By Kashu11

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Delilah Ruth had never imagined herself to leave the safety provided by her home in Shells Town, to join 'The... More

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963 32 23
By Kashu11

ARRIVING AT THE VILLAGE THE STRAW HAT PIRATES looked at the remains of the destruction caused by Arlong. "Arlong did all of this... Why?" Sanji asked as they looked at the village. "To punish the villagers and to punish me." Nami's voice cracked as she looked at the state of her home. Usopp, who had been trying to help put out the fires, grabbed a bucket of water and poured it over one of the fires as the villagers approached them.

"What's going on?" Nami asked them as they realized that the villagers stood in front of the crew. "Nijiko told us about the sacrifice you had to do for us." The town's sheriff looked at Nami with hope in his eyes. "We had no idea. Do you think you could ever forgive us?" He asked as Nami looked at him with relief in her eyes. "There's nothing to forgive, CoCo Village is and always will be my home."

"Then it's our turn to sacrifice. We are done with living in fear of them. We're gonna march down into Arlong park a-and if those fishmen want a fight–" Nami interrupted him before he could finish his sentence. "There isn't going to be a fight, it will be a massacre. You will all be killed." The worry was evident in Nami's voice.

"If there's no hope for us to buy our freedom then, I say we die trying for it." The sheriff said as the villagers supported him. "This is my fight." Nami said as she looked at all of them. "No. This is our fight." Luffy said as he gathered the attention of his crew and the villagers. "Right guys?"

"How are we going to beat Arlong?" Usopp asked with worry in his voice thinking about what had happened in Baratie. "We saw what he was capable of back at Baratie, at how easily he defeated us." Feeling a shiver run down her spine Delilah crossed her arms in front of her chest as Zoro spoke up. "Every creature has its weakness."

The straw hat pirates discussed their plan as Delilah directed the villagers to safety. "I know where the map is." Nami said as she returned. "That's good, okay Nami, Luffy and I will go straight to the map as Usopp, Zoro and Sanji will take care of the rest of the fishmen." Delilah suggested as the Zoro and Sanji gave her a pointed look.

"Okay, okay how about you four deal with Arlong's crew and Nami and I will get the map. Is that okay?" Luffy directed his question to Zoro and Sanji who nodded in agreement. "Usopp?" The said boy nodded eagerly as he grabbed his smoke bombs.

The six of them made their way to the door of Arlong Park as they heard one of the fishmen speak up. "Let's pick up the pace already! You know Arlong doesn't like to wait." He said as Luffy walked to the door and knocked on it.

"Always the gentleman, you are Luffy." The straw hat boy turned and winked at Delilah before he turned to the door and broke the door down. "Should've opened the door," Luffy said as Usopp threw one of his smoke bombs. The crew entered the park as the fishmen looked at the crew with narrowed eyes.

"Fishmen! Stand by to repel boarders!" The fishmen stood straighter as Delilah watched Luffy crack his knuckles ready to fight them. Zoro unshielded his sword as Sanji placed one of his feet behind him ready to use his feet for kicking. Nami twirled her staff as Usopp snapped his slingshot ready to shoot the fishmen.

Grabbing her hair pin Delilah grabbed an arrow from her quiver as she aimed at one of the fishmen feeling a smirk make its way up to her face as the fishmen looked at the crew and then back at each other. "Where do we find Arlong?" Luffy asked as Usopp threw one more of his smoke bombs trying to buy time for Luffy and Nami to find Arlong and the map. "He's probably in the map room already. We need to hurry just in case." Nami said as she and Luffy looked at the others before discretely leaving.

The fishmen scowled at the rest of the straw hat pirates as one of them ran towards Luffy. Seeing the action Zoro rushed to his captain's side as he slashed at the fishmen's legs just as Delilah shot an arrow in his back causing him to land on the ground with a grunt.

Usopp used his slingshot to shoot at any of the fishmen as the four of them made their way through the fishmen swiftly attacking and deflecting their attacks as Delilah took a step back just as one of the fishmen aimed his axe at her.

It was the same fishmen that had attacked her at Baratie and Sanji seemed to recognize him as he swiftly pushed him away from Delilah and grabbed her hand. "Not you again," The fishmen seemed annoyed as he looked at the blonde. "Don't think you've gotten away with hurting Delilah, much less even looking in her direction." Sanji said as he dealt with the fishmen. "Shit," Usopp mumbled as he ran out of the park heading towards the woods.

Delilah grabbed another one of her arrows as she shot at a fishmen that was going to attack Zoro. Placing her bow on her back Delilah punched a fishmen and kicked at his feet as he landed on the ground, turning to face the other two she kicked one in the knee and punched the other in the face as she stepped back watching them crash into each other. She felt something hit against her back as she turned around to see Zoro. "Duck." He said as he raised his sword.

Without hesitation Delilah ducked as she heard a slash and felt some blood splatter across her face. Getting up Delilah turned to face Zoro who faced her as she grabbed his sword and pulled him into a hug as she thrust his sword into a fishmen's chest.

Swiftly pulled it out as she took a step back from Zoro who looked at her trying to take in what just happened. "Sorry," She handed him his sword back as she noticed that Sanji was struggling to fight off a fishmen. Grabbing her bow again Delilah placed an arrow in it before shooting at the fishmen. "Thanks, sweetheart." The blonde grinned at her as the three of them stood in the center of the park.

"If you're getting tired just let me know, I can deal with them on my own." Delilah turned to see that Zoro was talking to Sanji. "I can see that your moves are getting sloppy swordsmen," Sanji said as they heard a grunt.

The three of them watched as a few fishmen raised to their feet looking at them with pure anger in their eyes. The fishmen charged at the swordsman, chef and princess as the three of them blocked and counter attacked their moves.

Delilah heard Zoro release a breath as he struck at a fishman who came his way as he landed on one knee slowly placing his hand over his chest as Delilah could see the blood staining the bandage. "You look tired." She heard Sanji say as he kicked back one of Arlong's crew members as Delilah kicked away a fishmen and stabbed an arrow into his stomach.

"You ought to get back in the kitchen." Zoro replied as he got to his feet, narrowing his eyes at Sanji as he raised his sword as someone came up behind him. The fishmen dropped to the floor as Sanji raised his voice. "Quit screwing around. Luffy and Nami need us." Kicking one of the fishmen Delilah felt a pain in her chest as she stumbled backwards. "Shit"

Wincing at the pain Delilah huffed as she grabbed an arrow and placed it in her bow. Before she could shoot, she felt herself get thrown to the floor as she felt a kick on her back. Rolling over Delilah got to her feet as she dropped her bow and raised her hands. "Come on, princess, you can just give in." Instead, Delilah charged at him as she punched his face before kicking his knee and stomach.

"You just got here, you have no clue what Luffy and the crew need." She heard Zoro say as she grabbed the man's hand and twisted it behind his back as she heard a slash and watched the man drop to his knees as she watched blood dance along the soil.

Delilah locked eyes with Zoro who pulled her away from the body gently intertwining their fingers together. "They need my cooking." Sanji replied as he looked at Delilah and Zoro's intertwined fingers. "What? Slapping two pieces of bread together." Zoro mocked as Delilah slapped his chest lightly trying to warn him to be nice.

He softened his gaze at her as they heard Buggy speak up for the first time after being carried around by Sanji. "Oooh someone feels threatened." The clown teased as the two men looked at the clown. "Shut up!" Both Zoro and Sanji said at the same time as the clown huffed. "Then find me my body! I can feel my toes, we're close by." Buggy informed the group as Sanji noticed a body tied to one of the game stands.

Removing the sack, he was carrying he placed it on the ground as Buggy spoke up impatiently. "I can help you guys win this thing." Zoro rolled his eyes as Sanji untied the sack. "I swear, clown, if you screw us over." Zoro said slowly letting the clown know what he meant.

The princess and swordsman watched as Sanji turned the sack upside down, dropping Buggy's head on the ground as his head floated towards his body. "Ow hey!! Yes!!" He spoke as he glanced at his hands before detaching them along with the rest of his body.

The blue haired clown got out of the restraints as he cheered. "Yes! Yes! Oh, it's so much better than I remember." Buffy spoke up as the trio watched him from their spots. "Hey, so, um... I'm gonna get out of here." Buggy flipped them off as Delilah scoffed. "Hey!" Zoro growled as they watched the clown leave. "Sorry kiddos! I would love to stay and make things right, but it's my time to exit the stage left."

"Fucking clown." Zoro mumbled under his breath as Delilah squeezed his hand trying to calm him down. It worked slightly as they heard a voice break the silence between them. "How dare you strike down my brothers?"

Delilah, Zoro and Sanji found the source of the voice to see another one of Arlong's crew standing in front of them. "You won't be so lucky against the might of my fishman karate for I am Kuroobi." The fishmen said as he jumped into the water.

Swimming towards the trio he jumped out of the water and kicked Sanji away from him before the blonde could do so. Sanji grunted as he gasped for air feeling the water enter his lungs. Kuroobi towered over him as Zoro rushed to him with his sword.

"Hey, maybe now would be a good time to mention how your hair pin transforms into a bow and arrow?" Sanji asked as he got to his feet, running a hand through his blonde hair.

Kuroobi blocked all of Zoro's attacks before sending him back onto the ground as Zoro grunted as he landed on his back. The fishmen faced Delilah as he got out of the lake and threw a punch towards her. "It was a gift from a friend of mine." The archer said as she blocked Kuroobi's punch.

Delilah stepped behind him and stabbed an arrow in his back as Kuroobi turned around and grabbed her by the throat. "You puny little girl," Digging her nails into his hands Delilah felt the fishmen pull at her necklace as he threw her into a cart.

Groaning Delilah lay on the ground as she gasped for air. "Ah, you must be the child of the weak king of the West." Raising her head Delilah watched as he held her necklace in the air, staring at the compass pendant as he looked at the girl. "You can disrespect my cooking, my hair but you cannot disrespect Delilah like that. .. you cannot even touch her like that." Sanji said as Delilah felt the anger in his words as Sanji got to his feet and tried to sneak up behind Kuroobi but failed as the fishmen threw him back to the ground.

Watching Zoro get to his feet he tried to strike down Kuroobi multiple times but failed as Delilah got to her feet wincing as she felt blood leak through her shirt. Looking down Delilah noticed that her bandage was leaking as Delilah shot an arrow into the fishmen's thigh.

Kuroobi roared as he took out the arrow from his thigh and aimed it at Sanji who side stepped his attack and threw a front kick to Kuroobi. The fishmen punched Sanji in the stomach with enough force as Delilah watched him get through to the ground.

"You're no match for me. My kicks are strong enough to break a ship's keel." Kuroobi boasted as Delilah stepped forward only to be stopped by Sanji. "That's nothing compared to Zeff's. You should have seen his kicks when he found an eggshell in the creme brulee." Sanji grunted as he stood next to Delilah.

"I get it, Zeff was mean to you. Boo-hoo." Zoro grunted as he stood up with a hand over his chest. Kuroobi raced to the three of them as Delilah ducked and kicked at his knee as Zoro grabbed him in a chokehold. Kuroobi jumped into the air as he head-butted Zoro who fell back onto the ground.

Moving away from Kuroobi Delilah got to her feet as she felt her vision blur slightly. Fear clung to her stomach as she watched Kuroobi shove Sanji away from him. Gathering her breath Delilah nodded at Zoro who raised his sword waiting for Sanji to give them a sign.

"Nami is a fool for having faith in some low, weak compatriots." Kuroobi spat as he looked at the three of them with humor in his eyes. "Such weak humans... it is a pity that Nami believed in you." Kuroobi mocked as he looked at the three of them. 

"Now, you've done it." Zoro said as he twirled his sword. "You will never, and I mean never, badmouth Nami again." Sanji said as he took off his blazer and wrapped it around Delilah's shoulder using his thumb to caress her cheek. "Kick his ass, blonde." Delilah said as the blonde smiled. "Anything for you sweetheart, you know that." Sanji said as he turned to face the fishmen.

"Cotelette!" Sanji charged at Kuroobi and kicked his side as he hit the man's arm before doing a quick flip to kick between Kuroobi's shoulders. "Collier! Epaule!" He continued as he placed his hands on the floor and kicked into Kuroobi's side before swiftly kicking Kuroobi in the chest.

"Mouton shot!" Sanji kicked Kuroobi into the chest again and watched as he hit one of the stands. "Mouton shot? Really?" Zoro asked as he cut through the air as he approached Kuroobi. Cutting into his chest as the fishmen grunted. "Don't ever disrespect my crew, ever again. Specifically, my girl." Zoro said as he kicked Kuroobi's arm.

"What? All great fights call out their finishing moves." Sanji said as Delilah laughed. "Yeah, you're going to fit in just fine." Zoro said as he and Delilah shared a glance, the swordsman softening his gaze when he locked eyes with her. "He's going to fit in perfectly."

Facing the entrance, the three of them heard yelling as they saw Usopp run into the park with his slingshot in his hand. "Never fear! The great captain Usopp is here!!" Usopp stopped in his tracks as he looked at the state of the park. "Oh, you guys did pretty well in here. Good job guys,"

They heard footsteps as the four of them turned to see the building of Arlong Park fall to pieces. "Nami" The orange head raced towards them as Sanji held out his arms open for her. Nami ran past Sanji as she wrapped her hands around Delilah.

"Lilah! Oh god," The thief let go of her and wrapped Zoro and Usopp in a hug as she spoke in relief. "You're all okay!" She let go of them as Delilah noticed Sanji's smile fade. "Where's Luffy?" Usopp asked as they heard a crash. "He's still inside, fighting Arlong."

"I'm sure he'll be alright, right?" Usopp asked as he looked at Nami unsurely. They heard a roar. "Don't even think about it." She heard Nami say as Delilah took a step forward making sure she was out of Nami's way knowing that the girl was aware of her plan. "I love you guys," Quickly wrapping her arms around Usopp and Nami the princess hugged them before she looked at Zoro and Sanji. "Thanks for everything," She said as she stood on her tiptoes quickly pecking both their cheeks.

Delilah grabbed her bow as she heard protests. Taking a step back Delilah took one last glance at her crew before she raced inside the building. Hearing Luffy cough Delilah followed the sound as she entered the room to see Arlong holding Luffy by the throat. "Let him go," Arlong turned to look at her just as she shot an arrow at him.

The arrow landed in his thigh as she watched Arlong drop Luffy. "Ah, I've heard rumors about the king of the West's daughter... What a pity that he never got to see you." Arlong mocked as Delilah tightened her hold on her arrow. "And what a shame you're going to get defeated by his daughter and the future king of the pirates." Firing another arrow Delilah quickly walked towards Luffy and grabbed him.

"Why are you here?" She heard him ask as she looked at him. "You're my captain, I'd die before I let you leave me." She said as they heard Arlong laugh. "My, my Monkey D. Luffy I must admire that you keep the most unique company."

Delilah let go of Luffy as she looked at the maps on the wall. "We will defeat you," Luffy said as he looked at Delilah, giving her a wink as she knew what she had to do. Shooting into the columns Delilah watched as Luffy stretched his arms and slammed it against the columns breaking them one by one. "I can destroy what you have,"

Twirling her bow transformed back into her hair pin, Delilah quickly placed the hair pin back into her hair as she grabbed a dagger that was tucked in the belt around her pants. Arlong got to his feet and tackled Delilah to the floor as the archer tightened her hold on the dagger before stabbing it into his chest.

The fishmen scoffed as he placed his hands around Delilah's neck and squeezed it, choking her as Delilah tried to push him away. Bringing her knee to her chest Delilah kicked Arlong's chest before she pushed her body weight upwards and used her legs to choke Arlong.

The fishmen grabbed Delilah while struggling as she tightened her legs around his neck trying to get him away from her. Arlong threw Delilah off of him and into a column as she rolled over and got to her feet.

Arlong growled as he lunged towards Delilah. Grabbing his arm Delilah used her body weight to slam him against the column. The two of them hit the column as Delilah rolled away from the column just as it crashed under Arlong.

Looking at Luffy Delilah raced to him and grabbed him as the building started collapsing. "Wait," The two of them heard Arlong grunt as he got back to his feet. "You will never hurt Nami again, you will never ever look at her. Nami is her own person and she is free of you." Luffy said as he walked to Arlong.

The room started collapsing as Delilah took a step back. "Luffy! We need to go." She heard herself say as she coughed as dust entered her lungs. "Shi–" She watched as Luffy turned to look at her. "Go," Delilah shook her head and stayed in her place.

Time seemed to slow down as Luffy spoke to Delilah softly. "Please, I- Go Delilah!" The princess shook her head as she walked to Luffy. "You're my captain Luffy, I'm not leaving you." Luffy sighed as he looked up, seeing the ceiling starting to crack. "Okay," Luffy brought her into a hug as the ceiling crashed onto the floor around them as Delilah heard a shattering noise.

She felt herself lose her balance as Delilah closed her eyes. Squeezing them shut tightly as she heard Luffy let out a sigh. "Open your eyes," Delilah pressed herself against Luffy as she felt his arms loosen around her. "Lilah, trust me." Opening her eyes Delilah allowed herself to adjust to the sunlight pouring from above as Luffy stretched his arm and punched through the broken pieces of shingles that once was on the roof.

Pulling away from the straw hat boy she looked up as she saw a way out. "Come on, Luffy." Grabbing his hand Delilah pushed herself out of the space between the remains of the roof and the broken columns. Pushing herself outside she gave Luffy a hand as she heard him shout. "Nami! You are our friend, we are your crew." Luffy shouted into the air as he started making his way down to the rest of the crew.

Delilah followed him as she winced feeling her shirt wet with blood. Looking at her crew she was immediately wrapped in a hug by Nami. "I promise that no one will ever take your freedom away from you ever again, Nami." She said to the girl as Nami pulled away from her as Usopp and Sanji gave her and Luffy a quick hug.

"Don't ever do that again."

"You guys can't get rid of me that easily," She heard herself say as the crew laughed. Pulling away from the hug she looked at Zoro who avoided her gaze. "Zoro, don't be like that." She said as he looked at her. "You think your life means nothing? You think I- I'll be okay without you, God Delilah, you drive me insane." He said as he grabbed her hand and gently pulled her towards him.

She kept her gaze down as she felt Zoro gently lift her chin to make her face him. "I know why you did it but Delilah we're a crew, we have to stick together." He said as she decided to tease him. "Did the Roronoa Zoro admit that we're a crew?" Zoro playfully rolled his eyes at her as Delilah gave him a hug. "I care about you too, mosshead." She told him as she watched his cheeks heat up.

"Now, where can we eat?" Luffy asked as the crew laughed hearing his stomach grumble.


Hopefully, this chapter was a good one!

Two more chapters to go!!!

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