
By ThinYoongi

230K 6K 862

ᵥᵢ·ᵥₐ·cᵢₒᵤₛ /vəˈvāSHəs,vīˈvāSHəs/ (adj•) full of life and good spirits happy and lively in a way that is att... More

•《Part I》•
•《aesthetics 》•
•《chapter I》•
•《Chapter II》•
•《Chapter III》•
•《Chapter IV》•
•《Chapter V》•
•《Chapter VI》•
•《Chapter VII》•
•《Chapter VIII》•
•《Chapter IX》•
•《chapter X》•
•《chapter XI》•
•《chapter XII》•
•《Chapter XIII》•
•《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ xɪᴠ》•
•《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ xv》•
•《Chapter XVI》•
•《Chapter XVII》•
•《Chapter XVIII》•
•《chapter XIX》•
•《chapter XX》•
•《Chapter XXI》•
•《chapter XXII》•
•《chapter XXIII》•
•《Chapter XXV》•

•《chapter XXIV》•

1.4K 58 12
By ThinYoongi

The night passed slowly, at one point Jacob had to  come in and lay with them to keep them warm, much to Edward's dismay. Of course the two had an argument as usual. When the morning came Jacob left to go do a patrol walk and Edward went off to think. The girls woke up alone in their tent, they both got dressed quickly. When they were done they unzipped the tent and climbed out. Sitting by the fire pit which was burnt out was Seth in his wolf form.

"Hey Seth." Arianna said, giving him a strained smile. The young shifter gave her a nod in greeting as Edward made his way back over to the girls.

"Where's Jacob? Did he already–" Bella starts.

"Not yet." Edward interrupted. "He's making sure the woods are clear before he goes."

Edward wraps the girls both in his arms giving them a comforting hug. Seth then walks off into the woods, leaving the three alone. Arianna excused herself and went over to the edge of the peek they were on, she sat and looked out over the vast woods below her.

"Sorry about last night. Couldn't have been easy on you." Bella said once Arianna walked off.

"It definitely won't make my list of top ten favorite evenings."

You have a list?" She questioned with a smile.

"All ten spent with you and Arianna. Of course number on being when you said you'd marry me. Mrs. Cullen." The vampire said with a smile.

"This is the twenty-first century; I'm at least hyphenating my name–"

"You're marrying him?" Jacob had made his way out of the woods, his body shaking with anger.

"Oh no, Jake–" Bella then turned to Edward. "You... knew he was listening."

"He deserves to know." With a scoff and a shake of his head Jake starts his way back toward the woods.

"Stop! Jake!"

"Bella... Let him–" Edward was quickly cut off.

"Don't. Just let me talk to him alone." Bella then runs off after Jacob. During the comotion Arianna made her way back toward her vampire mate, just catching a glimpse of Bella's brown hair rounding the corner across from her.

"What's going on?" She asks, walking up beside Edward, taking his cold hand in her own.

"It's just Jake throwing another hissy fit." Edward explained with a grimm face.

"Hey, be nice. He just thinks that he can change fate. He'll realize soon enough that there is someone else out there for him." Arianna said with a smirk.

"When did you get so wise?" Edward joked.

"Hey, I'm not wise. I've just learned that everything happens for a reason." Arianna said, "though it might take people a while to realize it." Edward gave her a smile before getting a faraway look, he was reading Jacobs' mind. His face then turns sour.

"Why don't you go sit by the fire for a minute, I'm gonna go talk to Bella really quick." Edward tells her, she nods and walks away.

When Edward and Bella return the two girls go off on their own for a little bit to talk.

"What was that all about?" Arianna asked.

"Jake and I kissed."

"Oh..." Arianna found herself flooded with jealousy.

"I don't know, I'm sorry." Bella said with a sigh.

"It's okay Bella."

"No it's not, it's not fair to Edward and especially not you." Bella said, "you just found out about us being mates a few months ago and I know it all has to be confusing for you. And now I'm making that worse by kissing someone who I'm not even supposed to be with. I know I only did it because I didn't want him to run off and get himself killed out of anger but I also can't sit here and say I didn't feel anything."

Bella then started crying, she held her head in her hand. She felt completely overwhelmed and she felt like she was failing her mates. Arianna sighed and placed a hand on her back rubbing it trying to comfort her.

"Bella, I know you've had feelings for Jacob in the past, and I know those aren't gonna go away overnight. He was there for you at a time when you had no one, and I can respect that he was that person for you." Arianna spoke, "don't ever beat yourself up because of that. Yes this is all confusing to me but I know that eventually we will have eternity with each other to figure this all out."

"I just feel like all I keep doing is hurt you and Edward. And I don't want that." Bella cried.

"Everything is still so new, and right when you think you have a hang of things something happens and everything changes again." Ari said, "but in the end everything will always end up the way it's supposed to."

"You are too good for us." Bella says, she still had tears streaking her rosy cheeks as she looked at Arianna. "You are amazing, no matter what you have always stuck by us, and I appreciate you for it."

"I will always be here, no matter your needs." Arianna told her, "now let's wipe those tears, and brighten up."

Bella takes her sleeves, and dries her face. Arianna helps her fix her messy hair and rubs her back reassuringly. Ari gives her a smile of encouragement which Bella returns.

"Although, I do have one more question for you," Bella said, stopping Arianna in her tracks.
"What's up?" she asks with a smile.

"Did you know that Edward was gonna propose?" Bella asked her, "also I know I haven't really talked to you about it, I've been too worried about all of this and I'm sorry."

"Yes I did know." The girl replied with a smile, "he came to me before and asked me if I was okay with it."

"Are you?"

"Well he asked you didn't he?" Arianna said with a laugh.

"Well I just want to make sure you feel okay about it." Bella told her.

"Listen Bells, you and Edward have been together longer than we've known each other, you guys need to work on your relationship and solidify that before adding me into the mix." Ari told her. "I am going to be here and be a part of you always but I want you and Edward to be happy and get married. Don't you worry about me, I will always stand by both your sides."

"Okay" Bella gave her a large smile. "I just want to consider your feelings, if anything is wrong please tell me."

"The same goes for you."

The girls both exchange a hug and a smile. They start to head back over to the campsite where Edward stands, he gives the girls both a smile. He heard their conversation and he was glad that Arianna was able to reassure Bella. He was happy that his girls were good. After a minute Seth makes his way out of the woods, he looks at Edward and the vampire's face turns serious.

"It's starting." He announced.

Arianna's smile turned into a frown, she felt her body start to tremble as the anxiety overwhelmed her. The fear took control as she felt herself wrap her arms around her body. Bella's smile was also wiped off her face into a more serious look as she continued to look at Edward knowing he would update them.

"Jacob just got there– he's good." The vampire told them. The girls watch as he concentrates on the battle. He gives them little updates, the girls could hear him quietly commenting on some of the things going on. After a few minutes Edward blinks and looks around worry on his face. He looks at Seth and they have what looks like a silent conversation.

"Seth, go." he says sternly.

"Is someone hurt?" Arianna asks, her voice shaking.

"What's going on?" Bella asks right after, Edward walks over to the two and leads them to the cliff side, it covers their backs and Edward stands in front of them protectively.

"She's close– I can hear her thoughts. She saw we weren't there but she caught my scent– She knew I'd be with you guys."

"Victoria found us."

"And she's not alone..." he said grimley.

After he said that a young boy walked out of the woods, he was around the same age as the girls, he was tall, with brown shaggy hair. His clothes were ripped and dirty, he had a pale complexion. What startled the girls was his deep red eyes, they were bright against his white skin. The girls soon recognize him; it's Riley Biers, the boy who went missing almost a year ago. He was a vampire.

"Riley. Listen to me." Edward says carefully, calculating his every move. "Victoria's using you– to distract me. But she knows I'll kill you." They watch as his smirk drops and he hesitates. "Actually she'll be glad she won't have to deal with you anymore."

The red haired vampire then makes her entrance from woods, she came from the opposite side of Riley. Arianna examined the women who had caused them so much trouble for the last year. Her fiery red hair and dark eyes; calculating every move. She was the predator and they were her prey.

"Don't listen Riley, I told you about their mind tricks." Her voice was velvety and sultry. Arianna felt herself shiver as the fear crept up her spin.

"Yes, I can read her mind. That's how I know what she thinks of you. How I know she doesn't love you." Edward tells the young vampire.

"He's lying–" She hisses.

"Her sole purpose for creating you and this army was to avenge her true mate, James. That's all she cares about. Not you." Riley hesitated at this and glanced toward the women he loved.

"There is only you. You know that." Victoria pouted her bottom lip in a manipulative way and the boy turns to the three of them, with a snarl and he tenses up.

"Think about it. You're from Forks, you know the area." Edward says quickly. "That's why she picked you. She's using you like she's using the rest of them."

Riley falters his mind racing. He thought Victoria loved him, she couldn't do that to him. She wouldn't.

"Riley, don't let him do this to us. I love you." With those words, his face turns dark as he glowers at Edward.

"You're dead."

With that he begins to charge at Edward. The three tense up and Edward leans forward ready for the attack. Before Riley reached them Seth leaped from the cliff above them and pounced on the young vampire. The sound of shattering stone could be heard and Arianna watched in horror as the wolf ripped off his hand. Edward turns back to see Victoria trying to flee back into the woods.

"You can escape. You always do. But you'll never get another chance like this." He shouts, stopping her in her tracks. "Don't you want them? Don't you want me to feel the pain you felt when I killed James? When I tore him to pieces and turned him into ash...when I turned him  into nothing."

Victoria turns slowly, a deep growl erupting through her throat. She snarls and shakes with pain and anger as she thinks back to the day she lost her one true love. She wants them to feel the pain she felt that day and more. She wanted to kill every last one of them. They watch as a smirk takes over her face.

"It's too bad... you were too worried about your precious mates." The three of them stood confused. "You didn't even think about the people they cared for. I paid a little visit to your homes; I was a little hungry and figured I'd stop for a snack. Charlie was off at work so I just had to make do with the other one. Poor Daniel begged and pleaded for someone to save him... right before I ripped out his throat."

Arianna froze, her breathing hitched and her vision became blurry. She could feel her heart beating through her chest as a sob tried escaping her. Her knees felt weak and she almost collapsed, using the stone wall behind her for support. Bella felt herself tear up as she looked back at the girl. Edward snarled and ran toward the red head, and there was a loud boom as their bodies collided into a fight. Bella wanted to comfort her human mate but her attention turned away as she watched the blurry figures fight throughout the campsite.

Arianna in her state did the only thing she could think of; she ran. The pain coursed through her body as she ran in the direction they had come from the day prior. Her mind was on her father, the only family she had left.

The man that sat with her and held her as she cried after the crash. The man who took her to get ice cream everytime she brought home a good grade. The man who clapped and cheered for her as she walked the stage to get her diploma. The man who taught her pretty much everything she knows. The man who raised her and loved her with all his heart. The man, who was her father.

Arianna's throat burned as she took in harsh gasps of the cold air. Her feet hit the ground with such force, it shot aches through her legs. She ran through the dense tree branches hitting her arms and face; cutting her skin. But she didn't care, she needed to get home. Even if she was miles aways she would keep going.

A few thousand feet away from the frantic girl, Riley and Seth were still fighting. The vampire got the upper hand and kicked the young wolf into a tree. Seth whimpered as he felt multiple bones cracking. Riley smirked and watched as the shape shifter tried to get up but couldn't. Riley started to turn toward the campsite to go help his "lover" when he heard the harsh running and frantic breathing of Arianna.

The human girl barely has enough time to stop as he shows up in front of her with lightning speed. The snowy ground was slippery and she ended up slipping onto the hard cold ground hitting her head. Arianna's vision blears and she looks up to see his red eyes staring down at her.

Arianna tries to crawl away from him, her nails digging into the cold hard dirt, but he was quick to grab her. Riley's stone-like hands gripped her by the back of her neck and he lifted her harshly. He took a moment and leaned into her neck smelling the blood that rushed through her veins. With no more time wasted he dragged her back to the fight. They came out of the woods, just as Edward was getting the upper hand over Victoria.

An ear-piercing scream erupted through the mountains stopping the fight. Edward looked over to find Riley, red hot blood dripping from his smirking mouth. Arianna in his arms. She looked at him in pain as she had a tear in the side of her neck. A large chunk taken out of her soft flesh. Edward stops fear and pain overcoming him as he watches his mate fall to the ground. The white snow now stained a bright red.

A fierce deadly growl escaped him and he threw the red head into the cliff beside him, stone falling around her. He ran toward Riley with force. His arms wrapped around the young vampire's body as he slammed him into a nearby tree. Hitting him in the face watching as his face cracked and broke with each one.

Victoria soon recovered and joined the fight gripping Edward from behind. Bella looked toward her human mate as tears streamed down her face. She wanted to run to her to hold her and tell her she loved her. She wanted to be with Arianna but she couldn't as the trio of fighting vampires moved in front of her. She watched as her other mate started losing the fight. And her fear grew,

Bella looks as Riley tackles Edward to the ground and Victoria stands above him gripping his neck, pulling. Without a thought the human grabs a shape rock that had fallen during the battle and drug it against her soft skin on her arm. Blood raced down to her hand and fell to the snowy ground.

The two human drinking vampires stop, looking up and inhaling the scent. Their eyes blacken with hunger. During the pause Edward took the opportunity and grabbed onto Victoria throwing her into a tree; it broke upon the impact. He then takes ahold of Riley and with force rips off his arm throwing it to the ground. As he turns back to Victoria, Seth rejoins and tackles Riley, dragging him into the woods. They could hear his screams as Edward and Victoria fought again.

He eventually gets behind her and bites her neck using the time to rip her neck from her body. Her body fell to the ground followed by her head. He quickly lights a match and throws it over her body, and it erupts into flames. They stop for a second and look as it was finally over. Edward looked to Bella who was now at Arianna's side. Fear and pain showed on her face. Edward speeds to her and listens for a second. He could hear a faint, weak heartbeat.

"She's still alive, but barely. Seth take Bella. I need to get her to Carlisle." Without another word, Edward picks up Arianna and runs. Bella quickly hops onto Seth's back and they are off behind the vampire.

Within minutes Edward reaches the battlefield. The Cullens and wolves walked around throwing the body parts of the dead vampires into a fire. They look over as Edward emerges from the trees, and they all stop as they look at the scene before them. Esme lets out a cry and falls to the ground. In his arms was their mate covered in her own blood. They could all see her torn neck.

Carlisle rushes over to them and grabs her, he gently sets her onto the ground and listens carefully. He could hear the faint heartbeat. He knew she had venom rushing through her and he thought of their options.

"What happened?" His voice was stern and filled with pain.

"Riley Biers. H- He. I couldn't-" Edward stops, pain filling his body as he looks at their bloodied mate. He thought it was his fault. "What do we do?"

"She's still alive." The vampires all breathe a sigh of relief. "She had venom in her. I could suck it out but if I do that she will die. She's lost too much blood and I won't be able to do anything in time."

They all stood still not knowing what to do. They all felt anger, fear, and pain running through their bodies. They didn't want it to happen this way. They wanted her to live her human years as long as possible. They wanted her to have a choice, but she had that take from her. And they will never forgive themselves for it.

"The Volturi are coming, what do we do Carlisle?" Alice asked, her voice was strained.

"The pack needs to leave. They will not honor a truce with the werewolves. Jasper, Rosalie, I want you to take them back to the house. Watch over her, we will be back as soon as this is all over." Carlisle directs them, Jasper makes his way over to his changing mate and picks her up softy. "Sam I know we will need to discuss this, why don't you give me a call later and we will plan a meeting."

"How long do we have?" Edward asks Alice.

"Few minutes, maybe ten."

"Alright Jasper go. We will finish cleaning up. " With that the southern vampire is off, holding Arianna to his body.

A/N- Soooo what do you guys think? Probably not what y'all expected. I've had this planned out since I started this book and I am so happy we finally got to this part lol. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to comment and vote!


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