The Youngest Crock Sister

By BrezieUnicornFluff

2.8K 48 6

What if Jade wasn't Artemis' only sister. Meet 13-year-old Eden Crock the youngest Crock sister, follow her j... More

The Crocks
Going Out
Night Life
After Party
He got a clubhouse
Our Mother knows
A livingroom meeting
The beginning of somthing different.
The next step
Sleepovers for Heros
ClayFace and Scholarships.
Meeting Team
Field Trip
Gotham Acadamy.

Officially official

100 3 4
By BrezieUnicornFluff

September 5th 18:36EDT

Batman's POV

The last few days have been rough, and I have doubts that today will be any different. Ever since Eden addressed me as familiar in front of Oliver the other Members of the Justice League have been on my back for not telling them about her. And Yesterday the mission the Team was on was. Conserning. And today is the day in which I am making Sparrow one of my official proteges in the sight of the League. This process was put in place when Roy became Speedy, and all the young heroes have been through it since, though I don't think they had realized.  This process involves being presented in front of the original seven, before being introduced to the other Protoges. For the last three, it was immediately followed up by joining the Team.

Sparrow is aware that that's the plan for tonight, which makes me wonder. Is she late, or is she not coming? If she showed up we would head to the Hall of Justice, then to the Cave where the team is training. She has already met most of the team as she is Artemis's little sister, and she joined the boys in their SSS. This leaves M'gann and Super Boy for her to meet.

"Reconised, Sparrow A-01." the voice of the computer filled the cave. "Sorry, I'm late. There was a robbery on 5th street." the barley-a-teen girl came and stood right in front of me, clothed in her hero suit. "I figured I would do something. don't worry I wasn't seen." I gave a hum for encorigment. I always forget, and am so surprised by how she looks in the suit. She doesn't look as sickly, not as small. She has come far from the little girl I found at the pear a year ago.  "Umm. you ok Bruce?" she questions. "fine. finishing a thought process."  Eden gives me a skeptical look. "Let's go kid, we have people waiting for us."

Eden's POV

Batman steps up to the zeta tube and disappears to the Hall, and I follow. I can't believe that I'm meeting the Justice League. when I told Artemis she told me about her meeting with the League. She says it was awkward, all seven OGs questioning you. All the questions were the common get-to-know-you questions like name and age. But when it's the protectors of the world asking it's a bit weird.

The room that I appeared in was this library area, no other League-ers in site. I guess my anxiety was showing as my mentor placed his hand on my shoulder. "You'll do fine," he says. A shaky sigh escapes me. "I'm not sure what I'm expected to do. Like how honest am I supposed to be? How am I supposed to act? What degree of formality am I to use." Batman let out a small chuckle, which in itself suggests the end of the world. "Just speak to them as you do me. " He states. "The whole reason this is the process to become an official protege under the League is because, I and the other original seven wanted to make sure that the minors in our field was taken care of, in and out of suit. All you have to do is be yourself, and respectful." I take in a deep breath and get my nerves under control. Giving Batman a nod, we walked down a hall toward a room where the others were waiting.

The room was a lounge and around the room on sofas, chairs, or the floor, sat Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Flash, and Aquaman. It was a casual setting implying that this wasn't being taken as seriously as I thought, which explains why Batman was laughing at my panic. 

"This the kid?" flash asked appearing right in front of us. so that's where Wally gets it from. The man puts his hand out. "Flash. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." I shake his hand. "Sparrow and it's an honor to be in your presence." Even though my mask covers the bottom half of my face I give him a smile.

"Greetings, I am Arthur, King of Atlantis." I shake his hand as well, a smile still on my face though hard to see. "Greetings Your Majesty. I am Eden, Protege of Batman." I respond in turn. 

After meeting Aquaman, Green Lantern stepped up. "So another Bat kid, huh? I'm Hal Jorden." I shuck his hand as well. "Eden Crock. Not exactly, as Robin is legally B's problem, and I am just a problem, but yes." he chuckles at that, and steps aside for Wonder Woman to introduce herself. 

"It's a Pleasure to meet you young one." I nod and shake her hand. "It's my pleasure." Martian Manhunter floated up from his spot on the floor. "Hello, young Eden. It's always an honor to meet a fellow hero on this planet." I put my hands in an X over my chest, as is customary on Mars, "An honor to meet you as well, J'hon." he returns the gesture and steps back alongside the others.

Superman was the only one I hadn't met yet. Since Batman and I entered the room he has been watching the two of us closely. B hasn't paid it any mind so I assume he knows why. I wonder if it has to do with Superboy. Rob's told me about him, paired with his file that I read off of the bat computer when B wasn't looking, has given me a pretty good idea of the two's relationship. Batman eyes me as I traded glances with the Man of Steal. Superman got up from his seat and walked toward us. I took the initiative this time, offering my hand and saying, "Hi, I'm Sparrow." he shook my hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I'd like to be the first to officially welcome you to the Justice League society." "Thank you, Sir. It's an honor to be a part of it." 

After He released my hand from his grasp, I could feel my mentor's hand on my shoulder again. I look up at him to see a serious, even for him, look on his face. "Your father would be very disappointed in you." The room went tense. All the adults looked shocked at his words. I couldn't help it as tears started whelling up in my eyes. My smile for earlier grew wider. he wrapped an arm around me. "But I'm so proud." He whispers. "Thank you." The team still looked shockedand uncomfortable, but Batman continuedas thoughnothing happened. "Ready to meet the team?" he asks. I nodded not trusting my voice at the moment. 

Batman, Flash, Aquaman, Manhunter, and I left for the Zeta tube ready to head to the cave, where the team is training. I made sure to purposely leave this part out when I told my sister about what I was doing tonight. Robin is the only one who knows that I'll be stopping by the cave which will make this next part fun.

"Recognised Batman, 02, Flash 04, Aquaman 06, Mation Manhunter 07, Sparrow A-01." The robotic voice of the Justice League's computer called into the cave. When I materialized the last member of the team entered the room. "What are you doing here?" My sister questioned immediately. 

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