By Kombat_11

462 21 2

KG is back from summer vacation ready to begin sophomore year with a smile, but when she hear news that her m... More

Sophomore year of hell
The mystery of Michael
Heart wrenching tragedy
Crash and Burn
No going back
The yearbook
Prom night of hell
Prom night of hell part 2
The night Kasey disappeared
There's no Y.O.U in the universe

Cabin of horrors

26 2 0
By Kombat_11

Max pulled up to KG house ready to take her to his family cabin. KG came out got in the car and they drove off.

They arrived at the cabin and came in and got settled.

KG: "A cabin far out from town what you bring me out here to murder me."

Max: "Why would I do that when you wearing such a good outfit."

KG: "If I ain't no any better I'd say your flirting with me."

Max: "Always.(he smiled)"

Meanwhile back in town.....

Kaylee was out to lunch with Johnny.

Johnny: "15 years old streak of always getting a kids meal from McDonalds.(he laughed)

Kaylee: "Don't make fun of me I just feel like why fix something that ain't broken."

Johnny: "Alright so Micheal Rivera has been terrorizing you guys?"

Kaylee: "Well in his own way he been calling himself protecting us by doing horrible crimes."

Johnny: "Well don't worry I'm here now and he won't be around to much longer."


Camila walked to the bus stop with Jason.

Camila: "Do you have to leave?(she sobbed)"

Jason: "Micheal made it pretty clear to leave town or he'd come after my family."

Camila: "Will you come back?

Jason: "Anything is possible nerd.(he laughed and kissed her)"

Jason got on the bus and left the city.

Back at the Rivera cabin Max and KG were settled in Max put a fire on in the fire place and they say cuddled up on the couch under a blanket.

KG: "Why is your brother doing this?"

Max:" Micheal is very complicated."

KG: "Complicated is an understatement he's a bad person."

Max: "He wasn't always he just wasn't the the same after the you left."

KG: "Can I tell you some I've been hiding from everyone else?"

Max: "What is it?"

KG: "My mom corpse was stolen, her grave is empty."

Max: "Woah what the hell?!"

KG: "Grave robbery is my logical option I don't want to believe my mom is alive."

Just then a brick came through the cabin door. A person dressed in all black put their hand through and opened the door.

KG and Max stood up and ran to the back room and locked the door.

Max: "Who is that!"

KG: "I don't know they've been stalking me for weeks."

Max: "Weeks?! Why haven't you told me?"

KG: "Can we talk about that later."

The person got in and Max and KG saw there shadow come in front of the room door.

The person started smashing through the door with an axe. Max and KG quickly climbed out the window and headed through the woods.

It was dark and foggy so it was hard running through the woods. They were running as fast as they can they looked back the person was running behind them.

They got a safe distance away and started hiding behind the trees.

The person caught up and started searching for them, gripping the axe in they hand.

Max: "Hey look at the axe."

KG: "What about it?"

Max: "It has blood on it meaning....."

KG: "They've already killed somebody with it."

They heard the killer walking around searching and breathing hard, they the heard sound of his heavy black boots.

Max: "Okay look we need to do some KG u run ahead and I'll catch up."

KG: "What no-"

Just then KG got a call from Camila. She ignored it for now and then Camila left a voicemail.

KG: "I'll listen later. Okay Max let's do it."

Max stepped out in the ope.

Max: "Hey come and get me asshole."

Max ran through the woods and the mysterious person pursued him instantly with their axe.

KG ran and got to the car she waited for around 10 minutes when Max came and jumped in the passenger seat.

Max: "Drive!"

KG drove off, they looked back the killer stood in the middle of the road behind them in the moonlight and rain. The person pointed their axe at KG and Max and ran into the woods.

Max: "What the fuck that was some next level horror shit."

KG: "I got to warn the others."

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