Maze Of Lies| Taehyung FF

By taestheticallycritic

619 17 4

Y/n is the heiress of a large conglomerate and has been married off for business purposes to Kim Taehyung, he... More



11 0 0
By taestheticallycritic

The second I sat beside Taehyung in the first class section of the flight I knew it was going to be fun teasing him since the booking for our honeymoon was a gift from our parents were giving two seats side by side next to the window. Taehyung had already announced that he would take the window seat which was something I allowed him, already coming up with ideas to tease him.

The air hostess was giving instructions, I looked beside myself, making sure Taehyung was buckled in properly.

He was looking out the window, his features bathed in the soft morning rays of the sun, giving him a magical glow.

As soon as we were in the air, thousands of feet above ground and the sign indicating that we were allowed to unbuckle our belts shone, Taehyung went to use the washroom while I rang the hostess who proceeded to make a bed out of the two seats, there was also a small door to give us some sense of privacy.

By the time Taehyung was back he was surprised to see a bed instead of two individual seats. His eyes widened in shock as he saw me sprawled out on the makeshift bed watching a movie.

"What is this? What about my seat? Where am I going to sit?" he hissed at me through gritted teeth his eyes narrowed and glaring at me.

"Sweetheart, I have been working very hard at the company for the last 2 weeks and this is my time to catch up on some sleep before I get jet-lagged. So, either you sit beside me or go sit somewhere else." I winked at him as he stared at me with his mouth hanging open.

"You can't do this." He hissed.

"Watch me." I said pulling the sleep mask over my eyes and covering myself with the blanket. I heard him huff and walk away.

The thing was, I had already done my research and this was a full flight so Taehyung would have to come back and sit beside me. I was busy thinking about the latest business deal when I heard the small door open and felt someone's eyes on me.

"Bend your legs." Taehyung huffed so that he could get on the bed.

"Well, you just said that in the most unsexy way. I am so disappointed. Never did I ever think that a guy would ask me to bend my legs and not do anything even remotely sexual. What has my life become." I whined and pouted removing the eye cover.

"I need to get up on the bed now move." I decided to bend my legs and allow him to sit near the window.

"Wake me up when it's time for food." I instructed him and fell asleep.

What I had expected to be a short nap before lunch turned into a deep slumber and I woke up only when the air hostess came to tell me that we were about to land.

I was a bit surprised that Taehyung did not wake me up. I glared at him as the hostess walked away, he wore a smug look on his handsome face that should have irritated me to no end but looked cute instead.

"You did not wake me up for food." I said getting up and allowing the hostess whom I had rang again to get rid of the bed to turn it back into our seats.

"I know." Taehyung sounded too cocky and I decided to let him go and have his moment.

I was searching for a food outlet after we had collected our bags and Taehyung was walking ahead with his bags.

There a man with a cardboard piece with our names written on it was standing, craning his neck and searching the crowd, probably looking for us.

We sat in the black car, I had decided to ask our driver to take us to the food outlet but Taehyung who was still irritated by what I had done on the plane decided to say that he wanted to be dropped off at the hotel first as he was very jet lagged.

I sighed and asked our driver to just drop us at the hotel, it should not have been a problem seeing as the hotel was just an hour away but now here we were stuck in traffic.

I knew it was going to be a bit long seeing as it was evening by the time we had reached and now everyone was heading home so the traffic was at its peak. I was checking the emails that I had received from my secretary when my stomach growled loud enough for Taehyung to look at me. I gave him a sheepish look and saw a flash of guilt in his eyes which was gone as soon as it was there.

To put it simply the exterior of the hotel gave a very homely vibe. As we entered the lobby two ladies draped pink hibiscus garlands around our necks and offered us flutes of champagne as welcome drinks. Tae and I proceeded to the reception after thanking the two ladies.

"Hello, we had a booking under the name MR & MRS. Y/L/N KIM" Taehyung told the receptionist a small smile on his face which vanished as soon as the lady behind the reception handed us the key cards to our shared room which as she informed us was the best for honeymoon couples.

On entering the room we saw a single bed in the room and Tae's eyes widened and I smirked.

"I guess you and I are sharing a bed darling."

"No, we are not. I am going to ask for another room." Before he could leave, I grabbed his wrist and when he stopped, I moved forward to close and then lock the door.

"Kim Taehyung, you will do no such thing, if we sleep in different rooms then people will find out, we can't have that, especially after what happened at the party. Also, your mom will find out that us being in love is just an act." I took advantage of the fact that Tae did not know that his mother knew about this not being a happy marriage.

"Well, I am not sharing a bed with you."

"Where are you going to sleep then?"

"I am sleeping on the bed, you can take the couch." As he said that, I smirked and started walking towards the bed and sat down on it, resting one of my legs on top of the other the champagne flute still held in one hand.

"What makes you think that I will do what you ask?" I asked feigning innocence.

"Fine, I will sleep on the couch then." He huffed angrily.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I said, smiling slyly at him over the rim of the glass.

"Are you threatening me?"

"No, I am just informing you, as the lady at the reception said this is the best room for honeymoon couples as per your mom's request so, people have stayed in this room before and not all of them were like us and as you know couples don't care where they are doing the devils tango, the sheets of the only thing that can be changed and not the couch or anything else so, I suggest you sleep on the bed unless you want to sleep on a couch where someone probably had sex and left their bodily fluids and by that I mean semen."

Taehyung's eyes were wide, he looked horrified, he covered his mouth and ran to the bathroom, I finished my drink and decided to go to him in the bathroom where barfing noises were being heard.

I handed him the bottle of water that was on the coffee, which I had grabbed on my way to him, he took a few sips of the water and then spat it out to cleanse his mouth.

"Why would you tell me this?" he said, flushing the toilet.

"It's common sense. Plus I thought it would be fun." I shrugged and walked out.

"We need to talk." He sat on the edge of the bed while I started to unpack my luggage.

"Go ahead, you have my attention."

"At the party, you said that your name is Mrs.Kim, were you serious about it?" he asked fidgeting with the end of his shirt.

"Taehyung-ssi, it was only to signify that we are a team, you and I together and nothing more. I was, I am and I always will be Y/N Y/L/N."

"You won't take my last name?"

"No, Taehyung-ssi, I love my name as it is and it does not matter whose last name I have, I am married to you and everyone already knows that."

"OH." He looked down and started fidgeting with his hands again.

"Taehyung-ssi, I don't enjoy such puzzles, you need to tell me if you want something or if you want to discuss something." I walked in front of Taehyung and crossed my arms.

"I- I always thought that if I ever have a wife then I want her to add my last name to her name and I add her last name to mine."

"Well, we can't have everything we want. I wanted a man who would love me not someone who flinches away at the simplest of my touches but I have you and you have me and we have to make it work for our parents' sake."

"But what is wrong with changing last names?" he asked his tone cold as ice.

"First of all if we change or add to our last names then we will have to get it changed on all our documents and it is too tedious of a task, second according to me this is a very intimate gesture, we barely know each other then I cant add you to a part of my life that is very precious to me if I don't love you and you don't love me."

"It's just a last name." he said, his tone full of annoyance.

"If it is 'just' a last name then why are you so hell-bent on me adding yours to mine."

"Fine, don't do it." He said, walking out to the balcony.

I decided to give him some time and finish unpacking my clothes leaving some room in the closet for his clothes to fit as well.

It was well into the evening that my stomach rumbled with hunger again, amidst all the arguing and unpacking I had forgotten about not having eaten anything.

I decided to take Taehyung to dinner with me seeing as he also ate very early in the day.

As I opened the balcony doors, I was greeted by the salty ocean breeze, the setting sun cast a pink glow in the sky, the view was beautiful and there was my husband leaning against the railing, the tropical breeze ruffling his hair, brown eyes looking at the horizon.

"Hey." I walked next to him, while he stood where he was giving no indication that he noticed my presence.

"Look, I am sorry it was inappropriate of me to comment about you flinching away from anyone's touches and I might have been a bit insensitive but I can't give you that Taehyung. Adding someone's name to mine and them adding mine to their name is a very intimate gesture for me, according to me it is something that only lovers do, to you know symbolize that they are parts of each other. We are just partners, not lovers." And somewhere from deep inside of me, a voice supplied a 'we are not lovers yet' to my mind which made me a bit confused.

"I would also like to apologize for trying to pressure you into adding to your last name, it was childish of me, I am sorry I can't be the man you want." He said, a bit of guilt in his voice.

"You should not be sorry for not being the guy I want Taehyung-ssi, I am sure you did not want a workaholic for a wife either but here we are an unlikely pair." He nodded and for the first time, he flashed me a small, grateful and genuine smile, which made me smile as well. The two of us were looking into each other's eyes, as if in a trance when my stomach rumbled again due to hunger making him giggle while I turned a bright shade of red.

I observed him, the way his eyes crinkled at the corners as his lips took the shape of a box when he smiled, his tan skin shining beautifully in the evening sun, his hair being ruffled by the light breeze, his giggle a deep baritone which soothed one's soul. He looked ethereal and at that moment I knew that I might be falling for him.

We sat at a table at the back of one of the hotel's restaurants, I ordered a lamb rack for myself while Taehyung ordered a lobster, both of us did not know what to talk about so we shifted our attention to our mobiles.

When the food arrived we ate in companionable silence after which we went back to our room, I asked Tae if wanted to take the shower first when he said yes, I let him use the bathroom first while I decided to check my emails and check in with my employees if the projects were moving smoothly. I was reading an e-mail from the finance department when Taehyung came out of the shower smelling very citrusy probably due to the shower gel supplied by the hotel.

"Are you working?" he looked at me incredulously which confused me.

"Yes, why?"

"Are you not on a vacation?"

"I am on vacation but that does not mean completely off from work, I have a lot of responsibilities so I have to check in with my employees if everything is working out the way it is supposed to be."

"It must be hard."

"I have gotten used to it but yeah sometimes are harder than the others. I am gonna go take a shower."

When I came out of the shower, I saw Taehyung on a call with someone and when he saw me he quickly told the person whom he was talking to that he would talk later.

I was brushing my hair when I saw him putting pillows in the middle of the bed as a divider.

"Don't do it." He looked at me like a deer caught in headlights, eyes wide and lips slightly pouted.

"They are of no use, I am a cuddler, the pillows won't be able to stop me. don't waste your efforts."

"I don't like cuddling." He said firmly.

"Stop lying, your mom already told me you need an extra pillow to cuddle while sleeping so, for this honeymoon, you are my pillow and I am yours."

He glared at me and started mounting the pillows one on top of the other, I chuckled since, I had gotten to know him a little, he is all intimidating on the outside but I am sure on the inside he is just a sweet guy who is protecting his heart because of something that hurt him. his eyes show his fear of trusting someone and then being betrayed and it makes me want to protect him.

He laid down on the bed and covered himself with the duvet, turning the lamp on his side of the bed off.

"Aww, you are so adorable, trying to hide how big of a cuddler you are when your mom already told me about your teddy bear." I said getting under the duvet after removing the pillows.

I moved closer to him and wrapped myself around him like a koala. I hooked my leg over his waist, one of my arms across his torso and rested my head on his chest, he lay there tensely and I thought that it would be better to just move away from him when his arms wrapped around me.

"You like me?" he asked, his tone still tense.

"No." Taehyung relaxed under me as he chuckled.

"You just called me adorable." Taehyung sounded way too smug for my liking and though he was right I did not enjoy the fact that he was getting too cocky.

"Listen, sweetheart, I think baby hippos are cute but do I like them? The answer is no wanna know why? Cause they are dangerous and you are similar to them though you are cute, your glare is enough to make a person scared."

"You never were scared and what's with the nicknames?"

"Well, first of all, I have seen far more intimidating people the most intimidating being my father when angry so obviously you do not affect me and I don't know I start calling people nicknames usually when I am being sarcastic or when I am comfortable with someone."

"Whatever." He said and hugged me tighter, a small smile graced my lips as I slipped into a peaceful slumber just a few moments later.

When I woke up the sun was already up, and the room was cast in a soft glow due to the warm sunlight filtering in through the window. I looked up from where my head was resting to see Taehyung staring at me expressionlessly.

"What is it?" I was feeling a bit weird that he was staring at me while I slept like a creep, when he did not reply I decided to get up because I needed to pee.

As soon as I tried to free myself from his embrace, his arms tightened around me, pulling me closer and thus making me lay on his chest while he kept staring at me this time with a small smile on his face.

"Dude, stop being a creep and let me go or I will wet the bed." When he still did not let me go my blood started to boil seeing his empty eyes staring at me.

"This is not romantic, you need to stop watching those disgusting vampire movies, creep. Let me go." I tried pushing him away but his embrace only got tighter and he let out a whine, this time he stared at me with a frown on his face.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Don't tell me you have some weird fetish. I did not sign up for this, let me go this instant and stop staring or I will hit you." My voice was too groggy to be loud but I tried to make it sound as threatening as possible and when he did not let me go, I picked the pillow closest to me and hit his face with it after which I proceeded to kick him out of bed on the floor while he groaned loudly in pain.

I ran to the bathroom and it was when I came out that I saw him glaring at me, hands resting on his hips making him look rather adorable with the bed hair and puffy face.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" He looked enraged which made me angrier.














"You know what? I don't care what you think, do whatever the hell you want." Taehyung walked to the bathroom slamming the door shut behind himself, as soon as I heard the shower running I messaged and asked his mother if he slept his mother if he slept with his eyes open just in case he was telling the truth, which it turned out he was so, I started to feel guilty but hey, he did not inform me, he had such a weird quirk.

Anyway, I need to apologize and so, I called the room service and asked them to bring his favourite meal.

It was when my phone rang and I saw the person who was calling me that my mood soured. I rejected the call not in the mood to talk and proceeded to rehearse how to apologize in my mind.

When Taehyung came out he looked at me with a stern look while I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly.

"I would like to apologize for my actions earlier but in my defence, you did not tell me that you slept with your eyes open."

"It's okay, it was partially my fault for not telling you about it." I nodded and offered him breakfast which he happily accepted.

We were eating in silence when my phone rang for the nth time and I rejected the call, I looked up to see Taehyung staring at me with a contemplating look on his face.

"I think you should pick up the call, the person trying to contact is clearly very persistent."

"Leave it, she will give up eventually."

"So, it is a she." I mentally slapped myself for letting that detail slip.

"Forget it."

"I can't, that 'she' is bothering you and it is affecting you so, I can't forget or leave it." He put his cutlery down and stared at me his hands resting on the table.

"Aww, you care about me and here I thought you were cold." My tone was condescending, I was trying to change the topic but the comment did not seem to phase him even a bit.

"Not even in your happiest dreams. My reason is purely selfish, you see if something affects you then it might affect me as well seeing as I am your spouse."

"Don't worry."

"Really? What if it's someone who is trying to warn you about someone hurting you or me? you never know who might harm you, after all, you are at a high post in the company. There are a lot of people who want you dead at any cost." The blood in my veins ran cold, I stared at Taehyung who was staring back at me with a look I was unable to decipher. I quickly gathered my wits and decided to change the topic.

"I don't think that is the case, this person would be calling me for that reason."

"Who is it?"

"Why are you so curious?"

"Why are you so secretive?"

"Why are you meddling in my business?"

"What are you hiding Y/N Y/L/N?"

"Nothing that might interest you Kim Taehyung."

"Look, I am not in the mood to play games so, why don't you tell me the truth like an adult rather than forcing me to contact your parents about a 'she' bothering you which might result in that person being arrested seeing as she is bothering a person of such influence."

"No one can arrest her."

"Why is that?"

"Because she is my sister, the one you were originally supposed to get married to."

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