Prey On | COD reader x Ghost...

By Natirka

390K 8.9K 8.6K

The nightmares prey on us in the night's. They aren't so scary when you are next to me. I got bored, made a s... More



8.2K 234 138
By Natirka

NOTE: I am starting to enjoy holding you guys on the edge so I think I might take a bit longer with the next chapters ;). Of course I am joking but I do hope you guys won't be too mad with what I stopped in this one. (don't forget to vote if you like the chapter!)


I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Ah! Y/n. You are finally here."

Königs voice was surprisingly smooth and friendly, I looked at the woman sitting in front of him. Her distaste clearly shown on her face, she wasn't just pissed. She was disappointed. I felt a pang in my heart and looked away, I knew I did something stupid. But I still couldn't forgive her for abandoning me like that.

I nodded softly at König, reminding myself to not call him by name around Persha.

"You called me, Sir."

"Yes, please, sit down."

He motioned to the chair next to his. So they wanted me to be here for the talks? I didn't quite understand the point, but perhaps he thought my presence could change something. If it doesn't then... I think I might have to convince her myself.

I made my way over but before I could sit down The Major spoke.

"Since when is a Colonels order more important then a Majors?"

I kept my poker face up and stood behind the chair instead. Right, military etiquette.

"I have made a mistake, Ma'am."

Her gaze turned from me to König, piercing through him like a sharp blade. I felt like I was introducing my boyfriend to my dad, except Persha wasn't my dad and König was far away from being my boyfriend. At least the part where we talk about my future stayed accurate.

"Let's get this over with. Colonel König, I have thought about what KorTac has proposed, however I find this to be very rushed and unconvincing. Especially after you failed to give our soldier back."

She wasn't going to agree, but he didn't know that yet. Was this really it? She didn't even let us start.

"Ah, yes. That sounds understandable, but please do not forget. It was your soldier that came to us."

I would do anything for this man if he was able to finally set me free. This was no longer about me wanting to be around König. If my contract with Specgru was to be sold... Maybe I would have a chance of leaving the military.

"Sounds like a weak excuse, why haven't you contacted us as soon as she was found trespassing?"

"We ought to better our relations with the division, this was nothing but a pure misunderstanding."

I could feel the anxiety radiating from him, I was really thankful for his efforts but there wasn't much he could do. Persha wasn't going to give up. She already made a deal with the task force 141.

I gathered all the courage I had in me, it was now or never. I needed to do this. Help König in some way.

"I believe that misunderstanding has reached it's conclusion."

He already did so much for me.

"KorTac could offer much more-"

Y/n, speak god damn it!

"I think Specgru has already decided."


"It's not mine."

Both of their eyes snapped towards me and I felt like I just let go of someone that I have been holding from falling down the cliff.


Her voice was strict. She knew what I was about to do, but I wasn't letting her get in my way. Not this time.

"This contract isn't mine."

I turned to König who looked even more confused then when he saw me in Horangis office.

"I want to sign a pledge with KorTac. This time. Under my own name."

He didn't understand what I was saying. It didn't matter, because Persha did. She got up and slammed her hands on the table.

"Are you out of your mind? You are still bound to Specgru!"

I bit my lip and looked at her, I already spilled it and I can bet König already knew about my acts anyway. He just didn't know the full picture of it.

"Not me."



I shook my head, not caring how heated this would get. Perhaps I was making a mistake, maybe I shouldn't trust König so much.

"Then who's...?"

König was trying to understand the situation. It made me think, if I don't place my trust in him... then where would I put it?

"My brothers."



His voice rang in my ears, and made me keep looking around. Where was he? Was he really here? Would I finally see him again?

I kept on hiding in the ruble of the now destroyed homes, slowly making my way to the source of the voice. I looked at one of the military cars that made it all the way here, that's when I saw him.

My sweet older brother.


I felt tears gather in my eyes, my whole panic and fear disappearing for a second. I started making my way over to him carefully, his squadron made it all the way to this place. Many questions went through my mind, but at that moment I didn't need any of the answers. I just needed him.

When we were a few meters apart he mouthed something I couldn't understand, I saw his face turn into one of horror.


That's when my eyes were blinded by red and I was roughly pushed into the ground. My head and back hitting against the rubble in a painful way, the weight pressing on top of me not making the fall any less bearable. I slowly opened my eyes and screamed in terror, his squad members making their way to us.

Red cast on my eyes


It spilled his blood

In the very end

It filled my heart.


"Your brothers?"

I nodded my head, I watched as Persha sighed and sat back down.

"Is that why you didn't want to transfer the contract?"

"This situation is much more complicated then you think."

Her expression has softened, she looked more tired then angry.

"Then... You weren't even planing on agreeing no matter who would be interested?"

König looked at me and then back at the Major, she simply shook her head.

"We can't let go of Shade, no matter how unfair this may be."

An idea popped into my head, although I have lost all my trust in the people there, still, I worked for Specgru all my life. But I had to take the first step, for the life I could have. For the life that was taken away from me that day.

"What if you didn't need to?"

Their eyes turned to me.

"What could that mean?"

I looked at them nervously, I did think of this before but it sounds even more crazy now.

"What if I still worked as Gloom under my brothers name in Specgru..."

My eyes moved back to König.

"But also had a contract as Shade in Kortac?"

I desperately clung to this solution. I just wanted to be my own person. I watched as they both looked at me as if I was crazy, the man beside me was the first one to speak.

"This... could work..."

"The Los Vaqueros solution, huh?"

I looked towards Persha who seemed to laugh at her own words, what does she mean by Los Vaqueros? Is that what they did when I worked with them as Gloom? Was it not a collaboration?

"Alright then, let's do that. I am not sure how the task force will react to this, but I doubt they will be too mad about it."

Persha was smiling, she was genuinely amused by the solution. I could see Königs expression darken at the mention of 141. I could feel my heart stop for a moment.

I would have to see Ghost again.

"Alright, let's get to talking then."

I took a deep breath as a small smile forced it's way onto my lips. Even if I needed to spend some time with 141, I would still be coming back to KorTac, this made me hopeful for tomorrow.


My contract has been updated and I signed a pledge to KorTac, all of this happened a few days ago. Now I was coming back from training with some of the rookies.

I took in the cold air, seeing the clouds form with my hot breath. The fall has begun, turning the weather colder by the day, I wondered if I was going to still be here when the snow falls. Alive, I mean. I shook my head to get rid of such depressing thoughts. I still had yet to see Sarah again, I wasn't going anywhere until that happens.

"Hey! Shade! Come on, if you stay there any longer you will catch a cold!"

Horangi and Stiletto were waiting for me by the entrance, I ran up to them, feeling the cold biting on my skin.

"Wasn't the training enough? We wouldn't want to send you off sick tomorrow."

Horangi seemed to get more comfortable with my presence, even if it didn't last long. The next day I would be making my way to the 141 base, apparently it wasn't as far away as ours but I still needed a car to get there.

The KorTac team on the other hand is going to my old base soon, so I decided to ask König to hand Sarah a letter from me. I wonder if he will agree...

We walked through the halls, making small talk, not talking about anything specific. Both of the soldiers went into their own rooms, I waited until they disappear from my sight. I slowly made my way towards the Austrian mans room. I took a deep breath before softly knocking on the door, I couldn't hear any noise but soon the door flung open.

"Ah, Y/n is something wrong?"

He sounded a nervous and kept avoiding my eyes.

"There was something I wanted to talk with you about."

"Can it wait or is it urgent?"

I was surprised how he was suddenly pushing me away, did something happen? Did I do something?

"König are you okay?"

He finally met my eyes and they were... dangerous. Half lidded, he was looking at me as if I was some kind of meat. I swallowed down my fear, letting it meet the warmth residing near my stomach.

"I'm alright, Mein Schatz."

He was trying to close the door.

"If it's not urgent then you should go to sleep."

I pushed the door before it could close and placed my foot in between of it and the frame.


The stern tone in my voice made him stop in his tracks and made some kind of spark appear in his eyes.

"It can't wait."

He sighed defeated and opened the door, moving to the side so I could come in. He closed it behind me as I did and I turned to face him, he was still not looking at me.

"There is something I wanted to ask you about."

He looked restless, waiting impatiently for me to say whatever I had to say and send me on my merry way. My eyes involuntarily started moving down his body.

"It's more of a favor then anything."

He only nodded, crossing his arms on his chest as he shifted his weight to his right leg. He looked uncomfortable with my presence, like I was stopping him from doing something he waited for for a long time.

"What is it?"

So impatient.

"Could you give this to Sarah, if you see her?"

My voice turned quieter, I sounded shy and nervous, but not from the request I made. I simply noticed how tight his pants were.

König was rock hard.

Word Count: 1867

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