The Branchalites go East

By AngelaZoesia

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The second volume in the Branchalite series: Michelle Lorax and her sister move to the east following orders... More

Chapter 1: Rough Seas
Chapter 2: The Ice Mountain Bay
Chapter 3: The White Dragons' Lair
Chapter 4: Prisoner and Presents
Chapter 5: Endings and Beginnings
Chapter 6: The brief stay in Rigitt.
Chapter 7: Meeting at the Seventh Sister
Chapter 8: The Mercenaries of Fortune Forest
Chapter 9: The Tak'mithrin Warband
Chapter 10: Cryonisis' Reminder.
Chapter 11: New Orders
Chapter 12: Tarmaks and Bralani
Chapter 13: Centaurs and a Dragon
Chapter 14: The Meeting at Duntol.
Chapter 15: The Lair of the Nighthound
chapter 16: The Merchant and the Minotaurs.
Chapter 17: The lively journey to Donatta
Chapter 18: The Duplicity at Donatta
Chapter 19: Trade, Travel, and Tales
Chapter 20: Trouble with Tarmaks
Chapter 21: Misunderstanding with Minotaurs
Chapter 22: Problems at Purstal.
Chapter 23: Aghar, Aberrations and Agents of Angst.
Chapter 24: Purchases in Purstal: The Hurk hustle.
Chapter 25: The last Mayor of Purstal.
Chapter 26: Introducing the jarak-sinn.
Chapter 27: The Duvarde Noble Family
Chapter 28: The City of Morning Dew
Chapter 29: Meeting at the Sunken Ship.
Chapter 30: More Jarak-sinn.
Chapter 31: Traveling through the Great Swamp.
Chapter 32: Shrentak
Chapter 33: Trade Route Replenishing
Chapter 34: Many Meetings and Profitable Trading.
Chapter 36: Mercenaries go to Vantal
Chapter 37: The Foul Lake.
Chapter 38: Violence in Vantal.
Chapter 39: A City Fortified.
Chapter 40: Misadventure in Missing City
Chapter 41: Retreat across the desert.
Chapter 42: Sojourn to Silvanost
Chapter 43: The Temple of Astarin.
Chapter 44: Fleeing Silvanesti, Part 1.
Chapter 45: Fleeing Silvanesti: Part 2.
Chapter 46: Fleeing Silvanesti: Part 3.
Chapter 47: An Intimate Interlude
Chapter 48: Scrying, Scouting, Scooting.
Chapter 49: Extracting the Elves
Chapter 50: Trading and Dinner.
Chapter 51: Planning, Scheming, Preparing.
Chapter 52: A Preponderance of Preparation
Chapter 53: All's fair..
Chapter 54: Covert Operations.
Chapter 55: Dinner and Scouting
Chapter 56: Wentil's Tor
Chapter 57: Strategy and Exhaustion.
Chapter 58: The Celebration of Spring Dawning
Chapter 59: Preparations at Wentil's Tor.
Chapter 60: The Battle for Wentil's Tor
Chapter 61: The Battle for the City of Morning Dew

Chapter 35: Recruiting at Langtree.

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By AngelaZoesia

Sedgwick Halgard was the youngest offspring of a wealthy, prominent merchant family, the third son, seventh child. His siblings had all achieved advantageous marriages and demonstrated success in their commerce, but his choice to become a coinsword had baffled his father and disappointed his mother. His distant relative, Loren, had granted the extended clan notoriety through his adulterous affair with Usha Majere and while the lives of his siblings were above reproach, Sedgwick's parents had always gifted him with the impression that disgrace was not restricted to those outside the immediate relations. Given an expansive and encompassing education in his youth, Sedgwick had failed to go on and become a famous white robed mage, whose name was spoken in reverent whispers in the dining room of all the most significant families. Indeed, he'd shucked the wizardry and fallen back on the church, pursuing a martial path to religious prominence. He was still uncertain as to whether his path was correct, but he'd learned to not second-guess himself: Determine the optimal course and endure the consequences through bitter resolve.

Thus, Sedgwick found his mind wandering as he took his leave from the City of Morning Dew, watching the bulk of his comrades departing for the east, leaving him in the company of Mark Tramwell and Thrinzia Juri, making their way on horse and foot toward the legendary city of Langtree, home of the mad Baron and many outcast mercenaries. His captain, known as Esme Wildtamer, had assured him that he'd be lieutenant to the two sergeants with him in the new unit, which was forming ostensibly to become the core of the honor guard for Lady Maureen Sevastian, a noble lady that was as fictitious as the mercenary captain. Sedgwick acknowledged the requirement for such obfuscation, but also realized that it'd make dinners at home even more awkward. Something about Michelle's adherence to such measures in a transparent, friendly city made Sedgwick more than a little uneasy. He suspected something was transpiring to which he wasn't given consideration. That 'need to know' thing.

The weather was miserable, amplifying Sedgwick's emotional tone, and driving him toward extreme introspection. In his periphery, he observed Thrinzia slopping through the muck elicited by the drizzle, his horse keeping pace with both her and Mark on the other side. Their passage northwest echoed that previous venture Sedgwick had taken with Michelle, that time on their way toward the trade city of Shrentak. This journey would pass by that city and further down the Ogre River toward the New Sea. Langtree wasn't coastal, but it was less than a day's ride from the ocean. Their passage would also bring them past the ruins of Vantal, once a major city itself, now a pile of ruins much like Purstal, though Sedgwick hoped there would be less undead infesting the place. Around him, the insect life buzzed itself into a sluggish wakefulness, failing to recognize the earlier true dawn due to the cloud cover and precipitation. Horses and Thrinzia proceeded at much the same speed, the trail through the swamp defined by the passage of many travelers on an identical sojourn.

"Mark, could you ask Layla to scout ahead for us?" Sedgwick's words were directed to the man riding beside him and after a few moments, the tiny dragon-like reptile took to the air, soaring off along the trail in front of them. Sedgwick glanced over toward Thrinzia, ambling along, matching pace with the horses without distress. His gaze flickered over to Mark and then back toward the trail. He settled into a silent amble, letting everyone entertain their introspection without further spoken commentary, although he suspected Mark was thought-speaking with the pseudodragon, which wasn't so far ahead as on the previous occasions, because the travelers could move through the swamp as fast as the little creature.

The first day concluded without any encounters. The small group had arrived at the Ogre River and even along it a little ways before setting up camp. Sedgwick took the first watch, Mark was on second and Thrinzia would take the third, but Sedgwick didn't expect there to be any trouble. Not this close to Shrentak. The trail had been quiet, though as word spread about the lack of banditry traffic would doubtless increase, both in frequency and quantity. Sedgwick watched the other two settle in and eat some trail rations, Mark once again feeding tidbits of delight to his pet, their primary scout. Mark had an astonishing metabolism and could eat and sleep less than any other individual Sedgwick had encountered. Thrinzia had a hearty appetite, however, preferring meat to other offerings. She was muscled, agile and robust. Sedgwick also got the impression that she was much smarter than many of her species, even though the beady eyes and crocodilian jaws cast a sinister aspect to her appearance. It was one of the facets that Michelle appeared to appreciate in those who worked for her, that intelligence, though Sedgwick knew it wasn't a general trait in the Legion of Steel. He suspected Michelle was a different kind of commander, one he'd come to respect and admire.

He turned his attention to his duty then, watching and listening around their camp, the sound of the rushing water soothing his wrinkled brow, the insect life ceding the primacy of background noise to the warble of small amphibian life. Sedgwick had already seen to his horse, so he patrolled the perimeter for the period of his watch, before heading over to Mark to notify him that the second watch was starting.

The group were undisturbed overnight, and crossed the river as the sun breached the horizon, clouds disbursed during the night, yielding a rainbow in the spray from the river. Sedgwick couldn't help but smile. Thrinzia swam across the river without hesitation, but the horses required some enticement. All the same, the team were heading northwest along the north bank shortly after dawn. They passed Shrentak in the middle of the morning and with Layla scouting ahead made good progress along the river until the middle of the afternoon. Mark called out and pointed to the east where five, black-scaled humanoid creatures were flying toward the group, from the direction of the ruins of Vantal.

"Let's dismount," Sedgwick told Mark, using the Camptalk language, as he slid out of his saddle and landed on the soft ground. "You should let Layla know to stay out there for a bit. These guys can fly as fast as her. And we should establish our defenses." His eyes strayed over to the giant, scaled lady standing nearby. "Well, those of us that have spells should." He flashed her an apologetic smile and then turned his focus back on the approaching fliers, even as he framed the spells he wanted to deploy in his mind. Mark had dismounted and was pacing away from his horse, so that it wouldn't get caught in any area-effect spells. Sedgwick gestured to a spot where he'd like Thrinzia and she moved that way as he stepped away from his own horse. They formed a triangle more than a line, Sedgwick at the prominence, aiming toward the irregular group of scaly folk heading their way.

One of the scaly humanoids flew up closer and shot an arrow toward Sedgwick. It was stopped by the arcane shield Sedgwick had set in place, but the creature was a skilled archer, getting the arrow close even at such a distance. Three of the other scaly humanoids flew closer and sent arrows toward Sedgwick and one of them sliced open a wound on his right leg. The last of the enemy flew closer but appeared to be casting a defensive spell that caused their outline to become blurred. Thrinzia called out in Camptalk, "They're black dragonspawn," and pulled the string on her bow sending an arrow toward the rightmost of the leading elements. Her arrow failed to penetrate the scales.

Sedgwick took a moment to review what he knew of dragonspawn. Typically human to some extent, they were engineered by a dragon overlord into a new creature through the use of magic, alchemy, and a shard of a draconian's spirit. The scales they acquired overlaid their mammalian form and gave them significant protection. They were under the direct control of an overlord, but if they survived the overlord's passing they would either go mad or became independent. Sedgwick guessed these were the latter. Given the scaly armor, Sedgwick used a blessing from Shinare that would facilitate a morale boost to himself, Mark and Thrinzia during their attacks. They'd need the assistance. He ignored the injury to his leg and drew his blue two-handed sword, wondering if it's efficacy against dragons would extend to dragonspawn. Mark drew his dull-sheened broadsword, holding it ready in his left hand, while he inscribed letters of green fire in the air in front of him. Massive chunks of ice fell from ten feet above the opposition and hit four of the enemy who were thirty feet above the ground. Those four dragonspawn all appeared to be injured by the icy assault, for which Sedgwick was grateful.

The archer on the left peeled off from the main group and approached more cautiously, sending an arrow toward Mark who was out of Sedgwick's view. Another one of the group headed in that direction, adding his own arrow directed toward Mark. The third in the front line headed toward Sedgwick, sending his own projectile that sliced into his left arm, causing him to wince. The fourth in the front line, furthest to the right and the fastest, flew on toward Thrinzia, sending an arrow in her direction, but she was also behind Sedgwick's line of sight, so he couldn't tell if she was injured. The last of the enemy, the one that hung behind the others and had previously cast a spell, cast another spell which Sedgwick identified as being an energy protective effect, doubtless deployed against any more of the cold attacks from Mark. Sedgwick heard the sound of Thrinzia drawing her massive sword, so big it required both of her huge hands to wield. Retaining his own two handed sword in one hand, Sedgwick pulled a stick and fired off three glowing green darts at the spellcaster to the rear of the enemy's group. They fizzled out against an invisible shield and Sedgwick frowned. "She's got an arcane shield up," he called out to the other two, restoring two hands upon his blade, letting the wand fall to the ground for now. Sedgwick heard Mark spellcasting again, and this time a bolt of lightning flashed out toward the spellcaster at the back of the group of dragonspawn. She dodged the worst of the bolt, taking little damage from it, and appeared very weak after the attack.

The left-most spawn flew even closer and sent another arrow toward Mark. The next in line flew straight at Mark, switching to his two handed sword as he dove. The archer that had been shooting at Sedgwick flew straight at him, also drawing his sword as he dove and landed right in front of the coinsword, slashing hard with the blade, carving an ugly wound in Sedgwick's left flank. He ignored the pain as best he could, trying to maintain situational awareness. The last of the front line flew at Thrinzia, but she'd prepared for the dive and struck at the creature twice before it could swipe at her, her size giving her reach over the enemy. Blood flew, both green and red. The spellcaster moved up close to the melee, assessing and preparing her next assault. Sedgwick slashed at the creature in front of him, once from a high guard, and twice with a lateral swipe. His blade connected twice and from the egregious wounds he delivered, he assumed his dragonbane weapon was effective against spawn. Another lightning bolt flashed out from Sedgwick's left, so he knew Mark was still in the fight and delivering significant damage.

To his left Sedgwick saw the hovering enemy archer unleash a deluge of arrows toward Mark's position. He also heard the sound of sword blows smashing into his ally and hoped Mark was faring better than the conflict sounded. Sedgwick's opponent slashed at him, connecting once and giving him a nasty cut on his left arm. Sedgwick heard the sound of continued swordplay over where Thrinzia was fighting also, thankful that both his allies were still in this fight. The enemy spellcaster cast a spell, gesturing toward Mark, but Sedgwick didn't see or hear any effect. Sedgwick inverted his wrists, turning, twisting and swinging with extreme force. His blade entered one side of the neck of the scaled enemy and exited the other side. Before the head had hit the ground, Sedgwick was rushing over to assist Thrinzia in her battle. Sedgwick heard the sound of Mark's sizzling lightning bolt and heard two of the enemy fall. Mark moved over close to where Sedgwick and Thrinzia were ready to slash the dragonspawn between them. They left the flying spellcaster for the moment.

The last enemy in melee slashed out at Thrinzia three times and after the last cut, she fell to the ground. Sedgwick saw a green arrow strike Mark out of the corner of his eye, injuring him with some magical effect. Sedgwick's slash at the last enemy in melee took it down as he severed the creature's left leg. Mark fired a lightning bolt at the flying spellcaster, causing it to crash to the ground, but then he sagged down onto his knees himself, the previous magical effect lingering to damage him further. Sedgwick used a couple of curing blessings from Shinare, one on Thrinzia, bringing her back around from being unconscious, and the other on Mark, restoring him from being staggered. They were all wounded and would need significant patching up, but they'd overcome their enemy even though they were outnumbered.

"Ouch," Mark offered with a wry smile.

"Yeah, they weren't too friendly, were they?" Sedgwick surveyed their environs before taking a deep breath. "Thrinzia, please use your healing stick until we're all restored to full health. Then we'll gather up what they were carrying and stow them in our bags." He glanced toward the horses and confirmed that they had not strayed while the jarak-sinn got to work on their wounds. She spent a couple of minutes taking care of everyone's injuries and at the end the stick was depleted. While she worked, Sedgwick gathered up items he'd discarded and then started to sort through the enemy's possessions.

Sedgwick ensured that the best of the enemy's gear was stowed either on a horse or in a backpack. A disturbed Layla had rejoined them and they proceeded on their way once everything had settled, planning to travel into the evening in order to arrive at Langtree without the need for another camp. Sedgwick's concern was that it might mean camping on the town's doorstep if they refused to permit access to travelers after sundown, but he decided he'd rather not entice further attacks by dangerous creatures on the trail.

Ingress to the walled and fortified city was permitted after a suitable bribe and Sedgwick lead the way on horseback toward the recommended tavern, the Black Dragon. The irony was not lost on Sedgwick. The town of Langtree was quiet and furtive, much as he'd expect from a location notorious for it's supply of mercenaries. In the center of the town was the massive castle that housed the descendants of the mad baron. The Black Dragon tavern was in a part of the town that catered more to the well-to-do merchants that came to visit. Sedgwick saw to the stabling of the horses, rented three rooms for three nights and retired immediately to his room with the other two. They settled into chairs, relaxing somewhat.

"I know it's late," Sedgwick started in a wry tone, "but I wanted to make sure you understood.. we're here to hire officers, not the common rank and file. I'll take a couple of hours tomorrow to sell all this gear we picked up from the spawn, but while I do that I'll leave word about the place that we're looking for a group of experienced mercenaries. Interviews will happen in my room and the three of us will reach a consensus on each candidate. It's possible we won't find enough that satisfy our criteria, but if we do, we'll head back immediately." He paused a moment and then added, "I'll also ask around about the dragonspawn and the ruins of Vantal. There'll be more information on that situation here. If necessary, we'll detour to Vantal on the way back. Eliminate any threat."

Thrinzia leaned a little closer, indicating her interest. Sedgwick gestured for her to speak. "What if there's a big dragon there?"

"Then we'll witness our new allies battling in desperate circumstances." Sedgwick's expression remained solemn.

Mark was cradling Layla and peered at her for a moment, before speaking out loud, "Sedgwick's joking." His tone was one of reassurance. "If we discover there's a big dragon there, we'll continue on to the City of Morning Dew. Unless it attacks us. Then we'll have to admonish it." He directed a wink toward Sedgwick.

Thrinzia shifted on her feet and then spoke. "The dragonspawn threat is dangerous. If they're attacking travelers on their way to Langtree, they won't hesitate to attack merchants out of Shrentak. And five of them were nearly too much for us."

Sedgwick nodded, a frown creasing his brow. "If rumors in town indicate that they're becoming a menace, then we'll take steps. How's that?"

Thrinzia bobbed her head in agreement. Sedgwick didn't mention how disturbed the proprietors of the tavern had been that he was traveling with a jarak-sinn and a pseudodragon. He took a deep breath and gave them both his best smile. "We should get some rest. I'll see you at dawn for breakfast. We'll explore and trade together tomorrow and the next day. I'd like to be heading back the day after that, however, assuming we fill our ranks by then. Sound good?" The other two indicated their acquiescence and then withdrew. Sedgwick lay down on his bed, closed his eyes, and fell asleep, grateful for the peaceful tavern after the tension on the trail.

Two days passed quickly, while Sedgwick traded and interviewed, accompanied by Mark and Thrinzia. Once it became clear he had a large purse for the hiring of experienced mercenaries, there were incidents with thieves and cutthroats, but nothing significant enough to cause a problem or be a distraction. Sedgwick had picked out most of the crew that he required, including many whom he suspected wouldn't find work elsewhere, such as the two half-ogres, the hobgoblin, and one fascinating scaled creature that referred to itself as a noble draconian. It was a little over six feet tall with a muscular build, light on its feet and demonstrably intelligent. From what Sedgwick knew about noble draconians, which wasn't much, he knew 'it' would have to be male. He had huge wings that he kept tucked in tight on his back and his scales were a deep, glistening green. He had no horns, but a large crest that ran from his forehead across the top of his head and down his back. His eyes were a cloudy yellow-green and he spoke with a lisp. His name was Relkik Nesuk. He had custom manufactured leather armor, a big sword and bow, but also a sling. Among his talents he'd included 'healer' and that was a heavy consideration in his favor.

Many of the crew were veterans of local border skirmishes and Sedgwick had convinced his two sergeants that the one bard that had applied should be hired – she would fit in better with Sarah and Michelle than the hobgoblin, was his reasoning, but she'd also seen conflict with dragons and her introspection at the possibility of further encounters suggested a certain wisdom and caution. She was also quite beautiful and like Gilleana, enjoyed decorating herself with jewelry, even in a mercenary city. She was half-elven. There was one of the afflicted kender – one who knew and could be affected by fear, as opposed to their un-afflicted cousins who couldn't. Another half-elf, a dwarven lady smith and one war mage. Sedgwick had heard a rumor that a coinsword was coming in with a trade ship from Shrentak, however, and thus, he'd decided to wait until they'd had a chance to speak with this coinsword. Their current number was one short of the ten recruits required, after all.

Sedgwick, Thrinzia and Mark were all enjoying their evening repast in the main bar. The recruits would meet them at the gates at noon the next day for the trip back to the City of Morning Dew. Sedgwick hadn't heard very much about the ruins of Vantal or the black dragonspawn, and so he'd decided he would pass by without interacting, unless something should approach them on the way. Sedgwick had finished his meal and was enjoying a quiet tankard of mead when they were approached by what appeared to be a bakali. She paused at a polite conversational range and then leaned in the way the bakali did to indicate an interest or desire to speak with the people at the table.

"Hello," Sedgwick said, using the trade language, and smiling in a way that twisted his lips without crinkling his eyes – polite, deferential, but not inviting. "What can we do for you?"

"I'm Kellet Haimar," the bakali said, bobbing her head as she spoke to Sedgwick. Her voice carried the characteristic lisp of the reptilian humanoids and was low in tone. "I've heard that you're traveling to the City of Morning Dew. How much will it cost me to secure passage with you as a fellow traveler?"

Sedgwick scrutinized the reptilian humanoid. Bakali generally didn't become mercenaries and she wasn't asking to join the unit. She wanted their protection and was willing to pay to receive it while on the journey. They had identical destinations, so she'd decided to seek safety in company. She was an unremarkable bakali for the most part, average in height and build. She had on a cloak and a backpack, a belt with some bottles and a couple of bone scroll cases, but otherwise appeared normal. Sedgwick glanced at Thrinzia, then Mark, then back to Kellet.

"We weren't planning on escorting anyone for this trip," he said, inclining his head all the same, "and the route has been secured between Shrentak and the city." He pursed his lips, eyebrows lowered. "How much are you offering?"

"Forty steel." Kellet shifted her weight, one foot to the other, dark eyes fixed on Sedgwick's features.

"Keep out of the fighting and make yourself useful when we camp, and we'll call it a deal," Sedgwick said, his eyebrows raised. Her offer was high, but Sedgwick wasn't about to haggle.

Kellet liberated a pouch from her belt and tossed it over to Sedgwick, whose deft hand snared it mid-air without concern. He nodded toward her and said, "Be at the east gate at midday tomorrow. We'll be moving fast, but not so much as to give you problems walking. I'd only expect trouble between here and Shrentak. Would you know anything about that?"

"Mintigoth lingers in Vantal," Kellet said, bobbing her head as she accepted their deal. "Old black dragon. Used to work for Onysablet." She paused, half-turned as if uncertain if she should leave or wait for further conversation. Sedgwick blinked and then gestured toward the last chair at his table.

"Sit with us," he said with another nod, his expression somber. "You're the first person I've come across in town who knew anything about it. We were assaulted by dragonspawn on our way here."

Kellet negotiated the delicate operation of sitting in the chair as carefully as she could, given tail, legs and bony plates. Her clawed digits rested on the table in front of her as she considered Sedgwick, Thrinzia and Mark. "You travel with a jarak-sinn, surely she knows more about Vantal than people of my species?"

Thrinzia snorted, which Sedgwick had come to learn was an indication of amusement, kind of like a chuckle. Her head drifted side to side and then she spoke, lisping like Kellet. "I've been a slave most of my life." Her eyes fixed on Kellet. Sedgwick was certain that if Thrinzia had had eyebrows, they'd have been raised.

Kellet bobbed her head and directed her regard between Sedgwick and Thrinzia before responding. "In the years Onysablet presided over the Great Swamp she had many servants, but like most of her kind, not many from the race of true dragons. The bakali Chieftain Baccaneesh served her as highest servant and presided over many clans through force. Mintigoth or Oil, as he was known to your kind, flew about her domain constantly, searching for intruders and probing for intelligence to report to Sable. His son, Ricandroth or Dire, was the guard to her lair, but he was much younger. There was another black called Stealth who often undertook missions for her. That's the extent of the dragon clan that served her. When she was killed in battle with the shadow dragon, most believed that her servants died with her, or faded into obscurity, but Mintigoth ensconced himself in Vantal, sleeping off his grief and rage. It's his presence the spawn are seeking there. If they locate him, they'll try to rouse him and serve him as they once did Sable." Kellet paused there, finger-claws interlaced, eyes on Sedgwick's.

"So there's a large concentration of dragonspawn in the ruins?" Sedgwick's expression had turned reflective.

"They're in there. Probing. Seeking. Yearning. The act of their creation gave them a slave mentality. With their mistress gone, they hope to replace her with a master. Should they locate and rouse him, Mintigoth might be amenable to their cajoling. Or he might eat them for their insolent demands."

Sedgwick's regard flickered over to the two sergeants and then back to Kellet. "Those we battled were very dangerous."

"The jarak-sinn are very dangerous. Mercenary officers in Langtree are very dangerous. I seek to travel with you because you're a large company of such. I'll survive my journey and achieve my task with you. Alone, those from Vantal could seek me out and kill me. I didn't idly venture by and request such a thing."

Sedgwick suspected that was why Kellet's offer had been so high. Understanding lit up his features, his expression gentling. He considered a purge of Vantal. With a dozen skilled mercenaries at his command, it'd be possible. The northern exposure would be safe, but his primary contracted enemies were the minotaurs and it was possible if the spawn woke this old black dragon, he might open up a new front for the enemy. Or the old black dragon might ally with them. Sedgwick drew in a deep breath.

"What if we were to attack Vantal and purge the spawn?"

"Kellet Haimar would accompany you," the bakali said without hesitation. "But.. I'm not a mercenary. I would assist where I could. What I know of such a place. Such creatures. It wouldn't be an easy task. You'd risk waking Mintigoth with the conflict. Locate his lair and there'd be much treasure. But the approaches are likely underwater, even if his treasure isn't. There's a reason mercenaries from Langtree haven't already attempted this."

"Why are the spawn attacking travelers on the trail though?" This from Mark, whose jovial expression had acquired a frown.

"They seek offerings for their new master. Coin. Treasure of magic. Slaves. They look for small groups or those traveling alone. The river sees a lot of traffic, from the sea down to Shrentak. The trail beside the river also, for those preferring to travel by land. It's good hunting grounds for the spawn."

Sedgwick mused a moment and then spoke up again. "They'll leave our company alone then?"

Kellet bobbed her head in affirmation, turning to look at each of them briefly, before eyeing Sedgwick's reflective countenance once again. "I will stay the night at this tavern while you speculate. But I must rest. I'll meet with you again at noon tomorrow, east gate. Thank you for your assistance." Kellet stood up, and dipped her head low, her gesture of parting, before plodding away toward the stairs and the room she'd rented for the evening. Sedgwick turned to look at Thrinzia and Mark.

"What do you think?"

"The guys we're hiring are good, but not well equipped," Mark said after a moment's pause for a meaningful exchange of glances with Thrinzia. "This'd give them a chance to learn how to work as a unit and get some coin for new gear. Might have to stop in Shrentak for trading and it'd delay us a couple of days at least." Trouble shaded his eyes.

"Let sleeping dragons lie?" This from Thrinzia with a tilt of her head. "Yet, the spawn seek to invert that truism. A dragon is not a simple foe to overcome. Claws. Teeth. Wings. Tail. Breath. Spells. If we invade Vantal, that's what we'd have to be prepared for, and as Mark said.. the new guys aren't ready for a dragon. Spawn, yes, but we can't guarantee only spawn."

Sedgwick bowed his head to the sergeants and took a deep breath. "The spawn may not leave us alone though, even if we are larger in number." His eyes flickered over to where the bakali had ventured and then back to his companions. "If we can sign the coinsword, it'll complete the company. I want both of you to consider which five of the new recruits you want to watch over, your own squad within the company, if you'd like. With Kellet, there'll be fourteen of us on the trail. That might intimidate and discourage most groups, but what if there are twenty spawn itching for a fight? Or thirty? We should plan to at least scout some of Vantal. See how much of a threat they could be. By arcane means, if we can. Otherwise.. we may regret not taking the opportunity to eliminate them." Sedgwick's expression had turned grim.

Thrinzia and Mark both nodded and Sedgwick bade them good night, rising from his chair and heading for the stairs. The weight of responsibility was clear on his brow and the set of his shoulders, but he took a deep breath and ascended to his room, planning on some reading before he lay down for rest. He hoped peaceful sleep would banish his concerns and lighten his demeanor.


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