Naya Adhyay (New Chapter)

By HaripriyaSeethala

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Akshara and Abhimanyu's new phase of life post Neil's accident fiasco. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 20

1.5K 123 15
By HaripriyaSeethala

Abhimanyu narrated the entire history from his childhood to yesterday's birthday party to Ragini who patiently listened to everything. Once he's done, once he poured his heart to Ragini whom he barely knew, Abhimanyu released a sigh of relief and felt an unknown sense of hope....why? he didn't knew. He badly need someone who could here him out without their own perspectives and prejudice fortunately it happened to be Ragini.

Ragini on hearing Abhimanyu's story felt all kinds of emotions pity, concern, anger, frustration etc. She gave few moments for Abhimanyu to recover. After a while she spoke.....if ur ok with it can I involve myself and discuss about ur life?

Abhimanyu nodded in yes. Once Abhimanyu gave his consent Ragini spoke.....Let's start with ur mother.......Even if it hurts let me clear it u.....ur mother is a sly fox, she is neither innocent nor victim infact she is very much capable of achieving what she wants by any means....she knew she holds zero value, affection and relation with ur father, but still she wanted to be in his wife for that she didn't even mind ruining ur childhood. So stop victimizing and protecting ur mother....she clearly knew what she is into. 

Abhimanyu didn't know what to say, he's just blank. He tried to remise his childhood happy moments and all he could remember is his mothers' crying face and her self pity words. 

And coming to ur wife's sister. Ur partially responsible for her bitterness Abhimanyu. U gave her hope and later shattered it.....said Ragini. Abhimanyu whipped his head towards Ragini not confused. I..I...I'm responsible to Aarohi's bitterness?...questioned Abhimanyu.

U r Abhimanyu at one point of time u did gaslight Aarohi when ur equally wrong at ur end. Take for example....u consented a marriage with her when u clearly knew that u can never give the rights or love she should get as ur wife....said Ragini.

She clearly knew that I love Akshu, but still she is ok being my wife, all she wanted is her superiority, she just wanted to use me to achieve what she desires for......said Abhimanyu.

So did u Abhimanyu, u used her to make Akshara jealous, so that she will express her love towards u.....didn't u? questioned Ragini.

Abhimanyu some marry for love, some for power, some for status....everyone one have their own reasons Abhimanyu....U just to wipe ur mother's tears, while she for her dreams. Both are right at ur own place as well as wrong.

Abhimanyu sat in silence digesting the facts. Ragini continued about his role as a husband to Akshara. 

U know Abhimanyu the pittiest of all relations in ur life is ur marriage with Akshara...the husband and wife relation of u and ur wife. Till date the sole reason for ur broken marriage is.....u both prioritizing ur families, their problems, their feelings, solving their issues over ur marriage. Arey the early days of marriage many couples spend time understanding their partners and the new relations assosiated with them....but u guys spent on solving ur mothers lies, secrets, sister's death her secrets all this where is ur marriage Abhimanyu...the marriage, the love u fought with all ur being. 

U invested soo much for all ur it reciprocated the same....After solving ur brother's paternity truth, after supporting ur mother in her emotions....did ur mother took an initiative to solve the aire between u and ur wife? doesn't she as a mother had a responisibilty to make things right which got ruined because of her silence? *is ur brother and his happiness only mattered to her not urs?.....questioned Ragini.

Not only u Abhimanyu, ur wife is also the female version of u when it came to families. Both are emotional, impulsive, stubborn and walk overs...

Abhimanyu looked at Ragini.....walkovers?......yes Abhimanyu u both are walkovers u let others opinions, judgements, tears, emotions let rule ur lives....ur destructive marriage is the result of it.

Their conversation started with the hue of the rising sun now it is post sun rise and the chaos of the life started but their is a complete silence in Abhimanyu's mind who is travelling back to seek a glance in his life. 

Breaking his revire Ragini questioned.....I need to leave Abhimanyu before that just answer me did u submit ur divorce papers that u made Akshara signed 6 yrs back.

Abhimanyu nodded his head in no. Giving a thought for a while....Ragini spoke raising hope in Abhimanyu's heart...there is way Abhimanyu to get ur life back and it will be ur only chance to rectify and rebuild ur marriage, don't mess it up....saying Ragini narrated what to be done and left with Abhimanyu looking determined.

Enough of being's time to be selfish Abhimanyu Birla, no matter what I'll have my wife and son back in my life......Let's start the war....said Abhimanyu (OG Abhimanyu's theme playing in background).


A week passed by....

Harsh has called up Anand and Mahima in his cabin. Anand and Mahima on entering the room noticed a frowing Harsh who is reading a paper what looks like a letter.

What's wrong Harsh?....questioned Anand. Harsh handed the letter which he is looking at to Anand. With a questioning face Anand took the letter and looked into and frowned.....a court notice said Anand. Court notice?...why? questioned Mahima while snatching the paper.

U remember the fire accident that happened a few months back bhabhi (Mahima nodded in yes), the patient's family has filed a case on Birla hospital, those were the summons from the court...said Harsh.

What's all this mess, is our personal life not enough that even our professional lives are also adding on to it?...said Anand.

Wahi tho side Abhimanyu pata nahi kaunsa phook maara hai ki he's going forward with the custody case and now this....said Harsh frustatedly. 

After his conversation with Ragini, Abhimanyu instead of withdrawing the custody case as he planned earlier he decided to move forward with it much to the annoayance of the family.

Abhimanyu's this decision brought a disagreement between him and the Birla's who are completely against it, however a determined Abhimanyu didn't give a damn to others opinion resulting in the tense environment in the BH. In all this one soul is flying in the sky....Manjari who is literally in impression that Abhimanyu still valued her and her decisions. While Aarohi stood neutral....sister Aarohi felt insecure while mother Aarohi felt concerened about Akshara.

Abhimanyu's friendship with Ragini is being strenghtened day by day, well Ragini is gonna be a crucial part in his life as well as Sharma's, most importantly she is gonna bring a earth shattering change in Manjari's life.

There is no point in digging into Abhimanyu's life....Harsh setup a meeting with our legal team asap, let's see what can be done, I need to prep for my surgery saying....Anand left followed by Mahima, Harsh got busy with his work.


Neil entered into his room after his work and questioned Aarohi....where is Ruhi?. She just completed her homework and left to play with Shivu and Ishu....answered Aarohi. Did she eat anything? Neil questioned again. Yes she had some fruits, biscuits and Milk...said Aarohi.

Hmm....saying Neil was above to move out, that was when Aarohi questioned.....How long Neil? How long are we gonna be the same? How long are u gonna treat me like this? 

Her questions gained Neil's attention. Neil isn't oblivious to the questions, but he doesn't have concrete answers. 

Aarohi's been years Neil, years and u still hadn't forgiven me. I'm sorry Neil, sorry about everything, but how long Neil, how long are we gonna stay just as roommates, how long are we gonna be Ruhi's parents, it is suffocating me Neil.

Not only u Aarohi, it is also suffocating for me to stay with the woman who just used me for her desires, who faked her love to achieve status. I really doesn't want to stay with the woman who just keep self victimising herself despite her mistakes which she had committed with clear conscience, it is draining, but I'm willing to stay with that woman and such draining marriage just for my daughter who deserves the world. And why are u even complaining Aarohi I had long back gave u an option to walk out from this marraige but u choose to stay....why now?....Neil said.

I choose to stay because I love u Neil, I love u...I want a happy life with u.....said Aarohi broken. 

There was a time I believed ur words Aarohi, but that belief got shattered, and now I don't have that strenght in me to sustain another heartbreak....excuse me saying Neil left leaving Aarohi hurt, broken and in tears.

Why don't u believe me Neil? Why?....Aarohi questioned slumbing onto floor with tears running.

Outside the room next to the door leaning onto the wall...stood Neil with tears and pained. 

Two lovers are for being betrayed and the other for betraying.....Will they have their happy ending.....?


After his talk with Aarohi Neil along with Parth and Shefali entered Abhimanyu's room to speak to him regarding him proceeding with the custody case, then there they noticed.....

Abhimanyu cleaning the room, rearranging the room giving it the vibe it had that of his early days of marraige and the major change they noticed is the small bed next to the master bed and a cutomized rack of toys legos, cars, superhero figurines etc.

Parth pointed out the cars and said...aren't those same cars Abhir plays with, but in different color. 

Neil, Parth and Shefali didn't know how to speak with Abhimanyu, who is very happy while arranging the room, all they could wish is Abhimanyu doesn't ruin his, Akshara's as well as Abhir's happiness again with his impulsiveness. In debating whether Abhimanyu's actions are right or wrong, they missed in a neatly arranged half of master cupboard with female clothes, a neatly setup dressing table with female products.

Once done arranging the room, Abhimanyu looked at the room with a smile and said.....all set to welcome the owner's of the room....Mrs.Akshara Abhimanyu Birla and Mr.Abhir Abhimanyu Birla.


In SH, Akshara sat looking lost in her thoughts unaware that the Sharma's have been noticing her gloominess since days. They did give her time to settle up herself, but it didn't help.

What's wrong Akshu questioned Sumitra, sitting next to her while caressing her hair. 

Pata nahi Maa, kuch dino se kuch ajeebsa lag raha hai.....said Akshara.

All looked at Akshara shocked, especially Sumitra, as it is the first time since their meet Akshara has addressed Sumitra as Maa.

All felt happy, as the only road block between them and Akshara had been finally overcomed. 

Coming back to her senses Sumitra asked.....Since when ur feeling this?

From the day I recevied the custody papers. I may be paranoid, but I feel like something major gonna happen....said Akshara.

Wanna speak about it?....asked Sumitra.

Akshara looked at the family who are keenly waiting for her to open up.....taking a deep breath she started....

When I recevied the court papers, I was really angry at Abhimanyu and confronted him about them. But he denied ever filing for the custody. I didn't believe his words and declared that we will meet in the court, but when anger died down I some where felt that Abhimanyu is truthful, so I waited for him to withdraw the case, but he didn't and the hearing is day after tomorrow. I don't want to loose my son Maa, he is the only relation from my past I want to cherish, he is my driving force, he is all that I have......

On top of that those families cannot raise kids in healthy environment, Maa u know after living with u people I witnessed what a non-toxic environment is, how happy and joyful life will be. U did have a phase of mourning and tragedy when Vikram bhai and Muskaan's parents passed away, u people collectively pulled back yourselves from the grief. I want my Abhir to live in such a toxic free environment, with no jealousy, blame game, gaslighting and self victimization ....Akshara opened up herself to her family, while the Sharma's listened to her keenly.

Did u speak this to Abhimanyu? questioned Sumitra. Akshara nodded in no.

How do u think that guy will know what's running in ur brain unless u voice it out?...questioned Vikram. 

Communicate this to Abhimanyu Akshu. Then we will see what can be done....said Pari.

What if he proceeds with the case....I cannot let my son go through all that emotional abuse, I want to be there with him and I'm not willing to go back to that house face them again and deal those blame games....said Akshara.

What Abhimanyu wants for Abhir will be known once u speak with him Akshu, and for godsake don't run away from problems Akshu, it will not be solved, face them with a brave front then only u can find a solution. And don't let down ur years of therapy Akshu, years of efforts u put to redeem urself just to be a better mother and individual to ur son Akshu....Sumitra spoke putting some sense and encouragement into Akshara.

Akshara hugged Sumitra thanking for her support. She with a zeal of determination decided to face her past so that her present and future can be written beautifully. 

That's all....

What Abhimanyu is planning to do?

Comments on Nerohi....

Comments on Ragini and Abhimanyu....

Comments on Akshara's expression of herself....

I believe friends play a major part in shaping oneself and Abhimanyu badly needs a friend, like Abhinav to Akshara.

What change Ragini gonna bring in Sharma's and Manjari any guess?

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