|| Work Alone || Tommy Shelby...

By FanFictionWrite_r

2.8K 71 3

A woman of business. She left London looking for where she could stay low for some time and luckily she had f... More

Chapter 1 Season 1
Chapter 2 Season 1
Chapter 3 Season 1
Chapter 5 Season 1
Chapter 6 Season 1
Chapter 1 Season 2
Chapter 2 Season 2
Chapter 3 Season 2
Chapter 4 Season 2
Chapter 5 Season 2
Chapter 6 Season 2
Chapter 1 Season 3
Chapter 2 Season 3
Chapter 3 Season 3

Chapter 4 Season 1

206 7 0
By FanFictionWrite_r

That night you got home not saying a word to Thomas as you walked the streets and entered the building. Before you could reach the elevator a member of staff stops you with two suitcases. You furrow your brows as they shove the suitcases in your hands

"What?" You question

"Sorry, the state of your apartment is unacceptable. Destroying the place is inappropriate. Please hand over your key." The staff member spits in your face as you go to your pocket taking out the key and giving it to her. You grab your things and exit the building not a clue where to go. Wondering the streets you bump into John Shelby.

"Y/n, where you going?" John questions with a toothpick in his mouth

"Just been kicked out so that's what I need to figure out." You grumble as John furrows his brows

"Thought you were sleeping in the same room as Thomas." He mumbles confused

"Yeah, use too." You whisper as John takes one of your suitcases

"I'm sure he won't mind." John hums as your eyes widen as you see he has the suitcase with money in it meaning you'll have to follow him

"That's ok." You chuckle awkwardly

"Please, I'm sure Thomas won't mind." John continues to be oblivious to your face expressions. He enters the house, you following him. He leaves your suitcase out of Thomas's room and walks away. You were about to grab the suitcase and make a run for it and leave the room but the door opens revealing Thomas a bit stunned to see you here.

"What are you doing?" He questions crossing his arms and leaning on the door frame.

"Nothing, I was grabbing my suitcase." You answer with attitude

"Kicked?" Thomas questions already knowing what happened to you. You stay quiet giving him his answer. He takes the suitcase and the one in your hand and puts them in his room. He holds the door waiting for you to walk in but you don't move a muscle. He rolls his eyes and grabs your upper arm, throwing you into the room as you stumble.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing!?" You shout at him as he slowly turns to you

"Sh, my brothers are starting to go sleep. Just sleep and we'll talk tomorrow, ok? You don't have a place to go anyway." He states as you sigh and get ready for bed. You hop in bed and he does the same. Couple minutes later you both fall asleep

The next morning, you both wake up and get ready for the day. You leave first and Thomas chases after you. You don't bother to acknowledge him as you leave the building, him walking beside you.

"Can I help you?" You question irritated.

"We have a deal. I want you to stick to it." Thomas states as you chuckle sarcastically

"You were willing to get rid of me, that wasn't in the deal." You spit out at him. Thomas grabs your arm and turns you round making you bash into his chest.

"Listen, I'm sorry...again. Listen, John has called a family meeting. Pol told me to get you. I know you said last chance last time, but all I need is one more and I won't mess up." Thomas practically begs as he whispers very closely to your face. You take a moment to think but it's hard when Thomas's eye-cold gaze is directly on you.

"Fine." You give in rolling your eyes. He grins and leads you into the Garrison's where John, Arthur and Pol are there. You enter the small room. You sit down next to Arthur who offers you a drink but you put your hand out and decline it as he moves his arm to offer it to Thomas.

"Alright, John, there's only one man...no! There's only one man guarding the house. What's troubling you?" Thomas questions

"Polly, you know what it's been like. Since Martha died." John murmurs

"God takes the best first." Pol comforts

"Truth is, my kids have been running bloody rings around me. Running barefoot with the dogs until all hours." John complains as Thomas but his hands on each shoulder

"Pol, give him ten bob for some shoes. Is that it, John?" Thomas questions impatient

"Tommy, Y/n, it would be better to do this without you two. No offence Y/n, it's just Tommy. Now what's your point?" Aunt Pol questions as Thomas sighs agitated.

"What the kids need is a mother. So that's why I'm getting married." John informs as you freeze looking at the table. You see Arthur look towards you then towards Thomas who is also doing the same expression you are

"Does this poor girl know you're going to marry her, or are you going to spring it on her all of a sudden?" Pol questions

"I already proposed and she said, 'Yes.'" John states

"I think there's a shell about to land and go bang." Thomas interrupts

"It's, er...It's Lizzzie Stark." John informs as Thomas starts laughing throwing a hand around you. Arthur also starts laughing as you have no clue who this girl is.

"John, Lizzie Stark is a strong woman, and I'm sure she provides a fine service for her customers." Pol tries to hold back her laughter.

"I won't hear the word. Understand? Do not use that word." John demands

"What word is that, John?" You question

"You know what word that is." John grunts

"Everybody bloody knows." Arthur snickers

"Everybody can go to hell." John spits out

"Whore. That word? Or prostitute? How about that one?" Thomas sarcastically questions with anger as you finally understand that the other brothers believe she's a slag.

"Right. I want it known. If anyone calls her a whore again, I will push the barrel of my revolver down their throats, and blow the word back down into their hearts." John threatens as you snicker quietly shaking your head

"Men and their cocks never cease to amaze me." Pol speaks up

"Never can get your head wrapped around how these boys work, huh?" You add on as she nods

"John, Lizzie Stark never did a day's work vertical..." Pol tries to warn

"She's changed. Alright. People change. Like with religion." John yells

"Lizzie Stark has got religion, eh?" Thomas jokes pulling you up onto your feet and putting an arm around your waist pulling you into him as John stands out of anger.

"No! No, she doesn't have religion. But—but she loves me. Now listen, Tommy. I won't do it without your blessing. But of all the people in the world, I want you to see it...as brave." John defends as he turns round to face Thomas who looks up at him through his lashes as he keeps his head down.

"Oh, it's brave alright." Arthur chuckles

"Brave is going where no man has gone before. And with Lucy Stark, John that's not what you'll be doing." Pol laughs as Arthur chuckles, Thomas cracks a smile as you feel bad for John but the jokes are funny

"Listen, Tommy. Welcome her to the family. As someone's who's had a hard life. Alright? Because I need someone. The kids need someone." John tries to persuade Thomas. The door opens and you tilt your head to see who it is.

"Tommy! We've been done over!" A little boy shouts

"What?" Arthur questions. As everyone leaves the room and go to where the Shelby's business is. The place is completely trashed, a man with a bloody eye sat on a chair as you inspected the damage to the place.

"What the bloody hell happened here?" Arthur questions as you turn your head to the injured man.

"The Lees. All of them. Cousins, nephews, even their bastards..." The man spits out

"Oh, great. Got me kicked and are ruining your place." You scoff annoyed while crossing your arms

"They've taken anything they can lay their hands on. Four cash boxes." Pol informs

"They left this." Thomas states as he holds up wire cutters. You raise an eyebrow at this

"Wire cutters. Why would they leave that?" Pol questions

"Nobody move." Arthur orders

"I think our friends are playing the game." You mumble

"What game?" Pol questions moving around

"Aunt Pol. Don't touch anything." John demands stopping her

"Erasmus Lee was in France." Thomas mumbles

"Shit..." The injured man trails off

"Whenever we gave up ground to the Germans, we'd leave behind booby traps, set up with wires. We'd leave wire cutters as part of the joke." Thomas informs as your body goes stiff with fear

"Somewhere in here there's a hand grenade." John warns

"Holy Jesus." Pol mumbles

"Oh dear." You murmur

"Attached to a wire. Don't move any chairs, or open any windows. Go easy. John easy," Arthur whispers as all of you look around the floor to look for a wire.

"No. Boy's, no. It's not in here. If it was in here, it would have blown by now. It was mine and Y/n's name on that bullet Erasmus sent. He's set up traps alright. But he's set them just for me and her." Thomas informs everyone as he grabs your hand.

"I think I might know, come on." You whisper to Thomas as he nods. You both jog out of the place heading to where the cars are. You see Finn in the car

"Here?" Thomas questions

"Finn. Finn stay exactly where you are." You demand as you point to Thomas to stay there. You slowly approach the car.

"I was pretending I was Tommy." Finn chuckles

"Which door did you open to come in?" You question

"I didn't, I climbed in." Finn informs making you groan

"I want you to climb out exactly the same way you climbed in, okay? No, no! No! Finn! Clear!" You shout as Finn exits the car by the door. You run towards the car opening the other door, grabbing the bomb and throwing it away. Thomas runs to protect Finn as you cover yourself with your hands. You breathe heavily as you walk over to Thomas and Finn.

"That's why you should never pretend to be me or Y/n, okay? Okay? Thanks Y/n." Thomas warns as he pulls you and Finn into a long hug. You walk up to the Lee family. A man on your side holding a stick with a white piece of clothing on it, he holds it up as you walk beside him and Thomas on the other side.

"I got you two ten minutes with her. You could say thank you. It's easier to see the Pope these days." He grumbled as no words are said. The man knocks on the door and another opens it. You and Thomas step into the circus looking carriage. Sitting down you face the woman.

"Put your hands in the bible." She orders holding the bible

"I don't believe." Thomas and you say in union

"I know I didn't come here to lie. This war is cutting us all off." Thomas starts as you place a hand on his, as you are close friends with the woman. Though it's been a while and you don't remember her name .

"A boy almost got killed. A child." You add on

"You're all children." She argues

"I say enough. Your boys tried to kill us and it didn't work. I come here with a preposition." You offer putting the bullet that has Kimber's name engraved on it.

"I thought he was your ally." She questions

"I plan to betray him." You shrug saying it in a different language. Thomas not knowing the language and furrows his brows

"No wonder you won't touch a bible." She comments as you grin.

"I have ambitions." You hum

"You want to play a switch." She states as you lean back

"We need your boys." You immediately say

"For what?" She questions.

"Kimber's not the brains. There's a gadze who runs the races. I'm collecting smart people. But we need strong men too. Now your boys should know this, they get the winner in one of every three races before the race even starts. No need for chalkers or rafflers. I'm talking certainties." You explain

"You're saying you're going to do someone down, and in the same breath ask me to trust you." She repeats as you sigh rubbing your face

"On my mother's side, we are kin." Thomas states as you look at her once more

"reka tuganire kubucuruzi bwumuryango." (Let's talk family business) You say to her.

You walk back to the city and walk into the Garrison's expecting to see Pol. Sitting in the room a cigarette in hand and Thomas beside you, waiting on Pol. She enters the room and closes the door behind her. Thomas holding out a letter

"Did you have something to do with this?" Thomas questions throwing the paper on the table

"I asked an acquaintance for an address. She said she would only give it to me anonymously. She is afraid of the consequences." Pol informs

"Whose address is it?" Thomas questions

"Tommy, I'd like to discuss strategy." Pol mumbles as it remains quiet for some time.

After speaking to Pol, night came by fast and you and Thomas leaned on a box in the garage where the bomb was waiting on a car. Rain poured down as you can see it with the garage door open. The car pulls up and you watch the inspector get out. Your face stone-cold as you look at him.

"Your message said, you have an address for me." The inspector starts as Thomas pulls the paper out of his pocket

"Anonymous tip off. The address of Stanley Chapman." Thomas states

"You promised me Freddie Thorne." The inspector reminds

"This is instead of Freddie Thorne." You suggest

"No deal." He refuses as you push yourself off the box

"Inspector, Stanley Chapman is a bigger fish than Freddie Thorne. He is currently holding 200 pounds in cash. Given to the Communist's party by the Russian Government. That's right, Chapman has snow on his boots, and all you need is a shovel. If he talks, you'll have proof. You might even get that medal. Now, before I give you the address, I want your word, that you will let Freddie Thorne and my sister leave the city." You offer as Thomas passes you the paper and you hold it up from the inspector

"Very well. You have my word." He mumbles as you pass him the paper. Thomas standing behind you.

"Our little truce is proving quite productive for both of us, inspector. We get the information and protection and you...well...You get bolsheviks." You comment on the truce as you walk over to stand beside Thomas

"But on a more pressing matter, I'm afraid Mr Churchill is becoming impatient. And I fear that if you don't get back those stolen weapons soon, I will be replaced. It would be the finish of me. That's for sure." He warns as you look to the other side

"When our business with Kimber is done, the guns will be returned. That was the deal." Thomas states as the Inceptor sits down

"Then I am yours and her hands. Completely. You both hold all the cards. But I hope to God, that my dismissal doesn't come before your decision to hand back those guns. I say this for your twos sake. Because, if I were to be fired and it were your fault, I would do things that would shame the devil. My fury is a thing to behold. On my last day in power for example, I would see to it that you two and his scum brothers have your heads, stoves in with mallets and spades. And your sister too. That baby inside her would be of no consequence to me. The only one to be spared would be your little brother, Finn. He would however be lifted as a juvenile, and dumped into that part of the adult prison, where men have the most apatite for boys like him." The inspector warns as he glares towards Thomas who is standing right behind you.

"You're a sick man." You spit out disgusted at his words

"That would be a dark day indeed, Mr. Shelby and Ms. L/n. If my dismissal comes before yours two decisions. Do you understand? And Y/n, I know someone you've left in London. I'll make sure they'll have a brutal death..." He trails off as you freeze, your eyes open wide as he looks at you with a grin. Thomas looks down to see that has affected you quite a lot. Seeing how you have been affected negatively, Thomas looks towards the inspector with a hateful glare.

"I..." You stammer not sure of what to say

"Know this...the clock is ticking." He warns as you begin walking behind him to rush him out. Thomas grabbing your waist and pulling you into his chest. You hear a click of a gun beside your ear. You look down to see Thomas's hand tighten against your waist. Looking now beside you, you see an arm resting on your shoulder, following the arm to the hand you see the gun pointing towards the inspector. The inspector continues to roam free as Thomas does not press the trigger. He puts the gun down and not a word was said about the situation

"Who did you leave in London?" Thomas questions letting go of you and handing you a lit cigarette

"My younger sister, she's with a foster family at the moment." You surprisingly decide to tell him

"Didn't actually think you'd answer that." He mumbles as you shrug

"Neither did I." You hum as he chuckles

The next morning you and Thomas planned to meet with Billy Kimber. You both walk up to the car you know he was in and Thomas knocked on it. You have a cigarette in hand while Billy looked at both of you. Thomas opens the door after knocking.

"Mr Kimber. Mr Roberts. Come and have a look around. After you." Thomas opens the door for Billy and Robert. Both of them walking in first to where the Peaky Blinders work. You enter before Thomas, Thomas walking behind you and stopping beside Billy as they both look around the place to see everyone working

"We heard the Lees had turned you over." Billy states

"Shouldn't listen to gossip, Mr. Kimber." You inform walking in front, Thomas walking beside you

"Business is good. Since you know which horse is going to win before you set the odds." Robert comments as you walk into a room.

"Your information is very much appreciated." Thomas remarks

"So, where are they?" Billy questions

"John, Lovelock, Scudboat. In here. This is our team. They'll take up their pitch at your convenience. John is the book. Scudboat the bag man. And of course we bring our own protection." Thomas introduces as they all come in.

"Warwick. Next Saturday. At least 50 yards from the beer tent." Billy orders before walking out. Robert hands Thomas the papers before leaving. You all exit the room, Thomas going to the front of the table

"Gentlemen...and ladies. I have in my hand a legal betting license. Issued by the board of control. The Shelby family...and for time Y/n has its first legal racetrack pitch." Thomas announces as everyone starts cheering. Thomas smiles as Pol jogs up to you, catching you in a hug as you chuckle. She hugs Thomas as John pats your shoulder. Arthur shaking you as Thomas looks towards you with a large smile on his face. You smile at him as he grabs your wrist pulling you into a tight hug, catching you by surprise. He lifts you off your feet as you hold onto him laughing.

Later that night you and Thomas wait outside the Garrison's waiting for Grace and Max. Arthur has informed you and Thomas that they had been asking questions about the business. Wanting to know why, you wait for them to leave their work. You see them both exit the building together.

"Arthur tells us you both have been asking questions. About how we run our business. And how we get our booze and where we keep it." Thomas speaks up startling them both. Thomas and you have a serious face making Max and Grace look slightly worried

"We're just trying to help." Grace mumbles

"How about us four go for a walk?" You rhetorically question already walking off. Thomas following behind.

"Where to?" Max questions

"Come on." You order as they both follow you into a church. Thomas opening the door for you and Grace then letting it almost close on Max, Thomas carried on walking as Max catches the door and glares at Thomas's back.

"Why here?" Grace questions

"You two are good catholic's, aren't you?" Thomas questions as he walks beside you. Grace and Max walking behind

"Yes." They both answer in union.

"Well, then you know it's here people come to confess. After you two." Thomas states as he lets you and Grace sit down first. Grace sitting down first, then you, then Thomas and lastly Max who seems to start getting annoyed at Thomas's behaviour towards him.

"Well, here it is, you two." You mutter looking forward and leaning back

"I'll confess. We need someone. Kimber has an adviser by the name of Roberts. He talks well. He keeps the accounts. He runs the legal side of the business." Thomas informs

"And you two need Roberts for each of you." Grace finishes

"Arthur tells us you have ideas." You inform

"We're not accountants. Not a lawyer." Max starts

"No. But you two have something we need. Class. We need people who looks right at the big meetings. Epsom, Ascot." You exclaim

"Is this a job interview?" Max jokes looking towards you

"Arthur says you two are good with numbers." Thomas chimes in, getting in the way of Max's view of you.

"Well, that's relative. He is quite poor." Grace comments

"You two keep the books in order." Thomas mutters

"They were chaotic." Grace comments

"But you two are liars. No catholic people would enter a church and forget to make the sign of the cross." You state coldly as they both go silent for some time and avoid eye contact.

"You are very perceptive." Grace grumbles

"You lied about the pub you used to work in. Now we find out you two are Protestant." You list

"Do you care?" Max questions looking towards you.

"No." You answer looking away shaking your head

"We lied to fit in." Max informs

"You pull a pint like someone who's thinking about it." You sigh turning to him

"This is not an interview, it is an interrogation." Grace states trying to leave. Max also standing up

"Sit down." Thomas order sternly as they both slowly sit down again.

"This is stupid." Max comments

"Let her finish." Thomas once again orders as he looks at you, wanting you to proceed.

"Look, you two...you both washed up in a place you don't belong. For whatever reason. My good fortune." You say looking at Max.

"And perhaps mine." Max quickly replies as Thomas puts an arm behind your chair and looks towards Grace.

"You know that most of what we do is illegal?" Thomas questions

"We're not blind." Grace answers

"You two still be willing to work for us?" Thomas questions once more as Grace turns to you both smiling.

"Are you offering us the job? Then I accept." Grace accepts as Thomas scoffs.

"As do I." Max accepts

"Max, a word. In private." You order standing up from Thomas and walking away. Max following behind as Thomas looks over to you both till he couldn't see you.

"Hm?" Max hums as he looks down at you.

"I just wanted to apologise for Thomas's behaviour towards you. He will grow to like you." You apologise for Thomas as Max chuckles. He remains quiet for sometime making the atmosphere feel awkward.

"Is that why you called me over here? To apologise in private?" Max questions

"Pretty much." You murmur rubbing the back of your neck.

"Actually, I needed to talk to you privately." Max acts like he remembers as you furrow your brows and look up towards him

"Hm?" This time you hum as he grins at you. He puts his hand on your cheek, cupping it making your face go red as his other hand wraps around your waist and pulls you towards him. He connects your lips softly, catching you by surprise but eventually you close your eyes and return the kiss. You both pull apart as he smiles while looking down at you. You smile back up at him.

"My appetite for the work has only increased." Max chuckles as you see Thomas standing up and about to walk out the church until he stops and turns around like he was looking for you

"Y/n, we're leaving." Thomas states as you push yourself away from Max and jog up to Thomas with your head down. Your insides felt all giddy as if you were a teenager who's just been asked out by their first crush.

The next morning you woke up and Thomas has left before you. You found it odd as he normally would wake you up but shook it off as you got ready for day. You lit yourself a cigarette and walked out the building. Strolling the streets of Birmingham unsure of where to go or what to do. You throw your cigarette once you're done with it and walk around more seeing John clean his car. You walk up to him as he looks up and notices you.

"Y/n, I'd thought you be with Tommy." John says confused as you hum

"He left this morning. Not sure where. You need a hand cleaning the car? I've got nothing else to do." You offer as John throws you a sponge. You both start cleaning the car and joking with each other. Hearing footsteps enter the garage you both turn to see Thomas walking in.

"Tommy. I need a favour. I want to borrow the car. I want to take Lizzie for a ride to the country with the kids. We're going to celebrate getting the license." John questions as you stop cleaning

"Not a problem, John." Thomas shrugs

"I need the keys." John informs as Thomas doesn't give him the keys. You furrow your brows knowing Thomas has something to say.

"Look, John, you're my brother. There's something I have to tell you. Yesterday, on the front seat of that car, I offered Lizzie some money. And John? She said, 'Yes.' Now that's a fact. You do with it what you want. Take the keys. Take Lizzie to the country. Marry her if you want. But you have to know. She said, 'Yes.'" Thomas informs as John storms to him. Thomas gives him the keys and John gets in the car. You and Thomas both moving out the way. John stays in the car for some time before getting out and dropping the keys on the floor then storming out the garage.

"Why'd you offer her money?" You question looking towards Thomas.

"Wanted to see if the past was the past. Come on, let's grab a drink." Thomas answers as he walks off, you following behind feeling sorry for his brother. You enter the empty Garrison's. Max and Grace passing you a drink.

"Get two glasses." You order as you pour yours and Thomas's drink. You pour it into the other two drinks as well as your own. Then pushing the two drinks to Grace and Max.

"You two make a toast?" Thomas questions as you all lift up your glasses.

"We're Irish, we can make a million toasts. May you be in heaven a full half hour before the devil knows you're dead." Grace toasts as you all down your drinks

"What are we celebrating?" Max questions

"Contract of employment." Thomas answers putting out two papers. One in front of Grace the other in front of Max

"Bookkeeper. Shelby Brothers Limited." Grace reads the paper.

"I don't like that word 'limited.'" Thomas grumbles turning around and leaning on the bar

"To be respectable, you have to be limited." Grace informs

"That's what worries me." Thomas comments

"I had the phone put in. It's in the back." Grace points out as Thomas turns around and hands you a cigarette then lighting it for you.

"If we knew someone else had a phone, we could call them." Thomas mumbles as Grace lets out a chuckle

"And since we are celebrating, I had this delivered from Rackhams department store. Aren't you going to open it?" Grace questions putting a bottle on the bar as Thomas inspects it

"No. Save it. For a special occasion. Right, your first job for the company. I want you to get that to my sister." Thomas orders

"You don't see her?" Grace questions

"No one does. She is hiding from me. I am told she goes to a bathhouse on Montague Street. On woman only days. She goes in disguise, so I need to get someone inside." Thomas informs

"Am I not doing anything for the first job?" Max questions

"This is for Grace." You answer as Max nods

"What am I delivering?" Grace questions

"It's an invitation to a family occasion. I want her there. So tell her there will be a truce." Thomas answers

"Am I delivering bait for a trap?" Grace questions

"If you check that contract, I think you'll find it doesn't say anything about asking questions. Give her the invitation. Max, put that thing in a cupboard, until I say." Thomas orders sternly as he grabs his blazer and leaves with you. You both walk back to his house in complete silence. You walking up the stairs first then Thomas. You hear a door open making you and Thomas freeze. You both look at each other before starting to move slowly. Thomas being right behind you. You open the door quickly as Thomas grabs your waist, forcing you into his chest and cocking his gun pointing it towards the intruder...that is John. Thomas uncocks his gun as he lets out a deep sigh. He lets go of your waist as you pull apart from Thomas and stand beside him. Thomas looking pissed at John who was startled by you and Thomas.

"What the hell, John." Thomas grumbles

"I couldn't get it out. Couldn't even do that." John complains

"Why would you want to be smoking that for?" Thomas questions as you start to think he's smoking cannabis

"Same reason as you. Pain in the head. I spoke to Lizzie. I told her what you told me. She said, 'your brother is a dirty liar.' But then I spoke to her sister and her cousin. Bought them a couple of drinks. 'Just a few regulars', they said. 'That's all.' 'To keep the wolf from the door, she still sees a couple of regulars.' You must think I'm an idiot." John starts to cry as he sits on Thomas's bed. You sitting one side of John as Thomas sits the other.

"I think you're the first Shelby in history, to have a legal license for anything. What would our granddad say, eh? He'd be turning in his grave. 'Honest bloody money? Eh? In this house? In here?'" Thomas puts on a voice as an old man making John laugh and you smile

"You always used to do voices when we were kids." John chuckles

"Well, we're not kids now, John." Thomas mumbles looking away

"But we still have to look out for each other, right?" John questions

"Yeah...we also have to look out for Y/n too." Thomas whispers nodding his head to you. John chuckles once more putting his arm around you and pulling you closer as tears are still in his eyes

"Come on. Go home. Get some sleep. We've got a big day tomorrow." Thomas urges as you all stand up. You handing John his hat

"We have?" John questions

"Tomorrow we finish the war with the Lees once and for all." Thomas states as you furrow your brows not knowing about this

"Since when?" John questions

"Since just now. Ten o'clock tomorrow. Be ready for anything." Thomas warns as he closes the door

The next morning you and Thomas meet up with Arthur and are walking to meet with John and some of the boys John had collected. A cigarette in hand, you continued walking with Arthur and Thomas. One on each side of you.

"Out to get boys." Arthur mumbles

"Ready boys? John, ready?" Thomas questions walking up to John

"Yeah, I'm fine." John answers

"Here, have a drink." Arthur offers giving John his flask which he happily accepts and takes a swig out of. He passes it back to Arthur as everyone looks at him.

"What? Why are you all staring at me for? What?" John questions angrily

"Good, let's go." Thomas orders as he walks off. John looks around one more time before they all follow Thomas and you.

"What?" John questions one more wanting an answer but nobody does as they all continue walking. Arthur loading up his gun as you walk. You see the Lee's watching you carefully as you walk up the hill bit of the road. Shotguns in there hands

"Here we go." You murmur

"Tommy, what's your plan? We are in shotgun range." John questions as you all turn to him once more and stop

"John, before we go into battle...there's something you're going to need." Thomas states putting a white rose on his suit as everyone else brings out a rose including you.

"What are you bloody doing, Tommy?" John questions again starting to get impatient

"Smile, John, it's a wedding." Thomas answers vaguely

"Whose bloody wedding?" John demands an answer

"Now if we'd told you, you wouldn't have come." You speak up as John furrows his brows at you

"There's a girl from the Lee family who's going a bit wild. And she needs marrying her off." Thomas explains as John immediately reacts pushing Thomas back into you as you put your hands on his back to prevent him from bashing into you. As John tries to leave all the boys grab him and prevent him from leaving as you feel bad for the boy.

"John!" Thomas yells grabbing John's shoulder

"You have no bloody right, Tommy!" John shouts in his face as Thomas grabs Johns head

"Listen to me. Listen to me. A girl who needs a husband. A man who needs a wife." Thomas tries to calm him down

"Tom, I'm not bloody marrying some fucking mushroom picker..." John tries to refuse grabbing Thomas's blazer

"John boy, come on. Listen. I have already betrothed you. If you back out now, there's gonna be a mighty war breaking out here. It's gonna make the Somme...it'll make the Somme look like a tea party. But if you marry her, our family and the Lee family will be united forever. And this war will be over. Now, it's up to you John. War or peace." Thomas persuades as he backs away from John. You keep your head down making John go into a forceful marriage.

"Let go of me." John demands as he finally gives in. You walk beside Thomas with your head still down as John walks in front, toothpick in his mouth as his hat is off.

"Right. You should see the size of her dowry." Arthur jokes

"Her what?" John questions

"Her dad is giving you a car." Thomas informs as you all stop at a cart with a lady and a man standing out of it.

"Good luck." You wish him luck as he looks at you. You all stop as you stand just behind John

"Will he do?" Thomas questions as he remains quiet for some time

"He'll do." The woman confirms making everyone cheer as you remain quiet. Thomas shakes your shoulders but you don't react.

"Here she is." Thomas points out as a women in a wedding dress starts to come into sight

"She'd better be under 50." John whispers

"Come here. Go on." Thomas orders as he throws his toothpick out of Johns mouth. You watch as John kneels beside her as Polly shows up with Ada.

"We're here today to join in matrimony, this man and this woman." Johnny dogs starts

"You look well." Thomas comments about Ada

"...and harmony and togetherness. Which is sanctioned and honoured by the presence, and power of these two families around us. Do you John Micheal Shelby take Esme Martha Lee to be your beautiful wife?" Johnny dogs questions

"You got my invitation." Thomas carries on the conversation with Ada

"Grace said there's a truce." Ada responds

"Family day. Your husband couldn't make it?" Thomas states

"He's not speaking to me. And when he does he calls me, 'A fucking Shelby.' Even though I'm a Thorne now." Ada grumbles annoyed

"Thorne in my side that's for sure." Thomas comments

"To have and hold—" Johnny dog continues

"My God, Tommy. You admire him, don't you?" Ada teases

"There remains one more part of the ceremony. That's the mingling of the two bloods. Where the two families become the one family. I now pronounce you man and wife. Come on, John, kiss the bride, will you?" John shouts happily as everyone claps as John and Esme kiss.

Night falls and everyone is still celebrating dancing around as a fire was in the middle. You pull out a pack of cigarettes and take one, putting it between your lips. You take out your lighter and light the cigarette, shaking the lighter you put it back and lean on the wall taking the cigarette in between your fingers and blowing the smoke as you watched everyone. The fire reflecting in your eyes.

People shot guns in the air as John and Esme danced. To celebrate more people set fireworks into the sky. Them now also reflecting off your eyes as you watch them, while toking on your cigarette. Thomas was sat down with one of the Lee family members as Polly walks over to talk about Ada needing to slow down as she was heavily drunk however you wanted to stay away from Thomas for the night. No particular reason, you just felt as if you needed to smoke alone for a night. You see Thomas struggling to stop Ada and throw your cigarette away and join his side to listen to Ada

"Come and look Esme! Look at the family you've joined! Come, look at the man and woman who runs it! And she's not even a fucking Shelby. And he chooses his brother's wives for them! They both hunt his own sister down like a rat and tries to kill his own brother-in-law." Ada yells as he starts punching Thomas's chest and pushing his hands away. She pushes you a few times back but you keep walking back to Thomas's side. Thomas grabs Ada's wrist preventing her from pushing you again and pushes her hand back. Thomas grabs your wrist securely to make sure she doesn't push you again

"Ada, that's enough." Thomas orders

"Now he won't even let me have a fucking dance! Not even at a fucking wedding!" Ada screams out

"Sit her down." John demands

"Calm down, Ada. Ada, you must calm down." Pol tries to calm her down as Ada's breathing starts to go uneven. You furrow your brows and look down to see her water has broken. You now raise your eyebrows surprised

"Shit, her water." You point out as Pol looks down and her eyes go wide.

"Bloody hell Ada, you do pick your times." Arthur complains. As you all get her out the party.

You and Thomas stand beside a car smoking a cigarette as you see a car recklessly driving and coming towards you, turning a corner horribly and stopping with a halt. You hear the Shelby family arguing snd shake your head as a headache started to form. The car Esme's father gave John

"Nice car, John. How's she run?" You question as they all get out. Arthur, Esme and John.

"Beautiful. Really smooth." John answers

"Ada's giving birth and you're talking about a car." Aunt grumbles

"Not much a business woman can do." Thomas defends as he puts an arm over your shoulder and his over hand patting your collarbone.

"Except go get drunk with her business partners." Arthur suggests

"Right, come on." Thomas chuckes as he starts dragging you with him

"There's one man who should be here." Pol stops him as he lets go of you and turns round

"You're right, Pol, Freddie should be here." Thomas agrees

"Is that a heartbeat I hear inside that chest? Apart from the one for Y/n." Pol questions a bit surprised by him agreeing with her.

"The truce lasts till sunrise. On my oath. Tell Freddie it's safe." Thomas informs making a smile appear on Pol's face as she rushes inside

"Ada!" You hear her shout as you keep a blanc face.

"Right boys...and lady, let's wet the baby's head." Thomas shouts as you all walk off. Thomas flinging an arm around your shoulder as Arthur does the same with John.

You all are sat in the Garrison's drinking and toasting. John getting a bit too drunk but continues to drink as you all hold up your glasses ready to make another toast.

"To beautiful women." Arthur toasts winking at you as you sarcastically smile, you see in the corner of your Thomas freeze and hold a deathly glare but it immediately changes as everyone clinks glasses and downs there drink

"I should go. It's my wedding night." John slurs as Arthur puts his hand on him

"You sit down. You don't want to be among women when there's a baby coming." Arthur informs as Grace starts passing out drinks as you see Max walk past the door. You feel a slight jolt in your chest as you see him smile at you.

"You think her husband will stay away?" Grace questions

"Freddie will be there. Nothing will keep him away. Tommy said it's alright for him to be there. Isn't that right?" John shouts to Thomas

"That's right. I'm all heart tonight." Thomas states

"You know what, John boy? I think it's that lovely barmaid, that pretty one that just walked out that's made our brother go all soft. And for Y/n, I think it's that bloody bartender. I use to think it was each other that made them go soft but that made them powerful it's the barmaid and bartender that's really made them go all soft." Arthur slurs out as you and Thomas chuckle leaning back in your chairs

"Drinks to that." John laughs as you all continue to joke and laugh the rest of the night, drinking more and more. John and Arthur danced in the room as you and Thomas went to the bar for a quiet smoke

"Want me to open the champagne now?" Max questions as Grace, you and Thomas chuckle. The door slams open and you turn your head to see Pol very visibly pissed, and storming to Thomas

"It's a boy." Pol starts as he tries to attack Thomas. You hold her back stopping her as Arthur and John stand behind confused. Thomas stepping back slightly as he furrows his brows confused

"Pol? Polly? Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" John shouts

"Polly! Polly!" Arthur shouts

"But the police came and took his father away. Don't you dare look at me like that. You liar!" Pol spits out as she nudges you to let go of her and whips her head to you, glaring deeply at you. You put your hands up in surrender but she slaps you in the face and leaves as you turn your head to the side from the force. She storms out as your chest heaves with anger. You didn't want Freddie to get arrested yet it still happens to be your problem when you wasn't involved. You grit your teeth and ball up your fists not saying a word as you glare at the wooden floor. Max staring at you wide eyes, the same with Thomas and the others all looking at you.

Word count: 7449

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