Cold Hearted

De kitkate1331

3.3K 211 83

You are an aspiring actress working at a club until you make your big break. One night at work is super busy... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20-Final

Chapter 15

114 6 3
De kitkate1331

Yoongi's POV:

I have been thinking about what Y/n said at the party a few days ago. I hope we can end this soon. Her being pregnant and so far away from me is driving me insane. I swear if he hurts one hair on her head, I will gut him myself.

I wonder where we would be if I wasn't late that night. If I would have been able to disappear with her. Would we be happy? Would we have a family already? I wonder where we would live and what we would be doing for work. I sigh and think back on all our happy memories.

Yoongi's memories:

I am walking around with the boys when we walk up to a café. JK leaves us and walks up to a group of girls. I look over at the group. I notice one girl laughing at something JK said. He drags her back over to us.

"Hey guys. I wanted to introduce you to a friend from class, Y/n."

"Hi." She waves.

I get lost in her big chocolate eyes. Jin nudges me.

"Hey I'm Cody."

"She knows we already told her." Tae says.

I roll my eyes and she giggles.

"So, what are you boys up to today?"

"We are just hanging out." Jimin says.

"What were girls doing today? JK asks.

"They are going shopping."

"You aren't going with them?" I asks.

"No, I don't enjoy shopping."

"A girl who doesn't like shopping?" Jimin says.

JK drapes his arm over her shoulder, "Y/n is different."

She side eyes him and then elbows him hard in the gut. He lets out a grunt and doubles over.

"I meant it in a good way." He groans.

"It didn't sound like it."

A phone rings and Y/n pulls out her phone. I watch the color drain from her face.

"Hello?" she answers.

"Dad, I'm with my friends...No dad don't. Oh, come on." She hangs up and sighs.

"I'm sorry I have to go."

"Go where?" JK asks.

She gives him a knowing look, "I have told you how my dad is Justin."

He nods his head. She gives him a hug, "It was nice to meet all of you. I'll see you later Justin."

We watch her walk across the street and get into an expensive town car.

"Who's her father?" I ask JK.

"She won't say. She's scared of him though."

"She's cute." Jimin says.

"I think boss here has his eyes on her." Jin says.

"I don't have the time."

"Bullshit you couldn't keep your eyes off of her." Namjoon adds.

"Come on. We have a meeting to get to."


I see someone running down the sidewalk towards me. I take a closer look and see that it's Y/n. She keeps looking over her shoulder. I look behind her and see two men running after her.

"Get her."

"Boss wants her unharmed."

I step into the shadows of the alley next to me. When she runs past the opening. I snag her and pull her into the alley. She fits me. I put my hand over her mouth.

"Y/n it's okay. You are safe."

She looks up at me with those big, beautiful eyes. i hear the footsteps of the men chasing her coming closer. I wrap her in my arms and turn so my back is facing the opening of the alley.

"Be quiet. I won't let them hurt you." I whisper.

"They aren't here to hurt me but kidnap me."

"I won't let them take you."

I give her a squeeze and she grips my shirt hard when we hear the footsteps pass by. We wait a few more moments and then she steps back from me.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Why would someone want to kidnap you?"

"Because of who my dad is."

"Who is your dad?"

"Not someone I want to tell anyone. I hate him."

I nod my head, "I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's fine. But I should be getting home."

"Do you need a ride?"

"No, I would be in trouble if I had a boy drop me off."

"But I'm not a boy."

She smiles, "I would be in even more trouble if a man dropped me off."

"How old are you Y/n?"

"18. Same as Justin. How old are you Cody?"


"I don't feel right leaving you by yourself after what I just saw."

She sighs, "Just a minute."

She pulls out her phone and texts someone. A second later she gets a message back.

"If you drop me off soon. My dad and his friend won't be at the house."

"Let's go."

We get to my car, and I drive her home. I pull up to a gated house. It's huge. Bigger than my parents' house.

"Let me off here at the gate. You won't be picked up on the camera's here."

"Lots of security. What are you the president's daughter."

She laughs, "That's too nice of a profession for my father."

That has me intrigued. She goes to get out of the car, I can't help myself and reach over grabbing her arm.

"What is it?"

"I want to see you again."

"I'm sure you will see me around."

"No, I mean..." God I suck at this, "I want to ask you out on a date."

"Oh, um sure."

"That doesn't sound convincing."

"No, it's just I have never been on a date."

"No one has asked you out before."

"No, they have. I just didn't want to go out with them."

"But you want to go out with me?"

She looks up at me and searches my face, "I do. There's just something about you that is pulling me towards you. I want to find out what that is."

I smile, "Give me your phone."

She hands me her phone. I put my number in, and press send. I wait for my phone to light up with her number. I hand it back once I hang up.

"There now we have each other's number."

She smiles again and then sighs, "You should go before my dad gets home."

She gets out of my car and walks over to the gate. She puts the code in and watch her walking side the gate and then watch it close behind her. I drive away once the gate is closed and she's safe inside.

There is just something about that girl.


6 months later. Y/n and I have spent almost every day together. She has become the light in the darkness that I have been missing. She is my lifeline. I would die for her. She means so much to me. I hate how her father treats her.

We are laying in my bed after having sex, "We should just run away." I say while staring up at the ceiling.

"Where would we go?"

"I don't care. Anywhere with you."

She leans up on her elbow, "You would leave your life behind?"

I rub a hand up and down her back, "I would do anything for you."


"End of the week?"

"Where are we going to meet?"

"The oak tree."

She smiles, "Our tree you mean."

"Yes, our tree."


I shouldn't have picked this week to be when we met. I hope she is still there. She left a very distraught voicemail. I could hardly understand her. She was so hysterical.

I can't believe I lost track of time. Please be there Y/n. I hurry through the park and get to the oak tree. I look around for her and don't see her anywhere.

She should have been here by now. Where is she? I keep looking. I wait for a while. Eventually, the boys come and find me.

"Shin called we need to go. He wants to meet with you. Wanting to solidify the deal. His wife just passed, and his daughter isn't taking it well. He's going to send her away for college."

"But Y/n."

"She would have been here by now. She's gone." Tae says.

"What if her dad did something to her?"

"We can look for her later. We need to go."

I sigh, Namjoon is right we need to go.

A knock on my office door snaps me out of my memories. JK walks in.



"You alright?"

"Fine. I was just lost in memories."


"Of me and Y/n."

"Oh, sorry for interrupting."

I wave him off, "No, it's fine what is it."

"We need to go meet Zio."


"He just rescued Y/n."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's just go get your girl and we can all talk about the details later."

"She's coming home?"

"Well, it's not going to be safe for her anywhere else."

I stand up so fast and hard the chair falls to the ground. JK laughs. We head out to go meet Zio. She and my baby better not be harmed at all.

Y/n's POV:

Cho drops to the ground before he can make a move towards me. I let out a breath when I see Zio standing there.

"Miss me sis?"


"We need to jet. Did you find what you are looking for?"

I hold up the files I was looking for, "Yep."

"Good. We need to scoot."

"What about him?"

"We can deal with him later. His backup are going to be here any second."

"Well, this puts a kink in the plan."

"It does but let's go. We need to meet JK and Yoongi."


"Well, now that is going to be the saftest place for you. Dad won't be able to get close enough to you. Plus, he won't want to do anything to piss Yoongi off. Since Jin is on Yoongi's pay roll."


We hurry down to my brothers running car. We zoom off. We exit the gate and just as we are getting far enough away from the house I see cars pull in.

I lean my head back against the headrest and sigh.

"Get some rest."


I wake up as we are pulling into the parking garage for Yoongi's building.

"No, we should have gone to Vex Tech."

"Later. Your husband wants to see you and your doctor is already here to check you over."

"I told you I'm fine."

"I don't care what you say Y/n. We aren't taking any chances with you or the baby's health."

I stop taking as I know he's right. It's not just me that I need to be worried about. My hand drops to my little baby bump, and I rub it.

I smile as I feel my baby kick.

"What's up?"

"I just felt the baby kick."


I nod my head.

"Can I try to feel?"

I shake my head, "Not yet. I want Yoongi to be able to feel first."

"That's true. He deserves it."

He parks and he opens the door for me. The ride in the elevator is quiet. I fiddle with my fingers. I'm so nervous.

Zio gripes my hands, "You don't need to be nervous."

I pull my hands away, "I'm not."


We walk out of the elevator. I walk behind Zio a few steps. What if Yoongi is really mad at me? I shake my head. Damn these pregnancy hormones.

Zio knocks on the door. It whips open. I hear a scoff.

"You aren't who I was expecting to see first."

"I'm right here JK." I step out from behind Zio.

"Y/n!" He pulls me into a big hug and lifts me off the ground.

"JK put Y/n down before you squish her and the baby." Jimin says.

"JK you hurt Y/n, or my baby and I will hurt you." Yoongi calls out.

JK reluctantly puts me down and rolls his eyes.

He leans down and whispers in my ear, "Your husband has been extra grumpy since he found out you were coming home."

"Well, he's about to get grumpier when I tell him what just happened."

He looks at me with concern. I pat his shoulder and walk into the penthouse. Finding Yoongi and all of his men in the living room. I hear a noise coming from the stairs and look up to find all of my men up there. I stop walking and stare up at them.

"We wanted to make sure you were okay." Jisung says.

"What about..." I start to ask.

"It's fine. Safe. Chan is taking care of it right now." Minho interrupts me knowing I don't want them to know about Vex Tech yet.

I turn my attention back to the living room. I smile when I see Yoongi standing behind a chair. He starts walking towards me. He stops just in front of me.

He lifts his hand and cups my cheek, "Are you two okay?"

I smile up at him, "We are both fine. Zio.."

"I got there just in time."

"Just in time?" Yoongi looks away from me and towards my brother.

I heave a sigh and Zio continues to explain.

"I had been following Cho and our father. Cho's car had turned back around. I thought it was odd. So, I followed him. Glad I did. He went back to the house."

"But they left a couple of days ago." I turn to look at him.

"They did. He took his time getting to the house. I think he was suspecting you had someone watching him."

"He's smarter than I gave him credit for." I mumble.

Yoongi squeezes my arm lightly. I look up at him. He drapes his arm over my shoulders and then nods for my brother to continue.

"When I got into the house. Cho had Y/n cornered in the den," Yoongi squeezes me closer, "I knocked him out before he could even get anywhere near her."

"I would have handled it." I grumble.

"Had you not been pregnant I would have let you." He glares at me.

"So, is he tied up somewhere?" Binnie asks.

Both Zio and I shake our heads, "No, we had to get out of there. He had backup coming."

"Like I said smarter than I had given him credit for."

"Yoongi, we should get my sister and the baby checked out. Just to be safe."

Yoongi nods and then takes me upstairs. He takes us to his room and then helps me on to the bed.

"Where is the doctor? Zio said the doctor was here."

"She is getting settled into her new apartment."

"New apartment?"

"Since you are going to be home and with everything going on. I figured it was better to have the doctor here in the building."

I laugh, "You and I think a lot alike."

He winks at me, "Great minds think alike."

He captures my lips with his. I melt into the kiss. Man have I missed these lips.

He pulls back and smirks at me, "I see you have missed me."

I roll my eyes, "I missed your kisses."

"Just my kisses?" He quirks a brow at me.

"Well, there are some other things I miss too." I wink back.

He is about to move his lips back to mine. When there is a knock on the door. He stands back up and clears his throat.

"Come in."

The door opens and my doctor walks in, "Sorry if I'm interrupting but I want to check on mom and baby."

"You aren't interrupting. They are the priority." Yoongi says.

She moves into the room pushing in an ultrasound machine.

"I will step out." Yoongi goes to leave the room.

I grab his hand, "Please stay."

He looks down at me. After a moment he nods his head. I let go of his hand and he walks to the other side of the bed and then sits next to me.

"She's has been wanting you to be a part of this. So, I'm glad you are staying."

I give the doctor a look and she chuckles.

"So, I know you have had increased stress since your last appointment. But have you had any bleeding or cramps? Any injuries or anything like that?"

"No, nothing like that."

She takes my blood pressure and does a few other things, "Okay. Ready to see baby now?"

I pull my shirt up and the doctor squeezes some gel on my belly. I feel Yoongi tense next to me.

"Don't worry this won't hurt either of them. it's just so we can move around and see baby."

She puts the wand on my belly and starts moving it around, "Once I find baby I will show you two."

We stay quiet as we wait for her to find the baby, "Now, you are far enough along to know what the baby is. Do you want to know?"

I look to Yoongi and our eyes met.

"I do if you want to Yoongi."

He smiles, "Whatever you want."

I laugh, "I should record you saying that."

He snickers, "Like I could ever tell you no."

"We have a lot to talk about."

He nods his head, "We do but let's see our little one first."

We both turn towards the monitor. I smile as I see our baby moving on the screen.

"There is your little bundle. Looking very healthy and active."

I look up at Yoongi. He is staring mesmerized at the screen, "It looks like a baby. Our baby." He whispers and squeezes my hand. So cute.

"Are you two ready two ready?"

"Yes." We say in unison.

"Congratulations on your baby boy."

A tear runs down my cheek. Good, our first child won't have as much pressure as I did. Not that I would let that happen if it was a girl.

Yoongi squeezes my hand. I look up at him and see that his eyes are misty. I reach up and wipe his cheek.

He chuckles, "Not going to lie I was hoping for a little girl."

I cock my head to the side, "Why? You think you could survive having two of me around?"

"I know I could, but I think the rest of them need to deal with two versions of you."

I laugh, "Well what about dealing with two versions of you?"

"I think you can manage that."

"I'm going to let you two have some time alone. Call if you need anything."

Yoongi turns his head towards the doctor, "Thank you."

She leaves the room. I clean up my belly and pull my shirt down. I'm about to get out of bed when Yoongi pulls me backwards.

"Can we stay here for a little while?"

I smile, "Sure."

I lay in his arms with my head on his chest for a bit. After a little my stomach starts turning. I'm getting hungry.

I move to sit up. Yoongi releases his grip on me. Once I'm finally sitting up all the way I smile down at my belly. Our baby boy is kicking up a storm.

"What is it?" Yoongi asks while leaning up on his elbow.

I grab his hand and place it on my stomach. I watch his face, hoping he can feel our son kicking. I watch his face light up.

"Is that him?" He looks up at me with a huge smile.

I nod my head, "Yep."

"That's amazing. Do you feel that all the time?"

"Sometimes. Depends on how active he is."

"He." Yoongi turns his attention back to my stomach, "A boy."

"Yes a boy."

"Do you have any names you want to name him?"

"No, I have been so busy with getting it safe for him to be born that I feel I haven't enjoyed any of this pregnancy."

"I'm sorry." He drops a kiss to my stomach, "I promise little one. I will take care of you and your momma."

I play with Yoongi's hair, "We can take care of each other Yoongi."

My stomach picks now to rumble loudly.

He laughs, "Sounds like I need to take care of you right now."

He gets off the bed and I move to do the same.

"Nope you stay right here, and I will bring up some food."

"I can walk and move around. She didn't put me on bed rest."

He leans over to me and kisses my lips, "I know but I just want to spend some time with you. Without the others around."

I sigh. I know what he means. I nod my head. He walks out of the room and shuts the door. I decide to get up anyways and take a shower. I look in the closet for something for me to wear. I find a baggy sweatshirt, t-shirt, and pants. Perfect.

I am just getting dressed when the bedroom door opens.


"I'm just in the bathroom. I'll be out in a minute."

He doesn't respond but opens the bathroom door. Our eyes met and then he drops his eyes to my stomach again. He walks up to me and helps me pull my shirt on. The helps with the sweatshirt.

"I see you made yourself at home." He smirks.

"Well, it is my home too right? Besides none of my old clothes would fit me right now."

"It is your home. And you look great in my clothes. Hell would look even better out of them."

I smack his chest, "Come on lets feed you."

He pulls me out of the bathroom and back to the bed. I crawl into bed, and he does the same.

"I just made a couple quick sandwiches."

"That's fine. I'm so hungry."

"I bet. You have had a long day."

I nod my head. I take a bite and a moan falls out of my mouth.

"This is so good."

He chuckles, "Glad you like it."


I wake up and stretch. I look over to where Yoongi had been laying next to me. He's gone. I sit up in bed and rub the sleep out of my eyes. I don't see him in the room, and I don't hear the shower.

I get out of bed and decide to head downstairs. I find him in the living room with everyone else. They are whispering. I hear my name but can't catch anything else.

I clear my throat, then walk behind the couch to the kitchen. I get a class of water and then walk over and lean against the island and look at all of them. they are all looking at me with deer in the headlights look.

"Oh, please continue on with your conversation like I'm not even here."

"We weren't talking about much." Zio tries to cover for them all.

I smirk, "Zio, who do you think you are talking to? You may have been able to fool our father for years but you and I both know that I am smart than him."

He gulps. I finish off my glass of water and put the glass on the counter. With my fingers still on the rim and looking down at the glass still I start to speak.

"So, who is going to tell me what this little pow wow was about?" I look up at them expectantly.

"I don't think you should be worrying about anything for a while. You have had enough stress, and you are pregnant." Yoongi says.

"Minho." I call out.

He stands up, "Yes?"

"I want my office ready tomorrow."

"I will call chan."



"I want you and Felix to pick up Cho. Take Namjoon, JK and Zio with you."

"Y/n, you can't boss my men around."

"Fine JK and Namjoon can stay here."

I watch as Yooni's one hand balls into a fist and the other pinches his nose, "Fine. You two go with him."

Then Yoongi looks up at me, "Anything else?"

"Glad you asked?"

"Zio my bag please."

Zio gets up and brings over my bag. I dig out what I had been snooping for. Once I find the files I walk up to Jin and hand them to him.

"What are these?"

"Enough evidence to put my father away for life."

"Wouldn't it be better for you or Yoongi to kill him."

I let my eyes ice over with hate, "Death is too easy for him. He deserves to suffer for everything he has done. Between Yoongi's parents, my mother and countless others."

"The others are a part of business Y/n." Jimin says.

I turn and smirk at him, "Oh, I know but tell that to their families. Some of them are in Jail too. Thanks to my father."

Zio chuckles, "They will want him to pay over and over again. Much worse than what we could come up with."

"Especially since Yoongi and I would just let the anger talk over and end it quicker for him. He doesn't deserve a peaceful nice death."

Jin has been looking over the file, "Y/n I'm going to need more to make charges stick for your mother's and Yoongi's parents death."

"I know." I look from Zio to Yoongi and then to Jin, "You have a witness to both crimes."

"Great who?"



"I was at the docks, and I was there when my mother was killed. I watched both."

"Y/n, you were at the docks?" Yoongi asks while he stands up.

I don't look at him, "Yes."

"You were only 13. You shouldn't have been there."

"Well, Zio was there too."

"Did you two know what your father was going to do?"

"No, we were told to wait in the car, but I just had a feeling and followed after my dad. Zio came with me. I found him. He was arguing with a man and a...." I drop a hand to my stomach and rub it up and down, "A pregnant woman. I watched as he shot them. I made Zio hide and cover his ears."

"Where were you?"

"Behind a container."

I watch as something flashes across his face, "It was you." He whispers.

"What was me?"

"You were the person I saw that night. I yelled for help, and no one answered. I thought I was seeing things."

I feel the tears well at the corner of my eyes, "I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I-i...." I lose my voice and Yoongi wraps his arms around me.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. You were a child Y/n. You couldn't have stopped your father. Plus, you have given me all the answers I have wanted about what happened to my parents. You gave me that closure."

Yoongi's POV:

How does a father do that to their own kids? I mean seriously, Y/n was 13 and Zio was 10 almost 11. I get that they would one day be taking over his business but seriously. I wouldn't have been there if I wasn't picked up at the airport earlier.

My mother was so adamant about me not starting to take over the business until I was done with school. I take Y/n up to our room once the men leave that she gave instructions too. The others found rooms to stay in the building.

We are trying to make it as hard as possible for Y/n's dad to get anywhere near her.

"So, what are you going to your office for?"

"You can't know yet."

"I'm going with you."

"No, I need you to do what you normally do. It's best if my dad and Cho still think we are not together."

I sigh, "I just want this over with."

"You and me both."

I pull her closer to me and she snuggles into my chest.



"I'm really sorry."

"For what?"

"For your mom and dad."

"Y/n you weren't the one that pulled the trigger. You aren't your father."

"But he trained me to be a terrible person."

"You aren't."

"It doesn't feel like that."

"Why's that?"

"I-After that night my father started training me."

"He what?"

"I caught me and Zio sneaking back to the car. I was scared he would do something to Zio. My mom was a away on some business. So, he said that since I was snooping into adult business that it was time to start training me to take over."

"What did he do?"

"I don't want to talk about it. Not right now."

I nod my head in understanding. I kiss the top of her head, "What do you want to talk about?"

"I don't care. Something happy."

"How about old memoires of us then?"


"Do you remember how we met?"

"Yeah, JK ran up to me at a café when I was out with my friends."

"Yeah and dragged you over to talk to us."

"I know. You kept staring at me."

"I thought you were pretty."

She chuckles, "I thought you were pretty good looking too."

"I wanted your number than really bad."

She laughs, "Stop it."

"No, I'm serious."

"I wanted yours too."

"I am or wasn't happy you were being chased by kidnappers, but I am happy that it made us run into each other again."

"Me too. You asked me on a date."

"I did."

"Who would have thought that those two kids would end up right here."

"Took us to get here longer than I thought."

"At least we made it to where we always wanted to be."

"We did. Despite your dad trying his hardest to get me away from you."

She lets out a yawn.

"Let's get some sleep. It sounds like you have a very busy day planned for us."

She laughs sleepily, "It will get better once Cho and my father are dealt with."

"I know. Good night Y/n."

"Good night. I love you." She drops a kiss to my chest.

"I love you too, Y/n."

I hear her soft snores minutes later. She was exhausted. I place my hand on her belly and rub it.

I promise you little one. You and your mommy will never have to deal with someone like Shin. I will protect the two of you at all costs.

I let out a sigh of happiness and pull Y/n a little closer. I let myself get lost in the smell of her hair. I think I may have the best night's sleep I have had in months.

Finally, she is home.

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