Snow Blossom - [BEOMKAI FF]

By btch_for_yeosang

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"You know," he began. He glanced in his direction. "What?" "You remind me of a snow blossom." "How so?" Kai... More

Part One
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Part Two
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 16

74 7 9
By btch_for_yeosang

Sometimes, a little more time can mean different things.

For some, it means a few days.

While for others, it only means a few hours.

Many things can, and usually, happen slowly.

While others don't, and happen so fast.

In the case of Beomgyu and Kai... time worked universally extraordinarily.

Kai woke up extremely late that day, as in, smack at noon. The moment he saw those four numbers on his phone display, he jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to the kitchen.

Beomgyu was sitting in the living room, reading a book, but looked up from it when he saw the younger one.

"Afternoon," he smiled.

"Hey. Gosh why did I oversleep that late?"

"Lucky you, I woke up at 5."

"At 5?!"


"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that."

Beomgyu shrugged, and stood up from the couch. It gave Kai the opportunity to glance at what he was wearing: jeans, a white top, and a gray jacket on top of it.

A bit unusual compared to the past few days.

"Are you cold?" Kai asked.

"Not exactly. But it's not very warm outside either, at least, it's significantly colder than our typical 35°C temperature," Beomgyu responded.

"Oh. Should I wear something warm then?"

"You should eat something. I'll prepare you an omelet, how does that sound?"


Beomgyu walked to the kitchen to get the necessary ingredients for cooking an omelet, while Kai sat down at the counter to keep him company.

He propped his chin on his palm, deep in thought.

There was something burning at the tip of his tongue that he wanted to ask the older, even though he currently paid no mind to him, far too focused on preparing the younger his breakfast.

"Hyung," Kai said.

Beomgyu lifted his gaze.


"Do you wanna go swimming?"


"Mhm. I suggested it once, remember?"


The brunette placed a hand on the back of his neck from shyness.

"I uh... I don't have any swim trunks on me either... a-and I don't exactly want to swim naked."


Kai blushed darkly at that image the author won't specify, and Beomgyu awkwardly darted his eyes away, feeling his cheeks heat up.

He quickly busied himself with his omelet.

"But uh... I-I could just wear my clothes, I don't mind them sticking to me. What's a washing machine for after all?"

"Beomgyu, are you sure you're not forcing yourself just because I want to do it?" Kai questioned skeptically.

The brunette looked at him.

"What do you mean, what makes you think that?"

Kai stood up and came closer to him.

"If you're not comfortable with it just say so. It's completely fine; I was simply just suggesting something we could do together."

Beomgyu stilled for a moment.

He's asking me for my consent and if I'm okay with it... that was never the case with him, I always was forced by him unless I wanted to face a consequence. Kai... you really are nothing like him, you're special.

He truly wasn't used to all this kindness, but Kai was making him see it again.

Besides, the latter wasn't going to deny the fact he'd love to swim again.

"I appreciate your concern, but I promise I'm fine. Let's do it," Beomgyu smiled.

"You sure?" Kai asked.

He nodded.


"Alright then."

A small smile crossed Kai's features.

"Should we do it tonight then?"

"Sure, why not?"


🎶: 'Wildest Dreams' by Taylor Swift

It was late evening once more.

Everything, from the house to the lush green trees, the bushes, and the wild flowers around them, was soaked in the setting sunlight.

The coarse and grainy yet cooled sand glowed gold.

In the distance, the vast and majestic ocean glittered as the pulsating sun began coming closer and closer to it.

A few seagulls flew over the sky, contrasting with the vibrant colors due to the sun casting shadows on them.

A slight breeze blew through the forest, bringing clean and fresh air to mark something.

Something nobody knew yet, but will soon enough.

Beomgyu watched all of that as he waited for Kai. The wind blew grains of sand into his face, so he closed his eyes, feeling the gusts of air ripple through his hair and his clothes.

As always, the air smelled so delicious and fresh.

"Ready to go?"

The brunette opened his eyes and turned around to meet Kai's gaze.

He could feel his breath hitch in his chest.

It was one of the many instances where he felt himself being hypnotized by how... dashing and gorgeous Kai was.

His black hair was slightly wavy and curled around the sides of his face, highlighting the tall nose, high cheekbones, deep warm eyes, thin lips and his distinct facial features.

And even the clothes he wore, a black-beige mesh sweater with a white top underneath, hugged his tall frame so well.

In short, Beomgyu couldn't believe life had graced him with Kai's magnificent presence.

"You won't be cold with that, right?" he pointed at his shorts.

Kai shook his head.

"I happen to deal well with temperatures."

"Don't be too confident; the water is colder than it seems at night."

"It's fine. If it gets too cold, we can leave."


And then, something unexpected happened. Kai reached his hand out to Beomgyu.

"May I?"

Blush immediately went its way into Beomgyu's cheeks.

"Uh... sure?"

He carefully placed his smaller hand into Kai's palm, who closed his fingers over, making Beomgyu's heart beat faster than before.

"Should we go on a short walk?"

"If you want."

"Tell me yes or no, Beomgyu. You can decide."

A small smile formed on Beomgyu's face at the considerate gesture.

"Sorry. Yes, I'd like to walk with you."

"Catch me if you can!!"


Their walk through the forest in the direction of the cliffs soon became a game of tag and chase between the trees, barefoot on the grass.

Particularly because these two lovebirds felt their eartips burning from feeling flustered and shy, and wanted to distract themselves from it.

So, being the daredevil he was, the brunette suddenly tapped the ravenette's shoulder, challenging him to a childish game.

No one is ever too old for them.

Beomgyu had the upper hand, running steadily uphill, while Kai stumbled on his way upwards and after the older.

"No fair, you're used to this type of stuff!"

"What can I say, it runs in my blood!"

"That's not a flex!"

Beomgyu simply giggled brightly.

His laughter echoed around and bounced off the approaching rock walls, and Kai knew that once again, the older one won him over with that again.

I would do anything to make sure I hear that laughter every day.

Soon enough, Beomgyu and Kai emerged from the forest, onto the cliff. There, the wind blew fiercely in their direction, ruffling and messing their hair and clothes around, but they didn't care.

No when they had the widest smiles in the world.

"You're cornered!!"



Beomgyu shrieked when Kai caught his arm, gently of course, and tackled him to the ground.

The two rolled round and around on the grass, laughing as they tried to tag each other again, until Beomgyu fell flat on the ground and Kai was right above him, hands pinned on either side of his head.

Time stopped yet again.

Just like it did a few days ago in the kitchen.

Now, it was Kai's turn to become speechless as he gazed at Beomgyu with stars in his eyes yet again, breathless underneath him.

He was just so beautiful.

With his brown strands of hair spread apart, forehead exposed, round, circular sparkling eyes peering at him with wonder, red lips parted, rosy cheeks flushed, just everything— Kai knew that if he had to, he would write a million poems about the older, confessing and declaring his love for him.

And the sunset behind them was just a paid actor.

Bathing the two in its wondrous light.

"Umm... tag?" Beomgyu said, tapping Kai's shoulder again.

The ravenette chuckled.

"You got me."

Kai climbed off Beomgyu and extended a hand out to him, who accepted it and pulled himself up from the ground.


He brushed off a bit of dust from his clothes and fixed his hairs, before looking down at the ocean below.

"We're really high up."

"I know."

Beomgyu's eyes shot up a bit when he remembered something, and glanced at Kai with a worried look.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, why do you ask?"

"Your fear of heights."



He does have a fear of them, but right now... Kai simply couldn't feel any of that coursing through in his veins.

Probably because his heart was pounding from adrenaline, adrenaline coming from how entranced he was by Beomgyu.

He had no idea what effect the older had on him, but he supposed it was because of how madly in love he was with him.

"I don't feel so afraid when I'm with you."

Beomgyu's cheeks colored darkly as he heard those words, feeling his own heart beginning to race faster in his ribcage.

He didn't know what to say.

"Ne... Neither do I."

And then, Kai suddenly had a crazy idea.

"Have you ever leapt off a cliff to go diving?"

"No, I haven't. It depends on how safe a cliff is."

"Is this one safe?"

"Well, as long as the boulders down below are avoided, it should be— Kai, no!"

"Let's do it."

Beomgyu was perplexed and stunned.

"B-But, what about your—" he stuttered.

"I want to overcome it."

Kai reached his hand out to him.

"Please, I promise we'll do whatever you want for the rest of the evening. This is my last request for today"

And somewhere in himself, Beomgyu knew he couldn't say no.

He too wanted to feel this thrill.

So he grabbed his hand.

"Let's do this."

A determined look crossed Kai's face, and Beomgyu's features did the same. The two took a few steps back, as they were standing close to the edge, before taking the first leap, running forwards.

Kai's heart raced faster as the edge came closer. His mind began screaming at him to stop in his tracks, that he was insane, and that he had a death wish.

But it was too late.

And somewhere in himself, Kai knew that it was now or never, overcoming this fear that had suppressed him for all his life.


Beomgyu's grasp on Kai's hand tightened as he took an epic leap off the cliff, and he swore he felt all his organs leaving their place.

Yet... this feeling was incredible.

He was actually flying.

With Kai next to him, they soared across the darkening sky. The wind rushed past them, creating music to their ears, and the world was gliding by the more they fell down and down and down, until they crashed directly into the ocean waves, bubbles erupting everywhere.

Beomgyu broke out of the water first, gasping for air as he threaded his arms through the ocean waves. Kai came back to the surface soon too, spluttering.

"THAT. WAS. AWESOME!!" he whooped.


The brunette swam closer to him and splashed water into his face, making the other yelp.

"That was one of the scariest things I ever did in my whole life!"

"Don't lie to me, I saw your face; you had fun!"

"Still, what about you?"

A small smile crossed Kai's features, yet again.

"I finally faced my fear. That's all that really matters to me. And I did it thanks to you; if you weren't next to me... I would never have had the courage."

Those words... touched Beomgyu's heart.

"I... then I'm glad then."

The moment was interrupted when they felt the warm glow from the sun shine on their faces.

Both of them glanced to the side to see a sight they had grown to love and adore in their time here.

Right behind the horizon, the bright orange sun was leaving its last rays on the world for the day, sinking down. The sky was pink, orange, and blue, mixing and blending together like a painting on a canvas.

Strangely, despite seeing this so many times the past few weeks, today... felt so much more special.

"The sunset and view really are beautiful," Beomgyu said in awe.

Kai, however, only had eyes for one person.

"I think the real beauty is you, snow blossom."

Beomgyu turned his head to meet Kai's eyes, which looked at him with... so much love.

At that moment, right in the middle of their own little world, their hearts began to beat as one.

Then, memories of the day they met flooded into their minds.

Suddenly, he heard another twig snap.
Kai just couldn't take his eyes off him; it was like his sight was glued to him, like he was a magnet meeting its other end.
And he... he was gorgeous as hell.

His mind told him to run.
But his curiosity, careful but inquisitive, got the best of him, which is why he took cautious steps in the direction of the sound.
Never in his life has he seen someone look so extraordinarily unique.
He looked like a porcelain statue, with his sharp yet curved nose, thin yet full lips, godlike carved out face... and rectangular eyes that admired the nature around him.

Without wasting another second, Beomgyu and Kai let their lips touch, bringing each other into a blissful kiss.

The moment Kai felt Beomgyu's soft, plumb lips on his thin ones, butterflies exploded in his stomach. His heart shook and hammered violently in his chest, unable to grasp what was happening.

He was kissing.

Kissing Beomgyu.

And it was... simply amazing.

The most majestic thing he's ever experienced: the act of slotting and sliding his lips with the love of his life.

Beomgyu closed his eyes as he let himself get lost in this moment, this moment where he relived the feeling of exhilaration and love.

Only this time, it was with a kind and generous man who he could feel would devote his life to him, no matter the cost.

Forget the circumstances.

Forget the two worlds they came from.

Forget everything around them.

All that mattered was that they both finally found each other.

One after losing everything, the other after rediscovering his passion.

The two wanted more, craved to be closer and closer, so that nothing could break them apart or come in between them.

Despite being in the water, Kai's hands found Beomgyu's waist, grabbing his hips and cradling them as he flushed his body to his. Beomgyu's hands made their way to Kai's long hair, tugging on the wet strands as their lips hungrily chased each other, soft gasps escaping them as they tasted all of one another, their kiss becoming hotter and more passionate with every passing moment.

Lost in euphoria.

And warmth pooled everywhere.

The warmth that comes with finding the one.

No one was there to watch them.

No one, aside from the great forces of nature, the water, the wind, and the forest surrounding the pair.

They were the only witnesses.

The only witness of an act of true love bloomed from love at first sight.


A/N: I cried. This will forever be my favorite Taylor song 🥲🫶

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