The Boy Next Door

By em_writess

103K 1.3K 409

This is Dual Pov Between Ace and Mia! (A lot of flirting and a tiny bit of smut) š—”š—°š—² š—¦š˜š—²š—暝—¹š—¶š—»š—“: š™°... More

Character Aesthetics
Epilouge #1
Epilogue #2
Bonus Chapter
Authors Note


708 12 0
By em_writess

"So when were you guys gonna tell me that you had brunch without me," Alexis asks.

"Well we were gonna ask you to go with us but we decided not to," I say.


"Because we didn't want to interrupt you and Blake," Gracie says.

"Whatever." She tries to hide the blush that creeps across her face but it's very noticeable.

"So what are the plans for today," Gracie asks.

She was going to say something but got interrupted by her annoying twin brother.

"We're back girls," Blake says.

"Oh great," I mumble. Even though the boys were gone for two hours the silence felt nice.

"Did you not miss us, Mia," Blake asks.

"Well, I didn't miss you if that's what you're asking," I say.

"And who did you miss," Ace says.

"Hmm, I honestly don't remember," I say.

"Hmmm is that so," he says.

"Maybe," I say.

Instead of replying he plants a soft kiss on my lips.

"You are all disgusting," Gracie says.

"Grace you need to find someone," Alexis says.

"Maybe I have," she says.

"Who," me and Alexis ask in unison.

"Let's change the subject," she asks.

"Fine. Since it's our last day here you boys have to plan something for us to do," I say.

"We will give you till three o'clock then come to us with your answer," I say.

"Sounds good," I say. "But first you boys better shower."

They both groan in annoyance before heading to their separate rooms to get showers.

"Honestly I feel like going back to school," Alexis says.

"Of course, you would say that. You practically live at that school Lex," Gracie says.

"I wonder what we are doing tonight," I say.

"Hopefully getting out of this house, because I'm bored."

"I agree Mia even though this house is awesome I'm kinda"

"Bored." We all say in unison.

"Yeah, I feel you, even all American is boring me and I love this show."

"Same especially that flirtatious banter between Olivia and Spencer is getting boring," Alexis says.

"But you know one thing that's not boring is the funniness between Spencer and Coop. Now that never gets old," Gracie says.

"True," I say.

"Okay girls you have been sitting in your butts for hours," Blake says.

"So we are bored," I complain.

"Well, we have a cure for your boredom," Blake says.

"You guys have four hours to get ready and I mean ready for a date tonight," Blake says.

"Is he for really," I whisper to Ace.

"Hell yes," Ace says.

"But we never brought any outfits," Alexis says.

"Yeah and I never brought a date," Gracie says.

"Well the restaurant is about ten minutes away from the house and the mall is 20 so have at it and go shop," Ace says.

"Sounds perfect. What time are we leaving," I ask.


"I can bring anybody," Gracie asks.

"Anybody," Blake says.

"Okay let's go shop," she says.

"Be back later," I tell Ace and kiss him on the cheek.

"I'm surprised that we found some incredible outfits," Alexis says.


"Do you guys have any ideas of where we are going tonight," Gracie asks.

"No clue. I looked up restaurants nearby but they are about thousands of them," I say.

"Shoot," Gracie says.

"Why, did you want your date to meet us at the restaurant instead of the house," Alexis asks.

"Yeah," Gracie says.

"If I get Blake to tell me where we are going I will let you know but that's only if you tell me who your bringing," Alexis says.

"Fine," Gracie grumbles.

"Perfect," Alexis cheers.

"Fine since you girls are so eager to know," Blake says. "We are going to la pasta y la bodega." ( Translation: Pasta And Winery)

"Sounds fancy," Alexis says.

"It sure is," Blake says.

"You two disgust me, I'm gonna go get ready," Gracie says.

Alexis pounces out of Blake's grasp and follows Gracie to her room.

"Did she get a coffee with five shots of expresso while you were out," Blake asks.

"Not that I remember," I say.

He sighs and silently walks away. As me and Ace stumble into some small talk I hear a squeal from down the hall.

"I'm gonna go check on them," I say.

"Girls you practically woke the whole town up. What's with the squeals?"

"Guess who Gracie is bringing to the dinner," Alexis says.


"Jordan," Gracie says.

"You mean the Jorden whose jersey I had to wear and called me a bitch," I say.

"Yeah, we have just been texting lately and I thought it would be a good idea," Gracie says.

"I not saying that it isn't but once the boys see him in the restaurant this dinner might not be so fun."

"I know, but maybe it might. You girls have power over your boys, you can keep them calm. It's only one night and it prob won't happen again," Gracie says.

"Okay, well I won't say anything but just be prepared for an awkward dinner," I say.

"Don't worry I am," Gracie says.


"Can I get into the bathroom now," Ace asks for the fifth time.

I most certainly kicked Ace out of the bathroom so that way I could do my hair and makeup. I also wanted to keep my outfit a surprise until the last and final reveal.

"Not yet," I say.

"How long is a 'not yet' supposed to last," he asks.

"Just hold on for another ten minutes," I say.

I am done with everything I'm just doing so retouching my outfit and hair.

"Your luckily your my favorite," I says.

I wait and take my time retouching anything that needs to be redone.

"Ace are you ready," I ask.

"Yes princess, I am ready," he says.

I open the door and give him a devilish smirk. "Do you like it?"

"I mean do you want to go out tonight," Ace asks.

"Yes, I do," I say.

"Okay then, you look beautiful," he says.

"Actually I think I need to retouch my makeup just a little," I say.

"Mia you just retouched everything, there is no need to do it again," he says.

"Okay then let me use the bathroom real quick," I say.

"Before you do that are you sure you wanna go out tonight," he asks.

"Yes, I do want to and just because you want some of me doesn't mean we should stay in." I gasped putting my hand over my mouth, because of how rude that came out. "I'm sorry."

"Mia, is there something going on? About two minutes ago you were happy and excited now it seems like you're scared to go out. Is there something you're not telling me," he asks.

"Fine, but you can't be mad and once he arrives you have to act surprised because I don't know if Blake knows yet."

"Go on," he says.

"So Blake told Gracie she could bring a date and she did, except this date is someone you might not like so much," I say.



"Are you serious," he asks.

"Yeah, now I don't want you to be on edge this whole diner," I say.

"Well now that might happen," he says.

"Ace, your favorite person is going to be there so don't be on edge for her," I say.

"Oh really, I didn't know Leah was coming," he chuckles.

I punch the side of his arm lightly. "Rude."

"You my favorite," he says and pulls me in for a kiss.

"Your my favorite too," I whisper.

"Let's go find the others," Ace says.

We leave our room in search of the other three. Once we all meet on the main level we hop in the car, Ace and me in the front, Blake and Alexis in the middle, and Gracei in the back.

Mias outfit

Alexis Outfit

Gracie's Outfit

Blake's Outfit

Aces Outfit

Jordan's Outfit

"Do you know when he's gonna arrive," Ace whispers to me.

"No," I whisper back.

The dinner has been quiet for the most part. I think we girls are all on edge about Jordan coming and Ace for that matter.

"So Grace when will your date be here," Blake asks.

"He should be here any minute," she says looking around the room.

"And who did you invite again," Blake asks.

"Fine." Gracie sets down her phone in aggravation. "I invited Jordan. We have been talking for a while now and I thought this was a good time to tell you."

"Jordan," Blake says.

"Yes Jordan," Gracie says.

"Did you know anything about this," Blake turns to ask Ace.

"I am just as surprised as you are," Ace says.

"Gracie, thank God I found you," Jordan says.

I am not gonna lie even though this seems wrong, he doesn't seem so bad. Jordan fits in well with the group and he and Gracie are kind of cute.

"Thoughts," I whisper to Ace.

"I mean they don't look bad together, but Blake on the other hand."

We both take a glance in the direction where Blake is sitting.

"He doesn't look happy," I say.

"Exactly," Ace says.

"Well this is gonna be one long dinner," I say.


The only thing I didn't enjoy about this dinner was the fact that my twin sister brought Jordan. I know I said that she could bring anybody but I never expected it to be him.

"Blake is it okay if Jordan comes to the house after dinner," Gracie asks.

Deep inside I wanted to say no but instead, I ended up saying yes.

"Of course the more the merrier."

"The attitude you got isn't helping," Alexis whispers to me.

"What do you mean? I am not doing anything," I say.

"Yes you are your putting all this bad energy into this night by being mad at Gracie," Alexis says.

"Me mad at Gracie. Never," I say.

"I'm being serious Blake Gracie thinks your upset," she says.

"Fine, I will lighten the mood," I say.

"Good," Alexis says.

I look around the table and everyone seems to be in a happy setting. Ace and Mia are chatting and so are Jordan and Gracie.

"So Jordan how long have you and Gracie been talking for?"

"About one month or so," he says.

"That's cool," I say which earns a grin from Alexis.

"So I think when we get back to the house we have some popcorn and dessert and watch a movie. Who's in," Mia says.

"Me obviously," Alexis says.

"If she is so am I," I say.

"And if everyone else is in I guess that makes everyone in," Gracie says.

"It does and since Jordan is now coming along you can pick the movie and I don't want any comments Blake," Mia says.

"If you're talking about me then you are wrong," I say.

"Haha very funny," Mia says.

"Let's get the check and get out of here," I say.

"I got it covered everyone can go wait inside the car," Ace says.

"I'll wait with you," Mia says.

We leave the couple behind and go towards the car, well me and Alexis go not Jordan and Gracie. They decided to ride in his car back to the house.

"Meet us at the house," I yell to Gracie.

"Yeah I know," she yells back.

"It was nice of you to pay for everyone," I whisper to Ace.

"I wanted to and besides I could see Blake telling Jordan to pay for his own meal," he whispers back.

"True. Even though Jordan is kinda rude he isn't that bad. I mean movie picking is incredible," I say.

"Yeah if you're a teenager who wants to fall in love. He picked the movie The Notebook now he is trying to send a message to Gracie or he just picked it because he loves romance," Ace says.

"I love it," I say.

"I guess it isn't that bad," he says still staring at me.

"Watch the movie." I throw a piece of popcorn at his face.

"I would rather watch you," he says.

"Nope," I say and can't help but grin a little.

"I know you don't want to break Gracie's rules, but as the bad boy next door I am bound to break them," he says.

"But as the good girl I am bound to help you not break them," I say.

"That's what I lo- like most about you," he says stopping himself from saying the three words.

I don't reply. I mean I could reply with the three words but I'm not ready to say them yet. I know Ace didn't exactly say the three words but he geared towards them.

"Princess, I'm sorry I just don't want to say them yet at least not here," he says.

"Same here," I say.

I honestly love that they had matching outfits for all the couples. And if any of the conversations were kinda off topic this hasn't fully been edited.

Also I am sad to announce that this book only has about three chapter left. But there will be epilogue chapters, so stayed tuned for those!!

Minus all of that, if you guys liked Blake's pov, then you might enjoy the new book I am going to write next year (2024).

I am going to publish the book in a week or so, but as a hint it's about Blake's and Alexis relationship. Some of the chapters correlate to The Boy Next Door but some of them don't. Also the real chapter for the new book won't come out until next year. I will have an introduction and character aesthetic published though!!

If you enjoyed this chapter or have any questions please full free to comment or send me a message!! Love you guys and thank you for 11k!!!

Word Count: 2,287

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