By makexaxwish

33K 706 126

ever since camden lahey, the oldest lahey sibling, had died, ivanna and isaac lahey had become victims to the... More

╬ Season Two ╬
╬ 001; Forgotten ╬
╬ 002; Witness ╬
╬ 003; Bite ╬
╬ 004; Swimming Pool Area ╬
╬ 005; Testing In Chemistry ╬
╬ 006; Blocked Memories ╬
╬ 007; Detention ╬
╬ 008; Rave ╬
╬ 009; Pictures ╬
╬ 010; Kill 'Em All ╬
╬ 011; Psychotic ╬
╬ 012; Saving ╬
╬ Season Three A ╬
╬ 001; Deucalion ╬
╬ 002; Denial ╬
╬ 003; Condolences ╬
╬ 004; Last Resort ╬
╬ 005; Behest ╬
╬ 006; All In My Head ╬
╬ 007; Losing You ╬
╬ 008; Little Star ╬
╬ 009; Fugitive ╬
╬ 010; Without You ╬
╬ 011; Emotional Tether ╬
╬ 012; Sixteen Hours Later ╬
╬ Season Three B ╬
╬ 002; Coyote Den ╬
╬ 003; Grudge ╬
╬ 004; The Five ╬
╬ 005; The Key ╬
╬ 006; Vessel ╬
╬ 007; I Want It All ╬
╬ 008; In Love ╬
╬ 009; Trickster ╬
╬ 010; Wake Up ╬
╬ 011; Scream of Agony ╬
╬ 012; Saviour ╬
╬ Season Four ╬
╬ 001; Fear of Losing You ╬
╬ 002; Fountain of Youth ╬
╬ 003; Coded by a Banshee ╬
╬ 004; This Kid Got Rage Issues ╬
╬ 005; Assassins At School ╬
╬ 006; Burn It Out ╬
╬ 007; A Wolf's Virus ╬
╬ 008; Bad Idea ╬
╬ 009; Attempt to Murder ╬
╬ 010; Once Again ╬
╬ 011; Self Control ╬
╬ 012; Dream Come True ╬
╬ Season Five A ╬

╬ 001; Scarf Siblings ╬

503 10 3
By makexaxwish


Stiles Stilinski was seen gasping awake, quickly sitting up, him looking like he had just woken up from a nightmare that he couldn't wake up from, little beads of sweat upon his forehead, him heavily breathing out.

Stiles then felt someone on top of him, Ivanna Lahey was seen lying on top of him, her soft brown eyes looking up at him.

"You okay?" Ivanna whispers in worry.

Stiles frowns his dark brows, Ivanna sitting in between his legs on her knees, her hand caressing his face softly.

"...yeah, um, uh, i was just...having a nightmare, i felt like i couldn't wake up." Stiles hesitantly says.

Ivanna then smiles at Stiles, her slicking back a strand of his dark brown hair that had fallen onto his forehead. "Well, you're okay now."

Ivanna then slowly climbed onto Stiles' lap, her fingers slowly undoing the button of his flannel, Stiles staring at her completely taken back.

"Iv-ivy...what, what are you doing?" Stiles whispers at her in surprise.

Ivanna then placed a finger onto his lips, softly hushing him. "Just let it happen."

Ivanna's lips caressed Stiles', him feeling her kissing her with such passion that he couldn't resist, he immediately kissed her back, taking a hold of her neck, then deepened the kiss.

Ivanna then softly pulled away, her moving her lips to his neck, trailing up behind his ear, her lips caressing his ear.

"Stiles? You have to wake up." Ivanna whispered lovingly.

Stiles frowns in confusion, him whispering out. "What?"

Ivanna then looks at Stiles. "Wake up, wake up, you need to wake up."

"Wake up?" Stiles whispers in confusion.

Ivanna then whispers once again, her fingers trailing across his face. "Wake up..."


"You couldn't wake up?"

Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall was seen walking through the high school the next morning, Stiles telling Scott about what had happened to him last night.


"And you dreamt of Ivanna?" Scott then questioned.

"Yeah...it was weird, it just felt so real, but then, it wasn't, you ever heard of sleep paralysis?"

Scott uneasily stares at Stiles. "...uh, no, do i want to?"

"It happens because, during REM sleep, your body is basically paralyzed, it's called 'muscle atonia', that way if you start dreaming about running, you don't actually start running in your bed." Stiles informs.

"That makes sense." Scott agrees.

"But, sometimes your mind can wake up before your body does, so, for this split second, you're actually aware that your body is paralyzed." Stiles states.

"And that's the terrifying part." Scott says.

"It turns your dream into a nightmare, you can feel like you're falling, like you're being strangled." Stiles says.

"How'd you even wake up?" Scott then questions.

"Like i said, Ivy was there, she kept telling me to wake up, and when i did actually wake up...she wasn't around." Stiles says with a sigh.

"...you woke up because of her? Do you know what that means?" Scott hints, looking at him.


"Good morning!"

Inside History class, there was an Asian man standing in front of the board, talking with the students.

"My name is Mr. Ken Yukimura, i'll be taking over for your previous teacher, my family and i moved here three weeks ago, i'm sure, by now, you all know my daughter, Kira." Ken states.

Everyone had perplexed expressions on their faces, having no idea who he was talking about.

"...or you might not, since she's never mention anyone from the school, or brought a friend home, but, either way, there she is!"

Everyone then turned around and saw an Asian girl with black hair, her raising her head up, shyly looking at everyone, giving a little wave.

Scott, seeing her, smiled at her, giving her heart eyes.

"Now, let's begin with American History at the turn of the 20th century..." Mr. Yukimura says.

Ivanna leaned over to Stiles, whispering to him. "Let's hope he isn't unstable as our last teacher was."

Stiles lightly scoffs, giving her a look of amusement.

"Ivanna Lahey." Mr. Yukimura randomly says.

Ivanna hit her palm on the desk, her cheerfully commenting. "Hi!"

"What did i just say?" Mr. Yukimura questioned.

Ivanna, who wasn't paying attention, stares at him confusingly. "...you said 'ivanna lahey', which is my name."

Mr. Yukimura slowly nods. "Uh-huh."


Outside the high school, the group was seen sitting by a table.

"Okay, so...what happens to a person who had a near-death experience and comes out of it seeing things?" Scott questions.

"And is unable to tell what's real or not?" Stiles adds.

"And is being haunted by demonic visions of dead relatives?" Allison concludes.

"They're all locked up because they're insane." Isaac bluntly says.

Ivanna then hums. "You know...there's a place for people like that? Eichen House."

Stiles scoffs. "Really? Are you kidding?"

Ivanna stares at him. "No, i'm serious."

"Aw, gee thanks for that." Stiles sarcastically says.

Ivanna smiles, placing a kiss on his cheek. "No problem."

Everyone stares at them, each with different looks.

Stiles, quickly snapping out of his flustered state, saw the scarfs around their neck.

"And, seriously? What's with these scarfs?"

Stiles went to touch her scarf, but Isaac smacked his hand away. "Don't touch."


Kira Yukimura was seen standing in front of the table where the teens were, each turning to look at her with confused expressions.

"Hi, um, i couldn't help but overheard what you guys were talking about, and i think i know  what you're talking about..." Kira nervously says.

Lydia slightly rolled her eyes, looking at the dark haired girl with an irritated look. "And what do they call you?"

Kira ignoring her hostility, was going to say something, but got cut of by Scott.

"Kira." Scott adoringly says, Kira smiling at him.

Scott then noticed the looks he was getting, him becoming nervous, he then noticed the death glare he was getting from Lydia, which slightly made him scared.

Scott awkwardly laughs. "Heh, uh, she's in our History class."

Scott then looks at Stiles and Ivanna with hopeful looks. "Remember, guys?"

Ivanna frowns, her fiddling with her scarf, innocently staring at Scott. "She is?"

Scott gave her a look of disbelief, her then smiled at him.

"Okay, are you talking Bardo in Tibetan Buddhism or Indian?" Lydia then asks with attitude.

Kira then sat next to Scott, which forced the others to reluctantly scoot around.

Isaac then whispers to his sister. "Pushy, isn't she?"

Ivanna let out a small laugh at him.

Kira shrugs. "Either, i guess, but, all the stuff you guys were saying? All that happens in Bardo, there are different progressive states where you can hallucinations, some you see, some you just hear, and you can be visited by peaceful or wrathful desires."

Isaac frowns. "Wrathful desires, what are those?"

"Like Demons." Kira then says.

Stiles sighs out, him sarcastically commenting. "Demons! Why not?"

"Wait! If there are different progressive states, then what is the last one?" Allison curiously asks.

"Death." Kira then says, the girl smiling afterwards.

"Well, aren't you a wonderful storyteller?" Ivanna sarcastically smiles.

"Okay! Come on, let's go, let's go take a walk, all right?" Stiles then grabbed onto her hand, forcing her to get up.

"What? Why? I was conversating with the new girl." Ivanna groans.

"Yeah, that's enough, come on." Stiles tugged onto her.

The teens was seen walking away from the group, going their own way.


Allison smiles, leaning back on the bed, as she saw Ivanna crawling on top of her.

"I didn't think you'd actually come here." Allison softly chuckles.

Ivanna trailed her fingers across Allison's neck, a seductive look in her eyes. "Why not?"

"I jus-just thought that you'd...oh, you know what? Forget it." Allison shook her head with a smile.

Ivanna smiles, her placing her lips onto Allison's face, then to her neck then to her lips.

As Allison was enjoying it, she felt Ivanna pulling away from her.

Allison frowns, but then she breathed heavily as she saw her aunt Kate taking a hold of Ivanna's neck from behind.

Kate's head was pressed against Ivanna's, her fingers caressing the Beta's throat.

"Come on, Allison, let's do her together." Kate smirks.

Allison then gripped onto a chinese dagger, her then placing it by Kate's throat, fear but anger in her eyes.


Allison Argent, that night, was seen gasping awake, her already sitting up, Allison then gasped in horror when she saw her pressing the dagger onto Lydia's throat, the red head was seen sleeping.

Allison pulled the dagger away from Lydia, staring at the dagger in her hands in terror, her realizing she could've hurt Lydia really bad.

Allison then flung the dagger out of her hands, throwing it aside, her heavily breathing out.


That same night, walking through the preserve was Isaac Lahey and Ivanna Lahey.

"Okay, can you please explain to me why you decided to drag me out in the woods late at night to look for a dead body?!" Isaac exasperatedly questioned.

Ivanna then smiles. "I think you answered your own question, brother."

Isaac groans out. "You could've dragged Stiles out here."

Isaac was then seen stepping on something, without his knowledge, until he heard a loud robotic voice.

"I am hungry!"

Isaac then jumped back, him holding onto his heart.

"Oh, would you relax." Ivanna light chuckles.

Ivanna then took up the doll in her hands. "Just a doll."

"Yeah, just a doll, a doll that almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Anyways...i remember this one time when Erica, Boyd and i we're out in the woods, i had seen something like a Coyote right here." Ivanna explains.

"And i also heard Sheriff talking about a girl named 'Malia', who had gone missing, the same time her family died..." Ivanna states.

"And you...think the Coyote is Malia?" Isaac gave her an absurd look.

"It's actually Ma-leah, and yes." Ivanna then says.

"And what are going to do?" Isaac then questions.

Ivanna then smiles. "Maybe, Scott can change her back?"

"Anna...i am not going Coyote hunting-." Isaac was saying, but then heard a growl.

"Do you hear that?" Isaac whispers quietly.

"Yes, i mean, i do have supernatural hearing." Ivanna says in an obvious tone.

Both siblings turned around and saw the Coyote growling at them.

"Oh, Werecoyote! Cute."

Malia growls aggressively at the siblings, her eyes looking at the doll in Ivanna's hands.

Ivanna, noticing this, threw the doll in her brother's hand.

"What, no! I don't want the doll." Isaac complains, going to hand it back to her.

The Coyote glowed its blue eyes at them.

"It's you..." Ivanna whispers to her.

It's like the Werecoyote recognized her, and took a step back.

Ivanna glowed her golden eyes at the Werecoyote.

Malia was seen speeding away from the siblings.

Isaac then huffed, looking at his sister, shaking his head.

"Never again." Isaac warns.

Ivanna then smiles. "Come on, it was fun."

Ivanna then walks away, Isaac following after her with a disbelieving look.

"Fun?" Isaac scoffs, looking at her in disbelief.

"You better be joking."


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