Knotted in Love

By Lost_outlander

11.9K 1.1K 463

A journey through the chaos of marriage and the beauty of understanding Cast in Love S2 More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21

Part 14

404 47 21
By Lost_outlander

Karishma rests her hand on Haseena's thigh and leans into her. They kiss with a smile on their faces while everyone else on the table faces away. Their love is not the thing that get them all uncomfortable but it's their own loves that get them all in a sweat. Jack pretends to clear his throat so loudly before taking a sip from his pint of beer to break the love birds up. Alice looks at him with a tiny smile. It feels a little better that she can actually sit with him and feels his presence. Next to him is Danielle, she keeps stealing glances at Zoe. Things get more awkward between them because this is going nowhere and Zoe starts to lose interest. The only reason Zoe agrees to come is Haseena showed up at her work and threated her to come along.

"I'll get us more drinks." Danielle offers and knocks over her chair on her way away from the round table. It is a bit of a stumble but she manages to get the chair back up in place.

"I'll go with her." Karishma announces before pinching Haseena's cheek playfully as she is eating her fries. "Don't finish it."

"Okay." Haseena smiles and secretly checks out Karishma's butt as she walks away. Everyone at the table clearly notices it and has enough nerve to take some action with a hum and a whine. "What? She's my wife."

"Isn't this awkward for you?" Zoe asks Haseena who seems to be unbothered by anything. "All of this."

"No." Haseena answers as she moves the basket of fries back for Karishma. "There are three people who I'm comfortable with... no offence, Jack."

Jack shrugs while feeling every touch Alice draws on his back.

"So I'm good." Haseena gives Jack a thumb up and leans back on the wooden chair of the bar that becomes their regular. "Look, it's not even my idea and we all know I can't really say no to Karishma."

"You can. You just don't." Alice corrects her best friend with a mocking face.

"You could tell me you are dating Jack. You just didn't." Haseena fires back and Alice is nearly killed by her own bullet.

"I thought you knew." Alice tries to defend herself although she knows that it is just a useless defense. There was no way Haseena would know. The least that Haseena could figure out was she is dating someone.

"Is it weird if I leave?" Zoe asks after finishing her pint of beer; ignoring all the arguments that have been thrown around.

"Zoe, can you help Danielle with the beers?" Karishma sits back down with her own glass of red wine and nothing else. Haseena looks at her with so many questions in her eyes but mainly, it is something along the line of 'why don't you help her?'

"I can help her." Jack is ready to get up when his leg gets some painful impact that gets him to sit back down. "What the..."

"Jack, I was going to ask you about something." Karishma pretends like it wasn't her who kicked him under the table so hard that the table shook. She wears her innocent look and sips her glass of wine.

"About what?"

Karishma stuns for a bit as she tries very hard to find the sensible answer. "Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia."

Jack tilts his head and chuckles in ridicule. Alice's eyebrows are colliding like trains on the same track. Haseena closes her eyes and tries to spell out the word. Zoe just leaves. She was assigned with something that seems more fun than this medical term.

"Hey." Zoe reaches the bar and leans on the counter next to where Danielle is standing. She is still waiting for a couple more pints and her fluster is throwing her off. Zoe immediately touches her arm to check on her. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah." Danielle smiles and tucks some strands of hair that has escaped her ponytail behind her ear. "Are you alright?"

"I kind of want to leave." Zoe chuckles a bit and doesn't really look Danielle's way while making her confession. "I know you've made it perfectly clear..."

Zoe turns to face Danielle who is staring at her. She stares like nothing else and no one else is in the room. Her eyes trace their way from Zoe's eyes to her nose and stop at her lips. Zoe stares back and the stare down occurs between them without any of them saying anything. Silence takes place in the middle of the bar with live music. Butterflies fill Danielle's stomach as Zoe slowly grabs her hand and pulls her close. Their faces are close enough for Zoe to cup Danielle's face and show off her smile.

"Are there any doctors here?"

Someone screams at the top of their lungs and that takes Danielle back to the reality where chaos happens anytime and anywhere. She pulls back and her eyes shift from the girl in front of her to the scene. Jack is already half way there to the crowd that gathers around the one who needs medical attention. Karishma is right behind Jack with her hands trying to tie her hair up.

"Excuse me." Danielle whispers as she pulls away from Zoe.

Danielle reaches the scene and finally sees what is happening. A guy is lying on the floor with rashes starting to appear on the sides of his neck and he is struggling to breathe.

"Has anyone called 911?" Karishma asks to no one in particular. Her attention is at the man and assisting Jack who is examining his neck.

"Yes. They are 10 minutes away." Someone from the crowd answers.

"What?" The three doctors exclaim at the same time.

"They are literally two blocks away." Danielle adds.

"He is allergic to something." Jack mumbles. "His throat's closing. We have to open his airway."

"On it." Danielle is swift through the crowd to the bar and reaches for something and everything she wants. She returns to the scene with a sharp knife, a metal straw and a bottle of vodka.

"Okay." Jack takes everything from Danielle and starts to pour the Vodka on the knife and the straw. He hands the knife to Karishma. "There will be blood."

Karishma takes the knife from Jack and takes a deep breath through her mouth. "There will be blood."

Karishma presses the knife on the man's throat and draws its way down big enough to make him breathe with ease again.

"There you go. He is breathing. Check his pulse, Danielle." Jack instructs while he manages to insert the metal straw into the cut.

Danielle follows the order. "Pulse is good."

A moment later, the EMT appears at the entrance with a stretcher and a real medical equipment.

"Whoa. The whole ED is here?" One of the EMT jokes as he takes over the patient. The straw is replaced and a minute later, he is carried up on the stretcher. "Thank you, doctors."

After the guy is rolled out, the crowd in the bar starts clapping and cheering for the doctors who have saved the day. Jack playfully takes a bow like he has finished his best show while Alice cheers on him so hard that it puts a smile on his face. Danielle makes her way through the huddling crowd to the bar where Zoe has been watching the scene from distance. Danielle takes the vodka bottle's spout out and takes a big sip before putting it back where it used to be. Then, as soon as the alcohol sinks in, she leans in for a kiss that was earlier interrupted. As for Karishma, she doesn't make her way to Haseena who is watching with one eye closed. She doesn't do good with the sight of blood but she didn't want to miss her wife's heroic moment. When the situation is resolved and Haseena has reactivated both of her eyes, she sees Karishma decides to walk out of the bar instead of going back to her.

"Hey." Haseena follows her out onto the sidewalk where Karishma tries to take a deep breath. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah. I just need some air." Karishma doesn't turn to face Haseena but from behind, Haseena can see that she has her hand up on her forehead and spirit down to her knees.

"Okay." Haseena puts her hands in her jeans pockets and takes a few steps back away to give her some space. She stands quietly by the entrance and keeps her eyes on Karishma.

It takes a couple of while for Karishma to settle and turn around to reach for Haseena's hand. As soon as Karishma's hand is in hers, she can feel how shaky and sweaty it is. Haseena shoots her with the warmest smile and Karishma can't help herself but rush into her wife's arms.

"If Jack wasn't here, that guy would die." Karishma whispers as she lets herself drown into Haseena's divine embrace. She rests her chin on Haseena's shoulder and speaks into her neck. "Same thing with Chris and same thing with Maggie. I can't do it alone. How can I be an emergency physician if I can't do things alone?"

Haseena tightens her arms around Karishma and presses a soft kiss on her neck. "Not everyone is a solo sport player, Karishma. You're just very good at team sport. And I can be wrong but being able to save someone alone doesn't define your doctor.... ness."

Karishma scoffs but still doesn't let go of Haseena. Her energy is low and her personal charger is right here.

"You've done well." Haseena plays with Karishma's hair to get her relaxed and comfortable. "It will just take a little time to learn how to do things you are not very good at."

"Take it from you?" Karishma whispers.

"Take it from me." Haseena chuckles in her throat.

"Hey." Zoe says as she steps out of the door and sees the couple. "I'm leaving."

"Oh." Karishma pulls away from Haseena and exclaims.

"Oh, hi." Danielle follows Zoe out of the bar and seems to be surprised to see the couple there. She struggles for words for a quick second before landing with the most reasonable ones. "I'm leaving."

Haseena smirks while Karishma tries to hide her smile but they manage to harmonize in such a sneaky sound. "Oh."

"Are you alright?" Danielle smiles lightly as she asks Zoe who seems to blink more times than she normally should. She acts as though something is in her eyes.

"Yeah." Zoe says. "I just thought I saw two Haseenas."

The couple doesn't respond to the remark. Karishma throws herself into Haseena's arms with a smile. She doesn't care what people say as long as this embrace feels like home. Danielle waves good bye to the two and follows Zoe who stops a few feet away to wait for her. Once she catches up, they start to walk together side by side.

"So, we're a twin now, apparently."

"Yeah!" Karishma holds her fist up waiting for Haseena's to bump on it. "We need matching couple outfits now."

"Please no."

"Karishma." Danielle rushes her pace to catch up with Karishma who has just returned from the ICU. She was up there to check a patient that came in this morning and went through a surgery.

"Yeah?" Karishma wipes the morning exhaustion out of her face as she waits for Danielle.

"I cannot find Jack or Kat. Willa is in a treatment room." Danielle begins as she hands Karishma the tablet with lab tests she has ordered for a patient. "I've done physical exams. I've ordered routine blood tests but the results haven't come back yet."

Karishma listens to Danielle while her finger scrolls up and down on the tablet. "If they are clear, he probably needs an MRI. You need to find Jack or Kat for that."

"Yeah." They turn the corner into a short hall that eventually leads them back into the ED. "Another thing."


"Do you happen to know what Zoe wants for Christmas?" Danielle hesitantly asks with such speed that almost sounds like a slur. It still feels weird to her but things have been great and fun. It is nothing like she has experienced before.

"Zoe?" Karishma stops walking and chuckles quietly. She doesn't expect this question but it is not entirely surprising for her. "I don't. But. I know someone who might have an idea. She is in a meeting, though. I'll call her for you."

"What will you get for Haseena?" Danielle asks as they resume their journey back into the battlefield.

Karishma doesn't respond. With her smile and her hands moving up and down her body, the answer is clear. They laugh and their laugh is instantly interrupted by the immediate appearance of Jack. He bursts out of the storage room with such a suspicious look that is partially covered by the indifferent expression he always puts on.


"Why were you in there?" Karishma raises her suspicion.

"Why can't I be in there? I can be anywhere I want." Jack opens his hand to take the tablet from Danielle. He pays his attention at the things in his hand and tries his very best to appear normal. "Walk with me, Danielle."

"Okay." Danielle takes a huge leap to catch up with Jack who is already a few steps ahead. He needs to flee the scene and he's done it naturally.

When Jack's voice dies out, the storage room's door opens again and the person who comes out makes the whole thing much more sense and more complicated. It is Kat.

"Oh my god." Karishma exclaims while Kat's eyes go wild. She thought everyone went with Jack. She thought no one would have to know. "Oh my god."

"Calm down." Kat pulls Karishma aside and gestures for her to lower her voice. "I can explain."

"Please do." Karishma tries to calm down but this whole thing has just sent her into another drama which is the last thing she wants to get involved. "This is so wrong in every way. You both can get fired."

Kat stutters. Words that flood her mind are tangled and none of them can be used. "I can't explain."

"Jack is still with Alice, isn't he? And. And." Karishma hopes with her heart and soul that the answer will be no. She hopes she misses out this news. "Jack is not dating Alice anymore."

Kat shrugs. "I don't know. He didn't say anything about that. We didn't say anything."

"Oh my god."

"Look, it doesn't matter, okay?. " Kat crosses her arms on her chest.

"It matters, Kat. I know now which means Haseena is the next to know. You have no idea how much Haseena loves Alice. I don't think Jack will live when she knows."

"Don't tell Haseena then."


"Code Blue Trauma 2. Code Blue Trauma 2." The announcement pulls them out of the unfinished conversation.

"Come on." Kat gets her stethoscope out of her scrub pocket and makes a run to the recuse. Although Karishma is still questioning this whole situation, she follows Kat. Saving lives now is more important than all of this.

"What should I get Jack for Christmas?" Alice asks out of the blue as they are strolling through aisles in Target. Haseena is holding bananas in her hand while Alice is turning into the makeup aisle. The two decides to do a little something together after work but the problem is they are too lazy for everything. So they just stroll and loiter through aisles.

"I don't know." Haseena looks up and down the aisle patiently while Alice picks out what she wants from the shelf. "Ask Kev. He probably knows what a guy wants."

"What do you want from Karishma?" Alice's attention is at the lipstick shades but she still wants the answer from the girl who is standing there; looking out for her.

"Nothing." Haseena's answer earns an eye roll from Alice. Her arm has been used to try on lipstick shades. It has happened so many times that she doesn't complain anymore. "No, really. She can put a ribbon on her head. I'll be fine with that."

"So you just want sex." Alice sums up Haseena's speech. She chuckles. It is fun to see how deeply in love Haseena is with Karishma. Haseena deserves this love although she often thinks less of herself.

Haseena shrugs with an idiotic smile on her face. "I just want her."

Alice looks around her as if she is trying to look for someone or something. Her action makes Haseena confused and starts the search with her for a moment. "Karishma is not even here. Why are you talking like that?"

"She is in my heart."


"So." Haseena looks at Alice who can't seem to decide on the shades of lipstick she wants. "It is serious now with Jack? Like you're full-on heading to a relationship with him."

"I guess so." Alice's answer might have a fair share of hesitation but a smile on her face is able to cover that. "I mean it feels like so."


"And he is handsome. So why not?"

"I thought you didn't like his buzz cut hair." Haseena reminds her of something she mentioned before.

"People can change their opinions on things, Haseena."

Haseena smirks. "Okay."

"Don't worry." Alice holds the lipstick she wants in her hand and turns to face Haseena who is spreading a lovely ray of warmth and caring towards her. "He has been nothing but amazing to me, okay?"


"What are you getting Karishma anyway?" Alice starts walking to the checkout with Haseena following her.

"My heart."


Haseena walks past the door into her condo with a piece of banana in her mouth and the rest in her hand. With the lights are on, she knows Karishma has already home.

"Karishma, I've got bananas." Haseena announces as she puts the keys into the bowl by the door and uses her foot to close the door behind her. "What is happening?"

Haseena pauses everything from her steps to her chewing. What she sees in front of her is Karishma sitting on the armrest of the couch with her arms crossed. She looks indecisive and uneasy. Something is up again and whatever it is, it scares Haseena to her core. It is just one thing after another now.

"I haven't done anything." Haseena whispers. "Is it my dad? Is it my family?"

"No. Honey. No. Look, I hate it when you keep things from me." Karishma begins to explain. Her eyes fix on Haseena who holds on to the bananas a little bit too tight. She will use them to defend herself if she needs to.

"Yeah." Haseena responds and quickly searches every drawer on her mind for the things she has been hiding from Karishma. She has found none but she might overlook it. So the search has been repeating on her mind again and again.

"And you'll probably feel the same. So. I will not keep things from you."

"Do I need to sit down?"


"I'll sit down." Haseena sits down on the couch and puts her backpack on the floor. Worries are consuming her as much as she had been consuming this banana.

"You can say 'I told you so', okay? I won't be mad. I promise." Karishma moves to the coffee table where she can sit and directly face her wife whose eyes are now filled with fear.

"What is this about?"

"You know that Kat is back."

"I do." Haseena only takes a second to piece everything together with the only line from Karishma. "Oh, Jack and Kat."

"Yeah." Karishma doesn't continue her news. It is clear on Haseena's face that she gradually enters the furious phrase of emotion. "I'm sorry."

"Wh-Wh- What for? It's not your fault." Haseena smiles amidst her angst. It is not a pretend one. Karishma can feel all the assurance and comfort from that smile like she always has. "Hm. So he'll stop seeing Alice? Things like that?"

"I don't know."

"Alice will be crushed." Haseena mumbles. "That's the worst possible way to... Should I... I have to... Karishma, I have to tell her."

"I know."

Haseena sighs and continues eating her banana with such a heavy heart. She knows Alice is rather happier now that she shares something with Jack. Karishma looks at Haseena and smiles lightly. She loves the love Haseena has for Alice and Kevin. It is so pure and unconditionally. She cherishes it as much as the one she has got from Haseena.

"I should have listened to you that it would be hell bound." Karishma is still a bit surprised that Haseena doesn't seem to be upset at her. The blame should partially be on her as she was the one who wanted to set Jack up with Alice. "Will she be alright?"

"Yeah. She is probably mad. Furious. But she'll be alright."

Haseena's phone rings to interrupt them. It's Alice.

"Yeah?" Haseena answers the phone with casual sound. She doesn't want to break this news over the phone.

"Can Karishma come over? You can come too if you want." Alice sounds calm but also sounds like she is trying to catch her breath. "Should I also call Kevin?"

"What's up? Is everything alright?" Haseena asks while her eyes travel to Karishma.

"I've accidentally punched Jack in the face and... he is not out but... maybe it's better if Karishma comes over and check on him."

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