|| Work Alone || Tommy Shelby...

By FanFictionWrite_r

3K 72 4

A woman of business. She left London looking for where she could stay low for some time and luckily she had f... More

Chapter 1 Season 1
Chapter 2 Season 1
Chapter 4 Season 1
Chapter 5 Season 1
Chapter 6 Season 1
Chapter 1 Season 2
Chapter 2 Season 2
Chapter 3 Season 2
Chapter 4 Season 2
Chapter 5 Season 2
Chapter 6 Season 2
Chapter 1 Season 3
Chapter 2 Season 3
Chapter 3 Season 3

Chapter 3 Season 1

246 7 0
By FanFictionWrite_r

Walking down a street with fire and smoke surrounding it as people worked. Your business partner by your side. Thomas Shelby, a cigarette in his hand as he tokes it while walking, his head down. A cigarette in your own hand, as you keep your head up, blowing smoke from your lips as the cigarette is in between your fingers.

Thomas opens the door to the Garrisons for you and you nod your head as a thank you. Before stepping in, you throw your cigarette outside as it lands in a puddle, you then step onto the pub, Thomas following behind you. You both walk up to the small window as Thomas takes his hat off and knocks of the wood

"Give me a bottle of whiskey and four glasses, please." Thomas requests to Grace as Max smiles at you and you smile back

"Scotch or Irish?" Grace questions

"Irish." He answers as she grabs the bottle and the glasses

"I've decided not to go, to the races. Not unless you give me another two pound ten shilling, toward the dress." Grace informs as Thomas smiles

"I've already given you three." Thomas grumbles

"How much did you pay for the suit you'll be wearing?" Grace questions

"I don't pay for my suits. My suits are on the house or the house burns down." Thomas states

"So you want me to go looking like a flower girl?" Grace questions

"What I want makes no difference. It's not me you're dressing up for." Thomas shrugs as he closes the window and sits down with you and two other men. He pours all drinks as he passes you yours.

"You'll forgive me, Mr. Shelby and Ms. L/n, if I indulge a little." One of the man apologises pouring another drink for himself

"Please." Thomas pushes.

"It takes a lot for a man from Sparkbrook to step inside this pub." The man states

"Anyone with money and good intentions is welcome in the Garrison." Thomas informs as he passes you a lit cigarette and lights his own, you toke on it and blow smoke from lips before sitting up straight

"You said you had business." You chip in

"It's delicate, Ms. L/n. It's a question of who knows what about what. Concerns the factory down the road at the BSA. Now, as you might know, most of the paint shop there is Irish. Big, old place like that, rumours get started." The man informs pouring yet another drink.

"Rumours that there was a robbery." The other man adds on

"Robbery of what?" Thomas questions

"Guns, Mr. Shelby. A serious amount of guns." The man answers

"And what business is that of us?" Thomas questions again taking a sip from his drink as you lean back.

"When it comes to speculation, you can't beat a factory night shift." The man informs

"Some say there was word from the proofing bay...That it was the Peaky Blinders who took them." The blonde man adds as Thomas smiles

"Your night shift must be dreaming." Thomas shrugs

"Maybe they are." The grey haired man spits out

"Maybe they're not." The blonde one ends the sentence

"What we are trying to say is, Mr. Shelby and Ms. L/n, that if you were to hear about the whereabouts of said items, we would pay good money." He intrigues wanting to have his hands on the guns

"You have good money?" You question with a raised eyebrow

"We have collections from the pubs." He informs

"For who do you speak for?" You continue to question

"The people of Ireland—" He starts

"The Irish Republican Army." The blonde interrupts

"For a fact?" You fire back.

"For a fucking fact. You think we're jokers?" He spits out in your face as you remain quiet for a bit nodding your head and your mouth slightly open as you toke the cigarette while remaining to keep eye contact. You blow out the smoke

"Am I laughing?" You question sarcastically narrowing your eyes at the man and having a small grin on your lips

"Oh father, why are you so sad? On this bright Easter morning..." the blonde starts to sing as your face drops while maintaining eye contact

"Maguire, will you shut up?" The other man demands, you now know the blonde one is called Maguire

"When Irishmen are proud and glad
Of the land where they were born" he continues

"Maguire, away and shite, we're trying to do business here." The man you believe is named Ryan from what Thomas had said to you orders, the memory coming back of his name.

"Oh son, I see sad memories view
Of far-off distant days
When being just a boy like you
I joined the IRA." He continues to sing as you nod your head

"Bravo." You and Thomas mutter in union. Thomas starts walking them out as you follow behind him

"Where are the lads who stood with me" Maguire continued to sing walking out

"Alright, boys, when I know who knows what about what, I'll let you know." Thomas calls out as Ryan pushes Maguire out the door

"I long to see
The boys of the old IRA." Maguire continues to sing as he leaves as Thomas chuckles and shakes his head. He had the bottle of whiskey in his hand and places it down on the bar, you leaning on the bar.

"I thought you only allowed singing on Saturday." Grace teases

"Whiskey is good proofing water. It tells you who's real and who isn't." Thomas replies

"And what did my countrymen want?" Grace questions

"Oh, they're nobodies. They drink in the Black Swan in Sparkbrook. They're only rebels because they like the songs." Thomas informs looking out to the door

"You two have sympathies with them?" Max questions looking at you

"I have no sympathies of any description." You state

"Their accents are so thick, it's a wonder you could understand them. Next time, we could translate." Grace offers while pointing to herself and Max

"You'd work for us?" Thomas questions with a slight grin

"I thought we already was." Max shrugs looking down towards you

"So you are coming to the races. Two pound ten shillings. Buy something red to match his handkerchief." Thomas orders putting the money on the bar, you start to walk off, Thomas following behind.

"Whose handkerchief?" Grace questions loudly  as you leave the bar with Thomas. You walk into there house to see Pol standing in the centre of the room with a cigarette in hand and a glass in the other.

"Alright?" Thomas questions closing the door behind him

"Are you armed?" Pol questions you both as Thomas takes his hat off

"No." You both answer in union.

"Then I'll tell you. Ada and Freddie Thorne were married today. They defied your orders, they haven't left the city. I'll deal with it. Thomas, I'll deal with it." Pol informs. If looks could kill. Pol and you would've been dead a long time ago with Thomas's look he holds right now.

"Where are they?" Thomas questions

"Freddie's comrades have a safe house. Why do you want to know?" Pol questions

"To send them flowers. Why do you think?" Thomas snaps back

"Would it be so bad if they stayed?" Pol questions

"We promised we'd run Freddie out of town." Thomas whispers while pointing to you and himself

"Promised who?" Pol questions as Thomas looks at the doors. Pol closes them and stands directly in front of Thomas as you stay aside for this conversation

"We told the coppers Freddie wouldn't come back. It was part of the deal." Thomas whispers

"What bloody deal? What happened to family votes? What happened to meetings? If you let me deal with Ada and Freddie, it'll end in peace. Christ knows you have had your fill of war." She tries to persuade him to let her deal with it

"You get Freddie out of town, Pol. Or else we'll deal with him ourselves." Thomas warns pointing to you once more. He leaves the room, nudging you to follow him, and you comply.

The next day Thomas takes you to a Chinese town, it seems like as he walks through the streets with his hand in his pocket. You furrow your brows as to why you are here. A sigh escaping your lips as you continue to walk clueless.

"What are we doing here?" You question as Thomas doesn't reply and turns a corner, you following.

"Mr. Shelby, sir." A man greets Thomas

"Mr. Zhang. That suit is sold, sir. It is being collected this morning." Mr. Zhang informs

"I know." Thomas mumbles as you hear footsteps fading. You turn your head to see Billy Kimber.

"Please, gentlemen. No fighting in here." Mr. Zhang hopes

"It's alright. We come as a friend. You're collecting your suit for Cheltenham, it's very nice." Thomas starts off as Mr. Zhang leaves

"How the bloody hell do you know?" Billy Kimber questions

"I know a lot of things, Mr. Kimber. And as I told you before, I know the Lee brothers...as does she. And we know they're going to be at the Cheltenham races as well." Thomas informs as he slightly glares at you saying you know the Lee brothers.

"Yes. They're going to lose a lot of money on fast women and slow nags." Billy immediately states

"No. They're planning on showing up in numbers and robbing your bookies. Running chalk and rafflers." You correct, knowing the Lee's all too well.

"You think I can't handle the Lees?" Billy scoffs

"Just a word of warning from a friend. That's all. I'll see you at Cheltenham." You warn as you start to walk off, Thomas with you.

"I'll wave at you from my box. If you're coming to the races, make sure you bring Ms. L/n. I'd love to see you in a dress!" Billy yells at you and Thomas as you roll your eyes

"Oh, she's coming, as well as the barmaid you liked." Thomas yells as he continues to walk with you.

"You wanted to show up for Billy Kimber and not tell me?" You question agitated.

"Wanted to surprise you." Thomas hums as you go back to walking to your usual dirty streets. People run past you making you furrow your brows

"Tommy!" You hear John shout as you stop to walk with him

"What the hell's been happening?" Thomas questions

"The police have just raided a rally at the factory. You think your Freddie Thorne's back?" John questions

"I know he is and he's with Ada. How hard can it be to find the only girl in Birmingham with four-inch heels, eh?" Thomas grumbles

"She's with the commies. They have little rat holes all over the city." John informs

"Just wanna know where she is." Thomas hums

"Tommy, you best have a word with Arthur as well. Actually, you both need too." John corrects pointing to you as well as you stop and turn to him.

"What's wrong with bloody Arthur?" Thomas questions

"He's got the Flanders's blues again." John says quietly as you and Thomas leave to go to the church immediately spotting Arthur drinking. You and Thomas sit down beside Arthur

"People keep asking me questions that I don't know the answer to. 'Is it true that your Ada got married?' I say, 'I don't know.' 'Where she living now?' 'I don't know.' 'Arthur, who killed the Paddy from the Black Swan?' I go, 'what Paddy?' They say, 'is it you Peaky Blinders and Ms. L/n, who stole the guns from the BSA?' What guns, Y/n and Tommy?" Arthur questions turning to you both

"Arthur, after your beating, I thought you needed a break—" Thomas starts

"What bloody guns, Y/n and Tommy?" Arthur yells out

"Arthur, we were going to tell you." Thomas attempts to calm him down, trying to grab his shoulders

"You two were going to tell me." Arthur spits out trying to push Thomas off him

"Arthur, listen to me. You've had a hard time these past few years. God knows you have. You deserve some rest. We had some luck. Some bloody luck. It fell off a wagon into our laps. And all you need to know is, it's us that has the machine guns now. And it's them that's in the mud. Alright? Come on. We have a surprise for you. Come on." Thomas calms down as you both leave the church, Arthur following behind drunkly bringing his hat and drink. You enter a pub.

"A surprise? Where is she?" Arthur questions

"What is it you always wanted, Arthur? When we were in France you used to say, 'When I go back to England, I want to own my own pub.' Well..." Thomas trails off putting his hands in the air to show the place

"Now you've gone soft. You've gone soft, Tommy. How do we know it's for sale?" Arthur questions

"Everything's for sale to is, Arthur. We're making a lot of money these days. We need a legitimate business to pass the money from the shop." Thomas informs

"I wouldn't know what to do." Arthur mumbles as you roll your eyes.

"You spent two-thirds of your life in pubs. Just pour it instead of drinking it." You joke as Arthur looks at you, a soft gaze as you see him smile.

"But I can still drink it, right?" Arthur questions looking at you as you snicker shaking your head

"Your pub, you do what you want." You mumble to him as he smiles and shakes yours and Thomas's shoulder. All three of you smiling as Harry comes out

"Ah! Sorry, gentlemen and Ms, I didn't hear you come in. What can I get you?" Harry questions as Thomas turns round looking directly at him.

You stay in the pub for a few hours, till it's dark outside then exit through the back way to the car. Thomas leaning on the car as a man comes up to him. You looking at him.

"Bloody kids. The other kids ones punctured as well. Mr. Campbell wants an explanation. Today, some rabble-rouser Union man brought the BSA out on strike. It was Freddie Thorne. I thought you promised he wouldn't come back." The man states staring directly at Thomas who is lighting a cigarette

"I know he's in town. I'm dealing with it." Thomas informs

"Mr. Campbell thought that you controlled territories." He teases

"Yeah. I said, I'm dealing with it." Thomas states with venom laced in his tone.

"I heard that, Freddie married your sister. Some family you've got, eh? I bet you can't wait for Christmas. Deliver Freddie Thorne to us, or we'll take your sister in as an accomplice. She'll get four years for sedition. Or you can turn him in. And your sister goes free. I'll say goodnight then, Tom." He threatens walking off as you and Thomas look down to the floor debating on what to do.

The next day Thomas invited Freddie out to talk. Thomas crouched down looking at the see as you stand beside him. You heard footsteps behind you and two guns clicking behind both your heads, you felt a slight push of the head knowing that a gun is pressed against the back of your head as well as Thomas. Knowing that it's Freddie Thorne.

"We need to talk. What exactly is it that you want, Freddie?" Thomas questions

"Came to tell you...that's not gonna work, Tommy. Polly came round. She gave me that." Freddie throws the £200 and the shipping tickets to New York beside Thomas as he carefully picks it up

"Well, Polly must have had a rush of blood. Or port wine. Your honesty is appreciated. Now, if you're not going to use that thing..." Thomas trails off standing up.

"I'm not finished! Sit down. Both of you this time. Sit down. Sit down. Sit! On each side of me! Talk to me about the guns." Freddie demands as you walk over to the other side of Freddie and sitting down. The gun now being aimed at the side of your face. Thomas also sits as a gun is being aimed at him

"Do you remember we used to jump in here and see who could swim—" Thomas changes subject

"I'm here to talk business, Tommy. I'm sure your partner would understand that." Freddie spits out

"Do you reckon we could still do it?" Thomas questions. You saw Freddie loosen his grip, in immediate action you and Thomas stand up kicking Freddie's hand making him drop the guns and fall back. You and Thomas reach for the waistband of your clothing's, pulling out a gun and pointing it towards Freddie as Freddie manages to grab both guns and point one back at you and one at Thomas.

"Now let's talk business." You state

"You loaded Ada with your bastard, because she's a Shelby. You thought it would mean you'd be somebody. I won't let you fuck up my sister's life for your cause." Thomas warns

"My God. You actually believe that. I love her, Tommy. I've loved her since she was nine and I was 12. And she loves me the same. Do you two even know the word?" Freddie questions putting the gun down and standing up. You put your gun down as well as Thomas as you look out towards the river

"This marriage will not stand." Thomas states

"Yeah, how do you feel about her, huh? You do everything with this Y/n?" Freddie shouts wrapping his hand around your throat tightly making you drop your gun and pointing the gun towards your head. Thomas immediately spins back round of his feet pointing the gun at him

"Let go." Thomas demands anger visible in his face and tone.

"Thomas, I love Ada as much as you love Y/n." Freddie tries to persuade.

"I don't love her. I work with her now give her back." Thomas demands more urgently as Freddie just stares at him for a moment before pushing you into him with a groan. Thomas catches you by the waist, wrapping his arms securely around you as he glares at Freddie as Freddie raises an eyebrow at Thomas but Thomas ignores the look and tilts your head up.

"Let's go." You grunt out embarrassed about being put in that position. Thomas follows behind. Thomas enters his house with you. Aunt pol and Thomas's little brother are in the living room. You believe his name is Fin. Fin is sleeping on Aunt Pol's lap as Thomas and you sit down. Thomas taking off his hat and finishing Pol's drink. Thomas brings the shipping tickets and the £200 out so Pol can see and throws it on the table.

"Freddie didn't want your money. And now the coppers are saying if we don't turn Freddie in, they'll put Ada on the arrest warrant as well. That's where your compassion gets you, Poll. He threatened Y/n with a fucking gun. From now on, we do it my way." Thomas demands with anger in his tone yet his voice level is calm and quiet to not wake his little brother up.

"Or what?" Pol snaps back but Thomas remains quiet as he grabs your elbow lifting you up from the seat and making you leave the house with him. You go back up to his room, as night falls. Getting ready for bed once more you get into the bed, the side closest to the wall as not a word was spoken. Thomas falls asleep immediately as you decided to push all your thoughts out your head and also fall asleep. Thomas's back pressing against your own because his bed is made for one person.

A banging was heard making you scrunch up your face and curl up into a ball. Thomas accidentally put his hand on your waist, adding a lot of pressure as he pushes himself up. You groan feeling pain in your side as Thomas breathes heavily.

"Tommy!" You hear someone shout while banging on the door.

"Why'd you do that?" You question as Thomas looks at you. His breath still heavy.

"Sorry." He murmurs as you sit up and notice the cold sweat dripping down Thomas.

"You okay?" You question as he doesn't answer and continues to look at you. His breath slowing each second he stares at you.

"Tommy! Tommy! Tommy!" The man form outside keeps shouting as Thomas snaps out of it and starts tidying things up.

"It's open." He informs the man on the other end. You stay sat on the bed as the door opens revealing the man that went crazy in the pub the first day you arrived. Danny, you think his name was.

"Private Whizz-Bang reporting, sir...and ma'am?" Danny greets looking at you confused

"At ease, this is Y/n. So, what news from London?" Thomas questions as Danny nods his head at you as you nod yours back

"I was in a pub. It's called the Mother Redcap. An Irish Pub. I got talking to some old bloke about Birmingham. He said there's been trouble. An IRA man shot. He said a lot, but the only bit I heard was that their high command think it's the Peaky Blinders who shot him. I came up on the next boat to warn you. They say it was a girl named Y/n L/n who's working with the Peaky blinders who actually did the shooting of the man. Is it true?" Danny warns and wants to confirm if it is true or not. You frown hearing your name get brought up into the mix.

"No. But lies travel faster than the truth. Get a message to them. Tell them to send someone to parley. Tell them there's been a misunderstanding and we don't want any trouble." Tommy mumbles annoyed at the assumption

"You've got enough trouble. Right, you two? The whiskey and the smoke. I can smell it in the air. I use it sometimes myself. Call it, 'My sweetheart'. They gave us the worst job, Tommy." Danny mumbles

"Yeah. And we fucking volunteered. Sometimes it lasts all night. And I lie here and I listen to the shovels, and the picks against that wall there. And I pray the sun will come up at the curtains before they break through. No, I don't pray. I hope. And sometimes it happens. The sun beats them. But mostly...the shovels beat the sun." Thomas mumbles as the room remains quiet from then on. Danny left as you and Thomas fall asleep once more.

The light from outside shines through Thomas's window but you ignore it. You feel the bed move from behind you knowing Thomas is awake but you can't be asked to open your eyes yet so you remain to keep them closed for as long as you can. You hear sniffling, and furrow your brows as you only turn your head to see the one and only Thomas Shelby...crying. You didn't know how to act. Whether to move and comfort him but maybe that'll make him feel awkward or to just keep pretending you're asleep so he doesn't feel awkward.

You purse your lips slowly pushing yourself up, Thomas doesn't move, instead he continues to sob quietly into his hands. You move yourself to the edge of the bed and wrap your arms around him, putting your hands in his hair and slowly playing with it. He froze for a bit but slowly carried on sobbing.

"You're alright, Tommy." You whisper in his ear as he turns and puts his head on your shoulder. You fall back slightly in the bed as Thomas remains on top of you. His head in your shoulder, you feel his tears going down into your shirt and shoulder but said nothing as you rub soothing circles on his back and play with his hair.

After that, you and Thomas got ready to go out. Not another word was said. You let Thomas have his alone time in the Garrison as you decided to walk around the place. Another day pasts and you take a shower, put on make up and curl your hair slightly.

You put on a tight black dress with gems on it. It had one sleeve on one side and one side had no sleeves. The dress was long with a slit going almost all the way up. You painted your nails a white colour and put on a pearl necklace. You also put pearls in your hair, you wore sparkly black heels and a bag with a pearl chain and sparkle on the purple bit, the purse itself is black with sparkly white gems. You put a couple bracelets on and rings to finish your look. Adding on perfume. You walk into the room Thomas is in. He freezes staring at you.

"Oh, I forgot to let you know. Max is taking me to the Cheltenham...well, more like I'm taking him." You inform as Thomas's face drops

"We are there on business." Thomas spits out

"I know, I can't be clung to a man who has another girl on his arm else that'll just be petty and hard to find out things. If I have a man who'll mainly follow me everywhere then it'll be easier to get things out of Billy Kimber." You simply reply leaving the house, a gun in your purse as well as a box of cigarettes. Thomas behind you with his jaw clenched as he walks directly behind you, purposely blocking people view of you. You walk to Curly who had the car ready. You both were going in the same car.

"So will it get me all the way to Cheltenham, Curly?" Thomas questions

"He's good with motors but it pains him." Charlie mumbles

"No heart in motorcars. I can't talk to them." Curly informs

"Yeah. Tommy and Y/n might need to make a fast getaway. The Lees will be all over the track. And Kimber's men. And his coppers. They control the law down there, Tommy and Y/n." Charlie tries to persuade you both not to go as Thomas and you both get in the car. You sitting in the back as you're now picking Grace and Max up at the same place and you and Max will be sitting in the back.

"Give it a turn for me Charlie." Thomas orders as Charlie complies

"This car only seats four. You'll need more men than that if you're to come back alive." Charlie warns

"It'll be just us and the girl...and some dickhead." Thomas spits out, jealousy laced in his tone. You roll your eyes at his behaviour. Thomas drives the car to the Garrison's where Max and Grace are waiting. Grace gets in the front as Max gets in the back with you.

"Is it just the four of us going to the races?" Grace questions

"Something like that." Thomas mumbles glaring at Max through the car rear view mirror. He starts the car as you look out of the car to see everything pass by as Thomas drives. Max admires what you're wearing from top to
Bottom but doesn't say anything.

You make it to the Cheltenham. You all getting out the car and entering the building. Your heels clicking across the floor as you walk with nothing but confidence. Thomas and Grace behind you and Max as you walk through

"Are you two sure we're allowed in here?" Grace questions

"Well, I prefer to come to the races the back way. It keeps me out of trouble. Tracks are lawless places. I can't stand petty criminals. This way." Thomas says to Grace as you and Max continued to walk. Max had his hand on your lower back, Thomas glaring at it.

"Will we get to lay a bet?" Grace questions

"Nah. Gambling is for mugs. This way. You two are lucky you're with us or you'd be wasting your money on fixed races." Thomas states

"I always wondered, how do you fix a race?" Grace questions

"How should I know? Okay, you do the talking." Thomas mutters

"What?" Grace questions

"Y/n, you know what to do." Thomas says to you as you put your thumbs up and put your arms around Max's arm. You walk up to the security with a bright smile.

"Hi, I'm Lady Sarah Duggan of Connemara. I got lost looking for a boy riding my horse, his name is Dandy Flower. These three are with me, they're Prussian and don't speak a word of English. Now are you going to let me pass or will there be an issue?" You question as you put a posh accent on. The others not saying a word as Thomas smiles proudly at you. Security lets you in and you all walk in.

"Nice one." Thomas whispers in your ear

"Thank you." You whisper back as you stand above the dance floor looking at people dancing. You and Thomas smoke a cigarette looking down at the dance floor as Max and Grace stand next to each other

"I still prefer the Garrison. Do you dance?" Thomas questions

"If I'm asked properly." Grace shrugs

"Lady Sarah—" Thomas stops himself when you nudge him.

"I'm lady Sarah, remember." You grumble as he shakes his head a bit.

"Grace...barmaid of the Garrison. Will you dance with me?" Thomas questions. They walk down to the dance floor leaving you and Max.

"Want to dance?" Max questions a bit more simpler as he puts his hand out. You take it and he leads you to the dance floor. You dance together. One hand on his shoulder and the other in his hand. He spins you round and brings you back. Thomas keeps catching your eye as you keep seeing him glare at Max but ignore it as you spot Billy Kimber. You slowly make your way towards him. You notice Billy Kimber spotting you and Thomas in the dancing crowd and grin.

You feel someone grab your hand from Max's shoulder and pull you apart from Max. Max is given Grace to dance with as Thomas takes you in his arms. A hand on your waist as his other hand in yours. You put your free hand around his neck.

"Arthur here?" You question

"It's time." Thomas mumbles to you as you both dance towards the door to see Arthur opening the door and dropping the bags making you both grin as you let go of each other

"We chased the Lees across the track and down to Devon road. We got every penny back. Nice dress, you can wear that every time you come in my pub. Buy the boys and your business partner a drink." Arthur teases you as you roll your eyes. Thomas puts his hand on Arthur's shoulder blocking his sight of you.

"Anybody hurt?" Thomas questions

"A few cuts and bruises." Arthur chuckles

"Off we go, Lady Sarah." Thomas orders as you follow behind him. Grace and Max now following behind you. You holding some bags as Thomas is holding some. You make it to Billy Kimber's table and plant the bags on it catching him by surprise as he looks at you both. He looks at you up and down. Thomas empties one of the bags, pennies all falling out of it.

"Your money, Mr. Kimber. Rescued from the Lee brothers. And returned to you with a request for a fair hearing. Your own protection is failing, Mr. Kimber. Your boys are taking cuts. I want to suggests that from now on, you contract out your racetracks security to the Peaky Blinders. We would be saving you a lot of money, Mr. Kimber. A lot of money. In return, you give us, five percent of the take. And three legal betting pitches at every race meeting, north of the River Severn, rising to six after one year if we are all satisfied with the service. What do you say, Mr. Kimber?" Thomas requests waiting for an answer as he remains quiet for some time

"I say you talk business to my accountant. I want to dance. Have this dance." Billy orders you as he puts his hand out for you. A grunt leaving your lips you stand up and take his hand. He puts a hand on your waist as you put a hand on his shoulder. He holds your hand and dances with you, Max and Thomas both glaring in complete jealousy. He dips you in front of Thomas and Thomas blows smoke out moving his head away. After the dance Billy walks over with you

"Looks like you two are making a deal." Billy mumbles

"We are making progress." His accountant states as you both sit down

"Then let me throw a small condition into the mix." Billy starts off as he whispers something into Thomas's ear. Thomas stands up and takes you with him towards Grace and Max.

"So, listen we're going to go for dinner at a Kimber's house. He has a place a couple miles away. I have some business to settle first with his accountant, so, Grace and Max you stay with me and Y/n go on ahead with Kimber." Thomas mutters to you as you raise an eyebrow

"Just me and him?" You question

"Yeah. 'Till I'm done here. Is that alright? Look, I'll give you three quid as well as Grace if you listen to me." Thomas pushes as you shake your head

"You think I'm a whore?" You spit out as Thomas turns to you completely, towering over you, as he looks down.

"Everyone's a whore, Y/n. We just sell different parts of ourselves. You agreed to working with me, to do that you have to sharpen up. The deal is I give him two hours with you. He thinks he's a ladies' man. He thinks he can seduce you. Whenever you want, just kick him in the balls." Thomas argues with you

"What happened to working together, eh? You made a deal without me knowing and expecting me to do it. You take the piss." You sarcastically chuckle

"If you want to keep our businesses up, you have to make sacrifices." Thomas mutters

"As soon as this is all over, I want nothing to do with you or the Peaky Blinders." You spit out as Thomas remains quiet and just stares at you.

"Do we have a deal? As a sweetener you can try your luck with mine." Billy mumbles to Thomas as they walk a distant. You steal Max's whiskey and down it all as you put your head in your hands. Grace looking at you with sympathy as your jaw is clenched and your eyes squeezed closed.

"Mademoiselle." Billy greets once more as you look up at him with a stoke expression. You and Billy go back to his place. You keep to the window wanting time to fly past

"You showed me up back there at the races. Why don't you teach me how to dance properly?" Billy questions grabbing your wrist and pulling you towards him.

"The music is too slow. Put on a Charleston." You try to persuade him as you fake a smile. You both dance but you not really moving as much as he is

"Well, then we'd be far away. I want to dance like this. Come on. You weren't so stiff back there, were you? You ever been in a house this big? Hmm? Look at you. You look like a bloody film star." Billy compliments as he starts kissing your neck but you push him off with force

"I want a cigarette." You state as you look through your bag and pull out a cigarette. You turn to him to see he has a glass in his hand. While lighting your cigarette you watch him drop it but have no reaction as you light the cigarette and blow out the smoke.

"Oh, look, I've dropped something. Pick it up." Billy commands as you take another toke of the cigarette and blow the smoke.

"It's your house." You hum looking at him.

"You're a fucking woman. If I drop a glass on the floor, you pick it up. I want to watch you pick it up." Billy shouts at you.

"And you're a fucking man, yet you still act like a pussy." You spit back with venom laced in your tone. Billy starts storming up to you

"Right, you little slag. I have tried to be nice. If I drop a glass on the floor, you bend over and fucking pick up the fucking glass. Okay?" Billy yells as he starts to pull up your dress.

"Get the fuck off me!" You shout as you hear the door open. Billy immediately lets go of you as you step back away from him, your breath heavy as you see Thomas

"What are you doing here? I've got another hour." Billy complains

"Just wait. Listen to me. Just listen to me. I was going to let you go through with it, but in the end, my conscience got the better of me. She looks good on the outside. But she has the clap. Yeah. Syphilis. When you took a shine to her, I thought to use her. Somebody told me she had the syph, I thought, 'What the hell!' Call it my better nature. She's a...she's a whore.  Go wait in the car." Thomas orders as you scoff and push past him, leaving the room and exiting the building, sitting in the back of the car with Max.

"You okay?" Max questions

"I'm getting sick of these fucking Peaky Blinders." You grumble as you clench your jaw. You watch Thomas get in the car and look at you through the mirror but you don't say a word nor does he.

"You're a bastard for offering your business partner like that. Forget what I said before. You just lost your chance." You finally speak

"I changed my mind didn't I?" Thomas tries to persuade you to stay

"It shouldn't have been in your mind anyway. If the tables were turned I wouldn't have done it to you!" You yell as he remains quiet for the rest of the ride back.

Word count: 6414

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