Dgrayman overnight

By Saphireblueelf

159 20 0

Kanda works in a warehouse on the over nights. He is a solitary person by nature, but finds friendships in th... More

Allen's tale
Fun on the overnight shift
Safety record
Kanda's promise
Hidden ventures
Allen's tale
The black order
Chef Jerry
Alien lanscape
The art of love
Plan of action
Mask of Maria
The adventure begins

Becoming friends

9 1 0
By Saphireblueelf

Lavi looked them over. He stretched his arms out to lay on the backs of the chairs on either side of him. Even though one was occupied by Krory, the dark haired thin faced man didn't seem to care. Lavi eyed Allen.

"We should celebrate." He offered.

His hand smacked onto Krory's back. Lavi leaned forward.

"Krory here just signed on full time as well!" He crowed.

"So did Noise and Miranda." Daisya cried as the three came walking in together.

"That's it!" Lavi slapped his hand on the table.

"After work we all go out for breakfast together!" He decided for everyone.

"You buying?" Kanda snarled.

Lavi ducked his head. Everyone knew Lavi never saved his money. He was often buying books and things like that. A bit of a need, but he loved what he loved.

"I, uh..." He muttered.

"Don't worry about it." Krory said as he licked his spoon clean. "I will treat everyone." He added.

Kanda watched as he gathered up his and Lavi's trash. He flicked his cobalt blue eyes to the those of the ginger. Lavi meet them, saw the look on Kanda's face and ducked his head. He pushed up from the table, after repacking his lunch bag. He walked away without ever looking back to Kanda.

Out in the hall, Lavi leaned against the wall. Krory was heading back to the security shed. They would have to start getting ready for the day crew. Lavi rubbed a hand over his face. Kanda. He sighed as he thought about the dark haired male.

Kanda had been his first real relationship. Yet he couldn't even say it was real. They hooked up, Lavi spent nights over at Kanda's place. They would read books together, play games or just sit in front of Kanda's fireplace with a glass of wine talking. Lavi would brush his hands through he long silky blue black hair. He had loved Kanda.

Yet he knew when it was over. When Allen Walker showed up, Kanda had... changed. The look in his eye, how intensely he watched the young pale male. Lavi saw it each and every night. It broke his heart every time. Allen showed no interest in Kanda other than the man being his mentor.

Kanda was too shy, too self absorbed or too something to even brooch the idea of a relationship with the small white haired scarred male. Lavi let out a soft sigh. It was Krory who noticed how love sick Lavi was over Kanda.

Lavi pushed off of the wall afraid Kanda would come out and see him looking so pathetic. He walked to the rest room to splash water over his face. Krory had initiated everything between them the first touch, the first kiss. He even asked Lavi out first. It was something the young ginger never thought of before. Someone interested in him for him.

Krory was great. He wasn't Kanda, but Lavi was learning that maybe he hadn't loved Kanda as much as he thought he had. Maybe it was just a physical relationship. That was what all of Lavi's interactions had been. Until Krory. They got physical, yes, but it didn't start out that way. It started out with Krory just asking Lavi about the book he was reading...

"You sleeping with him?" the soft growl made Lavi jump. He hadn't heard the door open.

Looking up in the mirror he saw Kanda leaning against the wall. His arms folded over his chest. This made his muscles stand out. Damn he was fine.

"We're dating." Lavi agreed. Kanda looked down.

"Good for you, Lavi." He said this so quietly, then he turned to leave.

"Just ask him out!" Lavi cried.

Kanda paused hand on the door.

"I'm not you." He muttered before pushing the grey metallic door open.

He was gone before Lavi could say anything else. Kanda! What am I going to do about you? He punched the sink. He and a feeling that until he managed to get Allen and Kanda together, he wouldn't be able to truly give himself to the relationship he was in. He was going to need everyone's help. He smirked.

The rest of the day was pretty mundane. More trucks came, these to deliver goods. This was the end of their shift. They unloaded these trucks for the day workers to sort out and repackage the items. Then they were done.

Allen stood, stretching he felt his back snap. Ah, he needed that. He smiled as he walked to the locker room. Grabbing his things he saw he had a message. He frowned down at his phone. His heart slammed hard in his chest. No!

"I'll be there to pick you up." The words didn't sound as scary as they feeling they caused in the pale white haired man.

"Everything alright?" Lavi asked as he opened the locker next to Allen's.

"Huh?" Allen looked up, shielding his phone from the green eyed man.

"Did you get bad news or something?" Lavi asked.

He drew out his belongings, before leaning his shoulder against the cold metal. Allen looked scarred, panicked. Lavi saw a muscle twitch in the man's jaw. What got him worked up? The message on his phone only sounded like the guy was coming to pick him up.

"Allen, are you ok?" Lavi asked laying a hand on his co workers shoulder.

Allen felt cold. His skin was like frozen. Lavi inched forward as he tried to get those red eyes to look at him. Allen brushed his hand away. A smile that didn't reach his eyes covered his mouth. He giggled slightly as he moved back from Lavi.

"I'm good!" He chuckled.

"You coming out to breakfast?" Lavi asked.

"You are on of the stars for it!" He pressed when Allen didn't answer.

"Um, I don't have a ride." Allen stammered a little.

"You can ride with me." Kanda offered.

Lavi flinched. He had been so focused on the weird way Allen was acting that he hadn't heard Kanda walk in. Lavi turned to see Kanda zipping his leather jacket on over his black tee shirt.

"Is black the only color you own?" He asked teasingly.

"Nope." Kanda pulled a helmet out of his locker. He turned to look at Allen.

"I have another helmet on my bike, but do you have something with long sleeves?" He asked eyeing Allen's bare arms.

Both males could see the goosebumps that had formed along the other's arms. Allen pulled out a denim jacket. He slipped his arms into it, sighing as the warmth wrapped around him. Lavi seemed to relax at seeing him get warm.

"Come on then." Kanda offered.

Without a word, a sign they should both had picked up on, Allen followed Kanda out. Lavi fell in step beside him as Miranda and Lenalee came up. Krory stepped in next to Lavi. Noise and Daisya both ran over to them. Together, they surrounded Allen. Lavi wasn't sure if it was intentional or if somehow they conveyed he was in danger.

"Where should we go?" Lavi offered feeling weird that such a large group was gathered together but no one was talking.

"Ihops?" Daisya offered.

"Waffle house?" Miranda suggested.

"Can't we go some place normal?" Kanda growled.

"Why are they not normal?" Lavi laughed as his hand brushed the back of Krory's.

The tall dark handsome man looked down at him. His face was longer, angular, he had a streak of white in his dark hair and sharp looking teeth. He smiled at Lavi arching an eyebrow. He hadn't pushed Lavi to come out to his Co workers.

Suddenly Lavi didn't care any more. Kanda knew, that was the only one that mattered. He gave Lavi his blessing to move on. Lavi snatched his boyfriend's hand, threading their fingers together.

"Is it because they are chain stores?" he pressed. He recalled Kanda saying how everything was all the same.

Kanda growled at him. "Why can't we go to a nice family place?" He asked.

"Ah, dose Kanda see us as family?" Daisya teased.

"Do you have some place in mind?" Krory asked.

They were reaching the doors. Still Allen hadn't said a word. He walked, shoulders hunched to make himself look smaller, in the center of their group. Lavi's eyes narrowed.

"Yeah, I do." Kanda spat out as he pushed the door open.

They stepped out into the bright light of morning. The parking lot was filled with all the cars since the seasonal workers still had a few more weeks. Allen flinched as the light touched him. He ducked lower inching closer to Kanda.

"Allen!" A cheery voice called out.

Everything stilled. The man wasn't that far from them. His long dark hair was pulled back in a bun. He had a smile on his handsome face as he waved a hand toward the group. Allen made a noise that sounded like he was retching. The handsome dark skinned man began to walk up to them.

"Allen, do you know him?" Noise asked.

Lavi looked to Allen. His red eyes were huge in his face. His mouth moved but no sound came out. He was stiff, every muscle in his body was taunt. It was like he froze that way. Kanda shifted. Suddenly Allen's view of the other man was cut off. Lavi watched as Kanda fixed his grip on the helmet in his hand.

"Who are you?" He demanded of the smiling good looking man.

The man eyed Allen. His smile seemed to widen at seeing how his appearance affected the small body.

"My name is Tyki Mikk." He offered as he reached to stand before Kanda.

"I'm Allen's boyfriend." He offered.

Lavi saw it. The way Kanda's shoulders stiffened. How his jaw locked. How those eyes went dead. But what they heard next had life springing back into Kanda. It gave Lavi more hope.

"No you're not! You're just my stalker go away!" Allen screamed so loudly the veins on his neck popped out.

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