You Are Mine: You Are My Ever...

By JGranberg

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Colin Corrette has felt pain, sadness, terror, fear, happiness, excitement, lust, but never before has he fel... More

Note To Reader
Chapter 1: Emptiness
Chapter 2: Options
Chapter 3: Loyalty
Chapter 4: Surprise
Chapter 5: News
Chapter 6: Mine
Chapter 7: Happy
Chapter 9: Duty
Chapter 10: Slumber Party
Chapter 11: Privacy
Chapter 12: Possession
Chapter 13: Acquaintances
Chapter 14: Doubt
Chapter 15: Tailing
Chapter 16: Family
Chapter 17: Safety
Chapter 18: Plans
Chapter 19: Lunch
Chapter 20: Terrors
Chapter 21: Release
Chapter 22: Future
Chapter 23: Hope
Chapter 24: Dreams
Chapter 25: Desperation
Chapter 26: Preparations
Chapter 27: Challenge
Chapter 28: Fear
Chapter 29: Remorse
Chapter 30: Forever
Chapter 31: Marriage
Chapter 32: Beach
Sneak Peak

Chapter 8: Safeword

182 3 0
By JGranberg

~Emery's POV~

I smile at Reese when he pulls open my door when we are parked outside Co- no- what will soon be our house. I like the thought of that. Our home, our house, our family. Everything sounds better when 'our' is in front of it. Especially when our means me and Colin. Me and Colin against the world, suddenly I don't feel so alone. I don't feel like I have to fight my battles alone. I have someone I can lean on, a big, strong, protective man who will always come to my aid and I love it.

"Thanks, Reese," I say with a warm smile before I take Colin's hand and let him lead me into the house. I'll be honest, tonight revealed a lot of information I wasn't sure what to do with. Colin killed his father and went to jail because of it. Yes, his father had been a monster, a terrible, terrible monster and he deserved death. But Colin was the man behind the knife... well the boy behind the knife.

I can't imagine the thoughts and pain that must have been going through the fifteen-year-old Colin to make him kill his own father. Pain, indescribable pain. The only good thing, his father is gone, really gone. He cannot ever hurt him again. There is no scenario where he might get let out of prison early or come out of hiding. No, he is just gone and the only way he can hurt Colin is through his trauma. But with time and love maybe, just maybe he can stop hurting Colin completely.

I step into the house when Colin holds the door open for me. He glances at me as we pass London our jackets. "Did you want something to drink?"

"Sure, a sprite, please, London."

London nods and glances at Colin "a scotch, sir?"

Colin nods and touches his hand to my back as he guides me towards the living room. He glances at Reese "set Emery's suitcase in the room down here."

Reese nods, "yes, sir."

As we step into the living room, I glance over on the couch to find Joyce sitting there, crossed-legged and beautiful in a cherry red turtleneck and skinny jeans.

"Colin," Joyce says formally. A far more formal and cooler greeting than what they usually share.

Colin frowns a little gazing at her. He glances at London as she walks over with our drinks "why was I not informed that she was here?"

"She ordered me not to, sir," London says with a small frown.

"Since when does her orders take president?" Colin mutters coolly, glancing at Joyce. "Inflicting your will on my staff too? Wish I could say I was surprised."

I glance at Colin with a small, surprised frown. What happened between them?

"Miss Palmer," Joyce says looking at me in surprise as she gets to her feet. "You have come back."

I nod slowly blushing a little.

Colin glances at me then back at Joyce, his arm moving to wrap around me, fastening me against his side. "You need to leave Joyce and stop dropping by."

I frown glancing at Colin "what happened between you two?"

Colin glances at me, with a look that almost reads 'you know what'. "She is the reason you left me, or one of the reasons. I've been trying to get her to realize that we are not friends anymore, but she is incredibly stubborn."

I frown a little glancing at Joyce, I can see behind her usual smile that the argument between her and Colin is wearing on her. She cares about him, and I can almost feel how sad it makes her that he is hurting and seems to want nothing to do with her.

"Colin she is not the reason I left, sure she talked to me but she is not the reason," I say glancing at Colin giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "She is your friend Colin."

"No, she isn't or at least not anymore," Colin says glancing at Joyce. "If she had concerns about our relationship, she should have come to me. Not tried to manipulate you behind my back. I am not your friend anymore Joyce, or your Submissive, I am nothing to you. All your other Subs you have distanced yourself from, why am I any different?"

"Because Colin, I owe it to your mother to keep an eye on you," Joyce urges. The words seemed to fall out of her mouth.

Colin's jaw tightens and he glares at Joyce "you owe that woman nothing. And don't pretend like you have been doing any of this for anyone other than yourself."

"If you honestly believe that Colin," Joyce scoffs, her face twisting into a hurt frown. "You know I care about you. You know I love you. I want what is best for you Colin and you are right I went about it the wrong way. I fucked up. I made a mistake. I love you, Colin. And if being with Miss Palmer makes you happy then I will support it. I was trying to look out for you, and I fucked up, please, Colin, please forgive me."

Colin frowns gazing at Joyce a moment before he glances at me.

I give his hand a gentle squeeze. "You need people," I say gently. "You can't live with just me and people you pay. You need friends and loved ones, Colin. I think you can forgive Joyce. She meant well, even if the methods were poorly executed." I glance at Joyce with a small smile "if you don't have her to share all the recent good news with who are you going to tell?"

Joyce holds my gaze and returns the smile hesitantly "good news?" she asks glancing at Colin.

Colin hesitates a moment before he nods slowly and says "Emery and I are engaged. She's going to be my wife."

Joyce gazes at us in surprise blinking a little "w-wow. That is – fast... congratulations."

Colin smiles glancing down at me, he taps his lips against my forehead. I smile warmly gazing up at him, it makes my heart flutter that he decided to share that part first. It makes me feel like he does see me as more than just a vessel to carry his children.

Colin gazes at me for a moment before he turns back to Joyce "and she's pregnant. We're having a baby."

That news has a very different impact on Joyce. The smile that splits across Joyce's face is nothing short of genuine surprise and happiness. She must be aware of how much this means to Colin, and how excited he is.

"That is amazing!" Joyce says, stepping over, she practically forces Colin to hug her, but I can see the man smiling. He kisses her cheek and nods. She steps back looking at Colin with a beaming smile "congratulations!" She turns to me and gives my hand a gentle squeeze "both of you."

I smile warmly "thank you, Mrs. Hendricks."

"Oh please, call me Joyce. You are marrying Colin, we are going to practically be family now," she says.

I nod smiling and accept the hug when she steps closer to me. When she pulls away, she gazes at me with a warm motherly smile.

"How far along are you?" Joyce asks.

"Six weeks," I say with a warm smile. "It's been a roller-coaster for a week now. All I can say is this kid better be incredibly cute."

Joyce laughs "well with your's and Colin's genes I'm sure they will be."

I nod in agreement. "Thanks, Joyce."

Joyce smiles at me before looking at Colin squeezing his arm. "You have to come by the house for dinner sometime soon so we can all celebrate."

Colin nods, wrapping his arm back around my waist. He sets his hand against my abdomen. "Sure, Joyce. I'm sorry I've been an ass this week."

Joyce smiles a little and nods "it's forgotten Colin, I made a mistake, and I shouldn't have tried to come between you and Emery." She gazes at us with a warm smile "you two are great together."

Colin smiles and glances at me, pressing a sweet affectionate kiss to my lips. He turns back to Joyce and nods "I think so too."

Joyce smiles. "I'll text you and we can figure out a night for dinner." She glances at me with a warm smile "let me know if you need any help in the wedding planning department. I would be happy to bring out the box of magazines I've kept from mine."

"We are not having a nineteen-seventy wedding Joyce," Colin teases with an amused smile.

"I did not get married in the seventies Colin, but very funny," Joyce says with a small, amused smile.

I glance at Colin with a warm smile.

Colin smiles and gives Joyce a gentle hug, before kissing her forehead. "I'll come by and visit soon. I'm sorry I've been an ass."

Joyce smiles looking at him "I know you never really mean it."

Colin nods slowly.

"Well, I will leave and let you spoil your girl," Joyce says, glancing at me with a warm smile.

I laugh a little with a small smile.

Colin smiles at me and gives my forehead a gentle kiss, before he squeezes my hand and heads off with Joyce to see her out.

I look after them a moment before heading to my room, I find London hanging up and putting my clothes away.

"Oh, London, you don't have to do that, I can do it," I say with a small smile.

London smiles looking at me "it's no trouble, ma'am. Is there anything I can get you?"

I slowly shake my head "no I'm good, right now, thanks."

London nods "let me know if that changes."

I nod before saying "thanks." I turn and head up to Colin's room, stepping into his closet I gaze around the large room with wide eyes. It is so perfectly organized. There is a large dark grey ottoman in the middle of the room with a throw blanket. On the wall across from the door is six drawers, stepping over to them I pull open the top two to find a hundred perfectly folded ties. Under that, hundreds of perfectly folded black boxer briefs. Under that, a hundred black dress socks and black athletic socks.

On the drawers along the left side, I find athletic clothes, polyester long sleeves, t-shirts, joggers. Hanging are all of his very expensive suits and dress pants, and folded perfectly in a drawer on the right are hundreds of collared shirts. He has PJ pants and cotton t-shirts folded in another drawer. On the top of the dresser is a display of two dozen Rolexes. It is an incredibly impressive and organized closet.

I pull open the drawer where I saw the cotton t-shirts. I toss one on the ottoman before I pull off my dress. I pause a moment and turn to the mirror, turning to the side as I unclip my bra and toss it off. I swear they have already swollen up half a cup size. I gaze at my reflection in the mirror and rest my hand against my stomach.

I sense him before he even wraps his arms around me, but when he does, I smile brightly and snuggle back against his chest. He wraps his arms tightly around my waist and nuzzles my hair. I gasp a little as I feel him sway his hips forward and push his erection into my asscheek. I love knowing that I have that effect on him and all I have to do is stand here in my panties.

"Do you feel how much I want you?" Colin whispers against my ear.

I nod slowly.

"Having you standing here in my closet, with no bra, glowing and growing my child. It drives me crazy," Colin whispers, nipping my ear lobe.

I smile and nudge my ass against his straining cock.

Colin growls a little and moves to cup my breast.

I gasp a little and move my hand to his wrist "careful, they're sensitive."

Colin relaxes his hand a little, gently brushing his thumb over my nipple. "Is that okay?"

I nod shifting a little against his cock.

"Are you wet for me?"

"Soaked," I breathe.

The pained groan that passes Colin's lips, is music to my ears. I turn to him and smile seductively.

Colin smirks down at me a moment, and touches my hand to my cheek, before suddenly crouching down and tossing me over his shoulder like I weigh nothing. I squeal in surprise, giggling.

I squeal loudly in excitement as he walks out of the closet and tosses me onto the bed. I smile up at him as he gazes down at me with that husky air to him, those dark, hungry eyes.

"So, you are telling me if I pull off those beautiful panties of yours, I will find you dripping for me?" Colin asks as he slowly unbuttons his shirt, sliding it off his shoulders.

I nod, gazing up at him eagerly.

Colin smiles down at me as he gently pulls down my panties, he runs his thumb between my legs and smiles eagerly. "Are you feeling needy?"

I nod eagerly shifting my hips a little. "My hormones are all over the place, babe, I want you."

Colin smirks a little "baby, you don't have to blame your hormones, it's okay to just want me. It really gives me an ego stroke."

I laugh as I watch him kneel on the floor, leaning against the bed.

"Scoot down, hang your legs off the bed on either side of me," Colin instructs.

I smile and nod, doing as he has ordered. I shift down the bed slowly before spreading my legs on either side of Colin.

Colin smiles up at me for a moment before he leans forward and kisses my inner thigh, then my pubic mound.

I breathe a slow sigh of pleasure and let my hips lift off the bed. My hand moves down to tangle in Colin's wonderful hair. I let my eyes fall closed as I feel the gentle scratch of his beard against my skin as he nibbles my skin. It's like my body is coming alive under his touch. His strong, rough hand moves over my thigh making my skin erupt into goosebumps and gives it a gentle squeeze, which feels like it radiates up my body, clenching in my stomach. Colin gently guides my leg further along the bed and stretching me further apart.

I feel my body clench again as his tongue runs between my legs.

"You taste so good baby," Colin breathes between my legs. I can feel his warm breath spread from between my legs and pool on my clit.

My hips lift off the bed as I feel his tongue toy with my clit. Fuck he makes this feel so good. It's like pleasure is radiating through my body, making me tremble with eagerness and drip with lust. I can feel warmth radiating through my body. I knot my fingers in his hair and shift my hips down towards Colin's tongue as it runs between my legs. How is it so fucking muscular?

I arch my back and toss my head back groaning loudly as lust spreads through my entire body. I can feel the tingles of a growing climax in my abdomen. My legs twitch, tremble and shake, almost like they want to close. I feel my body clenching, tightening, to the point it is almost painful until I am spiralling down into release.

I feel warmth spread through my body, my back arches, and I groan loudly in desire. It's like a wave of pleasure just washed over me, leaving me wrecked and shaken. But craving more. My chest heaves as I slowly open my eyes and turn my gaze down to Colin, who is gazing at me with dark, hungry eyes.

I smile blissfully at him "your tongue is magical."

Colin laughs huskily as he moves to kneel on the bed between my legs. He leans over me with a bright smile. He leans down and gently kisses my breast and then grazes his lips over my chest.

I smile and shift on the bed a little, gazing up at him.

"Are you in need of another?" Colin whispers against my ear, catching my earlobe with his lip.

I nod eagerly "I'll never have enough of you."

Colin smirks kissing my forehead as he undoes his belt and zipper, tossing his pants off. He swoops to gently kiss my breast as he thrusts into me.

I cry out my pleasure as he buries his cock inside me. Beginning to thrust with passion. My core clenches and I feel myself tighten around his erection. He groans huskily in approval, and I smile, gently kissing his shoulder before nipping his skin.

He glances at me in surprise before smiling in amusement "naughty girl." He whispers.

I giggle a little, gazing up at him with as innocent of a look as I can muster. I moan as he moves his lips back to my breast, gently grazing his lips over it and then over my sensitive nipples. The heightened sensations sent unusually high waves of lustful pleasure through my body.

My hormones have been raging recently, and even after my first climax I still have a strong urge for more. I can feel myself dripping with need, soaked with it. Is that normal? Am I supposed to have an insatiable appetite for sex? I'm not complaining, sex with Colin is one of my top five favourite things but still. I'll have to ask Dr. Falcone... perhaps make sure if there are aspects of sex I should avoid. The books I've read said sex is safe, and I trust Colin to not do anything that might hurt me or the baby. He has read more than I have.

Why? Why do I trust him so much? My mind races to the moment I had left Colin last time. The moment of raw fear as I hung in his Dungeon unable to stop him. Unable to stop the pain. I remember the look in his eyes when he pulled the mask off my face, the look of darkness and lust. Of need. The same look that sits in his eyes now as he fucks me.

Colin frowns a little as he turns his gaze up to me "Emery? W-why are you crying?" he whispers pushing himself up a little to better gaze down at me. "Am I hurting you?"

I shake my head sniffling and run my hand underneath my eyes. How had I started crying without noticing? I slowly shake my head, and when he pulls away, I sit up dragging my knees up to my chest. A dull ache of need, slowly waning between my legs.

"Emery," Colin whispers, his voice soft and soothing. He looks rather worried "what is going on?"

I glance at him before quickly turning my gaze down to the bed. Why do I trust him? Because he has said and done all the right things since I came back? Because he desperately wants this baby growing inside me... But there is still that dark part of him. That part of him that wants to hang me up in his Dungeon and beat me. Beat me while I have no way of telling him to stop.

But he just stopped. I didn't even tell him to. The moment he saw that I was upset he stopped, he pulled away, his face full of concern. This is the Colin that I have to focus on. Because I am going to do everything I can to help heal him enough that he can let go of the other Colin. The alter-ego that I hate so much... that I fear.

I sniffle drying my eyes on the edge of the blanket "I-I'm sorry, I just... my mind wandered and I-I..."

Colin frowns a little gazing at me "wandered to the Dungeon?" he guesses gently.

I slowly nod.

He looks at me frowning softly "why didn't you safeword me?"

I blink a little glancing at him "my mouth was gagged. How was I supposed to say red?"

Colin frowns a little gazing at me "you forgot? You forgot about that day on the car?"

"If you need me to stop at all just tap twice on the hood," the words Colin had ordered me the afternoon he had fucked me on the hood of his Dodge Challenger rush through me and suddenly I feel a little stupid having forgotten them. "If I had tapped twice on the bar?"

"I would have stopped immediately," Colin says earnestly gazing at me.

I blush a little looking down at the bed "I forgot about that."

Colin pales a little and gets off the bed running his hand through his hair. "You forgot! I thought you pushed yourself for me, for yourself, to find out if you could have a family with me, if you could handle the extent of my darkness, but... you were forced through it because you forgot!"

My face heats up a little and for some reason, I feel a little ashamed. "I-I... it was a lot. A lot of new things. I forgot. I was so... overwhelmed by everything. By how much you disappeared into the darkness. You dived so much further into your alter ego... I barely recognized you."

Colin frowns gazing at me he runs his hand through his hair, shaking his head. "That won't happen again, Emery, I swear to you." He moves closer to me. "I don't even want safewords anymore. Not unless you tell me we need one for one of your fantasies. You are my fiancé, the mother of my child. If you tell me to stop, I am going to stop."

"But what happens when Dominant Corrette breaks lose?" I ask skeptically. "How long can you possibly keep him down?"

"You keep talking like who I am down there and who I am up here are two different people. I am the same person, Emery. I just dive into my demons, into my darkness down there," Colin says with a small frown.

"I have to think of it all as two people." I look at Colin picking a little at my thumb. "That person... the one that you are down in the Dungeon, I hate him. I am terrified of him. He gets off by seeing me in pain, by hurting me. He gets off punishing me and doing similar things to what your father did to you as a child."

Colin frowns gazing at me, his eyes shining with hurt. He glances down at the ground. "It's nothing like what my father did to me. He did that to manipulate and make me fear him. I do it consensually for pleasure. Mine and yours."

"What pleasure did I get that day?" I retort slowly getting to my feet and gazing at him.

"If you look at me so terribly, why did you come back? For the baby?" Colin asks with a deep frown.

"No, because this guy, this one right here I love more than anything and I want to do everything I can to help you heal so that part of you can leave forever," I say.

Colin steps closer to me touching his hand to his cheek. "I want that too, Emery. Really. And I can feel it already working. Emery, I need you and this baby far more than I have ever needed that Dungeon."

I gaze at him nodding slowly.

"Come on, babe, let's get some sleep," Colin says with a small frown. "You've learnt a lot about me, we talked a lot. I'm sure you will find it easier to sort through all of it after a good night's sleep."

I nod slowly and lay back down on the bed, resting against the pillows. I glance beside me as Colin moves to lie next to me.

"I do love you," I whisper gazing at him.

Colin holds my gaze smiling warmly "I know. I know you love me." He kisses my forehead "and every day I love you more because of it." 

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