his out for them, "Yo, you got a cellphone or something so we can call our families?"

Daryl scoffs at his words, "You don't get it, do you?"

"No phones, no computers. As far as we can see, at least half the population's been wiped out. Probably more." Rick explains, not withholding any information and it takes it back to the moment he learned of the outbreak and how Morgan and his son helped him.

Thomas shakes his head in disbelief, "Ain't no way."

"See for yourself, big man."

The group cautiously steps out into the prison courtyard, surrounded by the aftermath of their recent struggle. Daryl stands close to Madeleine, who keeps a vigilant eye on the prisoners. The tension in the air is palpable as they navigate the uneasy alliance within the confines of the prison walls.

Big Tiny sighs, adjusting his eyes to the bright sun. "Damn, the sun feels good."

"Good Lord, they're all dead." Axel points at the bodies scattered around the courtyard.

"Never thought I'd be so happy to see these fences."

Big Tiny turns toward the group with scrunched eyebrows, "You never said. How the hell did you get in here in the first place?"

Daryl points toward the direction they managed to break through, "Cut a hole in that fence over there by the guard tower."

"That easy, huh?"

Daryl shrugs, his crossbow on his hands in case hell breaks loose. "Where there's a will, there's a way."

"Easy for you to say."

Big Tiny pokes one of the undead bodies with a stick. "So what is this like a disease?"

Rick nods his head, "Yeah, but we're all infected."

"What do you mean, infected? Like AIDS or something?" Axel questions, his face holding confusion.

"If I was to kill you, shoot an arrow in your chest, you come back as one of these things. It's gonna happen to all of us." Daryl explains, glancing over at the women as he waits for them to piece together about what is going to happen to their friend.

"Ain't no way this Robin hood cast's responsible for killing all these freaks." Thomas comments, his eyes glancing around at the group.

"Must be fifty bodies out here."

Thomas turns toward Madeleine, his eyes travelling all over her body which causes for Daryl to unconsciously step closer to her. "You helped, princess? There's no a way a face like yours can actually kill anyone."

"Your friend would tell you a different story." She retorts, shooting him a tight smile.

"Where do you come from?"

"Atlanta." Rick replies.

"Where you headed?" Thomas presses on.

"For now, nowhere."

"I guess you could take that area down there near the water." He points at the area, Madeleine raising an eyebrow at his words before a taunting smirk dances around her lips. "Should be comfortable."

"We're using that field for crops." Rick informs.

Thomas shrugs, dismissing his words and not getting the idea they won't give up the prisoner at any cost. "We'll help you move your gear out."

"That won't be necessary." Madeleine speaks up, interrupting her father's words before he manages to get them out. "We own this. We took out these walkers, this prison is ours."

"Slow down, princess." The man holds a hand out as if indicating for them to be quiet as they speak. "You snatched the locks off our doors."

Rick shrugs his shoulders, not backing down. "We'll give you new locks, if that's how you want it."

"This is our prison. We were here first." Thomas asserts, his two other friends who don't seem eager for a fight especially after witnessing the women, stand back. "We're gettin' our place back."

"Locked in the broom closet?" Rick fires back with a scoff. "We took it, set you free, it's ours, we spilled blood."

"We're moving back into our cell block."

Madeleine steps closer to the man, both of them standing off in a fighting position. "Good luck getting through us. Why don't you boys get your own little cell block?"

Thomas points at the cell block in blinding rage. "That one is mine. I've still got personal artefacts in there, that's about as mine as it gets!"

Tensions escalate as Thomas pulls out his gun, prompting a quick and daring move from Madeleine. She steps towards him, pointing it at her own head, while Daryl remains vigilant with his crossbow. The standoff intensifies, both sides locking eyes in a silent exchange of threats and defiance. The air is thick with anticipation as the fragile alliance teeters on the edge.

"You'll get it back when we're dead, so go ahead, shoot away." Madeleine's words cut through the tension, her fearless challenge echoing in the courtyard.

The prisoners, now faced with the unexpected, exchange uncertain glances, caught in a standoff that defies the norms of their grim reality.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, maybe let's try to make this work out so everybody wins!" Axel attempts to diffuse the situation.

"I don't see that happening."

"Neither do I."

In this perilous moment, a standoff between life and death, the air thickens with anticipation. Rick's gun aims unwaveringly at the man threatening Madeleine, mirroring the intensity in his eyes. The delicate dance of survival reaches a crucial juncture, each participant aware that a single action could tip the scales of their fates.

Thomas shakes his head, putting his gun down as he adverts his glance over to Rick. "I ain't coming back into that cafeteria for one minute."

"There are other cell blocks." Axel proposes, not liking the tension or potential violence arising.

Daryl keeps his crossbow pointed at the man, slightly stepping in front of the women who arches an eyebrow at his movement. "You could leave. Try your luck out on the road."

"If these three pussies and princess can do all this, the least we can do is take out another cell block." Thomas speaks with a slight smirk which does not go unnoticed by the women, narrowing her eyes at him she can sense he has ulterior motives.

Big Tiny frowns, "With what?"

Thomas indicates toward Rick with his head, "Atlanta here will spot us some real weapon. Won't you boss?" He winks at the women who rolls her eyes, wondering when she can kill him. "He's the boss, right, princess?"

Rick lowers his gun and steps in front of her, "How stocked is that cafeteria? Must have plenty of food, five guys lasting almost a year?"

"There's only a little left."

"A little?" She raises her eyebrows, looking over at the man standing behind him. "Is he the only one being fed?"

"We'll take half. In exchange, we'll help clear out a cell block." Rick negotiates, both man glaring at each other. "Bet you've got more food than you've got choices. You pay, we'll play. We'll clear out a block for you, then you keep to it."

Thomas nods, "Alright."

"Well, let's be clear." Rick speaks with his slightly tilted. "If we see you out here, anywhere near our people, if I so much as even catch a whiff of your scent, I will kill you." He points over at his daughter, "You've seen first hand what we do when we don't like what we see. We might not agree on how she hurt your friend, but I won't stop her."

"Deal. I still hope I see your face again, princess."

Madeleine gives the man a tight smile before punching him in the face. The unexpected move from Madeleine surprises the group, their protests filling the air. The man's laughter echoes, an unsettling symphony amid the tension.

Thomas spits out blood, his lip busted from the blow. "You got some balls in you."

"I must've found yours when you dropped them."

Thomas, with an air of authority, guides the combined group towards the cafeteria, the promise of potential supplies driving their uneasy collaboration. As they navigate the prison's depths, the tension remains palpable, a silent undercurrent beneath the surface of their wary interactions.

"Pantry's back here!"

T-Dog looks around, not having had time to access the cafeteria when they found it. "You never tried to break out of here?"

Madeleine notices the bleeding man's figure hoover by his friend applying pressure. He glares at her as she blows a kiss his way, heading toward the pantry.

"That bitch is going to pay!"

"Watch your mouth."

"I'm dying!"

"I'd think a dying person would not be as loud as you."

Madeleine exchanges a perplexed glance with Daryl, questioning his unexpected defense against the prisoner's comments. She scoffs, looking back at the prisoners as she notices the amount of food they have left.

"That's what you call a little bit of food?"

Thomas shrugs, "Goes fast."


"You can have a bag of corn, some tuna fish."

Rick interrupts the man, "We said half. That's the deal." His eyes land on a door, cautiously strolling toward it. "What's in there?"

"Don't open that."

The stench hits them hard as Rick opens the door, nearly causing him to vomit. Laughter from Thomas and his group fills the air, adding another layer of tension to the already fraught situation.

"You wanted to know!" Thomas chuckles at the reaction of the group.

Axel smiles in victory, "Can't wait for my own pot to piss in."

"Bunch of assholes." She mutters, but Daryl seems to hear as he cracks a smile.

A brief exchange of silent communication between Daryl and Madeleine adds a touch of humor to the intense situation. The two of them keep their eyes locked and she goes back to glaring at the leader of the group.

"Now, will you help me?"

Madeleine opens a pack of crisps and takes a bite from a few as she stares at him. "Oh, there is no saving you. My sword had walker blood, you're a dead man." She adverts her eyes to Thomas. "I would put an end to him before he turns." She starts walking out, not bothering to wait for the rest of them. "A bullet through the head will do it. You'll finally get to use that little pistol after all."


The tension in the air rises as Rick, along with members of his group, distributes weapons to the prisoners. The shared objective of cleaning a cell block against walkers necessitates a fragile alliance, and the prisoners are being armed to contribute. The atmosphere is laden with distrust and uncertainty, yet the common threat forces them to find a way to coexist, if only for the sake of survival. As they prepare to clean a cell block for the prisoners, the boundaries between the two groups blur momentarily in the face of a greater danger.

Thomas holds one of the weapon with a roll of his eyes. "Why do I need this, when I've got this?" He points at the weapon on his waist.

"You don't fire guns. Not unless your back's up against the wall. Noise attracts them, really riles them up." Daryl explains, his eyes narrowed whilst Madeleine leans back against the wall, her eyes fixated on the prisoners.

"Is that why princess uses that big sword?" Madeleine, unfazed by Thomas's teasing, approaches him with a calm demeanour. Thomas takes a step back, caution evident in his expression. Madeleine, however, seems uninterested in intimidation."Stay back!"

"Why?" she inquires, tilting her head to the side as she removes the sword from her back and the prisoners grow wary of her. "How's your friend? Dead, I hope." Her words carry a certain coldness, revealing her lack of sympathy for those who pose a threat.

"You're going to pay for it."

Thomas's threat lingers in the air, and Daryl steps forward, positioning himself protectively in front of Madeleine. His glare conveys a clear message that he won't tolerate any harm directed towards her. Madeleine, though, finds herself perplexed by his continued efforts to shield her, a sentiment that edges on annoyance.

"I'd be careful of how you speak to her," Daryl warns, his words a stern reminder that certain boundaries should not be crossed, especially toward the women.

Rick steps up with a glare, the women rolls her eyes at them and before she let's her father defend her, she speaks. "Can we stop with 'My dick is bigger than yours' and do this already?"

Rick sighs, grabbing a weapon from the table."We'll go in two by two. Daryl will run point with T, I'll bring up the rear with you. Stay tight, hold formation, no matter how close the walkers get. Anyone breaks ranks, we could all go down. Anyone runs off, they could get mistaken for a walker, end up with an axe to the head."

"And that's where you aim." Daryl adds, placing the crossbow over his shoulder. "These things only go down with a head shot, as you should know by now."

"You ain't gotta tell us how to take out a man."

Madeleine arches an eyebrow toward her father, "What about me, Rick?"

"I want you to stay here, make sure Hershel doesn't turn. If he does..." He trails off, adverting his eyes away as the tone on his voice holds sympathy. "you know what to do."

Rick's request places a heavy burden on Madeleine, tasking her with the responsibility of ensuring Hershel doesn't turn into a walker and, if necessary, ending his life. Her response reflects a mix of frustration, reluctance, and the weight of the emotional connection she shares with Hershel, who played a crucial role in saving her life.

"Right, kill the man who saved me."

"Listen to the boss, puta-."

"Watch your mouth. I won't warn you again. Any of you say anything aimed at her, and this is done." Rick glares at the leader of the prisoners, adverting his soft glance toward her. "Listen, you're the only who can do it without a second thought. You know damn well, I'd let you come otherwise, but I need to make they're safe in there." Rick's knowing look adds a layer of understanding, acknowledging Madeleine's strength while simultaneously recognizing the burden placed on her shoulders.

She walks closer to her father, leaning into his ear and they try to listen to her as she whispers, "Watch out for ponytail. He's coming for you. He's not going to settle for no deal, this is a trap. If you have to, kill them all."

Rick slightly shocked by her words, nods in a understanding matter. "I got it."

"Yo, open up!"

In the quiet of the cell block, Lori opens the cell for Madeleine, and she walks in, her eyes scanning the surroundings. She notices Glenn sitting by the stairs and decides to join him. Glenn, holding the watch that Hershel gave him, looks towards Hershel's cell where the older man lies unconscious. The atmosphere is heavy with worry and uncertainty as they contemplate the situation and await Hershel's fate.

"What happens if he turns?"

Madeleine sighs, placing a hand on his shoulder and the man's taken back by her gentle gesture. "You know what happens, Glenn."

"You know they're not going to be able to it." He states, the women nods at his words. "They'll want to, Maggie will want to but... and I can't do it. I really can't."

"Don't worry, I'll do it."

Glenn shakes his head, hanging his head low as he speaks, "You shouldn't have to. This shouldn't be happening." He looks up at her. "I thought we'd be safe here, no more deaths."

"Everyone eventually dies, Glenn. Old world, new world, it doesn't matter." She coldly speaks, the emotion dripping away with her words. "But you have to be strong for Maggie now, she'll need you."

In the somber ambiance of the cell block, Madeleine's cold words cut through the air, reaching Glenn with an undeniable weight. He shivers slightly, absorbing the harsh reality of her statement.

Glenn bites down his tongue, unsure if he boldly can ask her something personal, but he gains the courage to say it. "Have you ever lost someone really close to you?"

She doesn't reply with her words, simply nodding her head. "That's why I'm telling you she's going to need you even if she pushes you away, you'll push back harder. Grief is a disease. It's the worst thing anyone can experience."

"Who'd you lose?"

Glenn's question hangs in the air, laden with a depth that goes beyond the immediate struggles of the post-apocalyptic world. Madeleine, sitting beside him, considers his words. Her eyes reflect a mixture of memories, pain, and the weight of losses endured.

After a pause, she responds with a distant gaze. "More than I'd care to remember nowadays," she admits, her voice carrying the weight of untold stories. The scars of her past, etched in both physical and emotional realms, remain concealed beneath her stoic exterior.

As Carl enters the cell block with a victorious smile, holding a duffle bag, his eyes seek out his sister. There's a hopeful anticipation in his expression, as if he's eager for her approval. The bag in his hand likely holds something significant, and he hopes it will earn him a moment of pride from her.

"You okay, Mads?"

"I'm fine, they're dealing with the prisoners. I came to keep an eye on things here." She narrows her eyes at the duffle, standing from her seat. "What-Where the hell did you come from?"

Glenn stands up, crossing his arms as both of them stare at Carl. "He's supposed to be organising the food."

Carl smiles, "Even better! Check it out!"

Carl drops the bag, Carol and Lori emerge from their cell, drawn by Carl's voice. They open the bag to find it filled with medical supplies. A sense of relief and gratitude fills the air as the group looks down at the much-needed resources. It's a valuable contribution that could make a difference in Hershel's condition and the overall well-being of the group.

Lori frowns at her son, "Where did you get this?"

"Found the infirmary. Wasn't much left, but I cleared it out!"

"What the hell, Carl?" His sister shoots a glare at him, shaking her head in disappointment.

Carol and Maggie proceed to put new bandages on Hershel's leg, working to tend to his wounds. Lori and Mads share a disapproving glance at Carl, who seems to have acted on his own initiative. Meanwhile, Glenn slips away into the cell to assist the women in caring for Hershel. The tension in the air reflects the complex dynamics within the group, a blend of concern, frustration, and determination to navigate the challenges of the situation.

"No big deal, I killed two walkers!"

"Alright," Lori starts, pointing at Hershel's cell. "do you see this? This was with the whole group!"

"We needed supplies, so I got them!" Carl argues back.

"I appreciate that, but..."

"Then get off my back!"

Madeleine, visibly upset, grabs her brother's arm and forcefully pulls him out of the cell. Carl protests against the tight grip, but she pays no attention. With a stern tone, she addresses him, expressing her concern and laying down the rule: "Don't you dare speak like that, Carl! You do not go anywhere without telling us, you understand me? No matter how tough you think you are now."

"I had to help-."

"Do not argue back when I'm speaking to you, Carl." Madeleine demands, raising her voice and the people inside the cell can clearly hear their argument. "Your nasty attitude toward people needs to stop! You're angry at the world, fair enough. Hate it all you want, but do not take it out on people!"

Carl glares back at her, "Like you?"

Madeleine, lightly stunned by his words, pauses for a moment. "You want to be like me so bad, Carl? What is it you're trying to achieve? Enlighten me!"

"You're allowed to be mad at the world, but I'm not when all I did was help and I still get told off like I'm a child." Carl scoffs, shaking his head as he attempts to walk away, but Madeleine's grip keeps him steady.

"Because you are a child! And we are all trying to protect you."

"I don't need you to protect me, I can defend myself." He matches her tone, raising his voice and the group inside the cell stares at Lori, who remains with her head hung low.

"Is that what you're going to say when one of these walkers kills you because you decided to go out there to help us?"

"What about you?" He fires at her, forcefully removing his arm from her grip. "You're always at the front of the line, ready to go into the fight without thinking about how I would feel if you died! Why can't I do it?"

"'Cause I say so! I can do it because I know what I'm doing and I'm not risking myself or putting anyone in danger, Carl. I know how to fight, I know how to protect myself whilst I protect others, you're still learning and you're still a damn kid! If you got bit, and died and then we didn't know where you were, we'd have to go out there to find you while we have a dying man already in that cell! You're still a kid, Carl. Just because you have a gun and Rick trust you to keep watch doesn't change that you're still my little brother and I'm here to protect you not the other way around. We worry about you and we love you and we don't want you to have to deal with all of this more than you already have." Madeleine's passionate and protective words cut through the tension, emphasizing the love and concern she feels for her brother in the midst of the harsh realities they face

"It's not fair. I just wanted to help."

"It's life. Now, listen to me very clearly; you don't speak to your mother or anyone like you just did. You can be mad all you want, you are allowed, but we both know our reasons are different and you're more mad at the situation we're in than the people that care about you." She pauses, sighing as she kneels down to level their eyes and her brother stares at her with eyes glistening. "Me and your parents have our indifferences, doesn't mean you have to be mad at them as well. And I'm not going to die, I'm pretty good at this shit. So, when you get back in there, you better tell Lori the most heartfelt apology and you better mean it. Understood?"

Carl nods his head, watching his sisters stand back up as he bites down on his lip. "I don't hate them. I know you do, you're right to. If they lied to me about it, I'd done what you did. I just want things to be different."

"Do something! Somebody help! Somebody! Please, help!"

The heartbreaking moment unfolds as Beth's scream echoes through the cell block, drawing Madeleine back into the cell. Lori's desperate attempts at resuscitation are met with silence, and the emotional weight of the situation intensifies as Beth and Maggie break down in tears. Madeleine, recognizing the inevitability of the situation, stands back with her knife at the ready, prepared to act if Hershel turns, despite seeing that he's already handcuffed to the bed. The somber atmosphere and the mix of grief, helplessness, and readiness for the worst create a poignant scene.

"Come on! Come on!"

The unexpected turn of events leaves everyone on edge as Hershel suddenly grabs Lori. Quick to react, Madeleine pulls her away, her knife ready, only to find that Hershel is still human.

Relief washes over the group as Hershel, although briefly awakened, falls back asleep, and his breathing stabilizes. Madeleine glances back at the entrance and notices Carl with his gun pointed at Hershel. She shakes her head at him, signaling that the threat has passed, and Carl, understanding the situation, walks away.

The tension eases, but the underlying vulnerability of their circumstances lingers.


I can't wait to publish the next chapter, a lot will be revealed 👀 😉

What's your thoughts so far?

Thank you for reading ❤️

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