A Hazel Romance

Oleh A90scoin

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Sequel to a hazel haven Book cannot be read as a stand alone. Read in this order: A hazel haven A hazel roman... Lebih Banyak

A hazel Romance
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Shades of you
Chapter 5
In with the new
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Memories of you
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 6

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Oleh A90scoin

Early the next morning, Rita and Huma had awoken to laborious breathing. They sat on Rita's bed watching Uche complete sets of sit ups, push ups and other exercises.

"And she does this every day?" Rita said to Huma out of the corner of her mouth, and blinked in amazement when the girl affirmed with a nod. "Wow."

The soft light of dawn glowed off Uche's face and chest which were sleek with sweat from almost an hour of work out. Ignoring the idle chatter and the watchful gazes of her roommates she pressed on, already used to people finding her routines strange.

Done, she jumped up and  was finishing with some stretches when Rita approached her.

"So this is how you maintain this banging body?" Rita said as she looked Uche over, having never seen her scantily dressed often. " With that big shirt of yours, it's hard to make out anything. Can you be any more amazing. Wow.....look at that toned tommy. Gawd when?" Intending to touch, she reached out like a person mesmerized when Uche came up for a side stretch, her night shirt ridding up, and winced as the hand was slapped away. She glimpsed the scar from before as she shook off the pain. She saw Uche watching her and pretended not to have noticed. "You think you could coach me. I still have some fat around my abdominal region, believe it or not. Anthony likes fit girls. Just to make me more appealling."

Uche looked at her knowingly. " I could, but there'd be no point when you eat waffer biscuits, springles and drink a liter of soft drinks at night. Counter productive, don't you think?"

Gasping, Rita shifted her gaze between the two women. " You guys saw that?" Last night she'd woken up with a terrible hunger pang and had quietly munched on some of the snacks she brought. " That was one time. It's not like it's a habit."

Both women looked unconvinced.

"I was fucking hungry, okay? I get really hungry most nights." Rita let her hands drop to her sides in defeat. " Nah eat I eat, I no kee person."

"You're right," Uche said teasingly. " I'm sure he doesn't mind a few extra folds. Love is blind." she exchanged a small smile with Huma while Rita sneered then harrumphed.

"Whatever," Rita said flippantly. " Go ahead and make fun of me but remember no condition is permanent. Flat tummy today can flab tomorrow. I'm going to take a shower."

"Ah, not yet," Uche placed a hand in front of Rita to stop her from moving forward. " I'm going in first. You had your chance."

Feeling indignant, Rita plopped down on the bed beside Huma, huffing air, muttering. "She can be such a bitch sometimes." Then her eyes flew open, suddenly aware of Huma's presence. " Don't tell her I said that."

Smiling,Huma made a zipping up motion across her lips.

Rita smiled back. "That's why I like you so much. You're such a darling. By the way, how's your mother?"

Huma started to sign then caught herself. She looked around her things for her board, but found the text to speech device Uche had given her instead.

"She's doing fine, thank you."

"Don't mention. We are friends, you know."

The word echoed in Huma's mind, feeling her with a sense of warmth.

"That is very efficient, by the way," Rita said, eyeing the device. " I'm not so sure about the voice though. Maybe something more your size." She shrugged.

Huma narrowed her eyes.

"Payback for teasing me earlier,"  Rita smirked triumphantly having gotten the reaction she wanted. "You sided with her. Don't think I didn't see you."

The moment passed with both smiling fleetingly.

"You think you could teach me?"

"I don't exercise. Uche says I'm hopeless and might break or disappear in the process."

"Nice job with the rhymes. Definitely sounds like something she'd say but, " giggling Rita shook her head, " no, not that. Sign language. The basics."

Huma just stared at her.


Although skeptical, Huma agreed. The thought made her happy somehow. Before long all three women were fully ready for the day. The adventure was to start late noon but exploring didn't have to wait until then, a sudden decision Rita reached alone.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Eyes closed, Rita spread her arms wide, inhaling the fresh planted scented air. " Don't you just feel more alive?"

"I've changed my mind. I'm going back inside," Uche announced. "Nobody disturb me until we are all ready to start." She made to turn around but Rita quickly latched onto her arm, pulling her hack.

"Oh, no you don't." Rita said. "Nothing is happening inside.You're just going to pretend you're sleeping." She foisted a sun hat on Uche's head and handed one to Huma who wore it. " Just learn to live a little. It's not going to kill you." When Uche looked about to refuse, Rita added, " Please," smiling when she capitulated. " Now listen, do you hear that?"

Both women listened. Uche said she heard nothing while Huma shook her head.

"Exactly. Doesn't that feel wonderful. Usually there'd be cars and noise and somebody trying to pick a fight with you."

They walked further, passing contrived dwellings like theirs, everywhere framed with the environment's natural vegetation. They stopped at various spots where Rita posed for pictures, Huma handled the camera.

"Smile," Rita said with one of her own as she pulled Huma closer, pressing their checks together. " We look so adorable. See? The trees look lovely behind us. I was right." She swiped through all the pictures Huma had taken prior. " These are so good. I didn't know you could take really good shots. Wow. Totally Instagram worthy."

Huma beamed.

" What's your Instagram handle? I should have gotten it earlier. I keep forgetting. I'll totally give you credit."

Meanwhile Uche waited in the just across the road for them, tapping a finger on her crossed arm impatiently.

"Madam," Rita suddenly looked her way. " Come and snap pisure."

"No, thank you. Are we done? Can we go back now?"

Annoyed, Rita frowned. "It's just a picture. What is your deal anyway?"

Uche cocked a brow."Excuse me?"

The atmosphere surrounding them seemed to change, and Huma could sense it. She was unsettled. Both her friends looked ready to fight.

"You've been a stick in the mud since we started."

" I told you that I didn't want any part of this."

"Yeah you. It's always about you. You don't want to take a walk. You don't take pictures. You don't even do social media. It's like you don't even exist."

"I don't see how that's your problem."

Snorting incredulously, Rita stalked forward, tugging her hand free when Huma tried to hold her back. " My problem is  with you  always behaving like I'm a pest, pushing me away when I'm trying so fucking hard to be friends with you."

Uche shrugged. "I didn't ask you to. If it's so hard for you then stop."

"See? That right there. That condescending tone. Like you're some big deal."

"I'm not," Uche closed the gap between them. "Since we are on big deals. Let's talk about the big deal with you. You woke up last night eating again, mumbling to yourself and moving your bags. You're the only one with your phone and you keep checking it from time to time. Making us tag along was just an excuse to keep yourself distracted, so stop this  moment of truth bullshit because we both know you don't care even if I treat you lower than dirt. You have no shame."

The words struck Huma as harsh but she knew her roommate well enough to say her mind without filters. Still she winced for Rita's sake.

Then they watched Rita's composure crumble. Back in their room, she opened up. "I lied."  She began. Huma was beside her, rubbing a hand comfortingly." And you're right, Uche." Raising her gaze, she looked at Uche who was lounging on her bed. "I'm sorry. I just....I got frustrated. The truth is, the bags are full of done jobs. After the event, the deals just kept coming in. My staff and I have been on our toes since then. Then there's Madam Dorcas. She's a fashion designer, a pretty popular one on Instagram. I simply adore her. Like my role model in the fashion world. She recently posted about needing someone to work with for some huge award event, involving actresses, musicians and all. They are going to have a little side show for fashion. She wanted fresh blood. New ideas. It was a huge opportunity for me. I sent her my designs, she was impressed. Now we've met already, concluded on everything, my girls and I worked hard. But two days ago, she suddenly told me that she found someone else. Just like that. But i'd already put in the money, time and work.  She stays here, in Cross Rivers. Our efforts can't be wasted. I've sent her messages, called her but she hasn't responded to either. So I plan to beg her directly. As you've said, Uche, I have no shame. I just don't know what else to do. I'm nobody, I don't know big people and big names, maybe some big shot brought in their candidate and she cast me aside. " She sniffled." Who I'm I kidding. Maybe I'm not just good enough." There was tears in her eyes but they never fell.

"I need some air, " Uche said stiffly. Puzzled, both women watched her as she stepped out. A distance away from the door she brought out her phone and hesitated a moment before dialing a number.

"Good afternoon, sir."

"I thought we were done," Michael gruffed.

"I need a favour."


When the call ended, Uche took a deep breath. Turning she faced Lawrence who was leaned against the wall, hands in his pocket, watching her.

"How long have you been standing there?" She asked, her heart racing. How much did you hear? Was what she wanted to say.

"Long enough." He came closer. Uche resisted the urge to move away. She didn't want him in her space.

"Didn't your mother teach you that it's rude to listen in on other people's conversation?"

An expression crossed his face. "No. She died before she could."

She gave him a level look, despite the unsettling information he'd just shared. " We need to talk."

"In due time. Tell the others we will be ready in thirty minutes." He said, walking away. "This is also going to be our little secret."


When Lawrence returned to his room, he scolded himself. He paced. What had he been thinking? He'd wanted to touch her. Again. He thought the distance would have worked the urge out of his system but now she was closer than ever. And everything came crashing in. Their kiss. How she'd felt against him. How she'd moaned. He couldn't get it out of his head. Nothing had changed. Now he was saying things. He'd even mentioned his mother.


"Boss?" Anthony called. He was with Jidenna who was playing with some toys on his bed bed.

Lawrence looked up. He'd almost forgotten he shared the room with the guy. There was no way he could have put the "lovers" together. Heaven knows what they'd do in front of the child.

"Something the matter?" He asked. He looked much better now, his color returning. A reminder that his plan had failed.

"No, everything is fine." Lawrence said." I'm going out. I need to meet with the guides. Remember, she's only permitted to come in here to check on you briefly or take the baby. Nothing else. " He left, leaving Anthony to wonder.


He was avoiding her. For some reason, the possibility irked Uche more than she'd cared to admit. Was it because of what she'd said to him?

"Looks like we're in the same group," Herrienta approached her. She noticed Uche staring in Lawrence's direction before she caught herself, and smiled. " I agree. He's a very fine man. Just between us."

There were four groups, each with a guide who explained the tour. Uche's group consisted of  Henrietta, Bernise and other familiar persons.

At the angel's view, Lawrence walked passed her without a word or a glance.

"Hmmmmm," Henrietta appeared beside her, "I sense trouble in paradise already." Chuckling at Uche's frown, she walked away. 

Most of the groups merged together for the canopy walk and while they strolled down Uche noticed some of the women gravitating towards Lawrence, giggling and chattering. Some even so bold as to touch him.

Rita was beside her, rambling about some of the other attractions. She had mostly recovered from the emotional turmoil of broken dreams, her sanguine nature returning. "What are you scowling at?" She asked following Uche's gaze.

Was she? "Scowling?" She said, averting her gaze somewhere else and schooling her face to appear indifferent. " I'm not."

"You were, almost like you wanted someone dead."

"Must be the sun. It gets into my eyes sometimes."

"Hmm," Rita looked skeptical but relented. She sobered up, the altercation of earlier coming to mind. "Listen, Uche, about earlier, I'm really---"

"It's already time to eat," Uche informed, checking her watch. Looking up she caught sight of Huma trotting up towards the
,said, " Good. We are complete," and walked ahead.

They had their lunch at a cozy cafeteria and most people returned to their rooms. Rita went to check on Anthony first and joined her friends later, Jidenna in hand.

"Isn't he the cutest little thing?" She cooed at him and he babbled back with a gapped smile. "This is Huma,"

Carressing his cheek with a finger, Huma stretched out her arms and, to Rita's surprise, Jidenna leaned forward, letting himself be carried away.

" I know he's a friendly baby but I haven't seen him readily accept someone," Rita's eyes narrowed at Huma. " Have you both met before now?"

Huma felt another pair of eyes on her and tried to ignore the intensity. She merely smiled.

"Everyone on the block must have met him," Uche said instead. "He's Lawrence's child after all."

"Just a few. He's hardly taken out."

Jidenna suddenly babbled Uche's way, moving resessly on Huma's laps. She pretended not to notice, but Huma sensed his excitement and request and went to drop him on Uche's bed.

"No, take him back." Uche demanded. Too late. Jidenna crawled towards her, climbing into her laps." Hey, get down."

Both women observed the scene quietly for a moment the Rita spoke. " I take it you have met him as well."

"No, not at all." Uche denied, finally picking him up. " What makes you say that?" Soon enough as she had expected, his tiny hands strayed to her breasts. "You don do wetin dey your mind since abi? You must feel proud of yourself."

Huma closed her mouth with a hand to hide a smile while Rita laughed out loud. "Looks like someone is a fan. Please, let me take him before you fling him across the room." She came over to pick up the child, smiling at his reluctance to let go.

The little pervert.

"No, Jidenna," Rita chided. " You don't touch another woman's breasts without permission. It's sexual harrasment.But I understand, they are a nice pair, aren't they?" A few rocks and Jidenna quietened.

Uche ignored the comment. "What's he doing here anyway? Shouldn't he be with his mother?"

"It's complicated. The parents are not together, and he has a very protective father."  A look came into her eyes briefly. " You already know this is Lawrence's child. You must have known for quite some time. What's the matter? He'd make a great baby daddy boyfriend."

"Not going to happen,"

Not now.

Not ever.

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