Mortal Kombat imagines

By anna49029

27K 361 91

idk how to write you can request!!!!!!!! More

Bi han
liu kang
kuai liang
tomas vrbada
kuai liang
liu kang (pt2)
bi han (pt2)
bi han
bi han (pt2)

kuai liang (pt2)

759 14 1
By anna49029


It was the next day, after kuai liang had told her that bi han had grown to like y/n, she knew what she had to do.

There she was, in the cold forest. She snuck out, hoping that bi han would appear. Kuai liang did not want bi han anywhere near y/n.

As y/n was walking through the forest, she heard a branch move. Y/n was quick to take out her weapons, getting into a fighting stance.

"Whos there?" Y/n asked, breathing heavily. The air was cold. You could see y/n breath beacuse of how cold it was.

Then a man walked towards y/n. She immediately recognised the man. It was bi han.

"Bi han?" Y/n announced. "It is me." Bi han said. Y/n then sighed in relief, finally finding bi han. She slowly puts away her weapons.

"Kuai liang told me everything." Y/n started. "Shang tsung promised you more? What more could you possibly want, bi han?" Y/n added.

Bi han had stayed quiet. It was obvious he didnt know what to say. But y/n didnt take his silence as an answer.

"He said you left your own father to die?" Y/n said. Bi han hesitated.

"He was a fool." Bi han said, getting angry. 

"You're the fool bi han. Betraying the lin kuei, betraying your own family." Y/n said.

Every word y/n had been saying, bi han had been getting angrier every second. Then he finally snapped. He ran toward y/n, summoning a sword. But y/n was also quick. She had took out her weapon holding it against bi hans sword that was centimetres close to your neck. He had just pushed you against the nearest tree, pushing the sword closer and closer to you neck, while y/n try's to resist pushing her weapon.

"Enough!" A deep voice said. It was kuai liang. Bi han had turned his head, looking at kuai liang. He then took one more glance at y/n, before disappearing into thin air.

Y/n had felt relieved, as she was breathing heavily she slowly began sliding down the tree, sitting down on the cold snow.

"Y/n i thought you had left this behind last night. But you go behind my back?" Kuai liang said angrily. Y/n stayed quiet for a moment. "Im sorr-"

"No! Y/n you could've gotten killed!" Kuai liang had snapped. Y/n was in shock, kuai liang had just shouted at her. As soon as in kuai liang saw her face, he immediately softened.

He sighed. "Im sorry.. im sorry for shouting. I... i just dont know what i would to if you had gotten killed." Kuai liang apologised. Y/n slowly got up from the ground after calming down. She said walked closer to kuai liang.

"I thought that he would listen to me. But he is truly gone." Y/n said. Kuai liang had just stared at her. He knew what she was saying was right, but still didnt want to accept it.

He sighed again. "Lets go." He said walking back. Y/n had knows now not to say anything, but just obeys and follows kuai liang back.

Y/n had gone to kuai liang side, walking. It was cold. The snow was still falling, but y/n was covered.

"Are you cold?" Kuai liang had asked. "No." Y/n said. "Have you thought about whats going to happen?"


"Well you need to think very soon. Bi han will come for the lin kuei." Y/n said.

Then kuai liang looks dead in y/ns eyes. "We are not lin kuei." He said. Y/n looked at him confused. If they were not lin kuei, than what were they?

this is so short aswel omg and i feel like this has so many mistakes aswel omll.

dont forget to vote!!!!

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