You + Me = ?

By MonishShah

3.6K 81 27

The story may sound common but its not. Its different and fresh. Its also my first story, so I'm open to any... More

The Beginning
We Found Love
An Angel Passes Away
Big Jet Plane
Will You Marry Me?
Quorra, A Mistake ?

Oh Pasta

335 16 9
By MonishShah

Sun was shining bright, and the day couldn't have gotten more pleasant. Brandon wrapped up all his work early in the morning and went to play cricket. It was his usual thing, every Sunday he would play with his friends. That day he wasn't at his best, probably thinking about different excuses to skip the reunion. As soon as the game got over he went home. Patrick was surprised by this because every Sunday, after the game they all would go out for lunch. Brandon spent the whole afternoon watching movies.

In the evening Brandon drove down to Sia's place. He parked his car and waited, he knew Sia would take time getting ready. After waiting for a while, Sia, dressed in a white dress came down. She looked prettier than ever, and Brandon just couldn't take his eyes off her. " Wow! You look beautiful." exclaimed Brandon, still wondering whether the girl was Sia or someone else. Sia thanked him and said, " That's so sweet of you ". And both drove off to college.  

"You sure you wanna go at the reunion? I mean we can go out and have a nice dinner somewhere? I badly want to eat Pasta. " Brandon asked, still hoping he could skip the reunion. "Just drive quickly. I don't wanna be late, all our college friends would be there. And don't you worry, you look great, pretty handsome I must say, and you're successful at what you do. I don't see a reason for you to worry, so its gonna be fine." Sia assured Brandon.

Brandon mumbled, shaking his head," You just don't know yet, that you're the reason." Sia didn't hear what he said and replied," Stop mumbling and drive faster."  

They reached near the college lane only to see a lot of cars parked over there. Brandon took a chance again and said, "Its full packed ! There's nowhere to park. I'd told you this was a bad idea. Now can we go somewhere else, please? "   "Don't be ridiculous!" Sia shouted, " There definitely must be a valet..." She looked near the college gate and continued," Aah, see there it is."

Brandon's last effort went in vain. They went inside and all the people who were with them in college were there. The reunion was a hit, almost everyone had come.  

As soon as Brandon and Sia entered, Mike, their college mate congratulated Brandon," Way to go my man! You got her." He winked at Brandon and then shook hands with Sia.   Confused by Mike's congratulatory, Sia asked Brandon, "What did he mean by 'you got her' ?"

Brandon answered, laughingly," Hahaha, You know Mike, he's all funny" and just stopped talking ( still laughing though ). "This does not explain why did he say that. And why are you laughing?" Sia quickly replied.

Brandon had to answer her, so whatever popped up in his head he said, laughingly," You know.. Back in college's final year I'd told Mike that one day I'll be successful in.. Umm, uhh- the finance world. So few months back we'd met and he came to know about my job, so that's what he meant, that's why he said, 'you got her'. Her, here means my job. And you know Mike, he's all funny."  

Sia wasn't convinced, and you shouldn't blame her because Brandon was always bad with excuses. Whenever he had to give one he would lose his mind and in comparison even a 5 year old would give better excuses.

  <<<  ( One day at the office, Brandon was late )

BOSS : why are you late ?  

BRANDON : I'd forgot my railway pass and I realized this when I reached the station. BOSS : You travel to office by your car.

BRANDON : Oh yeah.. My car's tire got punctured midway and there was no jack in the car and the extra...tire...was also...punctured.

BOSS : Seriously ? Couldn't you have just said that you were stuck in heavy traffic ? >>> 

( NOW )  

"You're lying !" , Sia said. " No I'm not." Brandon tried to convince her. But Sia wasn't convinced at all. Just before Sia could ask another "lethal" question Brandon shouted," Oh look Pasta ! " and he ran towards the buffet. Sia wanted to run after him but was interrupted by her college friends, Mary and Julia. Mary asked Sia excitingly "Are you with Brandon ?" 

" Unfortunately Yeah" Sia sighed. And then one by one both, Mary and Julia started asking Questions to Sia.  

"So finally he told you ! I see no ring, so you're not married yet. When is he gonna pop the question ?" Mary asked. Julia interrupted quickly, "Forget the question, when did he tell you that he likes you ? " 

"Wait what ? He likes me ? Who told you this ?" Sia was confused like hell. Mary replied, "OH God! That stupid Brandon. He mustn't have told you about the college time. You see, he liked you when we all were in college!" "Liked? He was mad for you. Isn't that sweet?" Julia, holding Sia's hands, continued, " You are really lucky."

Sia gave them a fake smile and said," Yeah, I'm really lucky. I'm sorry but could you please excuse me for a moment." and Sia started looking for Brandon.  

She said to herself, "Where are you, son of a bitch!" And there she found him, near the buffet, browsing through all the dishes. "There you are.. You know, I was talking with few of my friends now, and they told me something about you. Something about you liking me back in college." Brandon started laughing again," You know these people, all funny. Look, OH PASTA!" but before he could run away again, Sia grabbed him by his coat and warned," Don't even try to run. Talk to me and tell me everything."  

Brandon had no chance this time, so he took a deep breath and started talking," It was years back, okay ? I liked you then. We were together since school then we got into the same college and I started liking you. That's it. Now we're friends and I'm happy that we turned out to be friends only because you're really not my type now." Just then one more person, rather old, congratulated Brandon, "Well done my boy, I'm proud of you!"

Sia was shocked, " Did just Principal Larry congratulated you on getting me? Who all knew about you liking me?" Sia asked. "Uhhh.. Let me count-" Brandon started counting with his fingers and after few moments he continued,"-the whole college actually. Seniors, juniors, teachers. I don't know how did principle Larry came to know. In fact, the only person who didn't know is standing in front of me right now."  

Sia couldn't believe it, she was not mad at Brandon but she was rather surprised," You're a smart ass, you know that. You had everything planned from the beginning. The cheerleaders, ex girlfriends, Ms. Rosy, everything was fake. You'd  told these people during college that you would get me and you had to keep your word so you planned everything. You knew I would do anything to bring you here. You smart bitch ! " and she started laughing. 

The truth was, Brandon, himself was surprised. He had never planned anything. From the beginning he didn't wanna come. But seldom Sia appreciated Brandon so he decided to go with the flow and took the credit. 

Brandon the cannily asked Sia, " If you don't want to pretend then we can go somewhere else." Sia thought for a while and said," Naah, lets stay here. Its not like we're going to see them everyday. So its your lucky day."  

They spent rest of their evening catching up with college friends, dancing, drinking and having fun.  After the reunion, Brandon dropped Sia at her place. While getting out of the car Sia said," I had a good time. And I'm glad we turned out as best friends, because you and me, totally would've turned out a disaster.

" Brandon smiled and said, " I had a great time too. the pasta was just awesome. And yeah, I guess you're right. We're better off as friends." Sia smiled and hugged Brandon. Both wished each other good night and Brandon drove off.  

The reunion turned out surprisingly good for Brandon. And now he was ready for his next surprise which he was gonna receive at the office next week.

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