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Galing kay billieeyelash1864

58.5K 1.7K 1.7K

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Act I
I. Silence Speaks Louder Than Words
II. The Weight of Resentment
III. The Darwinian Playground
IV. The Battle for Existence
V. The Endless Journey
Act II
VI. The Silent Wounds
VII. The Agony of Unending Darkness
VIII. The Power of Belief
IX. The Thorny Path of Lies
X. The Bullet's Silent Message
XI. The Shadow of the Deadly Arrow
XII. The Promise of a New Foe
XIII. The Domino Effect
XIV. The Demon's Whisper
XV. The History of Betrayals
XVI. The Same Old Things
XVIII. The Ties that Bind
XIX. The Pages of Lost Innocence
XX. The Grim Reaper's Waltz
XXI. The Screams of the Dead
XXII. The Echoes of Heartache
XXIII. The Murmur of Silent Torment
XXIV. The Road Back to Each Other
XXV. The Losing Game of Love
XXVI. The Hollowed Memories
XXVII. The Symphony of Destruction
Act IV
XXVIII. The Fury within the Steel
XXIX. The Clash of Destinies
XXX. The Reign of Weaponry
XXXI. The Kindred Spirits
XXXII. The Quiet Calm Before the Storm
XXXIII. The Unending Farewells
XXXIV. The Mind's Battlefield
XXXV. The Peaceful Oases in the Chaos
XXXVI. The Shadows Cast by the Past
XXXVII. The Hand of Fate
XXVIII. The Reunion Amidst Chaos
Act V
XXXIX. The Long-Awaited Return
XL. The Uncertain Future of New Faces
XLI. The Ghost of a Present Past
XLII. The Destiny They Share
XLIII. The End of the Road
XLIV. The Highway to Hell
XLV. The Turning Point
XLVI. The Endless Tragic Demises
XLVII. The Brigde of an Endless Storm
XLVIII. The Dawn of Hope
XLIX. The Gates of Alexandria
L. The Melody in the Chaos
LI. The Midnight Sky
LII. The Scandal
Act VI
LIII. The Ying-Yang Effect
LIV. The Realm of Grief
LV. The Choreography of Death
LVI. The Way Life Goes
LVII. The Unquenchable Fire
LVIII. The Stranger Passing By
LIX. The Hilltop at the End of the Road
LX. The Sanctuary of Death
LXI. The Shadow Vs Death
LXII. The Saviours
LXIII. The Ending of a Beginning
LXIV. The Sanctuary vs Alexandria
LXV. The Truth Continues To Unveil
LXVI. The Descrution Within Oneself
LXVII. The Allience of Enemies
LXVIII. The Reminder
LXIX. The Betrayal of Friends
LXX. The Angel of Death
LXXI. The Death's Reapers
LXXII. The Beginning of a War
LXXIII. The Promise of Tomorrow
LXXIV. The Distance in his Fingertips
LXXV. The World Stops Turnin'
LXXVI. The Doom of Death
LXXVII. The Door Between Hell & Heaven
LXXVIII. The Unspoken Words
LXXIV. The Message
LXXV. The Fall of Neville
LXXVI. The Letter
Act IX(a)
LXXVII. The Hanging Tree
LXXVIII. The Bridge
LXXIX. The Judge

XVII. The Wall of Emotion

979 27 15
Galing kay billieeyelash1864

In this desolate reality, the concept of survival has metamorphosed into an intricate dance of existence. Each individual in this new world grapples with the meaning of survival, shaped by their unique experiences. Born into a world dominated by the struggle for life, some have known nothing but the harsh lessons of survival from the moment of their birth.

The once-taboo act of killing has become a necessary skill for survival. art of killing becomes a necessary dance with death, a macabre ballet choreographed by the relentless pursuit of life in the face of unrelenting adversity. For those who must wield the blade or pull the trigger, it's a harsh education written in the blood of both the fallen and the still standing. The lines between predator and prey blur in a world where the distinction between right and wrong dissolves like mist in the cold dawn.

In the old world, it was a deed associated with illegality and ethical conflicts. However, in this transformed existence, individuals find themselves compelled to take lives in order to safeguard their own. The lines between morality and necessity blur as they navigate this world where survival often demands actions that were once unthinkable.

As the survivors navigate this dystopian tableau, the echoes of their pasts resurface, casting long shadows over their present. Each chapter unfolds with the weight of unspoken histories, the unrelenting march of time leaving indelible scars on their souls. They learn not just to survive, but to thrive in the haunting symphony of survival and killing, where the price of existence is etched into the very fabric of their being.


Amidst the chaotic symphony of groans and screams, Rick swings open the gate, ushering the group into the courtyard, a battleground littered with the walking dead. T-Dog takes the lead, swiftly dispatching a walker with a precise stab to the head. In their relentless pursuit, Daryl, Rick, Madeleine, Maggie, and Glenn follow suit, blades poised for the grim dance of death.

The air is thick with tension as they growl, a primal chorus that echoes in the courtyard. Their movement is deliberate, each step forward an assertion of their will against the encroaching darkness. The prison, a beacon of hope on the horizon, becomes the focal point of their desperate charge.

Meanwhile, Hershel, Carl, Carol, Lori, and Beth work strategically to draw the attention of walkers to the fence. With calculated movements, they entice the undead towards the fence where their fate will be sealed with a deadly thrust through the head.

It's a coordinated effort, a ballad of survival and strategy in the midst of chaos.

"Come on! Hey, come on! Hey! Hey, over here! Come on! Hey come here!"

With each swing and thrust, the group relentlessly clears the first courtyard of its macabre inhabitants. The once teeming space is now eerily silent, the lifeless bodies of walkers serving as a grim testament to the group's prowess in the face of adversity. The air, heavy with the stench of death, begins to settle, and a fleeting moment of respite allows the survivors to gather their breath.

Their weapons, stained with the viscera of the fallen, stand as both tools of survival and symbols of the brutal reality they confront. The first courtyard, now emptied of immediate threats, becomes a temporary sanctuary—a hard-fought victory in their ongoing struggle against the relentless tide of the undead. Yet, the ominous presence of the prison looms large, a reminder that their journey for safety is far from over.

"Don't break rank. Almost there." Rick calls out, the six of them standing back to back as they move through courtyard.

The group confronts a new challenge as they encounter a second courtyard infested with walkers. Huddled behind a protective wall, they strategize, observing the undead presence and the unexpected appearance of guards with helmets. A tense engagement ensues as the group grapples with the difficulty of dispatching walkers whose heads are shielded by protective gear.

Maggie's decisive kick and Daryl's lethal precision contribute to the ongoing battle against the relentless undead. Meanwhile, Rick takes the lead, advancing toward the courtyard with determination to secure the area. In a daring move, he pushes one of the guards to the ground, a calculated effort to gain control in the midst of chaos. The struggle intensifies as the group works in concert to overcome the latest obstacle in their dance.

The group, faced with a courtyard filled with walkers and guarded by walkers wearing helmets, finds themselves in a challenging predicament. Despite the obstacles presented by the protective headgear, Maggie's swift action eliminates one of the guards, while Daryl skillfully deals with a walker.

"See that?" Maggie brags, not noticing the walker behind her and Madeleine pushes her out of the way and swings the sword at the walker, decapitating and Glenn cringes at the sight. "Nice."

"I'm never going to get used to that." Glenn breathes out, heading away from the women who stand back to back and kill 2 walkers in coordination.

The tension rises as Rick takes charge, boldly approaching the walker-infested courtyard with the intent of closing it off. In a strategic move, he successfully pushes one of the guards to the ground. The battle for the courtyard continues, with the group navigating the complexities of the situation in their quest for security.

"Daryl!" Rick screams out.

With Daryl's assistance, Rick fights off walkers on their way, successfully closing the gate to secure the courtyard.

"Are y'all dumb? Remove the helmets!" Madeleine showcases her combat skills by decisively eliminating one of the guards with a lethal stab to the neck, after removing the protective helmet.

Glenn and T-Dog observe her actions with a sense of admiration and awe. The group's collective effort proves effective in facing the challenges posed by the walkers and guards, marking another victory in their ongoing struggle for survival. They skilfully eliminate another guard using the same method.

Daryl follows suit, displaying his combat prowess. Rick takes a more unconventional approach, removing a guard's helmet and skin before delivering a fatal blow to the head. Maggie adds to the body count by successfully taking down another guard. The courtyard, once a perilous space, is now filled with the fallen bodies of both walkers and guards.

"Stop." Rick demands, looking at their surroundings with a satisfied expression.

Glenn smiles, "Looks secure."

"Not from the looks of that courtyard over there." Daryl speaks, pointing over at the body, "And that's a civilian."

"Well, if there's walls, then, what are we gonna do? We can't rebuild this whole place." Glenn argues back, looking around the group.

"The inside could be over run by walkers from outside the prison." Madeleine points out, running a hand through her hair as she places the knife on her waist and grabs the sword from her back. "We have to kill them."

Rick nods, "She's right. We can't risk a blind spot. We have to push in."

"Let's make them dance." Madeleine smirks, swinging the sword on her hand as she opens the door and heads in with the rest of them following suit.

The group explores the interior of the prison, cautiously navigating the empty cell block. Daryl takes the lead, not liking the idea of Madeleine being at the front of the fire line, opening a door that leads to a deserted area. Rick, exploring further, encounters a deceased guard and seizes the opportunity to acquire the keys.

Each of them travel alone through the block, opening the cells, and entering the confined space to ensure they won't have any surprises waiting for them. As they investigate, Maggie discovers the lifeless body of a former prisoner, the women walking in to ensure he's truly dead.

Meanwhile, Daryl ascends the stairs, joined by Rick and Madeleine. They carefully walk alongside through the corridor. Suddenly, they hear unsettling noises, turn around, and find walkers confined within the cells. Reacting swiftly, Madeleine eliminates the threat with her sword and Daryl disposes of the walkers by tossing them downstairs.

Madeleine wipes the sword on her sleeve, "Home sweet home."


As the group assesses their new surroundings, T-Dog takes the initiative to remove a walker's body from the premises. The rest of the group joins them, bringing in their belongings, signaling the beginning of their efforts to settle into the confines of the prison. The task of establishing a secure and habitable environment in the prison becomes a priority for the group in the aftermath of their arrival.

Rick looks around the cell block, "What do you think?"

Glenn smiles, his eyes landing on Madeleine. "Home sweet home."

"For the time being." She states, not brushing away the though they will have to run again.

"It's secure?" Lori questions with a frown.

Rick smiling at his wife, nods his head. "This cell block is."

"What about the rest of the prison?" Hershel asks.

"In the morning, we'll find the cafeteria, and the infirmary." Rick indicates, a hand on his hip.

Beth frowns, "We'll sleep in the cells?"

Rick nods his head at the young girl, "I found the keys on some guards. Madeleine has a set too."

"I ain't sleeping in no cage." Daryl let's his voice be known, pointing to the cells upstairs. "I'll take the perch."

"Carl, stay with Beth or Lori. Got it?" Madeleine demands, her brother rolling his eyes.

"I'm not a kid anymore, Mads."

The bond between siblings strengthens as Madeleine shares a smile with her brother, affectionately ruffling his hair in a moment of connection. "I know, just don't want you to be alone. That's it."

"What about you?" He shoots back at her.

Madeleine points toward the stairs, "I'll take the one upstairs."

Carl scoffs with a shake of his head. "The furthest away from mom and dad." He notes, his sister adverting her stare away from him. "You have to talk to them eventually, like a normal conversation. You haven't spoken to each other properly since we left the farm."

In the dimly lit prison cell, Carl's earnest expression meets his sister's resistant gaze. The tension in the air is palpable as he broaches a subject that has long lingered between them.

"Carl, there's nothing to say," Madeleine responds, a sigh escaping her lips as her hand weaves through her hair. "Unless it has to do with the group, you, or the baby... I have nothing to say to either of them."

Her words hang heavy in the air, echoing the strained distance that has grown between them and their parents. Carl, shifting uncomfortably on his feet, takes a moment before expressing a sentiment that seems to carry the weight of unspoken longing.

"Turns out I do miss some things from the old world... before you left for New York. I miss the family we had," he confesses, his eyes reflecting a glimmer of hope, a desire for reconciliation.

Madeleine, her expression unyielding, finally breaks the stillness. "The thing is..." she starts, her voice tinged with the bitterness of unresolved grievances. She swallows the lump in her throat, facing the truth she's held onto for so long. "I'll die blaming them for every single thing."

With those words, she turns away, ascending the stairs to the second floor, leaving Carl standing in the dimness of the prison cell, grappling with the weight of their fractured family ties.

Madeleine chooses a cage further away from the group who mostly settles down on the cells in the first floor, the women creating physical distance from them all. The physical distance she establishes echoes the emotional distance she seems to be maintaining.

Daryl, pondering over her recent words, positions himself on the floor near the stairs. His eyes follow her as she walks into the cell. He gazes at her through the bars as she lies down on the bed. The weight of her revelation lingers in his mind, and the worry that she might regret it and withdraw from him intensifies as she avoids any interaction.

As Daryl silently contemplates the complex web of emotions that Madeleine stirs within him, he finds himself grappling with the very existence of those feelings. In the harsh, unforgiving world they navigate, where survival is paramount and vulnerability a liability, he questions the validity of any sentiment that manages to crack the walls he's meticulously built.

Yet, despite his rugged exterior and the stoicism that defines him, Madeleine's presence seems to evoke a response that defies the logic of their dire circumstances. Perhaps it's the shared struggles, the unspoken understanding of loss, or the simple act of two survivors who are more alike than they realise, navigating a new world together.

Daryl's internal monologue is a tug-of-war between his ingrained survival instincts and the subtle acknowledgment that there's something about Madeleine that transcends the bleak reality they face. He may not readily admit it, even to himself, but the complexity of his emotions reflects the intricate dance between vulnerability and strength, a dance that continues to unfold amidst the decaying remnants of the old world.

He grapples with the fear that she may never truly see beyond the exterior he presents to the world – a hardened survivor shaped by the brutal circumstances they face.

The scars, both physical and emotional, etched into Daryl's being tell stories of a life forged in the crucible of survival. Yet, as Madeleine's words linger in the air, he confronts the unsettling notion that perhaps she will never recognize the complexities beneath the surface. In a world where connections are often forged out of necessity rather than choice, the prospect of genuine understanding becomes a rare and treasured commodity.

Daryl's introspection reveals a vulnerability seldom exposed, a fear that the woman who has become a significant presence in his journey may never acknowledge the layers of his existence. As the echoes of their shared experiences resonate in the stillness, he grapples with the uncertainty of being seen, truly seen, in a world that often demands masks rather than authenticity.

In the quiet moments between chaotic encounters, Madeleine's mind drifts back to the haunting echoes of her past. The weight of the choices she made weighs heavily on her conscience, and the specter of letting her brother down by leaving home gnaws at her. The decisions that led her away from the familiar comforts of family now cast long shadows, and in the midst of this tumultuous world, she grapples with the consequences of her actions.

Her departure, once fueled by a desire for independence and a yearning for something beyond the confines of the ordinary, now bears the heavy burden of unintended consequences.

Madeleine confronts the paradox of independence—how the pursuit of one's path can inadvertently leave those we care about vulnerable and alone. Her internal dialogue, a quiet symphony of regrets, underscores the complexities of navigating a shattered world where every decision carries the weight of unforeseen consequences from the old world she wishes she could've left behind.

In this very moment, she knows no matter how far she'll walk, her past will always be written on her body.


Madeleine's laughter, an unexpected melody in the midst of grim circumstances, echoes through the air as she shares a lighthearted moment with Glenn. The weight of their current reality momentarily lifts as her mood takes a drastic turn, and she finds herself caught in the infectious energy of genuine amusement.

"Is he dead dead?"

Glenn, surprised by this sudden shift, can't help but join in the laughter, the tension of their surroundings momentarily forgotten. In this fleeting exchange, the two of them find solace in a shared moment of humor, a temporary reprieve from the harshness of their post-apocalyptic journey.

The world may be crumbling around them, but for a brief interlude, laughter becomes a resilient force, knitting together the frayed edges of their weary spirits.

"You have to stop mocking me." Glenn speaks with a mixture of laughter. "You're tryin' crack jokes... should I be worried? Is it the end of the end?"

"Perhaps, I'm just trying to understand you, pizza boy." Madeleine smirks at him, "His brains were hanging out... how were you so scared?" She pauses for a second, glancing at him. "Chicken shit."

"Hey! Am not..." Glenn notices Madeleine cracking a smile, a rare occurrence for her. He nudge her side with a teasing tone, "You keep up with that, and I'll get used to it."

Madeleine playfully glares at him, "Don't get too comfortable. It's just a one-time thing."

The man grins, a knowing expressing crossing his features. "Come on, it suits you. Maybe the apocalypse is bringing out your sense of humour and unfreezing your heart."

Madeleine dramatically gasps, holding a hand up to her heart, "I've grown a heart? Maybe, I've been spending too much time around you."

Glenn shakes his head with a smile, "Now, I can get used to that. Just don't let Daryl hear you. He might think the world's ending for real."

Madeleine raises an eyebrow, "Daryl? Please, he's got a soft spot for death, deep down."

"He might even have a soft spot for you, too." His smile widens, the women adverting her eyes away from him as they continue walking toward the group.

She scoffs, "Woah, y'all need to start boiling the water better, it's affecting your brains."

Glenn's teasing grin widens as he playfully nudges Madeleine about Daryl's feelings, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Come on, Mads, even blind walkers can see it. Daryl's got a soft spot for you," he remarks, his tone filled with playful insistence.

"I've seen stranger things happen in this world."

She raises an eyebrow, "Stranger things? Like what?"

"Like you cracking jokes. That's a rare sight." Glenn jokes with a laugh, a somewhat serious expression flowing his face. "But seriously, Daryl's got your back, whether he shows it or not."

She shrugs, "We're all just trying to survive somehow, Glenn. Let's not overanalyse it."

"Alright, alright." He says, holding his hands up in defence. "Just throwing it out there. But hey, if you ever need someone to lighten the mood, I'm your guy."


They share a small smile before finally joining the others. The group gathers around a table, laying out the various items they've scavenged from the prison. Daryl, Madeleine, T-Dog, Hershel, and Rick organize the useful supplies, their focus on assessing what can aid them in their ongoing struggle for survival. The tension in the air is palpable as they plan their next moves within the confines of the newly discovered prison.

Daryl locks eyes with Madeleine when they join her, and he hates seeing the smile on her face disappear when seconds ago it seemed she was laughing with Glenn.

Daryl clears his throat, adverting his eyes away. "Not bad."

"Flash bangs, CS Triple-Chasers. Not sure how they'd work on walkers, but we'll take them." Rick notes, analysing the supplies with a cautious take.

Daryl examines a helmet, discovering it contains pieces of walker skin, dropping it back on the table. "I ain't wearing this shit."

T-Dog discovers a pair of gloves similarly tainted with walker remains. "We could boil them."

Daryl scoffs with a head shake, "Ain't enough firewood in a whole forest, no! Besides, we've made it this far without them right?"

Carol's arrival catches Madeleine's attention, prompting a curious tilt of her head. "Mads, can you come with me?"


Rick crosses his arms, "Everything alright?"

Carol slightly nods, "Yeah, nothing to worry about."

The group, including T-Dog, Daryl, Madeleine, Carl, Rick, Hershel, Glenn, and Maggie, engages in preparations and equipping themselves. Lori observes the scene, and when Carl attempts to put on a helmet, Madeleine intervenes, taking it off.

"You won't need that, you're staying behind." She orders her brother, sharing a look with the older women who's staring at them in the distance.

Carl scoffs, "You're kidding!"

"We don't know what's in there. If something goes wrong, you could be the last man standing. I need you to handle things here."

He nods, "Sure."

"Great," Rick pauses, taking a deep breath. "let's go."

"I'll meet you at the door." Madeleine speaks, heading inside the cell block with Lori following her, the younger spins around with a questioning look. "What's going on?"

"I just-I think I might've lost the baby." Lori mutters, the younger women crossing her arms. "I don't know. I've spoke to Hershel, he doesn't think-."

Madeleine cuts her off, "Then you have nothing to worry about."

Lori shakes her head, tears glistening in the corner of her eyes. "If we're all infected, then so's the baby." She starts, Madeleine not understanding what is she trying to say. "I-I want you to make me a promise."

"Just spit it out!"

"When I give birth to this baby, I might die during childbirth. Plenty of women did before modern medicine." She pauses for a moment, locking eyes with Madeleine emotionless stare. "If I come back, I need to know for sure I won't harm anyone. You're the only one I know who wouldn't hesitate. Me, the baby, Hershel, anyone, you wouldn't hesitate to put any of us down." Lori sniffles, wiping a tear away. "I trust you, Lily."

"Okay." She shrugs, both of them staring at each other, the older women opening her mouth to speak, but she can't find the words. "You want to speak about it, just say it." Madeleine snaps at her. "I killed Shane. I did it! I aimed the gun at his head and I killed, like he was one of them. When he come back, I shot him again. I did it. You want to be mad about your lover boy, the actual father of your child... I'm the only one to blame." She walks away from the speechless women, joining the group who is ready to clean out the rest of the prison and find more supplies.

The group moves cautiously through the obscure corridors, encountering lifeless bodies on the floor. Glenn marks arrows to help them navigate. In a tense moment, Maggie startles when she unintentionally bumps into Glenn. Suddenly, they stumble upon a large group of walkers, prompting a quick retreat as they run back through the corridors, pursued by the relentless walkers. The ominous atmosphere highlights the constant danger they face.

"Go back, go back!" Rick whisper-yells at the group, gently grabbing his daughter arms who snatches it away. "Go back, move!"

"This way!" Madeleine calls out, leading the way for them in the opposite direction Rick was attempting to drag her.

"Come on, come on!"

"Come on, follow her!" Daryl urges, running a few inches behind her.

Madeleine glances over her shoulder, noticing a couple of people are missing, abruptly freezing in her steps in the empty corridor as she faces them. "Where's Glenn and Maggie?" She whispers at them.

Hershel's eyes widen when he looks around and he can't see his daughter anywhere. "We have to go back!"

Daryl scrunches his eyebrows, "But which way?"

The group opens a nearby door cautiously, entering with a sense of urgency to search for Glenn and Maggie. The tension is palpable as they navigate the unknown surroundings, unsure of what awaits them.

"Maggie? Glenn?" Hershel calls out.

The tension in the room rises as Hershel walks further, encountering what appears to be a motionless walker on the floor. However, the situation takes a dire turn when the seemingly dormant walker springs to life, grabbing Hershel's leg and biting him. The room echoes with Hershel's scream as Rick rushes in and shoots the walker. The arrival of Maggie and Glenn adds to the urgency of the moment.

Maggie gaps, crying out at the sight of her father. "No! No, daddy! No!"

The group is in a perilous situation as the noise attracts walkers from both sides. Rick and Glenn hastily take Hershel, supporting him as they run, while Daryl and Madeleine swiftly engage in dispatching the approaching walkers with T-Dog's help. The urgency of the situation requires quick thinking and teamwork to ensure everyone's safety.

"Daryl!" Rick calls back, the man using his crossbow to kill a few walkers attempting to attack them, the Grimes man shining the light as he helps Hershel with Glenn, carrying the injured man in their arms.

"Run!" T-Dog calls back.

Madeleine observes their surroundings, piercing two walkers approaching them with one swift movement. "We're blocked!"

"God! Oh, god! Oh, god!"

The group finds refuge behind a door, providing a momentary respite from the oncoming threat. Rick and Glenn quickly lay Hershel down on the floor, the urgency of the situation demanding immediate attention to Hershel's injury.

"Shut the door!"

The tension rises as Daryl and T-Dog struggle to secure the door against the impending walker threat. Meanwhile, Rick desperately attempts to address Hershel's leg wound, using his belt as a makeshift tourniquet. The group is caught in a dire situation, with Hershel's life hanging in the balance and the relentless pursuit of walkers just beyond the door.

"Hold him down!" Rick orders, the man grabbing his belt and security above the bite. "Alright. Only one way to keep him alive!"

The group faces a grim and desperate decision as Rick, with an axe in hand, undertakes the agonizing task of amputating Hershel's leg to prevent the infection from spreading. The scene is intense, with Maggie and Glenn assisting in holding Hershel down while Rick carries out the drastic measure. The raw emotions of disgust and desperation fill the air as they confront the harsh realities of survival in a world overrun by walkers.

"He's bleeding out."

The tension rises as Daryl spots four men emerging from behind a wall. Their sudden appearance adds a layer of uncertainty to an already challenging situation, leaving the group on edge as they grapple with Hershel's condition and the unexpected newcomers.

Daryl raises his crossbow, "Duck."

In the dimly lit space, Madeleine takes cover while Daryl, with a tense demeanor, directs his flashlight and crossbow towards the emerging figures. The revelation that they are prisoners adds a new layer of complexity to the already dire circumstances, sparking a series of questions and concerns for the group's safety.

"Holy shit." An unfamiliar voice utters out.


That scene between Madeleine and Lori 💔

More and more people seem to be noticing Daryl and Madeleine, except for either of them. I can't wait to share more with you... juicy, juicy, juicy drama incoming.

Thank you for reading ❤️

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[๐”ฑ๐”ฅ๐”ข ๐”ด๐”ž๐”ฉ๐”จ๐”ฆ๐”ซ๐”ค ๐”ก๐”ข๐”ž๐”ก] โ€งโ‚Šหš โ‹…* โ€งโ‚Š ๐š‘๐šŽ ๐š•๐š˜๐šŸ๐šŽ๐š ๐š‘๐šŽ๐š›, ๐šœ๐š‘๐šŽ ๐š ๐šŠ๐šœ ๐š•๐š˜๐šœ๐šโ€งโ‚Šหš โ‹…* โ€งโ‚Š [๐šŒ๐šŠ๐š›๐š• ๐š๐š›๐š’๐š–...
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"สธแต’แต˜ แถœแตƒโฟ หกแต‰แต— โฑแต— แตแต’ สธแต’แต˜ แถœแตƒโฟ แต—สฐสณแต’สท แตƒ แต–แตƒสณแต—สธ แถ แต˜หกหก แต’แถ  แต‰แต›แต‰สณสธแต’โฟแต‰ สธแต’แต˜ แตโฟแต’สท แตƒโฟแตˆ โฟแต’แต— โฑโฟแต›โฑแต—แต‰ สธแต’แต˜สณ แถ แตƒแตโฑหกสธ, 'แถœแตƒแต˜หขแต‰ แต—สฐแต‰สธ โฟแต‰แต›แต‰สณ หขสฐแต’สทแต‰แตˆ สธแต’แต˜ หกแต’แต›แต‰ สธแต’แต˜ แตˆแต’โฟ'แต— สฐแตƒแต›แต‰ แต—แต’ แต‡แต‰...