A Broken Son

By jojoeyg

665 16 10

Son Gohan was a hybrid saiyan warrior, who only wanted peace in the world and to spend time with his family a... More

Chapter 1: Betrayal and Broken
Chapter 2: Starting Over
Chapter 3: Being Normal Sucks
Chapter 4: The Truth Hurts To Say
Chapter 6: Brotherly Bonding
Chapter 7: Unpleasant Welcome
Chapter 8: Battle of Hybrids
Chapter 9: The Truths Out

Chapter 5: The Encounter

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By jojoeyg

Gohan and Yamcha squared off. Though Gohan was trying to not kill Yamcha. He was not gonnado it but Yamcha was making it worse for him.

Yamcha said "Come on kid! What's wrong! Your weak! Your not the Gohan I saw at the Cell Games!"

Gohan muttered "Shut up..." He suddenly round house kicked Yamcha in the head as Yamcha was sent back but stopped his momentum.

Yamcha said "I can't believe it. Gohan  the murder can't fight properly." Gohan gripped his fist trying to calm down. "I saw you with that girl of yours. Maybe I should pays visit to her and her father. Seems like they are trying to change your ways. Maybe I should kill them." Gohan eyes widen as he didn't want lose more people that he cared about especially Videl and Hercule.

Gohan said "Don't you dare!"

Yamcha said "Too late~ I sense them. He holds ki attack as he aimed towards the alleyway. Gohan suddenly teleports in front of him looking down a bit as Yamcha tried to get out of his grip as suddenly Gohan goes super saiyan 2. His power begins to increased. Vegeta was flying when he felt his power.

Vegeta said "The brats power is much higher than before...damn it."

Yamcha said "So the murderer Gohan has showed his true strength." Suddenly Gohan begins to break his arm as Yamcha screams in pain.

Gohan said "Don't you dare touch my friends...if you do then you will die..."  Gohan let's go of his arm as he flies down and walks away. Vegeta arrived seeing Yamcha in pain as he told him to just relax and try to hold off the pain for a while as he held his arm and fires a ki blast near the wall as Gohan stopped.

Vegeta said "Hello...Gohan." Gohan turns a bit as he sees Vegeta.

Gohan said "Hello Vegeta.."

Vegeta said "You think you cam hide forever."

Gohan said "Yes from you guys. You ruined my life...I'm not gonna forgive you. And to make sure you don't." He held a ki bracelet. "I made these so no one can find me. Bulma may have drones but I will destroy every last on of them...until then vegeta. I don't wanna hear or see you again..."

Vegeta said "I'm guessing you never saw your brother in a while. He's 4 years old. His name is Goten. He looks exactly like your father Kakarot."

Gohan said "Well I wasn't allowed to see him. But I'm guessing my mom made sure to not care about me anymore. You and everyone made her decide to not love me anymore..now I'm no older brother anymore. I'm just a stranger to Goten. I haven't even seen get born yet. I hope he doesn't get influenced by your son Trunks. Because he seems to not be like Future Trunks. You spoil him to much.."

Vegeta said "Gr...you damn brat!" He fired a huge blast at him.

Gohan managed to kick it up in the air as it explodes.

Gohan said "Future Trunks also believes I didn't do anything to my father. At least he knew what happened..I decided to find him and tell him to go and not worry about me. You know what he said Vegeta. I will always be his favorite pupil"

Vegeta said "Shut it! Don't mention my son's name..."

Gohan said "Well seems like you care for him but you wouldn't care about me..."

Vegeta said "You brat...you will be broken and we will kill you. Kakarot won't see you ever again.."

Gohan said "Well I won't let you." He held his hands by his face as he went towards the sun and yelled. "Solar Flare!"

Vegeta said "Gah! You bastard!" He screamed in pain as Gohan fled as he went to go back to Hercules home as he went into his room window to grab his ki bracelet.  He puts it on as his heart beats fast. He was nervous. Well for one he got caught. Two he's afraid of losing Hercule and Videl. He wasn't ready for this. He held his knees as he looked down.


Bulma yelled "What! What do you mean he was gone!"

Vegeta said "Stupid brat just blinded me woman. I got yamacha. Though he took a bad beating and got his arm broken.."

Yamacha said "My baseball career...damn that kid! I'm gonna kill him!"

Bulma sighs "It's okay yamcha it's my fault. I should of told you to wait for vegeta. Don't worry. I got Krillin to get senzu beans. Him and Tien are about to help us big time with this."

Krillin said "We got him. Where should we put him?"

Bulma said "In the pod. Now Vegeta I need you to find the dragon balls."

Tien pushed Dende in the pod as Dende tried to escape but got electrocuted as he screams in pain.

Tien said "There's no point escaping."

Dende said "What are you gonna wish for that's so important..."

Bulma said "To wish for stronger inventions to kill Gohan..I also wanna wish for immortality for my husband."

Dende said "Immortality is too much for the dragon to handle..."

Bulma said "Well we will find a way." She smirked.

//King Kai's planet//

King Kai muttered "Damn it...Dende can't stall forever..I need a way to make this hold for 2 years...I know! Goku..." He turned as he yells "Goku! Get over here! Tell your friends and family that your gonna go see them at the world tournament!"

Goku said "Huh? But why now? Can I wait later?"

King Kai said "W-Well that will be so much boring to wait! Tell them now!"

Goku said "Sheesh alright then." He pouted as he goes to King Kai.

//Back at Capsule Corp//

Bulma said "Now everyone's let's go get those dragon-"

Goku said "Hello! Anybody can hear me?"

Krillin said "Goku? Am I hearing things?"

Tien said "Yeah that's strange..."

Goku said "Nope it's me guys! I'm here in otherworld talking to you guys!"

Vegeta said "Kakarot! It's you! Why are you talking now you idiot! You could of talked to us 4 years ago!"

Goku chuckled "Sorry! I was too busy training for a tournament! Anyways good news, I'm coming back to Earth for a day. I'm gonna be at the world martial arts tournament! So you better wait for there! Oh man I can't wait to see chi-chi and gohan!" Everyone frozed when Goku mentioned Gohan’s name. "Anyways is he here with you guys?"

Krillin said "Er...n-nope! He's with chi-chi!"

Bulma said "He's very busy at the moment goku!"

Goku said "Aww man, he would be so happy to hear me right now. Well okay then. I hope to see you guys soon! Bye!" Suddenly his voice was gone as Bulma slammed her fist to the table.

Bulma said "Damn it...Goku is coming and we were trying to get rid of his son...we can't afford to risk this chance. But Goku is coming...let's spend time with him. It's only one day."

Vegeta said "I'll get the dragon balls so we can be ready with the plan." They all nodded as Dende sighed in relief that he was gonna be okay for a little while. He prays Gohan can rescue him.

//With Gohan//

Gohan was thinking about what Vegeta told him about his new little brother Goten.

Gohan said "I haven't seen my brother since Cell...haven't seen get born either. I must go see him." He got up as he went to open the door as he sees Videl.

Videl said "There you are dummy! I was so worried!" She hugs Gohan as Gohan blushed lightly at this. Suddenly Videl pushed him off a bit. "A-Anyways! Are you okay?"

Gohan said "Yeah I'm fine. I'm just wishing to see someone."

Videl said "Oh? Who?"

Gohan said "Someone I never saw in my life."

Videl said "Still confused." She crossed her arms. Gohan sighs as he tried to think of a way to tell her that he wanted to see his brother.

Gohan said "A friend Videl. I haven't seen him in a while." In truth he was talking about his brother.

Videl said "Well we could take my ship. Come on!" She took his hand and went to her ship. It wasn't big but it fit 4 people.

Gohan said "You sure this is fine?"

Videl said "Yeah don't worry. Where's your friends house?"

Gohan said "It's over the mountains."

Videl said "You mean the countryside area. Wow talk about living far. Well let's go then. Buckle up!" Gohan wondered what she meant as she suddenly pressed hard on the gas as the ship went zooming fast as Gohan grips the seat as he buckled up.

Gohan said "Wow videl you sure know how to speed."

Videl laughs "I love going fast silly!"

The two flew in the ship together to go to Gohan's house. He was now wondering what was going on in his old home when he last left.

//An Hour Later//

Videl said "Well we are here. I wonder where we should land."

Gohan said "Over here." He points to an area far from his house so they wouldn't be noticed." Videl landed the ship near a bunch of trees.

Videl said "So where's your friend Gohan?"

Gohan said "Um..over here." He took her hand as he took her to his old home."

Chi-Chi was taking care of Goten as she was making him study. She sighed as she didn't know if she should make him do this. She usually does this to Gohan and now Goten was 4 and barely even knew this stuff. She shook her head to erased everything about Gohan.

Goten said "Mommy...this is making my head hurt. I don't like this...I'm very hungry."

Chi-Chi sighed "No food until you finish this." Goten whined as Chi-Chi left. Gohan slowly peaked his head out as his eyes were wide open. He sees his mom and little brother.

Gohan said "My little brother...and he's studying!? He looks sad..." He watched Goten as he was crying. He wanted food.

Goten said "I'm hungry..." He was thinking of food. Videl wanted to see what Gohan was looking at as she jumped as both hit their heads as Gohan and Videl fell on the ground groaning. Goten jumped a bit and wonder what the noise was as he went to check outside.

Gohan said "Ow...videl why did you do that."

Videl said "Sorry..I was wondering what you were looking at."

Goten said "Hello?" Suddenly Videl and Gohan see Goten as Gohans eyes widen. He sees his little brother in front of him. Vegeta was right. He was a spitting image of his dad. He wanted to give Goten a big hug and cry but he couldn't. Goten didn't know him.

Videl said "A child? Well hello there little one. Sorry we scared you."

Goten said "It's okay! I wasn't scared! I'm a big boy!" Suddenly Videl heard Gotens stomach growled.

Videl said "Are you hungry kid?" 

Goten said "Yeah...I didn't eat dinner...nor lunch..."

Videl said "What!? Why didn't you eat? Did your parents not feed you?"

Goten said "No..."

Gohan said "I see.." He then sees a few apples on a tree as he grabbed them. "Here you go." Goten looks as he nervously too them.

Goten said "I can't take stuff from strangers..."

Gohan said "Well you gotta eat Goten."

Goten said "H-How do you know my name!"

Gohan said "Because..er...I'm your big brother."

Videl said "Gohan don't lie!"

Gohan said "Shh!" He whispers "Its the truth..." Videl was shocked.

Goten said "I have a big brother!" He gobbled all the apples as Videl was shocked how quick he ate the apples.  He giggled happily. "Mommy never told me I had a big brother. Then again she told me he passed away."

Gohan said "She what..." Videl was confused.

Goten said "Mhm. She said my big brother died in an accident. And he killed my father."

Gohan said "That lying..." Videl gently grabbed his hand.

Videl said "Not in front of the child..."

Gohan said "Well goten...I'm alive. And your dad is still alive sorta. I never killed my father. My father saved me from death."

Goten said "Wow!" He smiled happily. "Well you look so cool big brother! Mom would be so shocked to see you."

Gohan said "Don't tell her anything..she doesn't need to know. Just pinky promise me you don't tell her I was here. I was just here to see you. I'm glad your growing up. I'll come back to visit you soon. Maybe you can be with me."

Goten said "W-Wait really! I don't like it here..it's boring and mommy makes me study. I don't know what that even means but I wanna stay with you big brother!" He hugged him tightly. Gohan sighed as he hugged him back as he slowed cried. He couldn't leave his brother behind.

Chi-Chi said "Goten have you finished your homework?" Videl heard this.

Videl said "Gohan we gotta go!"

Gohan said "No...I can't leave him behind."

Videl said "This is kidnapping!"

Gohan said "Not really. I'm his big brother!"

Videl said "I'm so dead when we get back home."

Gohan said "Come on goten. Let's go."

Goten said "Okay hehe!" They begin to run as Chi-Chi noticed the door opened. She gets scared as she looks out and sees her son running with somebody.

Chi-Chi yelled "Goten! Where are you going! Come back here!" She got scared even more as she ran after him. Videl turns the ship on as Goten and Gohan were the last to enter.

Gohan said "Buckle up Goten!" Goten didn't know how to as Gohan did it for him.

Videl said "Close the door Gohan!" Gohan went to close the door as he sees Chi-Chi running towards the ship.

Chi-Chi said "Goten! My baby!" She suddenly sees Gohan as Gohan sees Chi-Chi as their eyes were looking at each other as the door closes as the ship flies away. "Gohan...my...son...took my son...I'm gonna lose my baby to him...he's gonna kill him!" She begins to cry.

//At Otherworld//

Piccolo was watching this as he was happy to see Gohan reunite with his brother. But also worried about dende.

Baba said "Your lucky Goku saved your friend from death."

Piccolo said "Yeah...2 years is all we got. Gohan..I'm coming to save you."

//At Capsule Corp//

Bulma said "Slow down Chi-Chi what's going on." Vegeta was standing behind her as he could somehow hear Chi-Chi's wailing. "Goten got kidnapped by Gohan!? Wait are you sure it was him? I know you get nightmares of him but are you sure was him. Because we just saw him earlier.." She sighed. "Alright I'll see what I can do." She hanged up the phone. "Vegeta we need to find Goten."

Vegeta said "That damn brat...I swear he's up to no good...but we don't know where he is hiding at. He has your ki bracelet."

Bulma said "Well it's gonna be a while. Our plan will be on hold. Till then, find Goten."

//At Hercules House//

Gohan and Videl got home safely as Goten giggled as he enjoyed the ride.

Goten said "That was so fun! I wanna go again!"

Gohan said "Maybe next time Goten. But let's grabbed some food." Suddenly they heard a loud ahem. Gohan and Videl slowly turn and see Hercule.

Hercule said "You know it's a school night...and why do I see a kid here. You two better explain yourselves."

Videl said "It was gohans idea!"

Gohan said "Y-Yes Hercule sir..I brought back my brother...I wanted to take him with me..."

Hercule looked at Gohan as he sighed as he decided to not scold them for this.

Hercule said "Videl take Gohan's brother to the dinning hall. I gotta talk with Gohan."

Videl said "Yes dad. Goten let's go." Goten nodded as Videl took him to the dinning hall.

Gohan was scared as he didn't know if Hercule was gonna punish him.

Hercule said "I won't punish you. But I wanna know why you brought him here."

Gohan said "I didn't want him to suffer like I had to suffer Hercule...my mother is a liar and horrible person...I wanted to see my brother."

Hercule sighed "Well I guess it's okay. Anyways he's look familiar too. But I can't get the idea off my head. Well go eat. I'm going to sleep." He leaves him be as Gohan smiled. He went to enjoy dinner with his brother and Videl.

//The Next Day//

Gohan said "Goten needs a haircut. He looks like my dad. Plus I know Vegeta and everyone else will figure it out quickly what he looks like." He mutters as Goten was playing with some toy cars. "Maybe I should bond with him. Get to know him. Its not a bad idea. Plus he never really saw the city." He smirked. It was time for family bonding.

To be continued...

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