Cursed Love ~ harry hook x re...

By Wish1ngstar

53.1K 869 133

Y/n Turner, daughter of Elizabeth and Will Turner. While on a mission to get Mal back from the isle she runs... More

Shock wave
Dead Pirates
You and me
Back on the Isle
Pirate Queen
Happy Ever After
Young Love
Losing hope
Cursed Love

The Isle

4.3K 69 12
By Wish1ngstar

~Your POV~

The limo came to a stop, and we all jumped out and began covering the car. My eyes shifted around the dimly lit ally. I always wondered what the isle was like. I looked over to Ben, he needs some tips on how to fit in he looked to innocent. Even though I'm from Auradon I look like I fit in because well like I said most pirates aren't good. After a bit of planning, we walked off down the alley. As we walked a few kids tried to take something off Evie, but she let them get away with it and we continued walking. We exited the alley to see Ben being growled at. Oh, my he can't be acting all nice right now. Evie, Jay, and Carlos told Ben what not to do like not to smile, he must slouch or strut, and to keep his hands in his pocket unless he's stealing. 

"Ok thanks-" he began to say put was cut off by Evie.

"No! no thank You's," she says.

"And drop the please... just chill." I say as Ben looks at me.

Song time -play song cause I'm not gonna write all the lyrics lol and act like you're dancing with Evie, Jay, and Carlos-

"Let me tell you something you can really trust" Evie begun singing and we all sung and danced along.


We all smiled as we watched Ben hum to himself walking a few steps in front of us until he bumped into someone.

"Hey man, hey, hey I know you" the man around our age said smiling goofily. 

"Uh I don't know you man" Ben said turning away. 

"Oh yeah you do, come on man I'll give you a hint, my dad is quick, slick and his neck is really thick" he says pointing to his neck at the last bit. This boy seemed so brainless. Something in him then sparked and he realized it was Ben. We quickly walk off before he can say anything else.

We came to a stop and Jay picked up a rock and threw it at a sign that opened a door. Ben slowly made his way up as we wished him good luck. I backed away from the door finding something to lean on when I almost tripped over a kid. I turn around to apologizes until I see who it is... My brother. 

"What are you doing here!" I growl causing the others to turn around.

"I wanted to come along with you!" he said sassily.

"It Isn't safe... You're in big trouble when we get home," I sigh "but for now you stick to me or one of the others like glue, got it?" I say pointing at the guys behind me. 

He lets out a nod and a sigh as the others come over to me and my brother. We all sat there waiting as time passed, Jay sat a played cards with my brother as I just looked around and Evie and Carlos wondered around. Time slowly passed by until Ben finally came down... but with no Mal. We asked where she was, but he said she wasn't coming back Evie tried to talk to her through a pipe, but she just wanted us to go away that's when I noticed been had disappeared.

"Guys! where's Ben?" Carlos asked voicing my thoughts.

We looked around us calling his name until we saw a figure. We all let out a scoff as Evie told him not to scare us like that.

"Don't scare you? But that's my specialty" a Scottish accent said as we realized it wasn't Ben.

I looked at the boy that was around my age. He had dark hair and these sky-blue eyes and a hook on his left hand, he was kind of hot- wait what! Jay stepped forward and asked him:

"What did you do with ben!"

"OH, uh we nicked him, mhm yeah. And if you want to see him again, have Mal come to the chip shoppe tonight. Alone. Uma wants a little visit." he said pointing at us when he said 'alone' his hook stopped at me as my brother grabbed my arm and clung to me. "And who are you lass~" he said stepping forward, so he was right in front of me.

"Y/n" I say bluntly.

"Why, you look a lot like a pirate but I've never seen you around~" he said taking his hook and running it through my hair.

"I live in Auradon, my parents are Elizabeth and Will Turner, and my uncle is CAPTAIN Jack sparrow," I say pulling my head away from his hook and smacking it away.

"mhm, and who are you little one~" he said grazing his hook on my brother's cheek who looked scared.

"He's my brother so don't touch him" I snapped smacking his hand away once again.

"mhm, fisty one isn't ya," he says looking at me with a low growl "Harry Hook," he says bowing with a smirk and then turning to Jay.

"Jay, seems like you've lost your touch" he says and lets out a giggle before walking away with a whistle.

Time Skip

Now we are waiting in the VK's little hangout since Mal has left to go to Uma and we had to stay here. Henry was spraying painting on a wall with Carlos and me Evie and Jay just sat here. I couldn't get my mind of Harry the way his blue eyes shines and that smirk, but I had to get that out of my head he's on the other team. It's been about 30 minutes since Mal left and we finally hear someone enter. And she told us exactly what happened.


"Wait!" I say over top of all the yelling about how we get the Ben without giving Uma the wand.

"Jay, Carlos your 3D printer, we 3D print the wand," I say finishing.

"Exactly- but when Uma try's it won't work," Evie says.

"Then we make a distraction... smoke bombs!" Jay says.

We end up with the plan that the boys will head back and make the wand and the three of us girl will stay and get everything else ready.

"Jay, Carlos" I say as they leave making them turn around.

"Take Henry back" I say.

"But I want to stay with you" he groans but I look at him making my eyes a little squint and death staring him. He finally gives in leaving with the boys.

Once the boys left the three of us went to some hairdresser shop. When we walked in, I saw a girl a few years older than Henry maybe 13, 14. Evie and Mal snuck up to the girl while I layed back a bit looking around. The girl then saw Evie, disregarding Mal and jumped up hugging her asking her questions about Auradon. She rushed and grabbed a book giving it to Evie. The two had a sister like bond and I thought that was really cute. I looked around with Mal finding things to make smoke bombs with. The girl finally notices me and spoke.

"Oh, who are you?" she asked.

"Oh, I'm y/n turner, you?" I say smiling and shaking her hand.

"Dizzy nice to meet you" she says with a big smile.

"Oh my gosh, I love your hair so natural I bet this takes a lot of works. AND that necklaces its beautiful, " she says feeling my hair.

"Oh, thank you, but uh no its just like this... naturally and my necklace means a lot to me so thank you" I say laughing while looking at my necklace.

"May I ask where it's from?" she asked in which I nod.

"This is the gold medallion; it was one of the 882 identical pieces of Aztec gold that laid upon the cursed Treasure of cortes." I say as she sits down listening to the story.

"After being cursed, the crew of the Black Pearl led a desperate search for all the scattered pieces of the gold, including this piece. During this it came into possession of my dad, Will Turner and my mum at the time Elizabeth Swann. After deafening the crew of the black pearl all was lost except this piece. Not many could keep a hold of it as its powers was too strong, but my uncle Jack sparrow gave it to me, and he said that it picks me to old the power of the cures" I say as dizzy looks amazed at the gold coin with a skull on it. 

I talk to Dizzy more as we spend a few hours making the smoke bombs. Until we finished and said our goodbyes to Dizzy who looked a little sad.


Thats the end of that chapter, I hope you understand the last bit you kind of need to of watched pirates of the Caribbean to know or just go look it up a little bit. Hope you're enjoying it.

like always stay hooked and keep reading.

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