I just want a good way to die.

By Nulho1

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Green eyes that no longer had the will to live, could only see the plain, mossy, and damp walls of the dungeo... More



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By Nulho1

Venion only rode a horse with Choi Han because Choi Han didn't want Venion to do something crazy if he was alone.

Choi Han even reminded Rosalyn to look after him if he had something to do.

Venion as usual, looked gloomy without doing anything. After all, the one who brought him was Choi Han.

Venion had no obligation to do the work that Cale ordered Choi Han to do.

Indeed, he could kill without mercy, but if he was asked to lift a heavy object, he would not be able to do that.

For 4 years, all he did was attempt suicide and daydream all day while looking at the sky or roof of the room.

If not, he will play with Neo whatever game he invites him to play.

Whether Neo gave in or he was lucky, Venion always won whatever game Neo brought.

"You're pensive alone again. Why do you always look gloomy?"

Rosalyn smiled while sitting next to Venion. Choi Han had explained Venion's condition, which had severe depression problems, to Rosalyn.

Venion just ignored Rosalyn. And Rosalyn didn't feel bothered by that considering his condition.

Venion didn't want to get involved in the affairs of Cale and all of his members.

He thought he was crazy enough to accept Choi Han's offer. Now he regrets it.

He should have just left Choi Han and jumped into the river so he would drown.

But he was sure that Choi Han would definitely jump into the river to help him if he did.

Even if his strength was terrifying, Choi Han was still a kind bastard.

Now they were waiting at the bottom of the hill, waiting for the wolf tribe to come down to meet them.

'I should read novels without skipping...'

Venion felt bored and just skipped the explanation.

What he knows is that Lock is a child from the wolf tribe who Choi Han found with other wolf children.

'Was the village attacked?'

Venion didn't really care. In the end, he is just a minor villain character without the empathy to think about other people.

Meddling in other people's affairs is not something a minor villain would do.

"They're late than usual... I'm getting worried. Let's go up and see what happens."

Odeus muttered and everyone agreed. Everyone moved up the mountain.





Everyone was shocked to see the village engulfed in flames, with several people attacking the wolf tribe that living in that village.

However, what was most surprising, was the crazed-looking wizard, drinking blood from the wolf tribe's skull with a hideous smile.

"Ahh, it looks like we have an uninvited guest."

The wizard smiled while looking at them.

Seeing the symbol of 5 red stars and 1 white star, Choi Han's eyes went crazy. He remembered the bastard who destroyed Harris's village, and immediately drew his sword, attacking the mage.

'What is that bastard's name again?'

Venion couldn't remember that crazy magician's name even if he read the Plaza terror incident in the novel.

He hasn't read it for 4 years and doesn't feel the need, doesn't remember much of it.

Why does someone who wants to die, think about the future?


On the other hand, there was the wolf tribe which seemed to be entering its first phase of growth as he screamed on the ground. But it seemed he seemed to still be conscious.

'That must be Lock.'

Venion thought that while everyone was busy fighting with the enemy to help the wolf village.

Venion just stood there silently because he had no reason to interfere.

It was a scene in a novel that wasn't written in detail, and he didn't even read it because he was lazy.

Seeing the scene where everyone was helping each other, made Venion feel like he wasn't in his place.

People without empathy who only think about themselves, it seems, cannot understand why someone would help someone in trouble.

Wouldn't humans just run away in the end if they were faced with something like this?

Wouldn't they be afraid when they saw the corpses lying around?

Seeing everyone there like a sheet illuminated by light and shining brightly, while he was standing there, as if he was not wanted to be there at all.

Someone who wouldn't be seen no matter what he did.

Someone from the organization moved to attack Venion who looked the weakest with his cloak covering his entire body.

Venion who saw that, had no intention of dodging at all.

He was waiting for an easy death like this.

Venion's eyes didn't even tremble as the sharp daggers continued to approach him.

"Venion nim!"


Venion's eyes widened slightly when he saw the purple robe fluttering in front of him.

The magic wand made of iron and mana control stone clashed with the sharp dagger.

The purple robe that Neo often wore, and his magic wand, appeared in front of him at this moment.


Venion had one question on his mind.

Hasn't Neo given up on him?

Why was he still in front of him at a crucial moment like this?

"How dare you want to hurt Venion nim! You damn terrorists! Just die!"

Neo pushed back the man who wanted to harm Venion and used explosive magic, blasting him until he was badly injured.

Rosalyn who saw that was amazed. Because it's not that easy to make explosive magic in a short time.

Neo didn't care about the surroundings as he immediately turned around, seeing Venion who looked fine, and even his hair was neater even though it was still long.

Neo was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief and hugged Venion tightly.

"Venion nim, why do you suddenly want to run away? Did something I do hurt you?"

Neo asked as he hugged Venion really tight without thinking about the situation around him.

Neo is just like his master after all. Someone who just thinks about themselves.

Venion just silently accepted the hug without replying to Neo's words.

He could only stand there stiffly.

Not long after, the battle ended.

However, Lock looked unconscious, and his body temperature was hot.



'Why did I end up following them?'

Venion was confused as to why he followed them in teleporting to the capital, the place where the terror plaza would happen.

But he couldn't do anything because he also had no direction to go.

Venion was given his room in Henituse villa and Neo was there, kneeling in front of him, still waiting for his answer.

"I just saw you keeping your distance from me."

Venion felt his heartache, for reasons he didn't know.

Whatever it was, he hated the feeling he was experiencing right now.

"I thought you no longer needed me. If I disappeared, you would easily find someone else."

Venion didn't even look at Neo when he looked at the blue sky from the window of the room.

He grip the armchair a bit.

It felt like his heart was being stabbed by thousands of needles.

"So why are you looking for me?"

Venion asked with a weak tone as if he didn't even want to talk, when he finally looked back at Neo.


Venion was confused when he saw Neo making a face as if what he was saying was nonsense.

"Venion nim, how can you think like that? I really care about you. If you die, I will die with you!"

Neo was still kneeling with a sad face looking at Venion as if Venion currently didn't think of him.

"So, why don't you behave like you normally do?"

Venion asks while he tilts his head confused.


Neo is confused by not behaving as usual word.


Neo seemed to have enlightenment and immediately moved to hug Venion's knee.

"It's not that I don't want to do it, but that red-haired bastard keeps calling me an animal because I don't want to control myself! And I think he has a point..."

Neo slightly puffed out his cheeks as if he were complaining about Cale's crimes.

"Young master Cale did that?"

Venion looked at Neo with quite a surprised look.

'Is that also the reason he avoids me?'

Venion sighed internally.

Cale Henituse is really a good person.

When he didn't even care about his own body, Cale still treated him like a human.

Apart from Taylor, Calvin, and Neo, no one sees him the same anymore.

Venion looked more like a crazy person with his appearance.

Venion held Neo's face.

His lips curved into a smile.

"Hahaha... Why do you like a crazy psychopath like me in the first place?"

Ah, Venion even forgot the last time he laughed and smiled like this.

The pain in his heart somehow disappeared. And, it somehow feels warm now.

Maybe living a little longer would be okay...

Venion thought about something he had often thought about during his 4 years with Neo.

But Venion knew his mental state more than anyone else.

He didn't know when the feeling would disappear.

In the end, depression cannot be treated that easily.

Neo who saw Venion laugh sincerely for the first time in a long time, also smiled brightly, holding a hand on his cheek.

'It seems like Venion nim prefers me to behave clingy like this. Hemp. I knew that redhead was just messing with me!'

Neo now won't care about anything Cale says.

'Venion nim likes it!'

Neo rubbed his face on Venion's knee like always, and Venion stroked his head.

Maybe everyone will see his actions as ridiculous.

'I would do anything to see those eyes.'

Neo saw Venion's eyes which seemed determined to live a bit longer.

Just seeing that made Neo happy.



The god of the underworld looked at the white light that was shining brighter after being dark for some time, smiling.

The light that Venion probably wanted to get rid of from inside him.

{Venion, you can't give up that easily. I know you can.}

The god of the underworld, who felt his tiredness disappear, saw the light getting bigger and bigger.

He was sure that even if it was only the size of a baby's palm now, it would get bigger.

{Gods cannot interfere with the affairs of those mortal beings.}

He sighs as he thinks about useless things again.


The god of the underworld held his head and felt a headache at the explosion. A residence close to his area, the area of the God of Death.

{He's interfering in human affairs again. Is he a masochist? I think he keeps getting hit by the God of balance every day.}

It was enough that he was beaten up because of Venion's affairs. The god of balance is really scary.

{Hey, Underworld! Where is my beloved child's wyvern soul? Give them to me! Let me take care of them!}

The god of the underworld turned off the annoying call.

The god of balance really shows favoritism...




After talking with Choi Han at the temple of the god of death, Cale met Venion.

The three sat at the same table with some food on it.

"Okay, I think we should talk about the annoying thing that's happening right now."

Cale spoke as he covered his eyes with a cloth.

Cale found a way to deal with that damn voice. As long as he didn't see Venion, he would be fine.

Cale also had a black dragon by his side to guide him when he closed his eyes.

"Did you really have to go that far?"

Neo asked looking at Cale who was calmly sitting cross-legged even with his eyes closed.

"Unlike you guys who have been together for a long time, I'm just a stranger to Venion. And I also don't have feelings for him like you said."

Cale spoke calmly, and the two did not argue with that.

"So, what's the reason you want to meet us?"

Venion knows Cale from novels. There was no way Cale would want to find him if he didn't want something when he couldn't even see him with his own eyes right now.

Venion's voice was weak as usual, but Cale could tell only from his voice, that he was much better than when he had only moved a little from Puzzle City.

Cale sighed.

"It would be annoying if I might get to meet you in town or somewhere else, and the effects of Neo's deal hit me again."

Venion nodded in understanding.

"Do you know how to lift this curse?"

Cale spoke in a serious tone. He really didn't like what he was experiencing right now.





To be continued.

Ellen: I think, this is the only Cale, that was sane... Good for you!

Lady Venion: He not a pervert, I see... *nodded*

Ciel: Well, the bastard one is my Cale after all. But I still love him tho.

Leon: My Cale... *Sweat*

Preggo Cale: What do you guys look at?

Kind Clopeh: Yeah. He had charisma and charm by being cold as always. And he knows how to hold back. Not like someone.

Naru: I'm not Cale now. It's my Hyung who's Cale.

L.H Deruth: (But you still Kim Rok Soo...)

Okay, hope you enjoy this chapter!

See ya!

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