What have I done...?

By TeresaSullivan427

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While at the ski lodge Rose has an attack of the darkness during which she confronts Dimitri about the way th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 41

282 9 2
By TeresaSullivan427

"We also need to get Aunt Tati to push through a law that will force the academies to start teaching defensive and offensive magic to the moroi. As well as conditioning, endurance, and stamina physically and magically. Hopefully, the classes will be able to teach the moroi to use their elements with longevity and strength. There are only four and a half to five months left for that to happen with this year's graduating class. But even after graduation they really need to continue to learn and train somewhere else. We could have classes at all of the court locations and the fortified communities as well as classes for adults, the newly graduated, along with the current students at each of the academies. For those who live nearby but not on campus as well as for the ones who actually live on the campuses. And hopefully, within the next three to four and a half years or so, anyone over the age of eighteen by then will be trained enough to help fight and defend our world and our people. And for those who are eligible to have guardians, then for them to remain eligible to continue to be guarded. Then they will have to participate in whatever 'classes' that they need to, meaning physical and magical training, for their specific specialty. And if they do not participate in the training then they will no longer be eligible for guardians until they do participate and graduate from the training classes with acceptable scores and participation levels." I put forth my own two cents worth.

"I agree with you son. It should be worded to where they have no other choice but to participate and graduate with at least a certain score before they are allowed to be given their guardians back. Leaving them no loopholes to wiggle themselves out of it. Because if they can they most certainly will try their absolute best to get out of it. Some may even take it as far as trying to take it to court to keep from it. And there will need to be judges that can't be blackmailed, bribed, or intimidated that will judge the final tests. Kind of like the test that novices take at the end of their final year of training." Abe agreed with me and so did Roza moya, Alberta and Pavel. (my)

"The largest portion of the older royals will argue that it is not their place to have to fight. That they are above fighting, that their magic is to be used solely for 'good'." Pavel reminded all of us, even going so far as to use air quotes, although none of us really needed to be reminded of that unfortunately.

"That's a bunch of bred sivoy kobyly, spewed by a bunch of ballless cowards who have no yeblya guts. Is not saving lives a 'good' thing?" My very frustrated and angry lyubov' fumed, also using air quotes. (bullshit, fucking, love)

But she is right, anyone with even half of a brain cell anywhere around their chert heads would know that saving lives is a 'good thing'. No matter what you had to do to do that, for example getting off of your sorry, lazy, pathetic, weak, wimpy, whiny zhopa and helping others protect those who cannot protect themselves. Not the ones who will not but those who cannot. Regardless of what the royals think there is an enormous difference in the two. (damn, ass)

"We will just have to show them that they are not too good to fight. That they will either help protect themselves and the people that they love. If they even love anyone other than their own sorry asses that is. Or we will leave them to fend for themselves without any training or guardians for them to hide their lazy, sorry, pathetic, weak asses behind. After that, we will see if the rest of them still think that they are so superior, above, and better than everyone else. We will see if they still think that they are too good to help in the fight to save the world or if they just want to line up to be killed or turned." Lyubov' moya insisted. I am sooo bloody proud of her and her dedication and determination to protect our people as a whole and not just the royals as she was taught and trained her whole life. (my love)

I watched as Roza moya fumed about the disgusting and deplorable attitudes of most of the royals. As I watched her shake her head in anger, frustration, and hatred I tried to take her mind off of the majority of the royals by speaking of one specifically. "I do not know how the spirit users can be helpful other than in the infirmaries detka." (my, baby)

She smiled at me before she spoke. "As you know, Adrian has shown me how to use telekinesis, and if he can also teach Lissa the same then maybe that will help. She could use telekinesis to fling a stake into a strigoi from several feet away. I will just need to work with her in order to prefect her aim. She could possibly even fling more than one stake at a strigoi, or more than one strigoi, at a time and if she gets good enough and strong enough at it. Then maybe she could even throw an actual strigoi to keep him away from her until myself or someone else can get to her in order to protect her physically. And if we could find other spirit users that can actually wield our magic. Like me and Adrian and hopefully soon Lissa, then we need to make sure that they all know how to heal and use telekinesis. And then ask that as many of them as possible spread out throughout all of our fortified communities, the different academies and all of the main and satellite court locations. But if and when an attack happens there would need to be several feeders on hand that are specifically for the spirit users. Because they can only heal, or use magic of any kind, a certain amount before they have to feed to recharge. But maybe the more that they train the more and longer that they will be able to use their magic before having to feed as well. I wish that we could find Sonya Karp and figure out if that supposed myth that Adrian told us about is real. Adrian also told me that if a spirit user practiced one particular element a lot, then the better and stronger that they will get with it. For instance, if Pyro can teach Lissa to use fire like hopefully Adrian can teach her to use telekinesis. Then if she needs to, she can use it just like the telekinesis to protect herself, at least better than what she can do as of this moment. Because as of right now she can manipulate a candle flame a few times before she starts to get itchy, fidgety, and weak. I mean she won't be on the front lines or anything like that obviously. Because she and other spirit users, who's strongest in healing, will be desperately needed in the infirmaries. To heal our guardians so that maybe they can get back out into the battle."

"That all sounds like a really good idea Rose. But what myth is it that Adrian told you about?" Alberta asked.

"That other spirit wielders like him, and hopefully soon Lissa and I, can restore strigoi back to who they are supposed to be."

"Wh... what do you mean?" Alberta was yet again stunned out of her mind, that much was more than obvious from her stuttering and the look on her face.

Today sure seemed to be the day for shocking news to come to light. And angel moya still hasn't even revealed her information about Tasha yet. (my)

"He said that any spirit user and I can infuse spirit magic into a stake that is already infused with all of the other elements. Once the stake is also infused with spirit magic then a spirit user can stake a strigoi with it. And the strigoi will revert back to their true form and their soul will be restored to their body."

"So, we can capture a strigoi and let someone see if it is really possible?" Abe asked of us all.

"I want to do it myself first, because if it is not real then I don't want to take the chance of putting a spirit user in danger." Roza volunteered.

"Roza, you are just as much of a princess and spirit user as Lissa is, and you are in even greater danger than she is. And as the future queen, you must be protected above everyone else in the world." I insisted.

"Mitya..." Angel moya sighed. (my)

"Future queen?" Alberta interrupted, not only because she was curious but also because she, just like me, knew more or less what Roza moya was about to say. (my)

Now I sighed. "I am to be the first king in several hundred years, and as my wife, Roza is to be my queen."

"Ohhh, Tasha Ozera is NOT going to like that, not at all." She replied, her voice filled with concern as she shook her head.

"What do you mean Alberta?"

"When you turned down her offer of becoming her guardian, while we were still at the ski lodge. She came to me and Kirova and asked us to transfer you into being her guardian anyway."

"Wait, she did this after I said no at the ski lodge? After I told her, that I have a girlfriend?!! Which time, after I refused her, did she come to you?"

"How many times did you refuse her while we were at that ski lodge?"

"Three or four times depending on if you count the times that I flat out told her no. Or the time that told her I was not interested in changing charges. All total it was four. And that was just at the ski lodge, I also told her no twice before we ever left the academy."

Alberta sat there staring at me with her mouth slightly ajar before replying. "Yes, if you told her about Rose at the ski lodge then yes, she did. I don't know after which time that you refused that she came to us, but it was very shortly after Rose went missing actually. Before I even knew that she was missing as a matter of a fact. The way that I understood it, is that she went straight from you to Kirova. And after she discussed it with Kirova for a while Kirova then called me into her office and told me what was going on. After a few more questions we found out that you had already told her no, at least once at the academy and once at the ski lodge. Which is why I asked how many times you'd refused her at the ski lodge. We just didn't know, at the time, how many times you'd refused her and when you had done so. But we figured out that she was refusing to take no for an answer, which is why she came to us. She wanted us to force you into becoming her guardian and going with her back to Minneapolis when she left the academy after we returned from the ski lodge. And since I am in charge of the guardians, I told her no. I told her that since you obviously did not want to leave the academy, that I was not about to force you to do so. She ranted, she screamed, she bellowed, she raved, she even went so far as to threaten me and my career. And then she also threatened to take the request to Queen Tatiana as well as my refusal to transfer you to her myself. I told her if that is what she felt that she needed to do then it was her prerogative to do so, so to just go right ahead. I didn't really think that the queen would transfer you from the last Dragomir to Tasha Ozera anyway. I mean she just isn't that important or well liked in our world, by anyone but poor deluded Christian that is."

"Yeah, not so much anymore. Poor Chris, I just can't understand that sukin motivations in wanting to do that." Lyubov' moya sent me through our bond. (bitch's, my love)

'Thank you again for our bond, 'Uncle Addie''. I thought to myself.

"I don't understand her or the idea to turn herself, Christian and Lissa either. Maybe she thinks that if she turns Lissa that it really will make her famous among the other strigoi. You know, ending the highly esteemed Dragomir line once and for all. As for Christian and herself... with her, who the blyad' knows detka." I shook my head at her. (fuck, baby)

"As long as I draw breath, she will never succeed in turning either Lissa or poor Christian. I may be upset with Lissa for the way that she has acted towards me and has been treating, pretty much ignoring, me since shortly after our return to the academy. Well since she met Christian and even more so since just before CHRISTmas. But that does not mean that I will allow anyone to do something like that to her. I mean I can completely understand the need and desire to spend every free moment that she has with the love her life after all." She smiled at me and squeezed my hand.

"But that does not mean that she has cause or reason for treating me as she has since that day at the pond. The block started a week or so before that, but since that day she has barely even spoken to me at all. And Mitya, you should have seen poor Christian's face when Isaiah told us about Tasha's plans for the three of them and all that other stuff."

"I did mladenets, I saw that heartbroken look on the poor kids face through your eyes. I could see that he was doing his dead level best not to break down into sobs and wails in front of Isaiah and those humans. Because he obviously thought that Isaiah was actually trying to hurt him by making sure that he knew of Tasha's betrayal and plans for all three of them. And the other things that she has done in her life including her murdering his parents and her treasonous activities." (babe)

"As bad as I want to kill her, I want to do it doubly so and messily and so very painfully for what she has done to and put poor Chris through."

"I can definitely understand that desire mladenets because I feel the same way. But before we physically do anything to her, we should talk to Christian about what he wants to happen to her." (babe)

"Yes, I agree." She nodded and I leaned in and kissed her gently trying to calm her at least a little bit.

For the sake of everyone else in the room, for now, Roza and I just pretended that our private conversation had never taken place. So Roza looked at me with a look that just screamed, 'I told you so!!!'

I sighed. "I understand Roza, and I am sooo sorry detka. I really thought that she understood me when I all but told her that I would resign as a sanctioned guardian all together before I left the academy before graduation. And then when I told her that I am in love with someone else and that I will never leave my girlfriend. Well, I knew that she was upset, that she was angry. But I had hoped that she would take the hint and act like a yeblya adult for once in her entire yeblya life. But then I had to tell her the exact same thing twice more just while we were at the ski lodge." (baby, fucking, fucking)

"Mitya, I have told you again and again and yet again, that the suka wants you. That she is yeblya obsessed as ad with you. And that she is willing to do whatever in the ad that it takes to whomever it takes in order to get you into her bed. And as for her not being my enemy, I think that all of this just proves that she is, most definitely, my enemy. Just like Victor Dashkov, Natasha shlyukha Ozera most certainly IS my mortal enemy, they are both my nemesis's. I also think that when we start getting people to move around for the coming training and fight. That we should send that shlyukha to Australia, that is if I haven't killed her grebanaya zadnitsa already. Especially since that is actually on the other side of the yeblya planet from you. And then we ban the grebanaya suka from ever leaving that yeblya country at all." (bitch, fucking, hell, hell, whore, whore, fucking ass, fucking, fucking bitch, fucking)

I heard Abe, Alberta, and Pavel all start laughing. But knowing just how furious that lyubov' moya truly is, I tried not to laugh. But believe you me, it was not easy. (my love)

"I am so sorry detka, but I just do not know what else to do. I have told her REPEATEDLY, as I said, that I do not feel that way about her at all. I have also told her that I have never, nor will I ever have any type of romantic feelings for her. I have told her that I just do not and cannot see her that way. I have told her that I have a girlfriend and that I love you very much. I have told her that I would not be leaving the academy until after your graduation. I mean what is it about all of that that she just cannot seem to understand? I mean ad I am speaking English when I tell her. I have even told her in Russian, which I know for an absolute fact that she understands. Just as well as she understands English. But she either still does not believe me or she just does not yeblya care what I want." I said as I sat back down in my chair at the breakfast table. I had gotten up to refill my plate from the new freshened up breakfast carts. (baby, hell, fucking) 

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