Dgrayman overnight

By Saphireblueelf

150 20 0

Kanda works in a warehouse on the over nights. He is a solitary person by nature, but finds friendships in th... More

Becoming friends
Allen's tale
Fun on the overnight shift
Safety record
Kanda's promise
Hidden ventures
Allen's tale
The black order
Chef Jerry
Alien lanscape
The art of love
Plan of action
Mask of Maria
The adventure begins


7 1 0
By Saphireblueelf

"Allen," that voice sounded silky.

To Lavi it sounded like a person trying to sooth a scared cat or something. Those golden eyes danced with delight at how Allen trembled behind Kanda. He was practically on top of the dark haired male. Kanda turned his head to the side, Lavi knew that look.

"Allen." His voice was dark, hungry for vengeance. Lavi smirked.

Folding his arms atop his head he whistled out.

"Ooh, Mr. Mikk, you don't know it yet, but you just signed your death warrant." Lavi informed him.

"What are you talking about?" Tyki asked, his eyes darted around the group.

"I'm just here to take Allen home." He added.

"He isn't going with you if he doesn't want to." Kanda growled.

"You think you could stop me?" Now Tyki's tone was taking on the same threat level as Kanda's.

"Easily." Kanda stated.

He wasn't bragging, he spoke as if it were fact. He didn't even flinch when Tyki shuffled a step closer to him. Their shoes were actually touching. Lavi let out a nervous laugh.

"I'm not going with you Tyki." Allen's voice was only a notch above a whisper.

"Allen, was he the one that did that to you?" Lavi asked.

All eyes went to Lavi. The ginger picked Allen's arm up to indicate the burn on the lower half. Lavi eyed the scars on Allen's face.

"I wouldn't hurt Allen!" Tyki cried.

He tried to reach around Kanda. No one was certain if he was going to make Lavi let go of Allen, or if he was trying to grab Allen. He continued to talk, until he couldn't.

"I saved him from his abuser!" Tyki cried out.

His mouth opened again to say more. But he was thrust backwards. Kanda elbowed him in the face as he swung his body to protect Allen. Lavi let out another low whistle.

"Back of Tyki. Trust me when I say this... You. Do. Not. Want. To. Make. Kanda. Mad!" Lavi clapped his hand after each word.

"Allen, can't you see?" Tyki ignored the ginger.

"They are just like him. Trying to control you. He just admitted this guy is dangerous!" Tyki waved to Lavi first then Kanda.

"He's going to hurt you, just like Cross." At the name, Lavi saw Allen flinch.

The pale face turned whiter, if that was even possible. His scarred hand reached forward, toward Tyki! Lavi had to do something.

"I said Kanda was dangerous, but not to Allen." Lavi shifted adding his own body to block Allen from getting closer to Tyki.

Kanda didn't even acknowledge his presence. His entire focus was on Tyki. Lavi leaned forward at the waist.

"I said it for you!" Lavi pointed a finger in Tyki's face.

"You said not to make him mad. What happens when Allen makes him mad?" Tyki smirked knowing Allen couldn't see his expression.

"You see, Kanda has this moral thing." Lavi waved his hand in the air as he explained.

"Don't say another word Stupid rabbit." Kanda growled.

Lavi stopped talking. He glanced back to Kanda. Something was up? What had he missed? Lavi pondered.

"You're just feeding him information. We will explain to Allen later." Lenalee told Lavi.

Everyone stared at Tyki. The man's smile never left his face. He backed up a step, rubbing at his chin. His golden eyes racked over those keeping his prize from him.

"Tim misses you Allen. You should at least come to see him." Tyki cooed.

"Lair!" Suddenly Allen burst through the group.

Not even Kanda could react fast enough to stop him. Allen was in Tyki's reach. Fist flying he punched any part of Tyki he could. Allen was screaming about them not getting something called a Timcanpy. Spittle flew out of Allen's mouth as he screamed at Tyki who was only laughing while dodging the flailing blows.

Lavi sprang forward, yet, as always, Kanda was faster. Kanda wrapped his arms around the small chest of the angry pale boy. He drew Allen back to him. Not taking his eye off of his true opponent, he spoke softly to Allen. The boy appeared to relax in Kanda's arms.

"Go, while I still allow you the ability to do so." Kanda snarled.

Tyki opened his mouth, Kanda gripped the helmet. Something in his look must have told Tyki he wasn't messing around any longer. Tyki backed away. He swiped at some blood on his lip. It looked like a few of Allen's wild blows struck.

"I found where you work. It won't be long until I find what hole you are living out of." Tyki hissed.

With that he turned away. He walked into the visitors parking. A long rust colored car sat in a spot. Tyki yanked the creaking door open. He got in. A plume of black smoke poured out of the exhaust as the car came to life. Tyki pulled out, while watching Allen as he slouched in Kanda's arms.

"I need to go home. I have to make sure..." Allen whimpered.

"He wants you to go home." Lavi pointed out.

"That way you led him right to where you live." Daisya stated.

"But I left Timcanpy home. I need to check on him." Allen cried.

He was actually worked up enough to cry. Tears wetted Kanda's arms. Kanda awkwardly stroked his hair.

"Where do you live?" He asked in a soothing voice.

Allen have the address of a boarding house many of them knew about. It was a horrible scam of a place. Kanda actually growled when he heard it. To Lavi's astonishment, Kanda pulled out a phone. He hit three buttons. They could all hear the ringing.

A cherry voice answer. "Kanda my boy! It's been a while. You coming over for breakfast?"

"A friend of mine is in danger. He is staying with her. We need to move him." The words were spat out.

"Be there in ten." The phone call ended.

"I don't have any place else to go." Allen was standing on his own now. Kanda looked over at him.

"You can stay with me." A slow creepy smile twitched up the corners of Kanda's lips.

"I would love it if Tyki came looking for you there." He hissed.

"We have ten minutes, Kanda!" Noise reminded him.

They separated as they all headed to their vehicles. Four cars, one pickup truck and a motorcycle crowded the gate to get out two minutes later. The black and chrome bike took the led. The pickup truck came last as the convoy made its way through the near silent streets. It was Sunday morning, not many cars were out this early.

They drove without Allen giving Kanda any direction. Kanda pulled up in front of what appeared to be a quant looking home. It was three stories, painted red with eight full green trim. Garden gnomes decorated the front lawn, window boxes boasted lovely plants, the windows were dark as the sun struck them.

Kanda met Tiedoll. The man had a fop of curled black and grey hair, a boastful smile and eyes that danced behind wire rims. He greeted Kanda as more like a father would than a boss. Only Lavi knew this was their true relationship. Tiedoll had taken Kanda in when he had no one.

The group marched up the steps. Allen fished for his key, but Kanda already had the door open. He hadn't kicked it or broken it. Lavi shivered wondering just how... Allen said nothing as he ran up the steps.

On the third landing he hurried to a small door tucked in around the side of the hall. It was in the top of one of the towers. The smallest room that the house possessed. Kanda snarled beside Lavi. Yeah, the kid was small but some on!

Allen opened the door. Something golden came flying out. It whipped around Allen's head. They all heard a tinkling laugh as the thing zoomed over them before returning to Allen. It nestled in his hair with a happy sigh.

"What the hell..." Kanda began.

"... is that...." Lavi continued.

"... weird little..." Noise went on.

"...thing?" the others finished.

Allen reached up to pet, stroke the round golden ball with a tail and wings. He giggled looking younger, yet happier than they had ever saw him.

"This is Timcanpy. My.." the smile faded from Allen's face.

"Master created him." He added in a cold dark tone.

"MASTER!" Kanda growled.

They were all sure Allen didn't mean it in the way Kanda often called his martial art instructors master.

"Um, yeah." Allen muttered.

"Lets just get his things and go." Tiedoll placed a hand on Kanda's back. They all nodded.

Allen, Lavi and Kanda stepped into the room. It was bare. A neatly made bed sat under the eve. There was a bare desk beside it. A closet door was closed with a small dorm style room fridge against the wall. There was a hot plate on a tiny table, but that was sit. The e tire room.

Kanda went to the closet. It was empty. Allen moved to the bed. He bent tugging out a small suitcase with wheels. Lavi and Kanda eyed it.

"That's really..." Lavi began.

"... all you have?" Kanda asked.

"Yeah. Other than Tim." Allen stroked the creature on his head.

"Let's go." Kanda growled.

Lavi led the way downstairs. A woman stepped out to bar their passage. She was about to say something, but Tiedoll brushed her aside allowing the others to leave.

No one looked back as Lenalee put Allen's case in her trunk. They followed Kanda's motorcycle to a small family owned restaurant.

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