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Autorstwa billieeyelash1864

58.4K 1.7K 1.7K

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Act I
I. Silence Speaks Louder Than Words
II. The Weight of Resentment
III. The Darwinian Playground
IV. The Battle for Existence
V. The Endless Journey
Act II
VI. The Silent Wounds
VII. The Agony of Unending Darkness
VIII. The Power of Belief
IX. The Thorny Path of Lies
X. The Bullet's Silent Message
XI. The Shadow of the Deadly Arrow
XII. The Promise of a New Foe
XIII. The Domino Effect
XIV. The Demon's Whisper
XV. The History of Betrayals
XVII. The Wall of Emotion
XVIII. The Ties that Bind
XIX. The Pages of Lost Innocence
XX. The Grim Reaper's Waltz
XXI. The Screams of the Dead
XXII. The Echoes of Heartache
XXIII. The Murmur of Silent Torment
XXIV. The Road Back to Each Other
XXV. The Losing Game of Love
XXVI. The Hollowed Memories
XXVII. The Symphony of Destruction
Act IV
XXVIII. The Fury within the Steel
XXIX. The Clash of Destinies
XXX. The Reign of Weaponry
XXXI. The Kindred Spirits
XXXII. The Quiet Calm Before the Storm
XXXIII. The Unending Farewells
XXXIV. The Mind's Battlefield
XXXV. The Peaceful Oases in the Chaos
XXXVI. The Shadows Cast by the Past
XXXVII. The Hand of Fate
XXVIII. The Reunion Amidst Chaos
Act V
XXXIX. The Long-Awaited Return
XL. The Uncertain Future of New Faces
XLI. The Ghost of a Present Past
XLII. The Destiny They Share
XLIII. The End of the Road
XLIV. The Highway to Hell
XLV. The Turning Point
XLVI. The Endless Tragic Demises
XLVII. The Brigde of an Endless Storm
XLVIII. The Dawn of Hope
XLIX. The Gates of Alexandria
L. The Melody in the Chaos
LI. The Midnight Sky
LII. The Scandal
Act VI
LIII. The Ying-Yang Effect
LIV. The Realm of Grief
LV. The Choreography of Death
LVI. The Way Life Goes
LVII. The Unquenchable Fire
LVIII. The Stranger Passing By
LIX. The Hilltop at the End of the Road
LX. The Sanctuary of Death
LXI. The Shadow Vs Death
LXII. The Saviours
LXIII. The Ending of a Beginning
LXIV. The Sanctuary vs Alexandria
LXV. The Truth Continues To Unveil
LXVI. The Descrution Within Oneself
LXVII. The Allience of Enemies
LXVIII. The Reminder
LXIX. The Betrayal of Friends
LXX. The Angel of Death
LXXI. The Death's Reapers
LXXII. The Beginning of a War
LXXIII. The Promise of Tomorrow
LXXIV. The Distance in his Fingertips
LXXV. The World Stops Turnin'
LXXVI. The Doom of Death
LXXVII. The Door Between Hell & Heaven
LXXVIII. The Unspoken Words
LXXIV. The Message
LXXV. The Fall of Neville
LXXVI. The Letter
Act IX(a)
LXXVII. The Hanging Tree
LXXVIII. The Bridge
LXXIX. The Judge

XVI. The Same Old Things

1K 31 17
Autorstwa billieeyelash1864

Time is a rare thing.

The group's resilience in the face of unavoidable hardships is commendable, as they continue to adapt to their newest reality. After nearly nine months of seeking for refugee, they ended up going in endless circles in search for anything.

Time is a privilege now.

The silent coordination within the group continues to be an unspoken understanding they have developed, allowing them to efficiently scavenge for supplies and secure the house after house against any potential threats.

Time is a ticking clock, marking each death.

The group bursts through the abandoned house, Daryl and T-Dog easily take down the growling walkers as Madeleine grabs the sword from her back and slays the walker roaming the outside of the house. She creeps around the house, her footsteps light as she checks the perimeter, the unspoken role given to her for the past few months. The sound of a growl causes for her to spin around and drive her sword through the walker's head.

When she retracts the sword, she wipes the blood of the sword on her arm, her eyes snapping around in caution to spot any foreign activity surrounding the house. When she deems the perimeter to be safe, she places the sword on her back and heads inside the house after all of the group have made their way in, gathering in the kitchen after they ensured the house was safe.

The stark reminder of their situation dawns over the air when it is clear they haven't found much food yet again. The group sits together, sharing what little they have, and Madeleine notices Daryl's resourcefulness in catching an owl for food.

The group's dynamics are undoubtedly strained in the face of the constant new challenges, especially with Lori's pregnancy and the scarcity of resources. The ever-present danger from walkers and the struggle for survival have taken a toll on everyone after the farm burned down. Lori's pregnancy adds an extra layer of complexity to their situation, highlighting the difficulties of bringing new life into such a world.

The older Grimes women keeps a hand on her bump as she eats a can of beans, whilst Rick keeps an eye out for any imposing danger. Madeleine hands over her uneaten can of tuna to Lori, the women insatiably grabbing it without noticing the younger women hasn't eaten anything in days to be able to give Lori any extra food for her baby. Finding a safe and stable place to settle down and ensure her safety during labor is becoming increasingly crucial, the feeling of having to witness her sibling be born on the road brings a unfamiliar sense of guilt over her.

Their reality knocks on their door when Carl takes a seats next to his sister, holding two cans of dog food eager to eat anything he can get his hands on. He struggles to open the can, looking up at his older sister to aid his famished self. Madeleine, although caring deeply for her brother, still finds it painful to watch as he struggles in the new world.

More of the survivors have learnt to fight on their own, most of them keeping to themselves each day, whilst Rick reflects his daughter's emotionless state by the daily battle they lose. Finding a safe place for them to settle has been on top of their priorities, but with each house they find there is less food and eventually they have to run.

All of their eyes are strained on Carl when he manages to open the can of dog food. When Rick notices what Carl is about to eat, he storms over to his son and grabs the cans, angrily throwing it away as everyone silently watches the man who has grown colder and ruthless. Rick's actions demonstrate the harsh reality of their situation, where every bit of food is precious, but some things are simply not meant for human consumption. The group is forced to make tough decisions to ensure their survival, and sometimes, those decisions can be heart-wrenching.

Daryl keeps on plucking the feathers from the owl, preparing their supper and not paying attention to the scene. All of the sudden, T-Dog signals for them, Madeleine standing up from the floor and strolling over to the window, watching the herd approach the house.

She whistles at them, the group immediately grabbing their stuff and hurrying out of the back door, having grown used to the routine of finding a new place and running not long after. Most of them head inside the cars, whilst Madeleine gets on the back of Daryl's bike, the man riding away as they lead the way.

The constant need to stay on the move and the ever-present danger of being exposed to the walkers make their lives challenging and unpredictable. As they quickly escape from the approaching walkers, it becomes fresh on their mind the reminder of safety being a myth in the new world.

Time is running out.


The cars come to a stop in the middle of the road, the group exiting the cars and Maggie lays out a map on top of the car as they approach her. Rick indicates for Carl to keep an eye out for any walkers as Madeleine keeps her eyes strained on the open space, still paying attention to the conversation.

The group's vigilance in always being prepared for danger is evident as they stop and assess the situation, trying to lay out a new road they can take to someplace they can find any supplies.

Rick joins the group gathered around the map, his daughter gives him an acknowledging nod before they turn to face the map. Madeleine's eyes lock with Lori for a moment, the older women sat inside the car as the constant run is weighing heavily on her with each term.

T-Dog sighs, "We've got no place left to go."

Maggie points at the roads on the map, the markings they have drawn on it are clear to them that they have been going in circles all winter. "When this herd meets up with this one, we'll be cut off, we'll never make it south."

Daryl leans his body against the car, "What do you say, it's about 150 head?"

"That was last week, could be twice that now." Glenn points out, his eyes filled with worry travel around each member of the group and he has lost any hope that they will be able to find any safety, like they had at the farm.

Hershel points at the road on the map, circling the river with his finger, "This river could have delayed them. If we move fast, we might have a shot to tear right through this."

"Yeah, but if group A joins with that one, they could spill out this way." Madeleine argues, narrowing her eyes at the map as she looks for any potential back road they could take to avoid the herds. "So we're blocked unless we go back."

Rick nods, "Yeah, only thing to do is double back at 27th and swing towards Greenville."

"We picked through that already, it's like we spent the winter going in circles." T-Dog frustratedly snap back at the Grimes' with a shake of his head. "We have to find another way."

"Yeah, I know. I know. At Newnan we'll push west. Haven't been through the area. We can't keep going house to house." Rick pauses, his eyes landing on Lori inside the car, both of them having grown distance but he still wants the baby to be born in safe place, all of them realising Lori's child is not long to be due. "We need to find some place to hold up for a few weeks."

"Alright." T-Dog nods, running a hand over his head. "Is it cool if we get to the creek before we head out? It won't take long. We gotta fill up on water, we can boil it later." The man proposes as the group splits up, gathering the supplies needed to get more water.

"Knock yourself out."

Hershel adverts his eyes in between Rick and Madeleine, both of them having stayed behind to speak to Hershel. "She can't take much more of this moving about." He speaks with a mixture of concern and frustration.

"We need to find somewhere where she'll be safe to give birth." Madeleine agrees, raising an eyebrow at her father who snaps his head to look at her. "Otherwise, she will give birth on the road, and we both know how that'll end."

Hershel places his hand on Rick's shoulder. "You see a way around that? 'Cause I'm with her. We're running out of options."

Hershel walks off, leaving Madeleine and Rick to stare at each other with a shared understanding look. Either of them have exchanged a handful of words to each other after the farm fell, not even having the energy to argue. The unspoken tension in the group has definitely grown over time, but it seems to have made them more resilient and focused on survival. In this harsh new world, relationships are even more strained, but they've learned to adapt and stick together for the sake of their survival.

Daryl approaching footsteps snaps them out of their trance to face the man, who keeps his eyes on Madeleine, the finding struggle of the man trying to stay away from her has failed countless times over the past few months. "Hey, while the others wash their panties, let's go hunt."

"That owl didn't exactly hit the spot?" Madeleine fires at him with a somewhat teasing tone, the women brushing past him and he doesn't hesitate to follow behind her. "Haven't seen any deers or rabbits in months. We gotta keep an eye out for any squirrels."


As they continue hunting, Madeleine and Daryl follow the train tracks in complete silence. They manage to hunt a few squirrels before they encounter a walker near the river. Daryl swiftly deals with it, preventing any further danger to interrupt their hunting trip, whilst the women's eyes travel alongside the river.

"There could be some fish to eat."

Daryl nods, removing the crossbow from his back. "I'll do it."

"I'll cover you."

He takes off his jacket, shoes, socks and rolls up his jeans, before heading inside the river to catch any fish using his sharp knife. All of the sudden, he feels a tug at his leg and he falls deep into the river, causing Madeleine to react quickly

The women urgently grabs her sword and rushes toward the river without hesitation, diving under the water to watch Daryl attempting to kick the walker away. Madeleine manages to pierce her sword through the walker's head, grabbing Daryl's arm and swimming them up to the surface.

Gasping for breath, they exchange a glance. The water drips from their clothes as they catch their breath. The threat may be over, but the adrenaline still courses through their veins. The man coughs out for air when they swim back to the riverbank, muttering in annoyance as he removes his wet shirt, while the women simply drains the water from her hair.

When she turns her head to face him, her eyes scan the scars on his back but she immediately looks away. Their shared experiences and hardships in the old world have left their marks on both of them. Despite Daryl's curiosity of her scars, she shares the opposite reaction not wanting to find any possible similarities in their old story.

The unspoken pain lingers as they share a moment of vulnerability, marked by their visible and hidden scars. Each mark tells a story of survival in a world that demands resilience. In this silent exchange, they recognize that even though their paths may differ, the echoes of their past struggles resonate in the scars they carry.

"You can ask about it."

"I saw them already." Madeleine stares and she can feel the confused expression on Daryl's features when he stares at the side of her head. "When you got shot. At the farm."

He slowly shakes his head, a small smile breaking his lips at the thought of her helping him. Despite the small smile, the haunting echoes of his brother's words continue to cast a shadow on Daryl's thoughts. The weight of past judgments and expectations lingers, affecting the way he perceives every little thing.


When his eyes land back on her, he notices the strange look in her eyes and before he can question her, the women takes off running. Daryl curses underneath his breath Ashe grabs his jacket and shoes before running after her. The urgency in her movements raises his concern, and he wonders what might have triggered her.

Madeleine and Daryl find themselves face to face with a prison, which offers the possibility of safety and shelter for the group. However, the presence of walkers around the prison makes it a risky proposition.

"That's a shame."

Madeleine smirks, "Not exactly."


As Rick cuts the wire around the prison with pliers, Madeleine joins Glenn and Maggie, swiftly swinging her sword to slay a walker, her movements precise and efficient. The rest of the group remains observing their surroundings, forming a circle around the pregnant women.

"Watch the backside!"

"Got it."

The group successfully crosses the wire one by one, after Rick finishes cutting the wires, finding themselves in an alley surrounding the prison.

Rick calls out for T-Dog, "Hurry! Hurry!"

With Daryl's help, him and Glenn manage to close the wire, creating a temporary barrier between them and the courtyard filled with walkers. Rick observes the courtyard and the prison beyond it, possibly contemplating their next move to secure the location. The prison may offer safety, but it will also come with its own set of challenges.

Madeleine, still vigilant, keeps her machete at the ready, prepared to face any threats that may emerge from the walkers surrounding the prison. The group's entrance into the courtyard marks the beginning of a new chapter in their fight for survival.

Rick nods with a ghost of a smile, "It's perfect. If we can shut that gate," He points toward the gate, turning his head to face the group. "prevent more from filling the yard, we can pick off these walkers. We'll take the field by tonight."

"So how do we shut the gate?" Hershel questions, his mind distracted by the growling walkers attempting to attack them, despite the barrier separating them.

Glenn sighs, "I'll do it. You guys cover me."

Maggie shakes her head in denial, not wanting to see the man put himself in danger for them. "No, it's a suicide run."

"I'll do it. I'm the fastest." Madeleine speaks up, causing for her dad to immediately shut down the idea.

"Not alone, you won't. Glenn, Maggie and Beth draw as many as you can over there," he points toward the direction. "pop them through the fence. Daryl, go back to the other tower. Carol, you've become a pretty good shot, take your time, we don't have a lot of ammo to waste. Hershel, you and Carl, take this tower." He turns to face his daughter, "We'll do it together."

"I run, you cover me." Rick states, the women gripping the sword in her hand as she turns to face the growling walkers, shaking the fence. "From the tower." She snaps her head to face with a glare. "Join Daryl and Carol. You're the best shot-."

"I'm the best at everything, which is why I should be doing the running." She argues, rolling her eyes as she grabs the riffle from the his hands and heads up the tower.

Everybody gets in position by Rick's orders. The group efficiently dispatches the walkers, utilizing their strategic approach to eliminate the immediate threats. Glenn, T-Dog, Maggie, and Beth work together, drawing the walkers towards them and skillfully taking them down through the fence.

"Come on! Hey, come here! Come on! Hey, come here! Come on! Hey come on! Come on! Come on! Hey come on, get over here, come on!"

Lori facilitates Rick's entrance, and he swiftly makes his way toward the prison, skillfully taking down any walkers obstructing his path with precise gunfire. The group's coordinated efforts are crucial in securing the prison as a potential refuge in this post-apocalyptic world, by shooting a few of them in the courtyard and distracting some towards the fence.

"Come on! Come on!"

The group works together to eliminate the approaching walkers, with Madeleine showcasing her skill with the rifle her dad gave her. She carefully aims, providing cover for Rick as he advances toward the gate, keeping her composure with the kickback of the riffle and both eyes open to provide her full vision of her aim. This close collaboration highlights their shared determination to secure the new territory and maintain each other's safety, despite how strained they've grown.

Carol almost shooting Rick's foot by mistake, stops and calls out for the man, "Sorry."

The walkers are drawn toward Rick as he keeps running through the courtyard, killing a few more walkers before he manages to shut the gate. He proceeds to run inside the nearest guard tower and Rick's swift actions help him escape the immediate threat of the walkers as he secures himself inside the tower, closing the door behind him.

"He did it!" Carol exclaims with a smile.

"Light it up!" Madeleine calls out, the group firing at the remaining walkers in the courtyard.

The group, despite the challenges, manages to work together effectively, eliminating the immediate threat of walkers both inside and outside the prison. Rick's moment of laughter, albeit in the face of danger, perhaps reflects the relief and triumph in successfully securing the location.

The women grips the riffle, aiming for the last walker as her father nods at her as if indicating for her to have the honour. Her breath shallows for a second, Daryl taking notice of her tense posture as she fires one last time.

The group runs down and gathers next to the yard, ready to face whatever lies ahead in their new sanctuary. They stand together, a sense of accomplishment lingering in the air as they survey the prison yard. The once-menacing walkers are now dealt with, and the secured prison holds the promise of a safer haven. As they brace for the challenges within, the unity among them forms a beacon of hope.

Carol chuckles, spinning around in joy at the safe space provided surrounded by a fence. "Fantastic! We haven't had this much space since we left the farm."

Daryl nudges Madeleine, the women placing the riffle down. "Nice shooting."

"Easier than expected." She mutters, heading off toward her brother.

They all head further into the yard and Carol runs around, seeming content and T-Dog even let's out a chuckle at their win. However, Madeleine observes the walkers confined by the fences, a certain detachment in her expression. She's accustomed to the relentless presence of the undead, and the prison yard, though providing a semblance of safety, doesn't erase the harsh reality they face. She remains vigilant, her focus sharp amid the group's mixed emotions about their new refuge.

"Mads, you okay?"

Madeleine silently acknowledges her brother with a nod, unable to muster a smile under the grim circumstances. Her concern for her family is evident. Her gaze shifts towards Lori, likely recognizing the challenges of her pregnancy in their current situation.

"Mads?" Carl urges.

"You've become pretty good. That was some good work. I'm proud of you, Carl." She emotionlessly states, but this doesn't stop the younger boy to smile up at her.

Glenn approaches the women, suddenly sudden jumping back which startles Madeleine, and she raises an eyebrow, observing his reaction to the seemingly lifeless walker.

"Jumpy, aren't we?"

Glenn narrows his eyes at the walker, tilting his head to the side. "Does he look dead dead?"

Madeleine raises an eyebrow at him, giving him a knowing look. "Want me to tickle him and see if he laughs?" She scoffs with a roll of her eyes, heading away from him.

"Not that! We could just kick him or..."


The night settles in, casting shadows across the prison yard as the group gathers around a fire. The faint glow dances on their faces as they share a meal scavenged by Daryl and Madeleine. The atmosphere is a mix of relief and wariness, knowing that safety is relative in this new world. Daryl's silhouette stands guard, a lone figure against the encroaching darkness on top of the bus.

"Mmmm..." Glenn mumbles, throwing away the bone as he smiles, "Just like mom used to make."

Maggie's laughter echoes in the night air, and Lori's gaze lingers on Rick, who stands watchfully by the fence, a silent guardian in the flickering light of the fire. The prison's cold walls rise around them, and the possibility of finding endless resources and supplies.

"Tomorrow, we'll put all the bodies together. We want to keep them away from that water. Now, if we can dig a canal under the fence, we'll, uh, have plenty of fresh water." T-Dog speaks up, savouring the last piece of his food as he looks around the group.

"The soil is good, we could plant some seed, grow some tomatoes, cucumbers, soybeans." Hershel looks back at Rick who has been walking around the perimeter for hours. "That's his third time around. If there was any part of it compromised, he'd have found it by now."

Madeleine shrugs, taking a sip of her water. "He's not going to sleep until he's sure nothing can come in."

Hershel eyes the younger women, "Have you spoken to him?"

"There's nothing for me to say, Hershel." She looks away from Hershel, slapping the hat off Glenn's head. "What's up, pizza boy?" He playfully glares at her, adjusting the hat on his head as she indicates over to Maggie speaking to her brother. "He's stealing your girl."

"You're cracking jokes?" She rolls her eyes at his teasing tone. "I have a charm, she wouldn't leave me."

"Charm didn't get her to fall for you."

Glenn frowns, "Then what did?"

"You allowed her in and you never judged each other despite y'all butting heads after you met." Madeleine notes, referring to the man's relationship with Maggie which had a shaky start.

Glenn nods, acknowledging the contrast between the relationship and the complexities within the group. "Maybe you should follow your own advice." He indicates over to Daryl helping Carol up on the bus.


"I'm just saying." The dynamics within the group are complex, with Glenn noticing the unspoken tensions between Madeleine and Daryl. Despite Glenn's attempt to bring it up, Madeleine remains closed off, and Daryl smokes in silence, his emotions hidden. "So..."He attempts to change subject, knowing nothing will change her mind, he learned it since they met.

Madeleine looks away from Daryl, not noticing the man glancing at her from the distance. "So?"

"Even now, at the end of the word, I guess you have competition." Glenn playfully teases Madeleine about potential competition between her and Carol for Daryl's attention, aiming to lighten the mood in the midst of their challenging circumstances.


"Stop what?"

"Glenn, I swear to god I'll skin you alive."

"Someone's a bit defensive." Glenn continues teasing her, and she makes a move to playfully attack him which makes him run away, making her crack a smirk.

The playful banter lightens the mood for a moment, offering a brief respite from the challenges they face.

Carl seats by his sister, Lori sitting across from them, handing the extra food to Lori again. "Eat."

Lori shakes her head, "I'm good."

"Eat." She sternly states, shoving the food in Lori's lap. The baby needs it. Not just you."

Lori accepts the extra food with a nod of gratitude. "Thank you." She knows Madeleine is one to rarely apologise or show her feelings, people need to watch her eyes and her actions above any verbal apology. "You okay? You've been distant. More than usual, I'm worried about you." Lori's concern for Madeleine reflects the heightened emotional awareness within the group.

Madeleine looks away and turns to face Carl, ignoring Lori's attempt to start a conversation with her. "Wanna practise some more?"

They walk over to kill the walkers at the fence with the sword and the machete she gave to her brother when she found the sword a few months back at a museum, where they barely escaped.

The harsh winter amplifies the challenges they face, making each resource more precious and every step a battle against both the elements and the relentless threat of walkers. It was a lean winter and the snow was not allowing them to get far, they thought they hit the jackpot finding the museum, but in a matter of days they were back on the snowy road.

"I'm sorry about your bow."

Madeleine drives the sword through the fence, slowly watching the walker growl before she removes it and the corpse falls to the ground. "You don't have to keep apologising. I'll find another one. Plus, this thing is pretty badass, too." She turns to face him with a serious expression. "Either way, anything has to be a weapon in your hands."

Daryl puts his crossbow down on the bus, licks his finger, and massages Carol's shoulder, causing for her to let out a laugh. From the distance, Madeleine notices the exchange, but she looks away to focus back on the walkers whilst Daryl's a little flustered by his own actions.

"Better get back." He mutters under his breath.

"It's pretty romantic." Carol teases, pretending to kiss him as she puckers her lips. "Want to screw around?"


"Aww." She begins, causing the man to give her a questioning look. "You don't want her to get the wrong idea about us." Carol smirks at Daryl, a teasing glint in her eyes. "You've been keepin' an eye on Madeleine, haven't you?"

Daryl grumbles, avoiding eye contact. "Ain't nothin' to it. Just watchin' out for the group."

Carol nudges him playfully. "Sure, Daryl. I see how you look at her. Don't deny it."

Daryl stays silent, his tough exterior momentarily giving way to a hint of vulnerability. "Shut up."

Carol smiles with a soft smile as her eyes land on Madeleine and her brother, "I'm just saying, it's getting more and more noticeable. You two have grown closer even when she's been keeping her distance from everyone. You're growing on her."

Daryl shakes his head, throwing his cigarette to the side, "You're making up stuff now."

"One of you needs to stop being stubborn and just admit how you're feeling, life is too short to hide it forever."

Daryl squints at Carol, a mix of irritation and reluctance in his expression. "Ain't got time for that kinda talk. We're all just survivin'."

Carol chuckles, patting him on the back. "Surviving or not, feelings happen, Daryl. Just keep an eye on it. Who knows, maybe it's a good thing."

Daryl grumbles something under his breath, not ready to confront the idea."She doesn't care about me. I care about her as much as the rest of this group." Daryl notes, swallowing the lump in his throat as his eyes involuntary find her figure in the distance.

"Then my offer stands." Carol jokingly replies, nudging his side.

Daryl rolls his eyes, "Better get back. I'll go down first."

Carol smirks, "Even better."


They get down from the bus, and Carol subtly encourages him to approach Madeleine when Carl walks back to seat by his mother.

Meanwhile, Carol has rejoined the group, and Madeleine continues her task of dealing with the walkers at the fence.

Daryl narrows his eyes at the women, "You not tired?"

Madeleine looks back at him, before going back to killing the walkers through the holes on the fence. He grabs his knife and joins her for a second, from the distance she hears singing, seeing Rick approaching them as Maggie and Beth sing. In the midst of the tension and danger, the distant sound of singing waves over them.

"Stop staring at me, wondering what's going through my mind." Madeleine harshly spits at him, frustrated by the glances he keeps sending her way.


She cuts him off, "I'll take watch. You should sleep."

Daryl clears his throat, trying his best not to look at her. "I'm not tired." He mumbles in response.

Madeleine faces the approaching walkers, her expression revealing a mixture of anger and sadness. She takes a moment before raising her sword with precision, swiftly piercing the skull of the walker. The act is both a routine of survival and a reflection of the burdens carried from the old world.


Madeleine remains focused, raising her sword and methodically piercing the skull of a walker that approaches the fence. She continues dealing with the threat of the walkers as Daryl watches her closely as she deals with the walkers, sensing a complex mixture of emotions in her eyes. He refrains from asking, knowing that there's something going on in her mind that she might not be ready to share, especially with him.

"We-we should probably join them."

They share a lingering moment of eye contact, but Madeleine ultimately turns away and walks back to the group, with Daryl following behind her. The unspoken tension between them continues to simmer.

"Look, I know we're all exhausted." Rick kneels down, adverting his eyes around the group. "This was a great win. But we've got to push just a little bit more. Most of the walkers are dressed as guards and prisoners. Looks like this place fell pretty early."

"Supplies could still be intact." Madeleine points out, placing the sword on her back.

"Yeah, they'd have an infirmary, a commissary-."

Daryl interrupts him, "An armoury?"

"That would be outside the prison itself, but not too far away." Rick nods, pointing toward the direction he thinks they could find a few resources. "Wardens offices would have info on the location. Weapons, food, medicine. This place could be a gold mine."

"We're dangerously low on ammo. We'll run out before we make a dent." Hershel speaks up, the man nodding his head at his words.

"That's why we gotta go in there. Hand to hand." Madeleine proposes, the feeling of killing them up close sending a satisfying shiver down her spine.

"After all we've been through, we can handle it, I know it. These assholes don't stand a chance." Rick confidentially speaks, standing up from his spot and walking away from the group with Lori following behind his footsteps.

As Rick and Lori start their argument, which they can't quite hear, they can see their tense postures, Carl and Madeleine exchanging a glance. Carl leans on his sister's shoulder, and she covers him with her jacket to keep him warm. The two siblings share a quiet moment, finding solace in each other's presence amidst the turmoil within the group.

The group prepares to sleep, and as Madeleine lies down with Carl using her lap as a pillow, she gazes up at the night sky, eventually drifting into sleep, feeling Daryl's gaze on her throughout the night.

The unspoken connection between them continues to linger, solely noticed by those around them.


This was such a good chapter that I loved writing.

I've drafted all of the seasons of what's going to happen, and I can tell you season 3 and 7 will be my favourite seasons to share with you!

What were your thoughts on this chapter?

Thank you for reading ❤️

Czytaj Dalej

To Teลผ Polubisz

5.9K 164 18
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324K 9.3K 104
[seasons 4 - 11 ] STRANGERS TO FAMILY, ๐™ž๐™ฃ ๐™ฌ๐™๐™ž๐™˜๐™ ๐™– ๐™œ๐™ง๐™ค๐™ช๐™ฅ ๐™ค๐™› ๐™จ๐™ช๐™ง๐™ซ๐™ž๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ง๐™จ ๐™–๐™ข๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™œ๐™จ๐™ฉ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™™๐™š๐™–๐™™ ๐™ข๐™–๐™ ๐™š ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š๐™ž๐™ง ๐™ฌ๐™–๏ฟฝ...