Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

435K 9.5K 909

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


1.6K 49 1
By tonysnarky

For Charles's birthday, Lexi planned a quiet and intimate evening. She knew that her boyfriend valued moments shared over extravagant gifts. And so, they found themselves at Charles's favorite restaurant, nestled along Monaco's charming marina.

The soft evening breeze ruffled the tablecloth, and the golden rays of the setting sun cast a warm glow on the Mediterranean waters. Lexi and Charles sat across from each other, their eyes filled with affection as they enjoyed the peaceful view. The clinking of wine glasses and the occasional chatter of fellow diners filled the air.

As they sipped on glasses of fine French wine, Lexi began the conversation. "I can't get Theo's gifts," she said, her eyes sparkling. "I had no idea James had even told him about your father and Jules."

Charles nodded, a soft smile playing on his lips. "He was so proud to show us."

Their hands touched briefly across the table, a silent affirmation of their shared sentiments. Charles couldn't help but admire Lexi's beauty, the warm light of the restaurant accentuating her radiant smile. She was his rock, the one who brought a balance to his life filled with the exhilarating ups and downs of Formula 1.

The waiter arrived with their orders. Charles couldn't resist his favorite pasta dish, while Alexandra opted for a steak. The clinking of cutlery, the muted conversations around them, and the gentle hum of the marina formed the soundtrack to their special evening.

Without hesitation, Charles and Alexandra swapped plates, a longstanding tradition between them. It was a small gesture that symbolized their shared life—a life where they reveled in each other's preferences, embraced each other's quirks, and found joy in the little things.

Lexi savored a forkful of Charles's pasta, a subtle grin spreading across her face. "This is divine," she exclaimed, "no wonder it's your favorite."

Charles returned the favor, taking a bite of her steak. "Oh, the steak is incredible," he said, his voice filled with appreciation. "But I want my pasta back." He sent her a joking pout.

They shared a moment of laughter, reveling in the simple delight of a delicious meal, a beautiful view, and each other's loving presence. With their hands entwined and their hearts intertwined, they knew that these peaceful moments were the greatest gifts of all.

As they continued to gaze at each other, the world around them faded into the background, leaving only the two of them locked in a silent connection. Charles found himself entranced by the intricate details that made Alexandra so captivating.

Her low-cut, backless black dress accentuated her collarbones, making them look delicately beautiful. The high slit on her right leg added an air of sophistication and allure to her appearance. Earlier, he had glimpsed something lacy underneath the dress, igniting his curiosity about what surprises she had in store.

A loving smile played on his lips as he observed her twisting the promise ring he had given her. The delicate band was symbolic of their deep commitment and unwavering love for each other. Charles couldn't help but picture the day—hopefully not too far in the future—when an engagement ring would sit alongside it, marking a new chapter in their life together.

Alexandra's chestnut brown curls framed her face, and he was enchanted by the way she absentmindedly tousled them. He had always been fascinated by her green eyes, which now met his own with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine.

In return, she was keenly observing him, noting the charming dimples that appeared when he smiled and the small vein that emerged on his neck when he was nervous. His messy dark hair gave him a rugged yet endearing look, and she couldn't help but smile at his appearance.

Charles's eyes sparkled with love and adoration as he gazed at her, envisioning their future together. Images of her with her nephew, Theo, flooded his mind, and his heart felt like it was about to burst with the immense love he had for her.

He recalled a recent conversation with his mother, who had spoken words of hope and encouragement: "You're going to be great parents one day." The memory of his mother's words filled him with a sense of joy and anticipation, as he envisioned a future where he and Lexi would become parents and embark on a new adventure together. The prospect of building a family with the woman he loved filled his heart with warmth and contentment.

As Charles continued to gaze deeply into Alexandra's eyes, he couldn't help but let his imagination run wild, envisioning a future filled with love, family, and countless precious moments together.

In his daydreams, he saw Alexandra as a radiant, expectant mother, her belly cradling their first child. They were lounging on his yacht, basking in the serenity of the Mediterranean sea. The sun's gentle caress painted their skin in warm hues, and they were wrapped in each other's arms, sharing whispered promises and dreams. Charles had never felt more content than he did in that idyllic moment, knowing that they were about to embark on a new chapter of their life.

His fantasies took him to a delivery room, where he watched Alexandra with awe as she held their newborn baby for the first time. Their child, a perfect blend of the two of them, had her mesmerizing green eyes and his charming dimples. The room was filled with love and joy as they marveled at the miracle of new life. Charles couldn't contain the immense pride and happiness that swelled within him. They were parents, and it was the most beautiful journey they had ever embarked upon.

His mind wandered further into the future, picturing the life they would build together. He imagined their family, complete with a son and a daughter. He saw moments of laughter, bedtime stories, and shared secrets. The Leclerc family was a close-knit one, with love, trust, and an unbreakable bond at its core.

Together, they would navigate the challenges and triumphs of life, always supporting each other and nurturing their children's dreams. Charles knew that their future was bright, filled with love, joy, and countless memories that would last a lifetime.

Even as they sat in the present, savoring the moment of quiet togetherness, Charles was eagerly looking forward to the future they would share. He couldn't wait for the day when all of these dreams would become a beautiful reality, and their lives would be enriched beyond measure by the love they had for each other and the family they were destined to create.

"What's got you smiling like that, Leclerc?" Lexi's voice snapped him out of his daydream.

Charles grinned, his blue eyes sparkling with excitement. "I've been thinking about our future, Lexi. You know, racing has always been such a huge part of my life, and it's incredible to think about how we can share it with our children one day."

Lexi's smile widened as she intertwined her fingers with Charles', feeling their love in every touch. "I've been thinking about that too. Especially since Theo came into our lives...Our kids growing up around the racetrack, with the biggest racing family ever. The support and love they'll get from all our friends, it's going to be amazing."

Their hands locked in a loving grip, and Charles continued to share his vision. "They'd have so many crazy uncles looking out for them."

Alexandra nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely, and I want to make sure they never go to bed without a goodnight story. I want them to always know how much they are loved and how special they are to us."

Charles couldn't help but imagine the joy of tucking their children in at night. "You're right, amor. They'll grow up knowing they're cherished, not just by us, but by our incredible family as well. We're going to give them the best of everything – the warmth of a loving home."

"Everything I never had." She smiled sadly.

Their conversation was filled with anticipation and excitement, with dreams of their future racing family. They spoke about the racing adventures they would embark on as a family, the stories they would share, and the joy of watching their children grow into young adults. With every word they exchanged, their love for each other and their shared vision for the future grew stronger.

Charles and Alexandra had their hearts set on raising children who would be immersed in the world of racing but also grounded by love, kindness, and a sense of belonging within their extended racing family. It was clear that the bond between them was the foundation on which they would build their future, and their hearts were filled with joy as they looked forward to the wonderful life they would create together.

After leaving the restaurant, Lexi pleaded with Charles to take a walk along the marina.

The evening breeze gently rustled through the palm trees along Monaco's marina as Charles and Alexandra walked hand in hand. The warm, serene atmosphere was a stark contrast to the adrenaline-filled racetracks where they usually spent their days. They laughed and made small talk, basking in the simple joy of being together.

Lexi playfully nudged Charles with her elbow. "You know, I was thinking about names for our future kids, Charlie. How about 'Perceval'? It's got a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

Charles wrinkled his nose in mock horror. "Perceval? Are you trying to torture me, Amor? Our kids are going to end up hating me with a name like that."

Lexi giggled, her green eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, come on, Charlie. I'm just kidding. But can you imagine little Perceval Leclerc? He'd be the coolest kid in town."

"Are you trying to give the poor kid a complex from birth? No offense, but we might have to discuss our naming strategies when the time comes."

"Well, Perceval is your middle name, and you turned out just fine amor." She teased.

As they walked further, Charles couldn't help but notice the bright lights coming from her favorite cocktail bar, even though it appeared closed. Alexandra brought them to a halt outside the bar, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Let's go for a drink," she suggested.

As Charles and Lexi stepped into the dimly lit cocktail bar, they were taken aback when the lights suddenly blazed to life, revealing a room filled with their closest friends and family. The shock and surprise left them momentarily speechless, and then the entire room erupted with cheers and applause.

"Surprise!" their friends shouted, clinking glasses and raising a toast to the birthday boy and the love of his life.

Charles was left almost speechless, and Lexi beamed at him, her eyes twinkling with delight. "Happy birthday, Amor," she said, her voice filled with love.

He leaned in to kiss her, wrapping her in a warm embrace before they turned to face their loved ones, who had gone to great lengths to make this birthday celebration unforgettable.

The night was filled with laughter, love, and joyful celebrations. Their friends and family had organized various games and activities to keep everyone entertained. The room buzzed with excitement as people chatted, laughed, and shared stories. The cocktails flowed freely, and the evening wore on, their laughter growing louder and hearts growing warmer.

One by one, their friends presented gifts to Charles, each one thoughtful and filled with love. Lexi couldn't help but feel her heart swell with affection for the man she loved, especially as she watched him interact with their friends and family, appreciating every moment.

As the night went on, their inhibitions seemed to slip away, and they found themselves on the dance floor, moving to the rhythm of the music. Charles twirled Lexi around, and they shared a passionate kiss in the middle of the dance floor, while their friends whooped and cheered.

Later, as Lexi and Pascale chatted at the bar, they suddenly heard cheers and laughter from the center of the room. Lexi turned her head to see Charles atop Pierre's shoulders, enthusiastically chugging a bottle of champagne. Arthur and Lorenzo were leading the cheer, and it appeared that Charles had become the life of the party, encouraged by his friends' enthusiasm.

Pascale leaned closer to Lexi, her voice carrying a teasing tone. "You have your work cut out for you with Charles tonight after he finishes that champagne."

Lexi grinned and nodded in agreement, but then she gestured toward the corner of the room, where Carlos and Daniel were competing in a beer chugging contest. "And they're staying at our place too," she added with a chuckle.

The two women clinked their glasses in a toast, and Pascale raised hers. "To family," she proposed.

Lexi joined in the toast, and they both took a sip of their drinks. Then, Pascale leaned in, her voice warm and filled with affection. "I'm grateful that Charles found you. You've brought so much happiness into his life."

Lexi smiled appreciatively at Pascale's kind words and expressed her own gratitude. "Thank you for always being there for me, even though I'm not your own daughter."

Pascale responded by enveloping Lexi in a warm hug. "You'll always be my daughter. Family isn't just about blood."

Lexi returned the embrace with a smile but decided to inject a bit of humor into their conversation. "Flattery won't get you grandkids anytime soon, though."

Pascale chuckled, her laughter warm and contagious. "Charles told you what I said, then?"

Lexi nodded with a grin. "He did. And your secret's safe with me."

A playful twinkle danced in Pascale's eyes as she admitted, "I watch you both with Theo, and I can't help myself."

Lexi understood the sentiment and nodded. "One day, perhaps." She paused before adding with a laugh, "Although I did tell Charles that we'd have to name our son Perceval."

Pascale giggled at the idea. "Oh, that poor boy. Perceval it is, then."

Their laughter filled the bar, blending in with the cheerful sounds of the celebration.

As Lexi and Pascale finished their drinks at the bar, the atmosphere was filled with joy and celebration. The Leclerc brothers, never ones to miss out on the fun, joined them.

Charles, fueled by the festive spirit, couldn't resist the urge to dance and grabbed Pascale's hand, leading her onto the dance floor. Arthur and Lorenzo, not wanting to be left out, decided it was Lexi's turn. The three of them ended up dancing awkwardly but joyfully in a small circle, their laughter filling the air.

James, who had been chatting with friends, soon joined in. He took Pascale's hand, and the joy on her face was evident as she danced with her son's close friend. She felt surrounded by so many of her son's loved ones, and it warmed her heart.

Amid the dancing, Charles took a moment to approach Lexi and handed her a glass. He raised his own glass and made a toast. "To Perceval," he laughed.

Lexi, caught off guard by the name, lifted her glass and clinked it with Charles's. "To Perceval," she repeated.

Their friends nearby couldn't help but look on in confusion, but Pascale burst into laughter, understanding the private joke. The joy and love of the moment enveloped them, creating memories that would last a lifetime.

As the night wore on, the atmosphere grew increasingly jovial. It seemed as though everyone was thoroughly enjoying the party, with glasses raised and laughter filling the air. Charles, in particular, was feeling the effects of the drinks. His usually precise and poised self had become a bit wobbly, but he managed to stay on his feet.

Later in the evening, the Leclerc brothers decided to seize the moment. With a little liquid courage and the help of Lexi and Pierre, they took the microphone and launched into a spirited rendition of "Happy Birthday" in French. It was an off-key, chaotic, but undeniably heartfelt performance.

Charles, who could barely stand at this point, swayed along and managed to blow out the candles on his birthday cake, making a wish with a mischievous smile. His friends and family cheered, raising their glasses to him.

As the night progressed, things became a bit of a blur. Lexi found herself escorting Kelly to the restroom, offering a comforting hand as her friend struggled with the effects of a few too many drinks. Carlos and Isa decided to show off their breakdancing skills, while Daniel and Max got caught up in a friendly wrestling match that had everyone laughing.

Pascale, equally affected by the alcohol, had to drunkenly turn down Lewis, who was a bit confused about who he was flirting with in the first place. The night continued on, with conversations, laughter, and antics that only grew more entertaining as the hours passed.

Eventually, the party began to wind down, and people started to say their goodbyes. A sense of contentment and happiness lingered in the air as friends and family embraced Charles, wishing him another round of happy birthdays and goodnights.

The celebration continued late into the night. Friends engaged in a friendly karaoke competition, and even the most reluctant singers joined in, belting out tunes that filled the room with joy. The atmosphere was infectious, and the love that filled the room was palpable.

The club had been an absolute blast, but now it was time to head home. As the group stumbled out of the club, their laughter seemed to echo through the night. The cool breeze outside was a shock to their systems, but it only made them giggle more. They piled into the car, and the driver greeted them with a knowing smile. It wasn't his first time chauffeuring a group of friends who had maybe had a few too many.

As the car pulled away from the club, Daniel, Isa, and Lexi were in fits of giggles. Everything was suddenly hilarious, and they couldn't stop laughing. Lexi had her hand over her mouth, trying to stifle her laughter, but it was a losing battle. Daniel and Isa were in no better shape, doubling over with laughter in the backseat.

Beside Lexi, Charles was trying to keep his eyes open, but the alcohol was taking its toll. He kept drifting in and out of consciousness, mumbling something about "just one more drink." Carlos, on the other hand, was out like a light, his mouth hanging open as he snored softly.

The driver couldn't help but chuckle at the scene in his rearview mirror. It was all in good fun, and he knew they'd have some hilarious stories to share the next day. For now, he focused on getting them all safely back to their destination, where they could sleep off the night's adventures.

The journey from the car to their room felt like an epic adventure. Charles stumbled along, leaning on Lexi for support. He couldn't stop giggling, and every step seemed like a wild dance move to him. Lexi did her best to keep him on his feet, even though she was tipsy herself.

Once they finally made it to their room, Lexi managed to get Charles to sit on the edge of the bed. He swayed a little, grinning like a mischievous child. She chuckled as she started unbuttoning his shirt, and he looked at her with mock innocence.

"Whatcha doing?" Charles asked, a playful glint in his eye.

Lexi shook her head, laughing at his antics. "You're drunk, Charlie," she said, her words slightly slurred. "Bedtime."

"But I don't wanna sleep," he teased, leaning in for a sloppy, drunken kiss.

She couldn't resist his playful advances and kissed him back, giggling as he pulled her onto his chest. The room was spinning a little, but in that moment, it didn't matter.

As Charles continued to make advances, Lexi found herself giving in to the playful atmosphere of the moment. His hands were fumbling with her dress, and with a mischievous smile, she decided to give him a surprise. In one swift motion, she pulled off her dress to reveal a daring black lace lingerie underneath. Her daring move left Charles in awe.

"Mon dieu." He said breathlessly.

He tried to pull her in for a passionate kiss, but she scolded him gently. "Easy there, cowboy," she said, her voice filled with laughter. "We need to get you undressed too."

Charles pouted for a moment but soon relented. Lexi carefully helped him out of his suit, his laughter and playful comments making the task both amusing and challenging. Eventually, he was down to his boxers, and he couldn't resist pulling Lexi onto his lap, kissing her with all the drunken affection he could muster.

"Amor," she giggled. "What are you doing?"

He looked to her incredulously, his eyes glistening with mischief as he flashed her a smirk. "I'm about to have sex with my girlfriend,"

"Wha-," She let out a giggle as he rolled them over, so she was laying down and he was on top of her, his hands pinning her arms down above her head as he peppered her body with kisses teasingly.

"Happy Birthday to me,"



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