How Could You? (Souyo)

By personamo

5K 206 47

Kanji was just a decoy; Yu knew that. He also knew he had no chance with Yosuke. Even then, he couldn't let g... More

It's Not Love
Purely Platonic
On The Case
The Same
False Hope
Love & Affection
Each Other's Company
This World
For The Team
Catch Me If You Can
Out of The Loop
It Was Nice While It Lasted
A Call
Bon Appรฉtit
We're Friends, Aren't We?
Stepping Stone
Funny Feeling
Won't Go
Peace of Mind
Nowhere Else
Best Friend & Girlfriend
Hold You
Someone Else
Old Friend
Light Being Shed
Lonely Together
Can't Keep Checking My Phone
Welcome Home
Another Guy
Real Man
Wannabe Detectives
Where Are You Now?

Big City

59 4 0
By personamo

Yosuke's POV:

"He's still asleep?" Dad scoffs, watching him from the kitchen.

"Uh-huh," I nod, chewing on a slice of toast.

"Should I wake him?" Nanako-chan asks.

"Let him sleep," Dad smiles. "He's clearly exhausted."

Even Teddie hasn't left his side since last night. He's just sorta... clung to Yu.

I think it's weird, but nobody else really says anything.

...Yu has strong arms. Not that I'm checking him out or anything, but... well, he does. And... Teddie easily fits in at least one of them from the way they're sleeping.

I wonder how many girls he's hugged.

Yu has a loveable structure. He's hot, yeah, but... There's something about him. He gives the most wholesome hugs than anyone else.

He's not too rough. It's not too short. It's... warm. Comforting, and... it just makes you feel like you could stay there for hours.

Not that I'd know, but... I've seen the way he hugs Nanako-chan. Maybe it's just because she's his cousin. Maybe... he just is that kind of guy.

"Do you want me to call your dad, Nanako-chan?" Dad asks. "I can tell him you're awake."

"Uh, that's okay," she smiles swiftly. "I'll wait until big bro wakes up."

"Big bro?"

"Uh-huh," she nods. "I love him a lot."

"Huh... Just like you, eh, Yosuke?"

"What?" I choke on the edge of my toast, coughing frantically.

"'Yu this', 'Yu that'," he chuckles.

He coulda worded it better... Geez.

"I think big bro loves you too, Yosuke-kun!"

"...Huh?" My eyes widen.

Nanako only smiles. "He likes you a lot."

"Y-yeah, well... The qualities of friendship, am I right?" I sigh.

I watch as his cell lights up on the table. I hesitate a moment before reaching for it.


Adachi: Hey.

Adachi: Are you and Nanako-chan

I swallow hard. I shouldn't message him back, but... The hell does he want with Yu?

Yu: What do u mean?

Adachi: Dojima-san was
pretty pissed of last night.

Adachi: Just wanted to
know you were okay, is all.

Yu: What's he mad abt

Adachi: I got the kudos
for finding Kubo.

Adachi: Also, I got promoted!

Adachi: I think he's jealous.

Adachi: You know, considering
I'm his partner, and not the
other way around.

Adachi: I was just worried
if he bothered you again.

Yu: What do you mean again?

Adachi: You know...

Adachi: About Tatsumi or
about those files or Hanamura.

Yu: What abt them

Adachi: You got
amnesia or something?

Adachi: Listen, kid.

Adachi: I'm just glad you're

Adachi: I gotta go, so
see you around.

I close the cell, and close my eyes at the same time, releasing a sigh.

He did do it, then. He searched Dojima's files. For... me.

Dammit, Yu.

I told him not to. I told him he'd get in trouble for it, but... shit.

Can't lie, the guy's got commitment.

I toss the cell to the table, turning back to the kitchen.

"I'm gonna head to work," Dad says, putting his jacket on. "Will you be okay on your own?"

"I'm not on my own," I scoff. "Yu and Nanako-chan are here, too."

"I know, but..."

"Dad," I groan. "I'm not a kid."

"I just don't know how Dojima-san would feel if I left his daughter in your care."

"Yu is right there." I point back to the living room.

"...Fine," he sighs. "Teddie? You coming?"

Teddie bounces into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes. "Gotcha, pops!"

"...See you guys," I murmur.

"Take care, son."

And, with that, they leave.


"Uh... Can I call my dad?" Nanako-chan asks quietly.

"Hm?" I turn to face her.

"I miss him."

"Oh, sure..." I nod slowly, handing her my phone.

She takes it with an excited smile as Yu walks through.

"H-hey," I splutter.

"Hi," he whispers.

He avoids my eye. That much, I can tell.

Shit... I really did make this awkward, huh...?

"Come on, Nanako," he says. "Let's go."

"Dude, don't," I say.

He frowns. "What?"

"Will you hang out for a bit?" I ask. "Please?"

He bites his lip, contemplating the idea.

"I want to see Dad," Nanako mutters.

"We can take you home, then," I shrug. "But, Yu... you'll stay, right?"

He squeezes his eyes shut.

"H-hey... You can go get changed in my room," I offer.

His eyes widen.

"I... I have some spare clothes," I chuckle. "Go ahead."

He looks over to Nanako with a worried face.

"She'll be fine," I force a smile.

"...Okay," he breathes.


Yu's POV:

I lean my back against his bedroom wall, breathing heavily.

I can still hear him. I can still imagine him.

It's disturbing.

I don't want to think about him in such a way. I shouldn't, really, but...

What was so much better than me?

Porn? Some celebrity? Some girl he was talking to on that app?

My stomach churns.

How could he...?

I swallow hard, collecting my thoughts.

It was none of my business, really. I should just forget it. If he doesn't want to talk about it, I don't want to talk about it.

It just... feels like a sense of betrayal.

I know how stupid that sounds. I know, but... I don't know anymore.

Everything is a mess. I'm a mess, but... Yosuke... He's perfectly fine. Of course he is, right?

How could anything go wrong for him?


Yosuke's POV:

Are you kidding!? Another chick who says she's found a better match!?

This app is rigged, I swear...

"Is big bro okay?" Nanako turns from the TV to look back at me. "He's been a while..."

Now that I think about it, Yu has been upstairs for quite some time... Hm.

"I'll go check on him," I smile, standing up.

"Maybe he found one of your magazines," she giggles.

"M-my magazines?" I splutter.

"Uh-huh. The ones where the ladies—"

"M-maybe, Nanako," I say quickly cutting her off. "I- I'll be right back..."


"Yu?" I knock on the door one time, holding my breath.

I don't get an answer.

Huh... Is he okay in there?

He hasn't fallen and hit his head, has he...? Maybe he's just embarrassed about last night...?

I swallow hard, knocking again. "Yu?"

Still, no response.

I bite my lip, turning the handle on the door.

I see the light hit his half-naked body and I blink twice, looking away.

"Sh-shit, man," I splutter, quickly closing the door again.

At least he still had his underwear on... Geez.

I lean my back against the wall, but the image won't leave my head.

He's pretty toned, huh? Hot. Attractive. Muscular.

I sigh, looking down my own shirt.

Fuck... As if I could ever compete against him.

I feel a wave of anger wash over me.

Everything about him is perfect. From the major details to the minor.

I cover my face in my hands, trying to wash off the embarrassment.

I bet he works out, too. There's no way that's all just from fighting Shadows. Otherwise... We'd be pretty similar.

...Maybe I should start training outside of the TV, too.


Yu's POV:

I have to catch my breath before pulling on one of his shirts.

How much did he see?

It was enough to make him flustered, I could see that, but...

Dare I ask what he thinks?

I groan, slapping my own forehead.

What if he thinks I'm too slim? Not enough muscle? He's seen better...?

I shuffle uncomfortably.

I know he wasn't checking me out, but... I'd like to know what his thoughts are.

...Maybe I should work out more?

Do I look like I should work out more?

I look down my shirt, pulling a face.

I've never been self-conscious about my structure before, but... He changed everything. 'Cause if I'm not perfect, I'm not worth it, in his eyes.

I pull on some jeans, trying to shake the doubt from my head.


Yosuke's POV:

"Hey." His voice is soft as he stands in the doorway.

"...Hi," I nod.

Nanako switches off the TV, turning to him. "Oh! Big bro!" She giggles, heading over to embrace him.

"Are you ready to head home, Nanako?" He asks her.

She nods with a smile. "Uh-huh."

"Listen, Yu," I sigh, standing up from the couch. "I know I said you could stay, but—"

His cell starts ringing in his back pocket halfway through my sentence.

"...That important?" I grunt, nodding to his pants.

"U-uh..." He quickly checks the caller's ID, his face lighting up.


"Sorry. I have to take this." He turns away, heading into the kitchen.

A... girl?

Nah... Couldn't be, right...?

"One second, Nanako-chan," I smile.

She shrugs, seemingly oblivious.

I sneak around to the kitchen, pressing my ear against the wall.

I know, I know.

Eavesdropping. The lowest of the low. I just... gotta know, man... I gotta know what's so important.


Yu's POV:

I finally manage to catch my breath as I answer the call.


"Yu," Father sighs.

"H-hey," I splutter, rubbing the back of my neck.

"What is it?" He grunts. I can hear the taps of his keyboard on the other end. "I haven't got long."

"...Right." I swallow hard. "...Can I come home?"


"Dad, I just—"

"Father," he corrects. "And no, Yu."

My hopes shatter. "What?"

"Don't argue with me."

"But... Why not?" I frown. "Father, please."

"Your mother and I aren't home."


"My god," he scoffs. "Do you seriously think I'd trust you home alone after last time?"

"That was Kawamoto—"

"I don't care, Yu," he grunts.

"I promise, Father. Trust me, please."

"What's so bad about Inaba?" He snaps.

"Do you seriously think I wanna stay out here in the boonies?" My voice begins to rise. "There's nothing here. Dojima doesn't give a shit about me. Everyone here is just... selfish and weird, and—"

"Yu," he yells, cutting me off.


"I don't care," he snaps. "Be a man and deal with it."

"But, Father—"

"If anyone's selfish here, it's you."

I bite my tongue.

"I'm busy," he grunts. "Don't call me again, okay?"


I hate myself for backing down so easily but... what else can I do?

He ends the call. No 'goodbye'. No 'I love you'.

What did I expect, really?


Yosuke's POV:

His dad sounds like an ass...

But, for real? He's... leaving?

I mean... come on, man, we've talked about this...

I didn't think he'd actually go through with it...

I bite my lip. What's so bad about Inaba, anyway?

Who the hell's Kawamoto?

There's Dojima, sure, but... He thinks we're all just burdens on him? Me, Chie, Yukiko... Everyone?

My stomach twists. After everything?

How could he say something like that? We've saved his ass more times than we can count. And yet... we're nothing to him. He'd rather ditch us for his old life, huh?

"Yosuke." His eyes widen, startled, as he opens the door.

My shoulders tense up. "H-hey."

He furrows a brow. "...Were you...?"

I nod, crossing my arms.

"You... really shouldn't do that." He looks almost guilty.

"Don't play the innocent card, man," I scoff. "You wanna leave so bad? Fucking go."


"I can't believe you sometimes."

"...You're my best friend," he breathes.

"But... what?" I snap. "Were you actually going to tell me when you were leaving? Or was that going to be a surprise? Oh, Yu isn't at school today... Maybe he's skipping again! Or maybe he's left for good!"


"It's one thing to go, but... You didn't fucking tell me."

"I did—" He tries.

"You were ready to buy a ticket just like that," I frown. "The case isn't even over."

"It is, Yosuke," he sighs.

"You know it's not." I grit my teeth.

"What does it matter?" He shrugs.

Why the fuck is he so calm about this...!?

"Fuck you."

"What?" He stammers.

"How could you, man?" I snap. "You... You're everything, dude."

He swallows hard, looking away.

"You are my reason for fighting. You are my reason for everything, and... You're just gonna leave me."

"I'm not anything to you."

"How would you know?" I yell. "Dude, you've been so distant lately and I didn't know what to do."

"I'm sorry."

"Why don't you talk to me!?"

"I can't," he groans.

"It's not rocket science," I snap. "Why is Kanji better than me, huh!?"

"You wouldn't understand."

"Just leave me in the dark, then," I mumble. "I'm done, Yu."

"...Yosuke," he breathes.

"Go back to that big city, man." I bite my lip. "There's nothing left for you here anyway."


thanks for reading:)

word count: 2116

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