Army of the Damned

By ArchiveOfStories

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"The objective here is to return home. By any means necessary." An Isekai about Politics, Strategy and War. P... More

VOLUME 2 Chapter 2
VOLUME 2 Chapter 3
VOLUME 2 Chapter 4
VOLUME 2 Chapter 5
VOLUME 2 Chapter 6
VOLUME 2 Chapter 7
VOLUME 2 Chapter 8
VOLUME 2 Chapter 9
VOLUME 2 Chapter 10
VOLUME 3 Chapter 1
VOLUME 3 Chapter 2
VOLUME 3 Chapter 3
VOLUME 3 Chapter 4
VOLUME 3 Chapter 5
VOLUME 3 Chapter 6
VOLUME 3 Chapter 7
VOLUME 3 Chapter 8
VOLUME 3 Chapter 9
VOLUME 3 Chapter 10
VOLUME 4 Chapter 1
VOLUME 4 Chapter 2
VOLUME 4 Chapter 3
VOLUME 4 Chapter 4
VOLUME 4 Chapter 5
VOLUME 4 Chapter 6
VOLUME 4 Chapter 7
VOLUME 4 Chapter 8
VOLUME 4 Chapter 9
VOLUME 4 Chapter 10
VOLUME 5 Chapter 1
VOLUME 5 Chapter 2
VOLUME 5 Chapter 3
VOLUME 5 Chapter 4
VOLUME 5 Chapter 5
VOLUME 5 Chapter 6
VOLUME 5 Chapter 7
VOLUME 5 Chapter 8
VOLUME 5 Chapter 9
VOLUME 5 Chapter 10
VOLUME 6 Prelude
VOLUME 6 Prologue Part 1
VOLUME 6 Prologue Part 2
VOLUME 6 Chapter 1
VOLUME 6 Chapter 2
VOLUME 6 Chapter 3
VOLUME 6 Chapter 4
VOLUME 6 Chapter 5
VOLUME 6 Chapter 6
VOLUME 6 Chapter 7
VOLUME 6 Chapter 8
VOLUME 6 Chapter 9
VOLUME 6 Chapter 10
VOLUME 7 Prologue
VOLUME 7 Prelude
VOLUME 7 Chapter 1
VOLUME 7 Chapter 2
VOLUME 7 Chapter 3
VOLUME 7 Chapter 4
VOLUME 7 Chapter 5
VOLUME 7 Chapter 6
VOLUME 7 Chapter 7
VOLUME 7 Chapter 8
VOLUME 7 Chapter 9
VOLUME 7 Chapter 10
VOLUME 7 Bonus Chapter "The Time Scourge"
VOLUME 8 Chapter 1
VOLUME 8 Chapter 2
VOLUME 8 Chapter 3
VOLUME 8 Chapter 4
VOLUME 8 Chapter 5
VOLUME 8 Chapter 6
VOLUME 8 Chapter 7
VOLUME 8 Chapter 8
VOLUME 8 Chapter 9
VOLUME 8 Chapter 10
VOLUME 9 Chapter 1
VOLUME 9 Chapter 2
VOLUME 9 Chapter 3
VOLUME 9 Chapter 4
VOLUME 9 Chapter 5
VOLUME 9 Chapter 6
VOLUME 9 Chapter 7
VOLUME 9 Chapter 8
VOLUME 9 Chapter 9
VOLUME 9 Chapter 10
VOLUME 10 Chapter 1
VOLUME 10 Chapter 2
VOLUME 10 Chapter 3
VOLUME 10 Chapter 4
VOLUME 10 Chapter 5
VOLUME 10 Chapter 6
VOLUME 10 Chapter 7
VOLUME 10 Chapter 8
VOLUME 10 Chapter 9
VOLUME 10 Chapter 10
VOLUME 11 Chapter 1
VOLUME 11 Chapter 2
VOLUME 11 Chapter 3
VOLUME 11 Chapter 4
VOLUME 11 Chapter 5
VOLUME 11 Chapter 6
VOLUME 11 Chapter 7
VOLUME 11 Chapter 8
VOLUME 11 Chapter 9
VOLUME 11 Chapter 10
VOLUME 12 Chapter 1
VOLUME 12 Chapter 2
VOLUME 12 Chapter 3
VOLUME 12 Chapter 4
VOLUME 12 Chapter 5
VOLUME 12 Chapter 6
VOLUME 12 Chapter 8
VOLUME 12 Chapter 9
VOLUME 12 Chapter 10
Volume 12 Bonus Chapter
VOLUME 13 Chapter 1
VOLUME 13 Chapter 2
VOLUME 13 Chapter 3
VOLUME 13 Chapter 4
VOLUME 13 Chapter 5
VOLUME 13 Chapter 6
VOLUME 13 Chapter 7
VOLUME 13 Chapter 8
VOLUME 13 Chapter 9
VOLUME 13 Chapter 10
VOLUME 14 Chapter 1
VOLUME 14 Chapter 2
VOLUME 14 Chapter 3
VOLUME 14 Chapter 4
VOLUME 14 Chapter 5
VOLUME 14 Chapter 6
VOLUME 14 Chapter 7
VOLUME 14 Chapter 8
VOLUME 14 Chapter 9
VOLUME 14 Chapter 10
VOLUME 15 Chapter 1

VOLUME 12 Chapter 7

56 4 1
By ArchiveOfStories

Hearing a hum, Jackson opens his eyes to the rattling sound of the carriage's bogies bouncing about on the rocky mountainside road they are taking. The ceiling above him being the grayish tarp that's waggling along the strong gust of wind that's hitting them from every direction and soon, as his senses sharpened, he could hear the laughing and talking of people and a human being emitted from his own chest. Looking down on himself, he could clearly see Bahamut all balled up right above to where his heart is, the Dragon sleeping so soundly that it seems to be in a trance as it sang.
Having such a motherly voice, he couldn't help it but be at peace. The theme and battle song of the Dragons from the South, something he'd hear in the background now being hummed by such an entrancing voice. "The Dragons Song of Lament..." The blackened winged lizard then awakens. A single eye and it glowed a golden hue. "Yes, Master." She went back to immediately humming it, the low and long stretches of hums making it seem like a Church song for the dead and grieving. "Why?"

"Seeing the Lizards and the Demons working together... May Albion bless us and Dragonkind."

He then slowly scoops up the Dragon. Placing it on his shoulder as he could see the ancient woman. Finished with his cape, is now adding her own touch to it. Flowers of differing kinds, all with thorny roots are being drawn onto the sides of his cape.

"Uhm... Elizabeth, you know that cape was made to specifically have a skill right?"

"Do not worry, My Lord. I bought this from the Merchant we met at a discount price. I have put a bit of my magic onto it."

"Will it affect the Light Step and Feather Drop effect the cape gives me? I really need that since my armor is so heavy and falling down from great heights usually makes a crater."

"I assure you, My Lord, it won't be affected. I am actually improving upon it a bit more." He then slides out of his bedroll and proceeds to clean up his bed and sits next to her. Observing her careful needlework.

She had various other flowers accompanying the four Blood Roses on the corners of his rectangular cape all with their petals opened and curved perfectly. He nods at the fine detail she's putting into it. Not letting one area of the side be untouched with her fine craftsmanship as her emerald eyes pierced down to the very fabrics she's touching, carefully and masterfully weaving it into something pleasing to one's eyes.

"These are the flowers that I onced grew in my garden, My Lord."

"Hm. Those are some pretty ones."

"Of course. My Lord, you already know that we Vampires are much like these flowers, right?"

"Yeah. Something about being flowers that never wither or something like that."

"Mhm. I hope you may carry this back to your world and be reminded of us, My Lord. Maybe one day... if you ever find a way to return here after you're done with all your dealings on Earth. You'd know that we hadn't withered a single day and are still in full bloom."

Jackson's hand then lifts his cape. The man carefully looks into the work she's put into his beloved cape. The very same one he had worn over countless battles even way before Bahamut was with him.

A smile then catches her eyes as he can be seen caressing it with his thumb. "Hm. I'll be sure to do that." The carriage then soon stops over to the right of the mountainside road. Mere inches from the long hard fall down to the river that weaves through the range. "M'Lord, we'll relax here for a few minutes. The plateau in the far distance should be the one that houses Janishaire." The Knight then looks around to see that there is a circular section of the road that's large enough to fit about thirty to fifty carriages and more were parked on the path itself that'd widen every so often.

Far in their front where no cloud could reach was a flat top on the mountain top. Its size was unimaginable and could easily fit multiple modern full sized cities on it as rock formations peeked out of the sides of the mountains and sharp and deep turns can be seen everywhere and the large wooden or stone bridges were far and few in between. Mostly following a singular direction in smaller and more outback roads leading to it.

Hopping out, he sees the edge of the road and walks over to it. Upon breathing in, he looks down and aside from the cluster of clouds below, he could faintly see the river and a dirt road running next to it. It was so thin and small that if he was to put his pinky finger on top of it, a large portion of the river would be completely cut off. "WOAAAHH!" hearing the sound of a young female, he turns to his left to see a girl has jumped on Elizabeth. Wearing leather shorts and a shortsword slinged to her back accompanied by a belt with potions. The brown haired girl locks her legs around the Queen and wrapped her arms on her neck.

"What's your skincare? What shampoo do you use? Are you truly Human? Where did you get the sparkle coming out of your presence? Do you have any recommendations for me? What regimen do you do to have a tiny waist but big boobs and butt? Do you know how you make eyes like yours?" The barrage of questions immediately made Elizabeth lean back, but the woman has completely latched herself onto her. Only edging closer and closer as Alana pops out of the front seat to take a gander at the noise and the girl once again perks up. "WOAAHHH!" immediately jumping from Queen, she proceeds to jog towards the Countess who promptly rolls to the other side of the carriage.

Not breaking a sweat, she promptly vaults over the front seat and suddenly gets grabbed by the collar by a man wearing a mix of leather and metal plate armor. "Geez. Erica, can you not assault the locals?"

"Booooo! Look at how pretty they are! I wanna know how they do that!"

"Everyone here is either pretty or handsome. What's different with these two?"

With multiple scars on his face and a messy black hair, the tall man proceeds to walk back to Elizabeth. With a light punch to the back of the girl's head "Ow...!" He squirms at her and she bows. "I apologize!" Jackson on the other hand had the same reaction as the Queen. Both of them have the same expression of confusion, dazed, and sudden reaction.

"I-I guess you're weak to overbearing people too, huh?"

"I-I am not. It's just that back then, I'd have the power to tell them off. She just caught me off guard, that's all."

"Eheheheh, well, better accept the young lady's apology."

The Queen then walks forward and just pats her head. "You're forgiven. Countess, let us depart." Alana then peeks out of the driver seat and sees that the woman has completely left the area with Jackson also looking around to where she went while Bahamut is nowhere to see herself. With the two alone, they looked at one another and sighed in unison. Walking to the road and the large opening on the side of the mountain where many carriages from Merchants of all sorts to your usual traveler with their lone horse were parked at.

There were all sorts of people, both Outlander and Native intermingling with one another. On one side, some players were playing modern music whilst impressing the Natives with their dance moves. Diagonally shuffling in place while wearing the bulky and showy armor known in Tur while on the other side, Merchants from both worlds were trading information with one another, seeing mutuality in economics and earning money.

One thing caught Alana's eyes and it's a player Merchant with a sign written on his heavy carriage in both Common and International English. "YRN's Mobile Bookstore - Earth Books in Discount to Natives!". Going to it with Jackson in tow, who's looking around constantly for any signs of the two, lets the Countess do her thing. The woman was entranced by the various books displayed in the stands. From the likes of Edgar Allan Poe, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Stoker, and Nabokov. The woman was in a tiny piece of Heaven as she could open and read literature from an entirely different world. "M'Lord, would it be fine if I were to take maybe ten books?" Looking back, the man had his hands in fist and is up against his hips as he sighs. Randomly turning in certain directions with dismay in his face. "Just where did those two go?!"

Seeing him, she just smiles and then turns to the Vendor. "May I ask if you have anything more modern? Maybe in your current year?" the man with an aristocratic suit shrugs. "Sorry ma'am, those are protected by Copyright laws. We can technically print them in Dark World but Lawyers are a pain to deal with ever since International Copyright Laws have been updated to suit the evolving technological sphere." The man had an air of eloquence to his wording, his tone light, quick, and precise which the Countess nods to. She then turns to see a book marked with the year 2035 named "Ballads of Robin Hood, Knight of Richard the Lionheart" with a Nobleman wearing a Lincoln green tunic and a bow ambushing a gold entrusted carriage.

Taking it, she turns it around to read the summary. "Oh, that's a good seller. Lot's of Nobles have been asking me for copies of those." she squints her eyes a bit and nods.

"A story about a Noble taking from the corrupt Church and Acting King?"

"Yes ma'am."

"We have a similar story about this. It happened in the Elizabethan Era, a Count who took from those who dared wreath the share of the Kingdom's wealth for their own gain and gave it to their subjects on his behalf. Except... this is a bit more childish to a degree."

"Hm? What did the Count do?"

"He rattled them all out to the King and Queen. Even the Duke wasn't saved. Story foretold said the Queen was so angry she lobbed his head off in front of the entire court of a thousand Houses to the delight of the King."

"That Duke must've stolen so much then."

"A bit. Thank you. I shall uhm... hmmm..." seeing the pale woman so entranced in deciding from the ones on display, the Merchant's eyes light up as he is reminded of something upon seeing her for the first time a few moments ago.

"Oh! Since you're a young lady and all, why not Bram Stoker? Lots of Noblewomen from all ages love it... oh, I also have a copy of Carmilla here."

"What a fine eye, you caught on fast."

"Heh. I've dealt with the Nobility many times. Can't say you're bad at hiding it, but you could work a bit more since most of the Peasantry prefer Novels about normal lives with normal romances."

Unknown to her, Jackson has completely left her area and has wondered on his own. Checking a carriage that's selling armor and weapons. With his lips out, the man carefully observes the wonderfully carved blades, beaming with polish and expense. Near the hilt, he sees it once again. Rentsoss Arsenal.

"Ohhh, you got a nice eye for a fine lad. I'm willing to pair a Magic Staff made by the Elven and Priests of Saint Berthal University."

"Elf and Priests?"

"A traveler? Ah, Saint Berthal University is one of the only places where High Elves and Humans work together. They create some of the most intricate staff in existence. I got one off one of their former teachers. Sold it to me dirt cheap." He then goes in and grabs a metallic staff with a sphere orb, the same type Bahamut told him about when traveling into a Dark Elf Underground City. But this one, being more colorful and presentable. With a small glass opening for you to view the shining core inside. "Maaan... I know some people from Eldwood who'd die for something like this... errrrr.. Should I?" He then looks back down and takes a Zweihander. "Hooo... a bit heavy in the middle but this is good too." Turning to his right where a bunch of players checking out the local weaponry, sparring slowly with a circular wooden shield and Arming Sword.

"Hey, you guys wanna spar with me a bit?" Hearing his tone and wording, the two look back to him with gleeful smiles, as if to meet someone familiar. The two players were in full plate armor. Though not as extravagant and showy as his, it still had some style to it. Having some engravings on the gauntlets and the pauldrons.

"Sure. Where are you from?"

"Southeast Asia."


"Ohhhh... this is gonna be fun."

He then goes to the Merchant and looks at him and the man just nods letting him take the gauntlets that were for sale. Taking the ones with a chainmail on top of its gloves, he then gets his stance on as a small crowd of Adventurers from both worlds watches on.

Wearing nothing but his peasant outfit and the gauntlets on his hands, Jackson faced two full plated enemies and he was the first to go. Using the reach of his Zweihandler to get the one on the left and as the other on the right opened to stab him with his Arming Sword, the Knight took the chance and lightly used the flat side of the blade to hit the armpit of the man. "Oh! Nice!" The player chuckled as the man in a tan tunic was fighting properly and faster as he blocked the other man's sword by holding his sword in a horizontal position, one hand in the handle and another on the blade itself.

"I've been having some training in fighting without armor, can't say it's a bad way to fight. Way more flashier." he then performs a roll and kicks the circular shield out as the other rushes to him. Rolling even more and dodging the flat side of the shorter sword, he used his Zweihandler to hit his legs and then came for the back of the other who was planning on returning to the fight once again.

Just like that, the sparring session was done and the crowd nodded and started to line up for the merchant. Curious about the sword and the gauntlet alongside the hardwood wooden shields he had.

The trio then exchanged pleasantries as Jackson returned the sword and gauntlet. Walking into the maze of carriages where he sees Elizabeth inspecting some figurines of historical people in Threa. One hand was rubbing her chin as the other held up a 1/18 figure of her high up. Looking inside her own skirt. "Oh, what the hell is she doing?" walking towards the blonde woman, he could hear her deep amorous voice through the crowd.

"This is inaccurate. Mayhaps you'd be open to changing it?"

The player with his hands full of clay and concrete looks over to the figure. "Hm? I took what I can from the books and the stained glasses on some of the Churches left over from the era of the Vampires." the blonde woman just shrugs. "Nay, first things first. Panties are an invention of your world. I- I uhhh..." she stumbles on herself and fake coughs. "Ahem, I recommend you make this more accurate. I am a historian myself and Queen Elizabeth Bartley never wore underpants. Same with the many other women in skirts you have here."

"E-eh? Just who are you? Hmmm.." he then looks up her skirt and takes a monocle glass out and inspects it. "But isn't it that under gowns, women wore these puffy pants instead?"

"In some cases. But we- the historical records I know of Vampires usually don't wear them. It gets in the way."

"I-is that so? Huh. Alright. I guess I'll modify these then."

"Hm. And my - her sleepwear doesn't have any laced underwear underneath it. Most Nobles sleep fully naked."

"At that point, I'd just be making adult figures... not that it wouldn't be a bad way to make coins but I gotta keep some standards here since the Holy See is patrolling around."

"Hm. Though I must commend you in your work." Elizabeth inspects the figurine of herself, nodding in the intricate embroideries on her Crimson Royal Gown and the Holy Crown of the Vampires that the man took each and every step to replicate and make sure to be as close to the real thing as possible. "Could you mayhaps put real gems and sapphires on this?"

"Oh, that'd be way too expensive. This is meant for mass production, ma'am."

"Sad. But the big crimson one in the middle is precisely a Ruby from the Morr Mountain Range. The Sapphires on the sides of it came from the Kingdom of Vitas and its Demon Generals, you should find information on that if you ever go to Schon."

Hearing this, the man immediately casted magic on his hands. The fire melted away the concrete and clay as he fetched a pen and paper and started writing it down. "The laces are pretty accurate and the white corset with the crimson hue, but don't forget the frills around the end of the gloves. There'd be way more." he just nods as he keeps writing down her comments and criticism while Jackson just stands by her side, listening to the woman break down her own figure piece by piece and in the end, asks how much it is. "One gold coin. If Native currency, it'd be Five Maximallus Gold. I will also take twenty silver coins if you want. No local currencies though." without her even noticing, Jackson flips a gold coin to his small makeshift counter. "Thank you." the player just nods as he takes Elizabeth by the arm and drags her along.

"Where is the other one?" The woman just laughed as she could see Jackson's smiling face. Instead of answering his query, she instead puts her figurine up his face. "It's cool isn't it, My Lord?" he just nodded as they went around the opening on the mountainside. Going around asking for a small Dragon. Each time they passed Alana, the books were only piling higher and higher around her as she took her sweet time reading as much Earthling literature as she could. Immersing herself in the many olden writings of Mankind from the 1800s and 1900s. Many of which caught her eye and in their own self pile were Gothic and Victorian novels.

"Ahahahaha! Then do not let shame get to you!" Walking on the ledges of the road, the two heard Bahamut's motherly voice and they quickly peeked on the long parked line of carriages to see that she's turned into her Human form and is talking to a little child. The boy held a small wooden sword and had a blue cape on himself.

"If your friends joke about you and your fright, then do not let it stop you! Good warriors know that the time some shame you for your performance, then that is mere room to improve on! Go! Jump! Face your fears and become stronger!"

The kid peeks over to the edge and his eyes could visibly sink into the depths of his soul just from the thought. "I-I don't know! I'm scared! I fear heights and I don't want to!"

"Fear is a mere obstacle! If you fear something, then you have something to grow on! I didn't become like this because I let my fears overtake me. I faced it all on and became a God!"

"L-Lady, you're crazy!"

"Ahahahah, one needs to be crazy about their fears. Humans are innately tied to avoiding things they fear. That is why I gift blessings and riches to those who have the strength in their soul to overcome it! Do it child! Jump! I will bless you till the day you become the Knight you wish to become!"

Jackson immediately comes behind the Dragon and puts his hand over her mouth. "Ehehehehhe... kid, go back to your parents. Don't listen to the ramblings of this Dragon." not giving up, Bahamut pry his hand off her mouth. "Master! I was planning on catching him anyway!" Hearing this, the kid closes his eyes and breathes in. "My Lord!" Without the man even getting a chance to react, the child spreads his arm and jumps. The Knight's soul seemingly left his body while the Dragon was visibly cheering.

Elizabeth being quick on her feet also jumps off and spreads her bat wings out. Catching the kid before he hit a sharp rock on the mountainside and proceeded to throw him up to the road whereupon he opened his eyes, he was back to where he was and the blonde woman was right behind Jackson. Though her emerald eyes were wide open and she had her hand on her heart. "Dragon... hah... hah... can you not?"

"Ahahahahah! Good child! I give you the blessing of Bahamut! Carry on and become a great Knight! I shall watch your progress with much glee!" As he continued to sprout her words, Jackson just dragged her back to their carriage. Her sharp heels leave a trail on the gravel road as she disappears to the curve and the lined up carriages.

Back in theirs, Jackson pants as Elizabeth just crossed her arms at the Dragon. "Bahamut. Can you not?" She just turns into her Dragon form and lands on his shoulder. "What? That child is gonna grow up to be a good man, Master." he just sighs as they turn back to the opening on the left side of the road and come back to Alana who has piled multiple books around her already. "Ah, M'Lord. Is it time?"

"What have you bought?"

She points to her right where there's five books piled up. "Those." he nods and they soon gather again as a cavalry of Knights coming from the city are properly rolled past by them. Their armored horses and shiny plate armor in full display as a convoy of carriages carrying their squires and grunts alongside their maintenance personnel heading straight to the great plains.

"I heard an Ancient Lich King of sorts was reawakened and there's a Vampire problem in Zirhin."

"Zirhin? I was planning on passing by there."

"It's just a rumor. But they said there's about to be a big war there between them, Werewolves, and the High Elves."

"Haaaaa... aren't the Vampires tired of messing with this continent? To think they're adding in the problem with the Lich King."

One of the Adventurers clad in chainmail walks up to the two merchants. "Did you guys see that? I think the one leading the charge was Sir Vitavill!"

"Vitavill? Oh, it's pretty bad then. What about Rentsoss? Or the Bricketts? Had they sent their children to deal with this?"

"Not yet." Lifting up his metallic visor, the man breathes a sigh of relief. "But good to know our Lords are dealing with it. I heard even the Outworlders are getting in on the action with their machines."

"Even the Outlanders?! Oh... it must be pretty bad then." One of the Merchants with a red feather on his cap then crossed his arms and sighed. "And I have to manage my finances when the End Times come! Oh Goddess Aianie! Bless me with your love!" The two then proceed to give him a weird look. "Wha-what? The Goddess of Love is not banned here. The Holy See allows it."

"It's just that... you know the reputation of their Followers, right? Pretty sure there's enough intimacy that goes on in their Caves to even make the War Memorial here to summon the dead Vampires!" As the two laughed, Jackson turned around to see Elizabeth had a slight frown on her face while Alana was just buried in her book. Reading non stop as she went from one paragraph to another. "A War memorial, huh." Walking forwards even more to the apex of the curved lot that's dug into the mountainside road. Their group encounters a large tombstone that's blocked by the numerous carriages and horses parked loosely around the area.

Inscribed on it were a date and an engraved drawing of a King holding his sword out and pointing it at another King. "Alana, can you translate?"

"I'll do it, M'Lord." Elizabeth then walks right below the letterings and faces him. Eyeing around, most if not all had mostly forgotten about the memorial and didn't bother to even go close to it. Many just sneaking a peek and then going on their own way. "It's a commiseration about the day the Vampires lost control of Geraldia." She then points at the road and Jackson with Bahamut turns their heads to it. "There. That was when my great King had to surrender and accept defeat."

"Hmmm..." Bahamut's motherly voice spills out and she latches herself onto the tombstone. "Master, I can sense the images of the battle that happened here. Want me to replay it?"

"Ahhhhh..." he then looks at Elizabeth and shrugs. "No. Let's not open old wounds."

"Do it." Looking at Elizabeth, she nods and the Dragon pours Mana into the inscriptions and their visions are taken back in time. The mountains were still the same but all the snow had melted and the Summer sky was high above. Passing them is a horde of people wearing black robes and riding black horses, with their cowls completely covering their faces as a gold and jewelry encrusted carriage pulled by twelve magnificent horses. Behind it were an army of the Elite and Mighty Crimson Knights of Queen Elizabeth.

Jackson's jaw dropped at the sight of their Crimson armor. With sharp edges and smooth areas about the abs and the shoulders, with helmets adorned with gold and elaborate and intricate Gothic inscriptions, they rode on for a good twenty minutes as its followed by thousands of Vampire Grunts in open top carriages guarded by ones with their Wings out were all running towards the plains.

A massive streak of light then hits the road. Creating a spherical lot and stopping a King in his tracks. With his gleaming blonde hair and blue eyes, followed by the sharp ears of a bloodsucking creature and the fangs of one, he raises his sword. Alana who was taken aback by the sudden rush of adrenaline looks up. "M'Lord! I have to cook you dinner!" Jackson, whose face was completely engulfed by the situation, peeks on the road to see the entire road headed to Janishaire was a moving battle. Winged High Elves in their Gold Crusted Plastoid Armor were flying above the ravine, battling the Vampires in a fast and rapid flight of death. The hot and starlike swords of the Elves clashing with the gleaming and near perfect polished swords of the Vampires as the Holy See and its Angels, the mighty Crusaders pushed the Blue painted Knights of the King off.

"Hold them off! My beloved Queen must escape! Be this our grave, for as long as the beauty of our Nation is preserved, then the Night shall rule once again!" standing next to him was a familiar face, the very same painting of a Vampire General he saw on the room that led to the balcony where the current King of the Vampires would usually stay. "Mar Marioleone! Call for the Reserves! Have them stop the tide and make way for our Queen's retreat to Carthegra!"

"Yes, Your Highness!" He then turns around and two of his own personal Knights disembarked their horses and opened their bat-like wings. Taking off as one of them is completely eaten by a passing Dragon. "God of Blood... the Dragons have arrived! My King! We must abandon this now!"

"Nay! If we go to the plains, then they'll get free reign to breathe their fire on us! The Ravine and its inconspicuous air patterns should keep them from flying too close to us!"

Tugging his horse hard, the handsome and youthful King of the Vampires with his pale skin turns around to see the carriage of his Queen driving away to the mountainside. Out of sight as his lines buckled at the Crusaders and the High Elves.

Riding a mighty white feathered Dragon, the Holy Pope of Deus Vrax appears from the ravine's tight and dangerous turns as the fighting died down upon the sounds of a hundred trumpets and the armies divide, hiding within in pairs of crowns as they rode down to the tight frontline. King Charlemagnes sees this and wipes the blood off his plate armor and fixes the position of his crown. Swallowing his saliva, the man turns his horse around to face his enemies as they open a maw to reveal a pair of Human Kings.

"King James. We meet once again and King Cartheg."

"The honor is all mine, King Charles the Great."

Wearing his blue and white royal robes, the King of James looked just as grand as he was and the hovering four winged feathered Dragon with the Holy Pope riding on it sent shivers to the spine of the Vampires but their King stood tall, not even trembling at the sight of such a mighty combined force. King Cartheg wore a full plate armor that covered his entire body, only his royal sigil on his green cape and the Crown on his helmet showed his rank.

"Surrender now. That is all we ask. Face your crimes alongside your Queen. The more you fight, the worst it gets."

"I apologize. I did not want it to go this way. But my Queen has foreseen a future that I also do but didn't wish to act upon. The New Vampires are under duress, for hundreds of years the Main Continents invaded us over and over again. From the start of our nation till only a few decades ago. We had no choice."

"But you fail to realize King Charles the Great that we did that because we knew you were spying on us. Constantly watching and plotting to undermine our efforts to expand Humanity. You are lucky I prevented the Emperor of the Elves from coming here. He wouldn't be as kind as us."

"Hehehehe... of course. Only Man is capable of Empathy even after all that's done after them. You became allies with the High Elves even."

"Do not laugh at this unfortunate alliance, Vampire King. It only happened because you pushed us to this point. Surrender now."

"I apologize. But I cannot. I'll gladly meet my end here upon the blade of the Pope or yours but I will not let you get to her. Not my flower, not my Nation's beauty and love."

"Your Queen is a scheming whorish harlot who has spinned our nations into turmoil and in which you took advantage off and rolled over us while we have our backs turned. Beauty and Love? What's that for such a woman? She's a Devil just as you are."

"And yet... you think I'd surrender?" He then points his longsword at the other King. King Cartheg. He merely raises his hand and lifts his visor. Showing the man's aged face but still full of vigor and life. "I know who you are... Vampire King." he then raises his hand and his horse walks a bit further up the road where the tip of the Vampire's sword could meet his neck. "You are the first Knight of Man. You were born in my Kingdom, upon the first Order of Knightly Gentlemens." Not wearing a helmet at all and showing his beautiful face, King Charles twitches a bit.

Noticing this, Jackson was completely amazed by the entire thing all the while, Elizabeth was right by his side. Her hands loose and her body relaxed while Alana was behind them, walking around and checking the large flat crater that was created by the Pope's orbital laser shot. "By the Gods... M'Lord, I never knew such magic could even exist. This is not Vampire nor Human Magic but a real Ancient Primeval one." King Charles then lowers his sword and sheathes it.

"Sad... really sad that this is how you went down. You know in our Capital, we have a monument dedicated to you? Even King Gareth had one and King James... Why?"

"I did as I was tasked. Me and the Priestess' Journey saved everyone from the Ancient Demon Plague. We rescued everyone but at the cost of our Humanity. What else would you want? We tried to go back home but we were different... no longer one as a man or woman. But as Vampire."

King Cartheg breathes a long sigh. "King James, upon the respect of gentlemanly battle. Can we not let him retreat to the plains where we may engage in full?" James pulls the reins of his horses upon hearing this. "Have you lost your marbles Cartheg?! That man and his wife might've just plunged your Kingdom into an eternal turmoil that it might never rise up from."

"But we owe him. The King I live and rule in wouldn't even be alive if it weren't from him."

Seeing the two Kings, James merely nods and the Pope flies away to the plains as King Charles merely nodded slowly. "Do not think I did this out of the pity of my heart. This is merely payment for saving all of us. My ancestors owe you greatly and this is the greatest payment I may give you. I apologize that we shunned you but you've said it yourself. You were no longer Human when you returned to the Court of the Monarchs." The two Human Kings then returned to their lines as King Charles the Great looked around his own men.

The Vampires with him were no longer regenerating. But even then, with missing limbs, they still stood up and held their swords. "My King! We'll fight them! You do not need to take such an embarrassing accord! The Vampires rule will not end with a pity!"

"Retreat! Collect those who need blood and give them a share of our stocks. Get blood from Cows and Sheep and Beasts alike if needed. Including you, Duke Markgraf."

"Preposterous! As if I'll ever drink the blood of a Beast nor Animal! I'd rather meet my end here than be given such lowly treatment!"

"Do you not want to see the day your wife could bloom a child?"

"It's already over! We're here to die like warriors!"

"Nay... as long as she lives. It's never over." King Charles turned around to see many of his own men had already started running on foot. Being Vampires, their speed was to be reckoned with as the Humans just looked onsight of the curve. The fast speed of the Bloodsuckers running in full armor as if it was running. "My Queen will live on. I may have failed as a King, but I will not allow her to feel more shame and be a failure of a Queen."

"My King, out of pure respect to you and the High Council. But we're absolutely garked! Our beautiful Queen's best chance is for the Humans and Elves to fall for her looks and to imprison her in a tower for all of eternity!"

"Duke Markgraf... what is the purpose of a beautiful flower that blooms till the end of time if you're merely planning on locking it up in a glass bottle?"

Having such a peaceful and relaxed expression, the Vampire Noble daring to not even wear plate armor and is still in his expensive and luxurious suit pulls the reins of his horse. "I'll warn the others then. The battle will go on until it reaches the gates of our Castle." King Charles' expression then suddenly changed. From having such a polite and harmless stare of an extremely attractive man to one of a warrior, leader, and made man. With a stoic stare and a straight back, he led his men out of the mountainside as they retreated in peace. Letting the Humans have a chance to convene on the newly created lot where they ate and tended to their wounded.

They were then suddenly back in the parking area where the carriages of the Humans from all the surrounding regions and nations were. With Jackson breathing heavily as if he just watched the most exhilarating film in his entire life. His hands were trembling heavily and his eyes locked at the place where King Charles was. He suddenly feels slender fingers interlacing him as he turns to see Elizabeth had held his hands.

"Quite a man he was, wasn't he?"

"Y-Yea. I don't think I'd ever be able to even match up to that."

"Pfft. My Lord, you should see yourself when you're about to go to battle."

She then had her arms on her back as she walked off. "C'mon, Janishaire awaits us." Jackson then smiles and shrugs his head. "I'm surprised you've moved on that fast."

"What is the purpose of the future if I am gonna let the past weigh me down? I have a million years to think and recall but I'd like to fill those years with happier times like these."

Jackson with Bahamut and Alana just turned to each other and smiled. They followed her back to their carriage as they left for the city proper. On the way there, Elizabeth burned incense in the back, making the Knight sleepy with its smell.

Rolling through the mountain side, the clouds parted away slowly and upon their sight were the towers and the humongous empty gun platforms of the Fortress City that stood on the dangerous mounts flat plateau. The rest of the buildings below it are hidden by the crevices that were before them. Zigzagging even more, they soon reached an outpost that had a checkpoint with it.

Bearing the same flag the Knight Cavalry that passed them is hanging by it, the same blue hue but this time partnered with a gold and the shape of a square with in the middle of it, a Knightly Lion wielding two greatswords in full roar. The humans that stood below it were wearing a mixture of iron and chainmail. With impressively clean tabards over their plates. Each of them looked far too clean to be your average commoner conscripted to fight, and each held themselves to a level of professionalism and respectful demeanor to the visitors and merchants all lined up to enter the city. Nearly most of the cargo carriages filled to the brim with hide and raw materials.

Not breaking eye contact with the people they were checking and not mingling around mindlessly behind the stone walls that were erected. Alongside them were Priests of the Holy See, performing their own checks on the people passing into the city with a burner they'd swing multiple times at the direction of the people and they'd return it by putting their hands together and giving them a quick bow.

"Huh. We're still a bit far but they're already checking us? Haaaaah... man. Looks like that Linen Merchant wasn't lying. Everyone and their Moms are here. Ugh."

"M'Lord, that Priest is a problem. I fear that he will smell us out almost immediately."

"Don't worry, I doubt it. Bahamut here has a stronger smell since she's a Dragon who eats everything and anything."

Ahead of them were five carriages, all of them having barrels as cargo. One of the grunts with a long metallic polearm from the checkpoint was outside its walls, walking along the dirt road and checking each of the passing vehicles.

"What're they going to look for anyways?"

"We can present our Adventurer Card, M'Lord. Gareth holds them in high esteem due to the meritorious help the Mercenaries had always given to their Nobles in times of war."

"I see, and can our level weasel our way through that? Just in case they actually spot you."

"That, I do not know of, M'Lord."

"Let's hope it will. If not, prepare to use magic once again like we did to the reception lady in Dragovh."

"Yes, M'Lord."

It was soon their turn, and they all presented their Adventurer ID to the Sergeant at Arms at the Guard Post. His head immediately tilted upon seeing it. "Dragovian? I haven't seen one of these in a while. Wait here Merc." he then walks away with his stoic poker face still on.

"Huh, they can read."

"Gareth's soldiers aren't mere commoners, M'Lord. They have to go through a rigorous twelve month training which includes learning how to read and write from the Church."

"That only makes them scarier. Jarheads make good soldiers because they know just enough on how to operate a multimillion dollar vehicle but not enough on questioning their orders."

The Sergeant at Arms wore a large beret with a feather on it. He signals for one of his troops who then calls the Priest over. Wearing a blue robe with gold linings to it, the Holy man walks up to their carriage. His eyes locked on Alana on the front seat.

Taking the cards, the man confusingly looks at them and then back at the identifications he was given. He then calls for the Sergeant and the two walk it out together. After raising a bit of his voice, the blue robed Priest walks over to them and points his finger at Jackson. In response, the man pointed his own finger at himself and slowly nodded.

Nodding back, Jackson hops out of the driver seat and down to the cold road. Walking over to the Priest. He put his best face and posture on.

"Hello sir. How may I help you?"

"Is this a mistake? Or a joke?"

"No sir. It's as real as can be."

"How did the Ministry of Magic allow this? Has the Kingdom of James gone insane nowadays? I do not for one second believe they'd hire Adventurers who do not have the gall to change their Cards to a Geraldian one... Do you even know the rules of the trade?"

"No sir. I am very serious. We got all of our papers sorted and we have experience as you can see. It just never crossed our mind to change our IDs."

"What? Then why would you have one then? What about all the money you lost? Or would you prefer taking odd jobs and getting strange gifts from locals?"

The Priest put his right hand over his mouth and then to his cheek.

"Hmmm... you do know what country you're entering right? Or are you an Outlander?"

"I am an Outlander."

"Ah, that explains a lot. Since you are a visitor to our lands, let me explain this to you. Gareth doesn't allow Adventurers with Dragovian Adventurer Cards. You better fix this quickly or I will have to take this away."

"Eh?! Why?! Tha'ts against our rights!"

"Rights? Pfft. The Rights you hold are that of an upper class peasant. A mere peon in the entire system with a bit more privilege than others. Do not make me laugh."

"B-but... that's still our cards though... That's like the only Government identification we have!"

"PFFFFT... Okay... I apologize. I know you Outlanders don't have much for culture and personalities but this must be the craziest thing I've heard from your kind. Do you seriously think you have any other rights?"

"I mean..." Jackson breathes a long sigh whilst turning around to see the Countess just watching him fruitfully. "Haaaah... I apologize. I'll go and change it."

"Good. Stay here."

The Sergeant at Arms on the other hand leans his head over to him. "Sorry, the Church folks have been up in arms since the surge of your kind here."

"I am really sorry."

"It's fine. But they have such an intricate system that a single Card from another continent getting mixed in their records would make such a mess that it'd take days to fix it."

"Geez, really?!"

"Yup. So cut them some slack as they say in your world, right?"

"Haaaaa... sure."

"If they ever cross the line, be sure to visit the Church Office inside the city. All the Adventurer Guilds they sponsor around the plains and the mountain ranges go there. Bishop Regelus has been hellbent in training them so he should have some fun with that man."

"Bishop Regelus? Alright, alright. I'll remember that then."

They all remained silent as the Priest walked over to a large glass mirror that was tucked under an open tent. He touches it with his hand and another person can be seen in the reflection. One wearing red vestments and inside a large Church. After a while, he touches it once again and it changes to a man sitting down on a wooden desk eating some cheese and bread with wine on a golden chalice. He almost choked upon hearing something and then shifted his body to get a better view of the road.

Soon, he turned to face towards the front of his desk as the Priest called him over. Waiting, a shadow of a curvy woman in armor with a large cape was hovering over him and the Sergeant at Arms noticing her, she just hushes the man as she walks down the line of carriages awaiting for their turn to enter the city.

After a while, the Priest returns to him and hands over their cards and a paper made out of parchment with a stamp over it.

"Alright. Get on then. Do not use that card. I am trying to be nice here, but my name is at stake if the reception lady accepts that and enters it into our records... ugh... the problems that will cause for everyone. Don't be like the others of your kind! Remind yourself always!"

"Y-Yes sir!"

"Good! Now get off my Divine sight. Next!"

Walking back to his carriage, he hears a voice of a young female scream out.


"Ah! It's the gorilla woman! Bahamut, you remember her?"

"I do. What is she doing here?"

"... What?"

With a confused face, Jackson returns to the carriage where a familiar face has linked up with the two. "Captain Julieanne, I believe it has been months since we've met." He stood by the side. Observing her slender body and curvy plate armor that's made to suit it. She had long braided blonde hair and looked far too good to be a mere Peasant. Even up close, he could smell her perfume. He only hopped onto the driver seat after the Captain noticed him. "Ah! You must be Sir Jackson!" he just shrugs. "Jackson. Just Jackson." As he takes the reins, the woman reaches her hand out. "Julieanne. Thank you for helping us back there. Goddess Bahamut and Countess Minuits help has been a tide turning appearance." The man nodded and smiled as she led their carriage through two more checkpoints; they soon reached the main gate of the city. With a huge thick stone wall covering all of its sides, its entrance had two large metal gates over it.

"Please have a good stay. Things are a bit hot around here right now but worry not. The Kingdom of Gareth and the Church are always ready!" Getting in even with all the deathly stares of the Priests and the handful of Knights that were posted on the main gates, they went into the city sitting atop the mountain range. Jackson's jaws drop at the floating lamps all over the city. Providing not only illumination due to the constant fog from the snow, but also heat. He had to remove his coat as the temperatures began to reach the 20s and many of the citizens inside the city were wearing light clothing despite the extremely cold climate they were in.

Strewn on strings were also flags of Gareth, the road itself was also made out of stone, but mixed with gravel making Junior happy as the warhorse was able to pull the carriage with even lesser effort and concentration now and patrolling and orbiting them were Griffins and large Crows with armor on their bellies while flying the flag of the nation.

"Alright, I guess first things first. We need to find a place to stay. Alana, got any ideas?"

"I saw a section of the city was touching the river nine hundred meters below us. M'Lord, could we check that first?"

"Why? Do you have people here?"

"I might, M'Lord. Very few Vampires are allowed to walk in Gareth. Most of them need the vouch of a Duke at least and it's all for business purposes. The family building here is also not that much staffed. If that river is the one I think it is, it must have my Wine barrels running through it and one of my people might be there right now."

"Okay. Why the heck not. We just gotta find how to get there. Seems like this place has an underground section to it... and dang those gun platforms looked HUGE!"

"My Lord, I suggest we find a Tavern to stop by first. We must find a place to park our carriage and let Junior rest."

"Hmmmm... we need one that is near the center. I feel like that is the best option for a city this big."

"It also is lively and full of humans. Wasn't this place formerly owned by Elves? I'm surprised we haven't seen at least one or two in the sea of thousands."

"That is because the Kingdom of Gareth is a human country, M'Lord. Though they allow Elves and other species to become citizens. It's only through a very strict method."

"And this city? Just what purpose did it serve for the Snow Elves back then? I never knew it had housed such huge guns back then."

"I believe it was to defend the Southern part of Geraldia. Those used to be the great cannons of the Elves. I think Her Majesty is the only one that has seen them in person. They were meant to fight the End Times and those mighty Hyper Demons we fought at Zavalda but in the hundreds."

"I have, the base of those cannons were as large as a hotel, My Lord. Their barrel longer than skyscrapers and the hole, large enough to pierce a gaping wound on any Giant Demon. They are powered by ancient Mana Crystals that are now long lost to time." As she talked in a rapid fire way, the woman didn't stop with her needling in the back as she flicked her finger and the fire in the incense came back. Smelling this, he turns around and sees the Queen was buried in her work still. "How did humans disable those? Were we also working inside them?"

"Heh. These cannons were fully automated, My Lord. They also reload themselves. After firing, shafts and grills would violently open to let out fire and boiling hot air. It'd then suck in the atmosphere around it to cool itself and fire once again. It was an impressive show they put up to us. I also knew they'd pose a threat to even the Dragons. I planned to actually use these but the High Elves kept stalling to the point that the Humans came back and undid all our hard work."

"Geez. And their destruction?"

"That Human Knight, Beadot. He destroyed them in his wake. I do not think many were left in a functional state after his escapades. I really did try but the drawings had all but been kept in the most secretive vaults of the Elves. One even far away from the prying eyes of my kind."

"That man... is he even a man in the context of someone from a normal place? I don't think a human is capable of bringing this much damage. He had to be someone truly special."

"I believe in your theory, My Lord. I was extremely perplexed upon hearing the news that the Curate Empire fell within a month. I thought whatever did that could turn itself on us and we would be next. But thank the Gods it ended in Geraldia."

"How was he defeated?"

"I believe Countess here could explain it as she has read the texts."

"I do, Your Majesty. It is said that nowhere in the land that is now Avaria, one man who either came from Slavery or was born in one of the last holdouts where Man was free came with bloodlust in his eyes. With one objective in mind, to kill as many Elves as humanly possible, and he did. But after a great sacrifice of epic proportions, the Elves summoned a God to fight for them and he was killed before he could continue his terror on the remaining species of Elves."

"Dang... it took a literal God to kill him? Yeah. I'm more convinced that guy is not human at all."

"It is possible, My Lord. Deus Vrax himself was half human and half Dragon and he pulled off feats far greater than Sir Beadot."

"And I hope the next human that comes through is just as nice as him. I haven't heard one bad thing about Deus Vrax but Beadot... man. Genocide doesn't sit well with me, murderers or not."

"You are far too kind, My Lord. Earth must've been truly a peaceful place with an occasional large war. Here, not a year passes when there's no region that's not at each other's throats. I believe if you were to read the texts from that time, you wouldn't feel as bad... but yet again, I feel that your kindness is one of your greatest strengths, My Lord."

"Yeah... maybe. But to think, he basically wiped off two species right from the get go. I don't think I can cheer for anyone like that. Nature is brutal, but that doesn't mean I should just let it stay brutal."

"Ahahahaha, you are indeed far too kind for this world, My Lord."

"M'Lord, look high. We're nearing the exit."


Looking in front of them, there's a tunnel that leads below the city. Entering it, the already neutral temperature outside goes into a warm feel to them. At the base of the long flight of stairs was a map of the underground of the city. With Janishaire and its walls drawn neatly on top of the mountain, carved underneath it was ten different levels. Each having their own communities within them. Written on each floor was the majority of each section, and on the left of the large paper were reminders on how to talk to the other species without offending them in the context if you were a human.

In each floor, Alana notices that it was either Human or Elves, with the Beast folk only having one small section to themselves. With most of the division among Humans and the different types of Elves as the High, Wood, and Human Elves had their own sections.

"That's interesting... Someone took the time to translate this to English too. Look at that."

He points at a Legend below it, with written English properly translating the foreign language to something familiar. The place they're looking for, not far from it. An entrance to the river that touches the base of the mountain range they're inside of.

Having seen this, Jackson puts his hand up his chin.

"Are we gonna walk that? That could easily take just an entire day or more."

"Master. What's this strange shaft?"

Bahamut then points at a section of the map that moves up and down.

"Oh! An elevator!"

"My Lord, it should be down the hall."

"Nice! Alright, let's go, everyone."

Following him, they reach the end of the long hallway. There were hundreds of shops set up on the large underground complex. With ornate stone pillars and steel girders on the ceiling, the place was properly built with catastrophe in mind. Having far more steel and stone than needed, and some of the areas having concrete even. Most of the people there were all humans, with a handful of Elves going about selling their wares.

"Come and buy High Elven Imports! Certified to last for Sixty Years!"

In their interest, there was a Dwarf there selling weapons and armor made out of bronze and alloy. Walking towards him who was cross-sitting on the floor, the small burly man looked up and smiled.

"Oh ye! Welcome sir! Would you like to buy some of my wares! If they last for only a hundred years, be sure to return to me and I'll fix 'em right up for free!"

"Huh, insurance for Dwarven weapons." He takes one of the curved swords and nods. He flips it around and waves it a bit and the man has a satisfied expression on his face. "Well, this is pretty good actually."

"Hm. I assure you this is betta' than those sharply eared freaks are selling to the masses. This is forged by the True Fire of our ovens and checked to the very molecules of its sharpness and alignment. These bad boys will survive any punishment you dareth put at it! Ahahahaha! If they don't, I'll banish myself into the depths of the Morr Mountain Ranges!"

He then picks up a shortsword in curiosity, though at first looking like just another curved blade with leather furnishings. He then notices the small serrations it has that could very well cause a wound that will be very hard to stitch up and fix with magic even. He starts lifting and lowering his arm and the man nods once again.

"Wow, that's still light. Dang. I'm not wearing armor so this shouldn't be this light right now yet both swords I've tested are very well made. Hmmmm... how much?"

"Master, let's not add anything else to your collection. We do not have the proper storage unlike in Tur."

"What? Things become lighter when you wear armor? What Dwarven tribe built that? Mine can do it better! We will make you fly faster than those concrete lubbing sharply eared hubbards! Ahahahahah!"

"It's made from the Blacksmith Association's best Smither. The enchantments on it were made by my good friend Karla."

"Karla? What a pretty name, aye!"

"Oh yeah." The man instantly relaxes as he smiles, visibly reminiscing. "She's one heck of a looker too. One of the main reasons why I go out of my way to visit her cottage in the middle of the forest." Having proper heating, he rolls his sleeves up and takes a gander at a knife that's shaped like a drill. "Yeah... Karla. I hope she's doing well. I've always reminded her to log out and do something else than mixing potions and enchanting stuff but man... she's dedicated."

He could then feel an emanating aura from behind him. He peeks around and can see Alana and Elizabeth both staring at him with frowns on their faces. "Wh-what?" they both then stepped closer to him.

"My Lord, who is this Karla? I believe she might be a looker as you said, but of course mine is better, right?... Right?"

"M'Lord, I didn't know you were close with another female. A human female of all things. This is information I must know firsthand."

"Wha-what? I didn't even tell her species. How did you know she was human?"

"Bahamut, how can you just stand there?"

"What? Karla always fed me good food when we'd visit her. I have no problem with that lascivious witch and her treatment of me. Her thighs are also very soft."


"LASCIVIOUS?! AND SHE HAS GOOD SOFT THIGHS?! Dragon, you must speak more of this woman."

Alana quickly walks up to the Dragon who was hovering in front of a stall next to them. Checking the jewelry made by the Elven trader behind the counter.

"Tell me, compared to mine. Whose cooking was better?! Does our Lord prefer mine?!"

"What? Both of your cooking is good. As long as the heart is put into it, it will always taste good. Master always says, what's important is the love that's put into the meal. Not the taste. The taste will come afterward when you know they made it with love."

"Tsk. I shouldn't have expected to get a straight answer from a creature that will eat rocks if it was possible."

"Oy! That's pushing it Bloodsucker! I will never eat rocks! I am a Black Dragon! I'd rather eat my tail first than do something that shameful!"

Meanwhile, Elizabeth has gotten very close to him. Her arms crossed and her posture towering over the man.

"My Lord..."

"Wh-what?! Believe me, we were just friends."

"Then how come this is the first time I've heard of her?"

"W-Well... I don't even know if she is truly a she. Her avatar might be a hot female witch but for all I know, she could be a three hundred pound dude with a beard using a VPN to connect to the Global Server."

"Hmmmm... you are lucky I am still not as used to your language. I shall let it pass for now."

"Sheesh. Phewww..."

"Oy laddy. You got your work cut out for ya' huh?"

"You have no idea. Babysitting these three feels more like stress than anything."

"Haaaa... we usually don't do this in our clan. We, the Snow Dwarves, pride ourselves with our measuring and perfection. But just for ya'. Ten percent discount."


"Hey! Don't bite that you stupid Dragov!"

Hearing the uppity voice of a High Elf next to him, he turns his face to see Bahamut biting on a shiny purple brooch. The same size as the emerald one she is wearing in her human form. "Oh crap!" He immediately shifts his attention to the two and softly grabs the Dragon before she could change her expression. "Ahahahaha, sorry about that. Come on everyone, let's get to the elevators." The place was well maintained, with a carpet and even a help desk for the local garrison.

On one of the T intersections, the paths divide to multiple Churches, with the one with the Holy See being the shiniest and prettiest of them all. The door alone is full of jewels, rubies, and rare Threan stones. Even though the pillars were exposed, most of the walls were covered with either leather or some bricklayer that's been painted over with bright colors to make it look more appealing.

Jackson overall felt at home in the underground floor. It was well lit, with lamps that had stones inside of them to emit light and his body acclimating to the temperature of the place.

Reaching the circle for the elevators, Paul cringes at the sight of them. Mere platforms that's being dragged up and down by magic. Going to one that has no one waiting on a line, he peeks inside and could see a bright bluish color on the ceiling of the elevator shaft and below it, he could see a faint crystalline shine reaching up to them. All of the sudden, the elevator reaches them at such speeds. Shocking the man and his back hitting Alana's chest.

"Oh my. M'Lord, are you fine?"

"We're going to ride that?! The ASEAN Safety Directive will have a heart attack if they see that thing!"

"M'Lord, I believe this is our only fast option."

"Dangit. Hold me down, I feel like I'll be falling from how fast that thing moves."

Stepping into the floating platform. Jackson trembles at it. Not being used to the design. With the very walls of the elevator shaft right there for him to touch. Bahamut who was looking around suddenly touches a button and the crystal ball located in the middle of the flying floor there lit up and they immediately descended downwards.

He had to hold Elizabeth's arm from how fast it was going down. His legs shaking while the trio was rock solid even though the speed of the platform was going could put any normal human off his foot if they were to try it out. Without even thinking about the time, the elevator stops at the bottom of the shaft. Reaching their floor without much hassle.

"H-Holy shit!"

"C'mon M'Lord, I could smell the fish in the water from here."

"Oh! I can smell it too, bloodsucker!"

"All I can hear is faint sounds of flopping and sploshing."

"My Lord, I think those are fishes in the barrel."

"How come I can hear them from here?"

Walking into the hallway. A cold chill hits them with the human in the group getting most affected. There they meet Humans rolling barrels into a conveyor belt that's powered by pulleys and gears. It slowly pulls the barrels up to another elevator, one larger and bigger and meant to cargo the heavy barrels of fish and liquid.

Following the natural light coming out of the hallway, they soon find the exit and in one of them is a Vampire wearing an elaborate aristocratic ensemble. "Hey, be careful with that Elf. My Lady's wine is not only perfect, but must also be handled with great care." he then starts to sniff the air and turns around to see three Humans. With one of them catching his eye. Tilting his head, the man had to take a second look as he put his arms out in an odd way, as if he was debating himself whether to touch her or stand back.

"Where is your Lord?"

"Such a voice for a mere peasant woman. Who taught you to have such an accent? Were you onced the servant of a Vampire Lord from the Capital?"

"Where is Basko. He's the one in charge of this region, right? I remember appointing him to control the flow of Wine and the payments of taxes for access to the rivers?"

"My, such an attitude. Should I bite you here and turn you into my pretty thrall? Lord Ayvelles is a very respected Vampire in the House of Minuit. I suggest you fix that potty mouth of yours young lady."

The man then turns around, ignoring them. "Alana, are you sure you're not forgetting anything?"

"Tsk. Let's go, M'Lord. I'll have a talk with Basko later."

"Who is Basko?"

"An old University friend of mine who has come under the House of the Minuits. He has this grand plan of rising one day and joining to become a part of the House of Crowns but he still has a lot to learn."

"I... I see... Well, let's get back up then."

As they were about to go, the Queen then steps forward and taps the shoulder of the Vampire.

"My, what a specimen of Mankind."

"May you recommend to me and my colleagues a good place to stay?"

"Of course. There's a Hotel near the Cathedral in the center of the city. If you don't mind hearing Bishop Seus Regelus' sermons in the early morning, I dearly recommend it."

"Thank you. I hope you have a good day of work."

"With such a pretty flower telling me to do good. I cannot even. If you wish to become a Vampire and maybe to preserve your beauty for all of eternity, do not be shy to come to the Minuit's Building. Someone as beautiful as you will get a fast track to citizenship and even maybe a Ladyship."

Being finished with the underground. They followed the recommendation of the Vampire and headed straight to the Cathedral located in the heart of the city. Back outside, Jackson could help but stretch his arms and legs. Inhaling the outside air as they hopped back in their carriage and continued to go through the city.

Most of the houses were made of bricks and stone, all of them having proper foundations and sidewalks large enough for the multiple people within each other's shoulders to be walking in the same direction. Though most if not all were still frozen, he could notice the pretty colors and paintings hiding underneath the cold exteriors of the buildings and not one he passed through didn't have a clay pot for plants on their windows alongside piping for the plumbing of the houses. Passing through a block. They notice a Church tucked inside it. Surrounded by buildings, it's completely hidden inside.

"Bahamut, is that?"

"It is, Master. A Church of Bahamut."

"Man, your religion is really booming huh?"

"But I still need more, Master. I cannot fight the impending Demon Invasion without gaining as many followers as I could. The more people believe in me, the more I could unleash my Godly powers into this world. Only the will of the masses and the part of their souls they are willing to give will I be able to open the hole to the Void and release my strength."

"You already showed that you're far more stronger than before. The way you and Mars defeated those super giant demons was so cool. I didn't know if I should look at the Demons I was shooting at or the spectacle above the Commercial District."

"Indeed, that was utterly impressive Bahamut. My Lord is correct. Even I was put out of my spree when I heard your roar."

"Bahamut, your Godly form is affected by Blood Roses too, I noticed. Was it your doing that it became more potent? It also spread far wider than I expected."

"Hehehehehe... that's a secret. But let's just say as a Goddess, I can control nature too, and bend it to a certain degree. With the powers of Mors Letum with me too, the amount I can bend things just tripled. Your Blood Roses aided me alot too, it contains raw Mana. One pint of it is worth a thousand normal Mana. It's old, ancient, and primeval to a degree."

"Alright... since the more people believe in you, the more you can mend their wills and souls to open a wider gap in the void, meaning you can push more of your power through the cosmos and to the planet... right?"

"Yes, Master. Each one of those souls praying and parting a piece of themselves to believe in me are like conduits. It allows me to release more and more of my powers into this world."

"Come on then. Don't want the Priest there to recognize you."

"Oh Master, do you want to have a Dragon Priest Mask? I can give you one now since I am in this form now."

"Later when we're back in Tur. I'll add that bad boy to my collection. What does it give? I heard Dragon Priest Masks usually give you an insane buff."

"A buff in Elemental Magic Curse, Black Fire Magic, and a passive immunity to poisons."


The humans around them suddenly turned to the foreign man excitedly uttering his words.

"Ahem. Immunity to Poisons? Bahamut, later. Give that to me."

"Master, I don't think you have the stats for that."

"I do!... Okay, I probably don't. But! If I could find a place to re-spec myself, I can totally make a Mage build now! Awww, a Dragon Priest Mask is like one of the pinnacle things you need to make an OP Mage build."

"Master, you gave up learning astrology magic because you taught the patterns of the stars all looked too much the same."

"But they were! Even in Basic, I thought it was the most confusing thing, even our Lieutenant didn't read shit and got us lost all the time! Heck! He even read the map upside down and only noticed two days into our training!"

"M'Lord, were you ever using a scope for that?"

"No... but the manuals I bought said it was optional. All you need is a good eye."

"Uh huh... Astrology Magic... I think to us, that is Cosmic Magic and to involve the Stars, that'd be high in the ladder, M'Lord."

"In Tur, the patterns of the stars could mean an extra buff on a certain type of space attack. Like lasers or meteors. If a certain pattern was present on the night, it could add an extra fifty percent damage while also buffing an Astro Mage with maybe a build in X and Y. It's all complex stuff but it can do some amazing things."

"Like how you were frozen, M'Lord?"

"Yes! Exactly! The Grand Mages all wear Dragon Priest Masks and you saw what they could do. Freeze an entire city with a skeleton army in it for months?! Insane."

Reaching the center of town, a massive Cathedral of the Holy See was located in it. The Holy place was brightly blue and gold, with the sword of Deus Vrax on all of the roofs of their towers. Not one window, small or big was without stain. Attached to its exterior walls were strings of ropes that flew the flag of Gareth and the Holy See. On the sidewalk around it, there were Monks and Priests all greeting the citizens of the city. Many give out food and help out people in need.

In one of the parts of the sidewalk, a tent was set up and a section of the road was cleared as a bell rang and the homeless started flocking to it. With the Nuns helping out those with wounds and diseases. The Ministers helped the Priest in distributing food, warm clothing, and even shelter. With those that have nowhere to go being led inside the main lobby of the Church. Included in the Ministers was children, to Jackson's surprise. The kids were also wearing the same white robe as were the rest of the lower ranking Holy See members.

The Priest on the other hand wore blue ones with a gold lining to it. With a big happy face and a freshened face and clean teeth, he was as presentable as ever.

Walking to the front of the Church. The group took a gander at the intricate design of it, each part and section of the Temple was given extreme care and love and those who inhabit it walked the extra mile that it'd still look like the day it was built even with the difficult climate. As whenever a powerful gust of wind would blow over, the floating heating lamps would also be disturbed, letting a pocket of cold air to hit the ground. Even a bit of it was enough to give one a nasty frostbite and the towers of the Cathedral reaching far above the height of the heat source of the streets.

As the doors of the Cathedral of Saint Eleanor, the Wood Elf Follower of Deus Vrax opens. Humans and Elves with signs and rocks in hand run forward to it. Coming out of the sidewalks and alleyways as they started shouting. "NO TO ALLOWING BEAST FOLKS!" "DO NOT LET THE MURDERS OF ELVES AND MEN INTO OUR RELIGION!" "LET THEM FIND THEIR OWN RELIGION! THEY HAVE THE MOST GODS TO PRAY TO!"

All the while, they kept on the sidelines. Watching the Knights appear from inside, with their huge kite shields, they pushed the rioters outwards. Without much effort, the Knights in their well polished steel armor, wearing blue loincloth in between their armored legs and with long capes. The professional elite warriors of Gareth were steel in their resolve. Not speaking to each other as they felt one of another's role and without much hitch, they pushed the rioters into the streets.

"Watch the sides."

The group then could hear the voice of a woman behind the Knights. With Alana walking one step forward. "M'Lord, I think that's her.'' Appearing from the main doors was a skinny woman wearing Knight armor that curves like her body, with bright blonde hair that has a long well kept braided ponytail, she waves her hand out and with a strong posture and a strong back, she shouts. "Push them back men! Do not let them sour this Holy land with there infantile screaming!" Hearing her orders, the tall armored men pushed the commoners further down the street, clearing the entrance of the Church for their usual visitors.

"Wow, that was fast. So she's the lady you told me about huh. I can see what you mean."

"Right, M'Lord?"

"Love her style too. That Knight armor is just tightly correct for her."

A quick smack comes from his back, making the man turn around. "What?"

"Sorry, my hand slipped."

"Really Elizabeth?"

"Master, that woman still smells."

"Alana did tell me she had an interesting past... was it ogres too?"

"Yes Master. I swear, I smelt it off her and Goblins if it weren't for the fact that they both smell closely the same."

"You really need some training with that. Good thing she was mature enough to understand you didn't mean any harm with that. If you were to tell that to a woman from Earth, she'd slap you, you know?"

"What? That's the truth, Master. Only the truth can make you grow and become stronger both mentally and physically."

"But that has to be timed correctly and said in a better way. Don't make me start again about semantics, Bahamut."

"M'Lord, shall we talk to her?"

"Should we? We're just here to make sure the Holy See succeeds in passing the law. Not that we need her involvement, all I have to do is make the word and say what has to be done after some investigating."

"She knows me and Bahamut, M'Lord. We can make her talk without much problem. We also owe her for letting us pass the two other checkpoints."

Captain Julianne then starts skimming the sidewalks and sees a bunch of familiar faces. "Oh! Lady Minuit and Goddess Bahamut! We meet once again!" She starts waving her hand and Bahamut pushes her face close to her Master.

"I think she has found us out."

"Ya' think? Ugh. Alana, you do the talking."

"Of course, M'Lord."

Following her lead, they walk across the street and to the Cathedral. Immediately, Alana made an elegant bow alongside Elizabeth. While Bahamut just lazily waved at her. Jackson leans outward, shocked that she has suddenly turned into her Human form out of the blue.

"Lady Minuit, what a chance for us to meet once again! I was so excited when I saw you in the line of carriages entering the city!"

"Mhm. I am pleased to see you again, Captain."

"And Goddess, I am blessed to be in your presence. Please continue to bless me in my battles."

With two quick sniffs, the Dragon just nodded and gestured for her to shoo away.

"Thank you Goddess! And who would you be, sir?"

"Names Jackson, Paul Jackson. Knight General of Eldwood."

"Ah! I finally got your name! I thank you for sending your best for us!"

"Has the Outworlder Army been destroyed?"

"Yes! After Goddess Bahamut's fire. The Shine Guards attacked and broke the enemy's back! It was a magnificent battle!"

"That is their job. The Shine Guards are usually the cleaners of the community... They also put into place anyones world domination plans with their insanely well equipped Knight armies and calvaries."

"I was one to spectate on such an attack. They were like the Knights I've always dreamt of becoming. Unafraid and unyielding, they charged forward into an army of corpses without even looking back! They rode their horses down to the center and spread out! It was such an organized army!"

"Hahahaha, well. I'm just happy the problem got sorted out."

"Thank you again, and who would you be, ma'am?" She then looks around and sees that the area has mostly been cleared by her Knights and the woman leaned forward to the blonde. "A Duchess of Vampire Kingdom of sorts?"

"I am Carmilla. You may address and call me as such. Nothing else."

"Of course Lady Carmilla! Please continue to take care of Sir Jackson!"

Elizabeth then evilly snickers and she chuckled devilishly. "Oh I do, I always do. This man will never be unsatisfied with me here."

"Ah, that is great news. The human species needs more leaders like Sir Jackson. If it weren't from him, the Great Plains below the Mountains of Central Geraldia would've long fallen to the Outworlders and their destructive magic and armies."

"I didn't... I literally just sent Bahamut and Alana to deal with it. If anything, it's all thanks to them." She then puts her hands on her back and tilts her head. Walking to the man, she observes him close. "Ehhhhh... for a muscle head. You're quite kindhearted too, aren't you Sir Jackson? So what're you here for then?"

"Well, we're just here for visiting and such. Do you know any good places to visit?"

"There's the ancient Elven Cannon on the Eastern side... and uhm..." she then looks up and starts to scratch her chin. "Ah! There's also the four Magic Towers spread on the corners of the city, it was also built by the Elves... and uhm... you're already here in the Cathedral... oh! The City Hall down the road! There's also the University and Market Street... oh there's so much to name."

"Looks like our schedule is going to be packed. Any good place to eat?"

"The restaurants around here Sir Jackson are pretty good. The ones within the large three or four storey buildings are usually better than what you could find anywhere else, Sir Jackson."

"Mhm. Alana, Elizabeth, you all made a mental note?"

"Yes, M'Lord."

"Of course, My Lord."

"And Bahamut?"

"Master, can we eat?"

"Haaaaa... fine. Let's go. We need to find a place to stay first. Captain, where can we find you?"

"Oh, if you need me. I am usually around the Cathedral or patrolling the area around the University. I am placed here to protect a special person. A Priestess of sorts and on occasions, you might find me on the first checkpoint towards the city."

"Ah, VIP protection. Good luck."

"Veee... Aiyyee peee?"

"Very Important Person."

"I am still not used to the words from your world. I apologize, Sir Jackson."

"Hah, don't think too much about it. You're far too kind. I should be the one trying to assimilate since I'm the visitor."

She then stops and smiles. Looking down on herself and then up to him. "I can see why. You have a good heart, Sir Jackson."

"Ahahahahaha, I don't see myself as having a good heart. Just a human heart. We'll be going then. Wanna go to the cannon first?"

"Head down there on the North Eastern section of the city, it was one of the four that used to stand towering over the mountain ranges. Watchout, you'll be passing through the lesser part of the city."

"Alright. Thank you Captain."

He then leads them back to the sidewalk across the road and they start their trek to the cannon. The path started going up hills and down them. Once was the top of the range, now covered with stone and concrete. With people walking about it like the structures have always been there. Having been damaged for being used so many times, the three women in heels tucked in their long skirts had to dodge holes and misaligned stones. With Jackson just being used to having his feet bend in awkward ways.

Soon, the floating heat lamps started to become fewer and fewer and the buildings surrounding them became less and less appealing. Gone were the Elven etchings on the wooden exterior and stone walls. What remained was damaged structures with little to show for. Elves were the majority now, with most wearing padded clothes and peasant ensembles that had been patched over multiple times. The smell also became more putrid, as the lamps also gave off an enema with its smell now overtaken by the abyssal living conditions of the sharply eared natives of the mountains.

"My Lord, I can hear music being sung in your tongue."


"Yes, My Lord."

"Ah! I can hear it too!"


Elizabeth takes the lead and they walk into an alleyway where buckets of frozen water were strewn about the path and hanging clothes on wires were rock solid as no lamps were there and what little candles were put on top of weathered crates were almost out of life. Jackson could see a faint outline of a truck, it was an UN 5 Ton army truck and GAZ Tigers were on the main road, rudely parked as the citizens of the lower part of the city gazed at the machines with rubber wheels and strange weapons on top of them.

He could then hear the singing inside, it was loud and proud and the clanks of bottles were coming out. "Bahamut, bring me my uniform."









It then suddenly dies down. With the throaty deep voices of the men becoming more heartily and full of grief.

"Oh.... lost is the proud power, no bells ring through the blue night...."

"Behind the barbed wire, our tired army stands dull..."

"Oh... One sings the old songs from our Earth..."


As the singing steps up again, chairs and tables could be heard being rattled and thrown, the wooden flooring shaking and trembling as the boots of the soldiers inside marched in place.



Everyone then stopped singing and let the instrument play, composed of piano and the voices of the men inside, corks could be heard being thrown out and the sounds of the metallic clangs of rifles being moved.

"And as an army... that has no home..."

"We move, expelled. Looking back to our once peaceful lives... on Earth."

The two doors sang open and it was a peasant wearing a large trench coat. Everyone inside was wearing snowy Multicams, still wearing their vests and helmets with their guns right by their side. Only three patches from three Guilds were present. The Men of the Woods, Rostock and one that has a purple coloured logo with an Ox on it.

The peasant then lifts his arm slowly, and a gleaming piercing color of golden leafs and the seal of the Knights of Eldwood, the Skull head with a Knights shield behind it with crossed swords and the Black Dragon. The peaked officer's cap of Eldwood was then worn by the commoner and on his jacket, was the logo of the UN CENTCOMM.

One immediately sobered up and stood at parade position. "ROOM! ATTENTION!" The drunken warriors all started to clearhead themselves and standing up, they faced the man. There was a clear ratio, with the human players only one or two more than the Elven species players. All of them wearing the same type of uniform, with only the brand they copied the style from being different. One Western, one Eastern.

"May I ask what units you all came from?"

"Third Infantry Battalion! First Army Corps from the Men of the Woods!"

"Fifteenth Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade from Rostock Guild!"

"Seventh Infantry -blurgh- from Weisen Guild!"

"And what's well equipped units doing in the ranges?"

"We were tasked with humanitarian missions sir! We have a building here in the Elven hood and are giving out medicine and solving species-wide disputes!"

"Explains a lot. Then, what's the situation in the city?"

"Extremely volatile sir! The Holy See wants to allow Beastmen into their religion and the poor Elves, commoner Humans and the Nobility are not gonna allow it!"

"Rich, Middle, and Poor together? What the heck is with that?"

"Yes sir! As all the races see themselves as above the Beastmen! We've been settling disputes with the minority of Lizard and Snake people located on a tiny section here! The Elves have not been very kind to them!"

"Da! Lazt week! The blyats burned a tavern meant only for Lizard people! It was horrible!"

"These are done by the poor Elves around here?"

"Yes sir! While we also had to go to the Cathedral from time to time to quell rioters from the Humans!"

"They all equally hate the Beast folk huh."

"Yes sir!"

"Well, dismissed. Return to whatever you were doing."


Everyone then sat back down and started drinking once again even in his presence.












He walks out, returning his cap and jacket to Bahamut.

"Thank you. Looks like things here are worse than I expected."

"As always, M'Lord."

"Yeah. Come on. Let's get to the cannon. I wanna see one that's intact!"

Walking once again. There were less and less horses on the main road and more litter and obstacles were there. In some areas, the mud has accumulated and is frozen stiff. Young Elven children would look up to them, some wearing only rags and their hands together at the sight of the cleaned group of people wearing their luxury and royalty at the sleeves.

They were so clean and beautiful they could shine in the dark part of the city and those, the adult working Elves would snare at them and give them angry eyes as they went past them. Reaching the high wall that parted the city from the harsh climate outside. Jackson could then see a large door with a sign on it. Both in Elven and Earth language. "Ancient Snow Elf Cannon Exhibit."

The drawings on the stand around the entrance once showed there was an Elven base that was used to be led through first before entering the cannon. It was also its control room and where the Snow Elves would calculate and fire the weapon. The other drawings then show the autoloader underneath them, the huge complex now buried in soil was fully automated using magic and crystals. The giant shells also varied, from Cluster, High Explosive, and World Eater.

On one of the last images, after showing the grand scale of the weapon, its glory and might was a drawing that sank Jacksons heart. It was an Elven painting of the human children the Snow Elves would use to clean and grease the gears of the autoloader. The painting also showed the death of some children, crushed by the weapons innards and spit out as nothing more than gore and bits of skeletal remains. The art would then trail to a mass grave of human children not far from where they currently are.

Turning his face to its direction from the door, he walks forward and sees a small park tucked within the decrepit houses of the Elves. Elizabeth, Alana and Bahamut all kept quiet as the man walked with absolution in his stance and stride. Reaching it, he could see a familiar armor on the monument.

"Sir Beadot the Cosmic Knight, Hero of Mankind, Freer of Slaves, here he put a flower from space so that the souls of the children may be free. Every year, five thousand human kids would be used to maintain the cannon before you, may you stay for a minute and pray to your God for they had their innocence stolen. May we remember the crimes of the Elves."

He looks up once again and his face goes into a frown as his eyes widen.

"What is it, My Lord?"

'That armor... Bahamut."

"I know, Master."

"That's a late game armor from Dark World..."


A dim streak of light hits the golden embroidered braid on the green uniform of a General sitting inside a duty wooden office. Five golden stars mounted on his shoulder epaulets and a stream of medals and a huge colorful ribbon rack on his chest as the polished oxford shoes of a person approached him. Leaving no trail on the red carpet as the noise of a blue pen being fiddled with filled the room.

"General, sir. Here's the report from General Jackson."

"Ah yes. I heard that caused quite a stir."

"Yes sir. I also have another from Morgan. She's... angry."

"Pfft. What are the Wolves of the Internal Bureau so peeved about? Don't they know it takes a Bear to take on the problems they cannot solve through assassinations? The Demon player problem is not as big as they make it out to be. They're the hardest species to play as anyways."

"Well sir, Director Morgan has been pretty offended about the recent statements of the Military concerning their actions on the previous operations against the Organization."

"She can be offended all she wants. That woman was so neck deep in the whole Organization debacle that she forgot about the other duties of her department. It took one of my subordinates down in the field to find out a problem worse than the End Times is happening right under our noses." The man then takes the papers and neatly aligns it to his pile. His wooden desk in such a prim and proper fashion that every nook and cranny of it can be given its own name and section just be the look. Even his pen which he returns had its own special rack.

With the man not going away, he leans his back on the chair and stops doing his current task and moves on to the paper he was given. Rubbing his chin as the light from the outside world hit his gloved hands. The man merely scoffs and chuckles at the report and the immediate signing of Jackson on its bottom end having also been signed by the UN Consulates and Guild Presidents.

"Also Sir. The UN is currently asking for an emergency meeting with you."

"What? Do they think we can militarily solve this?"

He then takes the other paper that was thrown in the neat pile and starts to take it apart. Piece by piece he carefully observes the numbers and short but sweet paragraphs strewn with pie charts and the likes.

"So... at best, we can say that twenty thousand or so players are completely irrecoverable?"

"That's the thing sir. The UN won't stand for that. If people were to find out... and if they ever mated with one another... we might've unknowingly introduced a very destructive species into Threa."

"Hmmm... there's over a few million players all around this planet. Many, doing their part in helping better this primitive but fearsome world. A few handfuls making noise won't matter much. Tell the UN that the Player Kingdoms should handle this. Not us. We're already tied with their war games in Schon."

"Yes sir."

"If they bother me again, they can kiss their Vitas Campaign a sweet goodbye."

As he leaves, another uniformed man rolls in. This time with a cart full of papers and folders. "Ordered by General Maltese. All files we have on Queen Elizabeth, sir." seeing the cart, the man spun his huge office chair around and stood up. Rising from his comfy position to walk over to the newly bought files to his quaint room. With wooden walls and ceiling, flanked by books from Earth, Tur, and Threa. His gloved fingers seamed through the flat top of the tan folders marked with Classified and Top Secret and stamped on them were the Departments they came from. "Military", "Internal Bureau","Congress","Woodland Defense Sciences","CENTCOMM" and more.

Taking the one with the stamp of the Internal Bureau, their logo of a Serpent loosely gripping Iron Mountain, he takes the medium sized folder and opens it.

"Director Morgan kept other files a secret, sir. She says she won't give it unless-"

"Don't care. She already bothered General Jackson back in Zavalda. Going as far as to ask him to partake in her operations. That woman is as sly as she makes herself out to be. I won't fall for her tricks."

"Y-Yes sir." The young man in his dress blues just stood completely at ease as the Top ranking General walked around his office, carefully reading the file.

"You know... this woman can be the key to our survival and those who wish to stay."

"Yes sir."

"Colonel, I want you to continue your tasks in unraveling more of her past. The Expeditions will continue under the wraps of the Military. The Sciences and Archeology department will be the minority now."

"Yes sir."

"When you unraveled her tomb, did it say anything about her old Knight Army, the Crimson Knights?"

"No sir. From the local wolf tribe that was guarding her tomb, only stories were being passed down."

"Mhm... what did happen to those anyways? Wasn't that the tribe the Seiness woman came from?"

"Yes sir. Their assault on the tomb entrance base proved to be their demise when a squadron of Level One Hundred players in power armor arrived afterwards alongside three mechanized battalions.."

"Sad... but such is the story of fools fighting an army far stronger and overreaching than them." he then walks to the wall where there's a map of the planet. His finger pointing up to the Vampire Kingdom. "You know what they ordered us to do right? To get Jackson to meet with them and bridge a connection?"

"We followed their wish sir and ordered our Skeletons to forcefully vacate and kill any Beastmen that were in their surrounding regions?"

"Yes. It's pretty apparent isn't it?"

"What sir?" General Maltese then puts his hands behind his back as he looks up to the huge and messy continent of Schon. With a thousand boxes around the border of the Demon Kingdom. "The Vampire King wishes to be like his idol. To expand and bring glory to the Vampires and be willing to do anything to leave a mark."

"It's pretty surprising sir for a species that's eternal."

"Oh, they might be eternal but they have a fatal flaw."


"They're lonely and those they turn, are turned by messed up people creating messed up new Vampires. It's a sad tale of a species barrelling down to its own extinction. Their first King and Queen had the right idea, to make it able to produce offspring naturally, through copulation. But that bit them hard in the back." He then moves a sticker of the Presidential Guards Division to the Kingdom of the Vampires. "In the end, only the Elves are truly worthy to be called superior to us in every way. But my job is to preserve all Players. Including those who wish to stay. So this will be our little plan in having insurance just in case."

"Sir. I'm not following."

"Later, I will schedule a state visit to the Kingdom of Rose where you will be with me and your entire Expeditionary Force. Your job will be to unravel where she hid her Knights. Four thousand five hundred Super Vampire Knights and only two have ever been recorded to have been killed. These men will be of use to us." Walking back to his table, he opens the folder and sees the pictures taken by the Vampire players from the Internal Bureau who had the arduous task to go to the Capital of Rose and take back home any important bits of information they could get. In one of them, marked by a red circle on the Castle's left wing is a sealed entrance. Next to it is a large question mark and a note written by the Agent that took the photo. "Underground Labyrinth?"

With a smirk to his face, the man walks back to his desk and opens another folder. One being a copy of a story book about the ancient Blood Queen and the King that was with her.

"We might not have King Charlesmagnes with us, but his wife will suffice."

"Sir. Permission to speak freely."


"I do not recommend toying with creatures far beyond our comprehension. This world holds... things... the human mind can't even begin to fathom. Queen Elizabeth is one of those. She is not one to be used as a tool as she's usually the one pulling the strings."

Maltese didn't reply, merely putting the two folders together as he rubbed his chin profusely. The grin on his mouth only became bigger and bigger. "S-Sir, what you're planning right now can seriously backfire on us if she manages to catch on or even get a hint of what's actually happening. Those Players who'll stay will take the brunt of her anger." Still not replying, the man merely walks back to the cart and picks up another folder, this time coming from the Military.

"Sir, Jackson also commands her. Didn't you say he is a potentially dangerous man hiding under a veneer of innocence, if he finds out about this." Looking down on his desk, on top of the picture being part of the interview the Military had with Elizabeth about her past and who she truly is, next to it being the Internal Bureau's own interview and the Castle in the middle, he nods multiple times and one thing caught his eye.

>And about the End Times, you know we call it as the Resets. Since you've been through it once. How did the planet survive?"

>... It is merely due to the incomprehensible lengths one will go through to survive."

>And the aftermath? How did people even have the will to live after such an event? All the books we've collected state the absolute madness and chaos. We have to prepare just in case the teleporter fails us and we permanently get stuck here.

>... - Interviewee didn't reply for a few seconds. *Note: Thousand Faces did not blink nor change her expression.



>Beauty... will save the world.

*Note: Not once has she revealed anything about her past life as a Human nor what lies beneath her mask. The Internal Bureau has officially dubbed her as The Woman with a Thousand Faces. Director Morgan would like to personally note to personnel dealing or encountering her to be wary of what they say in front of her or her colleagues, General Jackson included.

He giggles and chuckles. Rubbing his cheeks as he collects all the folders and neatly puts them in their own area on the bottom left of his desk. Going down to his drawers and writing something with a red pen and then switching to a blue one to circle and then green to highlight.

"Sir, I am not questioning your authority, but I do firmly stand on what General Jackson said about Bahamut. It's better for us to not mess with things beyond our comprehension and learn to live with it. Queen Elizabeth... from all we know about her, she's a scheming vile woman whose methods are unfathomable to most of us. At least King Charles' tactics had a bit of humanity to it."

"Colonel..." Maltese then breathes out, calming himself as he puts his hands on the back and walks to the player. Placing a single hand on his shoulder. "We're the Government. Nothing is beyond our comprehension. The unfathomable is merely another obstacle to our everlasting reach. Get your men ready, we must be in the Vampire Kingdom when Jackson caughts on about the entire Priestess Seiness Conspiracy. Dismissed."

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It was funny when I read other novels that portray people getting sucked out in a novel or an otome game. Until that happened to me. I wake up, grogg...
2.9K 235 20
Okay, I'm not gonna drive my potential fans away with a boring Bio. And with that being said, let's get into this Sexy-Ass Intro... In a World... (Ye...