Princess in Love - English Ve...

By LenaSantos171892

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In 2005, the British royal family welcomed a new member, daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge who is... More

The cast of Princess in Love
Chapter 1 - Prologue
Chapter 2 - A Royal Birth (a new princess!!)
Chapter 3 - Line of Succession to the British Throne (2004)
Chapter 4 - Baptize of the Princess
Chapter 5 - America's Tour (Part 1)
Chapter 6 - America's Tour (cont.)
Chapter 7 - Nursery + Kindergarten + Pre + Primary School and Vacation
Chapter 8 - Line of Succession to the British Throne (2012)
Chapter 9 - Tour of Europe
Chap. 10 - Tour of Europe (Final Part)
Chapter 11 - Kings College + Meghan Markle (2017)
Chapter 12 - Wedding of Eugenie & Jack (2018)
Chapter 13 - Kings College + Wedding of Harry & Meghan (2018)
Chapter 14 - Line of Succession to the British Throne (2019)
Chapter 15 - Kings Collegue+MEGXIT (End 2019+2020)
Chapter 16 - Final Year King's College + Oprah Univ.Liv + Covid+Oprah (2021)
Chapter 17 - IMPORTANT: Questions!!!!
Chapter 18 - New Story!!!
Chapter 19 - 1st Year of University + Still Fucking Covid (rest of 2021)
Chapter 20 - Lilibet of Sussex
Chapter 21 - 1st and 2nd (end and beginning) University Year (2022)
Chapter 23 - Commnwealth,Universaty + Harry & Meghan (rest of 2022)
Chapter 24: Meghan and Harry (Documentary) and interviews
Chapter 25 - University + Harry & Meghan (Jan to August 2023)
Chapter 27 - Trial of the Century (Doria + Meghan vs Liverpool)
Chapter 28 - Three Royal Funeral's
Chapter 29 - New Book
Chapter 30 - Royal Honors and Medals of Honor
Chapter 31 - University of St. Andrew (Scotland)
Chapter 32 - The Death of Edinburgh

Chapter 26 - The Windsor Agreement

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By LenaSantos171892

Once the interview had been finally aired, everyone watching it became infuriated, especially the Queen, Charles William, and Helena. The Queen then summoned her private secretary to write a statement for publication. For two hours, the Queen wanted Charles William, and Helena to be the three direct successors to the British throne. And then the official statement from the British royal family went out on social media.

Next Day

Windsor Castle

At 10:30 a.m., the meeting between the Royal Family (The Queen, Charles Prince of Wales, William Duke of Cambridge, and Princess Helena of Cambridge) and the Earls of Sussex began.

Queen: Good morning to everyone here at Windsor Castle. We are gathered here to discuss and finalize once and for all the titles of the Earls of Sussex, their children, their legitimacy, and finally whether Harry will continue in the line of succession to the British throne and his descendants. I want to hear first from Harry and then from Meghan, why they always denigrate both the image of the British royal family and its members and the image of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth.

Harry: Good morning to everyone gathered here, Grandma...

Queen: Harry, I'm the Queen now, not Grandma.

Harry: Very well. Meghan and I are here because we've been called, we're only going to talk about the truth, and also our decisions about the two books we've both released, and also the legitimization of our children and also my position in the line of succession of both myself and my children.

Queen: Meghan.

Meghan: Her Majesty, Charles William Helena, and everyone here at this meeting. Since Harry and I left the royal family we have wanted to be independent of money, we have signed contracts with two major global companies Netflix where we have made three documentaries "Harry and Meghan" "Invictus Games" and finally "Commonwealth" and Spotify where I have made three seasons either talking about family loss mental health, where also Harry has made two seasons talking about family mental health. We look forward to hearing your questions for us.

Queen: Charles.

Charles: As a father, grandfather, and also future sovereignof the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, I am angry and disappointed with you both. You have tarnished the name of my family of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, my mother, my father and I have seen it reborn to this day. I am furious to know why I still can't see any pictures of my granddaughter Lillibeth, are they hiding her I want answers I don't want short ones!!!

Queen: Anybody want to answer?

Meghan: Well, Harry and I have always agreed to keep our children safe. And we've always preserved our children's faces, whether there's a paparazzi or not.

Queen: Will.

William: I just have a few questions for them to answer. Firstly, months before they left the royal family there was a newspaper headline that read "Dukes of Sussex to sign deals with Netflix and Spotify. Workers at both companies were shocked." Second question: before the pandemic started, did you intend to live in a Commonwealth country or move to California in the USA? Third and last question why do you both hate the royal family so much the United Kingdom my family why?!? I WANT AN ANSWER FROM EACH OF YOU.

Meghan: We never wanted to sign contracts with either Netflix or Spotify but they sent us an email with the money involved which was 150 million dollars for three years. For the second question, Harry and I wanted to live in Canada or a Commonwealth country, but at that time, Canada was already having COVID cases, so we both talked about it and decided to move to California for the last question, we don't hate the royal family, it's the journalist reporters who want to know what it's like to live in a palace in a castle, we never put off your family.

Queen: Anything to say, Harry?

Harry: What Meghan said are my words too.

Queen: I now call Helena to ask questions. You may speak.

Helena: Thank you very much. As a princess, granddaughter, great-granddaughter, and future queen of this great country and the Commonwealth. I have despised you ever since you announced your departure from the royal family on Instagram a social network, not even telling my great-grandmother the queen of this country and the Commonwealth. Since you left the royal family, you've both accumulated millions of dollars lying to the whole world about how much of a family we are. I've written hundreds of questions but I only have two for you to answer with short answers, that's all. Harry, in the will of my late grandmother, Princess Diana of Wales, it is stated that on your 40th birthday, which you have already celebrated, you received around 12 million dollars. With the billions you have received, where will this money go, what was the money that bought that mansion in Montecito and the security and also the private jets that you always use since you both preserve the quality of the environment? Last question, why did it take you so many weeks to make a statement about me being at the Liverpool Arena and lecture the paparazzi because they weren't the ones who almost killed me? That's it.

Harry: Well, both the money Meghan and I received from Netflix and Spotify went to various foundations and charities, as for my mother's money and the money we had at the time we bought the mansion in Montecito and the security we have, as for the private jets, some of our friends including Tyler Perry can ride in them. As for our statement on the attack, we just wanted to say that we were saddened and prayed for your health and that of the injured, that we were sorry for the many deaths, and that we also said that justice would be done and that those who carried out and planned these attacks would be found and sentenced.

Queen: Meghan, your turn, please.

Meghan: My words are what Harry said.

Queen: Very well, I want to hear from each of you first about why you informed your social network Instagram "Sussex Royal" that you were leaving the royal family. Everyone here wants an explanation the whole family wants to know, the UK, the Commonwealth, the whole world wants to know why.

Meghan: Harry and I, when we were in Canada, discussed the pros and cons of not staying or staying in the royal family, of staying or not staying, of the problems we would face both as a couple and as a family.

Queen: Harry, your turn.

Harry: As Meghan said, we also told the facts that the press, journalists, and reporters said about us every day on every newspaper cover and magazine. That's why during our time in Canada we decided as a couple and as a family to leave the royal family. But we never wanted to leave the way we did, we wanted to be independent financially and represent Her Majesty the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth at events.

Queen: Did you agree in advance, even before you left the royal family, that you wanted to be interviewed by Oprah or when you were already in California?

Megha: Two months before we left the royal family.

Helena: What money was the renovation at Frogmore Cottage? According to the accounts it wasn't paid for by taxpayers' money but by my grandfather Charles the Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwall. Harry, you have something to say.

Harry: Well, first of all, we never wanted anyone's money. I still had money from my mother's inheritance and I paid for the renovation of Frogmore, our old cottage given by the queen as a wedding present.

Helena: Ummmm, I have several phone transcripts here between you and my grandfather about the money that was to be paid by my grandfather to you. Something to talk about.

Charles: Harry called me five months before, he wanted to know if I was going to pay or not, on that call, he was screaming in despair because he didn't know what to do, so I said "I'll pay for the renovation from my money not from the Duchy of Cornwall, then after the renovation you'll pay me the money I lent you for the Frogmore renovations." and he accepted gratefully.

Helena: Has he already paid you the money you offered and paid for the renovation?

Charles: No, not even a cent.

All the people at the meeting who were present fell silent, the Earls of Sussex were mortified.

After that, they took a 30-minute break, after the half-hour, everyone went back into the room where it was now the Earls of Sussex explaining point by point, what they wanted to come out of the meeting until Meghan spoke.


Meghan: We will make and publish an apology to all members of the royal family in the UK and the Commonwealth, but we want 35 million of the British royal family and our descendants to have the title of prince and princess.

The first day of 5 was over, and on the second day, it was constitutionalists explaining the situation they were both in. On the third day, it was the turn of the prime minister, the foreign secretary, and also the commonwealth to explain what was going to happen, whether there were laws that existed or the British parliament had already approved them. On the fourth day, it was the turn of the Secretary General of the Commonwealth to be at the meeting saying that the United Kingdom, its people, and the Commonwealth could not see anymore "Harry and Meghan whining", she also spoke about the percentages in general:

Queen Elizabeth II- 96%,

Prince Consort Phillip - 95%

Charles Prince of Wales - 85%

Prince Willam + Kate Dukes of Cambridge - 74.5%

Princess Helena of Cambridge - 64.4%

Prince George Charlotte Louis of Cambridge - 64,2%

Princess Anne - 65%

Prince Edward+Sophie Dukes of Wessex - 65%

Prince Edward Duke of Kent - 55%

Prince Richard Duke of Gloucester - 54%

Prince Andrew Duke of York - 40%

Princess Eugenie +Beatrice+Jack+Edoardo - 44%

Prince Harry+Meghan Earls of Sussex - 12%.

After the meeting (the fourth) was given, everyone left, Helena left the room and went to St. George's Church, where she went to the place where her great-great-grandparents King George VI and Queen Elizabeth (Queem Mother) were buried, Helena stayed for 15 minutes in which she talked to God, and then said goodbye and left the church. When she got to her room, there was a file that said "Classified - Leaders of the Liverpool Terrorist Attack". Helena opened the document, and read what the British and also the North American investigators had managed to find on the leader of the terrorists and the title read "North American, daughter, mother, ambassador..." and only when Helena saw the name did she say out loud.


The next day, when everyone was already in their seats, the first to address the assembled was the Queen.

Queen: Good morning to everyone gathered here. This is the last day to decide if you want to continue saying negative things about my family, about the United Kingdom, and the Commonwealth. I'm 98 years old and I know that in time I'll be in a secure place, so Harry and Meghan, please.

Harry: Good morning to everyone gathered here. As Prince, I want my children to have the same treatment that I had and that my niece has, which is security and education. We want you to apologize to us, but we want our old residence Frogmore Cottoge to be ours again, that's all.

Meghan: Good morning, I want the best for our two children Archie and Lillibeth, that when they are 19 they have security around them, that they participate in royal events, and that they have titles, that's all.

Queen: Attorney General, what do you have to say?

AG: Well, according to the "Convention of 1917" signed by your grandfather King George V, it is fully written that the sons and daughters of the heir's eldest son are entitled to these titles. It wasn't until 2013 with the "Gender Change Act" that whoever was born first, female or male, would always be first.

Queen: James, something to say.

James: Well, on behalf of the Earls of Sussex we agree that this Convention has to be changed, because if a future heir has an heir and more children, what titles will they have? The earls and I have talked a lot and they both want a new convention written by Her Majesty and to be approved by both houses of parliament.

Queen: Prime Minister.

PM: Well, if there is such a written convention, the British parliament and all the countries of the Commonwealth will in each parliament approve it or not.

Queen: Very well. Baroness Scotland, what do you have to say?

B.Scotland: Three months ago I had a video call with all the presidents and prime ministers of the Commonwealth, where they explained that they would hold a referendum in each country and about two months later they held those referendums. The total of withdrawing Prince Harry from the line of succession and his descendants was 88%; 

withdrawing the titles of Earls of Sussex was 100%

Apologizing to the royal family 100%;

Apologizing to the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth 100%

Not withdrawing the titles 29%

Not withdrawing anything 22%

The royal family apologized to Harry and Meghan 19.5%

Both parties apologized for the mistakes they made each 45%; (...).

Queen: Thank you very much, Baroness. Lieutenant Colonel, you did what I asked.

Johnny Thompson: Yes, Your Majesty, I've done everything Your Majesty asked.

Meghan: What did Your Majesty order?

Queen: I asked Mr. Thompson to do paternity tests on Archie and Lillibeth, with all the members of the royal family including me.

Meghan: Can that be done?

Helena: Darling, in the UK, the Queen is in control, I mean she has the legal guardianship of all her grandchildren and great-grandchildren in case of a tragedy.

Queen: Thompson, what are the results?

Johnny Thompson: The results of both tests have about 100% registration for Meghan Markle, for Harry it has about 45%, and for all the members also 100% percent. The team that did this said that the two children are from the same person.

Queen: Thank you very much.

Johnny Thompson: You're welcome, Your Majesty.

Harry remained silent after hearing everything, Archie and Lillibeth were his children. Meghan was furious, Charles and William were already on their two glasses of whiskey and Helena was eating bread and butter and lemon iced tea.

Queen: Does anyone want to say anything else?!?

Harry: Are you saying I'm not a father?!?!

Queen: Yes, the tests show that I told the staff to take the glasses you drank from and in the kitchen put them in a bag with your name on it.

Harry: Meghan, how can you backstab me like this?

Meghan: From the moment I met you, my main motive was to be a Duchess Princess mother, I've achieved everything, but you're worth nothing to me. You're a poor thing, Harry, you always have been since your mother died. You're still that small boy and not the gentleman I saw at my husband's wedding.

After saying everything Meghan said, Helena said the following.

Helena: This is being "SHIT SHOW!!!". I could be the next person and I think the last person to speak.

Queen: Please.

Helena: I want to tell everyone to drink a glass of water please, because the waters will now turn to the sorcerer.

Everyone in the room drank the glass of water in front of them, the Queen drank two glasses of water, and William Charles and Harry drank three glasses of whiskey.

Helena: Since everyone has drunk, I'd like to point out that nothing will come of this. Only when it comes to the names will that person explain why they did it. But I know that there are security guards there, and also armed security guards inside and outside the castle, and I know that there are British and foreign journalists outside. So now I'm going to explain the secret file I have in my possession.

Last night, I found in my room this secret file on the leaders of these terrorists, I read all the reports from the inspectors of the teams that traced the money that was sent, the messages exchanged between the two, everything. I want to thank Prime Minister Keir Starmer, Liverpool Police, Scottland Yard, and finally their leader well one of two who is present in this room.


Charles: Darling, who is it?

William: Who is it?

Helena: Grandma, you have those audio recordings from 2018 that you remember so well.

Queen: Of course I do.

Helena: Can you then ask a waiter to put it on April 29th at 4:45 pm, please? (If you want to know who it is, read chapter 12)


The meeting was given over and only the Queen, Charles William, and Helena remained in the room.

They were simply listening to Harry and Meghan's words.


Minutes later, the Queen wrote the following statement on a sheet of paper

"A press release from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

His Majesty The Queen with Charles Prince of Wales Prince William Duke of Cambridge and Princess Helena of Cambridge together with Harry and Meghan Earls of Sussex at 5-day meetings with various constitutionalists including the Prime Minister and the Commonwealth Secretary have agreed to the following:

- Remove of the titles of Earls to Meghan Markle;

- Annulment of the marriage between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle;


National and International Newspapers: 


- Meghan Markle and Doria Ragland prepared and organized the "Liverpool Arena" Terrorist Day.






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