Their Boy Blossomed [MxMxM] (...

By SageKincaidBooks

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Their Boy Blossomed is the second book in the Taming His Blaze Series. Reuben Brett, Maseo Pascal and Nolan S... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 2

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By SageKincaidBooks


"I have control issues."

The admission rolled so easily off my tongue, I might as well have been announcing what day of the week it was. Although, it had taken many years of growing and learning as a person for me to be comfortable saying it in such a way where I accepted the fact as being a part of who I was and not a shameful secret to hide.

I watched surprise cross Maseo's face, but there was no judgement to follow, just confusion and eagerness for an explanation, which I planned on giving him. Though I had to smile and admire the gorgeous planes of his face first. Even caught off guard, he was the most attractive man in the room and it was so amusing and endearing that he truly didn't realise.

He was so gorgeous and so strikingly beautiful that he stole breath from my lungs and made even my beating heart pause whenever I looked at him. All dark brown skin, smooth and unblemished. Those fucking eyes, olive green, unique and naturally sultry without even trying.

I could get lost in them, bewitched by their alluring shade. He had literal siren eyes and he didn't even realise how powerful a trait that was.

Every man and woman in this bar wanted him, but he was mine. I'd had to kiss him and stake my claim. It was ridiculous the way he attracted the lustful gazes of strangers like a magnet, and I commended Reuben for being able to fight off Maseo's admirers for so long.

I could tell this was going to be a recurring battle. Our oblivious Daddy was just too damn sexy for his own good.

He was dressed in a smart, grey shirt that only highlighted the unusual colour of his eyes, and I wanted to unbutton it, reveal even more of his pure, brown skin, unmarked and beautiful. I wanted to uncover all his piercings, lick them and tease them. They were all over him like treasures, shining gold, decorating his ears and nose.

His nipples were pierced too and if his own nipples were as sensitive as my own, I could only fantasise about the pretty sounds he'd make while I tugged and teased them with my tongue. My erection, still holding strong from the remaining sparks of our kiss, throbbed needily, wanting to devour the man across from me, desperate to feel his warmth.

I was a dominant, I was proud of my self discipline and control, but Maseo Pascal had a way of undermining it all. His attraction was like a drug, dangerous and addictive. Clearing my throat, trying to get back on topic, I adjusted my cock inside my slacks and gave said, attractive man, my full attention.

"I've always wanted to be in control of my own life and of the lives of others, since I was old enough to leave for Vet school. My therapist told me it was because my parents were quite... dysfunctional. We were always moving, always unorganised, always disruptive, and when I was a kid, not having a routine was a source of anxiety for me," I explained, and Maseo's gaze softened.

He squeezed my fingers where we were still holding our hands over the tabletop. I accepted the comfort for what it was.

"I have many siblings and that meant I had no personal possessions and my personal boundaries were often imposed upon. I was loved, I had a great childhood and I love my brothers and sisters, but it was quite traumatising. When I was finally old enough to be on my own and I realised I now had the ability to own and keep my possessions, my own time and my own interests, it became a fixation of sorts."

I sighed. I'd been controlling over everything, from what I wore, to what I ate, even when. I'd planned my days down to each second, counting my belongings obsessively. Anger was often my go-to reaction when I felt out of control, but it was mostly a mask for the anxiety.

If I was late to my lectures or to an appointment, my whole day would be thrown off kilter and it was more debilitating than helpful. I'd become stuck on the extreme end of the spectrum. It was an unpleasant time in my life to say the least when I looked back on it.

"It wasn't healthy, what I was doing, and it impacted a lot of my relationships. Of course, no one would like to be controlled down to the seconds, yet it was important for me to have a partner who understood my obsessions and stuck to those boundaries - which was completely unrealistic," I chuckled and Maseo nodded, wincing.

"I started seeing a therapist, got a lot of help and ways to manage my anxiety. Though, a buddy of mine suggested I take a look into the BDSM lifestyle. At first, he'd theorised that I was a submissive, and it might lessen my anxiety and burden if I let someone else take control of my life in a more ordered, more sane way."

Maseo's pretty green eyes widened like gems. "You... were a submissive?"

I laughed. "I tried it out. It was pretty fun, but not at all what I needed. I met a lovely Domme, her name was Yasmine and she took me in for a couple of weeks when I was around the age of twenty-two, trained me as her submissive."

"Holy shit, I can't even imagine it." Maseo whispered, genuinely struggling and I grinned, amused.

"Yeah, it was as bad as you think. I learned about the lifestyle however. I learned that I liked the scenes. It was as though I was transporting into a headspace where the control with another consenting person was healthy and fun. I liked the structure of it all, I liked how orderly it was. She taught me how to use a whip, how to take a whipping. She taught me all the needs of a submissive and I learned how to treat my own boys, from the way she treated me. But you're right, I was a terrible submissive."

The memory was fond.

"I didn't like being told what to do. I'm stubborn, I'm combative and I found her dominance to be more insulting than anything else, because I was in the wrong role. We fought a lot and that's why she's one of my good friends now," I grinned.

"Though I did learn that being dominant and playing with a submissive who consented to my control, gave me a safe place to practise that obsession so that I could be much more flexible and healthy in my personal life. I could dedicate time to satisfying the part of me that craved being in control of time, pleasure and the emotions of myself and my partner and it was healing."

"That's a journey," Maseo agreed, nodding slowly, still obviously trying to process the fact that I'd been a submissive for a small amount of time.

"Yep, and it's still an ongoing one. I'm in a much better space now. I've learned a lot about myself and I've worked hard to be the Master that I am today, but there's always room for growth. I won't lie and say that sometimes traffic doesn't make me squirm if it hinders me from getting to a place on time. I also won't lie and say that I'm not possessive when it comes to the people I care about or my own belongings, but I've come a long way from where I was. I'm able to enjoy life and practise BDSM as a balance. It doesn't hurt that I've developed and mastered a number of kinks along the way. Discipline is my guilty pleasure."

Maseo nodded seriously, then he seemed to come to a quick decision.

"Well, you already know this, but in the house, we each have our own spaces. I haven't put much thought into it, because you've been sleeping with us in my room, but I have my office and Reuben has his 'Reubix cube'. It's a rule that those spaces are private and belong to each of us respectively. Would you like the spare bedroom? You can do whatever you want and have your own space? That way you can keep all your belongings in one place and arrange it however you like? I can look into decorating it and-"

I had to kiss him again.

Maseo let out a gasp, which was quickly swallowed up when my lips landed on his own, cutting off his words. I kissed him deeply and he relaxed into it, tongue pushing back insistently against my own. The urge came over me to hold him, kiss him, shower him in love... because how could one man be so perfectly kind and attentive? He was being Daddy, even to me, and I fucking loved it.

Maseo moaned into my mouth, the sound making my blood boil and I slid my hand behind the back of his neck, my fingertips grazing soft, short, kinky curls. When we were both struggling for breath, lips swollen and wet, I disconnected our mouths with sucking pop. "I'd love that, Mase. That's so thoughtful of you, I had to kiss you."

Maseo looked dazed. He let out a shuddering laugh, reaching up to touch his plump lips. "I-I was only thinking out loud. I just want you to be comfortable with us, that's all. It doesn't deserve a kiss, it's the bare minimum... but I won't complain." He smiled slyly. "You're a fierce kisser."

"Mmm, it's another kink. I think I'm in love with your lips," I told him, only half jokingly. I wanted to suck on them and bite them, mark them up all prettily for me.

Maseo laughed, flustered, and I loved watching the other dominant become undone with my flirting. Teasing him always provoked the most amusing reactions from him. He was beautiful and I swear I could see his cheeks glowing beneath all that smoothe, dark skin.

Knowing I had the power to reduce Daddy to a blushing mess with just a kiss or flirty words was more confidence boosting than any compliment.

"So, tell me your story," I asked, thoroughly intrigued. "How did you become a Daddy? What got you into the lifestyle?"

Maseo groaned softly, shaking his head, but he didn't refuse to tell me the tale. "Well, what's worse for a teenage college kid than being labelled the overbearing 'mum-friend'?"

I snorted.

"I've always been a little bit too... attentive with all my friends and family. I was always watching out for them, more than any friend would and I liked it, even though it was a source of teasing for me. I mean, none of my friends were complaining when I was driving them home after parties or nursing their hangovers away, but they all noticed that I was willing to do a lot more for them than any sane friend would for free."

"I realised that I was chasing that feeling. It's like a high, and I get it from serving others. Taking care of them, comforting them, making them smile. A little bit is control, but mostly with the other person's wellbeing at the centre of it. I found myself in a similar situation to you where my partners felt stifled by my affections and I realised that I needed more. I needed a lifestyle where my partner craved and appreciated that kind of intense affection. I did a bit of research and discovered the Daddy/Boy lifestyle. Being a Daddy is my calling."

Maseo's features softened and he smiled fondly. Just admitting that brought him so much happiness and it was so satisfying to see. He really was a great Daddy and the role suited him so well.

"It was hard at first, getting past the affiliations with infantilization and parent fetish. A lot of my friends and family didn't understand and I had to work past those hurdles. But once I made it past and I was more comfortable with the label, the lifestyle clicked. I am also a soft-dom. I can spoil a boy from here to heaven and that's the definition of bliss for me. I dabble in scenes, but nothing hardcore, like I'm sure you're used to."

"Are you open to persuasion? Can I tempt you into trying some new kinks with me? I can tell you right now, you'd look fucking sinful wrapped up in my ropes," I almost moaned outloud as I let my gaze peruse his muscular body up and down.

Maseo shrugged. "Try before you deny. I'm pretty open... within reason. I have some limits."

"Understandable. Oh, Honey Bee, I can't wait to play with you and Reuben."

"I'm eager too," he admitted. For just a moment, the air ignited with arousal between us, the tempting suggestion of sex lingering between us. I could feel it like static, drawing me into him.

"Talking..." Maseo reminded me, his smile sly.

"Are you edging me?"

"And if I am?"

He was bashful sometimes, sure, but fuck, he could flirt, and I loved the thrill he caused within me whenever he answered my teasing with his own.

"That's a bit mean, don't you think? Give a guy a break, there's only so much room to grow in these slacks... if you know what I mean?"

Maseo's eyes fluttered down, but my erection was hidden beneath the table. He licked his plump lips and I almost launched myself across the table at him like a feral dog. He was killing me. I didn't know if I had the patience for edging tonight.

"We'd better take them off then."

That was it. I needed to get him home and in bed with Reuben where I could fuck him, or let him fuck me while I fucked Reuben. At that point, I couldn't care less whose dick was going where, as long as I was touching dicks and they were touching mine!

"We've been gone for too long. We should check on our Little One. I think it's time we go home," I announced gruffly, giving us a reason to leave. It was a half-assed excuse. We'd barely been gone for two hours, and we hadn't finished our drinks. But I needed him so badly, that I had no regrets cutting our date short.

There would be plenty more to come in the future.

"I think so too," Maseo played along, his voice just as strained as my own. He stood up and I saw the tent in the front of his black chinos, the bulge of his cock unmistakable. He quickly swung his coat on, covering it up and I followed suit.

Leading him out of the bar with my arm around his waist, I made sure to make eye contact with those still staring hungrily at my man. He was mine and I was not ashamed to show him off, to brag about the fact that he was leaving with me. I knew my smirk was obnoxious, but I didn't give a fuck.

Outside was cold, the night air pricking at my skin, but my body was hot, steaming with lust from the inside out. I wasn't put off at all by the chilling temperature. Maseo walked quickly and we headed for his car, which was parked towards the back of the lot, away from the front of the bar and the lively street.

There were no other people nearby and it was dark enough that we couldn't be seen when we slipped between his car and another parked beside it. The perceived shield of privacy in the shadows made my self control crumble. I couldn't wait, I needed my mouth on him now.

Maseo grunted, but didn't fight as I pressed him up against the car, gripping his face with my hands and kissing him deeply. We were just about the same size, myself being an inch or two taller, so it was easy enough for our bodies to press together, perfectly aligned.

He clasped my hips with his big hands, tugging me into him, rolling his hips up to meet me, grinding our erections together.

"Fuck!" I cursed into his mouth, almost grimacing. It felt so damn good, it almost hurt and I pushed against him, rutting like a beast, overcome with lust. "You feel so good, Maseo." I licked and bit and sucked on his lips, trailing kisses down his throat. I marked the skin there too, laying claim while he moaned and squirmed against me.

"Touch me," he begged breathlessly, his fingers fumbling with the button and zip on my slacks. I let him tug them loose as I worked on his own belt and zipper. I was faster, reaching into his boxers and quickly wrapping my fist around his thick erection.

"Augh!" He yelled out, and I clamped my free hand over his mouth, smothering the sound, breathing erratically and looking around. No one had heard.

"Shhhh, be quiet for me now," I purred against his ear, running my tongue over the pierced shell as I squeezed his large cock, stroking up and down the throbbing length. His eyes were glassy, unfocused as he moaned behind my hand, trying to thrust into my palm, though unable to do so, immobilised between the car and my body.

I stroked harder, faster, using my thumb to swirl his own precum around the engorged head of his cock. I wished I could see him in all his beauty, but it was too dark. I'd have to appreciate his body in all its glory when we made it back home.

Once I was sure Maseo wasn't going to cry out again, I lowered the hand I had over his hot, wet mouth.

"Please Nolan, let me touch you too," he panted, and I stepped back just a little bit, allowing him access inside my own slacks. His hands were insistent, searching and when they dipped into my boxers and caught a hold of my throbbing, painfully hard cock, I groaned, feeling my knees shake.

His palm was warm, his skin just rough enough that the friction gave me pleasurable pain I so appreciated. 

Maseo made a noise of appreciation, gripping the base of me and working his way up the shaft to the head, the sensation making my balls tighten with the need to shoot all over him. He inhaled sharply when his fingertips made contact with the head and I shuddered.

"You're... pierced," he gasped, breath puffing hot against my lips. The shock on his face made me grin sinisterly. 

"I am," I confirmed, enduring the teasing of his exploring fingertips as they ran over the Prince Albert piercing through my urethra and emerging under the ridge of my cockhead. The brush of his fingers stimulated the sensitive area, further adding to my desperate need to cum. "Does that arouse you, Mase?"

"Yes," he shuddered, slicking his fingers up and down my shaft in time with my own pumps of his own, not shying away from the piercing. "It's so fucking hot. Reuben's gonna freak."

"Hmm, he will," I rumbled, images of Reuben on his knees, lapping at my piercing with his tongue making my balls tingle. "So will you when I'm inside you and it's pounding against your prostate. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Maseo grunted, his hips pushing up desperately, his cock throbbing and spilling precum over my hands. "Fuck, Nolan, don't tease me like that," he almost whimpered and my stomach tightened in response, my balls drawing up, ready to explose.

I jerked him off faster and he took the hint, his hand moving quickly up and down my shaft. We grunted and moaned and rutted animalistically, kissing and biting and licking while our fingers milked each other's cocks desperately in the shadows of the parking lot.

I felt the pleasure build and build until I was panting, my thighs shaking, my stomach clenched tight. "Fuck, Maseo, you're gonna make me cum, baby!" I confessed. The sound of his moans, the intimate scent of him, the feeling of his cum-slicked cock against my palm - all of it was driving me over the edge and into insanity.

I couldn't hold on any longer.

Maseo's head was thrown back, as he lost himself to the pleasure. His thrusting hips stuttered and he was panting fiercely. "Gonna cum, Nolan! Oh fuck! I can't, I-!"

"Let go, cum with me," I gritted out, as I fell over the edge and into bliss.

My orgasm thundered through me, taking over my entire body, so powerful that my vision turned white, my body frozen with tension as my cock erupted, spurting cum over Maseo's hand and fist. I had to bite down hard on my own tongue to stop from shouting his name. My balls drew up tight, thrumming with pleasure and I could barely keep my balance as I surrendered to it.

Maseo was there with me, shaking and moaning as he came, his shaft pulsing, covering me in his cum. A tirade of curses and renditions of my name came from him in strangled gasps, thankfully just loud enough for my ears only. I chased his rambling mouth with my own, kissing him deeply as we both descended from our highs, shuddering together.

The kiss was desperate at first, but it quickly turned sensual and sweet as we came back into our bodies, covered in each other's cum, but sated and gratified. I broke this kiss, whispering softly. "That was amazing. I never thought I could cum so hard from a hand job in a parking lot. There's just something about you."

Maseo hummed, his eyes half-lidded in the darkness. "That was... intense," he breathed and we both chuckled quietly. "Are you okay?" Daddy was back and I grinned, pecking his lips.

"Perfect. Are you okay?"

"I could collapse. My body feels like jello," he admitted. "You'll drive."

"I'll drive."

He smiled.

It took a lot of effort to pull away from him and even more to get into the car where we could clean up, without smearing cum over one another and the vehicle. We managed however, and within fifteen minutes, we were on our way home. I no longer felt a desperate, feral need to fuck and cum, but my arousal never completely faded away.

By the time we got home, I knew I'd be up for more if my men were.

But when we entered the dark house, only to find Reuben passed out and dead asleep to the world, in his pyjamas, sprawled over the coffee table, with drag race on the TV, Eva nibbling on his toes and his new insects thrumming on the couch in their container... I knew it was bedtime.

It had been a long day with the bizarre funeral and all.

"I don't know how he manages to fall asleep like that," Maseo whispered, shaking his head. "He's lucky the table didn't break beneath him."

I snorted, grabbing the insects and Eva while Maseo lifted Reuben carefully into his arms. "Would he even be Reuben if he didn't find weird places to sleep? I expect no less."

Maseo hummed his agreement. I turned off the lights and we headed upstairs together. "I'll put him down. You clean up first," Maseo paused in the doorway of his bedroom.

"Alright. I had a great night, Maseo. It was wonderful. Let's make it a habit."

He beamed a little. "Let's."

I kissed him briefly, before heading down the hall to the main bathroom for a shower. If this was the start of how explosive and exciting things could be between us, then I couldn't wait for more


A/N: Prince Albert piercing supremacy! Now you you know what Nolan's been hiding in his pants 🫢😏 this book is gonna be spicy! Brace yourselves 😜

Chapter 4 is up on Patreon!


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