SPILL THE COFFEE | jeongsung...

By epicminho

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When he ran into him by accident and spilled his coffee all over the place, and when he kept splashing said d... More

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By epicminho

   The two brunettes, blond and black-haired boys walked their way into the café they'd been going to for years. Something about the small coffee shop always managed to make them feel safe and welcomed, especially now that they knew all the workers and even the building owner—they felt at ease. 

   Han and Felix always were anxious people, overall, never being able to sit still or make the most basic of conversation—with people, they didn't know—so now that they were good with the employees, as far as being friends, the two walked up to the counter to get their drinks with smiles adoring their faces.

   "Hi cuties, what can I get for you today?" Hyunjin greeted them as usual, letting a wink fly over to Felix that he shyly returned. "The usuals, Minnie and Innie are here too. The four of us," Jisung answered for them, noticing Felix's incredibly adorable, shy state.

   With a sway of his hips, the pink-haired turned around, "Coming right up!" And started working on the four regulars' drinks. 

   "So? What have you two been up to?" Jeongin asked as Jisung sat down next to him with their drinks in hand. "Not much actually, it's been pretty quiet lately," Seungmin answered for the two of them, grabbing ahold of his fresh flat white that the other brunette had brought for him.

   Jisung nodded understandingly, glancing over at Felix as if asking him if it was the same for him, the blond only nodded along. "But college is starting to get more stressful as well, so maybe that's a good thing," He added. "Hm, you're right. We actually have to work on this group project, Innie me and these two other girls. It keeps reminding me of high school, you know when we were all working on our project?."

   Seungmin and Felix gasped lightly, "I completely forgot about that!" The older voiced out, his mouth hanging wide open to add to his shocked voice, yet he slapped his hand over his face when he remembered something, something that had happened that exact day.

   His cheeks turned crimson and ears heated up as he let his mind wander off, he wanted to feel those soft, red lips on his again.. or maybe someone else's. He glanced over at the counter, seeing the older boy sway his body to the music playing quietly from the speakers, as he steamed the hot milk.

   Felix turned around again at the mention of his name, "What you thinking about?" Han asked teasingly, letting a smirk play on his lips. "N-nothing.." Felix's voice was quiet, yet all three of the other boys could make out what he was saying, and how flustered he sounded—and looked, obviously.

   "You're blushing like crazy, it's clearly not nothing," The brunette next to him spoke up, lightly poking the older's cheeks as the words left his mouth, making the freckled boy laugh awkwardly. "Well, you know.."

   "We don't, Lix, we don't," Jeongin spoke up, the first time in a while, letting his head rest on his hands—looking at him expectantly, "Speak up?" 

   The freckled boy only looked around awkwardly, feeling lost. He didn't want to admit what he was thinking about, that would be way too embarrassing. Yet unfortunately for him, one of his friends had already connected the dots. "Oh my god!" Jisung screeched out, catching all three other boys off guard.

   "What, What?" They asked in nonunion, Felix already feeling the colour fade from his face, yet again to be replaced by a deep crimson red. "You're thinking about Seungminnie, aren't you?" "Uhh, no?" Despite his best efforts, his voice made it obvious.

   He indeed was thinking about the younger boy, though someone else was on his mind as well—how could he not think about the pink-haired, when his lips just looked that kissable? 

   A grin spread on Jisung's face, "I knew it!"

   As Felix whined in embarrassment and Jisung happily—proud of his rational thinking—took a sip of his coffee, Jeongin and Seungmin were left confused. "Why would he think about Hyung? What's there to think abou- t... Oh." It clicked.

   "Am I the only one that doesn't get it?" The second youngest asked into the group, feeling just the tiniest bit of stupidity—even though he most certainly was the smartest of them all. "Don't worry Minnie, I'm sure Felix wouldn't mind explaining it to-" "Jisung!"

   The ravenette snickered to himself as he saw the situation unfold, the blond's cheeks so incredibly red you couldn't even see the freckles adoring his skin and Seungmin just sitting there, most probably feeling lost. "I can tell him myself if you prefer that-" "Don't you dare!"

   With a teasing grin on his face, Jeongin spoke up, "I can also tell him-" "Not you too!"


   "So? Speak up?" Felix sighed to himself, knowing he couldn't get out of this situation unless he told Seungmin—unless he told the boy he kissed that he was thinking about him. "Well, so uh, you remember our group project, right?" The brunette hummed.

   The youngest and the oldest held proud smiles on their lips as they watched the two converse. "And well, I- kissed you and yeah. I was thinking about that." He tried to chuckle away his awkwardness, looking around the coffee shop in an attempt to drown out the people beside him and the incredible embarrassment he felt.

   Yet, he only turned even shyer when he saw none other than Hyunjin, the barista, look at him with a somewhat shocked face. Had he overheard him?

   Let's skip a few days forward, Felix and Seungmin were once again at the café, drinks in hand and eyes on one another—not daring to lose focus of who was in front of them, yet Felix's eyes had other plans.

   His eyes flickered to the right, clearly seeing the boy behind the counter playing on his phone. It was silent for a bit, the older of the two ending up staring at the barista and the younger thinking to himself—just the sight of Felix paying someone else than him attention wasn't sitting right with him and made him question whether or not he should tell him the whole truth.

   He just didn't want to lose him.

   "Felix.." His voice was quiet, yet he caught the older's attention, "I- actually need to tell you something- or well, want to tell you something." The brunette's jaw quivered, his voice trembling as he went on—having received a simple nod and smile from the blond.

   "Spill," The freckled boy said, totally invested in whatever the younger was about to tell him and Seungmin did spill, though not the tea but rather the coffee. "What's it with our group and spilling drinks, man?" Felix laughed out, already walking over to the counter to grab some napkins.

   Though just as he was about to walk back to the table, a hand on his wrist stopped him, "Let me help you with that."

   The blush did not leave his cheeks, even after the taller had returned to behind the counter. Seungmin felt uneasy, jealous even. It made him want to spill his secret and tell the truth even more than he had wanted to in the past.

   As both boys sat down at their table again, Felix immediately got back to where they left off. "So? What did you want to tell me?"

   Honestly speaking, Felix was a pretty weird individual but Seungmin loved him for that—how he couldn't remember a thing at times, yet knew exactly what they'd been talking about for the past hour; how he would be totally pissed and a second later the sweetest cuddle bug on earth.

   Seungmin loved that about him, everything about him, he adored.

   It didn't take the older another second to notice the boy's sudden anxious state, soft and slowly he reached over the table to hold the other's hands in his. A light smile decorated his full lips, cheeks the same red colour. "Don't be nervous, Minnie."

   Seungmin sighed his nervousness away and carefully picked the words he had yet to say. "So.. you know how my parents are.. a bit- strict, right?" "Yeah," He breathed out, hating how unsupportive and aggressive the boy's parents were. All they cared about were his grades and future, they couldn't even be called his "parents" when they wouldn't even ask how he's doing and ignore him for weeks on end. "What about it?"

   The brunette's head was filled with thoughts and doubts about his action. Was it the right thing to do? Telling Felix about everything that was going on with him and his parents, at his so-called "home"? He didn't know.

   For one, he felt incredible to have finally spoken up—spoken up about himself and his troubles—yet maybe he shouldn't have thrown it all onto Felix's shoulders, he already had so much weight on him.

   Seungmin bit his lip, thinking about how all his problems were now the older's to deal with—somehow. Perhaps it was the overthinker getting cozy in the back of his head, that just wouldn't let him sleep that night. He tossed and turned, stared up ahead into nothing and even tried to meditate, yet nothing worked.

   His eyes and skin were strained with tears, the salty water finding its way to the boy's mouth and leaving a bitter aftertaste. Shaking and trembling, Seungmin stood up from his bed and made his way to the kitchen of his parents' house, grabbing a glass and filling it to the brim—a few droplets flowing over, yet the young adult was too tired to care, or even notice.

   He sighed quietly to himself, drowning out every single question in his head. Well, that was the plan, but one kept on repeating.

   Did Felix still like him?

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