The Finder

By AndressVo

104 21 4

"The Finder is about Frank, a far from normal teenager with a strange past who lives his life solving cases." More

Case 1;Covering Friendship-Chapter 1:
Case 1;Covering Friendship-Chapter 2:
Case 1;Covering Friendship-Chapter 3:
Case 1;Covering Friendship-Chapter 4:
Case 1;Covering Friendship-Chapter 5:
Student Time - Chapter 1
Case 2;Family Murder-Chapter 1:
Case 2;Family Murder-Chapter 3:
Case 2;Family Murder-Chapter 3:
Frank's Past - Chapter 1
Frank's Past - Chapter 2
Case 3;Family Envy -Chapter 1

Case 3;Family Envy -Chapter 1

6 0 0
By AndressVo

Frank was in his apartment, absorbed in the deep and complex philosophical book about human nature. The book's pages were filled with words, theories, and concepts that challenged his mind, and he relished every challenge it presented. Reading was his escape, a way to disconnect from the world around him and delve into the depths of human knowledge.

As he read, Frank's thoughts veered toward the complexity of human psychology. What motivates people to act in certain ways? What dark secrets does each individual's mind hide? Philosophy and psychology had become his closest companions in the quest for answers to these questions.

Suddenly, the sound of his phone broke the silence of his apartment. Frank blinked, momentarily emerging from his philosophical trance. Seeing the incoming call from the commissioner, he closed his book and answered with his usual apathetic tone.

"Go ahead, Commissioner."

The commissioner's voice sounded urgent on the other end of the line.

"Frank, we've had a development in the case. We found fingerprints at the crime scene. They match the victim's uncle, John Carver. We need you to interrogate him."

Frank nodded, though he knew the commissioner couldn't see him. His mind was already in work mode, considering the implications of this new information.

"Understood, Commissioner. I'll go immediately."

After hanging up, Frank stood up and headed for the door. His mind was in constant motion, evaluating every detail of the case. What would lead John Carver to the crime scene? What was his connection to the victim? These questions swirled in his mind as he made his way to the police station.

Upon arrival, he met with the commissioner and some officers who had been working on the case. The information they had was scarce, and they needed Frank to work his magic in obtaining more leads.

With his apathetic expression and sharp mind, Frank made his way to the interrogation room where John Carver awaited. John was a middle-aged man with a restless look in his eyes, and Frank studied him carefully before beginning the interrogation.

"John Carver, I assume you know why you're here," Frank spoke calmly, maintaining his apathetic tone. He wanted to make the man uncomfortable but without showing hostility.

John nodded nervously.

"Yes, I do. I have no idea why my fingerprints would be at that place, but here I am."

Frank decided to start with an indirect approach, trying to gather information subtly.

"John, do you have any close relationship with the victim? Any reason your fingerprints might be in her house?"

John furrowed his brow, as if trying to remember.

"Well, she's my niece, but we didn't talk much. I didn't see my brother's family frequently."

Frank made a mental note of this information. Then, he shifted his focus to John's activities on the night of the crime.

"Where were you on the night when the murder occurred, John?"

The man seemed uncomfortable as he responded.

"I was at home, watching television, and then I went to bed. No one else was with me."

Frank nodded, as if accepting John's answer. He continued the interrogation, using more specific questions to dig for details.

"John, have you ever visited Ava's house? Do you have any idea why your fingerprints might be in the basement where her body was found?"

John appeared increasingly nervous.

"No, I haven't been to her house. I don't know why my fingerprints would be there."

Frank decided to press a bit further, using a subtle confrontation technique.

"John, you understand that your fingerprints were found at the crime scene. You can't deny that. Is there anything you're not telling us?"

The man seemed trapped, as if he were considering whether to reveal additional information.

"All right, all right. A few weeks ago, I stopped by her house. I just wanted to talk to her about a family matter, but she didn't answer the door. I didn't go inside, just rang the doorbell and left."

John's words had revealed a point of entry, something the police didn't have before. Frank paused, evaluating the situation.

"John, if you have any information that can help in this investigation, I urge you to share it. We're trying to solve the murder of an innocent girl, and any detail could be crucial."

The man looked at Frank, seeming to struggle internally. The interrogation had reached a critical point, and Frank was ready to use any necessary technique to get the truth.

Frank continued to question John Carver, noticing certain errors and contradictions in his testimony. Something didn't add up, and Frank was determined to get to the bottom of the truth. However, he knew that to obtain the information he needed, he would have to resort to a less than legal technique.

He closed the curtains in the interrogation room and blocked the door. The room was dimly lit, with only the faint light seeping through the curtain's crevices. Frank approached John and kept his voice in a calm and persuasive tone.

"John, I want you to focus on my voice. Listen carefully." Frank began speaking in a rhythmic and soothing tone, as if guiding John through a meditation.

John looked at him with curiosity, his eyes locked onto Frank's.

"I want you to go back in time, John, to the night of the murder. Can you remember what you did that night?"

John furrowed his brow, as if struggling to recall his memories. His voice sounded drowsy as he responded.

"I was at home, watching television, and then I went to bed."

Frank continued with his hypnotic voice.

"Are you sure about that, John? Can't you remember anything else? Try to remember in more detail."

John continued to struggle to remember, and his mind seemed lost in the past. Frank knew that hypnosis could open doors in people's minds, revealing hidden memories.

"John, can you remember if someone else was with you that night? Someone who might have given you something, maybe something to drink?"

John's eyes clouded, and his voice became even sleepier.

"I don't know... I can't remember."

Frank kept pressing, using his persuasive abilities to encourage John to remember.

"John, try to remember if someone else was there. Think of any details you can recall, no matter how small."

John began to mutter, as if trapped in a dream. He spoke softly.

"There was someone... someone else. They gave me something to drink. I don't remember who it was..."

Frank was close to getting the information he needed, but he knew he had to be cautious.

"John, try to remember if anyone else was there. Think about any details you can remember, no matter how small."

John started to lose himself in his memories, and his voice became even more distant.

"After drinking... everything became blurry. I can't... remember."

Frank knew he had reached the limit of what he could obtain from John with hypnosis. He ended the session and let the man return to his normal state.

Once John regained consciousness, Frank looked at him with seriousness.

"John, this is important. Something happened on that night that you don't remember. Someone gave you something to drink, and it made you lose your memory. If you want to help in the investigation, you need to remember what happened. We're trying to find Ava's killer. Can you make an effort to remember?"

John appeared confused and distressed. Hypnosis had revealed a gap in his memory, and it troubled him.

"I'll try, I promise. I don't want anyone else to get hurt."

Frank nodded, grateful for the opportunity. He turned to Commissioner Douglas, who had been listening to the conversation. The commissioner seemed uneasy.

"Frank, can you tell me what you're planning?"

Frank gave the commissioner a serious look.

"Commissioner, I need you to trust me. I have a plan to catch the killer, but I can't reveal the details at this time. Please let me do my job and follow my strategy. I promise I'll deliver results."

Commissioner Douglas seemed uncomfortable but eventually nodded.

"Very well, Frank. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But I hope you have a good reason for keeping me in the dark."

Frank nodded, grateful for the opportunity. He headed for the door, ready to move on to the next step.

Time passed as John Carver struggled to convince the victim's family to gather at the new apartment. At first, there was some resistance, as the family was naturally concerned and fearful. However, with patience and skill, John managed to persuade them, and they eventually agreed to meet.

The meeting in the new apartment proceeded with casual conversations, an atmosphere of anxiety and sadness due to the tragedy that united them. John tried to stay calm and control the tension in the room as they prepared for what was about to happen.

It was during this meeting that a masked man entered the scene. He was dressed in a black trench coat that covered him completely, concealing his identity. His voice was cold and devoid of emotions, and no one in the room knew who he was. The atmosphere instantly became tense.

"I am someone close to Ava, and I'm here to ensure that justice is served," declared the masked man.

The family and John were stunned by the sudden appearance of this stranger. Fearful of what might happen, they listened carefully to his words. The masked man held a gun, further intensifying everyone's anxiety.

"If the killer doesn't surrender and confess, all of you will pay for it. I'm willing to do whatever it takes."

The masked man began to interrogate the family, with a particular focus on Jim, Ava's brother, who was in a wheelchair. He mentioned how Ava had always stolen friends and attention due to her popularity.

"Jim, do you feel jealous of your sister? Did it bother you that she was always the center of attention?"

The tension in the room became palpable as Jim responded:

"Yes, to be honest, it did. She was always there, being perfect, popular, and I... well, I was always in the wheelchair."

The family was bewildered by this conversation. The masked man kept his gun visible, increasing the tension. Then, the masked man proposed that Jim prove his disability by cutting his legs with a knife.

"If you don't feel pain, it should be easy, right?" the masked man said as he held the knife.

Screams and panic filled the room as the family begged the masked man not to harm Jim.

"No! Please, don't do it!" cried Jeny, Ava's mother.

The situation became even more intense as the masked man approached Jim and raised the knife, ready to make the cut. The family watched in horror, unable to stop what was about to happen. Jim, though visibly terrified, maintained his act of a false disability.

At the last moment before making the cut, the masked man stopped. He threw the knife into the air, and as everyone watched the object falling, he shot Jim in the leg, in an area without a real risk of bleeding.

"Ahhhh," Jim cried out in despair, revealing the falsehood of his injury.

Jim began to confess in front of everyone, detailing what had happened on the fateful night of Ava's murder. His words flowed with an unusual intensity as he spoke of his journey to the room, where he opened the door and found someone inside. His parents and John listened with shock.

"Normally, one would scream, right?" Jim continued. "But that man... I don't know how to explain it. He seemed harmless, like an angel. Everything about him told me not to fear."

As Jim narrated his encounter, his words became increasingly chaotic, and his gaze blurred with the madness he had experienced. The room fell silent as everyone waited for Jim's revelation.

"That man became my reason to exist, my mentor and guide," Jim continued with tears in his eyes. "He motivated me to prove my worth, to show the world what I truly was."

The family's reactions fluctuated between relief and confusion as they tried to comprehend the madness that had led their son to commit such terrible acts. Jim's confession cast a disturbing light on the mind of someone who, at one point, had been an ordinary teenager.

At that moment, the masked man removed his mask, revealing himself to be Frank. Everyone was astonished, and Frank explained that the weapon he had used was an air-compressed gun, and the injury was minimal. The parents' reactions ranged from relief to confusion as they tried to understand what had just happened.

Before Frank could continue with his questions, Jim began to laugh manically, foam at his mouth. His maniacal laughter filled the room as he writhed on the floor.

Jim's parents, especially his father, a doctor, tried to perform first aid to keep him alive. Chaos consumed the room as paramedics arrived quickly.

Frank observed the scene with apathy, his face impassive. His thoughts were focused on solving the case and the missed opportunity to get more information from Jim. It was at that moment that he remembered Jim's last words before his episode:

"Thank you, Zero."

A dark look crossed Frank's face as he contemplated the nickname Jim had given him. He knew he had a new target in mind: to catch "Zero," the man who had influenced Jim and led him down a path of madness. In his thoughts, Frank swore not to rest until Zero was caught, not for justice, not for this family, just...

A small smile formed on Frank's lips as he watched the body writhing.

— This seems fun... Zero.

Frank's mind raced at an astonishing speed as he absorbed the situation in the blink of an eye. He ran through the hallways, leading to Jim's room. He opened the door with a swift motion, and what he saw inside surprised him even more.

In the middle of the room, there was a perfect circle drawn with blood that dripped from its center. Frank approached cautiously, scrutinizing every detail. The blood was still dripping slowly, forming an unsettling pattern on the floor. Frank's analytical mind immediately went to work, searching for clues in this strange and macabre symbol.

In the center of the circle, there was a small card stuck to the floor. Frank bent down to pick it up and examined it closely. The words printed on it were in a computer-like font, adding an even more sinister touch to the scene. The card read:

"We all have something we love, Detective Hughes. Do you have something too? Soon we'll see.

Sincerely, Zero"

The words resonated in Frank's mind as he tried to understand the message behind them. Zero, the masked figure, had directly challenged him.

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