Complications (MxM)

By StxnedWriter

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**WARNING** ~contains explicit content that may not be acceptable to all viewers. discretion advised~ "No no... More

Introduction - A/N
Plans of Escape (1)
Fated to Meet (2)
Transition (3)
Learing to Cope (4)
Struggling is Pointless (5)
Struggling is Pointless (5.5)•TW•
Illogical Rage (6)
The Dangers of Healing (7)
A Shift in Perspective (8)
Accepting Happiness (9)
Cry Me An Ocean (11)
When You Think the Dust has Settled (12)
Complications (13)•TW•

What's Worse- Rejection or Revenge? (10)

135 7 2
By StxnedWriter


Showing Amethyst around all day really took it out of me. I have no clue how she's always so cheery and full of energy the way she is. It's exhausting.

She was assigned a room on the second floor, while Callin and the others were assigned to empty houses around the territory. Micah had given a brief tour for them while Axel and I showed Amethyst around.

Watching her reactions to everything was entertaining though, I have to admit. Like a kid in a candy store.

Amethyst insisted that she start decorating her room. She wouldn't say it, but I think she was a little overwhelmed by everything. It was a big day for her, so it's understandable she would want some alone time to settle in.

But now that I'm alone, Axel having taken the elevator with her, I'm a little stuck.

I slept in Micah's room last night. But now that I know I'm fated to Callin as well, would that be wrong? The idea of being in Micah's arms again tonight made me feel warm, maybe even a little embarrassed. It was pleasant, I felt safe, protected, the way his arms held me, practically encasing me in his warmth.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I flinched at the sound of Micah's voice, peering at me as he rested against the doorway. I hadn't realized that my feet carried me into his bedroom, where I stood staring out the window. He smirked at me when our eyes locked and I could feel my cheeks ignite.

"I'm sorry! I don't mean to come into your room unannounced, I just kind of... ended up here?" I scratched the back of my head, looking down to my feet, feeling the blush in my cheeks spread. He didn't respond, a glint in his eyes as he stared at me.

As if on instinct, his feet started moving towards me, his eyes locked on my face. He stopped abruptly in front of me, causing me to stare up at him, my eyes big from the slight surprise his quick movement caused.

He cupped my cheek in his hand, his other hand reaching down to clasp mine as he leaned in, pressing his lips to mine. I felt consumed by him, I could feel his yearning for me, his hunger. He's never kissed me like this before, but it didn't feel... wrong. His tongue slipped past my lips, causing me to gasp as he deepened the kiss, pressing his body tightly against mine, his hand dropping to my waist to pull me in as closely as possible. His movements were feverish, as if he couldn't get enough.

I practically melted into the kiss, surprising myself with how eagerly I responded, my hands reaching up to tangle in his hair, losing myself in the sensation of his lips on mine. My cheeks heated up when his hand moved to cup my ass, giving it a squeeze. His touch was gentle, but firm, causing an embarrassing moan to slip past my lips, spilling into our kiss.

He pulled away from me, his eyes looking slightly dazed, his chest heaving with his breath.

"I'll support whoever you choose, even if it isn't me. But I wanted you to understand how much I want you. How much I want to be with you. I just don't know how to explain it with words, it's impossible. I hope you'll remember how this feels, when you make your decision." He took in the features of my face, rubbing my cheek with his thumb as he gazed down to me, a shadow in his eyes before he turned on his heels and left the room.

All I could do was stand in place, my lips tingling. My fingers went up to touch them, feeling the aftermath of such an intense kiss. I could feel his desire in it, just like he wanted. But there was something really respectful about it too, how gently he touched me. That's never changed, he treats me like glass.

What the fuck am I gonna do?


I didn't know what else to say to Blake, so I turned on my heels to leave and give him space to think. Did I take it too far? Should I not have kissed him like that? But how else could I get him to understand?

The look on his face as he stared up to me, his eyes wide. I don't know if he realized, but the second my lips left his, his fingers went up to trace them, a far away look in his eyes. It left me near intoxicated, wanting more, drunk on the taste of his lips.

Truly, I just want him to be happy.

Even if it's not with me.


My enthusiasm for decorating my room diminished basically as soon as I was alone. Blake had said goodnight and been such a wonderful host, and Axel dropped me off here to what's now my room, before also saying goodnight. All I could do was sit on the bed, left to ponder. I stared up at the white ceiling, lost in my thoughts that felt too big for the room to contain.

I was drawn from those thoughts by a knock on the door. Without getting up, I looked towards the door, turning my head to the left before yelling,

"Come in!" The door slowly opened, a woman dressed up in a white coat and simple pink button up peeking her head through.

"Hello! Sorry to barge in like this, but I wasn't able to greet everyone properly when you first arrived, I was working a shift at the hospital. My name is Lily." The woman smiled at me, her salt and peppered curly hair sitting loosely at her shoulders and she continued to smile, a warmth radiating off of her.

It instantly caused a smile to meet my lips as I sat up on the bed, turning to greet her properly,

"No, not at all. Please, come in." I motioned for her to step fully into the room, which she obliged, pushing the door all the way open with a creak and stepping in through the threshold, "I'm Amethyst. Blake has told me such wonderful things about you. It's lovely to finally meet you." I stood, walking over to her and beaming a smile at her, taking her hands in mine gently.

"Likewise. When he first arrived here, he had to stay in the hospital for over a week. The whole time, all he could talk about was 'the sweetest person he knows.' He regards you quite highly, so I don't take it lightly." Her smile was beautiful, stretching across her weathered face as she squeezed my hands. Something about her felt familiar, warm and welcoming.

"Anyway, I just came to say hello and drop off some paperwork. No need to fill it out tonight, I'm sure you've had a long day. Just be sure to drop it off before the end of the week. We can do your bloodwork around the same time." Her smile seemed glued to her lips, never dropping from her features as she pulled out some papers from inside her doctors coat. She handed them to me, and I took them before offering her another smile.

She looked like she wanted to say something else, a hesitation in her steps as she turned for the door.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be so direct, but were you born into the RedMoon Pack? Or did you travel there?" Her eyes gleamed as she stared at me, taking in my appearance, like she was searching for something. I raised my eyebrow at her,

"I grew up there. My father was the Beta." I shrugged, looking away from her eyes. She had an aura about her, as if she knew something I didn't.

She didn't respond for a minute, just staring at me before she spoke again, her voice coming out as barely a whisper,

"Jackson? Your father was Beta Jackson?" Her eyes were wide when I glanced back up to her, causing even more confusion to contort my features.

"Yeah...?" Honestly, I was feeling a little uncomfortable, reaching my hands up and crossing them at my chest, squeezing at my shoulders for comfort.

"How old are you?" Lily's tone was near clipped, straight to the point, though her voice wavered. As if her emotions were taking hold.

"I'm 19." I answered her just as curtly, tilting my head at her.

Her hands reached up to cover her mouth as tears brimmed at her eyes before she blinked them away, taking slow steps towards me. I wanted to back away, but really I just felt confused.

She slowly lifted one of her hands, resting it against my cheek as I stared at her, surely looking at the woman as if she had grown a second head, leaning slightly away from her touch.

I wasn't prepared for the words that spilled past her lips,

"I'm your mom."


Jewel and I lived in the same small neighborhood as the rest of the "refugees" that Micah so graciously brought home. The thought made a look of disgust color my face, as if I needed help from someone like him. I could've taken care of it myself.

But, at this particular moment, Jewel is sitting in the small living room of my place, waiting for me to sit with her so we can discuss our plan further.

I set down a cup of tea for her, placing a kiss to her forehead that caused her face to light up adorably, before sitting next to her and patting my leg.

Without words, she knew what I wanted, her smile turning into a smirk as she turned, lifting herself up before straddling my lap, her legs on either side of mine.

"So..." Her words trailed, using one of her sharp manicured fingers to trace over my lips, "What are we gonna do about that insignificant mutt?"

I clasped her hand, placing a kiss to the top of it before letting go and allowing each of my hands to cup her ass, giving it a tight squeeze that caused her to giggle, grinding against me slightly. I smirked to her, grabbing her jaw and forcing her eyes on mine.

"Well, first we gotta take Micah out of the equation. I'm sure we can find some Hydrangeas. We can extract the cyanide and use it like a poison. It won't kill him, but it'll knock him out for a while. Then, Blake will be all ours." I booped her nose, leaning in and resting my forehead against hers.


Blake ended up curled up in a ball in the middle of Micah's bed. He fell asleep staring at the stars, gazing through the skylight, enveloped in Micah's scent. His thoughts kept drifting between Callin and Micah.

After everything Micah had done for him, he found it impossible to even consider rejecting him. And while he was sure that Callin wasn't a bad guy, they just didn't have the same history.

But that begged the question, if Blake were to give him a chance, were to develop a history, could Callin compare?

He doubted it.

So he fell asleep, waiting for Micah. He wanted to give him the good news. He didn't necessarily have to reject Callin, because as soon as he were to accept Micah, the connection he has to Callin would automatically sever.

But Micah never showed up.

After the sun had gone completely down, most everyone in the Pack had already gone to sleep, or at least resided themselves to their rooms/houses.

The air was quiet. Other than a slight breeze ruffling through the trees, everything was still. Peaceful.

Callin and Jewel had taken that opportunity to call their friend, Ammon. Ammon was known for being able to help you take care of things, quickly and quietly. After they called him, they didn't have to wait long until he knocked trice gently on the door.

"It's about time." Callin grumbled as he opened the door, greeting the man with mousy brown hair and piercing green eyes.

Ammon had a scar going over his lip and half of his left ear was burned off. His features were all sharp, a near crazed look in his eye to match his crooked smile. Truly, he was a sight.  The aura he carried about him was sinister, if someone saw him walking towards them on the sidewalk, they'd be sure to cross the street.

His clothes were clearly worn and tattered too, several small holes in the oversized shirt, his shorts hanging loosely at his hips, and an oversized jacket pulled over his shoulders, all dull and faded. The man looked like the very definition of a Rogue.

"What can I say, you can't rush quality." The smile Ammon offered Callin was equally jarring, his teeth filed to be razed sharp, the smell of death coming off of him in waves. Even his voice was rough, deep. "For such a big pack, you'd think they'd have more security. It was way too easy to get here." The look on Ammon's face as he spoke could only be described as pure evil, it made Jewel uneasy as she shrunk back further into the couch, her back facing away from them.

"Yeah, they think they're tough here but really, it just takes a little bit of brain power to knock them back down where they belong. In the dirt with the rest of us." Jewel had never seen Callin make such a face, practically mirroring Ammon. It made her stomach clench, but she thought this feeling would be well worth it to see Blake reduced back down to his former 'glory.'

Ammon laughed at Callin's words; his smile sure to make a child cry. He stepped in through the door, closing it softly behind him and locking his eyes on Jewel's blonde hair. Ammon took in a deep breath, as if sensing something, closing his eyes and letting his smile grow bigger.

He handed Callin a vail filled with a purple tinted fluid, before practically shoving past him and putting his hands on either side of the couch behind Jewel, encasing her as he brought his lips in closely to her ear.

"What are you so afraid of?" He paused, closing his eyes and pressing his nose further into her neck, taking in another deep breath. "Ahhhh, I can smell it on you. The fear. It's intoxicating. You might want to get yourself under control, before I lose mine."

Jewel sat up straighter at his words, a cold sweat sticking to her. His tone was deep and menacing, his breath fanning the right side her face. She didn't have time to wonder what he meant by his words, Callin having moved to Ammon's side, placing a grip on his shoulder with a glare in his eyes.

"Hands off, she's mine." Callin's tone deadpanned, no real emotion behind the words. Jewel didn't like the way that twisted her stomach, but she chose to ignore it.

Ammon shrugged off Callin's hand, smirking to himself before turning to face him.

"Alright fine. If that's the case, how did you plan to pay for my services?" The smugness of Ammon's voice had Callin clenching his teeth, balling his fists at his side. He didn't like the implications hiding within Ammon's tone.

"What form of payment do you want?" Callin spoke through clenched teeth, ready for the interaction to be over with. Ammon only smirked in reponse, his eyes glistening with excitement.

"Let's just say, for now, that you owe me. I'll come back to collect in due time." Ammon chose that moment to glance back at Jewel, who was already starting at the back of his head, sending a smirk her way before showing himself out without another word.

Both Callin and Jewel completely deflated as soon as the door closed behind him, neither of them having realized how tense they had gotten, the hairs on the back of their necks raised in attention.

Every inch of Ammon, from the top of his head and all the way down to his toes, not a single piece of him revealed anything remotely peaceful about him, something sinister just beneath the surface. His whole demeanor was rigid, and his personality certainly left something to be desired.

But that's not what bothered them about him, no. It was the faint scent of blood that lingered on him that left them wondering if they had made the right choice.


They waited until the moon was at its peak, when everyone was sure to be asleep. Jewel took the vial from Callin, sticking the tip of her needle in and filling up her syringe. Giving it a flick and pressing out the air bubbles, she smirked in satisfaction, glancing to Callin who winked at her.

They walked quietly up to the window of Micah's bedroom, peering in. They saw Blake curled up in a ball in the middle of the bed, Micah sat down next to him, his fingers tracing over Blake's face. The room was completely dark, other than the slight glow from the moon coming in through the skylight and illuminating the two.

The scene caused both Callin and Jewel to roll their eyes. They looked towards each other, nodding, getting ready to put their plan into action.


The sound of shattering glass pulled my attention away from Blake, who stirred in his sleep at the sound, sitting up groggily in the bed and rubbing away the sleep in his eyes, looking at me quizzical before his eyes widened, seeing the glass from the window fall to the floor.

Blake and I both got out of bed, I used my body to shield him as a woman fell in through the window, her dark grey eyes trained on me.

"Stay behind me, okay?" I reached my arm out for him, tucking him further behind my frame.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" My voice came out low and threatening, my feet instinctively pulling me forwards.

The woman, who I recognized as Jewel, only smirked in response, her blonde hair a mess in her face.

"Don't wait up for me babe." A mans voice came from behind her, seeing him reach his arm through the window before pulling his way through. He stood almost proudly at her side. Blake gasped behind me, realizing that it was Callin. My body felt tense, what the fuck are they doing?

Jewel's voice was sickly sweet when she spoke, pulling his face close to hers, their eyes trained on each other, her bright pink stiletto nails digging into his cheeks before their lips met, as if they were in their own world. They pulled away, his light hair fell into his piercing blue eyes before they both looked towards us.

I tried to ignore the tension in my shoulders, how their presence felt heavy. They look deranged, their aura's completely different than before, a darkness in their eyes. It set every fiber of my being on edge.

"No need to tell me twice." Her eyes immediately trained on me.

She moved so quickly, reaching into her back pocket and pulling out a syringe. When she lunged at me, I sent my fist flying towards her. She ducked and stabbed my thigh, squeezing the unknown purple serum into my system.

She's so fast, I barely had time to react, a burning sensation igniting under my skin and flooding my system. Slowly, I could feel my body start to tingle, each of my limbs slowing going numb before my knees gave out under me, making contact with the floor as my vision grew dark.


The sound of glass breaking pulled me uncomfortably from my sleep. I sat up slowly, rubbing at my eyes before glancing curiously to Micah, surprised to see him. He wasn't facing me though, his eyes trained on the window that shattered, causing my eyes to widen, fear shaking me.

We both stood, Micah placing himself in front of me, shielding me from whatever was to come. My heart was in my throat, I could feel the anxiety rattling my bones.

"Stay behind me, okay?" His voice was stern but gentle, though I could still hear the nerves in his tone.

I tucked myself neatly behind him, barely peeking a glace to see Jewel. Her blonde hair was a mess, strands flying everywhere, and the look shining in her grey eyes felt like it could pierce my soul. She didn't look well; her face was contorted into an almost evil expression, her whole posture reminded me of a wild animal.

And she had us cornered.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I had never heard Micah's voice so intimidating before, it sent a shiver up my spine.

She didn't look like she had any intention of responding, her eyes darting back and forth between us before a mans voice called out,

"Don't wait up for me babe." The way his arm snaked in through the window made goosebumps rise on my skin as he pulled himself the rest of the way through. Unsuspecting to me, a gasp slipped past my lips as I recognized him.


He had that same crazed look in his eyes, his expression mirroring Jewel's. The energy they were putting off was nothing like before. As if something within them that was dormant had been awakened.

And it was coming for me.

Jewel grabbed Callin by his cheeks, her nails were so sharp I thought she would cut him, forcing his face towards her before planting her lips on his.

What the fuck?

When they finally broke apart, Jewel focused solely on Micah, my own eyes met with Callin's piercing blue stare. I could feel a lump form in my throat.

"No need to tell me twice."

Before I could even blink, she was right on Micah. He tried to throw a punch but she ducked, stabbing him in the thigh with something.

My heart felt like it was going to stop, my breath started to heave. What the fuck is happening?

Tears welled in my eyes as Micah dropped to his knees, his eyes closing before he even hit the floor.

Fuck fuck fuck.

I didn't have time to rush to Micah's side, a sharp pain hitting me in the back of the head, Callin standing behind me faster than I could comprehend. The last thing I saw was their sinister stares before my vision faded to black as I fell on top of Micah.


"He has to pay for what he's done!"

"Let's just dump him by the river."

"Not until he suffers!"


"What do we do? It's been hours and he's still not waking up."

"We just have to wait a bit longer."


My whole body felt stiff as I jolted awake, soaked and freezing from the water being doused over me.

A scream tore from my throat,

"What the actual fuck!?" Panic was welling in my chest as I took in the unfamiliar surroundings. Nothing but trees for as far as I could see, a cliff with a river below it on my right. My anxiety only increased as I tried thrashing around, discovering my arms bound behind my back.

Where am I? Nothing smells familiar either, except...

My head snapped to the side,

"What do you want?" I looked up to Callin, his blue eyes sharply trained on me, glowing with malice in the moonlight.

"Rise and shine sleeping fucking beauty, get enough rest?" He leaned in threateningly, grabbing a fist full of my hair and pulling my face inches from his, my whole body felt cold. I flinched, a groan parting my lips at the pain his grip on my hair caused.

He laughed and said,

"Scared little thing, aren't you?" I still didn't reply to his taunting words, sucking my teeth at him as a response, dragging my eyes away from him and gathering enough courage to spit on the ground at his feet.

A satisfied feeling filled my core, the threatening look in his eye attempting to strangle me as his grip on my hair tightened, pulling my face back towards his until our noses nearly touched. If only looks could kill, I'd be dead twice over.

I'm so fucking sick and tired of this shit happening to me. I could feel my body heat up slightly, my eyes darkening as I leaned in even closer to him, placing my lips next to his ear, his grip still in my hair before I said,

"If you're gonna pull me up all close like this, you might as well give me a kiss." My voice sounded foreign to my ears, taunting with a threat. I've never heard such a tone slip past my lips, but my whole body was tingling with my anxiety. Something within me felt broken.

Smacking his teeth in disgust, he pushed me away harshly, causing me to fall onto my back. He stood up abruptly and ran a hair through his hair, huffing out a breath, as if annoyed. I tried to pull myself back up, my wrists sore in my restraints. My heart beating sounded so loud in the otherwise quiet air.

"You're fucking disgusting. Practically begging for it, are you?" He spit at me, his face flushed and breath quick, as if flustered.

He groaned to himself, grabbing fistfuls of his own hair before leaning down into himself, as if trying to figure out what he wanted to do. Maybe even coming to grips with a decision he was mulling over.

Strange, the effect I have on people.

It made me feel a little satisfied, seeing how I clearly shook him, even if just a bit. He was right, I am disgusting.

Taking in a deep breath, he straightened himself up, reaching behind his his back before facing me. Pulling a knife from his pants, his voice came out sinister when he said,

"Then I'll give it to you." He paused to smirk, crouching down in front of me, "Here's how this is going to work. You're going to sit there and help me understand how you," He pointed the knife towards me before continuing, "a worthless whore of an Omega, are worth Alpha Dave's life. And I am going to do whatever I have to in order to find out. Even if that means pounding your disgusting, used up hole." As he talked, he leaned in closer so our faces were mere centimeters apart, threateningly so.

How had he tricked me? Was I that naive? He was so sweet when we first met. Awkward, maybe, but this? I never would've thought he'd ever do something like this.

I tried to contain the panic racing through my veins, my eyes darting in every direction just trying to find a way out. My heart was in my throat, beads of sweat forming on my forehead.

My legs aren't restrained like my hands are, maybe I could make a run for it? I'm not that pathetic mutt I once was, I can do this. I had to. Micah said I would always be safe as long as I was with him.

I have to get back to Micah.

Using my legs, I backed up as far as I could, pushing myself away from him before feeling my back meet a tree.

My lip started to quiver, against my will. He brought his other arm up, pinning me in place, bringing his knife to my cheek.

"I'm going to find out exactly how much that ass of yours is worth." His eyes darkened as he once again leaned his face closer to mine. I flinched back, turning my face to the side.

"Oh? What happened to all that shit talk? I mean, you are the one that said I might as well give you a little kiss. All this hassle I went through to get you," He pushed his fingers past my lips, shoving them down my throat, "Make it worth my while, won't you?"

Ignoring the tremble throughout my body, the tears welling in my eyes, I bit down on his fingers as hard as I could, feeling the knife press harder into my cheek, slicing the skin.

He screamed out, yanking his hand away before hitting me in the head with the butt of his knife. I could feel warm blood starting to pool, dripping down the side of my face as he clutched his other hand, cradling his fingers, also covered in blood.

"That's fucking it, you're gonna get it."

He moved back towards me, my vision felt blurry. My head was aching and I felt faint. Adrenaline keeping me awake as he pinned me down, pushing me on my back and fumbling with the hem of my pants.

No, No, No, This isn't happening.

I could feel myself struggling under him, thrashing my legs and jerking my body around. There's no way I could get through this, what was I thinking?

"God damn it, stay still!" He shouted, using the knife to press into my cheek, cutting into my already bleeding face.

I called out in a scream, hoping anyone could hear me, my cheek burning and more blood starting to drip down my face. He's gonna kill me. I'm gonna die.

But then again, what idiot thinks they're gonna fail before they even try?

With that thought, I tried to reassure myself before raising my voice at Callin, venom in my tone,

"Get the fuck away from me! Just leave me alone!" I continued screaming at him, my body still struggling under him as I trashed in my efforts.

A mangled laugh tore from his throat as he wrapped his hand around my face, digging his fingers into the fresh cut.

"Leave you alone?" Callin paused, a dangerous look in his eyes as he leaned in closer to me, licking some of the blood off my skin, "I'm just getting started."

I shivered in response, disgust pooling in my stomach. Why is it always me?

Placing the blade across my throat, tsking at me, daring me to move, he started in at the belt of his pants, yanking it off in one motion and easily undoing his button, pulling his pants down his hips.

My whole body was aching, I felt exhausted. My head was throbbing, and I felt sore all over. I could hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears, the world spinning around me. I felt almost delirious.

The weight of his body shifted, and I groaned in response. I could feel him toying with my zipper, another rush of adrenaline shot my eyes fully open, tears mixing in with the blood.

"Please," It came out as a sob, my body trembling under him, "Please, just stop. You can still stop. You don't have to do this." My voice sounded weak, hiding the anger pooling in my stomach, setting my blood to boil.

How could this be happening to me again? Are you fucking kidding me? What, am I the butt of some sick fucking joke? I'm tired of this. No more.

No more.

He laughed at me, removing the knife from my neck and using it to rip open my shirt, cutting down my chest in the process. His eyes were trained on my body. My arms, still pinned behind me, had started to go numb, the burning around my wrists subsiding.

"Stop!!" I trashed even harder, forcing myself up as fast as possible, clashing my forehead harshly against his with a loud thud, sending his head to snap backwards.

"Fuck!" He jolted, dropping the knife and instinctively reaching up, placing his hand where I had just hit, pulling his fingers away to see the blood seeping from his nose. My head felt like it was spinning, but I didn't have any time to waste.

So, I didn't waste any, trashing twice as hard from beneath him until I wiggled from under his weight, using my feet to push against the ground as hard as I could, backing away from him.

He continued groaning to himself, one hand on his head while the other reached back out for the knife on the ground. He looked back up to me, his eyes widening in surprise, maybe even tinted with fear.

"Wait- Stop!" His lunge forward in an attempt to catch me was useless.

I already started falling off the cliff, splashing into the river below.


My vision had turned black, my body felt numb. I tried to take in a breath, only to choke on water.

Frantically trashing against my binds, I kicked my feet, praying to find the surface of the water that was currently suffocating me.

Once above it, I continued choking on the air, gulping in deep breaths. I looked around, seeing Callin hanging over the cliff, watching after me as the current slowly carried me away.

A sense of pride welled in my stomach as I turned to face away from him, reached my arms out and giving him the finger before yelling out to him, my voice echoing through the trees,

"I, Blake Daniels, reject your sorry ass, Callin McFloy, as my mate. Fuck you!"

I turned back around to smile at him in my victory, feeling almost triumphant. When we locked eyes, time seemed to freeze, and both of our eyes glazed over. I felt a painful snap in my heart before time seemed to catch up with me, leaving me to feel like the wind had been knocked out of me again.

I could literally feel our connection sever, and I know he could too, falling onto his ass, his breath heaving and eyes wide as he watched me, the water still carrying me further and further away from him.

It was satisfying to see him so defeated.

Turning away from him, I swam with the current, heaving myself towards dry land. Once he was out of sight, I pulled myself out of the water, the trees singing around me and the ground sinking into me, the coldness of the water making me shiver and the pain of the cuts on my body hitting me all over again.

I let myself slump onto the ground, the exhaustion and pain catching up with me. My cheek was throbbing, my vision was still blurry and the whole world felt as if it was spinning. My head was aching like it never had before, everything felt muddled.

Breathing in the cold air wasn't easy either, my lungs felt ready to burst. It felt like my whole world was crashing around me, all over again. I tried to control my breaths as they started to shake and heave, the gravity of what I just went through washing over me like a wave.

My body heavied as I tried to take in my surroundings, everything so unfamiliar. I had no idea where to go. Which way was home.

Maybe I wouldn't make it out of here...

Tears welled in my eyes, I felt terrible and the thunder that started shouting from the sky seemed to mock my feelings, masking my loud sobs as raindrops swallowed my tears.

"Oh Micah... I'm so sorry. I hope you're okay."

I smiled sadly to myself as I stared up to the fading stars, watching them get swallowed by the rising sun. If nothing else, at least we're under the same sky.

Tears leaked faster from my eyes as I let the emotions take me, laughter tearing past my lips.

I did it. I got away. I really, truly did it.

My laughter mixed in with my sobs, a feeling of insanity coursing through me as I looked up to the sky, cursing the joke that is my life.


Can you tell that this one was of my fav chapters from the last book? All I did was edit it a bit to fit this story line a little more, but otherwise I just copy pasted from the previous book because I loved it that much.

I really hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! Please feel free to leave any feedback in the comments! I love reading what y'all have to say.

Thank you for reading!

Click the star and prove to them you shine <3


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