Complications (MxM)

By StxnedWriter

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**WARNING** ~contains explicit content that may not be acceptable to all viewers. discretion advised~ "No no... More

Introduction - A/N
Plans of Escape (1)
Fated to Meet (2)
Transition (3)
Learing to Cope (4)
Struggling is Pointless (5)
Struggling is Pointless (5.5)•TW•
Illogical Rage (6)
The Dangers of Healing (7)
Accepting Happiness (9)
What's Worse- Rejection or Revenge? (10)
Cry Me An Ocean (11)
When You Think the Dust has Settled (12)
Complications (13)•TW•

A Shift in Perspective (8)

184 10 3
By StxnedWriter

After everything that's happened, and how quickly everything unfolded, it almost didn't feel settled. Like there was more to come. It made me uneasy. Why hadn't I been punished? I killed two people.

Something just doesn't feel right.

It's only been a few days since we spoke to the Council and trying to settle into Micah's pack house has been weird. He offered for me to stay in his room with him, but I opted for one of the guest rooms. As much as a part of me really wanted to say yes, I just couldn't. Without any fault to Micah, I feel like there's a pressure on my chest, like there's some expectations because we're fated.

It made me feel small, reminding me of Dave and his hold on me. I was his to use, it was my only purpose. I don't really know how any normal relationships work. Outside of Amethyst, there weren't many people that I talked to. I don't know what I'm supposed to do or how I'm supposed to behave around Micah. I don't know what his intentions are or what he wants from me. Especially after everything he's done for me.

I don't have anything to give. And he's already done so much, risked so much. It was a miracle when the Council didn't throw us in jail, or worse, outcast us as rogues. He could have lost everything he's ever known, Axel too. All because of me. I can't wrap my head around the why.

Why waste the time? They barely know me. It doesn't make sense. But even so, they still did it. I don't know what they want from me in return though, and it makes me a bit paranoid. Not knowing when the other shoe would drop.

Something just doesn't feel right.

I sighed to myself, curling up in the bed. The room is pretty big, the bed in the center with dark sheets and feather pillows, a window on my left and a closet on the right. I'm on the second floor, the door leading out to a hallway where there were other rooms and a few bathrooms. Everything feels so fancy, only adding to how out of place I feel.

The sheets were a silky pitch black, the moonlight casting in from the window. My skin still so pale, the contrast with the sheets was actually kind of pretty, especially in the moonlight.

My body feels hot and sore. My arm is mostly healed now, I was able to take the sling off yesterday. While it's only been a few days, I still think we all needed time to get back to normal, whatever that is.

And honestly, I still feel like I need more time for me to fully settle in. I've lived while looking over my shoulder and feeling out of place for so long, I don't know how to live any other way. Everyone has been giving me space but at the same time trying to make me feel welcome. It's weird.

Maybe I'm getting sick or something, but the warmth of my body was beading sweat on my forehead, my hair sticking to it. Despite how warm I feel, there's goosebumps lining my skin and I'm shivering under the blanket, my teeth chattering lightly.

Something just doesn't feel right.

It's cool out, but I shouldn't be shivering like this. My limbs are starting to ache, my whole body feeling sore. Pulling myself from under the blanket, I stood, wobbling on my feet before making my way to the door.

Walking to the elevator got increasingly difficult, but once downstairs I pulled myself down the hallway, practically dragging myself against the walls, trying to get to Lily's office.

The ache in my arms and legs was spreading to my chest and back, slowly turning into a more painful sensation. It feels like my body is trying to disconnect itself. Setting itself on fire in the process.

Something just doesn't feel right.

My eyes widened. This is similar to how I felt on my birthday, before I passed out.

My body is trying to shift.

Despite the pain starting to course throughout my senses at an even faster rate, I picked up my pace, pulling myself along the halls, a feeling of panic taking hold of me.

"Lily! Micah! Axel! Someone, please!" My voice came out desperate, my legs giving out under me. The pain was becoming unbearable, darkness edging at my vision, everything looking blurry. Flashes of heat were rolling over me, I could feel each of the cells inside of me trying to tear themselves apart, my blood feeling as if it's boiling, turning to lava.

I could see Lily rushing towards me, Axel close behind her. They got to me so quickly, yet somehow everything felt like it was moving in slow motion.

"His body is trying to shift; we need to get him outside! Call for Micah!" Lily's voice had an urgency to it, grabbing my arm and pulling it over her shoulder, dragging me to a door. I tried my best to help her, forcing my legs under me and limping at her side, my teeth clenched, and jaw locked.

Once outside, presumably a side door since my surroundings seemed slightly unfamiliar, we both fell to the ground. She wiped some sweat from my forehead, both of us on our knees and facing each other.

"I know it's hard, dear, but I need you to try to stay awake. We can get through this." Her voice sounded reassured but the pain in my body was something like nothing I had ever felt before,

and I've been through a lot.

It feels like my limbs are trying to pull themselves from my body, all the way down to my fingers and toes. Like my skin is trying to stretch beyond its limits. Like flames would engulf my skin at any moment.

The door burst open again, Micah and Axel rushing towards me with matching looks of concern. Axel stood behind Lily while Micah came around to my side, pulling me into him.

"What's going on, is he going to be okay?" Micah gripped my shoulder, wrapping his arm around me, looking over to Lily.

I really can't get a break, can I?

The thought made a humorless feeling rise in my stomach, but the pain made it hard to focus on any of the emotions coursing through me.

"I'm going to call the specialist we talked to last time. His body is trying to shift. He should be okay but stay with him," She turned her gaze to Axel as he helped her to her feet, "You need to get water bottles, a bucket of ice water and hand towels. Let's go." Lily and Axel rushed back inside, separating to do their tasks.

"Am I gonna die? After everything, is this what kills me? My own body turning against me?" I clutched onto Micah, giving in and leaning against him, a breathless, humorless laugh leaving my lips. Truly, it's laughable. My breath panting, and my body hot, sweat sticking to my skin as each nerve in my system lit on fire.

"Nah, you heard Lily." He paused, looking down to me and wiping my hair from my face tenderly, "You're gonna be just fine" He offered me a smile, placing a kiss to my forehead.

I hunched over, a new and stronger wave of pain crashing over me, and my injured arm started to twist itself. I could feel my body shifting, contorting into something else.

It feels as if my insides are melting, attempting to make my body more flexible, moldable. Maybe it's how we're able to shift? Everything in us liquifying before taking on a new shape?

Micah sat next to me, watching over me in concern, looking like he didn't know what to do. He looked scared; his eyes shone over in fear.

I groaned out in pain, leaning down on all fours as my legs started to stretch themselves out. Screaming out in pain when I felt my hip pop, my knees giving in, I fell onto my side. Micah clutched my hand, holding it tightly. Steam was starting to emit from my skin, my body temperature continuing to rise, everything in me turning to mush.

"It's gonna be okay. I'm right here. You're gonna be fine." Micah's tone didn't match his expression, coming out firmly and with conviction while his eyes shown with uncertainty. His voice held such a confidence that you'd almost be convinced, if only his eyes could lie.

Soon my other leg popped, and I lay flat on my stomach, unable to hold myself upright on my side anymore as my arms started dislocating as well. It's like my body doesn't have enough time to melt before shifting, making this more painful than it's supposed to be. My skin feels unbearably tight and my joints all ache. Uncomfortable pops and breaks and snaps rang through the air, even the crickets were silent.

The door once again slammed open, Axel rushing out with a bucket in hand. The sight of him stumbling towards us, hand towels thrown over his shoulders and a water bottle between his teeth. It would have actually been funny had I not been in so much pain.

Micah moved to help him, sitting up from his position on the floor and grabbing the water bottle from him. Axel set the bucket down in front of me, dipping in one of the rags before wringing it out and pushing it against the skin already dripping with sweat on my forehead as I forced myself to turn my head to the side, my chest still to the ground.

The cold was such a relief, I didn't even realize how hot I feel. My body is on fire and my limbs were stretching past their limits.

Lily chose that moment to open the door, rushing out and sitting on my other side, opposite to Micah.

"I just got off the phone with the doctor, he said to keep him awake and his temperature up, as long as his body gets hot enough, he should be okay... But he did say this is gonna suck because of his previous injuries. How are you holding up, Blake?" Her hand was rested on my back, rubbing it up and down.

I could only groan in response, squeezing my eyes shut as my back arched, pulling my chest from the floor, propping myself up on my elbows. It feels like my spine is trying to break through my skin, unrelenting.

"Okay, and honey? I hate to break this to you, but we gotta get these clothes off. It's hard enough trying to shift for the first time, you don't want the added restraint. Just down to your undies." Her voice came out gently, with hesitance. I appreciate the sentiment but with every single part of my body feeling as if it's ripping apart, I don't care.

I only nodded in response; the pain too unbearable for me to do more. Micah helped me sit up straight, slowly lifting my shirt from my waste and over my head. He hesitated, swallowing a lump in his throat before unbuttoning my pants, then pulling down my zipper.

Groaning and clenching my teeth together, throwing my head back and drawing on whatever strength I have left, I lifted my hips. Micah acted quick, wasting no time in pulling my pants down to my thighs. Finally, I relaxed back onto the ground in a heap, exhausting pulling me to the floor as I lay looking up to the stars.

My breaths became quicker, my chest heaving. Even my ribs were starting to feel like they were being pulled apart. The pain is excruciating, wave after wave washing over me. I could feel the three of them around me, trying to console me but my vision is fading fast, black consuming even the farthest corners of my eyes.

I squinted them closed; my face contorted in pain. My gums felt sore, the familiar flavor of blood taking claim to my taste buds. My skin started to feel itchy, the hairs growing, consuming every goosebump. Everything felt like it was happening so slowly. But in truth, it was over within 10 minutes.

I could feel the final adjustments being made, forcing me up from the ground and onto all fours, my whole body finally feels liquified, even my bones feel soft. That must mean I'm almost done. Just a little longer.

One last wave of pain washed over me as I pushed myself onto my hands and knees. The transition had finally finished, my whole body had taken on a new form. As I adjusted to the new weight, I immediately fell to the floor, disoriented as hell as the pain faded. The once overwhelming heat had calmed down as well, it was more warm than anything now. Steam was still coming off of me though, so it must be hotter than it actually feels now.

My body ached as I pulled myself from the floor, feeling my body trying to solidify itself again. Even my face feels weird now. I could feel my legs and arms in a new way. It's so strange. I looked around to Micah, Axel and Lily, their faces looked tinted, hazed over. As if there's some sort of film over my eyes.

Every one of my senses is on overdrive, I could smell things that seemed miles away. The once dense tree line, that you couldn't see through, was something I could now look through nearly to the other side. I could feel the wind against my hair, entangling the strands covering my skin.

Every sensation feels new. My entire body still aches but the pain is completely gone. I attempted to stand, immediately wobbling to the side.

Micah was there to catch me.

Both Lily and Axel moved to my other side, Micah allowing me to lean on him. He offered me a smile, giving me the courage to try standing again.

My balance feels off, the way my limbs had to move now is foreign. It's odd, going from two legs to four. And yet...

My whole perspective shifted.

I looked around, taking in my surroundings. While I recognized the area, everything felt different. The dirt under my feet- or paws? The wind in my hair.

Not to mention, my size. My fur is a raven black, just like my natural hair. Standing the way I am, next to Micah and the others, I feel huge. Just barely taller than them. It's strange, seeing people at nearly eye level.

I'm used to people looking down on me.

I attempted a few steps, my body still wobbling, trying to adjust to the new feelings. The new sensations.

Micah let out a laugh, a look of pride on his face. I turned around to face them, Lily looked near tears, her hands clenched to her chest, a huge smile on her face. Axel wore a big goofy grin, an accomplished look, similar to Micah's, taking his features.

I smiled to them, and they all three laughed. I wonder what I look like? Gaining the confidence to step further away from their hold on me, supporting me as I stayed upright, I tried walking in circles around them.

Finally seeming to find my balance, I picking up the pace a little as the circles I walked around them grew bigger, my pace turning into a jog, then a full run. My heart feels like it's gonna pound from my chest, an unfamiliar sense of excitement taking me.

I've never felt so free.

Axel slapped Micah on his shoulder, that same goofy grin on his face before he said,

"Well, I'm not gonna let him have all the fun. Let's go!"

Micah didn't have time to protest, not that he seemed like he wanted to, a grin on his face and excitement in his eyes. Axel was already rushing to take his socks off, his shoes disregarded. Micah followed suit, taking off his shirt and kicking his shoes to the side.

Once stripped to their underwear, they chased after me, shifting quicker than I even thought possible. They disappeared in a cloud of steam, and when I finally caught sight of them again, they had shifted, running out of the cloud as it dispersed through the air. Axel's coat also matched his hair, a light brown, his dark eyes glimmering. Micah was, as always, a sight to see, his dark coat a stark contrast against his cool blue eyes.

Axel stopped to send a howl up to the crescent moon, joy bursting in my chest as we ran through the trees, Lily and the pack house no longer in sight.

As we all ran together. I looked to Axel, whose tongue was hanging from his mouth, a carefree look on his wolffish face. Turning to Micah, he was already looking at me. When our eyes met, I could feel that same sensation in my chest.

Each step we took, each paw print I left in the dirt, carried a little bit of my worry. And as we kept running, it was like I was getting lighter and lighter. Until I too stopped to howl at the moon, thanking the Mood Goddess.

So, this is what happiness feels like.


The walk home was quiet, a light thud of our footsteps meeting the mud sounding out with crickets chirping in the background as we walked. The moon shone through the trees so beautifully. Even though it's so dark out, I can still see everything so clearly.

I wanted to laugh, seeing Axel's tail wag, his tongue still carelessly hanging from his mouth. And Micah, with his fur practically shining in the moonlight. It made the curiosity of what I look like once again flare. Even with my size, both of them are still bigger than me, it made me blow out a puff of air. Even as a wolf, I'm short.

Micah bumped into me, nudging his head against my shoulder. When I looked up to him, he nodded his head to the side, cueing me to follow him as he turned to his right and sat in front of a tree.

Axel stopped at my side as I watched on, my head tilting to the side, unsure of what Micah's doing.

Micah let his head hang, his eyes closed in concentration as his body grew smaller, his arms and legs contorting. All the hair shed from his body, except atop his head, just falling to the ground around him. Similar to when I shifted, it was like his body liquified before solidifying again, a burst of steam coming off of him. He shifted so quickly, in a matter of seconds.

Shaking himself off and stretching his arms above his head, Micah stood butt naked in front of us.

I instantly turned my gaze away, even if I could only see Micah's butt, it still feels wrong to look. If my cheeks could turn pink, they would've. Axel had walked away from my side, going to crouch behind a different tree before following Micah's lead. Shedding his skin and transforming back to normal, equally as fast as Micah. It nearly made my jaw drop, truly shocked at how quickly they could change.

When I looked back to Micah, he was pulling on a shirt and walking towards me. He smiled, stopping in front of me rubbing my face.

"We keep chests and boxes of clothes out here stashed behind certain trees. We aren't far from the pack house. Do you think you'll be able to shift back?" Micah looked concerned as he once again nodded his head someplace behind him, only this time also signaling with his thumb, turning to walk that way. I followed him, unsure of myself. It was so painful to shift into this state, do I really have to go through that again?

And when I shifted, it wasn't on command. It just happened. How am I supposed to will it?

We stopped at a tree, Axel close behind us, now also fully clothed. Micah crouched down, patting the top of a chest, offering me a smile.

"Uhm-" Axel paused, scratching the back of his head, "We'll turn around to give you some privacy, but just call out if you need us or something." Micah smiled, nodding his head in agreement to Axel's statement before walking to stand at his side, both of them starting to turn around and face away from me.

I paced back and forth a little bit, unsure of what to do. I mean, how do you even do something like this?

Stopping in place and looking down at my paws before clenching my eyes shut, I tried to focus, to imagine myself back in my human form. Remembering the sensations only felt by fingertips. Attempting to will it to the surface. I could feel my skin start to itch, the hairs already starting to shed, falling to the ground around me.

My body is starting to change again, and while it does hurt, it's nothing like before. Before, I felt like my blood started to boil, my insides liquifying. The heat isn't so... hot this time. It feels like it's enveloping my skin, everything so warm.

Unlike with Micah and Axel, my shift was slower, steam rolling off of me. I could feel myself getting lighter, smaller, my skin almost heavy as it shrunk back to normal. Fumbling and losing my balance, I fell to the floor, clutching at my head, barely holding myself up, propped on my knees.

My skin feels itchy and sore, each layer stretched out to the max. Like when you pull on a rubber band and it almost snaps, but not quite? Kind of like that. Don't even get me started on how my bones feel, as if they're like Jell-O beneath my skin. The feeling of my fingers in my hair doesn't feel familiar, as if everything is new, all over again.

"Are you okay?" Micah spoke, his eyes still facing away but his body turning slightly, as if ready to rush to my side. It made a smile form on my lips and a heat rise to my cheeks.

"I'm okay! Just... lost my balance for a second." My voice sounds scratchy, even my throat feeling sore, "Just give me another minute to get dressed."

I fumbled on my knees, crawling to the chest and flicking the lock open. It was like I could feel my bones solidifying again, my body heat finally returning to normal. I didn't even have time to feel shameful of my nakedness, my body barely reeling from the transformation. I'm still trembling, trying to find my footing and strength.

Grabbing a pair of underwear, I stood, finally finding my balance as I leaned against a tree, pulling them over my hips. There were a pair of pants as well that I pulled over my waste, sitting loosely on my hips, a t-shirt that hung over my shoulders to boot. Everything I have on is loose, it made laughter bubble in my stomach, thinking how big I was just minutes ago compared to my normal size now.

Closing my eyes to give myself an extra second, I bit into my lip, a smile stretching my cheeks so tightly, it almost hurts. Taking in a deep breath and looking up to the moon through the trees, I let myself just... be. My whole life, I have never felt this way before. Letting myself soak in it, feeling that safety. Everything that felt so wrong earlier, doesn't anymore. Like it's truly settled now.

I've never felt this way before.

"Okay, I'm decent. Thank you." I scratched at my arms, my skin feeling even more itchy under the clothes as I reconnected myself.

Micah was at my side quickly, wrapping me in a hug. Lifting me up, he spun me around a few times, leaving me to wrap my arms around him, an embarrassing sound leaving my lips as a smile stretched across them, hugging myself closer to him, my feet in the air.

As he let me down, we both laughed. Looking into his crystal eyes lit up in the moonlight, I could clearly see his happiness in the moment. How happy he looks for me.

The way he looks at me takes my breath away.

Axel was soon at our side, placing his hand on my shoulder and giving me a look of pride, using his other hand to lightly punch my other shoulder before his hands dropped back to his sides. I stifled a laugh at how awkward he made it, smiling at him nevertheless.

"You did it man, you're still alive. Couldn't be happier for you." His tone was playful, a grin to match as light brown stands of hair hung in his face, his brown eyes meeting mine. I laughed at him, looking down in my embarrassment.

"Believe me, I'm just as shocked as you are."

Micah took in a deep breath, tilting his head back to look up to the stars, barely visible through the trees.

"Let's get inside then, we can celebrate this properly tomorrow." His voice always met my ears with this allure, pulling my attention to him every single time.

And somehow, he was always already looking at me.

He smiled, his dimple popping out as a glint shown in his eyes. Holding his hand out for me, he patted Axel on the back who turned to walk back towards the house.

Biting my lip, I reached for his hand, clasping it in mine as we started on our way back. The walk was quiet, calm. Everything somehow felt right. All the weight previously loaded onto my chest, somehow lifted.

Micah squeezed my hand, once again drawing my attention to him. He leaned down close to my ear before saying,

"Why don't you stay in my room tonight? Nothing has to happen; we can just sleep." His tone was deeper than I expected it to be, his breath against my ear sending tingles down my spine. His words instantly causing my eyes to widen, looking to Axel to make sure he didn't hear. Axel didn't react, already a good ways ahead of us.

When I turned to face Micah, he had already retracted a bit, standing up normally again and winking down at me. I ignored the anxiety pooling in my stomach and the heat taking claim to my cheeks.

He did say nothing has to happen... maybe it wouldn't be so bad? I mean, maybe it would be nice, not sleeping alone. Everything feels cold when I'm by myself. I'm tired of being by myself. I've been alone pretty much my whole life, why should I stay that way when there's people who care about me?

I looked up to Micah, his eyes watching my face, taking in my features and waiting for my response. Breaking away from his gaze, I looked down to my feet, biting into my lip before raising my eyes back to his, nodding my head.

The smile that broke across his face? Breathtaking.


The walk to his room was silent, comfortable, Axel having waved goodbye as he took the elevator up to the top floor, where his room is.

Standing in front of the door leading into Micah's room had me feeling nervous, uneasy. A knot was forming in my stomach, as if warning me. It made my fingers tremble lightly, but I tried to push the feelings aside. Trying to remind myself that I am bigger than my fears. Not every shadow contains a demon.

Micah said nothing was gonna happen, and I trust him. We'll just talk a little and sleep. Nothing too crazy. It will be okay. He's more than proven himself. I will be okay.

He pushed the door open, stepping inside and ushering me in with a smile, his crystal blues locked on me. I swallowed the lump in my throat, offering him a smile and stepping inside, taking in the room.

The sheets hanging over the bed are dark, just like in the guest room I had stayed in. His pillows matched, his scent coating the room. It's huge, the bed in the center with a rug underneath it. His closet and bathroom were on one side of the room, a window behind the bed, positioned so it was almost tracing the bedframe, with another window on the other side of the room, allowing the moonlight to flow in. It wasn't super dark, but upon looking up, I discovered that there were no lights, just a skylight to let the moonlight in.

It's beautiful.

It's crazy for me to see just how big this one bedroom is. Being the only one located on this floor, it's so impressive. Especially since it extended past the rest of the house, nothing directly above it. He would never have to deal with footsteps from the people above him or at his sides, it's more astounding that words could describe.

Micah was watching me take in the atmosphere, absorbing my surroundings, as he leaned against the door. I smiled at him, my cheeks lightly tinted pink, before I walked over to his bedside where his alarm clock sat; next to it was a picture frame, neatly positioned on the table. I picked it up to look at him, a smile still pulling at my lips from the sight.

He had to of been young here, atop a man's shoulders, a woman at the mans side. His parents, maybe? They looked happy. The woman was leaning into the man, looking up to Micah. I could tell he got his smile from her, a dimple on her cheek, her entire face lit up with joy. The man was looking to her, his dark hair and eyes matching Micah's almost too perfectly as he gazed lovingly at his mate.

I had to ignore the pang in my chest, not having even a single picture of my mother. I bet she was beautiful though, from the look in my father's eyes when he would tell me about her. Even though she's dead, she still took his breath away, till the day he died. The love practically seeping from his pores. It made me a little jealous as I placed the photo back down, focusing on Micah's features.

Carefree. Happy. A smile I could only describe as gleeful taking his face, his eyes closed and hands tangled in his father's hair, holding on for dear life.

Had my childhood been that way? Before everything Dave did to me? Was I happy like that once, too?

"Hey, it's okay. You're safe now." Micah's tone was soft and comforting as he came to my side, finally moving from the door. I looked to him with a watery smile, not even realizing tears had slipped past my eyes.

"It's nothing, I'm fine." I sat on the bed, placing my hands in my lap after wiping away any remaining tears and looking towards him, that same smile on my face, a bittersweet feeling in my chest. His eyes looked down to me softly, his emotions swirling in them clearly. He really cares for me. It helped to replace the tightness in my chest with a feeling of warmth.

Taking in a deep breath, I reached up to him, placing my hand on his cheek as he crouched down in front of me, that same look in his eyes.

I tried offering him a smile, but I could feel my bottom lip caught between my teeth in an attempt to control my nerves. He leaned into my touch as I used my thumb to caress his cheek, just taking in his features. The way his eyebrows were so soft, no hint of anything that would cause them to draw together. The way his eyes always looked at me with such sincerity, I truly feel like I could drown in their depths. The way his lips were slightly parted, one side pulled into a coy smile.

That warmth from my chest spread to my cheeks, realizing I, once again, was caught staring. He laughed a little, turning his head lightly to the side, placing a kiss to my palm.

The blush capturing my face surely flared and I slowly took my hand away, my other hand instantly going to trace the outline of where his lips had just been.

Those damn butterflies causing chaos in my stomach have proven to be indigestible, leaving me no peace from their rampage.

He placed his fingers under my chin, lifting my face that had fallen to conceal my blush, gently pulling my gaze back up to his.

His eyes scanned my face, going over every inch. From the hair on my head, pushing the pieces that had fallen out of the way, tucking them behind my ears, his hands now cupping my face as his eyes trailed down to my lips.

Flickering his gaze back up to mine before it landed on my lips again, his eyes darkening slightly as he leaned in slowly, giving me time to pull away.

I held my breath, my eyes flickering closed as I leaned in slightly, anticipation building in my stomach, just waiting for his lips to meet mine.

Before they could, the silence was broken by his phone ringing. I internally swore, the excitement that had built in my chest deflating all at once as we pulled away. He looked to his side table with slight annoyance, grumbling to himself and reaching in the top drawer and pulling out a phone, answering it without bothering to check the caller ID.

Honestly, I didn't even know he had a phone, this being my first time seeing him actually using it.

"Hello?" His voice sounded just as annoyed as his features looked, his eyes looking away from me as he turned his head, still crouched in front of me. Without even thinking, my hand reached up to play with his hair, twirling one of the strands between my fingers.

That caught his attention, his gaze snapping back to me, all annoyance drained from his features, a softness in his eyes, looking pleasantly surprised. Before his eyes widened slightly, confusion on his face.

"Hang on." He pulled the phone away from his ear, covering the mic with his hand as he looked to me, his eyebrows pulled together in question,

"Do you know someone named Amethyst?" My heart dropped literally to my asshole, excitement raising the hairs covering my skin as I practically snatched the phone away from him. The thought of Amethyst tugged at my heart, weighing it down, guilt suddenly knocking the wind from my sails. I left her behind. After what I did to Dave and Jackson... That whole pack is probably in disarray without an Alpha OR a Beta.

"Hello?" I held the phone close to my ear, pushing aside the guilt, the excitement practically dripping from me as I held my breath, waiting to hear her voice.

"Hey Blake."


Watching the excitement on Blake's face, how he lit up with joy, the slight pull of his eyebrows as he listened intently to what Amethyst was saying, truly captivated my attention.

After everything that he's been through, and how well he did tonight, it's a wonder for me to see him so... free. There had been a weight on his shoulders for so long, finally seeing it starting to lift, watching him grow and change into the beautiful man he's becoming has been more than astonishing and I'm more than grateful to be apart of that.

I could barely pay attention to whatever he's saying, too captivated by his glow. The phone call couldn't have lasted too long though, because soon, he was literally jumping with excitement.

Having gotten up from the bed, he spun in circles a few times, the phone clutched in his hand as he danced around, his joy flowing into the atmosphere. All I could do was watch him, enthralled in his antics.

"What did she say?" Blake had stopped his dancing, grinning ear to ear as he looked towards me, moving to crouch in front of me.

To my surprise, he wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling himself in close and burying his head in my hair. I obviously returned the hug, slipping my hands around his slim waist and resting my head in the crook of his neck.

"She wants me to come see her. There's a whole lot of shit we gotta talk about too. Apparently, the whole place is falling apart." He loosened his grip, pulling himself up to sit on the bed, patting the spot next to him.

"I can't wait to see her." His eyes drifted from mine as I sat next to him, watching as he plopped down on his back, looking up to the skylight. Even though he isn't looking at me, I can still see the gleam in his eyes, that far away look that took him someplace not tied to the Earth.

But he doesn't look tense, I've never seen him so relaxed. As if on reflex, I reached over to caress his cheek, leaning back onto my arm as I took in his features.

His green eyes were glazed over, his eyebrows completely soft, his whole face at ease. No fear in sight. He glanced at me, my touch drawing his attention, without so much of a flinch. If possible, his face softened even further, a glint in his eyes.

"We can go in the morning, bright and early. But you've had a big day, let's get some rest." I offered him a smile, laying completely on my back and shifting my weight so I was laying on the bed properly, my head against my pillow as I opened my arms for him, "Cuddle?" I let a smirk take my face, watching his cheeks heat up as he leaned onto his side, propping up onto his elbow.

"Just cuddles?" His eyebrow rose in question, concern flashing through his eyes before a more playful expression took his features. I laughed, feeling almost elated to see him this way. It's a privilege.

His progress has been beautiful to watch. He's not the scared, timid boy he was the day we met. He's grown into such a strong and caring young man. I can't wait to continue watching him grow, to see who he will become. What we will become.

"Just cuddles." I nodded my head, making grabby hands at him, prompting him into my arms. He obliged, crawling towards me and grabbing my arm, wrapping it around his waist before resting his head against my chest. I secretly hope that he can hear my heart pounding, can see the effect he has on me. Whether he knows it or not, I'm wrapped tightly around his finger.

He could ask me to burn the world, and I'd do it, just to see the flames light up his eyes.


Despite how exhausting this was to write, I really truly hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm so happy to finally be writing the happier scenes from the previous book. There are still things to come, of course, but the worst is past us and I, personally, am so relieved.

Please feel free to comment with any questions or options you may have! I love hearing from you guys, honestly. It makes my day, every time.

Don't forget to click the star to show the world you shine! ;)


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